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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 640x640, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8230690 No.8230690 [Reply] [Original]

soup, /ck/

So I cooked an egg as I usually do this morning, ive just recently tried to break out of NEETdom and am learning how to cook things for myself, the eggs ive been making thus far have been going good for the past few days but this morning my egg refused to get rid of that liquidy substance atop the egg. pic related

All im asking is, how do I ensure this goes away without overcooking it? I overcooked the egg because of it and the underside was hardly edible, and I only got one real bite out of it.

pls help me, eggsperts, all my other egg days were good to great. this one was my first awful one.

>> No.8230696
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Just flip the egg you sperg?

>> No.8230700

cook on a lower temperature with a lid for longer

or flip the egg without breaking the yolk

>> No.8230702
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>> No.8230712

I break that thicker white part (not the yolk) with a fork. I also put a splash of water in the pan and cook with the lid on so that the steam from the water helps cook the whites on top without flipping.

>> No.8230717
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>flip the egg
>pan cover


>> No.8230725

Do I even need to tell you to kill yourself?

>> No.8230740
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>Didn't think of flipping an item to cook the other side
Frankly I'm impressed you figured out how to purchase the eggs in the first place

>> No.8230755
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>didn't think to flip the egg over or cover the pan

Is this fucking real life?

>> No.8230765

pop the whites around the yolk

>> No.8230796

use more oil and splash the oil over the white of the egg

>> No.8230822

this. the "liquidy" thing you're talking about has a membrane just like the yolk does.
or, you know, you could just fucking flip it

>> No.8230827
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pic related

>> No.8230860

i'm trying this tomorrow morning

>> No.8231156

To be fair, in popular media people are genuinely depicted cooking the egg without flipping it or placing a lid on it.

>> No.8231165

As others have stated you could flip the egg or put a lid on.

Another method would be the baste the top of the egg with oil.

>> No.8231807

heat up a flat rock in the pan next to the egg and touch it to the liquidy stuff

or, while your egg is cooking, take a very small blow torch to the uncoocked top part

finally, if the above two methods dont get rid of the liquid, you can try putting some baby powder or cat litter onto the top of your egg to absorb the excess liquid. after it's absorbed, scrape it off, discard, and serve the egg as normal

>> No.8231812

your egg might have been too cold

>> No.8231817

Flip the egg


>> No.8231820

Hmm report back on how that works

>> No.8231831



>> No.8231847


>> No.8231849

eww. sunnyside up is the only way to eat a fried egg.
lower the fucking temperature OP.

>> No.8231856

Why add a nasty flavor of butane to your egg, when you can just flip the egg for like 15 seconds. Idiot.

>> No.8231857

I think OP is too retarded for such a complicated step

>> No.8231858


>> No.8232562

Could also spoon the hot oil onto the white.

>> No.8232573

I love you.

Godspeed anon, don't lose any fingers

>> No.8232589

Flipping the egg will work, but it will also ruin the looks and the yolk will get solid too, which I hate.
OP, just slice open or break that liquid mass and cook them at lower heat.

BTW that distinct blob of albumen is a sign you have very fresh eggs. Eggs are better if you let them lie for a few days.

>> No.8232734

This is the best way. Cat litter works the best and you can put it back in the litter tray after and the cat won't mind.

>> No.8233182
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worked well.

>> No.8233184
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>> No.8233200


>> No.8233394
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