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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7791454 No.7791454 [Reply] [Original]

This is my first time on this board... I'm also terrible with food.
but I have a question for you, what does the time under a 'use by' date mean?

My microwaveable pasta and tomato sauce with mozzerella went out of date on the 17th, it's only just the 18th now and I cooked it..
the time under the use by date says 07:57 though, I'm wondering if that's when it went out of date?

I get pretty paranoid with food and use by dates, but I could deal with a few minutes, however if it was from near 8am yesterday morning, I may have to pass it...

Pic is semi related, just tomato sauce and mozerella instead of that.

>> No.7791461

That's usually just part of the factory code.

>> No.7791463

You're good. Seriously. They mark that shit way early just to cover their ass.

>> No.7791464

Sell by- you're good for a day to three (if meat)
Best by- you're good for a while
Use by- varies wildly based on product

>> No.7791469

Reassuring, I have a phobia of being ill, especially vomiting, so this kind of shit really gets me worked up..
I literally spent the last half hour googling this question before deciding to ask here.

>> No.7791480

They always underestimate this shit. Use your senses to determine if something is still good to eat. Milk will go bad well before the date on the carton if it's been mishandled, for example.

Ask yourself:
>does it smell funny?
>is it moldy?
>is it slimy?

>> No.7791485

Well pasta in sauce is quite often slimy..
However I haven't noticed a taste/smell difference and it looked fairly normal..
I decided to chance it and hope I don't regret my decision later tonight.

>> No.7791490
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op, dont eat it, not because it's gone off but because if you're this useless, you should just starve to death.

>> No.7791497

I have that problem too man. Vomiting is the worst. I think I got ill once from eating discounted chocolate filled donuts from the SPAR once and it still makes me shudder.

Microwave food and stuff in general should be OK though. As long as you aren't a near a week off the use by date on meat and dangerous stuff. I've had chutneys, jam, packet mixes for sauce, spaghetti sauce, sweet and sour, custard powder, jelly powder that had fucking retro looking packaging with 3 years on the use by dates and I had no problem.

>> No.7791501
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>it's only just the 18th now (look at your post date)

it's the 17th
bring us your time machine!

>> No.7791508

Had the same thing with some toffee donuts, vomited toffee all night, now the smell of toffee makes me feel sick.


>> No.7791513

Food going off isn't an exact science they can measure, as each item of food has different properties and refrigerators have different temperatures. They are deliberately shy with the dates as to avoid any remote chance of someone getting ill.

On top of that, it's fucking pasta, tomatoes and cheese, no meat. There is absolutely no chance of you getting ill within a week of the expiration date.

>> No.7793167

I work in a supermarket, that isn't a time it's the factory's unique supplier code number... You won't die. Man up.

>> No.7793198
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You will never simply die by eating by mild food poisoning, or even a heavy one. The only way you can ever die by food poisoning is believing you can die by it, panic, and do something silly.

I'm not saying you should eat food that's gone bad or any package with expired dates, you will likely suffer side effects and some stomach pain or vomiting (which is a good thing as it's your body's natural reaction and fastest way of getting rid of harmful material inside your belly), but simply God won't let you die from simple food poisoning.

>> No.7793857

A couple of factors:

>Companies always mark the products as going bad way earlier
So they can avoid lawsuits.

>It depends on the product
If the expiration date is like seven months from when you buy it, an extra couple of weeks or so won't make a big deal.
If it's something highly perishable like milk or bread, I wouldn't chance more than a day or two at most.