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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7929862 No.7929862 [Reply] [Original]

So I plan on going off grid and living without a refrigerator. What are some good foods I can keep without refrigeration?

>> No.7929875

Nothing since you will need an assload of salt and spices for anything to be palatable and last longer than a day, so good luck with your salt mine and spice farm

>> No.7929879

Just use pre-refrigeration preserving techniques: canning, pickling, drying, salting, preserves.

>> No.7929884

Depends on what you can immerse in oil or brine and fit into a jar.

>> No.7929886

Just buy some solar cells and a small efficient fridge.

>> No.7929902
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I was thinking maybe single serving stuff like pic related and other canned or packaged foods.

>> No.7929926
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>I plan on living without a fridge.

Just buy a fridge.

>> No.7929928


Oh, so it's OP's lifelong dream to not have a fridge, and that's not a consequence of going off the grid? OP just really hates fridges, since one killed his parents or something?

>> No.7929931

Staple grains like rices and flours will last a very long time. Make sure to study up on proper storage techniques so varmints don't get to em. You can find plenty of nuts and tubers by learning local foraging practices. Mushrooms can be easy to find as well. Shoot animals.

>> No.7929934

Why are people on this site so Pro Fridge?

>> No.7929938

Hope OP doesn't shoot anything bigger than a rabbit because otherwise he's not going to eat all the meat from what he kills and it's going to go bad

>> No.7929942

Because basic luxuries like food refrigeration are what enable us to live past the age of thirty

>> No.7929945

>he's not going to eat all the meat from what he kills and it's going to go bad

Or, you know, he could preserve it.

Jesus, how do people in this thread think that anybody survived before 1940?

>> No.7929949

>how do people in this thread think that anybody survived before 1940

To the ripe old age of 58.

>> No.7929950
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>basic luxuries

I forgot that shelter, clothing, food, and fridge were the 4 basic luxuries required to survive.

>> No.7929951

With what? His barrels full of preservation salt? I thought he wanted to live off the grid. Is he buying land on a salt mine?

>> No.7929954
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>all these refrigerator shills

>> No.7929955

Antibiotics and modern medicine allow you to live past the age of 30. Refrigeration just allows you reduce food waste and eat "fresh" produce without having to go to the market every day.

>> No.7929957

Are you deliberately misunderstanding my point? I said basic luxuries that enable us to age past 30, you brainless fuck.

>> No.7929958


You can still drive into town to pick up supplies and put them in the portable efficient luxury fridge you installed in your coalburning truck.

>> No.7929959

Of grid does not mean living the life of a hermit. OP has already posted >>7929902 so he's clearly going to purchase stuff. He can purchase salt. And vineger.

>> No.7929962

Nobody needs to live past 50 but that's besides the point

>> No.7929965

You guys don't actually use the refrigerating jew, right?

>> No.7929972


The death toll past 30 for fridgeless populations tends to follow an exponential curve.

>> No.7929975

red pill me on refrigerators, fampai

>> No.7929976

if you live near an ocean you could use seawater to brine meat and veg. you need salt or something acidic like vinegar or cultured whey. you could also smoke or dry foods.

if you're asking what foods to stock up on, get any kind of dried or canned meat. rice and beans, flour, etc. but make sure to keep them in airtight containers so they don't get bugs.

if you have a cellar, you can keep cabbages and potatoes for a while.

peanut butter takes a long time to spoil and is high in calories.

i can understand why some people want to go off grid but i don't think it's the answer to societal problems if that's why you're doing it.

>> No.7929981

Im not going completely back woods. I plan on making trips to Wal-Mart for most of my food. Just off a the top of my head heares some good food that doesn't need refrigeration.

Powdered milk
dinty moore stew
Strawberry poptarts
brown boil in bag Rice
Ranch style beans
Summer sausage.
Canned dill tuna in olive oil

>> No.7930012

Rice, quinoa, pasta, oatmeal, dried beans
Dried fruit
Olive oil
Canned foods

Limes or apples or something for vitamin C (or just vitamin tablets)
Use bay leaves to keep grains from getting pests

Can you grow a garden or keep chickens?

>> No.7930018

>going off the grid
>shopping at Walmart

>> No.7930019


So if there was a tree next to your back woods trailer house that drops protein-rich little seeds that you can gather up and put in your house and eat, you'd rather drive to Wal-Mart and buy poptarts instead? Or tasty mushrooms that you could add to the summer sausage you cram up your hemorroidal fuck hole?

>> No.7930021

I could grow a garden or keep chickens but I mostly plan on having goats on the land. Not sure how long fresh eggs would last without refrigeration.

>> No.7930026
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Most farms had a cellar.

>> No.7930035

eggs last a couple weeks without fridgeing.

>> No.7930036

Eh we have a few pecan trees on the place. I plan on eating plenty of pecans and I have eaten some of the juniper berries from the cedar trees although they make me thirsty. But as far as picking mushrooms go id rather not chance it. I really don't want to shoot animals though. Id prefer to eat packaged meats. which makes me think of another good item. Crackers and smoked oysters are mighty tasty.

>> No.7930047

You can get a lot of needed nutrients from a garden, and just pick what you need (or jar sauces & things).

>> No.7930057

nigga juniper berries literally taste like earwax

>> No.7930067

My mother was killed by a fridge, the doctor insisted it was diabetes, but I know it was that fucking Kenworth always at her bedside.

>> No.7930069

>But as far as picking mushrooms go id rather not chance it

Learn fast. Mushrooms are a great foraging food. All you have to do is learn is recognise the edible ones.

>> No.7930077


It's nowhere near as difficult as the horror stories you hear about. Depending on your location, there are usually a few types that have no dangerous lookalikes and are easy to find.

>> No.7930081

Yup. Just err on the side of caution. If you're not sure, don't eat them. There will still be plenty of edible ones you can be certain about.

>> No.7930085

Give these videos a whirl OP: https://www.youtube.com/user/jastownsendandson

He goes into detail on how to salt meats, preserve eggs/fish/etc. Plus some great simple recipes for when you're out in the country.

>> No.7930086


You know doctors are all fridge sympathizers, right?

>> No.7930093

>So I plan on going off grid and living without a refrigerator.
This is a fantasy and you won't do this. Be realistic and true to yourself.

>> No.7930096

Im in texas this will be central east texas where the cabin is. I think I can identify chicken of the woods as a fungus I might try eating but I would really rather not chance it.

>> No.7930103
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>> No.7930113

He did insist on selling her chilled insulin, the bastard.

>> No.7930117

Beef jerky

Vegan garbage.

Turkey/Chicken/Pork jerky

Rice n beanz

>> No.7930166

Can't believe no-one has mentioned pulses so far:

Dry beans of all types, peas, lentils, chickpeas, fava beans, etc. This shit lasts years in a jar and all you need to do is soak it in water overnight before cooking.

Same with couscous, bulgur wheat, barley, oats, corn etc for grains and dried mushrooms for protein.

All of the above last forever.

Tinned or jarred anchovies, mackerel, sardines.
Jerky like everyone else said.
Go fishing and learn how to smoke your fish.

Olive oil, butter, hard-cheeses are good sources of fat that don't need a fridge. Honey doesn't need a fridge either.

And have your own garden patch for a steady supply of fruit and veg.

>> No.7930193


If your not hunt/fishing/trapping

canned chicken/vienna sausages, powdered milk, jerky, can chili, spray cheese, butter but keep it covered or use ghee if your paranoid about it turning

Breads- crackers, bread, tortillas, oats

fruits fresh or have some dried

veg - small winter squash/ potatoes, canned veg they do sell veg in the 4 pack jello like cups now

basic staples- salt, sugar, flour, bullion cubes, hot sauce, mayo/ketchup/mustard packets from fast food places, tang/koolaid powder with the sugar already added.

Anything you normally have now you can have there you just have to be creative

>> No.7930201


Think about it, bro. You've got the media, controlled by the Jews, constantly telling you about global warming, right?

Well, what do fridges do? Make things colder.

I mean, do I have to draw you a map or something?

>> No.7930203


Exactly. OP is a fucking idiot.

>> No.7930219

Everyone abandon thread, OP is going off the grid Walden-style, i.e. not at all. He wants to camp in his backyard and buy fucking canned food

>> No.7931143
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>> No.7931210

Basic luxury not necessity.

>> No.7932089

refrigeration actually shortens your life span today with all the shitty food, better go to the market and buy fresh food or just grow some yourself.

>> No.7932309


Beware man-eating animals

>> No.7932312

pop tart

>> No.7932321

You can prevent weevils by freezing it firs.... oh wait.

>> No.7932325

Freezing and refrigeration are literally two different things

>> No.7932355

Buy a solar powered freezer

>> No.7933883


is there a more faggy grain?

>> No.7933890

If you have to ask 4chan about what kind of food you can keep without refridgeration, I don't think going off the grid out in the wilderness is for you.

>> No.7934596

They used iceboxes, genius.

>> No.7934598

then surely he can pick up some electricity while he's in town for his refrigerator

>> No.7934601

Goats don't lay eggs doofus

>> No.7934631
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>> No.7934655

I hope the market uses refrigeration

>> No.7934665
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>> No.7934672

Dig a root cellar. You can keep lots of stuff down there.

>> No.7936652
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>> No.7936662
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>> No.7936672


Bulk items for protein:
Dried beans
Dried TVP and wheat gluten
Flour, oats, rice, etc

Also, you can just dig a deep hole and keep things down there where it's relatively cool.

>> No.7936698

>refrigeration actually shortens your life span today

Yeah, that's absolutely not true in any way whatsoever.

Thanks for posting though!

>> No.7936711

>refrigeration actually shortens your life span today
only if one falls on you

>> No.7936726

>Dried TVP
flash your boibewbiez for us

>> No.7936738

A fridge killed my father and raped my mother. I will never forgive them.

>> No.7936744


> implying the biggest cause of boy boobs isn't being a fatass

>> No.7937071

Do lithium and haldol keep in the heat?