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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7880613 No.7880613 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best thing to eat when hungover? I find pasta works well but it's a bitch to make if your head hurts

>> No.7880615

Boil water, add pasta.

What a bitch.

>> No.7880618

I always go with a turkey sandwich. really sucks up the poison

>> No.7880619

I guess standing up to stir it and shit would be annoying with a headache but yeah OP is a pussy

>> No.7880620
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For me it's the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

>> No.7880623
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you can't go wrong with a baked potato and salt

>> No.7880630

I just take some ramen noodles cook them then pan fry them with whatever vegetables I have and some bacon with a 2 oz Caesar on the side.

>> No.7880632

get some butter on that bitch

>> No.7880633
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There is only one hangover food.

>> No.7880635
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Just drink a beer! BAM! instant hangover cure. I find that double IPAs work best. I can't get enough of that hoppy flavor

>> No.7880636

Its a burger, it has a bun.

>> No.7880638

It is a sandwich, it has a filling between two pieces of bread

>> No.7880639

a burger is a type of sandwich. if i put deli slices of turkey between a bun does that make it a burger and not a sandwich with your logic?

>> No.7880646
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there's type of food that can cure my hangovers ' '

>> No.7880653
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Here is Poland we put a whole cabbage to boil

>> No.7880659

i usually toast some bread and then put bacon, cheese, and mayo mixed with vinegar on it. works like a charm

>> No.7880661

>boiling in ice

>> No.7880664

You Poles sure have a lot of cabbage in your cuisine.

>> No.7880668

really brings out the flavor. I learned the technique from my wife's gipsy son

>> No.7880669

What kind of cheese and what ratio of mayo:vinegar? I feel like that could be great or super disgusting depending, but I'd love recommendations

>> No.7880674

cheddar if i have it. there's no golden ratio I usually just freehand it. i like a lot of vinegar though

>> No.7880681

Fat. Fries and such.
And ice cold Coca Cola

>> No.7880682

smoke a bowl and eat a sandwich with some kind of deli meat and cheese

>> No.7880684
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Fruit and black coffee

>> No.7880685

i know you were going for the shill meme but soda while hungover is not good

>> No.7880686
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But pasta is super easy

>boil it
>strain it put it in bowl
>ketchup that shit

Wooow so hard

>> No.7880691

i takes like ten minutes and requires standing. all potentially a problem if debilitatingly hungover

>> No.7880693

Get one of those strainer pot things

You only got.to stir it mYbe thrice

>> No.7880705

just get Mommy to make if for you. Why do I always have to explain that on this board? Should be obvious

>> No.7880706

If you can eat without puking it doesn't count as a hangover you fucking pussy.

>> No.7880707

ain't that the goddamned truth

>> No.7880720

is this a call for help? you want to talk about it anon?

>> No.7880721



>> No.7880728

how the fuck you gonna drive to KFC if hungover

>> No.7880731


slowly with the window down

>> No.7880749

i prefer Church's Chicken

>> No.7880754

>getting a hangover

sure is faggot in here, grow up degenerates.

that aside, maccas bigmac/mcchicken meals were pretty useful if you could eat.

if you cant eat, gatorade or any like drink to refuel electrolytes.

>> No.7880757


I read somewhere that a bacon sandwhich is scientifically proven to help a hangover. I don't have a source so take that with a HUGE grain of salt. But I think its worth a shot.

>> No.7880758

so not getting drunk is for adults? found the middle aged suburban american who hates fun

>> No.7880761

not that anon but i'm pretty sure middle ages suburban americans are the biggest drinkers

Drinking culture is weird here, a hold over from Prohibition. America kind of walks two ways on it

>> No.7880764

Not an american but an emu fucking aussie cunt

>> No.7880767

That's not hangover food, that's flyover food.

>> No.7880770

Hangovers are primarily caused by dehydration as well as depletion of vital nutrients in the body caused by the deleterious effects of alcohol.

Water, vitamins, and calories are what you need. In other words, a good breakfast (as long as it's actually got some nutrition in it) will actually help.

>> No.7880772

american drinking culture is so fucked up. if you have more than two beers with dinner or drink any kind of whisky you're labeled an alcoholic. the laws are also strict as shit

>> No.7880776

maybe that's the case for the headache but what about the queesy stomach? i can barley eat anything and i feel like im gonna vom constantly when im hungover. i dont even really get the headache

>> No.7880780

Don't you mean an even smaller grain of salt

>> No.7880783

It depends where you are. I live in Charleston and drinking is so fucking ubiquitous with everything, people get hammered. And then get up and go to church the next day and feel guilty about drinking.

Not a business deal goes down here that doesn't involve liberal applications of cocktails.

What America is against is PUBLIC drinking. The flip-side being the free wheeling responsibility free idealization of the college frat drinker. Essentially, public drinking is seen as a sign of immaturity, whether positively or negatively. Drinking in small groups or in privacy however, is seen as a sign of maturity. You've grown up, and learned to drink quietly, unassuming, not putting it out there to be displayed.

You may want to stick to something liquid like a smoothie then. You're queasy because your bowels are flipping the fuck out and your body wants no more shit coming in.

>> No.7880793

in ohio they are strict as shit. underage will get you jail time if the judge is a dick and only stores with special licences can sell hard stuff. also no wine on sundays for some reason

>> No.7880801

I felt like complete shit and on a constant verge of throwing up from a hangover and 10 minutes after eating pho the feeling went away completely.

>> No.7880804
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>> No.7880805

just eat and drink water before you sleep. no need for hangover food in the morning then

>> No.7880807

if you're as much of an alcoholic as i am this wont work

>> No.7880818

pho is such a bullshit numale meme

>> No.7880821

Gyros Plate
Gyros meat, greek salad, tzatziki, fries
A nice counter hangover beer to that.
fixes you right up.

>> No.7880823

i have to sober up before i go to bed or il end up pissing in it :(

>> No.7880826

Hard stuff in special stores is much of the country but it depends on your state.

>> No.7880831


>> No.7880839

only a numale would use the word numale

>> No.7880840

Leftover pizza with enough beer to get drunk again.

>> No.7880845

Lol ok

>> No.7880861

i spent two weeks in jail in ohio for underage then 9 months on house arrest plus a year of probation. It was my third though

>> No.7880868
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>fast food when hungover

>> No.7880917

it completely varies depending on mood. fry ups often seem like they're a good idea but then you feel like shit. sometimes i really want shittons of juice. sometimes i want fucktons of hot baked beans, just a fucking cup of beans. sometimes i want a fuckhuge salad.

went through a phase for a couple years of getting bladdered on a friday and then eating ridiculous amounts of fatty food on the saturday morning, continuing to feel like shit and stay in the house all day, then going out on saturday and repeating the same shit on sunday. all of us living in my shared house just got into shitty habits and put on fuckloads of weight. it was horrible.

on the other hand when i worked on a shooting estate we'd get completely fucked up every morning then be up at 6am to do 10 hours of fell running every morning and i would feel a million dollars by lunchtime.

>> No.7880918

saltines, but any absorbent starch will do
B complex

Pot- it will moderate the systems in a way to threaten advil/motrin if it was legal

>> No.7880949


>> No.7880952


Fuckin idiot

>> No.7880958

No one calls you an alcoholic for three beers. You're misinformed.

>> No.7880959

>that obsession

>> No.7880961


if you have more than two beers with every meal, yeah you're probably an alcoholic.

>> No.7880980
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>> No.7880986

>beers while eating

eating is cheating senpai

>> No.7880998

What the fuck, I'm gonna be sick

>> No.7881004

Dude they are so good, and I'm not a mexican

>> No.7881006

sardines in vinegar/oil

>> No.7881019

Cold pizza works for me.
If I can't get that, then usually some buttered toast and a couple eggs, and hopefully there'll be some orange juice or V8 in the house as well.

>> No.7881044

Spaghetti is AWESOME when you're hungover. However, that means you have to have sauce at the ready, because who wants to make sauce when they're hungover? Whenever I make bolognese or tomato sauce, I always try to make enough to freeze for later as well, just for such occasions.
And as someone else said, leftover pizza is perfect too.

>> No.7881049

If you like a Bloody Mary, then there's a good chance you'd like this too

>> No.7881052


>> No.7881058

I'd second that if it weren't my usual order when getting drunk.

>> No.7881073

Lots of water, maybe a smoothie. Solids are a pain in the ass to deal with.

>> No.7881095

i can buy beer at all gas stations and sometimes liquor here in CA

>> No.7881291

Bowl of eggs

>> No.7881301
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I rank the hangover with how much a 2 cheeseburger meal I can get through.

worst was a 2 bites.

always makes me feel better though.

>> No.7881329

A bottle of beer. Acidity and fizz and whatnot.

>> No.7881479

pickled herring t b h

>> No.7881545

Ice cream sandwiches with peanut butter and custard
Macaroni and cheese

>> No.7881551


>> No.7881560

last time I drank, I had 2 drinks and ended up with a 2-day hangover. usually egg and cheese sandwiches or a regular burger will take care of it, but this time I had to resort to five guys. but they're pretty expensive. if I ever get one that bad again, I might try pizza. but I think I'd be better off only having one drink and having a bunch of water with it.

middle age sucks, kids.

>> No.7881582

Strawberry milk
Banana milk
Mars milk
Bacon sandwich w brown sauce.

>> No.7881588

This is not wrong

>> No.7881600

Think you might just be a pussy if two drinks does that to ya...

>> No.7881714

California is indeed the alcoholic's paradise.
>beer and wine in all stores, including gas stations
>liquor in most stores, including some gas stations
>buy liquor from 6 am to 2 am
>every day of the week

And while I'm not a gambler, then there's the added fact that there's casinos everywhere. There's a casino in a strip mall just a couple blocks from my house.

>> No.7881724

This. While some of you might think "that looks far too heavy to be eating on a hangover" it's actually got a lot of nutrients in that help refuel what your body lost from drinking.

>> No.7881734

14 inch chicken, bacon & ranch + large fry = $14

Not farting for the rest of the day for fear of shitting myself = priceless.

God my head is still killing me and my mouth tastes like potatoes

>> No.7881739

fuck off meme

>> No.7881768

It wouldn't be too heavy for me, I'd probably just have a bite of each item and leave the rest.

>> No.7881846

maybe. I didn't even actually get drunk, just a bit buzzed. so it's not that I'm that much of a lightweight. I used to be able to drink a lot more than that with less of a hangover. but as the years go by, I get worse and worse hangovers from less and less booze.

>> No.7881861

It's pretty invigorating.

>> No.7881872


>refuel what your body lost from drinking.

like what

name some

>> No.7881959

Nope. Primarily caused by byproducts of metabolizing alcohol, not dehydration. Studies prove this.

>> No.7882020

why do you hate fun?

>> No.7882034
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I either go to my favorite diner and order a pot roast (they serve it at any time) or go to the kebab place and order a super doner kebab.

>> No.7882124

were kebabs ousted in todays coup?

>> No.7882745

I'm never hungry the day after drinking so I just barely eat and drink a ton of water.

>> No.7882761

IDK about hangover foooooooood, but I'm drunnk, and I just made chicken cordon bleu eggrollls. They are FUCKING AWSEOME>
I cant type weel, but i can deep fry like a bitch. Anyone want a pic?

>> No.7882762

hung over or drunk isn't the same thing.

hell i've gotten half-hangovers without drinking at all just from not drinking enough water.

>> No.7882765


>> No.7882766


>> No.7882768

Same here bro. Drunk now, and I"m eating because tomorrow, I'll just drink water and tea most of the day until tomorrow night, and then probably eat some soup. That's my jam.

>> No.7882772

I like a big salad and massive amounts of water if I have to be active or party again.

General tso's and chow mein if I'm staying at home.

Please rate my taste with a 0-10 scale.

>> No.7882800

2/10 not greasy enough

>> No.7882817

Water, soft boiled egg

>> No.7882827

A line of coke and a klonopin will take the edge off

>> No.7882848

Egg wrap
scramble some eggs with some cheese, throw in a tortilla with some sour cream and some srircaha on the side
If I eat two of these I'm usually good as long as I drank enough water the night before

>> No.7882864

and let you forget the entire morning

>> No.7882886

Meme loving cock sucker

>> No.7882911

>if i put deli slices of turkey between a bun does that make it a burger

>> No.7882936


nebraska here, we can buy whatever the fuck we want until 1a.m. at gastations and grocery stores, and bars close at 2

everyones a drunk, because theres not much else to do

>> No.7882966

for whatever reason (I suspect it's a combination of spreading my drinking out, using gatorade as a chaser, and not mixing beer and liquor) I rarely get hungover, even on nights when I black out. That said, every time I drink heavily I crave fried pickles the next day. I'd eat them exclusively for the whole day if they were easy to come by cheaply.

>> No.7883089


you're probably 16

>> No.7883121


water and fruit juice is my way to go

>> No.7883478

any carb will do the trick

>> No.7883555

Kefir and pickle "juice".

>> No.7883591

Ramen. The broth helps immensely, and the noodles fulfill the carb craving. If I can't stomach any food I'll just make the broth.

Or a breakfast of fried eggs and bacon, preferably on toast.

Sweetened iced tea or Sprite (Sprite has actually been scientifically proven as an effective hangover cure).

>> No.7883612

I kind of noticed this when I was in Nebraska earlier this summer. Shit's desolate.

>> No.7883631
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First tried this a couple of months ago. Really is amazing as a hangover cure. Make you sure you drink plenty of water with it though, because it is salty as fuck.

>> No.7883640

Gherkins, and drink the brine. Slavs taught me this. They should know.

I have also found herring to be pleasant, but I have an unusual fondness for herring. (They're great this year)

When I'm not feeling sick, but I do have a mild yet persistent headache and a mouth that remains dry no matter how much water I drink, a glass of milk will help a lot.

>> No.7883664

Do you even Bloody Mary, brah?

>> No.7883667

>everyones a drunk, because theres not much else to do

same everywhere bro, just some places have more to look at

>> No.7883680

Im hungover and I just ordered 2 pizzas. Come at me bitches

>> No.7883689
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Pedialyte + Ramen (the store brand pedialytes are just as good)

Also try using Diphenhydramine and/or Phenibut.

>> No.7883963


>> No.7883990

Coffee is terrible for a hangover.

>> No.7883992


>> No.7884001

When you say 'underage', you mean that you were caught buying it for people under the legal drinking age to consume?

>> No.7884044
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Do you have this in America?

Widely known to be a good hangover cure

>> No.7884048

I thought it was banned over there because of the quinine.

>> No.7884055


Probably because it dehydrates you. As long as you get plenty of water as well you should be fine.

>> No.7884065

umeboshi plums

>> No.7884069


>> No.7884070


>> No.7884080


You can get tonic water with quinine anywhere in the US. I'm not sure why Irn Bru isn't sold over here.

I tried it during a stop-over in London and it was actually pretty good, and I'm not really a soda drinker to begin with.

>> No.7884146

Huh, I just looked it up and it turns out one of the colourings is banned in the US.
Kind of a turn up for the books that an additive that's legal over here is banned over there.
Apparently they make a US compliant version but they don't bother to market it.

>> No.7884162

In Virginia everything harder than wine and beer is sold at the ABC stores which are operated by the state.

>> No.7884230

fuck that

>> No.7884259


Its so weird to me, in my state alcohol is sold only in restaurants and liquor stores including beer and wine, except grocery stores can sell 3.2 percent beer. Just recently a law was repealed that forbid liquor stores from being open on Sundays. When I visited the east coast, NC specifically, beer and wine was in every grocery and convenience store, though you had to go to a liquor store for spirits, and you can only purchase after 12 pm or something. Really annoying either way I just want my goddamn booze.

>> No.7884271

That moonshine thread we had a couple of days ago is starting to make sense.
If I had to go through all this Mickey Mouse bullshit to enjoy a drink I'd probably be making my own out in the woods too.

>> No.7884281

TFW cucked muslim bucktoothed britbong with a supermarket selling every kind of booze going 24/7/365.
Thank fuck I'm not free.

>> No.7884287


>> No.7884289

Where can you buy straight potatoes?

>> No.7884291

There's usually a special section in gay potato shops.
Just ask at the counter if you can't see it.

>> No.7884292

Poland 's pretty small huh?

>> No.7884791
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Come on boys

>> No.7884881

no he means caught with beer between the ages of 18-20. in ohio if you are caught with even just an empty beer can you can get sent to jail for up to.6 months if the judge wants it. at 18-20 you're counted as an adult but can't buy booze. funny thing is in ohio up to 100g of weed is decriminalized so almost 4 oz

>> No.7884942


>> No.7884973


I'm from Scotland, so it is strange going to England and being able to buy alcohol after 10pm from a shop.

Supermarkets and corner shops here sell pretty much everything too which is nice. There are a couple of alcohol only shops near me which are really weird as you walk in and can't touch anything as it is all behind a cage. At first I thought it was just junkies who went in there, but they actually have a really good selection at decent prices.

Anyway, hangover food. Fry up, or if that isn't an option, pot noodle.

>> No.7885032

Asparagus gets rid of hangovers fast.

>> No.7885042

Pho or a donair

>> No.7885047

What the fuck is wrong with your country?! Up here in Gatineau if the pigs catch you drinking under age they just take your beer and drink it themselves. I have no idea why the fuck your country doesn't let grown ass adults drink. 18 should be drinking age everywhere.

>> No.7885060

Here in The Netherlands, drinking age used to be 16 (18 for hard stuff though). They raised it to 18 a couple of years ago, which meant that a whole bunch of youngsters who were once allowed to buy alcohol, were too young to do so the next day.
Some towns still don't enforce the new drinking age though.

>> No.7885071

That's fucking gay. Why would you limit one alcohol and let them drink other alcohol cause it was light? All it means it that they're gonna drink a fuckton of the light stuff till they fuckin drop.

>> No.7885098

>here let me just take a liquid shit on your fries and drop some chunks of leftover cheese

>canuck """"cuisine""""

>> No.7885108

too many work for a drunk sunday morning

>> No.7885558

if you're gonna shitpost like a retard at least learn how to quote if you fucking inbred

>> No.7885668

pasta roni and cheeseburgers both work petty well. maybe some steak and potato soup.

>> No.7885677

Pho, icecream and 7up

>> No.7885888

>California is indeed the alcoholic's paradise.
>Not New Orleans, where there are drive-thru bars and daiquiri stores.
>Bars that don't close.

>> No.7885923

Hardly ever hungry after waking up with a hangover but If I am I'll make some eggs. If no eggs then some toast. If no toast then no eat.

>> No.7885950
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24 hour bars? Really?

>> No.7885960

Bacon sandwich, the salt and fat of the bacon perks you up and the bread is just straight carb.

>> No.7885969

Last time I did that I walked a mile home and immediately yacked it up. I ate some fried fish and veggies this afternoon to recover from a hang over. The thai hot sauce really perked me up.

>> No.7886018

Hell yeah mane

I live 4 hours away, have gone there and gotten a hotel room just to party for the day/night many times.

>> No.7886110

Why do people drink to the point of being hungover? It's the ultimate sign of being a high time preference retard.
>lol I'm gunna go so fkin sauced 2nite cuz fkin YOLO
>I dun even giv a fuuuuuuuuuuck that I'll feel like shiiiii 2morrow LOL

>> No.7886168

Hangovers aren't usually too bad. They kind of suck, but the fun outweighs it. If I had to stub my toe every time I went on a rollercoaster, I'd still do it.

>> No.7886304

my go to is drinking a shot of the lime and salt concoction I use to 'pickle' jalapenos (or make seafoodless ceviche or whatever the fuck you feel like calling it), with any leftover meat from last night's dinner on toast or tortilla, with a liberal portion of butter or sour cream

>> No.7886400

I love this post.

>> No.7886406
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>he thinks being dehydrated and being hungover are the same thing.
Oh you poor child.

>> No.7886459

Technically he said half, but yeah, they are not at all the same thing.

>> No.7886492



>> No.7886496

fried egg and cheese sandwiches on toast with plenty of mayo

>> No.7886506

Black pudding is amazing. No potato scones though, sigh.

>> No.7886632


what is it about a full english that makes it particularly good for this over any other food

>> No.7886743
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literally hangover at the moment

vegan food to also recover my stomach

>> No.7886758

I laughed way harder than I should have at this.

>> No.7886980

>take out

>> No.7887020

Fry up and iron bru

>> No.7887171


Came here to post this

>> No.7887181

Sounds like you're the pussy

here's your (you) bait master

>> No.7887193
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Actual Advice: Try not drinking until at least 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and have a meal beforehand. Make sure you take your vitamins for the day (multi, b complex, and fish oil, minimum). And you don't have to go HAM, there will always be booze. Stop drinking at least an hour before you go to bed, and have at least two liters of water. Make sure there's another bottle next to you when you go to sleep for the eventual waking up with parched throat.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.