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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 720x960, bbq chicken - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8045657 No.8045657 [Reply] [Original]

Home Cooked meals! show them off

>> No.8045683

why are you eating on a fucking bed, you animal

>> No.8045684

>this disgusting slop
>eating on your bed

Everything about this is disgusting don't ever post here again.

>> No.8045686

I like to be comfortable

>> No.8045692

fuck off

>> No.8045693
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, 20160804_210801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't cook much.

>> No.8045707

nice what is it?

>> No.8045727
File: 115 KB, 960x720, suppa time - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8045736

fa.m I'm not gonna lie to you, that looks gross

>> No.8045739

Someone's a fuckin normie.

>> No.8045742

No hard feelings everyone's taste vary

>> No.8045756

>fellow southernfag
This is how you eat right here.

>> No.8045772

OP your thread is bad, your meal is disgusting and your lifestyle is laughable. Smarten up, you fucking drip.

>> No.8045773
File: 308 KB, 2048x1536, meatloaf2 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother check out this meatloaf

>> No.8045785

>dat everything

I fucking love baby carrots. I usually steam them. It's boring.

Recipe for carrots in pic?

>> No.8045796

baby carrots with a little water, a lot of butter, dash of salt and brown sugar boil till done I don't use exact measurements

>> No.8045817

I figured it was something like that. Gonna do this next time.

>> No.8045827

yeah they are good....it's how my granny did it I learned from watching

>> No.8045849
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>> No.8045852

what the hell is that pasta shit?

why do Americans have such horrible looking food and terrible dinnerware and cutlery?

I mean mash beans and meat sure. carrots too...okay then. but a heap of pasta?

>> No.8046066
File: 1.71 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0579[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nobody home and I needed something to eat for the next week, so I made an industrial amount of healthy food.

This recipe: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/2256/smoked-haddock-kedgeree

Tastes very good, though I'd recommend adding a shitload of chillies to it, and a lot more spices than they recommend. I also had to use more stock than it said, but partly that's because I timed things poorly.

>> No.8046076

It's mac'n cheese, my family loves it so we have it often

>> No.8046077
File: 344 KB, 1577x1085, kedgeree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My phone camera sucks so the pictures make it look a bit bland and beige. Tastes good though.

>> No.8046091


Looks like mussels and spinach(?)

>> No.8046097

boiled egg and rice?

>> No.8046101

No, >>8046066

It's basically like an Indian fish risotto. Used to be a breakfast for British colonials.

>> No.8046108

oh ok

>> No.8046119
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>> No.8046148
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>> No.8046152
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your food looked a little sad so i fixed it

>> No.8046175

Coors light my man, what have you got there a hot dog and a country fried steak, avocado and orange?

>> No.8046178

Thanks for that

>> No.8046189

anon ur a kind soul
I was gonna take a pic of my lunch but sadly my phone is dead as I am a clutz
imagine a vibrant chicken and spinach soup with garden peas and c arrots

>> No.8046190

what's the fried thing in the back by the way?

>> No.8046194

pork chop

>> No.8046200

Go back where you belong you fucking NEET

>> No.8046205


>> No.8046221 [DELETED] 
File: 755 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just maked it 3 minutes ago


>> No.8046229
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>> No.8046237

>beans, pasta, rice,potatoes and bread

seriously? calm the fuck down.

>> No.8046241

you tried

slathering bbq sauce on a cooked chicken breast doesn't make it barbecued.

9.5/10 missing hot sauce

8/10.. you cooked the fuck out of those carrots

post your own food faggot

did you just pull whatever was left out of the fridge and make a meal out of it?

I like your proportioning but you overcooked your spinach
I bet you have smooth bowel movements

>> No.8046263
File: 2.49 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160818_205253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I had was a microwave and a foreman grill haha

>> No.8046293

not rice that's slaw

>> No.8046298

not spinach actually mustard greens

>> No.8046307

Looks okay .Onions are way too big though

>> No.8046489
File: 3.93 MB, 5312x2988, 20160830_112327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some curry, turned out bretty good

>> No.8046498

your jap curry looks like poo

>> No.8046499
File: 200 KB, 315x435, 07ab8b07c8163c56300770d73813bad1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8046505

No shit, really

>> No.8046521

honestly there's not a single appealing thing in this thread

>> No.8046526

post some appealing food then, your majesty.

>> No.8046543

yeah faggot you turned one of the easiest dishes to shit because you cut corners
I hope you get ill from one of the shortcuts you took you cocksucking gloryhole

>> No.8046548

I feel sorry for you man.

>> No.8046551
File: 1.93 MB, 3264x2448, img_0692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks pretty much exactly as advertised.
what is your problem?

>> No.8046553


What the fuck is up with you infantile picky eaters?

Either you're a child are a stuck up pretentious faggot who never got any attention from anyone.

Grow the fuck up. Its probably more tasty than anything you or your lowlife mother ever made.

>> No.8046575

triggered amerilard

enjoy your pasta covered in primula

ducking degenerates no wonder you are all sharting mounds of homunculus flesh

>> No.8046585

are you blind or retarded?

>> No.8046590

It's sad how people like >>8046575 revel in their immaturity and see it as a positive quality.

>> No.8046608

why are europoors so angry on /ck/?

>> No.8046613

amen anon

not all american food is nice(some "american" food is not even american")

but i bet yo ass that souther food is the best food you will eat in your entire damn life. and the sauces are the best, they bring out the flavour in the dish. if you are a faggot then you fuck up with sauce and you eat only ketchup and pasta

>> No.8046627

did your mommy make this for you?
underage b8

>> No.8046631
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Caprese with egg on toast.

>> No.8046637
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>> No.8046638
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spicy carrot/ginger coconut soup

fried-up eggs with chopped champignons/onion/garlic

>> No.8046715
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Pleb passing by

>> No.8046976
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>canned peas

>> No.8046995
File: 979 KB, 4781x2689, dinstrogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground beef Stroganoff

>> No.8047005

damn you guys eat like shit.

>> No.8047029
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lamb shoulders and homegrown veggies

>> No.8047034
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threw some really messily chopped dill on top at the end
but le finish

>> No.8047038
File: 39 KB, 842x330, WA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wa la

>> No.8047042

10/10, would eat and compliment your cooking skills

>> No.8047045
File: 95 KB, 720x960, 14102668_656909707799196_655114773785698011_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ramen pic from a week ago. can't wait to make more, probably my favourite thing to cook

>> No.8047054

thanks bud :)

>> No.8047119
File: 524 KB, 1280x1707, 235262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homemade gravlax on homemade bagels

>> No.8047149
File: 2.49 MB, 1288x966, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this recipe off the Hillshire Farms website, Cajun Sausage Pasta. Pretty damn tasty if a bit rich.

>> No.8047154
File: 2.37 MB, 1288x966, Sausage Pasta 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, wrong pic...

>> No.8047167

>homemade gravlax on homemade bagels
under rated post!! Nice looking hard work anon! (Thinner onion next time, I'd say).

>> No.8047195


>home cooked

>instant mash
>canned peas
>...what kind of reformed bbq chicken is that?

>> No.8047200
File: 1.80 MB, 4000x2992, IMG_20160827_200054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef noodle soup

>> No.8047202

it looks delicious, link recipe

>> No.8047210

>eating on a cutting board
what the fuck?

>> No.8047245

What are the round things?

>> No.8047286
File: 47 KB, 500x357, enhanced-30282-1404405708-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike the Homo Europeanis, the Homo Americanus has developed a separate junk food compartment in their stomach due to many generations raised on junk food. This means they are essentially an evolutionarily divergent version of our species, as this compartment doesn't exist in any other human species (but is similar to the hot-sauce compartment of the Homo Mexicanus). Its function is to digest the junk-food and then two bi-products: freedumz, which come back out of the mouth and mart-sharts that are expelled the usual way.

This is the explanation, behind the commonly observed phenomenon of the Homo Americanus adding add Mac & Cheez (or other similar foodstuffs like crisps and nachos or unnecessarily sweet drinks like Dr.Pepper and Mountain Dew) to almost every meal, regardless of whether the original recipe calls for it. The Americans we know and love, would simply not be the same without this portion, their junk-food compartents would become redundant and shrivel away like the Appendix and they would go back to singing God Save the Queen.

>> No.8047291

>a lot more spices than they recommend
So much this. BBC Good Food recipes are usually very good in terms of their fundamentals but are always far short on the herbs and spices (I assume because Britain is collectively terrified of flavour).

Weren't they going to shut that website down by the way?

>> No.8047296
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>> No.8047305

i like em thick, just a personal taste thing. i'd have cut them thinner for buddies haha

thank you!

>> No.8047308

That salmon looks orgasmic

>> No.8047314



>> No.8047351

Made some peanut butter crunch bars for that elementary cafeteria nostalgia.

>> No.8047378

it was really, REALLY good. during salmon season it's ridiculously cheap to make in comparison to buying it too. i only spent 11$ on a big 15" filet (thin so itd cure faster) and a buck on some dill, and that's massively cheaper than store lox lmao

>> No.8047407

How did you make it?

>> No.8047421

cured it

>> No.8047444

it's stupid easy. you just get the salmon, cut the skin off (some say you can leave it on but i found it was still raw later, so had to cut and recure), then you mix sugar and salt together and rub the salmon liberally with it. about 50/50 mix. if you want fresh herb flavor imbued you can use minced dill or parsely in the salt cure. then you wrap it in clingwrap and put ti in your fridge in a shallow pan of some sort, and weigh it down.

i used a milk jug and flipped it every four hours. it's done when tons of liquid comes out and it feels tough, almost like a swedish fish? you gotta wash the rub off before eating, so i wouldn't recommend letting it sit on for longer than 16 hours. slice thin and enjoy!

>> No.8047473

Looks like fried green tomatoes m8

>> No.8047484
File: 508 KB, 1280x960, xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xmas rib roast. always delicious. made french onion soup and potatoes au gratin as well.

>> No.8047487

Thanks man, saved! I'm in Scotland so I can get some good shit.

>> No.8047496

sounds awesome. nothing wrong with sneaking a slice off to see if it's salty enough for ya as it goes, too. fresh salmon is ridiculously food safe after a salt rub haha

>> No.8047508

Midwest as fuck

>> No.8047515
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Cutting for summer is a birch.

>> No.8047518

Fucking beautiful I love the modern presentation. It's not an overcooked log like many others, and it's not too runny like diarrheos. 9/10, would call the janitor to admire

>> No.8047530
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Lentil Soup, not the most appealing but tasty

>> No.8047553
File: 2.60 MB, 2128x2294, IMG_20160830_204012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled stuff.
>Anaheim pepper.
>Twice baked potato

>> No.8047559

your camera sucks, but i can tell that's delicious as fuck. love the color on that corn

>> No.8047575

ugh how do westerners eat their lentil soup like that? just get an immersion blender its much better like that

>> No.8047583
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I kept having to adjust the picture because my file size was too big. So I kinda zoomed in and it looks shitty. I want an actual camera instead of my phone.

Thanks, it is Colorado Olathe corn. Gonna get more from my cousin in AL when he visits, he grew Obsession strain corn this season. Hope it lives up to the name.

Wish I got a better sear on the steak. Oh well, still the correct temp for my taste.

>> No.8047595

Fuck that. I hate mushy 'veloutee' soups.

>> No.8047599

10/10 meal

>> No.8047600
File: 2.41 MB, 1288x966, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse sear. It's my new goto way to cook a ribeye.

>> No.8047606
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this. Kerrygold butter and cold cuts

>> No.8047607
File: 1.45 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20160830_221534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this, don't know what the fuck it is though.

>> No.8047609
File: 1.13 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20160830_221507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some rice and wrap everything up with a sheet of nori

>> No.8047613

that looks good. i'd eat that on noodles or little wraps for sure. i might like spring rolls or even just ssam

>> No.8047614
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Special guest: Fat Fingers McGee

>> No.8047619
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the crumb

That looks great

>> No.8047621
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ruined by the velveeta

>> No.8047624

Noodles or little spring rolls sounds awesome.


>> No.8047635

mmm i've always wanted to make this. what do you use for the broth?

>> No.8047648
File: 46 KB, 800x795, CksJKKdUgAEbbnD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All curry looks like poo you shitposting-on-cooking-forum moththerfuck.

>> No.8047687


>> No.8047698

Lazy, plus they're red lentils so they're super mushy at this point

>> No.8047914

Bone-in chuck + extra beef bones
a little tomato paste
a bunch of spices

>> No.8047920
File: 3.54 MB, 2120x2575, 20160831_002356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omelette with green/banana peppers, shredded cheddar cheese, and tomatoes on toast, lightly salted.
>comfy as fuck in bed

>> No.8047959

are you eating in the bathroom?

>> No.8047960


That's not being picky you defensive clapistano, that's being confused at the varying combinations of carby shit and sugar covered meat you flyovers shovel into your gullets every night with a bucket of soda.

>> No.8047979

what could you possibly be talking about here? do you think those lamb chops are the finished product?

>> No.8047991


That's disgust.

>> No.8048001


>> No.8048012

what is this supposed to be? why didn't you just eat it like it was?

>> No.8048056

is this some joke? are all of these posts supposed to be shit? this board is based on a love and passion for food/cooking, but my god, it all looks like shit. what the fuck.

>> No.8048137

Dude for reals

This is my 1st time lurking /ck/ and duck you guys are plebs. This shit is as bad as the cringe threads and you are supposed to be proud.

From now on any time I make something I will make a thread just to embarrassyou ducking plebians. I rather you fuck off to a different board then spitting on gastronomy

>> No.8048234

>I assume because Britain is collectively terrified of flavour

This meme again. You do know really spicy curries are very popular here, right? It's more that the BBC is probably paranoid that they'll get complaints from one cunt who couldn't handle a bit of spice even if 99% of people were fine with it.

Also I believe they're just going to stop updating it more than take the site down.

>> No.8048254


Did you just censor yourself on the internet, anon?

>> No.8048256

Looks pretty good anon

>> No.8048330

heat =/= flavour
Brits are gradually learning to accept more heat in their curries but they're still funny about "smelly things" like tamarind, cumin etc.

>> No.8048429

I've never heard that in my life. Seriously, I don't know what sort of people you're basing that on.

>> No.8048510


>> No.8048512
File: 2.59 MB, 2987x2967, IMG_20160705_203507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panfried sea bass, sweet potato fries and courgette

>> No.8048743
File: 237 KB, 2048x1536, kraut and wieners mashed potato green beans and boiled eggs yuuuum - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8048763

What's it like living in 1975, anon?

>> No.8048773 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 1000x694, 172838921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice, chicken, veggies, tomato sauce, some spices.
Looks better than it tasted. Some of the veggies were kinda hard.


>> No.8048819

doesn't look that good desu, id advise you to make a different dish, have you ever tried meatloaf or fried chicken those are always hits

>> No.8048829

>fried fish with skin
>skin not crispy
Yeah you fucked up.

>> No.8048830
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>> No.8048837
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>> No.8048843
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>> No.8048847
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>> No.8048849
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>> No.8048853
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Love you guys

>> No.8048860

Wow lobster roll with artisanal mac n cheese garnished with pterodactyl tail

lovely just lovely shrimp lightly sautéed with herbs and spices, white rice, and fried bananas as fries served in a African American skull

>> No.8048862

now this I would eat

>> No.8048868
File: 2.48 MB, 1492x1080, Screenshot_20160831-093635~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out these comfy ass meatballs with a savory brown sugar and spiced slightly crisp coating. Check out these delicious sautéed vegetables cooked in the spiced drippings from the meat. Dont worry about the shitty freezer hashbrowns, it just makes it more comfy and isn't bad at all when you mix it with the veggies to eat.

Damn that's comfy

>> No.8048892

Something tells me these were canned peas.

>> No.8048904



>> No.8048910
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x2448, foto_no_exif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my steak

>> No.8048924

Are you trolling?

>> No.8048931

You seem uncomfortable :^)

Would you like some hash browns?

>> No.8048938

T-thanks for captioning my food?

>> No.8048948
File: 426 KB, 2156x1271, itsmadeofcow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8048958

Banana chips?

Your food looks delicious, would eat/10. I guess you live on the coast?

>> No.8048961

No, I want you to die.

>> No.8048972

Careful with that edge, son.

>> No.8048975

You're not you when you're hungry, anon.

>> No.8048994

Plantain chips. They are fucking deliciousc- get under ripe green plantain (4 for $1 where I live) and slice them with a mandoline or thinly with a knife. Toss them and toss in salt or adobo.

I live in Orlando so not quite the coast but nearby. Thanks for the love bby

>> No.8049096

No problem

>> No.8049104
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>> No.8049144


>> No.8049166
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>> No.8049183

He's eating barbecue dumbfuck

>> No.8049191

>with a metal fork

>> No.8049312
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>> No.8049328

barbecue doesnt mean what you think it means

>> No.8049345

yes Styrofoam is a convenient vessel to serve bbq or any other type of food on especially when you are feeding a lot of people, why is the metal fork with the Styrofoam un acceptable please enlighten me

>> No.8049349


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but:

1) Styrofoam is never acceptable for a plate. It's wasteful and trashy. If you absolutely must use disposable plates for some reason, use paper. But that seems unlikely. You're already washing forks, so why not wash plates too?

2) I suspect the other person's complaint about the metal fork has to do with the fact that you could easily damage a Styrofoam plate using a metal fork and thereby make a mess.

>> No.8049371

a plastic fork will d the same damage, and as far as trashiness goes I was serving bbq to family not the president at the Waldorf Astoria...

>> No.8049389


dafuq, man.

i havent seen styrofoam plates/cups/containers since the 90s.

>> No.8049392

>I was serving bbq to family

All the more reason not to be trashy.

Agreed about the fork though. I don't even know what someone might be doing with it while eating that food that could damage the plate. BBQ sides are soft, it's not as if someone is trying to stab and cut steaks on that plate....

But yeah, styrofoam plates are the fucking devil. I can see how a styrofoam cup might be useful for it's insulating properties, but a plate? That's just a more expensive and worse for the environment version of a paperboard plate.

>> No.8049394

Damn bro where you been living?

>> No.8049404

I burn all my trash like that so its not laying around in a land field or anything

>> No.8049408

summer is over stupid /fit/fag

>> No.8049409

>Burning Styrofoam, or polystyrene, is the least appropriate way to get rid of it for both people and the environment. Research has shown that when Styrofoam is burned it releases toxic chemicals and smoke that can damage the nervous system and lungs. These chemicals need to be ingested in large amounts or over a period of time to show significant damage, so burning a small amount of Styrofoam accidentally won't harm you or the environment significantly. When Styrofoam is safely burned as a method to dispose if it, it is burned in a controlled environment at extremely high temperatures. Campfire or trash burning temperatures will not burn hot enough to keep toxic chemicals from forming and toxins to be released.

>> No.8049421
File: 2.52 MB, 3072x3072, IMG_20160831_140852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday's dinner, homemade chicken filet bites

>> No.8049423

People are obv giving you shit for no reason and nobody really gives a crap. Styrofoam is fine, your food looks delicious. Would eat.

I think paper is better/more eco friendly for most things, but anything wet/greasy can soak through it, like baked beans with barbeque for example.

Do you smoke your own meat?

>> No.8049427


>> No.8049436
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Yes that pic was from the very first smoke I ever did, this is a boston butt about half way done

>> No.8049455
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Steak and baked tater dinner for me

>> No.8049460

>chicken filet bites

Is that some fancy talk for nuggets young man

>> No.8049464

looks bretty good anon
recipe for ur chicken's breading?

>> No.8049475

Nuggets sometimes are mushed together chicken parts, but these are just cut up chicken breast filet

Buttermilk, then breaded with cracked up salted crackers, salt, pepper, paprika powder and chilli

>> No.8049476

Pabst is harsh tho bro

>> No.8049488
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Today's dinner, cut up grilled pork leg with habanero chillie paste that I made after some recipe I've seen. With that some onion, broccoli and rice

>> No.8049510

i-is that a grilled chicken leg AND a burger? I'm jelly desu

>> No.8049519

That looks really good m8, hope it tasted as good as it looks

>> No.8049523
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Inside was a little rare but still bretty good.

You shut your mouth! PBR is a damn good cheap beer.
If it was a special occasion I would probably go for something like Two Hearted though.

>> No.8049527

I'm intrigued, what's that?

>> No.8049535
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You plebs don't know real food. Reply or your mother dies

>> No.8049566
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>> No.8049568
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It's called a Dutch baby. It's an egg-based batter that's cooked with your choice of toppings (this one was cheese, potato and bacon). Simmered in a skillet and then baked. It gets super puffy and airy. It was delicious.

>> No.8049575
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Ratatouille and roast pork loin turned out bretty gud.

>> No.8049649

Looks good, would eat.

>> No.8049713

Daaaaaaaaaymn that's rare af

>> No.8049813
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The presentation could sure use some work, but overall I'm really happy with how well this trivial dish turned out.

>> No.8049816

looks really nice

was the meat dry at all?

>> No.8049832

who just eats onions as a vegetable.

>> No.8049901


>> No.8049904
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Seafood toast with cantelope, mango and a bit too much parsley

>> No.8049924
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smoked some lamb chops @ bbq yesterday. meat was really good with simply salt + pepper. smoked with oak for 2 hours.

>> No.8049984

You should have served it with some chili. Spare no expense.

>> No.8049989

some inspiring stuff lads

this'll be me one day
but for now i have my scrambled eggs

>> No.8049992

u took that off tumblr kill urself

>> No.8049993

>with a side of meat

>> No.8049995

I would happily finish eating an onion I can't find a use for by sauteeing it, adding salt and pepper and eating it like that. It's almost a poor person thing, but I don't think it crosses the line, onions are usually a pound each and hard to use up.

>> No.8050327

well what happened was that was my first time smoking meat so I done a boston butt roast and happen to have a few leg quarters so I threw them in as well and I had to sample both

>> No.8050329

Just a slight bit, but it was tender as fuck considering it was my first time roasting lean pork.

>> No.8050334

Why OP? it looks fucking disgusting...

>> No.8050391

Have a (You) because I love lamb so much

>> No.8050394
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>> No.8050484

roast chicken with spiced baked apples and handmade amaranth flour noodles in jalapeno tomato sauce

Best part is the amaranth was totally free, I found a pretty big wild shrub of it like 10 minutes walk from where I live. That shit goes for like $4 a lb in health food stores.

>> No.8050490
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Fug, forgot my picture!

>> No.8050635

>What is a food thermometer

>> No.8050687


What kind of noodles are those? If meat could be noodles, that is what it would look like.

>> No.8050694

I live in the south hemisphere

>> No.8050695
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>> No.8050698
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>> No.8050699
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didn't want to do anything to fancy

>> No.8050700
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>> No.8050702
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>> No.8050707
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>> No.8050713
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>> No.8050717
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>> No.8050721
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>> No.8050724
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>> No.8050731
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>> No.8050740

I know you came on and sameposted tons of bait, but i'm genuinely interested for you to post whatever it is you eat at home so we can laugh at you harder

>> No.8050758
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>> No.8050766
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Beef ribs!

>> No.8050775

No? I made chicken stock with the bones of three broken down carcasses, roasted until golden, then boiled with my dashi, oyster sauce, roasted onions and garlic, and a chunk of ginger. Boiled away for a day. Froze half and used half.

made buckwheat noodles, cut the fatty meat off the bones for the top, white and green onions from my garden, and it was delicious. Did you think it was tappu ramenu anon?

>> No.8050776

who let a brit near food?

>> No.8050781

That looks bangin

>> No.8050793
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They're amaranth-and-wheat flour noodles, approx 1/3 whole amaranth flour and 2/3 white wheat flour by volume.

You can buy amaranth flour at health food stores or online, or buy whole amaranth grain (cheaper than flour) and mill it yourself in a coffee or spice grinder. Or if you get lucky you can find the plant growing wild and harvest it.

The store-brought flours tend to be paler than whole grain or grain from wild plants and will make a paler noodle. I suspect the commercial amaranth flours are bleached.

>> No.8050802

those are very yellow buns, what are they made of?

>> No.8051570


looks like shit nigga

>> No.8051692
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>> No.8051719
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>> No.8051824
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Thanks. This one is from some days ago - lamb steaks with sweet potato fritters, coleslaw and Portwine-pepper sauce.

Wanted to try the fritters because I saw a recipe for it. Basically thinly sliced sweet potato mixed with scallions, spices and one egg then pan fry small portions of that. Really liked that, although it didn't come out as crispy as I hoped

>> No.8051827

>sweet potato fritters

I fuckin love sweet potato I will def make those sometime

>> No.8051841

Because most of their cultures good food is stolen from the middle east.
Besides Poland and France most west euro nations can't cook worth a fuck.
If you don't believe me, check their recommendatios on food, guaranteed its either gonna be some form of curry or kebab.

>> No.8051866

looks like shit bro

>> No.8051903

>His poo looks like that
Sharted in any marts recently?

>> No.8051907

>Shart Simpson

>> No.8052138
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>> No.8052165

wtf anon why did you burn it :/

>> No.8052177


Looks damn good

>> No.8052188

You must have a very steady hand to fill your glass so high. Or is that what the grooves in the tray are for? The inevitable spill.

>> No.8052209

wifey material

>> No.8052210


>> No.8052219

sembra squisito

where's your bud lite amerifam

do you have Parkinson's?

latkes, jew/10

burnt paprika/10

>> No.8052359
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Pork ass braised in mustard and whey. I ate it with mashed potatoes and salad, but didn't bother to take a picture of the whole meal.

>> No.8052433
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>> No.8052520
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Good photo, but it tasted like shit

Pork was out of date and tasted weird
Crinkle chips are shit tier

>> No.8052995

What does this type of curry taste like? Is it as much like gravy as I think it is?

>> No.8052999
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I think he was triggered by the big raw chunks of raw onions. There a little too big for me, but it sounds good anon.

>> No.8053006


>> No.8053030

Sounds and looks bomb asf. Nice.

>> No.8053058

Looks like my Saturday night.

>> No.8053085

ahh, i see. i am the lox anon as well. my onions from my garden are very, very, sweet and i'm also just an onionfag haha. i eat them raw just about every day. guilty ass pleasure

>> No.8053116

>all that delightful chicken grease

Goddamn, that's a beautiful sight

>> No.8053872

It's not like Indian curries. It's kinda sweet, not very hot though still fragrant. I add crushed tomato to mine so it's got a little tang from that as well.

I like it; it pairs well with good Japanese style rice (well no fucking duh) and it's become somewhat of a comfort food for me.

>> No.8053961

>He didn't see the post directly below


>look mom I posted it again!!!1!!!1!

>> No.8053972

>implying your average /cuck/ has a fod network tier photography and lighting setup to take pictures of what they cook
>implying home people give a fuck about plating when they cook for themselves

I'd eat most of the food itt to be perfectly quite honest

>> No.8053997

Mac and cheese looks perfect.

>> No.8054295

Even if he didn't see it, like.. Who honestly thought that lamb was ready to eat....

>> No.8055061

I wouldnt, i agree that most things look like done freestyle by a 12 year old

>> No.8055125
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>roasted onions

>> No.8055132

perfect fucking taters mate

>> No.8055134


>> No.8055140
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good good

>> No.8055213
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>> No.8055235

What, are onions not muh accurate weeb folded 10,000x technique?

>> No.8055250


>> No.8055576
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>> No.8055656
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>> No.8055706
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>> No.8055743
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Germany night

>> No.8055753

Mein freund.

>> No.8055755

is that marshmallows?!

>> No.8055759

yum. looks good

>> No.8055769
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>> No.8055789

Dogebro :D

>> No.8055798
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I had to use instant potatos.

The swordfish was delicious though.

>> No.8055799

Thanks! It tasted amazing, it has bacon pieces and garlic breadcrumbs. Don't forget it bake it a bit. I highly recommend it.

>> No.8055810
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simple stuff

>> No.8055816
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not really a meal, but also this

>> No.8055823

i want someone to cook something for me for once
made full biscuits/tendies/taters/gravy last night but I can't enjoy the meal when I'm exhausted afterwards

>> No.8055828
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Cooked this for lunch. From my snapchat. Sadly the red peppers were a little hard

>> No.8055830

Where's the mustard

>> No.8055841

I usually cook several meals in advance and just plate it up ready to go in the fridge. All of that would reheat well, except just leave the biscuits out, and toast them when you're ready to eat.

>> No.8055842

>No cream in spinach

Otherwise 5/5

>> No.8055846

I appreciate your response anon
I hate leftovers though (I blame no one but myself)

>> No.8055860


Germs are on the outside of the meat. That's why you grill the steak on the outside. You can leave the inside bloody because there are no germs.

>> No.8055862
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r8 my dinner

>> No.8055877

>why do Americans....?


>> No.8055974
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damn that looks so fucking good

>> No.8056165

yes I always top my sweet potatoes with marshmallows, delicious

>> No.8056169

You should totally make it. It really isn't hard at all desu

>> No.8056173


>> No.8056219
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It doesn't look like it's risen as much as I would expect from a dutch baby.

>> No.8056263

>healthy food

Retard detected

>> No.8056280

It looks like they pushed up the corners on that, like fit it into a bowl. Once it comes out of oven, it begins deflating so you can't expect it to be super fluffy for long. Check the other picture I posted of it for a closer to removal pic.

>> No.8056309
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Looks like a nice loaf brother. I like different mac and cheese though but that kind still isn't awful or anything.
This looks like it could be good.
I'd try it. A good stroganoff is awesome but not always easy to come by.
Looks nice.
Would like to know about the sauce for it.
Good job on this plate. I could go rarer but at least you've got a good amount of pink in there.
This is lookin good for sure.
Salted tomatoes on toast. Nice job all around fellow murrican, I like it.
Lookin good, I don't care if it's yours or not.
What the fuck is that thing?
Could be good. Always hard to judge potato soup at a glance.
Interested in those noodles. This might be a nice plate but I can't readily tell.
Yeah, looks like I'd eat this one.
I like the way the eggs are cooked but wew lad.

>> No.8056322

Shit can't believe I overlooked this the first time. Well done.

>> No.8056342

It's twice baked plantain stuffed with chorizo and topped with cheese. Delicious as fuck.

I did make the Lobster Newberg, that's the same plates and table in all the pics :)

Thank you! Come to Florida and I'll make you something nice.

>> No.8057942
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I added a tablespoon of romesco to the broth