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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.07 MB, 2573x1709, Corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7941561 No.7941561 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this shit, America

>> No.7941563

It's corn.

>> No.7941564

I'm not 100%, but I think it's corn.

>> No.7941567

You put it in belly.

Belly goes yum-yum

>> No.7941571

This, along with the banana, It's proof the evilution is a lie

>> No.7941572

Well you see, soon after the native Americans arrived in North America over the russo-american land bridge they began cultivating and domesticating a grain into maize and eventually into corn.

>> No.7941573

I got some growing out my window. It all but a weed.

>> No.7941588


If I had to guess, I'd say it's corn.

>> No.7941607

O-obasan? You're awfully chatty for a corpse. Especially one that's been dead nearly twenty years and has spent most of that time as ash. Also, the crypt has wifi access now? And how are you even typing? Do Nico and Beppe know you're posting to 4chan from beyond the grave?

Japanese ghosts are weird.

Hey, while I've got you, give me the recipe for those strawberry thingies you used to make, please? We miss them and none of us can get the dough right.

>> No.7941612

Obviously OP means why do American foods use it so much?

>> No.7941613


Probably for the same reasons that Asians eat rice so much. It's a cheap, flexible staple.

>> No.7941672
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Fuck corn! Eating it off the cob is a mistake every time, you'll spend the next hour with a toothpick and floss trying to get that shit out of your teeth.

This is one of those foods that is MUCH better when processed and refined. Corn oil, corn syrup, ethanol, and products made with corn flour, like tortilla chips, Cheetos, Fritos.

In its natural state, corn is animal feed. Refine that shit and it becomes food for people.

>> No.7941688
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>> No.7941694 [DELETED] 

I always used to think this sort of shit was just a massive joke
but then when I got into an argument with some niggers on facebook they started bringing that sort of shit up

they're all fucking insane.

>> No.7941701


>> No.7941713

be careful with that shit
if BLM decides to fuck with you, they'll try to ruin your life
they're like a cult

>> No.7941714

Google teosinte faggot.

>> No.7941723
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>> No.7941748

Nutritionally worthless until Nixtamalized (Masa, Corn tortillas, Hominy)

Subsidized because it's used in so many things

>> No.7941756

Why are GMO shills so racist?

>> No.7941762

>using m*ize for sustenance
just eat a potato like a human being

>> No.7941776


stay woke

>> No.7941788


Nope. Nixtamalization only affects certain nutrients in the corn, not all of them. Mainly niacin. It's true that nixtimalized corn is more nutritious than non, but to say that it's "worthless" unless nixtimalized is just plain wrong.

>> No.7941796

I'll trust the injuns who've lived off it for thousands of years

>> No.7941806


And how exactly does that contradict what I just wrote?

>> No.7941812

What they ate and what Monsanto poisons the food supply with are two distinct things, anon

They're actually in the process of contaminating genomes across Mexico now because landrace cultivars are abhorrent to them. All maize should have DNA from random unrelated life forms inserted into it to strengthen their vice grip on the food supply, if you have a problem with this you obviously don't understand science

>> No.7941819
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>Subsidized because it's used in so many things

Nah little dude. Its subsidized because people like meat, and corn feed lowers the cost and time of production of meat substantially when compared with other sources. With corn, you don't need more land, your feedlot operations can be contained in a much smaller plot, your cow/pig/chicken gets fatter quicker, more meat more money.

Of all the corn grown in the US, I'd wager 98% of it is probably inedible for human consumption

>> No.7941828



>> No.7941831

Like white people ruin everyone else's by hoarding wealth.

>> No.7941858

My people call it "maize"

>> No.7941874


>> No.7941901
File: 156 KB, 1000x700, dangerous-corn-syrup-rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has replaced Pure Cane Sugar in almost everything.

>> No.7941908

That chart is pretty much bullshit, in the sense that, consuming sugar vs hfcs isn't any better. hfcs is shittier than sugar yes but the campaign for eat sugar no hfcs is no different than the ads saying sugar is sugar, its just one interest group fighting with the other for their cause.

and in a very real way, the corn refiners association is right, sugar is sugar, in the very real sense that it will kill you with prolonged consumption.

>> No.7941945

>The only product of flyover land.

>> No.7941960

I work at an expensive "high-class" grocery store and that shit sells for 20 cents a cob right now, and it's half that at the WinCo down the street.

So I don't even care how it happens. That shit is gold.

>> No.7941978


White people don't hoard wealth, they produce it.

There's a bunch of families which hoard ownership of capital, but they have little connection or allegiance with whites in general.

>> No.7941987


I think you mean jews

>> No.7941988

>There's a bunch of families which hoard ownership of capital, but they have little connection or allegiance with whites

Considering they're Jewish, that's pretty much obvious.

>> No.7941995

go back to the rock you came out from under of.

i see plenty of white people having their hand out at the welfare office where i live, 2 blacks in the hole fucking county and half the entire population is on welfare.

>> No.7942195

Someones got to pay for the welfare until we realize it's a shitty idea and tell you all to find a fucking job.

>> No.7942212


>> No.7942295

Shut up with your fake edgy weeb references

>> No.7942327

It's corn, you are probably confused because you are used to eating it out of a can

>> No.7942332

Do you live in the ghetto?
Then what the fuck do you know?

>> No.7942353

>ghetto is only majority blacks
>70% population under the fed poverty line isn't a ghetto just because they're white

Fuck off dude

>> No.7942362

Yeah it's not like an overwhelming majority of black people are poor while being only a small percentage of the population while a small minority of whites are poor while being the biggest demographic right?

>> No.7942380


We have created a monster.

>> No.7942382

Small minority of whites are poor?

You need to get out from under your rock kid.

>> No.7942455
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Perhaps it's due to innate intelligence and the assumption that everyone is equal.
Blacks aren't smart -> they can't compete in the free market -> they become poor -> they live off government wellfare, an olive branch extended to them in the white culture and society they live in. A consolation prize despite being useless.

>> No.7942542

b8 is b8
however while we're all distracted.

Bananas and modern sweet corn are man made through unnatural selection, which supports the very well established fact that is evolution through natural selection.

>> No.7942556

In the US,corn is heavily subsidized by the federal government to increase US independence.
>How does this work? What do you mean?
Well, corn is a versatile crop. You can make plastics out of it, you can make many different types of food out of it. You can make different useful chemicals out of it. You can make sugar out of it. etc. etc. Because of this, if the US produces a crap ton of this each year, US companies will have access to many different things without the need to import them. This helps strengthen the Dollar in many ways. This helps strengthen the US economy in many ways.

Since the corn is subsidized that makes corn based products a great deal cheaper than many other similar products, which is why the corn-based things are more popular than others in the US.

Fed. gvt. pays for corn to be cheap.
Corn up in dis.

>> No.7942564

But "black people" comprise so many different distinct genetic groups that it is literally impossible to determine whether they are innately less intelligent. I think the problem is more that kids who grow up in black communities value their education less, which can hardly be said to be their fault. Furthermore your image proves that the effect of socioeconomic factors is undeniable

>> No.7942661

Nice dogma.

1. Other people wouldn't have more wealth if white people had less.
2. It would be impossible for us to even approach affording everyone on Earth a middle class lifestyle. Either a certain percentage of people in Western countries get to life middle class lives and the rest of the world is mostly poor, or everyone in the world is poor. The idea that there's a middle ground is pure, unscientific fantasy.

>> No.7942674

How is any of it edgy? And how would you know if any of it is fake? And is it weeb if Anon's Japanese?

>> No.7942687

Everyone wouldn't need to be poor for everyone to have a good comfortable life
It's just that everyone would not be able to live a modern consumerist liftstyle

>> No.7942691


>> No.7942700

Actually if your whole strategy is wealth distribution then taking away all the money rich people have wouldn't be enough to pay for ea middle class life standard for everyone in the country

>> No.7942703
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when you're going to argue your side on something, make sure you're arguing a point that can't get proven wrong with a 10 second google search

>> No.7942709

No it would be impossible for everyone in the whole world to live the modern consumerist lifestyle. Money aside there are not enough resources on earth.

>> No.7942721

I didn't say world I said country, besides that I was claiming it's not enough so read my post hetter

>> No.7942722

But we do have enough money and resources for everyone in the world to live a comfortable life. You know enough food, utilities, housing, clothes, education, healthcare the shit the actually matters as opposed to the dumbass amounts of money spent on consumerism that people thinks makes you the middle class

>> No.7942742

No we don't, if you mean getting your medical bills, college, rent, etc we don't have enough to pay a fraction of it.
Rich people aren't magical fairy's who made gold out of rocks, the problem is that making all those things paid by the government doesn't make it cheaper at all, yes there are countries that offer all those things for free but it's public hospitals, education, etc so it costs a lot less to pay for everything

>> No.7942746
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>> No.7942750
File: 25 KB, 300x250, 274728464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificial sweetener

>> No.7942755

Wait you mean world? There aren't enough doctors for everyone in the world, there isn't enough housing for everyone in the world, there isn't enough equipment or technology or infrastructure or any vital thing to provide for everyone.
How stupid can you get?

>> No.7942763

How do you figure?

Let's say the average salary in Western countries is US$45K/year. Ideally, your scenario of wealth redistribution would make the average salary for every person on Earth at maybe US$20K/year, which wouldn't be abject poverty but certainly much more sparse.

But that's just some wild fantasy. If we did correct math and made everyone on Earth's salary equal, we'd all literally be poor. There's no way it'd even approach $1,000/year. But if you have some other equation or info that suggests global wealth redistribution wouldn't be a complete disaster and tragedy, please elaborate.

Either a few of us get to live decently and the rest live poor, or we all live poor. Human society, human life, and our world do not live up the people's utopian fantasies. No better than religious people thinking we go to live in paradise after death.

>> No.7942776

that's why you remove it from the cob with a knife first, you filthy savage

>> No.7942792

The average ceo income is 11 million a year. Think about how many people work under a ceo, Microsoft ceo makes only 18 million, distribute his salary among every Microsoft employee and how much money do they get?

>> No.7942832

But we're talking about distributing among 7 BILLION people. I'm not a statistician or economist, but it seems even without doing the calculations that there's no way something like an average of all wealth distributed among 7 billion would even get close to breaking $1K per person.

Any anons actually know how to calculate this, or any other nuances that would affect these figures?

>> No.7942835

Err yeah we do, remember how I said it could not be done with the current system? If you throw unnecessary pills and procedures at people while only treating symptoms of course it's gonna cost much more than if you focused on preventative meds. Not to mention the fact that no one ever has their medical bills paid in full. And that's just healthcare, if public education was managed properly it would be much much cheaper

And also the richest of America are just like fairies who shit money they move money around and it multiplies despite not really doing anything of value.

>> No.7942857

Yeah ok, I get it now
You are a moron

>> No.7942864

There is definetly enough housing for everyone in the world hell in America alone there are more vacant houses then there are homeless people
As for technology and infrastructure is here enough of it globally at the same level it exists in the US? No
But in that case not every nation is as advanced as the western world and would not require the same exact tech to improve the quality of life.
Do you think a poor African nation would require the newest John Deere combine harvester in order to increase food security?

Doctors idk about but if the world focused more less on treating symptoms endlessly things could be better

>> No.7942867

It's pretty simple, you can calculate it by looking at an income chart In America. Surely proving that it's not enough to stop poverty in America will prove that it won't stop it in the entire world right?

>> No.7942870

Six ears of local Olathe corn fresh from the field for a dollar. Find me a better food deal.

>> No.7942875

>loosing arguement a tiny bit
> call the other guy a moron

Please elaborate on how I'm wrong I'm all ears

>> No.7942880
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Please don't ever vote

>> No.7942885

Do you understand that by infrastructure I mean access to water, gas and electricity and technology iean access to medical equipment to treat shit like cancer right?
How are you going to classify someone with none of those things as not poor?

>> No.7942892

Assume world wide "take home pay", divide by number of people wealth is distributed amongst = rough average per person.

Now, where you get those numbers, I'm not sure, but I know enough that if you were to distribute all of the world wealth, we'd all be broke (relative to what the average low income/min wage American worker makes).

>> No.7942916
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>> No.7942979

I just got 16 ears for free and grilled some up with supper. absolutely delicious

>> No.7943019

Your right anon I shouldn't. I like using facts and facts don't mix with politics well

>> No.7943019,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bullshit. That is blue corn, a different type of corn.

>> No.7943041


Your chart says there's more white poor than black poor.

>> No.7943073

no, you speak from stupidity alone

>> No.7943075

There's also more white people than black people.

>> No.7943091

People got fatter when hfc became common place because all that sugary foods got a lot cheaper so people bought them more, not because its worse than sugar.
Correlation doesn't equal causation you wombat.

>> No.7943219

you don't know how percentages work do you