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File: 168 KB, 600x237, pickle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8152765 No.8152765 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8152776

I wonder if anyone actually likes pickles or if it's just a meme food.

>> No.8152786

They're delicious.

I used to hate them, but then I turned 13.

>> No.8152804

I gave it an honest go a few years ago. Ate a perfect bread and butter pickle. It just wasn't good. It's like, well, eating a cucumber soaked in vinegar, and I only like vinegar in my eggs and on potatoes and leaves.

>> No.8152806

Liking them for a year doesn't make you an expert on them.

>> No.8152809
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get destroyed

but yeah pickles are pretty not bad

>> No.8152819

Horseradish and stuffed grape leaves are worse but I can't think of much else besides dog shit and bleach.

>> No.8152838

Thanks, man. I couldn't figure out how to break the monotony of honey sweetened bread and spices as a go-to meal.

I'll eat a pickle with some shit i figure out and beans.

Hey great idea, ill add grapeseed oil and horseradish/mustard, thanks, man.

>> No.8152878

I love pickles

>> No.8152888

>interesting...like spinach leaves

>> No.8152926

>ill add grapeseed oil and horseradish/mustard, thanks, man.

Ree why not add chardonnay sriracha and crushed wolf spiders while you're at it?

>> No.8152966

Coffee. I tried, but I just can't into coffee. To my taste buds, it tastes like dirt and burnt wood mixed in hot water. And people tell me "oh you just gotta try real coffee from a proper cafe", but it's the same for me. Best I can do is mix a heap of sugar in it, but then it just tastes like sweet dirty burnt wood hot water.

>> No.8152977

I have never liked avacado

if it comes on a sandwich I'm not a priss who'll send it back or something but I would never place it on my own sandwich

>> No.8152988

It does taste like burnt dirt and wood, if you don't like that you don't like coffee. I drink coffee when I remember to drink it but for the most part I like adderall.

>> No.8152994

Avocado goes on a hot pineapple and teriyaki soy sauce marinated burger with a thin slice of jersey tomato and vidalia. Dry mustard mixed in with the special sauce. On a yam roll.

If you can make a better burger let me know.

>> No.8153016

Sure. Lettuce, onion, tomato and mayo you faggot

>> No.8153025

Avocado to me is firmly mediocre. If its part of a dish, sure I'll eat it. Guac is fine too and if its there I'll eat it.

But it is definitely not worth this weird premium that so many restaurants think it is. Avocados on a regular hamburger doesn't magically make the burger two dollars better, Guac is never worth paying extra for, etc

>> No.8153029

Have you tried consuming pickles other then through your mouth?

>> No.8153035

Chicken nuggets, chicken on pizza, chicken salads, chicken sausage, chicken pasta - I love me some roast, grilled and fried chicken, but I don't ever need to eat it in dishes that show it off as less than amazing.

>> No.8153052

Bologna. I'll eat liverwurst, head cheese, bull's testicles, just about anything most people turn their heads at, but I just can't do bologna. Something about that particular combination of spices and texture turns my stomach.

I'm not a big fan of ketchup either, unless it's mixed into a sauce.

>> No.8153133


I'll eat a little warm fresh bread, I'll do the occasional piece of filler bread at a restaurant to sop up some delicious sauce, but I don't do it. I don't make sandwhiches, I don't make french toast, I don't toast a piece to sit under my poached eggs, I don't dip it in french onion soup or beef stew.

Most bread is bland. I used to like this asiago focaccia for making sandwhiches and I'll get my Jimmy John's with bread. But I don't buy it, I don't keep it in the kitchen, and I avoid it when I can.

Also doesn't help that it never feels good to my digestive system.

>> No.8153136

not sure how many people here like cucumber, but everyone around me can somehow deal with that stuff

>> No.8153167

Olives, Avocado, Cilantro/Coriander, Mustard

I genuinely like almost everything and it actually kind of bothers me that there are foods out there that I DON'T like, because it kind of irritates me that I COULD be eating something enjoyable but I'm not because it's got sliced olives in it or some shit. Oh well.

>> No.8153241

That's a much healthier attitude than bitching about everything and making sure everyone always has to hear you bitching about the foods you "can't eat." And at least it's relatively easy to work around your list, unless you're Puerto Rican or something. Pretty much every Puerto Rican meal involves the first three ingredients there.

>> No.8153274

Marshmallows. I'm not a huge sweet / candy eater but I generally enjoy most kinds when I do eat them. I absolutely cannot do marshmallows though, I don't even like fire roasted marshmallows or s'mores.

Strawberries. Not sure why but the flavor of a strawberry makes me gag. I like most other fruits and berries but have never been able to eat strawberries.

>> No.8153287

Chicken and anything chicken flavoured.
Will eat if given to me but would avoid if could. Would even just pick the vegetarian option to avoid it

>> No.8154194

Absolutely disgusting.
Except for the rice things with the black shit around them. Those are okay

>> No.8154199
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Peanut butter. No reeces pieces no pbj.

Strange considering I like peanuts.

>> No.8154206

I literally think I like coffee because of my addictive personality

Working my first job at McDonalds I tried half hot chocolate, icecream, everything to make it good.
But I just couldn't like it.

Then I got into construction. Double doubles every morning. Now double double tastes like fucking candy I drink it with a little milk at home.

>> No.8154220

Horseradish and stuffed grape leaves are delicious you fucking child.

>> No.8154257

Fucking olives. I cant stand them

>> No.8154338
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>tfw after years of gradually trying them you are finally learning to enjoy olives
I've always considered my aversion to olives a weakness because they are in so many good foods, so I worked on it. I started with tapenades that were combined with other things and slowly moved on to where I can eat one by itself. People who dislike something then act like the food is the problem and not their palate truly sicken me.

>> No.8154367
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Anything smothered in fine sugar/flour. The chalky mouthfeel sets me right on edge, which is a shame because I love the taste of Turkish Delight.

>> No.8154397

I wish I could love these but my mouth literally curls the moment they entery mouth.

Also for pickle haters out there: buy brine ones from a Mediterranean store, they're so much better than vinegar

>> No.8154422

Peppers and Beans.

Peppers I had a bad experience with them involving projectile vomit.

I'm fine with green beans raw, but cooked or brown or can beans or whatever the fuck they are are gag reflex inducing.

>> No.8154615

I'm on the avocado train. I'll for sure eat them on something or definitely enjoy some guac from time to time but I don't go out and buy them.

That said, I can't stand ketchup. It grosses me out to think it's just basically tomato jelly. I like tomatoes though. I just think ketchup is a shitty condiment.

Also, sriracha. It's okay on some foods but I absolutely hate the leddit sriracha on everything meme.

>> No.8154645
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>the rice things with the black shit around them

>> No.8154724


i hate the little fuckers

any crustecan or molluscs really

unless its made into a soup or chowder or ground up in some way so i dont have to chew the dense fuckers

crayfish and lobster i can eat but only the claws

>> No.8154738


fucking rekt.

Speaking of pickles, gerkins/sweet pickles are terrible and are only suitable for relish. Deli pickles are fantastic though.

I can stand anything sour-apple flavored.

raw tomatoes are always shit, especially cherry tomatoes. They are on everything too so peeling them out of your sandwiches and salads always leaves behind gross little tomato boogers.

>> No.8154798

Try growing them at home. Completely different taste. They are the superior fruit when homegrown.

>> No.8154815

yesss. If there was one thing my Ex gf was good for, it was encouraging me to grow a garden. I have Stockpiles of fruits and vegetables now.

>> No.8154834


Tomatoes are one of my favorite foods when prepared but raw they are nasty. I've heard to put some sugar or salt on them and eat them raw but something about the mix of slimy and kinda crumbly texture is gnarly to me. I guess I can sympathiz with people who don't like mushrooms in the same way.

Not with people who say they don't like onions though, fuck them.

>> No.8154841
File: 49 KB, 420x280, caprese-420x280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although not exactly "raw" caprese salad is super fucking good. not a huge tomato fan but i could eat this shit every day.

>> No.8154844

My daughter must loves these everytime I buy them she runs off with a few to her room every friday I can't stand em but she begs me to buy them every week

>> No.8154846

I actually try to like them every now and then. And if they are kinda hidden in stuff I can enjoy them. And hell, I love spaghetti sauce.

>> No.8154847

It is exactly raw and is delicious

>> No.8154854

i meant raw more in the sense that you're just eating a plain tomato (like the other anon said he hated cherry tomatoes)

but yes i agree, so fucking good

>> No.8154895


>> No.8154980



>> No.8155014

I wonder if american pickles taste like pickles here in Slavland.
I heard that most shit you'd expect to taste the same tastes really different

>> No.8155075

I like cooked onion and use it in almost everything I cook but I can't stand raw onion on sandwiches, burgers, or salads. Aside from not liking the flavor of raw onions, they also give me heartburn like a motherfucker.

>> No.8155078

There's a massive variety of pickles in the US. I'm sure that at least one of them tastes like yours. It's not like there's just one kind of "US pickle".

>> No.8155080

Depends, how are your most popular pickles made? In the US the most popular (cucumber) pickles are made with a vinegar based brine and flavored with dill or sugar and spices.

>> No.8155087

When they're made by people with strong slav heritage who live in murica.

>> No.8155149

I love having a pickle with my burger, it's especially good as a palate cleanser for a really rich and meaty burger.

>> No.8155159

Bananas a shit.
Tried eating one today and gagged after one bite. The taste, smell, texture.. There's nothing appealing about those fuckers.

>> No.8155167

Is hungary cnosidered slavland? All the pickles I found in the grocery store there were very sweet. In USA classic pickles are not sweet

>> No.8155168

the standard ones aren't sweet, but every supermarket I've ever visited in the US has multiple brands of "sweet pickles" right next to the other types.

>> No.8155218

Not a food but a beverage, coffee, just can't do it smells and tastes like shit.

>> No.8155270

Eggplant, what the frig am I even eating.

>> No.8155353

like through your ass? xD

nice meme

>> No.8155399

Sriracha is a terrible hot sauce that people only know of because of viral marketing

>> No.8155496

Shellfish. Seafood in general, though I like some of it. But shellfish, fuck that.

>> No.8155499

Yeah with the homegrown ones they're firmer and not nearly as mealy or slimy as store bought. Tons of flavor as well.

>> No.8155552

Beans of any kind

>> No.8155557

Probably collard greens

>> No.8155560


gonna kick your ass kunt

>> No.8155717

I like it in some Asian foods like soups and vegetable heavy dishes.

>> No.8155740


>Go to sushi bar
>40 different rolls
>avocado is in 38 of them

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.8155744

Mushrooms and melons are the biggest ones.
I fucking hate it, because everything involving mushrooms looks fucking delicious, and melons themselves (I'm talking almost every kind of melon, from watermelon to cantaloupe) look tasty, but something about them makes me actually gag. Even mixed into something, if there's mushrooms in it, it ruins the dish for me. I'll eat it, but I won't actually be able to enjoy it. If there's a whole mushroom, I can't chew it without gagging a little, so as a kid I'd always just swallow them nearly whole.

>> No.8155753
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I really wish I could like chicken. It's tolerable if it's covered in spices but that's it.

>> No.8155803

You don't even like the dark meat like drumsticks and thighs?

>> No.8155872

My girlfriend thinks I'm fucking lying when I say I drink the pickle juice out of the jar when the pickles are gone. Gonna be a rough day for her when it finally happens. Gonna laugh like hell when she starts gagging and possibly pukes.

>> No.8155877

Not him, but I don't like dark meat much. White meat when cooked properly is god-tier, dark meat any way at all slightly grosses me out.
It's probably just because my mum used to always get the cheapest, shittiest dark chicken meat, and cook it like shit with basically no seasoning. Especially when the bone breaks and there's that big blood stain in the dark meat, that shit makes me absolutely gag, probably mostly just from memories of shite chicken, though.

>> No.8156173


you're eating veggies and rice not sushi desu

>> No.8156180


>> No.8156205

I thought I was the only one...
I was out with friends and we went to this kfc that had a buffet of chicken, and all I got were some beans and jello and just got made fun of for the week :^[.
It's like the water of food, no taste, just generic body necessity. Its tolerable with bbq or s&s but alone or even with spices it's in no way appitizing. Same with bacon, its alright, not really good, anf overhyped as a meme.

Do people really prefer going out to eat fried chicken over pizza, burgers, or chinease?

Cow will always be the best meat.

>> No.8156468
File: 192 KB, 760x570, princes-hot-chicken-half-chicken-medium-nashville-tn_02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't had Nashville hot chicken then friend-o

>> No.8156479

Chicken is delicious. The issue might be where you live. In the US it's basically vegetable tofu. The combination of really fast growing breeds and shitty feed removes almost all of the flavor from it. Go someplace else where they raise it properly and it's fucking delicious.

>> No.8156496

American pickles tend to have more bite, very salty and vinegary. European pickles tend to be a little sweeter and more herbal. And we call everything "dill pickles" even when there's no dill. And we use less dill on the ones that have dill. A lot of the bigger brands put food coloring in too, so they look kind of yellow and gross if you're not used to them.

But pretty much every grocery store is going to have an "ethnic" aisle with German, Polish, and sometimes even Russian or Bulgarian pickles.

I like both American and Eastern European style pickles, but I will say that as someone who grew up with a Czech grandmother I will never use American-style pickles to make tartar sauce. It's just not right.

>> No.8156509

That, and nuts.

Literally anything with nuts, I would like it better without. Except cooked water chestnuts, those are delicious spongy goodness.

>> No.8156514

Do you only get california/tempura/etc maki rolls, or do you also okay with maki rolls with fish?

>> No.8156516

As expected of country grown vegetables!

>> No.8156520

Come on nigga, not even a good kung pow?

>> No.8156652

>bread and butter pickle
absolute failure

>> No.8156918

makes sense desu.

personally I love vinegar
like I would put balsamic vinegar on almost anything, I like my dressings extra vinegarry, and I love pickled anything.

>> No.8156924
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I fucking adore seafood

but salmon makes me fucking gag

>> No.8156927

I should note, I actually really enjoy smoked salmon, but it tastes almost nothing like it

>> No.8157004
File: 612 KB, 1000x1200, 1437986127468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

melons disgust me
too watery too sweet
melons, honeydew, watermelon
its all disgusting

>> No.8157006


>> No.8157063
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>> No.8157224
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Just a single leaf makes the entire meal taste awful.

Supposedly there's some biological component that makes its taste intolerable, bordering painful to some

>> No.8157230
File: 1.19 MB, 4356x4356, 09a16311-76f3-4db0-a8ad-bd584aa0c69c_1.a3c854bff06ddb37fc54ca4198d18187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure about the popular part but holy shit that crap isn't even drinkable

>> No.8157235

Quinine is hit or miss, not even aquired taste.

>> No.8157376

You're supposed to kill and cook them first :(

>> No.8157460

I remember the first time I had that shit... I had bought a salad mix of 50/50 baby spinach / arugula leaves not knowing what arugula was. I went home and proceeded to make a sandwich using that shit and almost spit the first bite I took back out.

>> No.8157484

Yeah I know this one. And I come from a coffee obsessed city. Everyone just seems confused when you say it tastes like shit

>> No.8157493

This. Also pickles.
I am not a big fan of raw tomatoes either, but I tolerate them in things like caprese.

>> No.8157565

yeah I can't eat tomato, olives, onion. unless it's cooked hard, like Philly cheese steak.

>> No.8157567

Japanese sushi.

>> No.8157619

I only like them on burgers. They accentuate and bring out the flavour of the meat. That's all they're good for.
By themselves, I find them disgusting, actually.

>> No.8157661
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>> No.8157665

>totally worth it
>love me some pickles

>> No.8157756

i laughed

>> No.8157758


Gagged over baked or grilled salmon? I kind of have an aversion to baked salmon because it's too juicy but if it is grilled its a bit smokey and drier.

>> No.8157821

Pickles are like fat loss cheat codes.

>barely any calories

>> No.8158091

as far as I can tell, if it's cooked through I can't take it.

if it's a barely-seared salmon steak that's about the extent of what I can find palatable

>> No.8158097
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Pine nuts.

I fucking despise them.

>> No.8158101


The right sriracha is what causes good pho to pop.

>> No.8158104


That's marrow now suck that shit out you pussy.

>> No.8158107


Sounds to me like you haven't had it prepared properly.

>> No.8158123

possible, but I don't even avoid it, desu. I often try salmon when it's available in the hopes that I'll find a way of cooking it that I really like. I have fun experimenting with the food I eat, so even if I haven't liked something in the past I'm often willing to give it another shot (and another, and another) since it's all just kind of fun to try shit out.

but it's been a long time, and no luck so far

>> No.8158520

I love tonic water. Especially if it's not overly sweet. But brands vary so widely. No two tonics taste the same.

>> No.8158579

Shepherds pie

>> No.8158584

Well it was originally malaria medicine. It wasn't something people typically just around and drank. The the reason the gin and tonic was invented was so British troops stationed in tropical areas would have an easier way of getting it down.

>> No.8158664


I like most other nuts, but something about their taste and the way they crunch is off putting. And I can only eat nuts by themselves, can't stand when they're added to other dishes.

>> No.8158684

Have you tried activating them?

>> No.8158714

I genuinely hate not liking foods. Fish and olives are flat no. I absolutely can't. Tomato can make it in some dishes, but not a lot. Like, I'll try to force myself to eat it, but I'll end up nearly vomiting. It's so frustrating, because people love it, and I want to love it, too.

>> No.8158723

Chocolate. My entire family loves it but it tastes disgusting to me. I do like dark chocolate in low doses however.

>> No.8158810

nah, I'm just gonna forget about almonds and stick to eating my homemade coconuts

>> No.8159730

By far the gayest threads ever.

>> No.8159737

I haven't had a good fresh pickle in too long. My mouth is watering.

>> No.8159775


Same. I hate that I can't do fish/seafood. It immediately sets off my gag reflex and I feel like an immature baby. I can't enjoy sushi with friends. Or crawfish with my Louisiana family.

That's really the only thing off limits to me though. I like pretty much everything else.

>> No.8160088

Eggs and ground beef. But mostly eggs. The smell is too offputting, I can't even stand to be in a kitchen when either is being cooked. I'd sooner eat a raw egg than a scrambled one.

Eggs are perfectly fine in baked good though. I know I like the taste, but I want to puke being even near one by itself.

>> No.8160872

I have an ex that really loves the smell of coffee and tea, but hates the taste.

I loved the smell of coffee when I was a kid, and I got to taste it once when I was around 5 and loved it. I started started drinking coffee occasionally when I was 16, and did it often when I turned 18 ..and now I drink coffee 2-3 times a day.

That dry woody taste.. I really love the smell, the taste, everything about coffee!
Unfortunately I got an operation in 2010, and I haven't been able to drink coffee without milk and sugar since, otherwise I get a bad pain in my stomach.
>>I dislike anything but well done steaks
>>I dislike chicken
>>I hate dry-aged beef, I prefer fresh meat
>>I hate raw eggs
>>I hate the texture of cooked/boiled onions, and specially when it's cut in large pieces and mixed into my food.
>>I hate bones in my food - I prefer all meat to be boneless.

Unfortunately where I live, it's close to impossible to order any steak at a Danish restaurant and get it well-done. I have tried to send the dish back, only to wait 20-40 minutes and get it back medium-rare ..at all the restaurants I've been at.

>> No.8161158
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I wish I could enjoy it the way everyone seems to love it. But I'll watch people go crazy over having it in everything, and then I'll try it, and it just tastes like grease and salt to me.

People always say, "oh, you have to have it cooked just right, here's how I like it..." but it really only seems to vary from:
>soggy salt and grease
>crispy grease and salt

No idea why it's so popular.

>> No.8161313

Go away, Brad.

Also Avocados. I throw up whenever I eat them.

>> No.8161392

There's no food I've tried that I hated, except for stuff that was prepared poorly. Didn't much care for tripe - the texture was really strange. The things I like the least are peas and pinto beans, but if they're part of a dish I don't mind it too much.

I just don't understand how people like pinto beans more than black beans.

I do, however, hate certain combinations of foods. I also dislike most vegetables when they're cooked. Why ruin a perfectly good vegetable by cooking it when it has better taste and texture raw??

>> No.8161406

Anything spicy. Any time I try one of those "hot" chicken wings or anything similar I just feel like the insides of my mouth are hot and itching, almost as if I had a sore throat. Can't really understand how this can be enjoyable.

>> No.8161414

The more you get used to spicy foods, the less the feeling bothers you, and the more you can detect and appreciate the flavors behind the spiciness.

>> No.8161421

I'd rather remove the spiciness and just enjoy the flavor. Don't see the need to go through the unnecessary barrier of spice to get to taste the food.

>> No.8161451

That's fine, but you also misunderstood what I meant. Hot peppers typically have very interesting flavors that you won't be able to really taste well unless you are desensitized to the burning sensation. It's fine that you don't want to have to deal with it, I'm just explaining why it's worth it to those of us who like spicy foods.

>> No.8161476

Ah, my bad. Kinda misread your post.
I sort of understand how people who are used to spicy food can genuinely enjoy it when it's done right and actually has some flavor to it besides "help it burns my tongue". Although I guess you can enjoy any kind of food if it's done right.

It's probably just cultural differences. Spicy food was never really popular here in the pre-fast food era, so my only association with it used to be "I don't get how people can find it tasty and therefore it must be universally awful and I hate it". It changed over the time, but still. Not my cup of tea. Also, as somebody previously mentioned in this thread, avocados. Man, those things are everywhere.

>> No.8161568

anon's brother was murdered by a strawberry

>> No.8161592

>anon's brother was murdered by a strawberry
Doubtful. It's more likely that he works for the (((Raspberry Industry))) and he's a paid shill

>> No.8161605

Fine sugar like powdered sugar? If so, I feel the same. Worked at a bakery and inhaled so much damn powdered sugar just looking at it makes me want to vomit. I wasn't really a fan in the first place but the bakery sealed the deal on powdered sugar aversion.

>> No.8161625

>hating melons

Nice dubs fellow non-nigger

>> No.8162094

my nigga

>> No.8162113

damn, did your mommy feed you spicy tendies today? because that burn was hot

>> No.8162123

what a surprise, a giant man child can like coffee. Though now that you mentioned your operation making you like sugar and milk. did they remove your adulthood in that operation? you should sue them for malpractice

>> No.8162127

people like salt and fat

>> No.8162358
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It's just gross

>> No.8162383

>people like salt and fat
True. People like those things in other food. But would you eat salt-flavored oil, just by itself? That's kind of what bacon seems like to me - salt-flavored oil with a texture, nothing much else to it. I don't get it.

And I really want to be able to enjoy it. I see the way people gush over bacon, and I feel like I must be missing out on some special taste or something.

>> No.8162426

I feel the same way about cucumbers in my rolls
You're thinking sashimi, which is just the raw fish with no rice/roll. Sushi can come with raw fish on it, or without.

>> No.8162432
File: 68 KB, 805x232, Sliced-Green-Pepper--Onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely hate peppers and onions, every culture and nation gets their dick hard for this shit and I just will never fathom why

>> No.8162446

Textures can be a big thing, man.

>> No.8162452
File: 201 KB, 448x415, hero_junior-chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just not for me

>> No.8162453

I used to fucking hate raw onion until I got a chance to try a regular white onion that had been grown on my uncles farm. It was midway in size between a shallot and regular, full grown, and what surprised me is my uncle just picked the thing and started eating it like an apple. I looked at him like he was disgusting and he then made me try a bite.

It tastes almost COMPLETELY different from a store bought onion. Where a store bought one is bitter and hot, this was tender and sweet, almost like a fruit. It's like the difference between those just barely ripe, still had tomatoes from Safeway, versus a big, plump, soft, fully grown to a dark bloody red color tomato from a farmers market.

If you ever get the chance to try homegrown onion right after its been picked, you really should.

>> No.8162497

It's alright, different people have different tastes.
Just know that according to this chinese cartoon image board, my tastes, i.e. opinions, are superior to yours. Peppers and onions are great, the latter being especially great.

>> No.8162505

This, shits too watery. But I also hate flavoured water of any kind.

>> No.8162518

Whatever you want to call it a roll filled with avocado and cream cheese isn't sushi, it's an abomination and a bastardization of food

>> No.8162521

Lake trout. Yuck.

>> No.8162538

Fishing in Hudson river. Not even once.

>> No.8162543

I dislike pretty much anything that remind me of rotted or spoiled food.

Moldy cheese. Cottage cheese. Sour cream. Kimchi. Sauerkraut. Anything that's been pickled. Avocado. Olives. Durian. Yogurt. Sourdough. Etc.

I just don't like it. And quite frankly, I find the idea of eating foods I don't like until my "palette adjusts" to be completely ludicrous. Why fucking bother? The concept of acquired taste is baffling to me.

>> No.8162576
File: 13 KB, 412x265, RSS_Iceberg_Shred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shredded lettuce. It's the grass-clippings of the food world. Always looking so fucking pale and half-wilted, in clear plastic bags that reminds you the whole process took place in giant metal vats inside a windowless warehouse outside the country. I don't really like the taste or the texture, but what gets me is how loose and messy it all is. Little bits and chunks and pieces of lettuce found in every bite, getting in the way of you enjoying the rest of the ingredients because you have that irritating, watery little bit mixed in there.

If you're going to serve lettuce to people, don't shred it.

>> No.8162599

>Why fucking bother?
If you've locked your palette through salt/sugar abuse then taking some time to adjust it back to normal will unlock 90% of all food for you. In other words; 1-2 weeks of eating 'meh' tasting food will enable you to eat thousands of foods that you feel are 'meh' in the beginning but will taste awesome after palette adaption.

>> No.8162603

>The concept of enjoying more things instead of less things is baffling to me
The only baffling thing here is your logic.

>> No.8162607

Don't mock fatties. They're just simple minded and need educated.

>> No.8162628

Seafood. It looks good, but I just can't stand it at all. Makes me gag and has spit it up. I really want to like it because they're so many good recipes and cultural cuisine that involves it that I really feel like I'm missing out on a significant part of life. I feel like a kid when friends go to a seafood restaurant and I get chicken tenders/equivalent.

What's worse is that my family is from New Orleans so I grew up around seafood consistently and I still don't like it at all. Going to crawfish/crab boils from fishing all morning and not getting to enjoy the full experience pisses me off. I can eat an assortment of wild game and the organs that come from with it with smile on my face all day that makes people turn heads but I can't take a piece of tuna or redfish? Bullshit, fuck you palate.

>> No.8162635

I could understand shellfish like shrimp since the texture can be like a giant bug but you're even tossing back mild fish? Damn, that sucks bro.

>> No.8162641


>> No.8162648

I like creamy peanut butter, but I absolutely cannot stand any peanuts in the actual butter

>> No.8162652

Manchild? tee-hee I'm a guuuurl :3 <3

I always liked sugar and milk, but prefer my coffee plain ...

When I was a kid, I had to "train" myself to like pasta, eggs, any meat other than crabmeat, cheeseburgers, ryebread, oatmeal, normally sweet cakes, whipped cream, apples and strawberries. I struggled eating with others due to disgust of those foods, and I couldn't eat my own birthsday cake because it was too sweet for me.
Considering how my situation used to be, I can actually eat with other people now.

>> No.8162659

How can people not like fish, anyways? It's not that much different than other white meat like chicken in texture. I can understand not liking raw fish- I thought I hated Salmon when I had it raw but I had fresh, premium Salmon properly cooked and now I love it.

>> No.8162673


It pisses me off because it's actually a noticeable inconvenience, especially at family gatherings where a lot of seafood is usually consumed. Been invited to girls house for meals and fish comes out and I have to bullshit excuses. I just don't fucking get it. It's not like I'm barfing, but just repulsed when I taste the seafood flavor. Again, it's weird because when I see on TV or out a well cooked fish dish it looks really good, it's a weird feeling.

>> No.8162810

polish are the best

>> No.8162815

how do you feel about ocean trout then? they're similar,

>> No.8162977

Liver. I can only stand it as a subtle background flavor in bolognese.

>> No.8163087

Anything liver

>> No.8163091

Do you mix sugar in coke?
The only people that can't stand coffee are people who haven't drank anything without sugar in years

>> No.8163270


You can have my fresh pickle.

>> No.8163376


>> No.8163545

Used to hate them, now I like them.

>> No.8163567

It's like eating quality meat-flavoured chips, many people like them.
Crunchy, oily, salty with a mild aftertaste of pork.

>> No.8163612

cream cheese

>> No.8163636

That's about it.

>> No.8163644
File: 20 KB, 320x320, 1459028308030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horseradish is literally the fucking devil
i can taste it before i put it in my mouth, even when it's sitting on a plate three feet away from my face

i can taste very tiny amounts of it too
one time i wanted to test this supernatural ability so i got a friend to help me
he would put decreasingly small amounts of horseradish on food without telling me, and i was able to guess almost every time

he scooped up a bit of horseradish on a toothpick and mixed it in with the sauce for a rather large tetrazzini
i was able to taste it, and it completely ruined the dish for me

if you like horseradish you are literally the cancer ruining this world

>> No.8163653

>mashed potatoes
Something about the texture makes me dry heave. I like baked just fine but boiled or mashed is vomit city.

>> No.8163665

the word sushi refers to the seasoned rice you uneducated fuck.

>> No.8163671

generally, once people at least hit puberty they start to develop a taste for things that kids find icky

>> No.8164235

I'm such a picky little girl:
I dislike the flavor. I wonder what it is about green salsas I like so much then, because they're usually mostly jalapeno.
Basically anything except talapia (which is barely fishy at all) and octopus for whatever reason. Doesn't help that fish often has bones, shrimp is bugs, and mollusks are usually snot.
I'm one of those unfortunates that can't stand it, apparently for genetic reasons.
Just puts me off for some reason
>dark meat
Makes me gag. That includes fried chicken.
>non-chocolate puddings