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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 392 KB, 640x358, cheese slicer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7993094 No.7993094 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true you guys hate unitaskers? Explain this autism.

>> No.7993102

why would you ever need such a long chese

>> No.7993111

For dangling out of the back of your shorts while you run around the local mall screaming I AM ZE CHEESE MAN

>> No.7993113

If you're eating a cheese baguette

>> No.7993138

The same reason your mom needs such a long dick

>> No.7993140

What are you, the cheese length police?

>> No.7993142

because alton brown told us to.

>> No.7993157

its not a unitasker
it's a thin slicer
you can slice anything, thin

>> No.7993173

>you can slice anything, thin

So that's it's one task then isn't it, thinly slicing.

>> No.7993178
File: 1.20 MB, 1500x1427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explaining autism
I like my toaster tho

>> No.7993179

I don't hate them but I don't get why I'd want to pay money for a tool that does one thing when I could just develop some knife skills and use that for everything

>> No.7993185

It may also be used as a cake slice or cheese knife.

>> No.7993192

What if you want to make a really long sandwich?

>> No.7993197

I'm am just saying its fucking autistically long and unnecessary. kys.

>> No.7993205

>autistically long

I don't even know what this is.


You're not the boss of cheese.

>> No.7993206

The cheese slicer is awesome. How the hell do you even cut cheese slices of sandwich thickness without one?

>> No.7993207

I would love some toasted bagels with melted butter right now

>> No.7993210

Why does it need explaining? I have limited kitchen cabinet space and want to fill it with the equipment that maximizes the number of things I can use my kitchen for. Unitaskers are fine if they don't have a simple alternative or if they are used nearly every day eg coffee pot, toaster, rice cooker if you're a weeb.

>> No.7993212

just get a grill (aka broiler) you nerd

>> No.7993215

How is a grill not a unitasker? Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.7993219

For the same reason an oven or a stove isn't a unitasker?

>> No.7993220

So you don't have an answer. Gotcha.

>> No.7993222
File: 4 KB, 385x131, pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this fucking pan can do is cook thinks. Useless unitasker.

>> No.7993223

>implying I don't have a fuckin broiler
still prefer the toaster

>> No.7993228

Isn't any coffee maker a unitasker as well?

>> No.7993232

>no fun allowed
Damn man you need to learn how to DARE TO DREAM
Dare to imagine what a long cheese baguette one could make with it.

>> No.7993242

Although I enjoy swiss cheese, I don't like it melted on a baguette. I prefer something like provolone or fresh mozzarella or gouda. I'll get down with a loaf of pumpernickel and swiss with corned beef and kraut though.

>> No.7993248

I love unitaskers. Some cooking tasks are tedious and time consuming, and I'd rather be spending my time chopping onions and frying shit.

I have a huge ass kitchen though, since it's supposed to also serve as the dining room and I don't believe in dining rooms. If you eat on the couch you have twice the room to cook.

>> No.7993249
File: 32 KB, 600x600, kuhn-rikon-epicurean-garlic-press-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is absolutely needed for anyone who cooks regularly and I will fight anyone who tries to convince me spending 10 seconds of time and effort per clove is worth it.

You don't even get as nice of a mince because the chunks aren't as crushed and exuding its juices compared to a press.

>> No.7993253

>Cheese hollower.webm

>> No.7993261

i agree that cheese is too long

>> No.7993271

I accept your challenge. That thing turns good garlic into bitter stringy mush and takes an hour with a fucking toothpick to clean. Give me a sharp knife any day.

>> No.7993296

>too much ass
Fucking Irish people

>> No.7993350

>takes an hour with a fucking toothpick to clean
Don't throe away the cleaning tool, it cleans every hole at once.

>> No.7993379

Easy to refute. Peeling and smashing garlic is easy to do with a knife, thereby making the garlic press superfluous. The garlic press is in the same tier as avocado slicers and those racks that you're supposed to use to cook bacon in the microwave.

>> No.7993397

An oven is by definition an unitasker. It just heats up things

>b-b-but you can store things in it!1

>> No.7993405

Hey fuck you, I have cooked everything but rice in my rice cooker for like a year. Ain't nothing weeby bout it. Though i should probably eat more rice, I have an 88 cent bag in my pantry, just taunting me by this point.

>> No.7993436


>> No.7993456

Real name : garlic killer
You don't need this to destroy garlic

>> No.7993501

>crushing and exposing the most surface area of garlic is bad
>somehow magically makes it bitter

Just because you faggots can't cook small bits of garlic without burning it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with a press.

>> No.7993509

Ignore him, he's probably the sort who thing the sweet marinated clove are the "real" flavour and sears his garlic to make it as bland as possible.

>> No.7993516

>sweet marinated clove
what the fuck are you even?

>sear garlic
You mean cook until fragrant like any professional chef knows to do? Show me one professional chef who doesn't use a garlic press in a industry kitchen.

Bunch of "foodie" autists who never cooked a meal for another person.

>> No.7993553

I'm pro press mang, and there is a difference between cooking and searing until bland.

>> No.7993739

Can also smash heads.

>> No.7993764

can't hang with that shit senpai

too much oil and flavor escapes as it mashes the garlic.

>> No.7993814



>> No.7993828

>chopping onions
>not tedious

>> No.7993837

chopping onions is zen as fuck

>> No.7993846

I'm sure raking leaves and scrubbing toilets is zen as fuck too, still dull as fuck.

>> No.7993852

This Anon is right. Mashed raw garlic is not the same as chopped - much more of the cell structure is destroyed, and the juice tastes nasty (and burns easily).

>> No.7993865

Youre not the boss of brie nowwwww

And youre not sooo agedd

>> No.7993870

I crush the garlic first and leave it sitting in a spoon while I cook everything else. I stir it into the food at the end. This gives you maximum garlic taste.

>> No.7993871
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, 394438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I always use garlic powder like they do in pro-kitchens.

>> No.7993872

>Americuck detected

>> No.7993898

>melted butter
That's redundant, we know the butter will inherently melt from the hot bagel. Just say butter.

>> No.7993900

>YFW some will literally our melted butter onto it until it's entirely saturated,

>> No.7993919

Much like OP whose only function it to parrot "autism lol", single use tool take up space with little practical use

>> No.7993964

There is literally nothing wrong unitaskers. A lot of the fuck heads on here that spout about it learned all or most of their cooking from Alton, which does a good job explaining alot, but also has that dumb rule.

The real rule is don't buy a lot of unnecessary shit that will clutter your kitchen, especially if its hard to clean and/or you only intend to use it a few times at most per year.

>> No.7993967
File: 699 KB, 2240x1344, (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a vegetable peeler. Same idea, only a little less sturdy. Still, it works fine for the vast majority of cheeses.
I also use a vegetable peeler for slicing homemade doner kebab meat.

>> No.7996596

Yessir. My bad. Thank you for correcting the error of my wordings.

Now that is just disgusting

>> No.7996798



>> No.7996823

>homemade doner kebab meat

Your ideas intrigue me.

>> No.7996827

Some of them can make tea or heat up water for other things. The standard drip coffeemaker can be used as a low-powered hot plate if you're desperate. It can also make beer: http://www.southernfriedscience.com/how-to-brew-beer-in-a-coffee-maker-using-only-materials-commonly-found-on-a-modestly-sized-oceanographic-research-vessel/

>> No.7996855
File: 178 KB, 640x360, it's so difficult.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is right, crushing garlic with a chef's knife is basically impossible and takes ages.

>> No.7997072

The unitasker meme is terrible. It can only be used to make fun of unitaskers.

>> No.7997085

And your mom

>> No.7997091

Unlike you plebs, I actually took the time to learn and master my memeing skills, so I can meme in any situation without having to waste time learning memes that can only be used in one, specific way.

>> No.7997112

He's an overrated hack

>> No.7997132

Killer reference

>> No.7997149

Because you're Dutch and besides many bisexual interests you also have a cheese fetish

>> No.7997273


>> No.7997365
File: 20 KB, 184x184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, actually.

>> No.7997377

Honestly a garlic press is really useful and distributes a nice garlic flavor throughout the dish

>> No.7997415

>cheese slices of sandwich thickness
Your sandwiches must be poorfag-tier. I use thick slices of cheese, taken off the block with a knife.

>> No.7997420
File: 312 KB, 554x368, cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the cops! Scarper!

>> No.7997422


So is Julia Child, what's your point?

>> No.7997423
File: 41 KB, 347x540, cheddar-cheese-sandwich-large-block-of-dairy-cheese-amky2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7997495

Cheese it!

>> No.7998078
File: 675 KB, 2240x1344, (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot easier to make than you think. The one in that pic was chicken because chicken is super, super cheap.
Just have the butcher run some boneless thighs through the mincer (or breast if you're a mincer), take it home and blitz it smooth with albumins. Stir in some spices and seasonings, salt and food starch (corn or potato work best), then put into a clingfilm-lined loaf pan, wrap it tightly and steam until cooked through and pic related happens.
That's it.

The same process can be used to make all sorts of luncheon loaves, not just doner meat. I make "Buffalo chicken" meat the same way, using Buffalo sauce powder for my seasonings and spices. Really good for sandwiches, especially with blue cheese dressing spread on the bread.

>> No.7998101

Based Pepin.

>> No.7998400

Fascinating, sounds like something that would be excellent for snacks and quick dinners. How exactly do you steam it? How long does one of these things last you? Have you tried a different cooking method to get a more browned surface?

>> No.7998448
File: 563 KB, 933x769, MonsoonI4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monsoon please go

>> No.7998525


It is an advertisement for an online store and the cheese block slice is CGI and not reall; it's called dramatic and visual effect.


>> No.7998554

I detailed the whole process before. See >>/ck/thread/6222125#p6243900

It also explains how the shops get the charred/brown surface on their elephant leg meat logs v mine. I don't care a whole lot about the charring, so I don't bother, but you certainly could do it, if you want.

As for how long it lasts, are you asking about spoilage? The chicken donair has no curing salts, so it doesn't stay edible for long. I've had decent luck freezing slices of it, though, so there's that.
If you're talking about eating it, I don't eat much meat to begin with, so that loaf I showed you would last quite some time for me.

>switched from calling it donair to doner because i though americans called it donair like the canadians do, but they don't so i'm just back to using the name i know it by already

>> No.7998619

Huh, I remember that thread, I made those awful bao. Thanks doner anoner.

>> No.7998627
File: 925 KB, 1274x1022, 1331190204767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy isn't gonna shit for days, is he?

>> No.7998659

They didn't look awful at all. Don't be so hard on yourself. (: