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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7985441 No.7985441 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of foods do Australians eat?

>> No.7985460

I heard they like "Tim Tams" and wild budgerigars.

>> No.7985461

pineapple on burgers

not kidding.

>> No.7985464

Also pickled beetroot.

>> No.7985466

upside down pineapple cake because its upside down.

>> No.7985478

They also like things on the Barbie.

>> No.7985493 [DELETED] 
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oi alotta dangerous fish m8

>> No.7985503

australian here.just like brits only slightly more adventurous. some people here make chili con carne and omit the chilli so its just a cumin meat stew. So bland.

>> No.7985516
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>> No.7985525
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>> No.7985537

chiko's upside fucking down ya cunt

>> No.7985561

Is kangaroo good?

>> No.7985573
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>> No.7985576
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>> No.7985579
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no rules, just roight

>> No.7985586
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>> No.7985595
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'lia 'za

>> No.7985638

I feed it to my cats. That's all it is good for. Some people try to eat it because it is 'healthy' but the smell alone is awful.

>> No.7985642

We don't eat this here. I want it try it though.

>> No.7985643

Is Koala edible?

>> No.7985799

prison food.

and fairy bread

>> No.7985840

If you guys have Burger King with onion rings and that orange spicy mayo dipping sauce, then you don't have to. It's not far off from that.

>> No.7985961

ffs that's the 'joke' you autist

>> No.7985995


Yes. It tastes sort of like venison or lighter buffalo. Apparently Australians have some weird cultural aversion to it, though.

>> No.7986050

only bogans eat chikos ya cunt

>> No.7986055
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Adelaide pls go

>> No.7986066

take onion rings and spicy mayo and you have it

american food is unimaginative

>> No.7986086

posting constructively and non-provocatively on 4chan

>> No.7986316
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>australian """""cuisine"""""

>> No.7986320

didn't that guy and his meme backronym-tier idea get btfo?

>> No.7986322

he looks familiar

>> No.7986347

>paying 3 didgeridollars/lb to use for catfood

are you fucking crazy, mate?

>> No.7986359

>are you fucking crazy, mate?
pretty obvious theyare m8

>> No.7986364

shrimp off the fackin barbie m8

>> No.7986435

Lots of seafood, lamb, tropical fruits, steak, beer & wine, and the boring veg like broccoli peas carrots and green beans.

>> No.7986521
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>> No.7986532


well thats the way australians see it

>> No.7986557
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>> No.7986559


>> No.7986568
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>> No.7986703
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If you've never had fish and chips with barramundi as the fish, you've never had fish and chips with barramundi as the fish.


>> No.7986732

ken oath

>> No.7986896

Barramundi tastes like mud.

>> No.7986933

post the dankest, gnarliest fuckin vids of abos fighting you got

>> No.7987065

What are some aboriginal dishes? I'm actually wondering.

I know Native American dishes, but know Australian Aboriginal dishes.

>> No.7987114

>I know Native American dishes, but know Australian Aboriginal dishes.

both have very primitive food food. Like it let them survive and shit but its not tasty or anything

>> No.7987146
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There's Native American dishes.

>> No.7987153
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>> No.7987161
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>> No.7987173
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>> No.7987176
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>> No.7987205

>australia thread
>americans talk about america

see the archive and see the pattern

>> No.7987219
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I think I made my point.

Also, most Mexican food (not Tex Mex), is based off of, if not completely Amerindian food.

Tortillas (except the name)

>> No.7987272

I had barramundi for the first time yesterday, it was overrated, give me some fresh flathead or blackfish any day of the week

>> No.7987301

Fairy bread and hot cross buns

>> No.7987324

I don't know, you'd probably get in trouble if you told anyone.

>> No.7987331

bugs, snakes, raw fish

>> No.7987463

Nope. It's just gamey so a lot of people can't be fucked trying to make it better.
Was my go-to when I was trying to get /fit/ though because it's cheap compared to steak and makes great chilli.

>> No.7987468

Was it fresh and local, or imported?
Makes a huge difference if it's the latter, like most fish and chip shops use.

>> No.7987827

This sounds like the most accurate description, thanks.

>> No.7987834

Hey you fucker, this is about Australian food, not American food. Fuck off

>> No.7987864

Oi mates.

You gotta be careful about what you're doing here.
When the shit hits the fan in Yanky Land after their election a lot of people there will be looking for other countries to flee to.
Do you really want to make Australia look appealing and be near the top of their list?


>> No.7987867

buy salt-water Barra, not the imported vietnamese ones that are literally fed human shit.

>> No.7987885

If you want something similar without the hassle, just cut an onion into strips, soak in some milk for 5 minutes, then dredge in seasoned flour (whatever seasonings you want) and fry until crispy.

>> No.7987932

Yeah pretty much this.

A lot of food in Australia takes influences from Greek, Italian or South East Asia because we had a lot of refugees from those areas after wars.

>> No.7987935

Yes we have that. Hmm, that spicy sauce is ok but far from great.

Seems it's not worth going to America after all then

>> No.7987938


>> No.7988236
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aborigine camp

>> No.7988277

Thing of beauty, looks like the tail end of a student pissup

>> No.7988359

pretty much every cuisine

We were a british colony for too long to really gain our own cuisine

>> No.7988440
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unfortunately I'll never be able to become the person that asks such thing at a fish and chip shop.

A) You automatically are labelled as a massive wanker
B) They know how to lie and what the answer you're after is.

>> No.7988457
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Tightest shit right here pham


>> No.7988468

Looks like Detroit.

>> No.7988558
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>> No.7988562
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>> No.7988565
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>> No.7988574

Spider on stick with fermented kangaroo dung

>> No.7988576

For the record, aussies eat vegemite with butter, never solo and never out of the jar like nutella.

We eat kebabs after a piss up, cause its the only thing open

Prawns/shrimp are too expensive to eat regularly, we only have them on special occasions/ holidays

>> No.7988635

Austria you say?


shrimp on the barbby?

>> No.7988766

literally this

chuck a whole goanna in a fire and munch on it, that's literally it

>> No.7988775

no one knows because we herded them all out to the desert and left them there.

>> No.7988788
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>> No.7990659
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Tasmanians make scallop pies, which sounds pretty good.
They fuck it up with a Keens-ter shitty creamy curry sauce though.

>> No.7990669


>> No.7990679

Keens is good with baked beans though m8

>> No.7990682
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Fuken grilled rooo mate make sure it's one of the jumpy ones

>> No.7990695

Nah mate they are the go

>> No.7990708

Rooo is great, for a quick snack if you are lost in the jungle you can just hunt one down, cut off the tail and put it on a rock under the sun for a couple hours, don't worry about the rooo they grow their tails back, look out for other animals and hungry abbos who may try to steal it tho

>> No.7990714


>be me Nigel Waga-waga
>just got me fix from centerlink
>pissed the fuck off cuz white cunt kept asking bout me kids and shit
>got me doll anyway
>head down to the servo to celebrate
>doll night so all the fuckin sniff already gone >feelsbadman.jpg
>no fukin serpent snake tonight
>gots me an idea
>go to big dirt place for airplanes
>find me some airplane sniff
>go back to bush to sniff
>take big sniff
>shits so intense
>best sniff of me life
>lose control
>start flying
>go into sky with all my ancestors
>fukin cunt calls me a boong
>punch the fuck out of him
>see croc making mountain
>steel his thongs
>ancestor spirits start fuckin shoving me
>its so loud it ecos through the land
>all the dream time spirits turn and look at me
>all the spirits start to fade
>their faces turn human
>its fukin cops
>iv been arrested

best sniff of me life got me some fukin warm bed time too

>> No.7990724


the thing is scallops are very mild, i don't think they could stand up to a more robust curry

>> No.7990742
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Damper with jam is legit superior to all other jam-based food.

>> No.7991081

Succulent Chinese Meals


>> No.7991115

This all looks so good

That was Mexican food ya dumbass

>> No.7991143

story checks out

>> No.7991167

You're a fuckin pleb if you think Kangaroo meat it bad, it's tasty as heck and fkn good for ya. Just learn to cook it right you philistine

>> No.7991172

>Drinking any variation of XXXX
I swear you Queensland cunts have wetbrain from the humidity

>> No.7991194

Made me lol harder than it should. Also looks fucking disgusting.

>mfw Captcha has upside down icecream pics to select

>> No.7991219

I didn't know you blokes ate fossils out there!

>> No.7991232

I hear ya women are thirsty for American dick-long meat. Don't worry, I'll give her a good time, royal beating free evening like women should be treated.

>> No.7991247

The fuck is a pie floater?

*looks it up*

It's literally meat in pea soup covered in ketchup. Fuck that shit, heritage or not.

>> No.7991253

Legitimate laugh good buddy. Screen cappin for future generations.

>> No.7991302

That was 75 years ago lad

>> No.7991331

>*reddits uncontrollably*

>> No.7991358


>all that nice looking food
>on the dirty fucking ground

fucking, why?

>> No.7991859

it's not the ground, it's a gravestone, raised about 1ft from the ground.

>> No.7991864


some of the best seafood in the world

a 'tiger'; meat pie topped with mushy peas, mash potato and gravy

>americans will never know the glory of a pavlova

>americans will never know the succulence of a medium rare, marinated kangaroo steak

>> No.7991877

Do Australians even have feelings?

>> No.7991880

Spotted the American.

>> No.7991893

Nope we don't even exist nor does australia the land.

We are robots senpai

>> No.7991895

I don't know if it was because my brother is autistic or my mum is lazy but we had the same shit every week growing up.

Sunday - Roast, usually lamb
Monday - Sausages, mashed potato, mixed vegetables
Tuesday - it was referred to as tuna mornay but I wouldn't call it that. Tuna sludge on rice
Wednesday - spaghetti bolognese
Thursday - "someone else can cook", so usually take away
Friday - honey soy chicken drumettes (and nothing else)
Saturday - fried rice or something referred to as chow mein (was actually something like http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/8780/beef+and+cabbage+stir+fry))

Breakfasts were always either weetbix or vegemite on toast, at school we had two pieces of fruit (an apple and a banana) for recess and a sandwich (vegemite or peanut butter).

It's been so long since I've had damper. Maybe I should make some.

>> No.7991915

giant sausage roll from the servo boys

>> No.7992002
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>> No.7992011

Man, your lunches suck.

>> No.7992012

wheres the fucking lamingtons?

>> No.7992013

I ate em

>> No.7992018

We eat everything under the sun just not weird shit like horses head and tongue, haggis and other weird euro shit.

>> No.7992043
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morning stirfry

>> No.7992212

lost of its basically the same, and pretty average at that.

I hate these sort of get togethers, the foods always a let down

>> No.7992465


that list is so spot on I reckon, gave me a bit of a 90's teenage nostalgia twinge. add Shepard's pie, home made pasty, mini pizzas on English muffins and pumpkin soup to that list.

Used to hate tuna mornay too, now when I eat it it's comfort food central.