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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 600x450, murka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7994735 No.7994735 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the serving sizes so massive in America? From the food to the drinks, it's fit for 2-3 people.

Do Americans actually finish these portions? What's the point?

>> No.7994739

Looks like a food challenge with undercooked burger

>> No.7994747

I recently moved to Wisconsin and discovered the "doggy bag"

basically you pay 20 dollars for a pasta dish and take half of it home because you cant finish it

It makes me feel awkward but at least I have lunch for the next day all set up

>> No.7994748 [DELETED] 


>> No.7994751

America seems to have more people who just don't care and will eat how much they want to. Perhaps there's less social pressure to stay thin and eat healthy

>> No.7994754
File: 94 KB, 562x1000, o (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally, shitty places/international chains have very large portions for "value". Higher quality restaurants have more appropriate portions.

>> No.7994760

looks like somebody with the clap tossed one out on your plate m8

>> No.7994764

Always felt like a cuck ordering the doggy bag.
Bark bark, Im gonna eat this off the fuckin floor in a metal bowl for even more American Authenticity

>> No.7994787

Seriously though, they're so large. I visited America / San Francisco for three days and a single slice of pie was larger than an entire pie back here. The burritos must have been at least three meals' worth.

And don't get me started on the things I saw at Costco. Those muffins and pizzas I had to see to believe how large they were. Table-sized.

>> No.7994798

It embarrases me to get one or at least it did until I realized half my fucking family does it every time

>> No.7994801
File: 103 KB, 640x480, texasbreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a regular american breakfast

>> No.7994836
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1. Not all places serve huge portions. Try not being a welfare recipient and go to an actual restaurant.

2. Or if you do go to a restaurant wiht large portions, have some self control and bring 1/3 or 1/2 home for a meal the next day

>> No.7994850

take your memes elsewhere friend

>> No.7994854

they companies and restaurants make more money by giving people larger portions, if priced accurately a lot o things would be about 3 dollars, but since they buy in bulk just charging people 9 bucks for a larger meal makes them more money at the end of the day. i usually split a meal or order appetizers or drinks cause im cheap

>> No.7994862

Why would a tourist go to a warehous club?

>> No.7994878
File: 114 KB, 634x766, typical breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't yours so big? Do you like being cucked out of your money?

Here's a normal English breakfast

>> No.7994893

what are those gross black things

>> No.7994896
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>throwing tomatoes against a wall and serving it like its food

>> No.7994899

Because we like feeling like we're getting a lot for a little, even if we really aren't. besides hamplanets, most of the people i know end up taking at least half of their meal home to have another time.

>> No.7994904

blood pudding I think? I'm not a teasipper so I'm not sure.

>> No.7994923

I thought it was like Walmart and accidentally wandered in

I had no idea you had to have a membership to buy things in there until the end

>> No.7994931

Adding onto that, we don't have Walmarts here, so anything of that type is a novel experience for me.

>> No.7994945

>not eating raw vegetables

>> No.7994948

those arent raw genius

>> No.7995059
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>> No.7995178

Are you a gnome?

>> No.7995188

No, I'm just from Australasia. We don't have Costcos/Walmarts here and we're certainly not obese like America.

>> No.7995191

>Low-T europoor can't handle our rich diet

Next time you're in the States stop by Twin Peaks, order the chicken fried steak.

>> No.7995194

I get my food to go because wasting money is for fools. You can eat the rest later. Is it that difficult to understand?

>> No.7995199

Cool story, bro.

For comparison: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/Pages/overweight-obesity-statistics.aspx

>> No.7995219
File: 62 KB, 785x417, Fat Sick & Nearly Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and we're certainly not obese like America.

Don't believe Ondore's lies! They can get plenty of fatty foods from Tesco over wherever the fuck they shop.

>> No.7995251


I said Australasia not Australia, and personally I now have a BMI of 17.9

>> No.7995259

so you're a chink who went to college in stralya on daddy's dime?

>> No.7995268

I usually don't finish and take the rest home to eat as diner. Its a good deal.

>> No.7995279
File: 9 KB, 201x211, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America, we have something called a take home bag. You're not expected to eat everything. You're expected to bring home the extra.


>> No.7995289

I have no idea why you'd think that. Australasia does not equal Asia either.

>> No.7995296

Hey idiot. Places that serve these kind of portions do it as a gimmick. It's not the norm, it's what puts the places on the map.

>> No.7995306

What are you? Some new shitposter species?

>> No.7995344

After living in Japan and having multiple friends come visit, I've found that I and my American friends usually will complain about the portions, but will quickly adjust and realize they don't need that much food, even within a weeks time. Its a strange feeling at first, especially when you're buying the food from a restaurant and expect a full meal to leave you stuffed. But after a while you realize its enough food for the meal and you don't feel any different after.

Literally the only people that continue to complain are the people who avoid vegetables and insist on filling up on meat. In Japan you'll basically go broke if you want every meal to fill you up on meat.

Now that I'm back I just ignore the people who bitch about all the poor kids in 3rd world countries and gladly throw away 50% of my fries, soda, bread, rice, etc since its not needed

>> No.7995354
File: 55 KB, 480x612, meanwhile in the us1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. And all Americans are fit.

>> No.7995355

Here's the thing about AmeriLards. They're fat as fuck. I'm talking love handles, man titties, chafing thighs, guts dragging across the floor. They're the ONLY country in the world who's managed to break the 95%+ obesity barrier. That's fucking impressive. Did you know the average Ameriphant meal consists of over 3000 calories? And that's just the fucking children. They honestly are some of the most vile, smelly, disgustingly fat creatures to ever infest the earth.

>> No.7995358

/int/ shitflinging thread?

>> No.7995373

You tried, kiddo :)

>> No.7995377

>been cutting recently
>birthday yesterday
>out to dinner
>ordered salmon with a baked potato and green beans
>appetizer of caprese and soup
>one ale
>drink ale, eat one serving of appetizers, eat my salmon
>feel full
>still have 2/3rds of my dinner left
>sheepishly ask for a box
Whatever. Waitress was a qt.

>> No.7995714

That's Black pudding, Blood pudding is slightly different. Still made of blood and fat though, but it's absolutely gorgeous to eat. a fry-up isn't complete without some black pud desu

>> No.7995734

American here - I honestly don't notice a huge portion difference in my travels from what I eat in the US.

As it's been said, it's probably the quality of the restaurant. I've never tried to "eat big" while traveling, and I don't at home.

Maybe this shit is reserved for flyovers? I hate to use the meme, but shit, even when I'm in the deep south, it's not that bad.

>> No.7995742

dude nice

>> No.7995986

I work in a restaurant. No gives a shit if you have to take your food home b/c you can't finish it. We only insult you when you have one or two bites left and ask for a fucking box.

>> No.7995992

That plate is clearly meant for 5 people.

>> No.7995998
File: 137 KB, 1200x674, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But for real tho, I wish I could eat a full english breakfast. Looks delicious

>> No.7996023

If you've never had one, I'd recommend it. Bongs know their fucking breakfasts m8. Get it with some wheat toast and over medium eggs (I dislike over easy but go for that if you like em).

Black pudding/blood sausage is fucking magical, I can't see why it's not more popular in America.

>> No.7996043

I wish man, but here in beanerland we dont have a lot of international food

What does it takes like? I think it tastes like liver or something, but Im curious to try

>> No.7996049


>recently moved to Wisconsin and discovered the "doggy bag"

It's completely acceptable everywhere in the States to take home leftovers, and almost expected. It's almost weird that other countries look down on the practice.

That said, overly large portion sizes are largely a part of dumb economic practices where many restaurants know they can make more by selling larger portions.

Still, I had some great pasta the other night and got two lunches out of the leftovers, no complaints.

>> No.7996057

what are you talking about? I'm in fucking flyover and my TOWN has multiple english pubs that serve full english breakfasts...

>> No.7996064

There are a shitload of people who absolutely will not eat left-overs. It boggles the mind.

>> No.7996070

You can buy British bacon in a lot of grocers. It's much more like ham, than bacon, it also doesn't crisp up the same.

>> No.7996071

Strong, sightly spicy flavour with a hint of oats. Texture of sausage. Tastes similar to kidneys or haggis

>> No.7996092

I dont think I cant get that here In tacostan, believe me, I go to the meat section every week or so to make carne asada, and we only have salchicha para asar, polish sausage, american sausages (Oscar Mayer), normal bacon, spanish meats, and just one brand of italian sausages and some artisanal hams and bacons. Im thinking of using italian sausages, large brown eggs, heinz beans, mushrooms and artisanal ham. Black pudding is nowhere near here

Thats sounds pretty fucking tasty

>> No.7996104

Use a spiced sausage with sage, garlic, and onion. A lot more authentic.

>> No.7996166



Yeah we do. Just not as many.

>> No.7996197

I know some of these words

>> No.7996206
File: 30 KB, 585x251, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US drink sizes VS Australia

>> No.7996268

I live in America and i am not a poor fag. I personally hate getting to go boxes unless i am eating at some middle tier restaurant that i don't really care for, and even then only if its good. If i am at a actual nice restaurant, i would never dare ask for a to go box. Honestly, i haven't gotten a to go box in the last five years outside of the casino's, where it's to late and im to drunk to get actual food

>> No.7996279

Wrong. Local diners have some of the largest portions you'll find.

>> No.7996306

this is a joke right? jesus christ

>> No.7996314

1.3L of FREEDOM!

>> No.7996319

Jesusfuck Australia! Are you fucking thirsty?

>> No.7996329

Fuck no wonder all these people in my country are fat and suffering from some disease or another

>> No.7996338

Interesting, in Austria it's 250ml, 400ml and 500ml (dunno about other european countries, never had any McDonald's there).

Is it true that american food contains far more fat, sugar and salt but has worse quality than european food?

>> No.7996340

Not sure how true it is, but I've heard that American Subway rolls use 20% more sugar than everyone else.
I have no idea how an American can drink 1.3l of softdrink with just a macs meal.

>> No.7996344

>Is it true that american food contains far more fat, sugar and salt but has worse quality than european food?
No, but it's popular to claim so.

>> No.7996351

A friend of mine was visiting the west coast and after the third day he only ate Croissants and coffee since it was the food with the least amount of fat and sugar (fucking Croissants!).

Maybe he just chose the wrong places to eat?

>> No.7996355


"could i get this boxed up to go?"

>> No.7996385

no its true... i Have to make most my food from scratch to avoid it

>> No.7996500

as a non-American your mega-lo-marts are a fascinating and slightly obscene cultural phenomenon.
Everyone gets inundated with American cultural product, and the fact of the matter is some of the things you do are very... odd.

>> No.7996502

>regular american
>says texas
neato friendo

>> No.7996581

So he went to CA, land of kale pizza and people eating quinoa, tofu fusion food, and salads for 3 meals a day and couldn't find food better for him than a croissant? He wasn't even trying, m8.

>> No.7996696



Yea if you are a 100 pound female lm0a

that is barely a meal, I would still be hungry after

>one egg
>little crumbled up prosciutto rosebud or whatever that us
>edgy sauce circle that doesn't give you enough sauce to actually use as a condiment

fag portions

>> No.7997278


I don't get it. US drink sizes come in ounces.

>> No.7998128

Metric > imperial.

>> No.7998137

lol her last name is "douche-y"
what a twat

>> No.7998150


Arbitrary measurement I'm used to > Arbitrary measurement you're used to

>> No.7998156
File: 65 KB, 920x700, Americans_are_clever_and_thinks_that_the_imperial_system_is_better_than_the_metric_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why all sciences use metric.

>> No.7998168


And it's purely historical.

>> No.7998181

Look at the picture again.
If you think it's only historical then it's clear you know nothing about science.

>> No.7998202

Why not just buy a $2 box of rozoni and eat at home

The point of going out is not "most calories for muh jewgolds", you fat fuck

>> No.7998230

Americans don't eat blood sausage and you have no idea how much it pissed me off
Fucking hate this country

>> No.7998259

why does science still use seconds, hours, weeks then

>> No.7998264


You're an idiot.

>> No.7998281

Not many scenarios where anything more than seconds are used.
It's okay imperial babies, it's not too late to metric.

>> No.7998282

nice restaurants tend to portion stuff properly so you don't need a to go box. it's only shitty middle tier restaurants that go for quantity over quality

>> No.7998293


epic, simply epic

>> No.7998328

>completely different cups
The Coca-Cola cups are from a movie theater while the McDonald's ones are obviously from McDonald's. McDonalds cup sizes are the same size in Australia as they are in the US. Few restaurants would sell you those giant ass large's, but I'll admit they are more common here than in other countries.

>> No.7998336

Fat and salt, no. Sugar? Probably. Not in everything obviously, but you'll find a lot of it in low quality bread where it's added to make the yeast rise faster.

>> No.7998349

>science didn't exist before 1791
Cool facts, man.

>> No.7998353

I think they're full of shit because most places go out of their way to have healthy options. Maybe he's a picky fag that didn't really go anywhere and only stopped at Starbucks.

>> No.7998364


>reading comprehension

Keep teaching the rest of us about your extensive knowledge of science and history.

>> No.7998435

Americans eat a lot of reasonable, nutritious foods and vegetables.
At home.

When we go out to eat we want to pig out on the fattiest and most delicious garbage. Which is great when you only go out to eat once every week, but when you're traveling and you've been eating nothing but restaurant food every day, it can be a disaster trying to find a place that is going to serve you a vegetable. Every restaurant offers a shitty $12 salad though, so there's at least that.

>> No.7998439

>it's only shitty middle tier restaurants that go for quantity over quality
Quantity over quality is 10000% low tier, get your classification straight

>> No.7998445
File: 28 KB, 601x583, ao_1233970_505630866187795_13994560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans eat a lot of reasonable, nutritious foods and vegetables.
>At home.
You must be joking. Have you seen how angry americans get at stuff like kale or broccoli?
>yo /ck/ I read on buzzfeed that eating pieces of this plant doesn't even let you fly and turn invisible, why the FUCK should I eat this shit, MUH SUPERFOODS lmao soccer moms r dumb

>> No.7998571

Ruth's Chris serves ridiculous portions too, and if you consider them to be low tier then you're 10000% being an elitist cunt.

>> No.7998699

>I read on buzzfeed

>> No.7998736

>that pic
>2-3 people

>> No.8000375

I would consider Cheesecake Factory midtier

>> No.8000447

Partially because we went through a depression so bad that some people literally starved to death on the streets, it gave everyone severe psychological problems revolving around food, and now the country is overflowing with food and we use it for stress management.

Somewhat similar reason as to why we're like #10 fattest country, though no one seems to ask why Mexico is so fat.

>> No.8000451

Some do. Some make it from animals they have raised and slaughtered themselves. I've always liked blutwurst.

>> No.8000507

>to metric
do they butcher the language aswell? smooth logical sentences.

>> No.8000585

Nobody outside flyover land considers that place anything other than shit tier, anon

>> No.8000689

USA here. Traditionally, a small drink would be 12 oz, a medium (normal with meal) would be 20 oz, and a large 32 oz. In the last 6 years or so, a lot of restaurants have shifted to where a small is what comes with the meal and if you order a small you get a 20 oz

>> No.8000694

Cheesecake factory is not midtier. The Korean-run sushi place on the corner is midtier. The hipster bowl place is midtier. The sandwich place near campus is midtier.

>> No.8000712

>1.3L of FREEDOM!
a.k.a. 300 ml of pure uncut HFCS

maybe next time you could ask for a syringe?

>> No.8000732

>Arbitrary measurement

Metric is literally the opposite of "arbitrary", but tell yourself whatever you need to feel okay about things.

>> No.8000749

>I have no idea how an American can drink 1.3l of softdrink with just a macs meal.

You add a couple of McDoubles, a Fillet o'Fish and 20 McNuggets to balance it out.

>> No.8000765


Because we eat once a day

>> No.8000775

Do you really think Cheesecake factory is above midtier?

>> No.8000806

I think it is way, way below midtier.

>> No.8000893

complete retard
If you've already bought good food, and you've had enough for one sitting, why the fuxk should you waste it? Eat it later. It's only fucking logic.

Don't waste good food, you cancerous pile of shit.

>> No.8000907

Sounds good. Remind me to go and try to find some.

>> No.8000916
File: 81 KB, 704x396, heston giant food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like the USA is the only country to have large portions.

>> No.8001260


>Metric is literally the opposite of "arbitrary"
>literally the opposite of "arbitrary"

You literally don't understand the meaning of the words you employ. Metric is 100% arbitrary, dum dum.

>> No.8001294

why are you spreading lies, friend?

>> No.8001302

Everyone has this. Don't be ridiculous. It's just that restaurants elsewhere don't plan around it.

I regularly order more than 1 item per person here when we go out so we can try a small amount of many things, then we take the rest home.

Regards from Northern Europe.

>> No.8001309

The difference is Euro portions are tiny as fuck (like Eurococks) if you can't finish a Euro dinner you're either a woman or a cuck so pick one fuccboi

>> No.8001314

Actually that was a show about importing foreign foods to the UK. That episode had him ship over an American "small" Kit Kat to see how many normal people it would take to eat it all.

For the record, it was $129 in shipping fees and brought to the site of filming on a forklift.

>> No.8001327

the difference is that would feed 100 englishmen at a party while in america you'd be sued for malnourishment by a single person.

>> No.8001331

You're full of shit.

>> No.8001722

No, but you're very obviously American

>> No.8001845

>I saw some shit on tlc where an American was revolted by broccoli
>all Americans must hate vegetables since every last one of them is a lardass
Get out of here with that bullshit laddy. I love me some greens

>> No.8001860

Mexico seems to have adopted many American food habits, and it doesn't help that the majority of traditional Mexican food is the same carb/fat-heavy mix of beans, rice, corn, cheese, meat, and tortillas, just rearranged. Mexicans also seem to really love their sugar.

>> No.8001862

I think you're confusing texmex with Mexican

>> No.8002107

>KILOgram is base unit because the french were cucks
>only sub second metric time
>pascal is a shit unit
>electron flow notation isn't considered metric
>decameter is almost entirely unused
>decimeter is almost entirely unused
>Celsius is for cucks, only advantage over kelvin is 1 or 2 fewer digits some of the time
"Hon, I don't want to have to say 297 in day to day life" "Hon, 25.0 is totally different"
"Forget that Fahrenheit has more precision and utility in everyday life, I'm a cuck. I don't care that Fahrenheit has more everyday advantages over celsius than celsius has over kelvin."

>> No.8002559

Aside from the bait; I'm in Houston and the only way to get that kind of breakfast is to go to a Mexican restaurant where no one speaks English except one daughter who has to stay up front and translate all orders from costumers.
We do country style breakfast in Texas. And by 'We' I mean the legals.

>> No.8002564

there's also a shit load of people who jack off to beastiality, whats your point?

>> No.8002581


>ask the average American the freezing and boiling points of water and they don't know. No surprise really, but you know, for the sake of the argument.
>ask any one else in the world and they know it is close to 0C and 100C

>superior American technology made in America by americans

>> No.8002593
File: 479 KB, 1600x1200, blue whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8002595


>ask the average American the freezing and boiling points of water and they don't know

Most retarded thing I've read in awhile.

>> No.8002602

"Take home bag" is basically code for "I'm a sensitive pussy who is too fucking stupid to order an appropriate amount for myself."

>> No.8002686

That's an ice can' za'

>> No.8002704

You do realize Americans know both imperial and SI/metric right? It's euroshits that are adamant about using only one system of measurements.

>> No.8002736

I love every face in this picture

>> No.8003246

Sliced bbc

>> No.8003278

Sorry not everyone can eat 5 lbs of food per meal like you

>> No.8003335

Coming from a Chinese background, I absolutely hate small portions, especially how these high end restaurants want you to order multiple dishes to even be full. I wanna be able to take and eat however much I like lmao.

>> No.8003369


>> No.8003377


Most places don't sell food by weight. It sounds like you eat at places meant to cater to constructions sites and homeless shelters.

>> No.8003397

>person pays $8 for appetizer and soup they eat as a single meal
>person pays $16 for dinner that's large enough to eat in two portions

>> No.8003885


You're basically an Abo. Best case is that you're like a Native Hawaiian.

Why didn't any of your ancestors ever accomplish everything? Why did they not build any notable societies?

>> No.8003893

>worse quality than european food

The problem is saying "European" food, as if you can make some sort of blanket statement.

Countries in Europe that can objectively claim better food than the US:


Countries that absolutely cannot claim that:
>Any Scandinavian/Nordic country
Fermented fish great
Overrated as fuck sausage great
Toast sandwich
>Eastern Europe
Nothing really good about EE, in general, really.

>> No.8003901

>he doesnt know the Princess in Hawaii had the first house with both indoor plumbing and electricity.

I guess they did something notable. Cuck.

>> No.8004146

And why does that matter? Am I significant because I got electricity and pluming in a new subdivision first?

>> No.8004243

>go find a butcher
>ask for a specific cut of meat
Do butchers not exist in over there in 豆国?

>> No.8004547

What in the fuck are you on about? Of course deca/decimeters are unused. Meters and kilometers are used as appropriate measurements for regular people because they are the most common distances people need to explain, and in any scientific sense *10^x meters is used to notate distances. And kelvin is literally just (celcius temperature)-273. Don't just read some bullshit article online about the differences between metric and imperial and pretend to be a scientist to impress people on a fucking cooking image board.