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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 529x352, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8200063 No.8200063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Walk out of Culinary school
>See STEM majors microwaving hot pockets

>> No.8200073

Enjoy washing dishes and/or chopping shit up for $8/hr NERDE

>> No.8200076

At least they can afford food

>> No.8200103

At least they have a job lmao

>> No.8200114

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> 10/19/16(Wed)13:19:59 No.8200063smug.jpg (40 KB, 529x352)File: smug.jpg (40 KB, 529x352) google iqdb wait 40 KB JPG Smug 10/19/16(Wed)18:19:59 No.8200063>>8200076Anonymous
>10/19/16(Wed)13:26:08 No.8200076 Anonymous 10/19/16(Wed)18:26:08 No.8200076>>8200063(OP)
>At least they can afford food>Walk out of Culinary school
>See STEM majors microwaving hot pockets

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8200119

I was watching a show where they took doctors lawyers construction workers celebrities and other professions to some third world asian country where they live off a dollar a day or until they find a job.

The chef of all people fit in the fastest and made a great living.

>> No.8200132

Wow it's almost like they don't belong in the civilized world
I mean Mexicans, indians, etc value a good meal over medical treatment and someone who can protect their rights and look how well they are doing

>> No.8200144

Anybody can do what you do, but you can't do what engineers and doctors and other STEM majors do. Please piss off.

Amazing how a future, professional graduate burger flipper tried to be smug against STEM majors.

You a culinary Arte major because you weren't good enough to walk into STEM.

>> No.8200152


Yeah it was interesting to see. People were hitch hiking and making fools of themselves singing kataoke at bars for money while the chef got huge attention and threw huge ass feasts for people.

This Wasnt some cooking channel scripted stuff. Im just a visitor from fit and wandered into this thread.

>> No.8200155

>culinary school

>> No.8200157

The world needs good doctors, scientist, and chefs. Settle down

>> No.8200161


Ooh i can use cad or run a western i am so amazing oohh i can drill a hole in a skull.

Stem is not hard at all nigga get outa here. Only hard part is the stupid amount of school where everything you learn gets contradicted with further research.

>> No.8200164
File: 147 KB, 828x1024, image_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never went to culinary school

>Make +35k in the kitchen and women are amazed you can cook at home

>> No.8200171

>35k is somehow supposed to be impressive

>> No.8200198

how many hours do you have to work for 35k? I'm not hating, just use to cook myself.

>> No.8200209

Cooking is nothing more than a hobby.
Sorry if this is hard for you to grasp, but beyond safety, nutrition, and efficiency/economic factors, there is no value added in more complexity. It actually is a negative factor that limits progress of more important things.

>> No.8200229

STEM isn't hard if you can invest the time but you have very little idea with what actually goes on. No, most of the stuff I learned in undergrad is not contradicted by some research.

To be fair in that situation I would only be able to teach math, programming, and physics if put in that situation and I wouldn't even know how to land a job as a teacher in some third world shithole. Being a chief is sorta universal but not particularly useful overall to society.

>> No.8200235

confirmed for STEM babby eating his third hot pocket dinner this week

>> No.8200241

You can make a lot more than that if you get a culinary degree and go work for some food conglomerate

>> No.8200282
File: 19 KB, 328x300, chef-with-wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk out of the kitchen
>microwave hot pockets

>> No.8200284

>walk out of Calc III class
>see culinary student who thinks his degree is worth anything

>> No.8200306

Absolute animals. As a med student, I use the oven. Much crispier crust.

>> No.8200307

Most chef's work such hard and long hours that they end up eating junk food much like overworked STEM majors. Sure I've seen my chef bring home nice leftovers, but he has also said that he eats Taco Bell. (This was at a upscale country club and this chef probably made 80k)

>> No.8200313

Almost 50 hours a week since half of the kitchen sucks.

They gave a gay guy employee of the year just because he knew how to give out free food.

I'm still considering going to CS when I get the money.

Would make my momma proud.

>> No.8200322

>he's only in calc III

>> No.8200329

I applaud your honesty! I'm just getting out of the industry myself.

>> No.8200363

To be fair vector calculus is very useful.

Computer Science? Get to the systems level otherwise Pajeets will work for pennies over you.

>> No.8200402

lol what

>> No.8200416

Culinary school. Not sure if I have the autistic to focus on Computer Science

>> No.8200418

Oh of course I'm just being a snob

>> No.8200442

Oh, that's good. I don't know what culinary school does but it isn't bad to have some credentials. I am not sure who the cooking field works since I have been in engineering since I finished high school and I have never had a job outside of my field.

> Not sure if I have the autistic to focus on Computer Science
If you have the time then CS can work for anyone, providing you have a good mindset. Autism (4chan version) isn't as prevalent as you would think. Most of the CS people I have had to deal with are people good at math that just chose the area where they think they would get jobs. To be fair I don't interact with them much, I do my own programming and I rarely have to write complicated software.

I can see that. Cal III is taught to almost everyone and it is a lower division course so it isn't something to brag about.

>> No.8200445

where ya going buddy

>> No.8200452

You have to be licensed to practice law or medicine. You cannot go to any country and setup a new practice like you would open a restaurant.

>> No.8200468

>Put blue collar workers in an environment where only blue collar jobs exist
>Worker is able to succeed doing his former trade
>Put white collar workers in the same place where it is so underdeveloped those positions don't exist and they struggle

Really makes you think

>> No.8200470


that's a gross oversimplification. You may or may not be able to open a clinic or practice law before the court, but you can certainly still work for a clinic or a law firm.

Also, there are certifications required for food-service. Even for a lowly line cook.

>> No.8200480
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, 1464737194818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk out a class you can take in high school
>Laugh about my delusional intelligence

>> No.8200509

But you didn't take it in high school anon

>> No.8200551

Maybe your high school. Calc 1 is an AP class and I took that in high school, but that's the best that was available.

I got a C in it, because I'm a retard.

On the bright side, AP classes were on a 6.0 scale there so I got a 4.0 from it.

>> No.8200577

Turn off your adblocker you degenerate, there isn't even any ads on 4chan anyway