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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8064339 No.8064339 [Reply] [Original]

Restaurant thread? Who here actually works in a restaurant?

>> No.8064492

Yo man. Me. Been in it for a little over a decade. Still love it.

>> No.8064530

family owns 2. worked every aspect since I was 15yo, after hs went to i.c.e, then realized its not for me, too many hours, no holidays off, cocaine, messicans, ect.. so manage now. 48 hrs a week and truthfully havent felt better.

>> No.8064534
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Been at it for a little less than a decade, and I despise it. I lost my passion for cooking. The mood still strike me every now and then, but I'm not nearly as enticed by it as i used to be.

>> No.8064627

been in it for about 2 years full time, gonna start working part time now as i'm heading back into school so i'm not stuck cooking for the rest of my life. i started as a dishie, worked my way to prep, then line. went back to prep as i found it more relaxing

>> No.8064636

i invented spaghetti.

>> No.8064652

Mom's speghettI?

>> No.8064672

>went back to prep as i found it more relaxing

that's actually interesting because at the nice restaurant I worked at, line cooks actually had it easier than prep guys. prep guys just had a fuckhuge list and a lot of cleanup, whereas line guys just fired prep food and collected the fatter paycheck.

>> No.8064715

Been at it for 3~4 years, am 25 now, working at a michelin starred restaurant, right now. It's tough, but I couldn't see myself doing blue collar job and not committing suicide.

>> No.8065411

I own a food truck. Not quite the same, but similar enough I suppose.

>> No.8065447

>not a blue collar job
Pick one.

Also enjoy tge servers making twice as much as you.

>> No.8065469

Did it for 3 years, and quitting it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

A very good friend of mine who's been cooking since he was 17 told me on the phone the other day that even though he's working as sous chef at a Michelin star rated restaurant he doesn't think he can keep it up for much longer. The long hours are getting to him, he's developed a drinking problem, he never has any time to spend with his girlfriend, and it's overall lost the charm that it once had to him. He's 28 now btw. nearly recently staying with it right now is because it's putting a roof over his head and he's terrified at the prospect of changing careers, as even his college education would only guarantee him an entry-level position even in his field (geology). I feel it's very telling for me personally when one of the most talented chefs I've ever met is trying to get out.

>> No.8065470

this fag

>> No.8065472

*the only reason he's staying with it

>> No.8065488


turning 7 in November at your local Applebee's. I'm the only boh left since we've opened. Well, there is 2 other that worked FOH that are now asst managers. I only work part time though. They've asked me if I want to become a kitchen manager or some sort but turned it down. This keeps me out of the house whilst having fun. Yeah I'm 43 years old

>> No.8065509


You should probably get out of the kitchen then m8. As the man in your gif would attest to, you need the passion.

Also to answer OP, I worked in a kitchen for over two years. I loved every second of it. Including the pressure of rush. If this white collar shit doesn't work out, food service is where I'll go. I still miss it.

>> No.8065510


Can you share what some of the differences are as far as what's expected of you and the workload working in a Michelin starred place?

>> No.8065512
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>> No.8065549

This guy gets it

>> No.8065567

Any waiters here that can give a newbie advice? About to apply for a position at some Jap restaurants and don't know the first thing about being a good waiter. Any advice?

>> No.8065605

holy shit, if this i real, I'd kill for your job just to eat this.

>> No.8065619

Watch UK Kitchen Nightmares, I can't recall the episode but from time to time Ramsay focuses on teaching waiters, since he had been working as one. Here is an example

>> No.8065679

Been working the service industry since I was 15, started on dish and then moved to cook. At 19 I switched to working as a barback and became a bartender when I turned 21. Now at 27 I bartend and manage. In the middle of this there was a lot of moving around different bars and restaurants.

>> No.8065708

Just be confident and personable. It's really not hard if you just relax. Just be urgent yet calm.

>> No.8065723

Hours vary a lot, on easy days, where I have not a lot of mise-en-place to prepare, I'll work the usual 8~9 hours, depending on closing time. If I have a lot to do I'll work up to 11 hours, on a regular day. If we're having events and that sort of shit, it can go up to 16 hours, but it's pretty rare.

I'm not sure what you mean with what's expected of me. To show up everyday, and have my mise-en-place ready by the service's time, I guess.

>> No.8065787

Working 2 jobs as a host/bartender. I like the latter much better.

>> No.8065807


Don't try to be overly formal.

>> No.8065812


Do you like it?

>> No.8065830

I work in the kitchen of a cafe that serves food if that counts?

>> No.8065836

you sound like my current manager, although I have no idea how old he actually is

>> No.8065846

Develop an alcohol/drug habit to help you deal with the general public. Oh, and everybody BOH has some kind of retarded grudge because they're too stupid to get the job that pays more and doesn't have the risk of constantly being burned or getting their fingers chopped off.

>> No.8065889

Yeah I do, moving from back of house to front was the best decision I ever made (even though I like the actual job of cooking more). It's easier and I make a lot more money. Moving up to management was smart too because I can pretty much make own schedule (during the week I do both managing and bartending at the same time) plus it looks good on my resume. I'll be graduating with a business management degree next year so I'm not sure what I'll do then. I might try to move toward working for a liquor company or something (trying to get into a 9-5 schedule in a few years).

>> No.8066381


I made that saturday :P

>> No.8066435

I own a full service restaurant. I'm in the kitchen pretty much open to close. I love it and hate it at times

>> No.8066444

Been at it for 7 years now plus 1 year of dish ive been the chef of a pretty decent pub for 2 years now and im only 22. Its sad that the owner is selling it in two years though i was able to change the menu to everything house made and boosted the weekly food sales from around 12k avg to 33k average in just a year in a half

>> No.8066474

Been in it for about 10 years now, finally about to take over as Head Chef for the first time at the restaurant I've worked,for the last 3 years.

Shits getting serious now, 26 and I still have my health. I'll be the youngest Head Chef for 50 miles around my parts.

>> No.8066647
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I just finished "chef school" and just started working in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere. Joachim Koerper is the consulting chef, but he's barely here. I guess it's still pretty cool that I landed my first job in a place like this, it might even pave the way to my career goals. The workload is bearable. once summer ends this turns into a snoozefest. Honestly, I dig this life because I am not the most social kind of guy. Bags under my eyes and a sore back were always traits I've had since I was 17. I'm still learning everyday and that's what I love about this. You have to be better and faster than you were yesterday and you can actually feel the change from time to time. I haven't developed any addictions besides smoking, at least for now. working 10 hours a day with one ay off will eventually take its toll but it'll be worth it. I guess I'm one of those people who like the violence and pressure of working in a kitchen. Call me a masochist but I don't see myself doing anything else in the future. Here's hoping I'll make it somewhere

>> No.8066674

Anybody else love this field?

I still love cooking even though I've been doing it professionally for six years. It only gets more enjoyable as I get more and more creative input. I never had much of a social life anyway, and the camaraderie you get with your fellow cooks in a good kitchen is fucking awesome. I still keep in touch with people I worked with back when I started out. And the feeling of cranking out a busy service is great. The pay is shit, that's the only part I don't care for, but I feel like there's a general feeling in the industry that that should change, and hopefully it will.

>> No.8066693

great job!

>> No.8066746

Are all staff meals that good? Could a customer order whatever the staff is having?

>> No.8066918

Where is that? Portugal? I work under Joachim, right now, I'm >>8064715, as well.

>> No.8066921

To be fair the drinking problem is likely because he went to school for geology; we're a rowdy, alcoholic bunch.

>> No.8067098


Nah the customers can go fuck themselves and order off the menu, thats a once a week treat for the staff.

>> No.8067132

I work at subway , but I doubt that counts

>> No.8067147
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My station on brunch days.

>> No.8067150
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the other side of my station

>> No.8067159

thats our saute station

pic related is our pasta side.

Thats a 6 basket pasta well, a double french top and a plantcha.

>> No.8067161
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>> No.8067629

is that an MDF chopping board?

>> No.8067662


Gotta admit I'm jelly. That's a pretty tight looking little set up.

How many cooks do you usually have in there? And what the fuck is that thing on the far end of the island (next to the fryer/plantcha?) with the two big wheel things?

>> No.8067667 [DELETED] 
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this guy is a QT in this one picture. it's a shame that his tats are so awful.

>> No.8068178


>> No.8068187

who is the girl

>> No.8068200

That's the grill/rotisserie. 2 breakfast chefs 2 lunches chefs 5 dinner chefs that rotate 4 sous plus banquet sous and then our exec.

>> No.8068255

>implying it isn't just some nameless he picked up at the club

>> No.8068394

That's literally on """"celebrity"""" big brother in the UK

So someone who is of similar fame as MPWJ

>> No.8068455

Yeah I'm a chef at McDonald's. Probably the toughest restaurant I've worked but hey its a living

>> No.8069083


>> No.8069572

It's pretty good. It seems like it's one of the only things I am really good at.

>> No.8069576

What did it take for you to land that job?

>> No.8069582

What kind of food do you serve? How many seats? What got you in to the business

>> No.8069587

gotta start somewhere right?

>> No.8069604

That's some good work ethic

>> No.8069783

yes, Portugal. Are you at Eleven?

>> No.8069825
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>mfw im the dish bitch and steal your clean towels

>> No.8070089

Some luck and a good sales pitch to be honest. I don't have a ton of experience but I'm college educated and just sold him on my desire to become a chef which is totally true.I staged for 2 10 hour shifts and just did what I was told and kept my head down. I got hired specifically for breakfast/lunch and as far as I'm aware something like 30 people applied and I know for a fact they staged 15 of them and then hired 5 of us.

Started at 12.50, full 40 with full benefits and PTO. Super thankful every day I walk in there desu. I have absolutely no understanding of how I got the job over that many people.

>> No.8070166

by college educated I mean 60 hours as a poli sci major

>> No.8070181


wait what

>> No.8070183

Does inspecting them count?

>> No.8070188

Most common shit you pull restaurants up for?

Most disgusting thing you have ever seen?

>> No.8070192

>same restaurant almost 20 years
>every position FOH
>also desserts, salad, dish, and prep
>now managing
I'd much rather be the barista.

>> No.8070225

most common critical/foodborne risk factor would be cross contamination
most common priority-tier would be improperly mixing sanitizer too strong or too weak for dishwashing
most common dink and dunk item would be no certified food manager on site. In some establishments, you can tell where it makes a difference, in others, you can see where it doesn't do shit due to management, or the language barrier.

Most disgusting was a German roach infestation in a meat department of a supermarket. The food was provided from shitty cleaning of meat saws and other equipment, moisture from leaking wastewater lines from the display units, and harborage conditions all over the area. The worst were inside the large meat saws where you could tell they never opened it up to clean inside.

Aside from roaches running live on top of raw meat in the prep area in daylight, the dripping wastewater from inside the display unit was falling directly onto the meat being sold to consumers.

Altogether we destroyed 8600 lbs of meat, and forced closure due to the size of the infestation throughout the entire building. The State inspector from the meats group was there to witness the horror.

>> No.8070242

Ok, so if those are the real issues, why do you harass us about half and half dispensers?

>> No.8070251

Mechanical ones? I got no problem with them unless there's no one around to open it up for me so I can look at the guts of the unit. Same goes with ice machines. Easy upkeep unless you let it slip by, and then it gets nasty rather quickly.

>> No.8070264

We have kind of a cunt for a health inspector.
We never actually have major violations, but she loves to dick us around about little things.

>> No.8070272

>yfw my restaurant has a vacuum sealer hidden in the basement but we use it daily.
>we're part of a hotel so the part of the basement is housekeeping's shit so the health inspector never looks there

>> No.8070293

I supervise them, it really does depend on your inspector. Some folks key in on different things, others are dogmatic and everything is in black and white.

This is common too, very few are brave enough to go into cellars, tight closets, attics, etc. I don't care much for them myself unless I see things that indicate something's up. A horror I saw was a supermarket that had a large storage area in the back with clutter and old equipment that had other rooms and areas in the back- after making a 'path', I was able to get to the back and saw a collapsed roof with a bunch of pigeon skeletons and a nest of corn snakes. Fun times.

>> No.8070297

yeah, this is an upscale hotel so the basement is just where the service staff does its thing. Its super clean and we take care of it. I just know its an automatic fail in my city.

>> No.8070301

This woman seems like she would rather be a scientist.
She's always going on about the ph of the dishwasher, and telling us to put our half & half in fucking pitchers on ice (way more messy and unsanitary).
Her favorite thing to bitch about is the way we stack our paper cups.

>> No.8070313

where do you put your half and half?

>> No.8070319

In thermal containers/ dispensers.
We have 2, so they are cleaned every 2 hrs and refilled.

>> No.8070322

yeah but do you keep them refrigerated?

>> No.8070336

Like how?
The original and half containers are refrigerated: then it sits *cold* in the thermal container where it stays *cold* for up to 2 hours.

>> No.8070343

I have no issue with that on an inspection as long as it's staying cold, or it's being used within 4 hours. If you're using time as the health control, then all I would need to see is the procedure and how you're logging times.

If temp is off, and there's no time logs though, then I'd dock.

I do realize that health codes vary by jurisdiction though, but I try to be nosy and ask questions before turning an inspection report into a bloody red massacre with a pen.

>> No.8070348

Yeah you need to keep that shit in a lowboy or on ice. Shes right to bitch at you. That shits probably drifting into the danger zone a lot faster than you think.

>> No.8070362

Yeah, we use time as a control, but we don't really have time for logs. Even if we did, enforcing them would be a bitch.
Waddaya say you go check out that place down the road where they don't wash their hands and have roaches and shit?
We have never had any trouble in 20 years. She's just on a power trip.

>> No.8070368

whats so hard about ice/keeping it in a lowboy?

>> No.8070381

Dude, when no health inspector ever has given a shit for 20 years, we are not going to change our system for a bitch cunt.
We have no violations, ever, except very minor notations like put away the produce faster.

>> No.8070387

Youre just getting mad though for no reason. Just because the others didnt say anything doesnt make it an okay thing. She may totally be on a power trip but it doesnt change that shes totally right to be bothered by it.

Further you're not answering the question. Whats so hard about putting it on ice or down low in a lowboy? Whatre you using it for? Like why would you put your foot down on that specifically?

>> No.8070390

Messy, see above. Much less sanitary.

Restaurant is fucking small: no room for that shit.

>> No.8070403

ice isnt less sanitary at all if youre keeping whats being chilled under 40 degrees. Youre being retarded simply because shes being a bitch about it. Its a closed container. Just put it in ice just to make sure.

>> No.8070406

I work as a delivery driver for Panera bread I honestly wouldn't recommend this job to anyone. I have met the craziest characters on my deliveries that make the users of this site seem like rational human beings.

>> No.8070440

After reading this thread I'm glad I chose to follow through with my Network Certs and specialize in VOIP / Phone systems.

Goddamn you all have it tough.

>> No.8070443

I've worked as a cook in a variety of restaurants for 4 years. It was a lot of fun. At the beat place I worked at, a local farmer would show up with a truck full of shit and it was my job to come up with a special for the night using all of it. The thrill of a good dinner rush when your team is nailing everything and the waitresses are coming back with compliments is always a good feeling.

I got into the industry with zero background, I was a struggling liberal arts grad at the time trying to take whatever job I could get (though food/cooking was always something I was passionate about).

The problem was the pay and hours were shit. I finally put my liberal arts degree to use and got a nice office job in the city that pays a lot better, with none of the rush.

>> No.8071303


>> No.8071311

Do I have to be a celebrity to get MPWJ to suck on my tits?

>> No.8071324

I worked in a restaurant for a month or so washing dishes. I would have given the job a better chance had the tip money been even half decent or if I was respected even partially. Didn't realize that most places pay you tips based on the tips earned during the day. The place I worked at did it for every hour you'd work you would get a constant tip amount of some sort. So I could work busiest Friday for 8 hours and get paid same tips as someone doing fuck all on a Monday for 8 hours. Not only that, front end staff straight up told me they pocketed a massive amount of tips and only reported a fraction of it.

As I quit, boss replied to me in a shitty manipulative way, so I just left them high and dry because of it.

>> No.8072240

saved from page 9

>> No.8072254
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Any one use gel insoles? What are the best? my feet are in agony and my big toe has constant pins and needles even after my shift

>> No.8072276

some basic insoles and tylenol and not being a pussy.

>> No.8072299

just don't wear shoes that are to small

came back home with toes the size of fat man thumbs

>> No.8072352

I got my work shoes a size bigger than normal but its still happening. I heard insoles can help with foot and back pain so i was wondering if people here knew of decent ones.

Whats the point of destroying my body for a few bucks if there is a product that can help?

>> No.8072391

Fuck, I know you. ffs I even have a crush on you KEK.

>> No.8073132

hey, man, that's pretty cool! You must know the people I work with. Maybe we'll meet someday! Joachim is dropping by on the 15th, btw. Let's see how that turns out.

>> No.8073312

Change jobs. Sometimes just getting to a new kitchen can do the trick.
You don't need a passion to do a decent enough job as cook, but you really shouldn't despise your work.
I love cooking, but I hate how many fucking assholes and idiots there are in the industry.
>that's every work sector
No, really, work in the food service industry for a while, it is worse. And people like Ramsay prove it.

>> No.8073370

On Saturdays(last day of the work week) the cooks in the restaurant I used to work at would make the best pizza I've ever eaten in my entire life. It was the sous' own dough recipe and then all of the best ingredients that were left over. I was so grateful as a food runner that they'd let us have some, and I was bitter when the servers would only come down to the kitchen to get a slice. God I fucking hate servers. That pizza is the thing I miss the most about the job, that and the cooks. Really loved the guys on the line, they made work so much fun.

>> No.8073578

whats type of food is that?

>> No.8073587

I used to work as a delivery guy at a mom and pop pizza/italian place does that count?

>> No.8073598

as someone who works in IT which is basically as far away as possible from cooking i can attest there are idiots in every work sector

>> No.8073600

>breakfast chef
>get two hours to myself before anyone else can get into the building
>get to make myself whatever I want

>> No.8073610

Used to work as a "line cook" for Eddie Huang and then moved to a real restaurant. Started at prep now work lunch/brunch.

Hoping to be able to do Expo at brunch service. Job is a pain in the ass but I enjoy what I do and I know people enjoy the food I put out. There's nothing like banging out 7 entrees for 1 table in a timely matter solo (all were from my station)

>> No.8074087

Uh, sorry, I don't work at Portugal's Eleven, though, I should have clarified.

How the hell would you even know with that little information? Just curious

>> No.8074311

Baker here, best job in the restaurant. Formerly did all kinds of shit including managing a few kitchens, fell into baking completely by accident and it's actually pretty great. Although it is funny that my current profession is the only one in the world that gets pissed off at pies.

Just stay the fuck out of my way and leave my desserts alone or I'll garrote you with a cake leveler.

>> No.8074475

>God I fucking hate servers
They whine about everything but they've never had an actual hard job in their lives.

>> No.8074622

I work for a catering company. Seen some fucked up shit. We aLL regularly pick food up off the floor. Except the pastry chef, he's a germ freak. One time we got this bag of parmesan delivered, that had a live giant moth inside. The bag was fucking sealed. It was living off the cheese. Fucking horrorshow man

>> No.8074625

My first summer in the industry. Do restaurants generally get busier or quieter during the winter months?

>> No.8075586
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>working with oblivious retards
>putting containers on the floor then onto cutting boards without cleaning it
>cross contaminating like motherfuckers
>touching raw proteins then touching ready to eat food

Once I saw one of those fucks put cooked shrimp in a bowl with raw fucking shrimp and they had the audacity to pick it out and put it on a plate. I picked the plate from his hand, dumped all in the trash and told him I'm not assisting him anymore. Nothing gets me fucking more mad than prepping a meal then having all my time and effort get fucked by a careless faggot.

>> No.8075937

Depends on the area and restaurant, in some places they can be steady year round, others don't even open in the winter. Generally it is slower in winter though.

>> No.8075952

Unless you're at one of those mall restaurants like Cheesecake Factory or pf changs.

>> No.8076928

Did a 14.5 hour shift without stopping yesterday, was relieved to realize I have all of this Friday off. Thinking of getting a new tattoo.

Still getting used to the new place, but getting better, getting the hang of prepping efficiently so I have a couple of jobs going at once.

>> No.8077069
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who here /cleanmachine/?

>> No.8077072


How do I get a line cook job? They all ask for experience. How experienced do I need to be to do basic shit like saute and grill

>> No.8077109

More than you think.

>> No.8077124
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I shouldn't have to touch the dish machine, but I still end up cleaning the oil filter ever week. I've shown half a dozen new hires exactly how to do it, and do it right, but they are all incompetent, and somehow with all the fucking turnover we've had I'm the only person that actually knows the goddamn fry station backwards and forwards... so when one asshole fucks up cleaning the oil filter it inevitably trickles down and catches up with to me, becoming my mess.

Literally every time I've finally gotten a new guy to do this easy as fuck task properly he left or moved to a different station, and somehow it's been like 6 months of nothing but incompetence, so I'm in the fucking dish room first thing every Thursday night dicking around with the lowest of the menial tasks.

Pic related, except mine is missing a wheel, and the other three barely turn.

>> No.8077180 [DELETED] 


>> No.8077220


Super helpful response there bro thanks

>> No.8077601


lamb, oyster mushrooms, creamed leeks, brussel sprouts and fingerling potatoes, use your eyes brah

>> No.8077817

Pants... PANTS!

>> No.8077894

Dish is such a pain in the arse.

>> No.8077941

It's really how the kitchen is setup that's the main issue, including how they like things done. For a couple weeks you'll be learning the ropes, unless you have experience and can just get to it. Basic shit
>steak doneness
>burger doneness
>chicken temp
A lot of places do things uniquely but with similar dishes and equipment.
Find a restaurant to start as dish, move up to prep cook, then move to line cook. Stop at dish if you don't like the people or the kitchen, find a new place. After you get experience doing linecook and below you can basically work in any kitchen, for some high end places you'll have to start at dish or prep cook, depending on what position is open or how good you are at not being a retard.

Grilling may be basic, but if you only cook for yourself you have to learn what people like and how to make it taste good. Taste everything btw, have someone else taste it as well and take their opinion into consideration, even if it's just some dishman. ESPECIALLY if you don't like the dish. Heard "hey who likes coleslaw" too many times.

>> No.8078033
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>when you keep your work environment neat and organised and lazy cunts steal shit like towels cause they know you'll always have some layed out
>in the middle of cooking and handling food
>go to grab towel to wipe off hands and continue
>all my towels stolen by dish bitch
>have to run to get another
>food starts burning

>> No.8078166

So I work in a kitchen with a fairly relaxed dress code, does anyone have suggestions for attire? I have been there for a little over a year now and I so far I wear cargo shorts and restaurant t-shirts as they where free. I am trying to find some more comfortable underwear to wear in the kitchen and also socks wouldn't be a bad thing, the sweating is very real.

>> No.8078177


I spent 2 hours of my Sunday night shift last week snaking out a clogged grease trap. Exec and GM, two people who make 5x the money I do, stood over my shoulder the whole time, offering 'advice".

I feel your pain.

>> No.8078183

Do you make the pasta in house?

>> No.8078241

I started out as a dishwasher last year when the place I'm at opened. This summer, I moved up to the line, but it's starting to slow down, so I might have to work a few dish shifts in the off season. I don't care as long as I get paid the same and get around the same amount of hours though.

>> No.8078745
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>tfw every morning is spent cleaning the fryer while all the other prep cooks get to have fun

It's fine. I like seeing the sides all shiny from my hard work.

>> No.8078761

Sound exactly like the stovemonkeys.

At least the servers make a semi-decent wage.

>> No.8079063


>> No.8079076

Stay being the man, brother.

>> No.8079087

I can feel you on that. I enjoy seeing the progress of myself. Having to push harder than you did the day before. Some people find it pleasing and others will say it's crazy. Only on the fact of never stopping. Been in for 7 years and I will say it has made me a better person in all around life.

>> No.8079409

Everything gets made in house. And I mean everything. I personally make the sausage from whole pork shoulder and get the pork belly set up for cure. Breakfast cook and all. If we run out its on me.

>> No.8079714

>she loves to dick us around about little things
That's a good thing, anon.

>> No.8079863

I've been cooking professionally for about 12 years now. I really love it. It lets me travel, see the world! I'm kind of nomadic to begin with, and cooking is the kind of career that let's me just wander about. If I get tired of some place, I can just leave and no one is terribly torn up about it. For sure, some places are not super happy, but they know I'll wander back eventually.

With that being said, when I'm on the job their are few chefs more dedicated and passionate about what they do. From searching this board and many websites looking for ideas and techniques, translating foreign cookbooks, meeting(and getting smashed) with chefs around the world, teaching and learning new techniques and study study study. Pushing myself everyday to be better. I always feel like cooking is an rpg of sorts. You get out what you put in. You can specialize in certain areas, or become a jack of all trades, it's up to you. When you reach certain skill levels, new opportunities open up for you. I've truly enjoyed my career.

>> No.8079954

Awesome. We make the pasta and everything else in house where I work as well. I heard making fresh pasta was rare though.

>> No.8080044
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buy these you fuckboy

>> No.8080055
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>walk onto hot line
>ticket rolls in
>pull it off garmo's printer
>sugarmonkey is engrossed in torching a brulee and doesn't notice
>look saute right in the eyes and call off
>'auto-fire: six half chickens, monegasque, pork chop, bolo, feature times two!'
>it's quarter to close
>her face when

>> No.8080061
File: 16 KB, 500x308, y6RptqJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a funny story from a m8 who works in a barbecue restaurant

>Be cooking
>greasy ass hands n shit
>dish bitch stacey keeps stealing towels from him cause he broke up w/ her friend and she's a catty bitch
>catches on one day and hides a couple of towels in his uniform
>stacey dumbfounded when she cant find any towels to steal
>complains to the manager about not having enough towels
>he knows this is bullshit because there's an open cupboard with a few towels still in there
>she storms up to friend and asks where he put the towels in that flustered/inquisitive tone we all know and hate
>whips out a towel from his shirt and starts cleaning his greasy ass hands with it
>"sorry, darling, no idea"
(we live in australia btw)
>stacey gets mega-rustled
>manager's face when

>> No.8080064

>How do I get a line cook job?
you don't. you get a dishwashing job and prove you're not a retard by doing your own job plus all the chop-monkey work and all the extra cleaning the cooks want to pawn off on you, then you get to be a cook.

>> No.8080073

In all seriousness, wear crocs. And not some fake ones, the originals

>> No.8080075

my dishwasher friends all recommend athletic "moisture wicking" underwear apparently it makes a difference, I'm mostly on salads and prep so I have no experience

>> No.8080078

was that supposed to be funny or shocking or what?

>> No.8080087

I use sika flex clogs and i have zero pain after a 12 hr shift
but your feet aren't my feet go to a doctor and get your feet checked out
I have literally never had an insole make noticable difference for me tho

>> No.8080110

I feel this so much, I work in a medium/high end restaurant (think earls or a little nicer) and I got straight to line cook with minimal food experience and zero kitchen experience
then again we have rlly high turnover, three other cooks were hired on with me and only one of them still works with me, I've been at this job for 5 months
I started at 13/hr no benefits tho

>> No.8080128
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>the sweating is very real.

Very unorthodox suggestion but check this out.

>icepack on where your arteries are
>cools blood
>cool blood flows throughout your body

I work as a line cook and I'm considering on getting these since I already do things like lifting, running and shooting.

As for underwear, I tried Uniqlo's airsim underwear since I'm a fan of their airism shirts but holy fuck they are uncomfortable as they bunch up so I'm looking for an answer too.

For the shirt, get a dryfit shirt. T-Shirts that buisinesses tend to give out for free are made of shitty and unbreathable materials that are total ass to be in when you're sweaty.

>> No.8080153

I work for a hole-in-the-wall chinese place, am white. don't do much cooking

>> No.8080490

What do you do?

>> No.8081083

That looks really constricting on the biceps. Does it inhibit movement at all?

>> No.8081193
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>It's an "old people prove once again that they are the single worst group of customers ever to darken the door of any establishment serving food and drink" episode

>> No.8081209
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I worked in a shop in a senior center briefly. The sweetheart/entitled asshole ratio was about 1.5/1.

Have any stories?

>> No.8081221
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You do get the odd sweetheart, oddly enough it's usually more old men being regulars and being awful nice than little old women, but generally old people are fucking cancerous.

>One of my first jobs, working as a Waiter in a reasonably nice restaurant and bar
>A couple have asked for the manager and told him to give them another waiter because their first one was being "brutish"
>Oh, it's Darren, our token black guy
>I go to serve them instead
>Guy asks for the steak, which is served on a bed of basmati rice with a side of chunky chips and rocket, along with frizzled onions and a pepper sauce/garlic butter
>"I want it medium-well done, want the rice to be around the steak not under it, no salad, I also only want the onions laid over the steak and not all tangled together in a mess, and I want both garlic and pepper sides."
>christ almighty, alright
>Woamn doesn't even order, her husband just orders her scampi and some soup for some reason
>Gets food
>Calls me over after a while
>"I want to send this back, it's undercooked"
>Almost all of the steak and chips are eaten
>Steak definitely not "undercooked"
>Woman pipes up about hair in her soup
>There was a hair
>It was gray
>The dude who made it is ginger
>Explain that I can't just give him a new steak since he ate pretty much all of his first one
>"Well I expect not to be charged"
>Woman mutters some shit
>Eventually they get their bill
>Obviously been charged as normal
>He kicks off
>Attempts to leave without paying
>no, lol
>Eventually pays, spits on the shoe of one of the greeters than he and his wife sit outside our place for 20 minutes telling passers by how awful we are

>> No.8081298

>sit outside our place for 20 minutes telling passers by how awful we are
I'd say it must be nice to have that kind of free time, but here I am with 20 tabs up on a Cantonese insult swapping forum.

I think the reason I got so many nicer old folks is because it was a dirt cheap thrift store that only had junk and catered mostly to fixed income or really poor old people who didn't really have the cash to throw their weight around.

I don't think I'd want to work in a restaurant in leisureworld. I've been there too and the old people there are awful.

>> No.8081397

>this is the way we've always done it
>it's our sacred tradition
>so what if science, specifically simple thermodynamics says it's a risky practice, our traditions are sacred!
>also we generally hate being told what to do by a women
>our traditions ensure a good harvest
>we must stone one family in the town square every year, to ensure a good harvest
>this is our sacred tradition
>fuck empirical evidence to the contrary

this is what you sound like. you can't be reasoned with, and you're too stubborn to change your ways bc of "muh traditions"

seriously, either put the shit on ice or kys. the health inspector is right. maybe the old ones didn't care bc they didn't have the science education necessary to see the problem. Either way, you're just being stupid by complaining and continually losing points on your inspection.

>> No.8081431


Not me, I'm not an uneducated poorfag.

>> No.8081467

>worked as a dish bitch at cousin's fancy restaurant for 6 months
>eventually get to be a line cook
>head chef there was super aggressive high in testosterone while I'm the total opposite
>cousin was a cheap jew and paid me min wage
>ended up quitting
>got another job at some Applebee's in a hick town
>last about 7 months because my line cooks were total dumbasses and the servers were awful as fuck to me
>would get wrote up over the dumbest shit
It's not for everyone.

>> No.8081480

You sound like a real retarded cunt.
And you know nothing about thermodynamics

>> No.8081767

What were some of the things you got written up for?

>> No.8081790
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>tfw qt3.14 server brought us coffees and i think maybe she drew a heart on my foam

>> No.8081827

>And you know nothing about thermodynamics

I know that leaving a container of half-and-half in warm kitchen air will cause it to go from 34F to 40F faster than if that same container is put in an ice bath or in a reach-in cooler.

what now, bitchass?

>> No.8081831
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>tfw wasted 7 years of my life
College application didn't arrive by the deadline yesterday because credential assessment agency took more than 3 weeks to verify that I passed high school.

>> No.8081897

Cant you just go to college at the next intake? Are you going to cooking school or escaping a kitchen?

>> No.8081909
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Applebee's line cook reportan in

>> No.8082016

Bartending sounds like a cool job

>> No.8082505

man our new bartender has probably the nicest tits ive ever seen

>> No.8082536

I might be wrong here, but I vague recall hearing that Americans can only receive college funding from the government at their first possible intake, i.e. once you're 19, you can no longer apply.

>> No.8082600

Yeah thats not true

>> No.8082745

False. I recieved student loans at age 24

>> No.8082964

they'll give that money to pretty much anyone because you cannot ever, ever, ever default on the loan. not hardship nor bankruptcy or even death itself will cancel that debt.

>> No.8082986
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>just got home from work
>going right back at 7 am
>tfw i actually get 6-ish hours of sleep tonight

>> No.8082997
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I cut the tip of my thumb off today trying to chiffonade some basil. I fucking suck

>> No.8082999

no no no no no no

>> No.8083006

Grill cook here. Worked 9 hours today and have 9 tomorrow. My back hurts like fuck. I've had jobs way tougher but this one is killing me. When I'm the only guy on the grill I can go all day with no break. No relief, and my clean up at the end of the night is by far the worst compared to anyone else. Shit sucks I need to find a new job

>> No.8083037
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>use bathroom after coworker
>it smells like heroin
I've been able to tell that the dude was loaded ever since he was first hired, but he gets his job done, so I don't really give a shit. Smoking drugs in the bathrooms during service while the dining room is full is another story. Even though it bothered me, I still didn't say anything to anybody about it because I'm not a rat.

>> No.8083059


I've seen this post here recently. Anyway kitchen staff are almost all drug addicts. Most people are high or drunk at work in my experience

>> No.8083076

I worked 13hrs today and got 12 tomorrow. I work open to close with this of prep and cleaning and it's gonna be hot af too. Good luck with your job but your bitching to the wrong guy. You prob should find another job if you're so miserable

>> No.8083102

I know. I was a drug addict for 10 years. I at least had the decency to get high in a car, the walk-in, behind a dumpster, or pretty much anywhere else where the customers were unlikely to know about it. Doing that shit in the dining room bathroom is inexcusable.

>> No.8083106


I know I should. But I work like 5 min from my house and I like my freedom at work. I get to do my own thing and don't have to hear shit from the exec chefs unlike the line cooks. And yea today I was sweating my balls off. Getting shitfaced the night before didn't help

>> No.8083114


Yea that is pretty ballsy. Some people just don't give a shit it's ridiculous. Like fuck man have a little decency

>> No.8083146

it does suck not getting any kind of down time or a "break" so I do feel ya, man. Grilling can be hot and fucking annoying too.

Winter is coming. At least where I live thank god. I'm sick of sweating balls

>> No.8083672

>My back hurts like fuck
buy danksos

>When I'm the only guy on the grill I can go all day with no break
drink water

>clean up at the end of the night is by far the worst compared to anyone else.
clean while you work; do pre-close where/whenever possible

>> No.8084259

Has anyone here had no experience in a kitchen but started working in one anyway? How did that go? I start next week and I have zero experience with restaurants (and I barely know how to cook).
How fucked am I?

>> No.8084326

Why would you clean the fryer in the morning, and not after service the night before?

>> No.8084357


She either did or she didn't, anon. Which was it?

>> No.8084392


Maybe means she didn't

>> No.8084396


Yea you're probably pretty fucked. How'd you get hired?

>> No.8084421

Are you on dish? If not, you're probably fucked if you don't know shit about cooking.

>> No.8084882

Keep an open mind, keep your head down, make notes if you have to, and follow your chef's orders without question and you will be fine.

>> No.8085200

night guys just pawning some work onto us. It's fine, they work hard.

>> No.8085216
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I walked in with my resume and asked for a job.
I THINK/hope I'm on prep and the guy did say I'll receive training.
This is what I plan on doing. I want to get into the food industry so I'll try my best.

I have a friend who works there and she said new hires start out making toast or something. This restaurant is a breakfast/lunch place. And she also said that I'll mainly be putting things together rather than cooking whole dishes.

>> No.8085355
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I mean maybe it was a heart. looked a bit misshapen. Coulda been the rebel alliance symbol. Definitely was something drawn on there. The other coffees where just random splotches

>> No.8085412

Prep is pretty easy with training as long as you're smart enough to follow recipes and basic instructions.

>> No.8085427

I can follow directions and recipes, and I have no problem listening to directions.

Do you think you could give me a breakdown of the basic skills one needs to know when starting at a restaurant?

I've been watching videos about basic knife skills and practicing cooking eggs, but what else should I learn?

>> No.8085459

Depending on the kitchen, you may want to buy a good personal knife to bring with you. Some kitchens have shitty house knives and prefer that you bring in your own. Not all are like that though.
I'd wait until you actually start to buy one.

>> No.8085488
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How was your weekend in the business, /ck/?

Understaffed as fuck, closing down in the end of this month, so we can reopen under a different owner, here, that hopefully is worth our michelin star. We are almost sure none of us are going to get paid anytime soon for our work this month, aside from comissions. Had a shitty service of my part, saturday night, and an exhausting one today. I still think I feel less miserable than I should, its a good thing.

Simple foie gras dish we did for some special table some days ago.

>> No.8085492

Fuck this is huge, I didn't notice the resolution.

>> No.8086094


If you got hired with no experience then they shouldn't expect much. You'll catch on quick

>> No.8086237

Not exactly true. Eventually they'll sell the loan to a collector with minimal documentation. If you continue to not pay they try to collect through court order. If you show up and challenge they almost never have documents that stand up to scrutiny and courts will refuse to force payment.

>> No.8086281

There's a difference between loving to cook and working in a kitchen. You sound like you enjoy cooking, but dont like working boh. I understand. Get another job dude. You can always cook for yourself.

>> No.8086287
File: 200 KB, 585x645, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 6'4" chef at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock making over $130,000 per year

>> No.8086337


Gimme a baconator and frosty, chef

>> No.8086420

No problem, would you like fries with that?

>> No.8086462


Your fries are shit no thanks

>> No.8086463
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Is it true that all Wendy's chefs are tall big big cocks?

>> No.8086484

I'm 5 days in on a 9 day "week". I'm not working full shifts though, so it aint no thang. I'm covering for a boss that went out of town. I get some time off in a few weeks anyways, so might as well make some cash for the trip and to make up for the hours I'll be losing. Friday and Saturday were kind of slow now that summer's over, but tonight was pretty rockin.

>> No.8086519

It's temporary, but I started working in one for a month. I don't know how you guys put up with people and their kids. Today, two kids were wandering around without a parent nowhere to be seen.

Otherwise, it's usually them running around or treating the restaurant like a playground.

>> No.8086588

>Does it inhibit movement at all?


>> No.8086603

7 months ago I started as a chef in a small cafe, quite simple breakfast menu with lots of daily baking of stuff (muffins, cakes, brownies etc etc) then a lot of pastries from scratch like pies and the like

I was supposed to have two weeks on the job training working alongside the chef but he left after one day, I was in a similar situation to you thrown in the deep end with no experience

I did have a small amount of experience from having worked in cafes/restaurants before but I had never been in the kitchen or done food prep.

I struggled at first and had to put a lot of hours in to get everything done for the day (only one person in the kitchen because as I said it's a small cafe) I was working 12+ hours a day 6 days a week for the first two months and as expected I did make a lot of mistakes at first but I never made the same mistake twice and I went home and researched anything I was unsure about rather than asking the owners questions continually

Basically if I could give any advice (I know I'm not necessarily the best person to be giving advice but it sounds like you're in a similar situation to me):

-Pay attention
-Listen carefully to any advice given to you by anyone and take it on-board, it's up to you to decide whether it's accurate advice (I was initially asking even the waiters and baristas etc for advice and requesting they let me know if any of the food seemed out of place or different to how it had been in the past, don't let your ego get ahead of you while you're learning)
-It will be difficult at first, you will make mistakes and you won't be perfect
-Put in the extra effort, you're not going to be able to fill the position of the previous person and your employer should realise that given you have no experience, but you need to show that you're serious about the position and willing to learn (this likely means putting in a lot of extra hours initially)


>> No.8086627
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--Although you don't want to continually be asking questions, don't hesitate to ask rather than fuck up (have a think yourself before asking questions, the worst thing is someone constantly asking questions without first thinking for themselves)
-Try to enjoy yourself (this won't be too hard if you enjoy the work and like the challenge of learning)

Best of luck mate, hope all goes well and at least something in my ramblings can be of help to you

>> No.8087610

The fryer oil gets hot as fuck. Takes hours to cool off so it makes more sense to do it in the morning.

>> No.8088218

Why do chefs have such big egos?

>> No.8088444

Thank you, anon, that made me feel better

>> No.8088595

>sure none of us are going to get paid anytime soon for our work this month, aside from comissions
How the fuck does that work? not getting paid for a month? and commissions? wtf is that in a kitchen?
Most places I know of, but not mich stared places DESU, if the kitchen staff doesn't get paid on payday every two, if not each week, the fuckin chef/manager/owner will find themselves in a unscheduled meeting in the walk-in or behind a dumpster with kitchen staff and their knife roll's in hand - if you know what i mean
Fuuukkkkkk, we got dealers, bookie's, and child support pimps to cover too asshole - did you really think we are going to let you get in your "I own a restaurant with a mich star" $$$$$ ride and drive off in the sunset when we did all the actual fuckin work for that star?
Seriously, what country, state or whatever planet do you live in?
I wish you and the staff, well but have never heard of anything so crazy

>> No.8088606

I'm not a chef, but I got a lot of confidence since I started cooking. I finally started to see I can do things well, at first only cooking, but then also others. It's probably the very same thing.

>> No.8088638

I don't know if I have ever worked with anyone who had a massive ego in nearly 20 years in kitchens.

If you are a server, they can get bitter that they are actually professionals, expected to be proficient in a wide variety of techniques, and therefore in possession of a huge amount of technical knowledge, but if you actually do your job properly, make their jobs as simple as you can and show some respect to them and the restaurant, you will usually it receive back in kind with interest.

tldr; if you actually work in restaurants you sound like an ignorant, insolent little cockwipe who probably deserves to be talked down to.

>> No.8088668

>Why do chefs have such big egos?
1) They have no peers within their restaurant. There's usually one single guy with his salary, and everyone else is a peon/dropout/work visa type. For this reason, being a chef is often intellectually lonely.
2) Despite going to some technical school, and some kind of grunt work on their way up, chefs still do blue collar work, and therefore have a bit of self-defensive chip on their shoulder (well, some do). Hard to be pompous and proud and not say you're a doctor, lawyer, or some other degree program your grandma brags about if you are from that kind of family. If you really like respect, you know you'll never be on that level, but more on the entrepreneur level, if you make it to that point. Don't think for a minute that the Ramseys or Whites of the world actually saved all their hard earned money and opened their own restaurant. They did it with monied partners of the kind of class they never were a part of, nor never would be a part of...and when that makes it, even if for 1-2 years, that chip on the shoulder kind of rears it's ugly head and they start to think they are equals by virtue of income. Well, even the educated thumb their nose at nouveau riche. Either you get that, or you don't. The high ego person usually lives in some cloud of reality that doesn't consider all sides of respect. For instance, on the flipside, when you really know nobel prize winning kind of genius types, or CEOs with the buffet kind of midas touch, you'll understand some of the most amazing successful people in the world feel that they are learning still, and have an ability to be humble because someone who knows their worth isn't out to prove it.

>> No.8088695

About to move across the country for a job cooking at a resort. Just left a one star in NY, so they're bringing me in as a senior. Love the profession. It's one of the last few places you can work where your value is based on work ethic ans skill. Won't ever leave, no matter how much I can hate it at times

>> No.8088709

You know how I can tell youve never worked in a fine dining restaurant in your life?

>> No.8088716

Real Chefs don't, they have experience and knowledge.
Real Chefs lOve to share their knowledge, as long as they have the time, and with someone who actually shares the passion for learning, NOT some punk bitch who watched too much food network (male, female, irrelevant) who took cookery in a high school vocational program and likes to yell at the dishwashers (whom could, and probably will, kick the punks ass - sooner rather than later)
Two chefs come to mind, Keller and Lagasse, there are others
You may or may not like either I don't care, but both of them, in their own way on different occasions and circumstance (long ago), have stated that their culinary careers only expanded when they realized that screaming like a sociopath meant that they were not doing their job.

>> No.8088718

Chef's don't really have big egos per se (pun intended) A chef is honest with people, they know their ability and that their creative mind is the one the kitchen is working with, so they have to steadfast.

>> No.8088727

Not a waiter, but I hate it when the front staff don't educate themselves on the menu. A lot of places do it different, expectations standards etc, but a good waiter will know his food.

>> No.8088738
File: 37 KB, 324x454, 1468358373159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first year of working in a kitchen after culinary school
>always working with grumpy guy who is routined to fuck
>gets mad whenever I ask a question
>gets mad when I don't ask
>undermines my confidence, assumes i don't know basic shit
Basic shit includes beginner level math. Today's example being 45+15.

>> No.8088755

Did you not intern anywhere?

>> No.8088766

I did. For an entire year, not including the school's restaurant.
Can't stay at this place though. Not learning fuck all and the people are.. Special.

>> No.8088767

Yeah man, go find you a better job. Small town or decent sized city?

>> No.8088779

Small town.
But it's a prestigious place, don't get me wrong.
Lots of conferences and customers, fancy, good food.
But it's really not the place for me.

>> No.8088794

Yeah dude, youve gotta move to a bigger place if you wanna go anywhere with that degree. If you live in a small town it cant be that prestigious(not talking trash). If you can afford it, the bigger places with like, hotels that have full service restaurants are the places you want to try to go.

>> No.8088804

I again
Chef means "Chief", in furry smelly short french man boy speak
Chief in Native American speak, mean's your the Mutherfucker in charge
Chief in the Military means your the motherfucker that will pay for it, if anyone under your charge fucks up
Basically, Chief means your in charge and if ANYONE fucks up it's on you
If a Chef asks you to mince a shallot or gut a smurf for him/her, and you don't know how to properly AND YOUR HONEST and ask them to show you how they want it done, a REAL Chef might be annoyed, but they will show you - Once
IF, you ask them the same thing again, ever
They will assume you are wasting their time because you obviously didn't care enough about their time to pay attention the first fucking time they taught you

>> No.8088864

Suck it then
~ and I mean that in a good way 8)
You already know it's not the place for you, so bide your time, learn (suck up) all the knowledge you can, steal everything that isn't bolted down, while you work out your master plan for getting out of town

>> No.8088895
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck up everything you can
>rubs hands jewily

>> No.8088930

I again
Hey your comment was not very professional Michelin tire studded Anon.
That's mo betta front of the house, shady ass Cossack credit card, credit card stuffs

>> No.8089182

who only /3hoursofsleep/ here?

This shouldn't even be happening to me. I only work 8-9 hours so I have plenty of time to sleep but I just don't

>> No.8089361

just got a job at mcdonald's in canada, whatup

>> No.8089492
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Prep guy here.
Working part-time while I go to college.
It's not bad, my co-workers are usually polite and fun to be around. Plus, I get a great meal every shift.
Better than being a dish dog, that's for sure.

>> No.8089690

Anyone who says "pun intended" doesn't deserve to have their post read.

>> No.8089849

Any one here ever worked as a cook in a school? There are opportunity for apprentice cooks being advertised right now and im thinking of going for it. The wage is obscenely low (£3 quid an hour) but it sounds better than washing dishes and like their might be a future in it

>> No.8089913
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Used to work for Hometown Buffet at the mall during 2014 as bitchboy.
We had three carts for used dishes and cups and shit, and they were always overloaded beyond regulation because we weren't allowed to make rounds between dining room and port with them more than a couple times a day at specific intervals and only if a manager approved bringing them in, So while the carts are just sitting out in the dining room full of crap there's a lack of usable dinnerware for the customers to use.
The three-part sink was never maintained, it became common for a tray or bowl to be sitting in lukewarm detergent water for a full shift until somebody on kitchen duty fishes it out of there to be used immediately. Everything was ran through the dish washing machine instead because it was faster, the thing is that if you were on dish washing duty you didn't get any protection other than cheap, paper-thin disposable plastic wrap meant for when you're stacking sandwiches. Have fun with those first-degree burns. You're not allowed to use anything else despite the fact that heavy duty latex gloves were supposed to be standard issue for dish washers.
The thing about the dishwasher is that the people working it were told not to clear out any food scraps left on the plates and junk, management believed that the hot water jets would be enough to blast it all away and it'd be a waste of time to . Except that the dishwasher had no detergent loaded into it at any time during operation because it's all being used on the sink instead. So basically anything that's used to prep, cook, contain, or server food with were all still crawling with nasty microbe shit still on it due to an inefficient cleaning process.
Buffets Inc also had recent lawsuits because of how shit their conditions were so it's not like my story was just an edge scenario. Last I heard they're filing bankruptcy, although the place I worked at is still alive and kicking.
I recommend you guys only eat at Asian buffets.

>> No.8090326

How were you not shut down by health inspections?

>> No.8090365

We have this douche that was trying to tell everyone how to do things after his second week there. Everyone just laughs at him and ignores his "advice" though. Dudes delusional as fuck and thinks he's the best at everything even though he's just okay.

>> No.8090426
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Had my first day today.
Holy shit the bants, how can a sperg keep up with the bants?
And if a waiter yells for this and that dish, this many, small or extra in super loud kitchen I forget what he asked for originally and they get mad at me for asking again

It was fun though

>> No.8090439

Chain buffets are hell on earth

>> No.8090523

just be an asshole back.

>> No.8090538

this is true. im a forestry major at my school and the entire department forestry geology gets fucked up routinely

>> No.8090584

I worked at a senior living place in tx for a while and it was shite. the old folks and most of the staff are fine. manager is shithead who eventually fires me and won't say why
head chef is always at other facillity, so 18 hour days cause just me to do everything from prep to cook to cleanup and serve. don't really mind because dosh, bitch manager complains about my overtime but won't hire anyone to help. and because of muh food cost there's never enough of the right stuff to follow the menu like I'm supposed to.

>> No.8090594

do you know it has to sit at a temp between 40 and 140 for four hours to become an issue? nothing ever sits out even close to that long numbnuts

>> No.8090596

bet you won't forget to tuck that shit under anymore

>> No.8090738

What makes you guy stick to your kitchen jobs? I did a few catering courses when I was younger but hated how under paid, over worked and how shitty the environment was for me.

Working in the courts now and making a lot more for less work.

>> No.8090749

easy as shit job to get
no one cares if you have a record
back of house so you don't have to look presentable
no one cares if you come in drunk or wasted as long as you do your job well

for those of us with vices and small or no dreams, it's an ideal job

>> No.8090776

Baker here too, specifically breads most often but switch over to pastry when it's busy, I love it though. Starting at 3am and being done by 1pm and having a day still left is kinda awesome.

>> No.8090786





>> No.8090942


This is why I still work in a kitchen

>> No.8091262

t h i s

it might be shit sometimes, but damn it's pretty good to not give a fuck most of the time

>> No.8091613
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Just bought some of these today.
2200mg of sodium per cube.

Thanks, MPW. I didn't enjoy having normal blood pressure anyway.

>> No.8091681
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>> No.8091732
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lel sounds like a first day. Keep trying friend.

>> No.8091809

So kitchen bros, I am quitting my full time call center job to work back in a kitchen again at a sports bar. I realized my thorough alcoholism makes it difficult to work day jobs. Especially ones that require sitting in one spot and taking the same repetitive shit calls all day. I would honestly rather have less money than be there any longer.

>> No.8091940

Same reason why taco bells are able to stay open when they got rats and shit crawling about

>> No.8092021

>making a lot more for less work
This is why parents tell their kids to go to college and get degrees. Kitchen/catering/restaurant jobs are all considered general labor unless it's some actual fancy shit place like what Ramsay's managing. Fucking anybody can work the fryer or assemble patties at mcdonald's, but few people can bullshit their way through law processions successfully.
I mean shit man, the bar's set so low that most places the only thing you actually need is a $15 food handling license that you print out on printer paper after taking an online multiple choice quiz, it's easier than doing the written section of a driving test.

>> No.8092158

use whole numbers for ratios


>> No.8092171

You at least need to do time/temp logs my man. We have time/temp logs hooked outside of every fridge/freezer and smaller cooling units. We also have time/temp logs for all of our temp controlled items stashed away somewhere on the bar its being served on. each station has its own thermometer specifically for this shit and the chefs have to sign off on the sheets everyday and check to make sure the thermometers are functioning properly.

All its gonna take is for the new kid to forget to put the fresh milk out or some old bitch to get sick. Since you don't have logs of anything they are gonna hammer your ass into the dirt.

>> No.8092175

Its doesnt have to be on ice as long as time control is going on. Along with temp logs for every switch. Fuck I mean get one of those little kitchen timers that clip onto shit. Clip it on your temp log clip board. Set for two hours. Done.

>> No.8092273

Ok lads, I'm planning to go to cooking school so I won't start out as diver.

My plan after school is work in school cafeteria for a few years for steady money and schedule then shift into a busy restaurant where I can actually start working with the real chefs

I don't have huge ambition to make it big, my plan is getting a steady routine and work to keep me busy.

Now you people probably all know how vices are common in the kitchen, weed, even cocaine and especially alcohol, how bad does it get, because I don't smoke, I barely touch alcohol and drugs will probably kill me on trial of it

Also should we make a new general for kitchen staff to shitpost on and bants

>> No.8092298

I do. I'm a chef at Wendy's.

>> No.8092317
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To be honest, I liked Wendy's, but the one near my home closed down because a McDonalds opened up in front of it

>> No.8092318

>My plan after school is work in school cafeteria

I'd rethink that

>> No.8092396

Ok, what's wrong with that?

>> No.8092416

>Now you people probably all know how vices are common in the kitchen, weed, even cocaine and especially alcohol, how bad does it get
It really depends where you work. There's only one obvious drug addict in my kitchen, and he pretty much keeps that shit to himself. I smoke a lot of weed, but I don't drink or do hard drugs (anymore). I don't smoke at work though. There's a few alcoholics, but they're functioning for the most part and don't come in drunk or drink on the job (until closing). If you're not easily peer pressured by drugs and alcohol, then you shouldn't have a problem.

>> No.8092423

Oh I should add that I have also worked other places where 90% of the staff was on some kind of substance 90% of the time. It varies from place to place.

>> No.8092452
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had my first day back in the saddle over the weekend after being out of the game for 10 years. breakfast was dead, lunch popped off a bit.
somebody please fire this bitch

>> No.8092667

You should get some dishwashing gig and work your way up, it's a good way to test if you have the hustle and drive to deal with bullshit and your cooks will have more respect for you if they know where you came from.
School is fine but dishwashing builds character. If you don't care about keeping it clean you have no business in a kitchen. dishwash, school, and then prostigious kitchens

>> No.8093059

Not that guy but in my experience, you are better having a good reference doing dish in a well regarded place than running some bullshit institutional slop kitchen with a captive clientele.

I don't even have papers and have never had to spend more than a fortnight looking for work, and I have high standards in terms of menus and reviews.

Running a section is running a section is running a section and it is the same for dish to grill and pans.

Probably the worst thing you can do is start in a cafeteria, unless you never want to be a big swinging dick on the line.

But hey, different strokes and different work environments mean ymmv, I am from a shitty little island on the ass end of nowhere, though I have worked on 4 different continents including North America and Europe and speak fluent french from working in kitchens where no one spoke English...

>> No.8093122


Never trust a cook who wasn't a dishwasher.

>> No.8093243
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>be diswasher in venue 1 of a 3-venue conference hotel
>executive chef gives me a list of a week's worth of banquet event orders for venue 2
>"can you go to the venue 2 walk-in and look to see if we're short on any product for this week's BEO?"

>> No.8093284
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>There's a difference between loving to cook and working in a kitchen.

This is completely true. Only way to stay in the kitchen for longer periods of time is to go up in rank and eventually have your own kitchen. If you stay as line cook or end up with shitty team you'll basically end up despising cooking, but if you get more freedom that will just spur you further towards cooking and feed your passion because now you're not just whatever someone says but instead you're putting together a menu and getting it actually done. Just don't turn restaurateur - I've seen too many amazing chiefs ruin themselves that way because being a great chef doesn't mean you know the first thing about running the business side of things.

>> No.8093304
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I actually disagree. A lot of cooks, because you're not technically a chef unless you have a diploma, who go up from a dishwasher tend to cut corners everywhere. Whether out of ignorance or laziness it really doesn't matter, but unless you seriously find someone who will mentor you about shit you will have missed a lot of WHY things are done in a certain way and this is what you learn in school. I mean, it's not like that matters if you never go beyond a nondescript joint that's dead half a year, but if you plan to ever get a job in a respectable place you will need some credentials and experience. And if you're bamboozling the head chef it will become real apparent real fast when he puts you on trial run.

>> No.8093306

Set me a joint yeah

>> No.8093339

>because you're not technically a chef unless you have a diploma

Diploma has nothing to do with being a chef. That's what money-hungry cooking schools will tell you.

"Chef" is a job. It's the person who is the head of the kitchen. It derives from the French military rank "chief". In other words, it's the guy who is in charge of the kitchen--diploma has nothing to do with it. You could graduate from a cooking school and still work as a line cook. Or you could be a chef with no diploma.

>> No.8093347

nah man, culinary school grads are all babies who know nothing about working in a real kitchen, yet think they should be running the joint because they have a piece of paper

>> No.8093380

>A lot of cooks, because you're not technically a chef unless you have a diploma
job title.

>who go up from a dishwasher tend to cut corners everywhere
these are the people that tend to know the property inside and out, have good staff relations and the drive to move up rather than throwing a diploma (an arts degree, no less. lel) in the executive's face and telling them they want the sous chef position. i've seen this go down and the guy in charge of my current property will invariably tell these assholes 'i have a dishwashing position open. you'll work it for 6 months instead of the full year because you've already been to school." only one person stayed and that person is now culinary supervisor for my section of the property, in charge of the cooks and general service in absence of the sous chef.

>[snip] this is what you learn in school
or on the job by asking questions, or by researching it for yourself.

> if you plan to ever get a job in a respectable place you will need some credentials and experience
good references will get you a stage. asking for a stage will get you a stage. the line cooks telling the exec or cc to stage you because they've been pawning off chop-monkey work on you for a year will also get you a stage.

>And if you're bamboozling the head chef it will become real apparent real fast when he puts you on trial run.
ace the stage. nothing else matters.

>> No.8094360

>work in a pizza shop
>high school drama 24/7 even though everyone is in their 20's

Pay is decent for the area but god damn is it hard to handle all the bullshit.

>> No.8094368

I'm starting to dislike being a chef.

I want to get a job outside of the food industry but it's all I am educated for so if I do I would probably end up with some minimum wage hard labor job.

>> No.8094386

just started at a japanese place, during school so I take a 5-10 night shift, wonderful owner, learning the dishes wasn't too hard, it's my third day now and I know most of them, mostly since I am not in charge of the ramen station. it sure does take a toll on my energy though.

>> No.8094418

Fuck yes man. Not enough people on here still have the passion.

>> No.8094448

Thinking of leaving the industry as well but I'm still young and could take a 4-year program and still be in good shape

Should I do it /ck/?

>> No.8095788

I reckon you should. Too much sacrifice and not enough reward to work as a chef and its not worth it if you have other options. Go back to school, pick up some work as a commis for the summer holidays or weekends so you still have options

>> No.8096685

whats the post limit on this board?

>> No.8096778

I used to work in a kitchen but now i work a different job that makes way more money. I miss working in a kitchen so much though.

>> No.8096816


>Midas touch like Buffet
>humble and still thinks hes learning

Let me let you in on a little something, did a long stretch in restaurants, now left for law school, will have lived on both sides... you sound like an unemployed English major and nothing else.

Also youre an idiot for responding to such an obvious bait question.

>> No.8096820


Ability to keep up with the bantz is a sign of having worked long ass shifts with unforgiving hardasses. Just keep it up and you will eventually sound like you belong because you do. After that regular soft hands city people will sound like pussies to you.

>> No.8096840

I want to open my own small restaurant where smoked meat/barbecue is sold and served like Jiro Ono's sushi. It'll be by reservation only and served in courses as I choose. It will cost more than a normal shitty place.

How do I find an investor

>> No.8096851


Go to the brooklyn bridge and jump off i hear theres investors in the water.

>> No.8097046


Neat. Pay for my way to NY?

>> No.8097116
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How do I go about getting a raise in this fucking industry?

Currently an Expo/Line cook but more an expo than anything else. I helped open up the restaurant I am working at now and was trying to get the KM job but a server turned GM Ass kisser got it instead and now he thinks he is big shit in the Kitchen.

It's down to me leaving soon and going to a different city or them ponying up and paying me more.

>> No.8097129

anon, usually you can get more money when you k now they can actually pay it. If you are replaceable, or they don't swing big profits, and you haven't gotten any new job responsibilities, it's probably better than you further your official education or save some money, plan your exit...and in the meantime keep some nice job recommendations. When you leave, it'll be that they wish you well :) That's the mature way to go.

>> No.8097226

I enjoyed reading through this thread as I originally wanted to be a cook/chef. My parents forced me to go to university and I realized I had a knack for computers. I'm now repairing computers for $250k/year.

>> No.8097243

I don't work in a restaurant but we have many restaurants as clients and I am an IT vendor for these clients. Love my job

Something i have learned from my job, Is some other vendors are dicks and rude as fuck to restaurant employees

>> No.8097886

stop browsing reddit or go back to it forever, faggot.
also get a better job - applebees is the walmart of restaurants

>> No.8097890

cut myself 10+ times during my first stage
its ok senpai pain is a good teacher

>> No.8097897


>> No.8098083

well he's clearly not doing it even if it's obvious.

homeboy needs to bend his knees and harden the fuck up.

>> No.8099300

New general is up