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8035875 No.8035875 [Reply] [Original]

Juicing thread, /ck/. Share your stories and recipes.
I'm on day 34 of a juice fast and I'm down 29 pounds so far. Ask me.

>> No.8035991

I like these smoothies:

>parsley, orange, Apple
>dill, lime, fresh ginger, cucumber
>spinach, dates, orange, lemon

You always need a green base, some citrus, and few fruits that are sweet.

>> No.8036018

You have it down, Anon. Smoothies are great and you have to balance the sugars and acids to make it palatable.

I put a half lemon in every juice, plus a bit of fresh ginger root, and some herbs. Herbs are tricky, you don't need much. A bit of dill is nice, parsley is awesome, and sometimes I use cilantro; in small quantities it adds great flavour and as a fresh dark green leaf it naturally adds nutrition too.

My general rule is: lots of variety and not too sweet.

I don't like beets, however. Yes, they are full of nutrients and the juice is excellent for you. But it also has a binding cellulose which can give the juice a consistency of snot. Hard to drink that.

I've never juiced dates. Sounds interesting. What's in them that I should be looking for?

>> No.8036036

Doesn't nothing but juice for that long ruin your anus?

My shit is all liquidy and acidic and burning my anus just from eating 2 apples a day.

>> No.8036056

>Doesn't nothing but juice for that long ruin your anus?
Not at all. Maybe your overall diet is too acidic. It's tempting to make "diet" food palatable by dumping salt and hot sauce on it.

Two apples per day should be a good thing. Look at your overall diet rather than blaming it on two apples per day, Anon.

>> No.8036084

I have to say that I'm liking being on /ck/. Over at /fit/ I'm called a faggot and that I'm ruining my macros. Those guys need some serious education on nutritional science.

>> No.8036107

You should consider smoothies instead of just juicing, my friend. You'd create less waste, you get extra nutrition since you're consuming skins, and all that extra fiber not only helps balance out the sugars from fruit, but it helps with gut health.


I make one of these every morning, with a little bit of adjusting. I only use half an avocado as I get good fats in other ways, and use water instead of flax milk to save on some calories. Mixed berries (like raspberries) are great for making it more tart instead of sweet like straight blueberries does, and if you do like it even a little sweeter, a couple of chunks of pineapple does the trick. I also add a splash of lemon juice and a couple of shakes of salt to improve the flavor.

>> No.8036130

>You should consider smoothies instead of just juicing, my friend.
That's a great recipe, anon. And good tips for smoothies. I'll file that under "to do" when I go back to eating.

Smoothies are great, and with the fibre they are filling too. But for now, I'm on juice only to drop a pile of weight quickly. It works for me.

Gut health is extremely important, and that's one thing that /fit/ doesn't get. It's not about muh macros.

>> No.8036151

I’m going to challenge you just a bit here. Before I start into that, let me state that I know why you’re doing it and that you’ve seen results. Based on the two threads you’ve made, you seem set in your ways. That’s fair and I’m not going to challenge it.

That being said, I have concerns about any other intake. Are you balancing the juice out with anything else? I noticed you mentioned there was still some fiber, and that’s great as it helps mitigate blood sugar spikes. However, the sustained and cumulative effects of that much sugar intake multiple times throughout the day (or even in just one big dose) can lead to kidney and pancreas issues. They are cumulative, so the damage you’re causing won’t be noticed for quite some time.

Shifting some of those calories to protein and fat can help you in multiple ways. Fats are needed for testosterone production, which can increase your metabolism and therefore your weight loss. If you go to the gym, protein and fats will enhance your workouts and help you maintain muscle while still helping to shed the pounds. Finally, I didn’t notice any mention of fats in your posts, so keep in mind that some vitamins are fat soluble. Flax or seeds are super common, as is fish-oil supplementation, so I doubt you’re missing out on much, but if so it’s something to consider.

You have the mindset of 175 or bust. If it starts to lag, I’d just ask you to consider taking a break for a week or so. Make it a salad week, or a vegetarian recipe week, but give yourself a break from those sugars, drink lots of water, and chow down on some garlic.

Cheers and good luck with your goal!

>> No.8036181

>I’m going to challenge you just a bit here
You make some great points here, Anon. Totally.

I use a masticating juicer to get as much fibre out of the juice as I reasonably can. That helps a lot. If I were doing a "meal replacement" juice, then I'd likely use the other kind of juicer, being a spinning grater. That gives a smooth and quick juice, although there's a lot left behind in the pulp.

Yes, fats and proteins are necessary to keep up testosterone. And I admit that by only juicing I'm lowering my testosterone, because I also like my alcohol and I'm not lifting. But the test will return with eating and with an exercise routine.

Just as my juice has some protein, it also has some oil and fat. Very little, I admit. I should probably be taking a vitamin or supplement for zinc, B-complex, vitamin D, and fish oil capsules too. And I do take such vitamins and supplements here and there, but not regularly enough to comment on otherwise I'm often told on 4chan that I'm living off pills with a juice supplement other than the other way around.

I use only enough fruit in my juice to make it non barfy, and even then I mix it up to get the most variety of vitamins. I don't do "kale, spinach, lemon, cucumber, carrot, and ginger" every day. I use some of whatever I have in my fridge. My typical juice has at least ten ingredients, including berries, cabbage, dark leafy greens, and fruit in season. With a large variety, changing daily, I think I'm getting all my nutrition.

But you make good points. Fructuse can still spike the blood sugars, especially with no fibre to slow down the absorption. But I don't make juice to taste good, just to be not awful tasting.

>> No.8036242

Fucking namefag kys

>> No.8037649

Thanks for contributing.

>> No.8037688

I mean it's cool but you would get better results on a proper diet.

>> No.8037717

I don't want better results. I could lose weight faster by stopping the coffee and beer too, but I don't want to.

>> No.8037724


>Getting the runs from 2 apples

I think it's a problem on your end buddy

>> No.8037738

Do you take a lot of milk and sugar? Just ween off some sugar slowly. Gets some fats gets some protein and do something active which you may have already done because 30 pounds a month while still drinking beer is a ridiculous amount of weight loss. You obese or handicapped in anyway? Not an insult, but people who have a hard time ( physically) working out usually resort to something like juicing.

>> No.8037778


Keep in mind that testosterone production aside, every cell in your body has a membrane made of lipids. You need to get a certain amount of fat in your diet just to be able to survive in any capacity. I would strongly recommend making sure your hit that minimum.