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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 600x823, imperial stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7951621 No.7951621 [Reply] [Original]

Whatcha drinkin, /ck/?

I'll be starting out the weekend with a glass of this and some stewed beef short ribs.

>> No.7951706
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>> No.7951751

This and their taddy porter are great. Didn't care for much else from SS

>> No.7951905

I haven't tried their taddy porter yet, but I also love their oatmeal stout.

>> No.7951910

Can anyone give me an IPA recommendation that's actually good and doesn't taste like pure pine trees and bitterness?

I had a Double IPA with watermelon the other day that was enjoyable but it was mostly due to the watermelon.

>> No.7951923

You want a citra hopped ipa. Centennial ipa from founders is good too, along with two hearted

>> No.7951931

>you want a citra hopped ipa?
Said nobody, ever.

>> No.7951939

He doesn't want bitter pine. Citra is popular as fuck right now and on the other end of the spectrum for hops. Fruity, juicy, etc.

>> No.7951953

wtf are you talking about? Citradelic is one of my favorite beers.

>> No.7951965
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>> No.7951975
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been drinking all different kinds of beer once ever week for 2 years now and all of it tastes like bitter shit to me.

I'm trying to like it but it just feels bad. Like a chemical aftertaste.

Will I ever learn to enjoy beer

>> No.7952001

What were the last few beers you had?

>> No.7952122
File: 259 KB, 1044x1856, NEPale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last full pint from the first ever keg dry hopped beer. Strange to have a beer that just smells more and more tropical each time you have it!

>> No.7952153
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Gonna drink one of these with lunch before I go to work.

>> No.7952156
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> Still drinking "beer"

Cider masterclass here

>> No.7952200

That's a fag boy beverage, if you need your alcohol to taste like fruit then you don't truly like alcohol

>> No.7952213
File: 40 KB, 450x450, whitewater-replacement-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked a six pack of this up.
How did I do?

>> No.7952312

It's okay.

>> No.7952332

I like cider in the fall, but I like beer year round.

>> No.7952343
File: 16 KB, 450x349, Louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did I do?
You managed to go shopping, so I'm proud of you.
Overcoming autism and social anxiety is all about taking one step at a time until you feel you don't need your carer anymore.
Be strong, anon.

>> No.7952381
File: 35 KB, 300x225, OLD-STYLE_SHAMELESS_HANDS-ON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Style.

>>The Official Beer of the Chicago Cubs.

>> No.7952391
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Just the usual weekend.

>> No.7952400
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>Stone sea salt and lime Wussie
Man that shit was great on tap.

>> No.7952662
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Fantastic English bitter, ESB on steroids!

>> No.7952674
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Gonna have some buddies over for some bro time in the back yard.

>> No.7952731
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>> No.7952835

Can anyone recommend some good lambics? I've had Lindeman's Kriek and loved it but I'd like to dig a little deeper.

>> No.7952922

Better have been the Cuvée René, because otherwise you haven't actually had a lambic. As for recommendations - anything with "Oude" on the label

>> No.7952956

>tfw leaving for Poland on Sunday
Polish craft scene is bretty gud, yo

>> No.7952963
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Great Divide makes good shit, pic related is what I'm drinking

>> No.7952967
File: 76 KB, 524x515, Gueuze_Fond_Tradition_569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one a lot. I'm no expert on the style, It's just my favorite of the few Gueuze I've tried, and I prefer all those to the fruit lambics.

>> No.7953113
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I fucking love regular fullers, that looks amazing

>> No.7953196

Going to the beer store. What are some high ABV beers (6.5% +) that taste really good?

>> No.7953215

lol what? Citra and/or Mosaic are in all the best modern IPA, fuck that west coast style shit

>> No.7953265
File: 235 KB, 1298x1440, I_only_drink_mosaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how big is your collection of "rare empties"?

>> No.7953269

Enjoy your shitty Rogue

>> No.7953271

cigar city tonight

enjoy having your entire personal identity revolve around stupid bullshit

>> No.7953282

what are you even talking about?

>> No.7953286

you tell me, neckbeard. you were the one blogging about how the only good beers are citra and mosaic and how the west coast gives you an inferiority complex

tell us some more about your superior taste

>> No.7953295

Calm down man. I was just responding to a post where some guy confusingly said people do not like citra beers, then you start saying all sorts of random shit that is entirely unrelated to anything else that was said

>> No.7953298


fuck you bitch Rogue makes dankass beers

and wins international awards for it

nothing has ever come close to dat hazelnut brown nectar, imo.

So eat shit ok

>> No.7953301

Rogue makes some good beer, but their stuff is pretty mediocre relative to the price

>> No.7953302

>being a literal child
I bet you drink Moscato wines too you faggot.

>> No.7953323

That's the only beer I know of winning an award from them

>> No.7953338



hundreds of awards

>> No.7953353

> then you start saying all sorts of random shit that is entirely unrelated to anything else that was said
you mean like "enjoy your shitty rogue"?

>> No.7953389

You were defending mediocre west coast IPA, it was a perfectly reasonable and relevant comment unlike anything you were whining about

>> No.7953425

you mean the west coast of florida?

going back to my original question, how big is the collection of "rare empties" lining your shelves?

>> No.7953432
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bretty gud

>> No.7953433

Jai Alai is pretty good, definitely not a weest coast style IPA, not sure why you are trying to pivot the conversation to them

But please explain the ocrrelation in your mind between modern hop strains and collecting rare empties, whatever the fuck that means

>> No.7953467

>not sure why you are trying to pivot the conversation to them
I have no idea what you're even trying to say here, you keep accusing me of being a shill for rogue or something, and you're completely batshit obsessed with the west coast and all hops that existed prior to 2013, and how they raped your mother and are literally the cancer that is killing beer

I'm attempting to draw on whatever tenuous links may exist between reality and your universe, hence the mention of the west coast of florida

maybe if your entire identity didn't involve denouncing beer styles that have been around longer than last Tuesday, you might understand why I'm giving you shit for being a huge neckbeard

>> No.7953469

Citra-esque IPA has been cool since at least 2009 man

>> No.7953476
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Citra rules.

I'm drinking this one-day-old Simcoe-only NE IPA though.

>> No.7953488

Besides being a fucking contrarian, why are you defending this post?
Are you just saying random shit pulling the whole pretending to be a retard act?

>> No.7953515

telling you you're a retard for having a bizarre hate-boner for all beers from the west coast and all hop strains that have existed longer than last Tuesday is not the same as being the same guy you're having a catfight with

fucking relax, it's just beer

>> No.7953520

>it's just beer
Yeah, stick to your yuengling

>> No.7953527

You are really jumping to some wild conclusions

>> No.7953542

This is the most autistic thread I've seen for a long time, congrats faggots.

>> No.7953548

Sort of a reference to the west coast beer hate, something I've noticed sampling beers in different areas of the world from different areas in the world is that lots of beers tend to taste worse the further you are from where they were brewed.

I don't know if it's something that happens during shipping, exposure to light or differing temperatures, or even just aging, but a west coast beer purchased on the east coast is definitely not as good as if you purchased it on the west coast and vice versa.

The Dogfish IPA I drank when I was in Oregon did not taste as good as when I was in New Jersey, and the Rogue IPA I drank in New Jersey was not nearly as good as when I drank it in Oregon. Also, I've never had a good Guiness in the US.

>> No.7953554

t. neckbeard with rare empties collection who says shit like "I'm really into craft beer" because the presumption is that if you say "beer" you OBVIOUSLY mean yuengling and bud light
it's all right here in the thread. you're the one jumping to conclusions thinking I'm "defending" some guy, unless you mean I'm defending beer containing hops that have been around since longer than last Tuesday in which case, yes, I am.

>> No.7953558

It's not that West Coast IPA is bad, its just that its not as good as more modern styles. West Coast IPA is more about the neckbeardy pursuit of more and more bitterness while East/Midwest IPA is more about balance and aroma

>> No.7953562
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I love ommegang

>> No.7953565

It could be a freshness thing, but I suspect it is your head playing tricks on you. Confirmation bias, expectations, the odd happy accident.

>> No.7953567


Well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Personally, I think all IPAs are fucked. I'd rather drink malt liquor than an IPA.

>> No.7953571

>west coast neckbeardy
Don't mind me just sipping on an 'ASS CLOWN IPA' containing ghost peppers from... California? No? Oregon? Nope. Oh look, the East Coast

>> No.7953575

Dude, we are talking about styles. Not all beer made in such regions, there are plenty of good IPAs on the west coast, and west coast style IPAs made elsewhere, but thats entirely beside the point

>> No.7953582


I dunno, exposure to light and varying temperatures can seriously effect a beer in negative ways.

I don't think it's my head playing tricks on me.

>> No.7953583

>>west coast neckbeardy
ever hear of Portland? The epicenter of West Coast beer, and full to the brim of forgettable mediocre IPA and neckbeards

>> No.7953586
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>> No.7953593


Oregonian here.

Also, home to the most microbreweries per capita on the planet. So yeah, there's gonna be lots of bad IPAs.

>> No.7953618

Exactly. Oregon has a fucking lot of decent craft beer, but very little excellent beer

>> No.7953644


I would say we actually have a lot of excellent beer, it's just hard to figure out which it is because the market is so big.

If you ever around Portland, rather than buying bottles, I'd suggest hitting up some pubs and asking for advice. I've always thought it tasted better from the tap.

Any of the McMenamin's pubs are a personal favorite.

>> No.7953651
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>> No.7953704

Why can't you niggers just drink what you like, and stop having autistic outbursts instead of civilized discussion?

>> No.7953707
File: 62 KB, 441x403, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because ipas have a ton of hops. hops lead to estrogen conversion in men. Excessive estrogen = roller coaster emotions and excessive bitching and moaning

>> No.7953727

IPAs are okay, but they've become hipster memes. I find other styles of ale more refreshing.

>> No.7953740


I do find the IPA meme super annoying. My favorite has always been brown ales because they are so smooth. It's not very popular in the US, and now all of a sudden there are all these "American Brown Ales" that are super hoppy, trying to cash in on the IPA meme.

>> No.7953770
File: 60 KB, 458x458, cerveza-cabro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this

>> No.7953788

IPAs have long been a 'normie' meme.

>> No.7953823

why do people even like IPAs? they taste like absolute fucking garbage

>> No.7954118
File: 29 KB, 483x859, 1212121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this, among other things

Been trying to get into Porters lately and this one seems okay but I still prefer Stouts

>> No.7954361

Some people like things that you don't, and vice versa.

>> No.7954614
File: 80 KB, 720x960, 576c2b622bb81.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ what a shit thread.
Got to try this stuff the other day. Was pretty solid, a little too much banana/bubblegum type flavor than I like in my hefe, but still pretty good and easy going down.
Also yes, I know New Glarus is a meme. They still make good beer.

>> No.7954630
File: 25 KB, 400x315, Rain_man_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because beer is part of the "real man" identity in flyover land, and if you challenge someone's preferences in beer you are literally undermining their masculinity

remember too that flyovers have a really hard time dealing with different opinions and values than their own, because they define "good person" as "a person who is similar to me" and they define "bad person" as "a person who is unlike me"

hence why when a flyover hears an opinion that differs from theirs they think "oh it must be a wicked foreigner trying to steal my precious bodily fluids" and they fly into a rage as per the doctrine of mutually assured destruction

>> No.7954702

Why can't you niggers just drink what you like, and stop having autistic outbursts instead of civilized discussion?

>> No.7954710
File: 149 KB, 1600x869, Rain Man 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because beer is part of the "real man" identity in flyover land, and if you challenge someone's preferences in beer you are literally undermining their masculinity

remember too that flyovers have a really hard time dealing with different opinions and values than their own, because they define "good person" as "a person who is similar to me" and they define "bad person" as "a person who is unlike me"

hence why when a flyover hears an opinion that differs from theirs they think "oh it must be a wicked foreigner trying to steal my precious bodily fluids" and they fly into a rage as per the doctrine of mutually assured destruction

>> No.7954997

You should just stick to wine threads guy

>> No.7955693

Simcoe only is an strange choice. As an homebrewer i often get some cat piss tones if i overuse the hop.

>> No.7955721

I live in a somewhat large town along the central coast of California. Where should I look to find good beer outside of major supermarkets? Do I just go around to local breweries and make pick ups from there? Can I order this stuff online?

>> No.7955744

Socal reporting. Our bigger liquor stores usually have killer craft beer selections. However, if you've got some local breweries that make stuff you like growlers will be the most cost effective way to get your fix

>> No.7955747

I am originally from SoCal but moved to central California for College and stayed there. Which bigger liquor stores do you mean? Are there any brands I should try first before I make a dive?

>> No.7955835
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This tastes better from the bottle than in a glass imho

>> No.7955866

I copped a 6 pack of some pineapple ale from a friend (in cans) today. He'd bought it for a party the week before and never opened one, he's not going to drink it alone (I will kek) so he gave em to me.

I'm kinda afraid to try them because if they're shit then I have to get through at least one, then I have to give away a 5 pack. Anyone try pineapple ale I guess?

>> No.7956086
File: 531 KB, 1175x2088, Blueberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest beer, kegged about 5 hours ago and burst carbonated so the carbonation just rushes out of the beer leaving it flat in no time.

Still one of the top 5 beers i ever had. Read and heard alot about Mosaic hops that produced blueberry notes. Called bullshit as it always made my beers oniony and resiny. This one was mosaic heavy but all added after boil. Fucking insane beer!

>> No.7956150
File: 388 KB, 1175x2088, Blueberry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to have another pour of it, the soft fleeing carbonation might even lend it to the beer,

Probably the best one i ever brewed at this point and top 3 overall.


>> No.7956182
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>> No.7956194
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Currently drinking this
Its meh

>> No.7956204
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>> No.7956207

I'm about to leave for a party. What beer should I pick up on the way there?

>> No.7956209

Dale's Pale Ale

>> No.7956212

I never thought i would say this but...

Beer is for fags?

>> No.7956265
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>> No.7956271
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>> No.7956274

I still have one of these from last year

>> No.7956326

I'm about to have dinner at the Dogfish Head brewery.

Never had any of their beers, what do you recommend

>> No.7956328
File: 303 KB, 750x600, 1-The-Alchemist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking dis. it's bretty good. not amazing

>> No.7956330

their beer isn't very good. i would just order whatever sounds best from the menu. maybe they'll have some cool brewery only things

>> No.7956336

that sounded too harsh lol. they're not that bad. i think i remember liking 60 minute ipa

>> No.7956340

Midas Touch or 120 minute if you have taste. 60 minute if you're an idiot.

>> No.7956343
File: 7 KB, 206x218, 12714303_212585319096563_1901885589_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>120 minute if you have taste

>> No.7956345

Anything that sounds good. They're pretty experimental so a lot off people shit on them for it. I just had a palo santo aged brown ale from them that was pretty tasty, but unlike any brown ale I've ever had

>> No.7956347

Why don't you go drink wine in the corner by yourself pussy

>> No.7956353

I ended up getting Firefly Ale tastes good to me

>> No.7956391

I like their pure brewed lager and Winter Welcome, of course. I'm sipping on some Founder's All Day IPA. Easy drinkin.'

>> No.7956958
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Is this considered a bad pour of beer? It's from a 12 oz bottle and the glass is about 20 oz, but does this look about right? I know its a lot of head but in the head it doesn't make much difference , does it?

>> No.7956967
File: 378 KB, 475x475, sunking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunlight cream ale I got from krogers

>> No.7957101

Too much head. Pour at a 45 degree angle until 1/2 to 3/4 full, then go straight up. I do the 3/4 with anything that isn't dark

>> No.7958121
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Finally had this last night after so much memeing on these threads, and I have to say, it lived up to the hype. Fantastic mouthfeel, nice toasty malts, dark chocolate and coffee notes (almost tastes like a milkshake at first) with a marked bitterness on the end which keeps it balanced. 8.5/10

Any other good stouts to try?

>> No.7958155

why is it so cloudy? is it unfiltered beer or is it just the end of the barrel?

>> No.7958270
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diabeetus in liquid form, pretty damn nice though. I think the Mikkeller Beer Geek series does the "dessert stout/porter" thing better though

>> No.7958301

its called hop haze

>> No.7958345

The Yeti from Great Divide is a fantastic imperial

>> No.7958356

AleSmith Speedway Stout
Anderson Valley Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout
Hitachino Nest Espresso Stout
Hoppin' Frog B.O.R.I.S. The Crusher

>> No.7958371
File: 49 KB, 640x637, 1465733800529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chilling in Delta Sky Lounge in Narita
>decide to check out the automatic beer pouting machines
>all the cups are chilled
>machine literally pours foam on the top of the beer


Japan has the worst beer memes

>> No.7958380

Asia itself is a beer shithole

>> No.7958401

Went to a beer tasting last night at a brewery. I'm fucking embarrassed because I got more drunk than I thought. I was stumbling on my way home.

>> No.7958404

Meanwhile in weeaboo, fantasy land.....

>> No.7958416

Everyone there was drunk too bro

>> No.7958420

Kiuchi is literally the only redeemable brewer in that country. Everything else is just rice up the ass

>> No.7958431

Lagunitas Imperial Stout. The first time I poured I thought I accidentally got a bottle filled with motor oil it looked so thick. With an almost 10% ABV and a strong taste of bitter chocolaty coffee it really became a favorite of mine.

>> No.7958486


>expects any encounter with beer outside of America and Europe to be a positive one

Jokes on you sperg

>> No.7958526
File: 48 KB, 200x200, Lagunitas-Wilco-Tango-Foxtrot-3-e1361112860965-200x200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't find the Imperial stout anywhere. I talked to the salesman that distributes Lagunitas in our area because I wanted to buy a case of it ($53.88 before tax). Their website says it's seasonal and is released in the summer, but then they just released this Wilco Tango Foxtrot beer instead.

>> No.7958537

Did you try their espresso stout? I tries both the imperial and the espresso at their Petaluma brewery and I thought the espresso had a much richer flavor tbqh.

Too bad both varieties are so hard to find anywhere else

>> No.7958696

Is it a seasonal only? Maybe I should stock up then.

WTF was interesting...I don't know if I liked it or not though. It was very malty.

Where are you located? I'm in SE Wisconsin so the Chicago location is not too far away from me.

No I haven't but I know it's at the store where I work, so I'll pick some up to try. I've really liked their lineup so far.

>> No.7959787

I'm normally not a fruity alcohol kind of guy, but Red's Apple Ale has become my go-to choice for a low alcohol, social beer. Great for just chilling with family.

>> No.7960760

Gross dude

>> No.7960826


>> No.7960862
File: 200 KB, 900x775, Weyerbacher-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weyerbacher 21. It's the best stout I've ever had, but it's a tricky beast to drink properly. You have to let it sit in the glass and cool off, preferably with a wide rim, as the ABV can rip through the actual taste easily. Look for it now because it's very limited, being a birthday beer.

>> No.7961210
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, Photo Aug 02, 9 38 11 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this guy a few nights ago. Small little brewery in PA. Was super juicy and tasty. One of the better small batch IPAs ive had

>> No.7961300

Jesus Christ the amount of sticking bubbles in this thread makes my ass itch.

Clean your fucking beer glasses.

>> No.7961451

>Jesus Christ the amount of sticking bubbles in this thread makes my ass itch.

try taking a shower, neckbeard

>> No.7961615

t. Flyover

>> No.7961906

Double chocolate stout because every now and again I want to hate myself tomorrow.

>> No.7961918
File: 71 KB, 640x480, tokyoblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wat is kizakura
>wat is yoho
>wat is ginga kougen
>wat is kawaba
I'm sorry you chicken fucking hillbillies only have access to sapporo draft in your weird little provincial bubbles of oxycontin and meth

how does the internet actually reach you, is it via satellite?

>> No.7962019

Fruit lambics are the only beer I drink, I haven't found anything good cheaper than Linderman's.

>> No.7962066

>4 notable breweries in the entirety of Asia
Wow they're doing great

>> No.7962078

>my shitty supermarket only has one Japanese beer so only one Japanese beer exists
>a post on 4chan mentions 4 Japanese beers so only 4 Japanese beers exist
Remind me of how many good sake breweries exist in the US?

>> No.7962082

Right. Sake isn't a huge seller in the states. Just like how decent beer isn't a huge seller in Asia.

>> No.7962085

That's some nice deflection

>> No.7962090

That's not cider you fucking cunt. Dry something dry and cloudy. Cheddar Valley is what true cider looks like. With bits in, bought on a roadside somewhere in the west country.

>> No.7962094

Deflection from what? It's the truth you literal retard. Why do you think Asia is a beer desert? A handful of okay breweries in a giant continent isn't going to change it

>> No.7962097

Deflection from your ignorant claims about what is and isn't available from Japan

You sound like you're in some kind of time warp, posting from 1992

>> No.7962135

So, me posting a reason there really isn't much for good beer in Asia is deflection? I'd call it supporting my argument.
There also isn't good cheese in Asia. Should we discuss why that might be, or are you going to cry and point out a couple mediocre cheese makers out there?

>> No.7962145

Where do you find these? I live in PA and never saw Juicebox in a store.

>> No.7962149

What argument? You made a dumb claim and got BTFO, and now you're backtracking and trying to make it into some kind of academic thesis about cheese

>> No.7962150

Yes. Start looking for IPAs brewed in the UK. American pale ales of all kinds are overhopped shit that deviate so far from the original flavour profile that they have no right to use the names of better beers.

>> No.7962167


>> No.7962171

Great refutation there.

>> No.7962206

What's the essential UK craft core that i can get at local market chains?
I'm visiting a friend and have no idea what's good there.

>> No.7962213

Tennent's Super

>> No.7962395

holy fuck look at this weeaboo

>> No.7962415
File: 28 KB, 601x583, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't reddit, anon-kun

>> No.7962447

your post was shit. 2/10 for getting me to type this

>> No.7962482

I've only ever seen niggers drinking Redd's. Then again I live in a county that's 60% dark

>> No.7962524



>> No.7962533

Beer tastes like carbonated liquid bread. Just drink wine.

>> No.7962555

Have a (you) on me.

>> No.7962854

Vincenzo pls go

>> No.7962857
File: 48 KB, 551x459, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7963623

And of William h Macy

>> No.7963937

i want to watch cute anime girls pls recommend something

>> No.7963986

they all died in the tōhōku tsunami ;_;

>> No.7963995
File: 326 KB, 800x600, avery-hog-heaven-barleywine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to lose weight so haven't had a beer in months. But I love a good Barleywine, will treat myself when I reach my goal

>> No.7964073


>> No.7964674

I had an APA I really enjoyed. What are your favorite APAs? Think I'm going to put together a six pack tomorrow.

>> No.7965314

>Beer tastes like carbonated liquid bread
that's a good thing succboi

>> No.7967087
File: 44 KB, 200x216, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bringing this to a party tonight after I read a good review on /ck/

How did I do? Is it a meme beer?

>> No.7967194
File: 892 KB, 1668x2998, 0809161437-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search "pil"
>no results
>search "ipa"
>24 results
Fug u, stop perpetuating the ipa micro craft brew meme

This is me coping with being laid off

>> No.7967207
File: 2.44 MB, 3773x2482, 8-9-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from the store

>> No.7967228

I just got laid off too! Congrats

>> No.7967237

>ipa micro craft brew meme
It was a meme maybe 10 years ago. I get people of all ages, races, and the two genders asking for beer that 4chan still considers memes. Hell I see 60 year old bikers vaping in public and 4chan still thinks vapes are memes.

You faggots need to go outside more.

>> No.7967240

please keep in kind that meme has no real meaning so all of those things and none of those things are memes

>> No.7967241

Please do not suggest vaping is a normal thing for someone to do. Craft beer is mainstream as shit, but vaping is just fucking weird and gross and anyone doing so should be judged harshly

>> No.7967243

I tried SN's Pale Alw, I was not a fan. It was very watery. I'd gladly give the rest of their lineup a shot though.

Hey man tell me how that Cherry is, I saw it at the store.

>> No.7967247

>please keep in kind that meme has no real meaning so all of those things and none of those things are memes
Yea I know meme has come to mean "thing I don't like"

>Please do not suggest vaping is a normal thing for someone to do.
Unless they were a smoker. It's just nicotine by electricity rather than by fire.

>> No.7967251

Actually got this today randomly when I was picking up a handle of vodka. So I'll be drinking this and vodka cokes

>> No.7967254

>Unless they were a smoker. It's just nicotine by electricity rather than by fire.
Yeah, its just a weird quirky way to be a dirty smoker. Regular smokers are rednecks, vapers are memes

>> No.7967261

>Regular smokers are rednecks,
But most smokers are city living people. Especially in Europe where a larger majority of people smoke. Cigarettes aren't just a "country" thing.
>vapers are memes

>> No.7967264

>. Especially in Europe where a larger majority of people smoke
Yeah, Europe is fucking gross, I couldn't believe how common smoking was when I was there

>> No.7967273

I kind of liked it actually. There was nothing comfier than a cigarillo and a beer at noon at a restaurant or coffee in the morning at a cafe. I don't smoke in the US but it felt ok to do in Germany.

>> No.7967282

don't even reply this stale bait

>> No.7967283
File: 574 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20160809_181346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yer got dang right anon.

>> No.7967344

I love the Nooner because it's got a strong kick without tasting like ass, and I also drink their Porter because why not, I like it.

>> No.7967357
File: 202 KB, 1200x1600, Cisco Grey Lady Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat goosh goosh

>> No.7967359

I think their pale ale is the worst beer in their line up.

>> No.7967362

AOK, a bit malty

>> No.7967395

Ok I will certainly try the Nooner

That's good to hear

>> No.7967455

I love Nooners. Such an easygoing beer I always have a few with me when I go fishing

>> No.7967509
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x1836, 20160809_172455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COfag reporting in. Just moved here a week ago so trying a bunch of stuff I couldn't find in GA.

Tried this one. Looks nice. Pretty malty with almost no bitterness. Still prefer the Laughing Lab made around here.

>> No.7967599
File: 85 KB, 720x960, 10666053_694772670605892_1995385871094115067_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put together a six pack of local beer today. This shit blows if you're wondering.

>> No.7967756
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was an amazing stout and lived up to the hype. It's thick, even for a 9.5% abv beer.

That's too bad because it sounds cool

>> No.7967956

Alaskan Amber was one of my first "real" beers.
I loved that shit but nowadays its far too sweet and cloying for me.

>> No.7967964

Their hopthermia is bretty good and cheap enough

>> No.7968135
File: 3.33 MB, 2141x2335, 20160809_211226-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one with a dinner of a burger.

>> No.7968152

feldschlösschen and anker like every other day

>> No.7968183

I might be an idiot, but when I go shopping for beers I typically grab the ones that have pretty labels and as high ABV as possible.

>> No.7968210

Just ask the people at the shop what they like

>> No.7968279

If you want high alcohol content why don't you just buy spirits? There's only reason to get high abv beer is if you are some student trying to get wasted or an alcoholic.

>> No.7968289

They literally don't sell anything above 12% here.
WV here. I have to buy beer daily, about 160-20 oz, to feel anything. Fuckng miserable slugging all that shit. 50 Miles to nearest alcohol.

>> No.7968292

>If you want high alcohol content why don't you just buy spirits?
what? Maybe because beer is fucking delicious, and most spirits, especially the reasonably priced ones, are not that good
>There's only reason to get high abv beer is if you are some student trying to get wasted or an alcoholic.
This is just completely wrong
A lot of excellent beer is high ABV, there is a general correlation between the two but with very many exceptions

>> No.7968295

>WV here
West Virginia? Goddamn sucks to have dry counties my man.

>> No.7968582
File: 726 KB, 1920x1080, IMAG04312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my cap collection. Some day i'll do something with them. Wish I could remember half of them, probably should have gotten a journal.

Most recent new things were:
Oskar Blues Beerito - Fucking awesome. Smooth as hell
Avery Brewing's "Liliko'i Kepolo" - A bit too fruity for me, but not bad.
21st Amendment 's "Toaster Pastry" - Didn't taste the supposed stuff they used, but pretty good.
Brasserie de Silly's La Divine Tripel - Didn't like it or the dubbel blonde.
Sonoma Cider "Washboard" (Vanilla Sasparilla) - Vanilla taste was really weak, average cider.
Sam Smith Pale and Chocolate Stout - Pale was probably the most unremarkable of the Sam Smiths i've had so far. Chocolate was good, but I'm not as into stouts lately as I used to be.
Stift Engelszell's "Gregorius" - Same as with the Sillys, haven't liked either of the two I've had.
Curious Traveler's "Lemon Shandy" - Leinenkugel's is better.

Last beer I had that I really loved was Full Sail's pilsner, or the Beerito. Might be going on some medication soon which will mean I can't drink alcohol for a few months, so hit me with the good recommendations for late summer/early fall stuff now. Maybe one good fruity shandy, Traveler didn't deliver. Probably pick up the peach Kreik lambic alternatively.
In Alaska so my options are comparatively limited.

>> No.7968584
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>> No.7968613

If you want bro, it's all good

>>7967509 what the other guys said. Alaskan really went downhill the past couple years. I still like the white a little, but I don't really buy it anymore. On the note of Alaska breweries, skip Midnight Sun if it ever comes up, total trash. The rest are pretty good though.

>> No.7968996
File: 113 KB, 768x960, 13935162_1739964086252778_3575037247906419094_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a few hours i'll be having some delicious Kellerbier from the gravity keg.

>> No.7970540

Isn't it just a less good version of their Sunday Morning Stout?

>> No.7970542
File: 112 KB, 1440x1076, 11397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970548

Place caps evenly and straight on top of a piece of wood. Probably hot glue underneath.
Cover this in glass and add molding.
Bar. But this is a big project so get some blueprints.

>> No.7970552

>Pic related is my cap collection. Some day i'll do something with them

you could bust your caps in someone's ass

>> No.7970558
File: 1.04 MB, 1800x2400, image5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start collecting beer pump labels

>> No.7970823
File: 454 KB, 2088x1175, OceanBarleywine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly good Barleywine.

>> No.7971023
File: 3.05 MB, 2467x2027, 20160810_172435-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, /ck/

>> No.7971031

Maybe your lighting is weird, but that shit looks like grapefruit juice

>> No.7971039

It's not the lighting. It is quite orange and hazy. Very malty but also hoppy. I was disappointed with the lack of head, I made a good pour.

>> No.7971049

Same thing happened to me with a barrel aged arrogant bastard last night. All the other bottles poured fine. Oh well. Btw, not worth the price. I would've rather had regular arrogant bastard

>> No.7971068

Ooh, good to know because I was looking at that yesterday actually.

I don't know where you live but "Oktoberfest" and pumpkin beers are now out in full force. I'll have to pick one up and try it out.

The Idiot Farm also has a nice citrus undertone. I liked it but I don't know if it's worth $9 for a 4pk. Nice hefty ABV tho.

>> No.7971468

Which ones dont you remember? Im pretty confident I could name them all except maybe 1 or 2 tops.

>> No.7971484

Live in MN and yeah Leinenkugels released theirs early as fuck this year so now everyone is. I love oktoberfest beers so I'm okay with it

>> No.7971515
File: 355 KB, 1428x1293, _MG_7004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and Hell are the last Surlys I need to try from local Liquor store. It's okay, nothing fantastic.

>> No.7971520

Any good MN beer you'd recommend? Just moved here from WA, all I really know of is Surly's and Bent Paddle.

>> No.7971570

Fulton has some good stuff, indeed is a little hop heavy, but make a lot of cool stuff at their brewery, hammerheart in lino lakes makes a ton of smoked, Oakes, aged stuff that's pretty good, schells is great all around. Star of the North series is phenomenal if you like sours. Summit epa and saga are good year round and their unchained stuff is always solid. Castle danger has a George hunter stout in the winter that rules. Their summer crush is still out and it's pretty tasty as well

>> No.7971574

Oh and liftbridge puts out some decent stuff as well. Farm Girl is a good saison that's priced pretty well

>> No.7971596

Thanks for the suggestions, man. Actually had a chance to try Farm Girl and Saga when I visited Hard Rock at MOA, both pretty good. Definitely gonna buy some of that Summer Crush tomorrow with how hot and sticky it has been.

>> No.7971600

No problem. A good spot to try some beer for cheap is pizza luce if you're around the cities. 3.50 taps during happy hour

>> No.7971607

Live about an hour away from cities, so don't go there too often. But I'll have to check out that pizza place, reminds me of a place back home I used to go to every weekend.

>> No.7971704

That stuff is great

>> No.7972203
File: 2.22 MB, 2160x3840, 20160811_010514_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking a homebrewed brown ale dispensed from a kegerator i just built yesterday.

>> No.7973664
File: 2.30 MB, 2976x2976, 20160811_120757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tips pan

>> No.7973816
File: 684 KB, 2175x1767, IMG_20160811_185736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent Weizen, probably my favourite after Weihenstephaner.

There's something about Dubbels that I just don't like. I vastly prefer the White and Blue Chimays.

It's ok, very bitter and malty but not much else. Definitely had better IPAs.

Get off 4chan Logan.

Picked up these today. Union/Double Jack is pretty much the best goddamn IPA I have ever tasted. The German craft beer scene has been picking up lately but it has a way to go before it can produce something similar.

>> No.7973973


Try fruity stuff like cider, or fruit ales.

>> No.7974739
File: 1.93 MB, 2432x3286, IMG_20160811_181022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong glass, I know, my stout glasses are in the wash.

>> No.7975009
File: 1.85 MB, 4299x2833, DSC_0642-e1391277967934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up pic related for tomorrow. Any tried it before?

Most beers by Firestone are pretty good. Nice stuff, anon.

>> No.7975147

I've had it once before. It was a very complex stout and it was good for drinking slowly because it was so flavorful. Coffee and pepper complemented each other, which I did not expect at all and imyou could taste all of those things that they list.

>> No.7975175

"International" awards don't mean a thing if you host them in your own country and barely anyone else shows up. That's like me inviting Usain Bolt to a school sports day and declaring an eleven year old the fastest man on Earth when he doesn't show up.


Just look at how many American breweries entered the "World" Beer Cup compared to every other country.

>> No.7975221

>Just look at how many American breweries entered the "World" Beer Cup compared to every other country.
Thats because almost all of the worlds best brewers are American. Of course some shitty central european brewery that only makes one boring lager that tastes the exact same as the other 5 breweries in their towns' only beer isn't going to take the time and enter a competition against legitimate brewers

>> No.7975236
File: 733 KB, 624x569, Wey_MerryMonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sipping on these boys right here tonight.

>> No.7975557

I don't know shit about beer

But I'm chilling at my buddy's house tonight playing some vidya and smoking some weed and he told me to bring some beer of my choice

Apart from generic cheap get drunk in college beer

Ive only had blue moon and Sweetwater going coastal and 420

Recommend me a beer for tonight pls

>> No.7975562

what state?

>> No.7975565


>> No.7975569

Any of the random Brown Ales out there.
If in kind of a fruity mood, since you're in the south Abita's Purple Haze because why not.

Beyond that, go and look at what looks interesting. I'd stay away from any IPAs for the time being.

>> No.7975570

I don't know much southern beer, you can probably get Founders there though and they are good, or just get something random for a local brewery

>> No.7975595
File: 3.50 MB, 2979x1678, 20160807_232403-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you faggots familiar with Adelberts brewery? I won this tour/tasting and to be honest it sounds like some hipster fag shit. Who wants to buy this from me? $25

>> No.7975717

Victory HopDevil

>> No.7976259

Or maybe it's because it's held in Colorado it's not worth the effort for any other country.

>> No.7976911

Free beer and food? Just go you stupid faggot

>> No.7976934


You posted this picture like a week ago and you were fielding suggestions on what to order. Is this some kind of strange guerrilla marketing thing? Who do you work for, Chipotle or the brewery?

>> No.7976992
File: 1.39 MB, 1440x722, Screenshot_2016-08-12-08-36-38-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm keeping the Chipotle and I used the Schlitterbahn tickets already, but after looking at the brewery's website and yelp it just looks a little to queer for me. I was hoping some local hipster craft beer fag might want to buy it so they could discuss mustache wax with other fags while drinking beer and attempting to hand roll cigarettes

>> No.7977021
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 1461612697279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink liquor my whole life
>what's beer all about
>try different beers
>they all taste like piss

Every one of them tasted like piss. Back to vodka we go

>> No.7977100

If imperial stout tastes like your piss you need to see a doctor. Also

wow, how versatile.

>> No.7977182
File: 130 KB, 412x500, bells expedition stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this yesterday, it was fucking amazing, never would have thought that americans are able to produce quality beers.

>> No.7977200

Cheers! I love Expedition Stout.

Different countries have their own specialties and I think America is the place for IPA's and RIS's, generally.

>> No.7977852
File: 407 KB, 2088x1175, OmnipolloNoa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a couple more bottles of this one recently and had to have one after dinner tonight. One of the best dessert adjunct imperial stouts!

>> No.7977909

>Talks about beer's shit taste
>Drinks a liquor with no taste

Do you drink anything else or just vodka?

>> No.7978049
File: 453 KB, 2088x1175, TuataraAPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice enough pale ale! Probably the strangest bottle i ever picked up, atleast for beer!

>> No.7978302

Just fucking go yourself man. You might actually discover a new beer you like.

>> No.7978519
File: 1.82 MB, 2432x3286, IMG_20160812_173030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good life down here lads.

>> No.7978947
File: 517 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20160812_195300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Must be nice. Pleb life pictured.

>> No.7979107


Where can I get one of these glasses? I like the flaming earth. Is this a glass form a brewery?, saw the same one on a thread many moons back

>> No.7979254


>> No.7979351
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best beer

>> No.7980176

What do you Bud Light drinking faggots think of mexican beer? Lets not consider Corona and Modelo Especial, im talking about mexican classics as Indio, Victoria, Noche Buena and Leon

My favorites are Negra Modelo and Indio, indio has a caramel taste, fucking GOAT

>Tecate is shit tho

>> No.7980199
File: 115 KB, 595x1058, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with all the shit tier american garbage?

>> No.7980205
File: 1.49 MB, 2317x3248, jupiler-pils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday, 10:48 AM drinking the national beer of my country, Jupiler. Also preparing the food for the barbecue of this afternoon.

>> No.7980346

All of those are somewhat mediocre

I've tried to discuss actual micro brews here that aren't from USA #1 but /ck/ beer threads are full of angsty nopassport flyovers who just want to fling shit at places that are not the USA midwest

So you should just google Mexican microbrews and read about them on a site that likes nice things, not this one

>> No.7981213
File: 16 KB, 400x400, JupilerIsForFags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are bretty gud.

>> No.7981746

Stone IPA is shit tier

>> No.7981803

What are some really good Imperial Stouts?

>> No.7981804

Sammy Smith.

>> No.7981854

not him but i'm pretty /g/...
It's from a youtuber called tek syndicate.

They sell beerware swag to support the channel.

>> No.7982347
File: 1.23 MB, 1560x1493, can_16oz_6pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me

>> No.7982356

Storm owl, expedition stout, stone Russian imperial, Yeti (all variations), old rasputin

>> No.7982361

Switch to hurricane or natural ice 40s at least man. They're tasting alright this year, nothing like that swill. It's not a huge leap but I can't help but cry when I see people drinking Milwaukee's recycled saliva.

>> No.7982362

Ice cold beast is awesome, bub

>> No.7983058

where do you live?