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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8282673 No.8282673 [Reply] [Original]

things that should be a thing

gravy bagels

>> No.8282682

>Biscuits and gravy hold the biscuits
What a fucking jew restaurant. A bagel wouldnt even go well with that, they're too tough in comparison to a bagel.
>I don't wanna spend the time and money making biscuits, I'll just use a bagel. Nobody will notice!

>> No.8282694


>> No.8282701

well i more want chicken fried steak and gravy on a bagel, they make better sandwiches than bisquits
also i just put gravy on a bagel and it was pretty good

>> No.8282718

>my favorite bagel

mmm chocolate chip and gravy

>> No.8282722

Doesn't sound too bad really. It's funny I've never considered it before.
Also, post your favorite bagels. I like Everything and Onion.

>> No.8282729

>All anti-semite jokes and remarks are now exclusively the work of /pol/
That wasn't even an off-the-wall remark. Being a jew is synonymous with being a cheap bastard.
Would you prefer I say "What a gyp", derived from the fact gypsies sell you cheap and awful crap?

Chicken fried steak on a bagel would be p good, but this is an obvious replacement for biscuits and gravy and it would be terrible in comparison

I wanna see more bagel sandwiches in general. Steam-pressed bagel sandwiches are fucking amazing

>> No.8282952
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I don't get how this would be better than biscuits and gravy, which are already a thing. A decent bagel would be a pain in the ass to cut into bite-sized pieces, and it's too messy to pick up and eat. I just don't get it. Like the only way this would work would be with a flimsy biscuit-like bagel, and then what's the point?

>> No.8282969

Biscuits and gravy is fucking disgusting and anyone who enjoys it should be gassed

>> No.8282997
File: 130 KB, 349x313, go'za'ontheskids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sausage patties.
Not a fan of eating corpses, thanks, do you have mushroom gravy?

>> No.8283009

I got a fresh sausage for ya, comes with its own gravy too

>> No.8283011

Read >>8282997

>> No.8283018

>go to America on vacation
>everyone tells me I have to try biscuits and "gravy"
>order some at a restaurant
>""""""gravy"""""" in America is just a flavourless roux

I don't get it.

>> No.8283039

>at a restaurant
your first mistake, your second mistake was being born in another country.

>> No.8283058

Sounds like my real mistake was believing americans know anything about food. Enjoy your biscuits and flour paste though, I'm sure it was a big hit back in the great depression as well.

>> No.8283074

Sounds like you just got shitty biscuits and gravy.

The gravy is not flavorless roux or flour paste, it's a béchamel with sausage and plenty of black pepper.

>> No.8283079

>biscuits and gravy
Mmmm mmm mm!

>> No.8283101

it's a staple of southern cooking you white tent wearing fuck.

>> No.8283151

So it's a flour paste with animal fat and some pepper, my bad.

It's flavourless shite dreamt up by toothless hicks.

>> No.8283444

>Everything and onion

Everything is just an onion bagel with seeds.

I like jalapeno cheese bagels. Specifically with cream cheese, sliced turkey and tomato.

>> No.8283713
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>being this mad about one of the greatest and most versatile of french sauces
its okay to be autistic man. Its just not okay to be proud of it.

>> No.8283746
File: 131 KB, 1057x1200, CwiGtgLWgAEWFps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you try to express yourself without resorting to bigoted rhetoric (:

>> No.8283747


>> No.8283778



>> No.8283779

What a faggot.

>> No.8283783

>>>>>back to tumblr.

>> No.8283802

does american gravy always look like horse cum?

>> No.8283828

Nah anon was right. Most american diners suck ass and they take short cuts on making their gravy like: canned gravy, powdered mixes, paying a mexicant $6/hr, not spending time to work the flour into the fat and make a good roux. I am sorry about experience but as an american 99% of restaurants you go to have shit sausage gravy and horrible biscuits.

An easy give away to bad gravy if it is cum white. It is a sure sign that it was made too fast, with out care and likely from cans/packages.

I wish I could make you some nice flaky buttermilk biscuits and proper gravy. I'd even let you shoot a gun.

>> No.8283831

They don't have White Gravy where you're from?

>> No.8283858


>yuropoors are so bad at cooking they can't combine milk, flour, butter and pepper together into a gravy

>> No.8283872

>Milk, butter or flour

Americucks showing why their """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""food"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" is the worst in the world

>> No.8283878

that's a roux

>> No.8283890

>combine milk, flour, butter

You are one of those fucktards that drain the sausage fat and add butter aren't you? Butter goes on biscuits not in gravy.

>> No.8284084
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>> No.8284572
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No, a roux is just the fat and flour whisked over heat. Add whatever liquid you like (milk, meat drippings, stock, vaginal discharge, etc.) and then it becomes a sauce or gravy.

>> No.8284589

So biscuits and gravy ? The one thing burgers got right .

>> No.8284610
File: 1.51 MB, 4096x3072, holy shit this is some high resolution biscuits and gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that'd be a good idea. I mean, a good bagel is chewy, totally the opposite of a good biscuit, which should be flaky and tender. You'd have to eat the damn thing with a knife just to cut the bagel.

>all these yuros who are pretending they've never heard of sawmill gravy before

C'mon. It's basically a peppery sausage bechamel, we call it gravy because of the sausage drippings. Good sawmill gravy should have a slight blonde color from the spices, drippings, and a good roux.

>> No.8285008

Oh the irony.

>> No.8285046

finally, some quality. why trolls and tards have to muck up a thread is beyond me.

>> No.8285059

>Same response as literally the first post

>> No.8286063

>fucking with biscuits and gravy
Pray we don't find you when the day of the rope comes, you fucking heretic.

>> No.8287200

I actually saw someone get severely triggered once from the word gyp. That's like getting upset over the word blue.

>> No.8287209


>> No.8287217

>bagels and gravy
>comes with only half of a bagel
>literally 1/4th of what they call it

this is a place I would walk out of if I saw this kind of scam

>> No.8287252

Obsessed? Why are you so angry anon? Other people in other countries would kill for some food like that, and here you are being a salty limey fuck on 4chan.

>> No.8289168

Keep your dirty southern gravy off my bagels

you want some fight?

>> No.8289178

Fried Pork tenderloin covered in fried taters and sausage gravy.

>> No.8289182

I'm white trash south, and I see nothing wrong with it. I prefer biscuits, but I know jew york folk can't make them. Have your sausage gravy on bagels, which you make really well. I have no issue with it.