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8187141 No.8187141 [Reply] [Original]

Drinking whiskey.

So I'm not quite sure if that's the right place to ask, but I wanna get into drinking whiskey, for "image" reasons. The problem is I fucking hate it, but heard it's an aquired taste. I just can't stand the feeling of breathing alcohol vapor. Any tips?

>> No.8187158

you need to stop being a huge faggot for "image" reasons

>> No.8187165

Acquire the taste then. Neck whiskey regularly until you like it.

>> No.8187167

Well, if I won't like it I won't drink it. Was just wondering if there's a trick to liking it I don't know about.

>> No.8187183

Don't put fucking ice in it for a start

>> No.8187189

OP is a tryhard faggot

>> No.8187194

Don't. Drink something you like. Who cares what other people think. Drinking whisky and smoking cigars won't turn you into Don Draper you know.

>> No.8187206
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First off, you're a shit cunt for trying to look cool. Drink whatever you fucking enjoy, you tryhard nigger.

Second, Canadian whiskies like CC and VO are pretty easy to drink. You really don't need ice in them, and I usually have drink any liquor on ice because my throat is a weak bitch.

>> No.8187218
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Going for this "image"?

>> No.8187238

Why not? Ice makes whiskey a lot more palatable for people who have trouble dealing with the strong odor and flavor.

My advice is start with iced whiskey, pour yourself a small glass each night, and take small sips. If you do this for a while (2-3 months maybe?) you should become more accustomed to the flavor and smell. Eventually you can try taking it neat. There is no shame in chasing away the alcohol with some water if the fumes become overwhelming for you, just try not to with every sip. The key here is slowly acclimatize yourself to it.

>> No.8187255

Bourbon, that's all ya need. Also stop being a fucking poser bitch... For image reasons

>> No.8187397


order whiskey but dump it out and replace it with some apple juice or flat ginger ale.

>> No.8187601

>implying people dont think about people that drink whiskey that they are pretentious andn they only drink it because they saw it in movies/think that is what rich people do. Like smoking cigars

Getting taste in rum/vodka/absinth will make you seem like more interesting person that actually form its own opinions and you will actually drink something more than wood flavores ethanol.

>> No.8187620
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>drinks whiskey for image

>> No.8187645

most whiskey is meant to be shot because it taste pretty nasty unless its mixed. there are a few exceptions like crown royal and knob creek where you might enjoy sipping the whiskey but really its shit.

>> No.8187660

I'm from Kentucky and whiskey threads always enrage me

>> No.8187681

Agree. Mainly because most people really don't understand good bourbon or rye, unless they've grown up with it.

>> No.8187710

I'll admit to getting into spirits originally because it made me feel grown-up, but y'know, I enjoyed it. It also helped that my local newspaper had a spirits reviewer, so I wasn't flying blind and buying the bottom shelf.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you don't enjoy it, then what's the point? You might as well get a tattoo if you're trying to be edgy.

>> No.8188037

>a few exceptions like crown royal

Top kek b8 m8

>> No.8188039

Bourbon and Whisky are two different things.

>> No.8188050

Fuck whiskey. Brandy is where it's at.

>> No.8188058


babbys first alcoholic

>> No.8188077
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>I drink for the image and not for my crippling depression
I want normies to leave

>> No.8188100

Well, for starters putting ice in your whiskey will make everyone who isn't a 14 year old girl think you are a faggot.
and since you would only be doing it to be cool this is probably the most important thing.

>> No.8188361

I got into it through Old Fashioneds. Try it mixed in something like that and you may aquire the taste for it that way. I sure did.

>> No.8188399
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you will never be this

>> No.8188422

>drinking for image
>not because you like whiskey
That's your first mistake. Anyway, i'd start with some mild Canadian whiskies, then try a few bourbons and ryes to find what you like.

>> No.8188480

bourbon and whiskey are not

there's more to the field than scotch

>> No.8188526

>for "image" reasons

Thinking anyone is actually aware he exists.

>> No.8188662

I never had to get used to whiskey
Once I got used to alcohol with shitty rum I can drink whiskey like water
You like it or you don't dude

>> No.8188766

>"image" reasons

Just get some brown food coloring and add it to a glass of water you unimaginable faggot.

>> No.8188772

is this the shit that tastes like licorice?
god i hate licorice.

>> No.8188775
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This desu
Also make sure you use Ice rocks instead of real ice because it looks so much better

>> No.8188789

>see image
>get excited about scotch thread
>read text
I do not have the words to convey how much I loathe you. Whiskey and scotch are things to be savored and enjoyed. Well, the good stuff anyway, the cheap stuff is a decent anesthetic before engaging in stupid human tricks and concerts.

Back to the point: you're a faggot. That is not to say that you prefer partners of your own sex, I neither know nor care about what you stick where. I mean to say that you're a waste of a human and will remain so so long as you think that consuming liquid A will transform you into not!faggot B.

Now, having said all that, if you're willing to learn and you can avoid crying about the vapors. Again, are you some kind of 18th century dowager? Crying about vapors? Whatever, back to the point: try single malt scotch whiskeys. Nothing younger than 16, nothing older than 21. There's a good joke that goes along with that, but I've the feeling you're the sort that doesn't like humor.

Try a few of those, neat or with a light, /light/, splash of water. The water isn't to delude the taste, but rather to release the aroma. Learn what the good stuff smells like and learn to like it.

If you can't handle that, then try some of the more commercial top shelf american bourbons. They're not as smooth, but they're sweeter and they might fit your pallet more.

>> No.8188795

I used to drink mostly scotch and rye and I gotta say Buffalo Trace and Bulliet are fucking great, especially the former.

>> No.8188798

>delude the taste
>delude the taste
>delude the taste

>> No.8188811

Gee, it's almost like I was trying to mock him or something.

>> No.8188818

>might fit your pallet more
Are you saying I have a small pallet? Because I will have you know that my pallet is of the standard size used in industrial warehouses.

>> No.8188826

What is a good brand to start on? I'm also looking to learn to appreciate because i enjoy the flavour but im not good with spirits in general.
Was thinking of picking up a bottle of Jack Daniels, price rage is about $40 AUD
>30 USD

>> No.8188832

oh, forgot to mention - i prefer bourbon.

>> No.8188837
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Nice damage control bitch

>> No.8188842

Honestly I know people are ragging on you for doing this for image reasons, but once you get into it you will become a whiskey lover. The way to do it is to start by limiting the amount of alcohol and whiskey flavor you get. THe goal here, obviously, is to drink it neat without ice, as that's the only way you'll get a good image.

Start with a bottle of any shit cheap whiskey; learning to handle it will make it easier to handle the good stuff. Put a bunch of ice in a glass and pour in some whiskey. Take a tiny drop on your tongue. Let it sit, consider the flavor, maybe five seconds. Swallow it. Repeat.

Keep going until you get shitfaced and are inevitably drinking bigger sips. Then next time you drink it, start with ice again and small drops on the tongue. It will be easier.

Slowly gradually take bigger sips when you start drinking, and slowly use less ice until you're taking medium sips neat. A couple weeks' time and you'll be snarfing it back no problem.

>> No.8188845


Start by cutting it with other ingredients. Whiskey and sprite or Jack and coke type things.

Then start cutting it with less soda and more water until you phase it the soda completely.

After that you're pretty much golden. Two things to remember:

Single malt scotch must be drunk neat.

Blended scotch can have ice or water.

Also you don't have to go expensive, but stay away from the cheap stuff. There really is a big difference between a $15 bottle and a $25 bottle.

>> No.8188868

>Single malt scotch must be drunk neat.
There is literally nothing wrong with adding a small amount of water to a single malt.

>> No.8188886

Yes there is

>pleb detected

>> No.8188892

No there isn't.

>tryhard detected

>> No.8189178

>green so you will read this

>> No.8189352

Maybe a pallet in a junk food factory

>> No.8189417

Some things you can't force. I didn't use to like whisky. Now I love the stuff and would happily just drink whisky all day if I could.

That said, try good whiskies, like a single malt or something and very small amounts. A few sips in glass at first.

>> No.8189418

Yep. I don't smoke cigarettes and Jack Daniels is rubbish.

>> No.8189425

There isn't, if you want to add a few drops of water to a single malt, that's fine.

>> No.8189628
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>Nothing younger than 16
lots of 10yo and 12yo whiskies are top tier though

>> No.8189637

Isle of Jura. The standard or the superstition. Bourbon I dunno cos I'm not gay.

>> No.8189641

Please stop saying "scotch"

>> No.8189643

>people add ice to their whiskey
you have whiskey neat unless you're a fag

>> No.8189647


get bulleit, it's much better. it's a bourbon, decent price for the quality.

You know you aren't supposed to inhale deeply as you sip, right? it convolutes the actual flavors in the whiskey because your nose essentially inhales all the alcohol vapor you're complaining about. Just don't inhale while you sip, you fucking tard.

>> No.8189648

>image reasons
>wanting to look like a depressed alcoholic without the depression

>> No.8189749
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This is the brand I first tried. Larceny can find it for 20 bucks its not bad at all. Its wheated so its sweeter and you can drink it with ice or neat. This is my go to when I cant get wellers special reserve.

>> No.8189850

Is it just me or does that dude look like he's related to Jas Townsen and Son?

>> No.8189985

Screw the critics Anon. There's nothing wrong with liking Whisky, if you can develop the palette to notice finer details in Spirits you'll really have fun just enjoying drinks.

Everyone has their owns tastes though and you have to try different things. First step I'd recommend is getting a variety of the little plastic shooters, snobs tilt their heads at Johnnie Walker and Jack but they're standards for a reason and will help you find your comfort zones. No one can tell you what you will and won't enjoy.

Here's just my thoughts on a few common items and Whiskey in general, you might totally disagree and that's fine. Also I am not claiming I've tried every Whiskey there is this is just my raw thoughts.

>Peated Scotch
Can't fucking stand them and I don't know how people like that stuff.
>Dewar's and Glen Moray
Delicious, I can sip that stuff with easy. Cheap too.
>Johnnie Walker
>Japanese Whisky
Horribly expensive, I imagine there's some greatness in them but I can't justify spending more than $90 on a bottle of booze.
>Crown Royal and it's similar Brown Vodkas
Good for Cocktails
They're great for cooking, made a delicious Thanksgiving Turkey with a Bourbon Glaze. I only like drinking them as shots
>Rye Whiskey
My favorite so far. In particular George Dickel. I find Rye has a spiciniess to it that makes me think of a fine Cognac. Only Whiskey I want in a Snifter.

>> No.8190158


It's like all alcohol, you just gain a tolerance

>> No.8190168

Step 1: Start with an Old Fashioned.
Step 2: There you go, that's a manly enough whiskey drink.

Stop worrying about what people think regarding what alcohol you put in your body.

>> No.8190216

old fashioned is THE poser drink too. i guess that works doubly for op

>> No.8190225

Fuck you, it is tasty.

The sugar and bitters balance the harshness of alcohol.

>> No.8190229

yeah but people who drink for the image always go for old fashioned because of the name alone. you can be an honest drinker of it but the connotation is there

>> No.8190302

To be clear, I do not drink my whiskey with ice, never have, but if it helps someone who wants to get into drinking whiskey then why the fuck not?

>> No.8190308

Not OP, but I recently turned 21 and want to order a glass of whiskey from a bar. How do I do this? Never been to a bar before, obviously, and not sure what the 'format' for ordering is. Any good brands for a first timer?

>> No.8190312

You obviously know nothing about the subject. Adding a small amount, generally a few drops, of water to various kinds of liquor is common practice among people who enjoy drinking alcohol. Adding water in small amounts can actually bring out some of the different flavors, making for a stronger taste.

>> No.8190582


>> No.8190699

Glenfiddich 12yo is the basic cheap single malt where most people start. It's nothing really outstanding but it's affordable, every place has it and it's pleasant and easy. Just get a couple of drops of water in it to open it up. Less is better, water is easy to overdo with just a few drops.

>> No.8190708

>for "image" reasons.
fuck yourself
youre the reason i sound pretentious when i say whiskey is my preferred liquor

>> No.8190930

Fucking poser.
Pro tip: don't do jack shit for image. It's completely fucking pointless. Nobody gives a fuck about how sophisticated you think you are
Next off
Nobody drinks whiskey to do anything but catch a buzz or get drunk
AND IF YOU WANT TO ACQUIRE A TASTE... drink Royal Reserve or Alberta Premium from the bottle

>> No.8190945

Mix your whiskey with water. All the flavor without the "vapor" thing you're referring to. Also ordering your whiskey with water instead of some sweet bitch ass soda will make you look like a hard ass.

>> No.8190961


>Nobody drinks whiskey to do anything but catch a buzz or get drunk

Speak for yourself, faggot. You sound underage.

>> No.8191004

Request Jameson like you're loyal to the Irish. Jameson doesn't have smoky peat taint and is smooth and unoffensive. There's a nice hint of sherry and sweetness.

Then get a whiskey sour if it's a great bar using real lemon juice, saying for them to use Jameson. Or get the oldfashioned, ask for extra cocktail cherries for splash of the juice to get more grenadine kind of added sweetening.

A Rusty Nail uses scotch and has yummy Drambuie which has all kinds of floral hints and honey, or just get the drambuie on it's own. Jack Daniels honey is highly popular at the moment. Can be served over the rocks in an old fashioned glass. A B&B is something they usually have at every bar, kind of old fashioned, and heady strong but in a good way. See if you can tolerate that on the rocks. Looks like whiskey when it's poured.

Honestly, I think you should order what you enjoy sipping if that's your mood. Don't feel like you will be judged. Just say "hrm, not in a whiskey mood, I'd like a hemingway please" or whatever your mood may be. You could pull a Big Lebowski and do the white russian if it's a decent restaurant that has cream.

>> No.8191011

Those were some pretty thin, white cigars Don was smoking

>> No.8191013

What if he enjoys looking cool more than drinking Shirley temples?

>> No.8191029
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>watering your whiskey makes you look like a hard ass

>> No.8191042

Rocks don't work and will scratch the glass.
Whisky shouldn't even be cooled,

>> No.8191059


Sip your whisky. Don't mix it with anything and don't add ice. It's a drink you're intended to take a while and enjoy.

Also don't buy shitty whisky.

>> No.8191086

What sort of retard are you? Faking something for image reasons is one thing but at least pick something hard to disprove, not something that someone will pour a glass of for you every week

>> No.8191097
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>> No.8191129

you either like it or dont. i like most liquors except for brandy. go back to your sugar filled craft brews, bud strawberitas and o'douls.

>> No.8191163

>Can't fucking stand them
Opinion officially disregarded

>> No.8191268

My point wasn't what you should and shouldn't drink. It's that Whisky is perhaps the most diverse spirit in general. Hell i didn't even mention Moonshine.

When someone says what's a good starting Whiskey that's like asking what's a good first wine. You have to just start sipping.

>> No.8191536

I love the taste and scent of whisky.

>> No.8191548

>>Peated Scotch
>Can't fucking stand them and I don't know how people like that stuff.
Its definitely an acquired taste that not everyone can get along with, although its surprising to me that those who love smoked bbq can dislike peated malts like Ardbeg.
>>Johnnie Walker
You best be only talking about the Black and Green Label.
>I only like drinking them as shots
>Shooting bourbon
Dude what the fuck? Sip and enjoy your fucking whisky man. You don't just down a big sip you take small sips and enjoy the flavors.
Add water, ice, whisky stones I dont give a fuck just don't put them down without tasting them first or else why not just buy cheap rye?

>> No.8191553

Lame troll, but you got a lot of replies.

>> No.8191562

Don't listen to >>8190699 Glenfiddich 12 is a ripoff regardless and you should never consider buying it.
If you want a good introductory single malt try Auchentoshan 12 or Glendronach 12, if you really want a Glenfiddich to try maybe the 14 Fine Oak might be okay.
If you've had bourbon before and are okay with higher stregnth stuff try Aberlour A'Bunadh and The Balvenie 15 Single Barrel, the latter is an exceptional Speyside and a great introduction to how complex a sherried whisky can get.
Format for ordering is the same as anywhere, grab a seat, order a dram and enjoy.
Also don't do what I did at a point and make notes while your drinking, you'll look like a fucking idiot. If you want to make notes go on your phone afterwards and do it so nobody notices because some people will think your autistic even if you just want to note down your experiences for future reference if you end up purchasing a nice bottle.

If you want to get into peated scotch, try a Campbeltown like Springbank or something like Cragganmore which is a good easing into peated single malts. After that look into non-chill filtered (46%+ if not indicated on the bottle) selections from Laphroaig, Ardbeg, Caol Ila and Bruichladdich.

>> No.8191594

I'm not a fan of Bruichladdich at all, found it much too sweet.

>> No.8191627

I find some of their offerings nice. Maybe Bowmore is a better choice then, even if the Laimrig was the only thing Ive tried by them that I liked.

>> No.8191636

Are you getting into drinking in general for image reasons? Otherwise you should know you drink for the same reason you do any drug, to change your mental state.

That being said, I like whiskey based inebriation, and I love getting more smoke in my food and beverage any way I can. The wood or smoke in a whiskey is what is enjoyable and omnipresent no matter how cheap you go. If you are drinking cheap well drinks at a bar, get a whiskey soda. The carbonation and water mute the flavor of cheap grain alcohol that is most of what well booze is, letting what wood or smoke notes exist come through.

There's plenty advice here concerning how to do whiskey "right". If you drink like a person and just want to experiment with a new base alcohol, this advice should let you do that in an accessible way.

>> No.8191661

That's BigClive's brother

>> No.8191892

OP don't listen to the people who assume you are already tolerant of alcohol. Unless you underaged you won't really have a tolerance for anything strong. Your first night shouldn't be bad.

Do a cocktail. Jim and coke or something like that. Yes, it is basic. That is the point. You don't do your first drive in a Lamborghini, nor should your first drink be something like that.

>> No.8192212


Unless you're drinking scotch.

But if it's bourbon? Try an old fashioned or something.

>> No.8192242


I have a few bottles of wine in my display case, but I only drink light beer. The bottles are empty and the wine has been replaced with Welch's grape juice.

Gives visitors the impression of refinement and classiness, without any of the having earned it.

>> No.8192888

I once hosted a 'fancy' dinner party to try to convince some very old and very stubborn academics that my research was worth publishing in their highly esteemed journal.

Knowing absolutely nothing about wine, I bought two $75 bottles of red on the recommendation of one of my more effeminate friends. Long story short, I managed to push both of them off the bench whilst cooking.

My guests were set to arrive in less than half an hour and I definitely did not have enough time to go back out to the bottle shop and pick up more wine. So I got creative.

Being a poor post-grad student, the only other alcohol I had in the house was half a bottle of cleanskin vodka and two bottles of very cheap moscato that my girlfriend drinks. I tipped out the moscato and managed to salvage the labels from the expensive wine (with the help of a permanent marker and whiteout). I filled each bottle about a third of the way full with vodka, added a half a cup of grape cordial and filled it to the top with tap water.

I never published in their journal, but the dinner did lead to me getting a very important and well paying job. But the true highlight of the night was the three academics fawning over the wine that was served with dinner. According to them, this particular vintage carried smokey notes reminiscent of some wine bottled in some year in a place that no one has ever heard of, and it had a "strong but not overbearing fruity undertones", whatever that means.

I've served that drink at almost every subsequent dinner party, calling it the "crusty academic".

>> No.8192903

OP just drink johnnie walker black with ice until you can tolerate it.

then start exploring according to how much money you can spend

>> No.8192910

I for one adore peated scotch. I love Islay malts; can't get enough of that delicious smoky taste.

>> No.8192922

>peated scotch

>> No.8192927

Wine drinkers are the fucking worst though

>> No.8192937

Wine is extremely common amongst ordinary people.
Welcome to the Middle Class, anon.

>> No.8192976

Yet his example were about how individuals of a higher class could not tell the difference between actual wine and a shit cocktail. How does middle class factor into this?

>> No.8192981


What a stupid fucking faggot.

If you don't like it don't drink it you idiot. Be a trend setter instead of a blind follower, how about you drink some bleach and call it a day.

>> No.8192984

>shit cunt

Found the Aussie

>> No.8192986

Drink something you actually like?
I hate whiskey, but I do love 151 rum. I keep mine in the freezer to make it as easy to down as possible. Coke helps.

>> No.8192988

I mean that's part of the experience. The burn hitting the back of your throat. Kind of like cigarettes. You like it or you don't, either way you're still a massive faggot, OP.

>> No.8193002

No I mean, people who bang on about fruity undertones and hints of plums and shite like that. They aren't even consistent with how they describe them and you can fool them with food dye.

>> No.8193074
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New ralfy vlog. Kilkerran is indeed tasty.

>> No.8193764

Why? What's wrong with Islay whisky apart from 'You don't like it'?

>> No.8193765

That's because most people honestly can't tell a difference between good wines and many can't tell a good wine from a bad wine.

>> No.8193836

Bought some Tennessee honey as my first whiskey. Its pretty good, can recommend.

>> No.8193853

>can recommend.

why would we take advice from someone who:
a) admittedly has little experience
b) likes a novelty beverage

>> No.8193896

Who are you referring to friend? I've had whiskey before but never purchased my own. Usually just whatever is around.

But boy oh boy you sure showed me.

>> No.8193914

If you taste any cask strength single malts without a bit of water you're pretty dumb
Also, drinking pretty much any single malt with a few drops of water at least is a pretty good idea. neat vs. a few drops of water is a pretty stark difference for some whiskys. a lot of them benefit from a bit of HQH2O

>> No.8193919
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Hey /ck/, how long is a bottle of whiskey (put any hard liquor for that matter) still good after it's opened?

I wouldn't mind getting a weekend buzz, but since i usually don't drink hard liquor, I wouldn't want to buy a bottle and waste most of it if I don't drink it fast enough.

>> No.8193936


It will stay safe to drink forever. The alcohol content will prevent it from ever spoiling.

That said, some kinds booze can develop off tastes after being opened for a long time. there's nothing dangerous about that, but it can taste odd. The only kinds of liquor I've ever had that happen to were fruit-based things like chambord. I've never had it happen with whiskey, rum, tequila, vodka, etc. those will keep for years in my experience.

>> No.8193949


Thank you for the surprisingly fast answer, considering this is a slow board.

>> No.8194887

>actually drinking it neat
pleb/alcoholic detected

>> No.8195041

The huge macho complex that comes with whiskey is why i drink vodka, "lul you dont like the taste what a faggot" shit gets old fast, i dont want to have to nearly vomit every time i sip something just to look cool in front of dudebros.

>> No.8195171
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>doing anything for reasons other than aesthetics

>> No.8195245

>pleb/alcoholic detected

tfw, you imbecilic idiot. A whiskey thread, where people enjoy whiskey for the rich and varied flavor, and of course some will drink it neat to savor that.

What ungodly planet are you from? The planet according to Pat Robertson? Christ, give me a break.

>> No.8195250

>enjoying the flavor of 100 proof alcohol
wew lad

>> No.8195286

Sometimes there will be a bottle that gets a bit weird, but personally I have stuff that's been sitting around for 2+ years and it's fine.

>> No.8195288

You're right mate, it's gotta be 120

>> No.8195323

That's the single most asinine reason for wanting to consume something I've ever heard. Drink what you like you fuckin knob.

>> No.8196813

I started drinking Whisky 3 years ago and my cheap go-to whisky is Ballantine's Finest

It's not that hard,cheap and tastes good.