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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8199527 No.8199527 [Reply] [Original]

Hopefully this is the right place to ask seeing that it'S food related. Okay so I ate some super spicy peppers and now I have the saucy hot shits, my shithole is on fire to the point that I think I may go into shock. How do you counter and stop the saucy hot shits after eating spicy foods /ck/..?

>> No.8199538

white rice absorbs spiciness

also stop being a pussy

>> No.8199541

You're supposed to eat some ice team with it. Come on ice cream.

>> No.8199548

You either deal with it or eat less of it. Also, trying eating some type of filler with the meal to absorb some of the spice. Like rice, potatoes, bread...

>> No.8199552

it's too late now but sugar really helps just a mouthfull of white sugar and all the hotness is gone

>> No.8199559

Drinking milk might help reduce your issue. Applying milk directly to your asshurt might help aswell if you absolutely have to.

The better question to ask yourself however is if eating overly spicy food is really worth it when it when it leads to such a reaction.

>> No.8199562

Yeah dude, you try shitting out a fucking Ghost pepper and Habennero then tell me about it.

>> No.8199566

novocaine/burn spray and or Prep H

>> No.8199568

Don't eat retardedly hot food. Also baby wipes.

>> No.8199590

Like that other guy said, don't be a pussy.

The Chili protein that makes you spicy its called capsicine and it dissolves in fat, also, the only thing it does is to make you specially sensitive to heat sources, so the 40 degrees on a already sore anus from excreting fatty shit are almost unbearable.

If you were mexican or indian or a shitty whitetrash texan with love for chile, you'll know that sore asshole is GOING to happen, take a shower and move on.

Also for the acidic stomacache take some sodium bicarbonate dissolved into water, you'll burp like a motherfucker but it feels great after a few tacos with macha sauce.

>> No.8199600

I know what capsicums is you cock muncher, never call me a pussy again unless you can take the peps like I can!

>> No.8199624

Whatever you say, pussy boy.

>> No.8199640

milk and toilet paper

>> No.8199729

Milk on the asshole

>> No.8199732

Am I the only one who doesn't get this at all?

>> No.8199765

lol this pussy can't handle spice. Bet it wasn't even that hot, just some extra mild wings

>> No.8199793
File: 71 KB, 923x817, insideyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popsicle dildo time. Get in your bathtub and just get it done.

>> No.8199804

Stop being white

>> No.8199811

What took you so long?

>> No.8199814

Make ssure you wash your hands before you touch your cock or asshole.

Did you drink alcohol when you ate the food ( or ate too much) ?

Maybe you have very low somach acidity, most of the spice should have been destroyed before it comes out.

>> No.8199919

soak in the tub. it's your only chance.

>> No.8199975

Big dick in ass. Plus you would cum faggot

>> No.8199993

>Grow up eating spicy food as a child
>Subject your tender, underage little boipussy to flaming diarrhea
>Have an asshole composed entirely of scar-tissue when you're an adult


>> No.8200000

emphasis on baby

>> No.8200025

Good numbers

>> No.8200031

thanks for the gold mate

>> No.8200036


>> No.8200040

Even with quints your life adds up to literally nothing

>> No.8200044

Stop ruining the moment these are my first quints

>> No.8200051

Yeah but you got all that scar tissue from dicks being in your ass. I suppose after 3-4 hundred dicks in your ass you have some scar tissue

>> No.8200060

Who is this semen demon

>> No.8200219

WIkihow girl

>> No.8200425

milk enema kek

>> No.8201059

Every night

>> No.8201071

Lol that's it?
If you can't handle spicy food, clock out to the kid's table where you belong.

>> No.8202294
File: 117 KB, 640x640, tfw_thom_yorke-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont shit for 4 days
>shit 4 times in one day

>> No.8202331

Does anyone else experience spicy pee when eating dried peppers?

I only have spicy pee when I eat dried peppers but when peppers are fresh, my pee doesn't turn spicy at all.

>> No.8202361

Does lava butt feel good to anyone else?

>> No.8202381
File: 5 KB, 140x140, ay_xVzhKv_0yildQokqWuHYnDKkiGnoAZHtNqPg4quE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I drank a whole bottle of Tabasco on a empty stomach for a $20dare, everyone was so amazed how easily o did it. It wasbt for two hours until I earned my money, pure liquid fecal fiery death explosions

>> No.8202384

Why do Americans have such a shitty digestion?
I've never had this diarrhea meme or spicy butthole bullshit they always talk about after eating spicy food.

And I'm much whiter than most Americans

>> No.8202387

you can't go into shock just by pooping
you need significant blood loss to get in shock

>> No.8202389
File: 86 KB, 462x462, pMn9ewz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wa la!!!!

>> No.8202452

Logically yoghurt on your ring would help right?

>> No.8202482

I'm a little amazed no one has mentioned the BRAT diet. Kind of standard "what the doctor tells you" stuff.

BRAT == Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.

It includes “binding” foods. These are low-fiber foods that can help make your stools firmer and bananas, which are high in potassium and help replace nutrients your body has lost.

>> No.8203838

thanks /ck/ousin!

>> No.8203846

actuallly this works very well with a milk-based or cream-based pop. I keep yogurt frozen into thin cylindrical ice cubes for such occasions (also works as a pessary for yeast infections) it feels really good.

>> No.8203851

koreans have more diarrhea, and talk abt it more than americans.

>> No.8203861

that's pretty gross
I have a bottle of ghost chili hotsauce that I'll probably try tomorrow or today. I'll see how hot it is (and have a lot) and post if I have terrible shits later