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8310880 No.8310880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8310886

They're a nice beer.

I just don't know why they suddenly became a trendy meme beer.

Happened so quickly.

>> No.8311025


black people meme'd about how all 30 something white males drink it, took off because of the accuracy

>> No.8311075

Yeah I'll occasionally cook with the 3 that inevitably end up in the samplers I buy.

They're literally the hardtack of beer, no reason to drink them outside of the novelty. Certainly no reason for them to have proliferated as much as they have.

>> No.8311079
File: 1.45 MB, 1088x3028, lhh-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like IPA when they're done properly. Anderson valley makes good ones, the double IPA is properly bitter as I like it.

>> No.8311091

there are good IPAs out there. it is a meme to shit on them at this point. remember that /ck/ generally has shit opinions

>> No.8311102
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The only thing black people have ever been responsible for is being niggers, doing niggerly things, and leeching off the good graces of white people desu

>> No.8311108

>I just don't know why they suddenly became a trendy meme beer.


Are you living in 2011 or are you an aussie?

>> No.8311111

All IPAs taste like soap to me. Is this a cilantro thing, or do people actually enjoy the terrible taste of IPAs?

I don't think cilantro tastes like soap.

>> No.8311151


IPAs are harsh and hoppy and taste bitter and gross.

American hipsters have only just discovered beer that actually tastes of something other than pisswater, so now they're memeing IPAs to death. Naturally now they think they invented beer and that American beer is the "best in the world" cos "muh craft breweries".

We've had craft breweries for decades, but we call them microbreweries and they make more than just IPAs.

>> No.8311155


They've been popular here for years but the popularity exploded recently. Don't act like your country is some unique beast, memes and trends are global.

>> No.8311205

>memes and trends are global.
Not really my Colonial friend.

Ales and Bitters (along with Porters and Stouts) have been part of British Brewing for centuries and although America seems to think that popularity has exploded recently, in Britain it has not, we have always had this.

The British 'Warm beer meme' comes from these sorts of beers, which are best drunk at room or cellar temp; Unlike Lagers which are served chilled.

We don't really have a Lager industry in Britain, infact off the top of my head - I can't think of a single British Lager brand.

>> No.8311238

IPAs, like other types of craft beer, can be very nice or terrible

Since I started drinking IPAs I can't drink lager anymore because it tastes like piss

All of my friends buy cheap shitty lager and are convinced it tastes good and that my craft beers aren't worth it
I would much rather have friends that meme IPAs to death than meme Tesco value lager to death

>> No.8311245

Sounds like you are a Brit?

It's funny but when you get older, the novelty of weak flavoured, gassy beer (Lager) wears off.

Once you get into the world of Ales, it changes you.

>> No.8311263
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>> No.8311264

Irish. I went to America for a summer, drank a heap of IPAs and can only drink Guinness and craft beers now

>> No.8311270
File: 104 KB, 1000x662, 1433816648343-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New premium "Double Ultra Royal Hopped-Up Triple Quad IPA Hopsplosion Headshot Pale Ale Premium" from Raging Butt brewery, limited time brewery
>13 dollars for a 12oz bottle
>pours like unflushed toilet water
>tastes like pinesol

when will the IPA meme end

>> No.8311274

I can't fucking stand the hoppy taste. Best craft brews I had were up in Duluth. Had a cream ale that reminded me of cream soda and a dark beer that tasted of nutmeg, cinnamon, and left a coffee after taste.

>> No.8311275

Let's not beat around the bush, your brewing history is British (although not quite as good).

But even the Irish doesn't have a Lager history like mainland Europe or America, so you should be more attuned to Ales anyway.

>> No.8311276

>Once you get into the world of Ales, it changes you into a pompous boring asshole.


>> No.8311277

Some are good, some are bad. Just like any other style.

>> No.8311281

Americans have only just discovered Ales, so to you it might be 'hipster' but Britain has had them or centuries . . .sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.8311283

Well Guinness is Irish but apart from that, yeah, pretty much British.

Actually there's a big problem I've found in Ireland with IPAs

I love a nice IPA
I do not really like Pale Ales
A lot of Irish microbreweries label things as IPAs, thinking they're clever or some shit, because what it stands for is Irish Pale Ale, so just a fucking Pale Ale.
I have mistakenly bought many ones to try, thinking they were actual IPAs and been very disappointed

>> No.8311285

I know. I'm British. All real ale snobs are irritating bores.

>> No.8311291

>All real ale snobs are irritating bores
Can be . . .Yes. I won't disagree but we have had these for centuries and Americans have only just got on the band-wagon . . .so it's funny to see them think of this as 'New' or 'Hipster'.

>> No.8311301

I'll admit most west coast IPAs are subpar and overdone. But I'm mostly a stout and porter drinker so it's no skin off my back.

>> No.8311380
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I think IPA's got so popular because when craft beer really started to take off about 10 years ago, almost every crafty brewery was making an IPA. So every new craft brewery had to at least make a few IPAs or outright focus on them so that they could compare against each other. In that sense, it just became accepted that if you were a new brewery you woul dbe making IPAs.

Personally, I am over them especially the crazy double/dry hopped variants that are very high IBU. It just isnt refreshing, it's bitter and a chore to drink, ot to mention expensive.

I'm much more into lagers these days, especially pilsner and kolsch. They are much more enjoyable to me in pretty much every way, more drinkable, more refreshing, but still tasty. I mix it up with a berliner weisse or stout for some variety. I hardly ever drink IPA.

>> No.8311401

IPA tastes like paracetamol and the only people who like it are the ones who have convinced themselves that liking gross things means that you have better taste.

>> No.8311408

>I am over them

I think everyone new to craft beer goes through an IPA phase. I know I did. But, you're right - they get old pretty quick. There are too many other fine styles of craft beer nowadays to be fooling with IPA's.

>> No.8311412


Never seen it put more eloquently.

IPAs are the long-term storage beer type. Outside of throwing a 6 in the fridge of your winter cabin, they are completely unnecessary and do not deserve a quarter of the popularity they have received, in my opinion.

That said I've had 2-3 IPAs that I've genuinely enjoyed.

>> No.8311414

>stop liking what I don't like thread #10987801

You guys are worse than the shit posters who fuck up vegan threads because you think vegans are limp wristed cunts (for the record, they generally are). Personally I don't get the supposed IPA meme. Where I live all the breweries are just churning out stouts and the sole goal seems to be to increase the abv and flavor be fucked.

>> No.8311434

There are all sorts of great beer styles, but IPA is surely one of them. Anyone saying IPA is bad just needs to stop drinking shitty west coast IPA and drink some Northern style Citra/Mosaic IPAs

>> No.8311436

The majority of IPAs are shit.

>> No.8311440

Maybe in California, but not nationally

>> No.8311458

I live in the Midwest. Only 1/5 IPAs are even decent.

>> No.8311459

If you live in the midwest and struggle to find good IPA, you are doing something really fucking wrong

>> No.8311466
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>> No.8311468
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master race IPA reporting

>> No.8311490

So you like candy beers, OK.

>> No.8311496

Midwest style Citra/Mosaic IPA are so delicious and so easy to find there

>> No.8311505

You guys are fucking faggots. Stop disliking things. I say this 100% non-ironically. If you actually care about food and cooking, you attempt to understand everything you taste. The IPA is going to be found in the table of contents of any beer book you read-- it is here to stay. So, instead of being a little contrarian who derives their taste from what they don't like (i.e. being a faggot), accept and try to learn from people who have been doing this shit longer than you and who know better than you.

>IPAs are icky! I can't "do" the hops!

Stay the fuck out of the world of beer then and recuse yourself from any serious discussion about beer.

>> No.8311512


>new england ipa
>disgusting unfiltered muck

>> No.8311521
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I'm sort of confused. When I was younger, the only IPA I heard of was pic related (i'm in canada). Its refreshing and delicious, and doesn't taste soapy or skunky at all. When the meme came about a few years back, I tried a few of the craft IPA's and none of them are anything like it, they're all heavy as fuck, and bitter. Maybe someone out there likes that, who knows, but I'm just trying to figure out why none of the craft ones are even remotely close to this beer?
Is it because they're mostly "DOUBLE" ipa's and shit?
Also, some craft beer i've had was ok, but I think most of it is just pretentious hipsters drinking something 90% of people (themselves included most likely) can't stand the taste of, so that they can be special snowflakes with "superior acquired taste that you wouldn't understand" or something...

>> No.8311529
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>I drink potpourri out of a can so respect my opinion

>> No.8311531

Craft beer is mainstream as shit amongst post college aged people. Hardly hipster or obscure in any way
Never tried the one you are talking about, but most likely it is cheap so they just used less hops and less malt to keep costs down resulting in a lighter less flavorful beer

>> No.8311533

better than drinking water out of a can

>> No.8311549

He's right.
I prefer porters or a couple stouts
Piney bitch IPA sucks dick.

>> No.8311551


that's what beer is for, not memePA

>> No.8311571

When I first started drinking beer I thought IPAs and hops were all beer is and it was either that or the shitty macro pilsners. It was really refreshing to discover amber and brown ales after a while, I really liked the mix of bitterness and malt that they brought to the table. Bell's Amber Ale was the first beer I tried and really thought to myself "damn, that's a tasty fucking beer."

This isn't to say people who like stouts or porters or IPAs or pilsners are wrong or anything, just that you should do your best to try different beers just to see how you like them.

>> No.8311587

Midwest and east coast ipas are GOAT. Deschutes gets an honorable mention

>> No.8311591

Finally someone with a reasonable opinion.

>> No.8311597

I think thats the difference between current college aged people and people in their late 20s and 30s. When I turned 21 and started trying more craft beer IPA wasn't super popular yet, and the majority of entry level craft beer was red/amber ales, now a large percent of breweries' flagships are IPA

>> No.8311602

>people unironically defending IPAs ITT


>> No.8311622

Even my German beer loving grandma liked a couple of the ipas I brought to thanksgiving

>> No.8311626

I only drink IPAs but not because I like them. I hate any hint of sweetness in my beer.

>> No.8311667

It gets better when you're not a 19 year old student who can't drive.

>> No.8311809

But most of europe was just making shitty pilsners/lagers/stouts until america changed everything

actually most of europe still is, microbreweries are literally just catching on in europe, they're pretty much 25 years behind america in modern beer culture. Sure their culture is long and old, but it stagnated a couple centuries ago. It's why the US was winning beer competitions in most of the world fairs, be it the US (where we had an advantage), or in europe (where we had a disadvantage)

>> No.8311810

>literally the vodka of beer
yeah i like flavorless beer, it's so much better than american pisswater xdxdxdxd

>> No.8311818

>new england IPA
dont' rope maine in with that shit. NE IPAs are closer to NY/Pennsylvania IPAs which are complete over malted shit.

>> No.8311832


Although it tastes like piss. Only poors drink it here in Canada.

>> No.8311873

>Buying beer for a party my neighbour is hosting
>At the beer store with neighbour and some other buddies
>One of them says "Holy shit this looks cool!"
>Flying Monkeys IPA or something
>"Sure, why not?"
>Get to party and we crack open some of the bottles
>Take a sip
>Oh God
>Stomach instantly turns
>Mind racing to find out what this fucking swill tastes like, because I've tasted it before
>Dirty dishwater, with fucking soap and the works
>Tell my buddy he fucked up
>"It can't be that bad"
>"Taste it!" Hand him bottle
>Sips it
>Instantly spits it out and starts gagging
>Looks at me
>"Yeah it's fucking shit"

And that was all money I could've spent on some good Guinness or Leffe. Don't waste your money on IPA shitwater.

>> No.8311884

lol there are thousands of good stouts and porters available and you would default to the Bud Light of stout, Guinness?

>> No.8311963

My family memed IPAs before 4chan was a thing, so I despised all beer growing up because they would drink pureéd hops if it had an alcohol content. I'm a Pils fan now, but just the smell of an ipa brings flashbacks of my dad and his belt.

>> No.8311973

If you are in America and are buying an imported macro, you are really fucking doing it wrong

>> No.8311983

one bad ipa = all ipas are bad

peasant, enjoy your guinness pap

>> No.8312012

I actually like ipas

normal beer tastes like shit to me, I prefer the strong flavour and it's goo dbecause it masks the higher alcohol content

I also love spruce beer

>> No.8312015

Some IPAs are good. However, the vast majority are garbage shitwaters bought by entry level normie bros that think drinking something that tastes like bitter pine-sol makes your dick bigger, and brewed by morons who just dump a ton of hops into their brew so nobody notices their shit brewing methods.

It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't fucking everywhere, but sometimes I have to swing by the grocery store for a 6 pack for a party or something and every non-macro is a "hopsplosion bitterdick pale ale" shit swill.

But then again I like lagers and cream stouts and actually perfer cocktails and wine to beer so i'm probably not the target market.

>> No.8312037


>all IPAs = bad

fixed that for you

>> No.8312054

you are bad, at tasting

>> No.8312065


lol sorry I'm not good at detecting the subtle nuances in a 10 dollar bottle of floor cleaner

>> No.8312070

What the fuck IPA are you drinking thats $10/bottle?

>> No.8312073

>it's a "eurocucks and euroboos get butthurt that America surpassed them yet again" thread

>> No.8312077


uh, obviously these """""""""""""good""""""""""""" IPmemes half the thread is defending

you know because if you don't get a """""""""""""good""""""""""""" one it's going to taste like shit oh wait it will anyways

>> No.8312086

you should never be paying more than $2.5 per bottle of a single IPA retail, usually $1.25-2
The good and bad ones are usually in the same price range, its just the bad ones come from California

Even good DIPA will rarely approach $10/bottle

>> No.8312090

I like IPA's but I also like malty ales and stouts. (fucking insane I know)

>> No.8312099

I don't think there are many people that only like IPA, surely most of us like both IPA and stouts and probably other malty stuff too, maybe even sours (though those seem to be even more polarizing)

>> No.8312113

Not that guy but in Canada here, even colt 45 is nearly 10$ a bottle. Most IPA's and "craft" beers are over 5$ a bottle and i'm talking like less than a quart of beer.

>> No.8312120

the only good ipas are the ones that are so massively east coast-style that they may as well be different beers and the ones that taste like straight up weed

so chillwave and jai alai basically

>> No.8312122

>colt 45
> $10
Annexation when?

>> No.8312157

I think the main reason is they thought raising the price would deter youngsters from drinking it, which sort of worked, now they drink cheap wine or hard liquor. Also, i'm all for being annexed, wish we had a real leader like trump.

>> No.8312174
File: 108 KB, 300x399, Guinness-extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bud Light of stout
I wouldn't go that far. I find most stouts try go for unique flavours like mocha or chocolate and you just end up with a disgusting stout. I've regularly been disappointed when buying a random stout.
Say what you want but you can't deny that Guinness is near perfect. I highly recommend the extra stout version, particularly the bottles. I haven't tasted stout this good before

>> No.8312179

>Say what you want but you can't deny that Guinness is near perfect
I will strongly deny that Guinness is nearly perfect. It just doesn't taste like much at all, and is too watery
Extra stout is good though
I'd say 95% of the time if I pick a random stout it would be better than Guinness Draught

>> No.8312187

I honestly haven't drank the regular stuff in so long. I probably should of said that the Extra Stout is near perfect. I'm drinking one now and every sip tastes like heaven

>> No.8312188

lies, Guinness draught to me is watery but it is one of the best tasting and most satisfying of stouts, plsu its available dam near everywhere. Imperial stouts are objectively better, however

>> No.8312199

You're confused because Keith's isn't an IPA in the modern sense, and really the brew's been modernized so much over nearly 200 years it's got nothing to do with historical IPA either.

It's just a name they've been using too long to correct now, except when they export it.

>> No.8312340

That makes sense, figured it was something like that, thanks anon

>> No.8312343

niggers don't know what IPA even means.

>> No.8312370

>I just don't know why they suddenly became a trendy meme beer.

Because most people don't know what the fuck real beer is supposed to taste like, so they drink the bitter, unaged garbage sold as "IPA" and think because it tastes "different" than the usual swill they drink, it must be good.

>> No.8312419

>implying 'real beer' is a specific thing and only styles you prefer conform to it
IPA is great (at least midwestern/new england styles), a lot of other styles are also great, stop being so pedantic

>> No.8312466

>implying the unaged, astringent, bitter horsepiss that's mislabeled and sold as IPA today is real beer

>> No.8312474

yeah, anything that is fermented barley based and uses hops is real beer

>> No.8312552
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What's the best IPA lads?

>> No.8312736

Ambers are definitely the way to go for me. Nice middle ground that's flavorful and not hoppy or really heavy.

>> No.8313176
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>> No.8313180

Two hearted.

>> No.8313198


Rolling Rock is the definition of shit beer.

>> No.8313223

i mirror these sentiments

i don't mind that they exist, I just wish they would get the fuck out of my face

>> No.8313280

I have Winter Solstice on tap at my restaurant, good stuff.

>> No.8313569


>> No.8313832

Lagers in general get a bad rap because of all the macro adjunct-loaded pale lager garbage on the market. But lagers range really widely as far as flavor/color/quality goes and really only have in common the fact that they're conditioned cold.

Germany alone runs the lager gamut, with bocks, pilsners, helles and dunkel lagers, marzens, rauchbiers. Even in the US, world headquarters for shit adjunct lagers, many craft breweries brew a pilsner in the Czech or German tradition and a lot of them are great. There's a brewery in Massachusetts called Jack's Abby that brews lagers exclusively, and they make some good shit. Anyone who finds themselves in New England should check them out. Also make sure to drink lots of IPAs while you're here because ours are the best in the world.

>> No.8313846
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>> No.8313852

>tfw normie bros ask me why i want to travel to america and i bullshit things like "tourist spots in New York, Las Vegas, California etc.) but i actually want to go to small shitty towns in the middle of nothing to stand in 3 hour lines waiting for Hill Farmstead pub to open and shit like that

>> No.8313894

It's just beer that's made with like all hops and no malt. Fuckin edgy 16 year old over here, can't enjoy something because you never gave it a real chance

>> No.8313902


I turned 21 in 2007 and they were already really popular. IPAs are good but better at higher alcohol volumes as a 6 pack instead of drinking 12 of them that are 4.5% and cost 15 bucks a 12 pack because they have fancy art on it.

I don't usually pick an IPA but there's nothing wrong with them outside of the abundance of varieties which mostly suck and get a free pass.

>> No.8313906

>Ales and Bitters (along with Porters and Stouts) have been part of British Brewing for centuries and although America seems to think that popularity has exploded recently

you are delusional. IPAs became popular as a microbrew because it was an alternative to those.

>> No.8313908

Carling is english isnt it?

>> No.8313909

I stopped reading right there.
You have no idea what you are talking about, I don't know why you bothered posting?

>> No.8313911

>Carling is english isnt it?
I think so but like I said, I couldn't think 'off the top of my head' at the time.

>> No.8313916

Beacuse it offered a widely correct alternative to what you said?

Unless you think that ales are a new phenomenon.

Actually fuck it, I'd love to see what you have to say.

>> No.8313922

>Unless you think that ales are a new phenomenon.
You read my original post, why are you asking a stupid question?

Actually don't bother answering, you're probably not old enough to drink anyway.

>> No.8313929
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I directly replied to you saying

>Ales and Bitters (along with Porters and Stouts) have been part of British Brewing for centuries and although America seems to think that popularity has exploded recently

and when I offered a mild refutation you cowered and gave up and used a bunch of buzzwords when I never even attacked your premise more than mildly

typical british moron feigning superiority.

>> No.8314137

I know this feel.

>> No.8314141

>all hops no malt
Do you even know how beer is made

>> No.8314159

>only god tier lagers are german

why can't microbrew make awesome lagers. too hard for you faggots to do that cold shit or w/e temperature crap they have to do for lagers!?

>> No.8314162

Don't wewuz

>> No.8314190

Fyi, kolsch is an ale, not a lager.

>> No.8314197
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>people jump straight into IPA
>wonder why they don't like it
should get a fair amount of regular pales under your belt before you venture further

>> No.8314212
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>ITT Bud light/Millers/Coors drinking amerifats thinking they have better beers than europe

>> No.8314254

IPAs from smaller breweries are the worst I always find.
They just taste of hops and will leave your breath stinking of it for a week.

>> No.8314271


>you should start eating trashbag food boogers before you get into the real refuse

>> No.8314281


>go to local ale house
>qt 3.14 waitress convinces me to try the new HOPACALYPSE double IPA
>why the fuck would anyone make a double IPA?
>already not a fan of IPAs, but why not
>take a single sip
>the bitterness alone makes it tastes like garbage
>every drink afterwards tastes like soap

The IPA meme needs to die. I don't know anyone who really drinks IPAs and thinks they're actually good.

>> No.8314285
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I thought sours were the new iron trend for hipsters

>Muh lactobacillus

>> No.8314291



1. USA (craft)
2. Belgium
3. England
4. Canada
9000. Germany
9001. USA (macro)

>> No.8314300
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>Muh craft beer only 20$ per bottle!
>Muh fancy labels and unfiltered bathtub-beer

>> No.8314310


>$20 per bottle

Nigga that's wine. Even the most in-demand craft brews don't sell for $20 where I'm at

>> No.8314311

Gonna need a cite for that source pal

>> No.8314327
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>not liking dirtwolf

Kys yourself

>> No.8314385


I work in the brewing industry

>> No.8314498


that's bad lol

>> No.8314524
File: 76 KB, 709x470, washington-state-map[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this where the best hops in the world come from?

>> No.8314559

Obviously not.

>> No.8314567

so you have an advanced, cultivated taste in trash?

I tip my fedora

>> No.8314569



1. Yakima Valley
2. Czech Republic
3. Motueka, New Zealand
4. Hallertau, Germany
5. East Kent, UK
9000. Africa
9001. Anything outside of the 35th-55th Latitude
900000001. Your Backyard

>> No.8314593


>> No.8314599
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>> No.8314605


>> No.8314623

people who like IPAs are the same type of people who like bacon and sriracha, I've found

>> No.8314626

The best hops in the world come from whatever area is closest and harvesting at a particular time because the most important factor is freshness.

>> No.8314653

Nope, not true. The vast majority of hops are dried and can b shipped anywhere

Freshness is an important factor after the boil stage of making beer because after that point the delicious chemicals start breaking down (so definitely drink your IPAs fresh), but in a dried state hops last well enough to ship

>> No.8314654

>people who like IPAs are the same type of people who like bacon
So everyone?

>> No.8314667

p l e b s

>> No.8314673

Humans objectively evolved to like the taste of smokey fatty salty meat. Its not even possible to dislike bacon

>> No.8314706

On a sidenote, haarp lager is pretty decent

>> No.8314714
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>> No.8314772
File: 41 KB, 450x650, 0d7c37909871599ce624814a3a9ff161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trendy IPA's=Shit. Classic is east coast IPA's is where its at. More hops don't make it better... just make it taste like dishwasher. Now the trend is unfiltered. Pic related.

>> No.8314776

It's overpriced where I'm at. But yes it's a good lager.

>> No.8315023
File: 617 KB, 2040x3160, shut it down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8315042

>hipster beer goes mainstream
>likes the old ipa to be cool again

>> No.8315704

You could argue this for almost anything

>> No.8315734

Best post so far. I don't get why people think everyone has to like the same type of beer. Or the "Yes people have different taste, but IPA's are exceptionally bad so no one can like them" argument.
Som IPA's I like, others I don't.

>> No.8316076

>love IPA's especially with high IBU
>They make me shit an uncontrollable fruity smelling liquid load


>> No.8316158
File: 14 KB, 300x364, 1465436039299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem quints

>> No.8316319
File: 48 KB, 599x282, beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>craft beers

>> No.8316426

>p-people are just pretending to like different beers!
jesus christ when did xkcd become such garbage?

>> No.8316436

When has it not? It's always been written by an autistic, anti-social beta.

>> No.8316441

honestly i used to like some of his le ebin science/math references when i was younger. this shit is just awful though.