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7926730 No.7926730 [Reply] [Original]

Just turned 21 what should I buy first as a legal man

>> No.7926739

Cheap beer, $25 vodka, spend the rest of the money on hearty meal before drinking and cocaine to ride on later that night.

>> No.7926782

bleach and hawaiin punch

>> No.7926787

A hooker.

>> No.7926794

Bought 2 cans of Fosters at midnight on my birthday and have had almost no sober days since. Careful out there, buddy.

>> No.7926802
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If you're in Texas, get yourself a Shiner.

>> No.7926820

1 whole gallon of debt and crippling depression

>> No.7926828

not all of us are pathetic weak men like yourself

>> No.7926833

Just go to the bar and ask what's good on tap.

>> No.7926846
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Start off adulthood without pretentions - a man's way - with a cool refridgerated Bud.

>> No.7926881
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Welcome to the club friend

>> No.7926889

You should drink tequila while listening to Tequila! by The Champs and doing the Pee-wee Herman dance. In a bar. It has to be in public or it doesn't count.

>> No.7926891

fucking kill yourself.

>> No.7926898

I've had that since I was in highschool.

>> No.7926901

What is the biggest amount of beer you can buy that still counts as a single product?
t. non americano

>> No.7926906
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Treat yourself to something decent

>> No.7926917

This guy knows what's up

>> No.7926920


I thought the legal age was 16 in Germany

>> No.7926925

Ayinger is decent tier. Unertl and Schneider is god tier.
It is. As is the age of consent

>> No.7927019

St benardus abt 12


>> No.7927128

Did what I did with my first legal drink. Sell it to minors for double the price.

>> No.7927135

>Age of consent?

Momma mia!

>> No.7927142

I am also 21 and Jack Daniel's was my first alcoholic drink. It was almost undrinkable.
Am I a lost cause or did I just pick the wrong way to start?

>> No.7927145

If you have no experience buy a couple of beers, some vine, good vodka and some thing else that intrests you.
Sample those and if you like something search for similiar drinks

>> No.7927147

Try something interesting like Makgeolli or Absinthe or Ouzo if you can, and make sure you eat while and after you drink. Drinking without good food is a waste of alcohol.

>> No.7927157 [DELETED] 

>Makgeolli or Absinthe or Ouzo
What are you some kind of coastie cuck? Here in flyover land we drink BEER and WHISKY and anything else might expose my latent homosexual tendencies. Do I look like a queer to you? DO I LOOK LIKE A QUEER?

>> No.7927172

Buy some coca cola, and drink Jack&Coke all night long budday

>> No.7927175
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Absinthe and Ouzo are sold almost everywhere, and I'm having a bourbon as we speak, boy.

>> No.7927176

>2x Murican beer
>not sober

>> No.7927184

>Implying op never drank before
Op just wants to buy alc legally.

>> No.7927185

He could skip the vodka and get weed+tacos

>> No.7927200

This. Also a lot of bars will give you a free drink on your 21st

>> No.7927240

Get a bottle of jagermeister for 19 bucks at wall mark senpai

>> No.7927288

Dude... Foster's is Australian... ya dun fucked up

>> No.7927298

its an american beer adopted by the ozzies

>> No.7927349

But to make the most of the alcohol you want an empty stomach and parched

>> No.7927371


>> No.7927378

Box of wine, a flare gun and the Frasier box set.

>> No.7927381
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Pic related. I drink a lot, first time on this bottle, and one shot will have me buzzed, so it should be great for you. Good way to save money, too.

>> No.7927383
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>> No.7927386

What's the stuff in the middle?

>> No.7927393

That's a ba-giner bub

>> No.7927399

mushed watermelon perhaps.

>> No.7927436

looks like someone tipped a 'go 'za in there

>> No.7927437

>age of consent is 16

based schnitzel land

>> No.7927442

Cheapest whiskey you can find. Few beers for the morning after.
a good meal and some little salty snacks too so you don't end up with ulcer.

>> No.7927456


If you're still trying to develop a taste for it, I'd start off with just beer and wine first.

>> No.7927459

Except rapefugees aren't required to follow AoC legislation.

>> No.7927650 [DELETED] 

actually it's 14

>> No.7927652

Why do I often see beer advertised as being "refreshing" or "good on a hot day?" Doesn't alcohol dehydrate you? How can it possibly be refreshing?

>> No.7927655

>age of consent is 16

Congrats, you're Alabama

>> No.7927659

Very easily with its immediate effects. Maybe you should try busing your ass for a day then having a beer.

>> No.7927710

Yes, it supposedly dehydrates you, but alcohol also causes your vessels to dilate therefore cooling you though I would think the heat would already cause that. Beer is typically refrigerated which probably cools your core body temp.

>> No.7927713
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Why the hell do you people keep drinking even though it fucks up your liver? Fucking degenerates kill yourself.

- jo291

>> No.7927715

Low alcoholic content drinks like beer (especially pilsners) won't dry you out like a liquor would.

>> No.7927716

Most states have an AoC of 16. Before George Dubbya our international AoC was 13 iirc

>> No.7927724

The brain rot is probably worse.

>> No.7927735

>Americans are allowed to drive cars and join the military before they turn 21
>not allowed to buy alcohol before 21

>> No.7927757

Mah nigga

or hermano, rather

>> No.7927874

I can't remember my first legally purchased beverage, but I'm almost certain it was either JW Black Label or Courvoisier. I do know that the cognac was the one that made my shitfaced for the first time.

>> No.7927915


whatever you get, enjoy it young man.

because it will be bills and hangovers from here on out.l

>> No.7928363

anyone ever drink and start smelling burning hair?

i'm scared

>> No.7928398

Please don't do shots. They're unpleasant and wasteful when you consider the amount of ingredients and work that go into distilled liquor.

Get yourself a cheap single malt scotch that's at least 10 years old. Pour yourself a small glass, that's just like 2 tablespoons, and sip on it. Enjoy the best property of alcohol, the ability to extract extremely subtle flavors.

>> No.7928635

Assuming you've drank alcohol before but whatever you like but with mid to high shelf liqour for your first couple of drinks. Subsequently cheap beer until you puke on the bar and get kicked out.

>> No.7928636

I bought a 12 pack of high life at midnight on my 21st and then killed it with my 22y/o friend who I had just killed an 18 pack with. Also I don't drink daily, git gud scrub.

>> No.7928644
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OP your life is about to be RAD!

>> No.7928770

The first liqour I got into was scotch, and out of every one I tried (which was a lot), my favorite was Johnny Walker Black. Which taught me that single malt elitists can be massive faggots. Glenfiddich 15 was a close second though.

>> No.7928805

20+ dollar vodka or rum and things to mix them with. Also, try something new whenever you go back to the liquor store.

>> No.7928816

You're both wrong. It's a shitty Australia export beer. You can't get it in Australia. It's mostly sold in the US and the UK and it tastes like ass piss.

this. Just go to your local or ask around which bars are the good ones in your town and just ask what's on special.

>> No.7928821

don't get into drinking alcohol. it will ruin your life. One thing many men regret is abusing alcohol in their 20's and missing out on life.

>> No.7928828

drama queen

not everyone who drinks turns into an alcoholic

>> No.7930466

Yeah... It only seems to happen when I drink 40's and bunch of piss beer.

>> No.7930501


>> No.7930545

Drinking since i got 13yo make me feel like scum.
i'm 20 now.

>> No.7930553

>kill yourself
That's why I drink.

>> No.7930554

the problem is that some people believe alcohol is all or nothing. you either can't drink at all or you need to get drunk every night.

it's okay to have a drink with meals, and a few more on holidays or other special occasions. it can improve your life in this way if used responsibly, but we've kind of lost that "spiritual" connection people used to have with alcohol.

people used to tell stories about how alcohol was a gift from the gods, but now to some people it's just something to drink because they're bored.

>> No.7930561

snake venom tequila.

do about 4 shots of th stuff

>> No.7930563

Some wine & enjoy

>> No.7930574
File: 102 KB, 246x344, sangria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you want to be a normal human being then eat food faggot.
Not everyone is trying maximize their alcohol efficiency, you poorfag.
Get a nice wine and some fuckin chicken alfredo bro, thats what life is all about.
Not starving yourself so you get super drunk and puke up stomach acid on an empty stomach.

This shit right here, sangria, is what Napoleon and Julius Caesar both drank. 15$ at the grocery store bruh.

>> No.7930783


birthday shots are great, 4 horsemen is the normal birthday shot, right?

>> No.7930786
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this fucking meme

Whatever you decide to do, OP, I hope you have irl friends to drink with - or at least family. Drinking alone is depressing af.

Happy berffday

>> No.7930821

old grandad bourbon and some sweet tea boi

>> No.7930831


>> No.7930840


>> No.7930987

I had a bottle of Captain Morgan's for my 21st.

>> No.7930996
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I think my first buzz was when I was 12 or so, dad came drunk back from work. We sons and our cousin got to drink some beer. Vomittet.
Later I learned to drink

>> No.7930998

>drinking boxed wine
Shit taste

>> No.7931522
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Make your own booze, scrub

>> No.7931550
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This is now a beer thread.

Post favorite beers.

>> No.7932215

go fuck yourself, there's already a beer thread.

>> No.7932234

The first drink someone bought for me when i turned 21 was something called a grateful dead. I think i had 2 of those and I cannot remember the rest of that night. From what my friends tell me. It was awesome.

>> No.7932260

>americans are really this anal about drinking

>> No.7932302

If in cali, Sierra Nevada.

>> No.7932318

Is sierra Nevada a cali thing? I see it everywhere and I'm in Michigan.

>> No.7932450


People tell you to get neutral-tasting alcohol and mixers or light beer, but what I did was basically jump in the deep-end and learn to swim, rather than starting at the shallow end. I just started drinking things like whiskey samplers (bar here has them, you get 12 half-shots, each one of a different brand) and different types of beer, until I eventually acquired a taste for them, and now (as with food) I enjoy pretty much everything.

>> No.7932707

It's what the Californians use to compare with their local brews

>> No.7932715

>Just turned 21 what should I buy first as a legal man
Just buy the same shit you always do.
I assume you've been drinking since you were 14?

Don't you have friends that want you to buy them beers or whatever? Don't you have friends over 21 that you drink with?

>> No.7932850

>what should I buy first

My advice:
>if I were not Alexander the Great, I would like to be Diogenes

The shittiest, cheapest, crappiest stuff you can find.

Drink cheapskate beer
Drink cheapskate liquor
Drink cheapskate wine

The old saying
>If you only drink shitty coffee, you will never have a bad cup

I've got friends who can only drink 2+$ / bottle and such microbrew hipster shit without complaining, because that's what they normally drink.

Meanwhile, if it comes down to it, I'm pretty damned happy with anything from a 6$ fifth of vodka to a 40 oz of Old English or whatever's the cheapest Malt Liquor available.

>> No.7932851

A Glock 17

>> No.7932856


alcohol is bad

>> No.7932875


>> No.7932945

So get some warm natty lights and what you do is take one sip - and then one more sip - and then fill it to the brim with vodka so it's overflowing a little bit. You drink the rim like a little shot and then give it a little swoosh around and there you go ! You've mixed your first drink.

My personal favorite.

A vodkabeer.

>> No.7933050
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>> No.7933393

>>If you only drink shitty coffee, you will never have a bad cup


Learn to love Malt Liquor and you will never be disappointed in life.

>> No.7934102


>> No.7934106

>mature enough to do scat torture porn at 18
>will be sent in prison for half a beer until 21
this is weird.

>> No.7936160

Cheap vodka and energy drinks.

>> No.7936718

That looks nothing like gyoza.

>> No.7936743

Sent to prison lel
More like the cop takes your half a beer and drinks it in his car while he speeds of
Worse case senario you need to call mommy or daddy and tell them what a bad boy you've been drinking underaged

>> No.7936832

Beer tastes like vomit or piss to me. Wine doesn't do it for me either.

I'm partial to Bourbon or Rum. Can't really recommend a specific brand. I'd just get whichever is cheapest or what you can afford.

>> No.7937485

don't listen to anybody anon. the whole fun of turning 21 is being able to shop for yourself. go to a liquor store and browse for a bit. read the bottles. decide what you feel like that night. also, tell the guy at the counter its your birthday. they'll usually throw in a mini-bottle or something

>> No.7937526

>not making homemade sangria
>actually paying 15$ for sangria