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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7872686 No.7872686 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting all of my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow.
What should I dine on tonight as my last solid food for the next week?

>> No.7872690

Some sort of meat. Trust me OP, you'll miss meat while you munch on tomato bisque and potato soup for a week

>> No.7872699

Are you getting all 4 removed?

Like the above said, eat something you really love.

>> No.7872705

Chips or french fries and make some cheesecake ahead of time.

>> No.7872755


>> No.7872763

Fried chicken & corn on the cob.

>> No.7872808

The fuck is that?

>> No.7872830

A meme.

>> No.7872837

fag speak for a chicago style pizza, also known as a breadbowl lasagna

>> No.7872970

i had my wisdom teeth taken out and was eating miss vickies salt and vinegar chips and burger king later that day

>> No.7873028

Steak. Crunchy vegetables. Crusty bread.

Good luck. Hope it heals quickly.

>> No.7873121

nachos my man, but like good nachos. not shitty nachos

>> No.7873307

Don't get put under. Get sweet air & novacane. You'll be in much less pain because you know whats coming. I had all four done at once & 2 were impacted. I was at the bar 3 hours after drinking beers. I even had some chicken fingers that night. Chewing isn't really the issue. You don't want any food particles getting stuck anywhere until everything is healed.

>> No.7873485

im the nachos commentor. this might be a good idea. i had all 4 of mine taken out at once and i was put under. i was in a great deal of pain for the first 2 days. i didnt eat the first day because 1. i couldnt feel my face or mouth and 2. blood everywhere. but sometimes it isnt up to you if you are being put under or not. good luck man

>> No.7873496

I ate box mac n cheese, and a milkshake for the day. The meds made me not hungry. Next couple of days were fine. Just avoid straws and crunchy shit like chips or bread or croutons and you'll be gucci. they had to break my jaw to get some out so i couldnt open my mouth much anyways to chew for awhile

>> No.7873503

THIS, do NOT use straws op, they will fuck you over

>> No.7873667

I'm seconding nachos, such a good indulgence.

Get well soon, fag, I know what it's like to be laid up like that.

>> No.7873690

My mouth was full of canker sores for the next two weeks and it hurt a lot to ingest anything, including liquids.
I would probably just get a pizza desu.

>> No.7873709

Meat. Potatoes. Cheese. Bread.
t. someone four days recovering and starved

I got norco, didn't need it past immediately after the operation, just used tylenol and some of the lubricant shit they gave.

>> No.7873752

probably the worst part of the whole damn ordeal. that and the chap lips. nothing could keep them from cracking like dried tree bark

>> No.7873846

How powerful was the norco? Excited for some free opioids after I get mine out

>> No.7874921

The suction opens the wounds?

>> No.7875367

A nice thick steak

>> No.7875412

The fast moving current directly to the back of your mouth when drink with a straw does

>> No.7875902

pulls the clot out causing dry socket.

>> No.7877394
File: 874 KB, 3872x2592, Bone-Broth.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be a little late to the party, but a bone broth would be good for your immune system before surgery.

>> No.7877402

why you make me look this picture op why... that makes me sad

stranded pink whale...

>> No.7877409

7.5 - 325, 10 of them