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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 482 KB, 1264x948, IMG_20161014_180936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8183716 No.8183716 [Reply] [Original]

Need urgent help with sushi
What s this powder that came with the seaweed?

>> No.8183729

I'm pretty sure that's one of those moisture absorbing packs that you are supposed to discard and not open

I'm just guessing because nori gets ruined by the slightest exposure to humidity

>> No.8183731
File: 53 KB, 500x375, 54c9747317a53_-_silica_packet_0410-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like one of those "do not eat" silica packets that come with food to keep it dry, desu.

Although silica usually looks like tiny rocks, not powder.

>> No.8183735

Probably desiccant. Spread the powder on your seaweed before you roll, ancient Japanese technique for superior sushi

>> No.8183737

motherfucker it says DO NOT EAT on those packets.


>> No.8183738

That's the cocaine. Snort it before you make sushi and it will come out better.

>> No.8183776
File: 594 KB, 1264x948, IMG_20161014_183501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've butchered the salmon.shitty knife
Do I cut the grey thing too?

>> No.8183779

Dude that is not even close to fresh enough to eat raw. You can tell by how mealy and slimy it is.


>> No.8183780

no. that's the fish leaves. they're where the flavour is imparted into the flesh. most chefs cut them off because of the strong taste but superior sushi can be achieved with the fish leaves on.

>> No.8183785

>Implying this puke load is superior anything

>> No.8183787

Fun fact about those dessicant packets - they only say Do Not Eat so that kids and tards don't choke on the packet itself. You'd have to save up a whole lot of them over time and eat all the contents to get sick from the chemicals.

>> No.8183792

Is that salmon smoked? If not, it really doesn't look fresh enough. Give it a quick pan sear first if this is the case

>> No.8183805

>missing the sarcasm this hard.
could you not tell from the fish leaves i wasn't being serious

>> No.8183807

It is not smoked

>> No.8183822

You mean fry it lightly?sorry English is not 1st language

>> No.8183823

Cook that shit first then or you'll get food poisoning. Quick fry or pop it in the oven for a bit in some foil

>> No.8183828

That's MSG. It's to make the seaweed taste better.

>> No.8183838
File: 522 KB, 1264x948, IMG_20161014_185650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf man. Already done 2 rolls. It smells good

>> No.8183841


>> No.8183852

Dude you trolling. I m sharing this with my mates

>> No.8183862

What if I microwave the rolls?

>> No.8183865

that sounds good. maybe add some ketchup for flavour.

>> No.8183873


>that white slime coming out of the fish

>> No.8183896

get the phone ready anon, prepare for a trip to the ER

>> No.8183971

>redditor doesn't realize you need to deep freeze the fish to make sure you don't get sick

>> No.8183979

Oh god that looks disgusting
Did you just buy fish from the grocery store butcher?

>> No.8183997

>rice on cutting board

>> No.8184013

nigga u dead

>> No.8184036

retarded weeb

>> No.8184042

Farewell OP.
I'm sure you were an OK guy.

>> No.8184049

That's clearly an umami packet. Make sure you eat all of it

>> No.8184055
File: 347 KB, 1264x948, IMG_20161014_203258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh OK. I guess it's decent for 1st time. I be fried the surface of some of the salmon. Going to the pharmacy to buy some meds in case of diareea and vomiting

>> No.8184058

The salmon was bought from a supermarket butchery

>> No.8184059

Definitely an umami packet

>> No.8184060

you fucking weebshit

>> No.8184062
File: 36 KB, 422x458, barf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to cap this monstrosity so that future generations can be spared this horror.

>> No.8184073
File: 2.60 MB, 225x225, 1474667835381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP ded

>> No.8184080

Wow OP i never seen anyone fuck up sushi as much as you did, I applaud you for eating the garbage you made.

Stick to buying premade sushi at your local supermarket.

>> No.8184101
File: 3.59 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20161004_155246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol@people saying I'm a weeb
I should probably stick to cooking Chinese. Pic related

>> No.8184112

no, you shouldn't stick to food at all

>> No.8184121

Lost my shit here

>what if I just blend the steak?

>> No.8184154
File: 499 KB, 634x1799, Sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8184172
File: 211 KB, 417x312, 1470609351964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go to the hospital immediately OP
you moron

>> No.8184192

What this

>> No.8184197

afaik that's a decade of eating raw pork

they're parasites

>> No.8184199

Yes. I'd say your chinese is far far better

>> No.8184204

>raw pork

>> No.8184206

Why would anyone eat raw pork?

>> No.8184222


>> No.8184225

I've bought some pills in case shit hits the fan

>> No.8184243


You are a failure.

>> No.8184274

That's not very nice. At least he is trying. I'd like to see you do better on your first try

>> No.8184280
File: 17 KB, 233x240, l0900n31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a chef in Spain, on our menu we had this iberico pork that you could eat medium raw. It's delicious.

>> No.8184388

So far so good. No nasty effects yet. All my mates tried it lel
Making some mint tea now

>> No.8184391

seasoning packet

>> No.8184398

well I didn't use it

>> No.8184401

it's good on everything not just sushi, save it for something else

>> No.8184427

that's lubricant to help your nori wrap around the rice and filling, you should sprinkle about half on each sheet of sushi wrapper

>> No.8184536

Worms from raw fish.

>> No.8184551

It's anthrax.
You'll be dead by morning.