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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8112464 No.8112464 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I'm in charge of Christmas dinner this year and so, like any obsessive autist, I am planning it months in advance. Everything but the appetizer is homemade, not prepackaged ready-to-eat junk. Is there a base I haven't covered yet? The only thing I'm blanking on is what kind of wine I should get for this, since I know nothing about wines and how they're supposed to compliment certain meals.

>Salami and brie on crackers

Roasted Vegetables
>Carrots and sweet potatoes/yams
>Bell peppers in Christmas colors and onions

>Cranberry sauce

>Biscuits/english muffins (for the applebutter)
>Garlic mashed potatoes

>Roasted brisket
>Gravy mixture from brisket drippings

>Pumpkin pie OR chocolate peanut butter brownies (Hell, maybe both)
>Chocolate chip cookies

>> No.8112470
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> brisket

This is why no one likes you people.

>> No.8112474

Lamb with mint jelly on Christmas you dumb fuck.

>> No.8112482

I like it, but not digging salami + brie... What about proscuitto? Or just salami with crackers and cornichons? Or salami and swiss?

>> No.8112485

Oh, also add olives to appetizer

>> No.8112509

We've had turkey 5 years in a row because people got lazy. Not even good turkey the last 2 years, just prepackaged shit. This is my first year cooking a major family meal and I want it to stand out with a very tender roasted brisket.

Oh god yes proscuitto, mmmm...
Would olives go with proscuitto and brie? Never tried that before.

>> No.8112545

If you want to offer a fruit dessert option for those aunts who never want pie, persimmons and pomegranate makes a beautiful plate.

>> No.8112561
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Alright, fair enough.

We only have turkey here so I have no idea what roast brisket looks like.

The menu is great otherwise. I don't really know what your traditions are so I can't make any suggestions.

>> No.8112601

I'm thinking about doing braised veal shanks this year. Anyone have side dish suggestions?

>> No.8112612

My family will enjoy anything that's above typical white trash food (mac n cheese, coleslaw, jello, etc.) so anything you think is tasty I'm happy to consider. Hell even if I don't add it I'm always happy to have something new in my arsenal for next year. :)

Good call, will consider a fruit salad option. Hoping none of my cousins went vegetarian since last year though. That would suck....

>> No.8112617

Prep as much as you can the day before. Takes a lot of stress off.

>> No.8112618

Ok, lemme give it some thought as to what would fit and I'll post back tomorrow. Good thread. You're family are lucky to have you.

>> No.8112624

I have found that a salad of roasted brussel sprouts, chopped thick-cut bacon bits, and pecans make wonderful side dish for most red meats.

>> No.8112632

Homemade whipped cream for that pie
Salad or cruditee plate

>> No.8112633

Yep. Going to do the desserts and fruits the day before and let them chill in the fridge. We usually have Christmas at my aunt's house because she has 2 ovens. One will be assigned to brisket, and the other to veggies and biscuits. If we end up doing it someplace else with only one oven, then I may have to buy the biscuits.

>> No.8112651

Get a red wine since you're having red meat.

For dessert have something bubbly, whether it be champers or prosecco.

>> No.8112702
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>it's christmas time soon-ish again

>> No.8112788

I think salami and brie on crackers is too salty and heavy to make a good appetizer. Get a canteloupe/honeydew, cube into bite size pieces, wrap them in a little prosciutto and secure it with a toothpick. Refrigerate till almost serving time. The sweet cool melon and the salty savory meat go well together.

>> No.8112824
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>> No.8112843
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>> No.8113288

God I'd kill to have a second oven available to me during the holidays.

>> No.8114520

>Homemade whipped cream

lost it

>> No.8114653

A fucling shitload of cava or prosecco. A few decent bottles of cybernet.

Jameson, Jack, beefeater, stoli, at least two types of good beer.