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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7874843 No.7874843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is this the only board without containment threads?
why can't we discuss youtubers without being "shills"?
why are there 11 fast food threads and 9 candy bar and pop threads (quick count)?
i actually enjoy food and cooking but you fucks make it literally impossible

>> No.7874848


>> No.7874862

Welcome to /ck/.
If you want serious discussion I suggest you go elsewhere.

>> No.7874865

it would be ok if every good and/or entertaining thread wasn't removed after an hour

>> No.7874880

Says the fucking retard posting unrelated pics on a food and cooking image board.
Fuck off you stupid cunt.

>> No.7874912

That's literally Guatanamo Bay for cats.

>> No.7874918
File: 195 KB, 2232x1500, Old_man_fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get a few good threads a day and that's enough for me.

You can just fuck off.

>> No.7874924
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>OP sperging out over people discussing food on the FOOD AND COOKING board
>This is somehow less relevant discussion than e-celebs

>> No.7874937

there are some pretty great cooking channels on youtube and you literally can't talk about them on here

it's fucking stupid

>> No.7874940


Honest question:

Why discuss the channel itself? Why not discuss the food in question?

>> No.7875161

mods are faggot shills on /ck/ they dont really cook, my guess is that its them posting the shill threads

fat fucks and children post the most here hence the fast food and ramen threads every damned day.

YouTube posts are just people trying to get hits on their channels. just like that inbred fetal alcohol faggot that keeps getting posted here.

>> No.7875173

>fat fucks and children post the most here

Exactly, when your average user is a 20-something millennial male that browses 4chan you can only expect so much in the culinary department. I am surprised we even have this board tbqh

>> No.7875196

Talking about food and cooking youtube videos is perfectly allowed; talking about youtubers who are incidentally related to food is not.

Many fast food threads get deleted, and many people on 4chan are kids so of course there's going to be some threads about candy and soda.

If you're into food and cooking then contribute content and only go to the threads that are actually about food and cooking.

Also remember it's the middle of summer right now. /ck/ was also recently discovered by some faster boards that are more about shitposting and memes.

>> No.7875199
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> be me
> Live happy childfree life in big house with gf
> Raining sex
> She has friend
> Apparently just escaped an abusive relationship
> Girlfriend begs me to let her move in temporarily
> Pls anon she is homeless
> Ok fine
> Nobody tells me until after she moves in that she has a four year old boy
> Constantly dumps kid on me so she can go to work or see domestic abuse advocate
> Know she is actually out getting fucked up
> kid is not potty trained and shits / pisses everywhere
> Has phimosis / stinkwiener
> Thinks Santa Claus is his dad
> Mom won't buy him food or bath him
> Gives him dry Cheerios in a dog dish
> Eventually find out she had two other kids
> First one was taken by grandparents
> She traded the second one for a truck

>> No.7875214

>Why discuss the league itself, why not just discuss the teams and games in question

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.7875219


You know you can simply report this thread and it will get deleted faster than by shitposting random offtopic greentext stories, right?

>> No.7875226


>> No.7875231


Well, why don't you educate me and actually answer the question posed?

>> No.7875280

what does talking about the channel harm?
The channel will still get visits from the video being embedded since that is still allowed seems to me its basically the same thing.

>> No.7875302
File: 51 KB, 177x184, 1455425524681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your question is so stupid I have difficulty answering it.

The channel is intimately related to the video. The channel affects the videos because the channel is what produces the videos. Aspects of certain videos can be better explained and understood through referral to the channel itself. Whoever runs the channel is thus inextricably related to the videos as well.

Again, imagine /sp/ was only allowed to discuss games. Thus a rule change in general can't really be discussed, its implementation in specific games can only be discussed. Now imagine Chef John goes vegan. This decision itself cannot be discussed, since it relates to the channel, so the decision can only be discussed within the context of the individual video, as in, "these vegan burgers would be better if they weren't vegan" and not "Chef John's videos would be better if he weren't vegan".

Discussing the channel takes nothing away from the discussion, it only adds another element to the discussion. Not being allowed to discuss the channel is an autistic little power trip by the faggot janitors that patrol these boards like the oozing, fat slugs that they are.

>> No.7875309

At least there aren't 90 GoT threads.

>> No.7875370
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Things used to be better

>> No.7875420

let's try it


>> No.7875430

>Not being allowed to discuss the channel is an autistic little power trip

I'm not disagreeing with you, I was just wondering why anyone would ever want to talk about the channel.

I'm here to talk about food. I don't give two shits about the people involved.

>> No.7875441

Fuck off with youtubers you child

>> No.7875453


when was the last time YOU made a thread with OC, op?

>> No.7876760

No it's not. You want to talk about youtubers, you go to /tv/ or Somethingawful. Your analogy is retarded. I'm sure /sp/ don't want to talk about some tv sports program producer too.

>> No.7876847


To many sloth crossposters

Or he could make his own thread


>> No.7877072

Why would you do that to your cat

>> No.7877092

yeah, it gets worse here everyday

>> No.7877099

All we really need is better control over people posting duplicate threads

>> No.7877199

/ck/ can be shitty but I find /o/ is far and away the worst. Theres only like 1 good thread every 3 days that has any competency.

>> No.7877212

/ck/ is pretty much the closest it gets to 2006-era 4chan, for better or worse.

>> No.7877218

Confirmed newfag.

/ck/ has had good discussion for years without your type shitposting it up.

>> No.7877236

but anon there is a DailyBikeThread 24/7, there is always a good thread

>> No.7877642

/o/ is full of literal retards but at least you can make a thread about a video and discuss it without being shut down

>> No.7877662

Pretty sure /ck/ has no janitor and if there is one, he/she never does their job.

Not to mention this board is pretty much the new /pol/, which is also another horrible thing shitting up this board.

>> No.7877665
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1422797819578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to understand that the only time janitors come to this board is when their mom forgets to buy their hot pockets and they have to cook for themselves for once. So they come here looking for instructions on how to make ramen, but all they see is threads about Cooking with Jack and 'go 'za spam, naturally the jannies are going to be a little grumpy.

>> No.7877667

heck i wish her son was mine! i can't get mine to eat anything i make let alone dog food. he says he doesn't like quinky sauce but that's nonsense

>> No.7877696

>[Board where thread was posted on] is the worst board evar!!

Fuck off newfriend