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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7791065 No.7791065 [Reply] [Original]

Share your thoughts and stories here.

Old OP here, AA didn't do much, tapering off is much more manageable for the time being.

>> No.7791068
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>Who was she and why did she leave you?

You know exactly what I am talking about.

>> No.7791083

>What is your story? How much, how long, change it up, job, anything?

Been a fifth a day whiskey for 6 years.
Never anything but Canadian blended with coke zero cherry.

I own 17 convenience store/gas stations. Drink to kill my demons from teenage years. I'm 30 and still single.

About it for me, stable job, stable income, stable drinking problem. You guys?

>> No.7791256

hate to be the AA shill, but you have to go for more than a week for it to work.

>> No.7791303
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who's got /vodka shits/ here?

Just took my 2nd dump of the day, and I think that was all of it this time. Feeling much better now.

>> No.7791325

I'm so fucking sick of being fat. I work a really physical job too, lifting up to 5-6 tons a day but while I've put on a ton of muscle I've lost way less fat than I hoped in 6 months on account of drinking at least two cases of beer a week.
Also sick of the paranoia of getting random breath tested on the way to work and finding out I still have alcohol in me from the night before. Shit gives me a panic attack unless I literally haven't drank anything in like 20 hours.
Gonna try jogging/working out a few days a week now that I've gotten used to my job and only drinking on my nights off after a certain time. I really want to go cold turkey for like a month and see how much weight I lose but last time I tried that I got about 5 hours sleep in 4 days and was agitated as fuck. Shit's a lot easier when you're unemployed and don't have to get up at set times.

>> No.7791496

give me a job bitch

>> No.7791516

how the fuck do you end up owning 17 stores at 30 ?

>> No.7791535

As impressive as it is, doesn't seem that farfetched. And I'm a NEET.

>> No.7791682

got a large bottle of Cointreau lads--what's good to make with it, other than sidecars, which I already know I love.

Also, what are some good drinks with Aperol?

>> No.7791694

>I own 17 convenience store/gas stations.
>30 y/o

How'd you pull that off in your 20s? Sounds lucrative.

>> No.7791739

Following my threads? Want to be my sponsor? Want to get into my fucked up head anon?

>> No.7791745

Only 2 shits?? I take like 9 a day, ibs or something.

>> No.7791747

I'm sure you dorks hear this in every al/ck/ thread, but why don't you replace your expensive, life-shortening alcohol addiction with an equally expensive, annoying (but far less harmful) cannabis addiction?

>> No.7791759

You lift 30 thousand pounds a day? This thread is for honest alcoholics, not /fit/ fsgs.

I pay people to do work. Get gud fggt.

>> No.7791769

Come on down to an AZ store, we can drink all day and you will be paid

>> No.7791775

Starred working at 13, saved money till 19, bought my first store and it snowballs from there my friend. Some people catch all the breaks, sorry you hit a dead track.

>> No.7791788

Buy low in the 2006-2009 gas/retail market. You probably could have bought your local chain for 25-40 thousand and lived the moderately high life if you thought ahead.

>> No.7791791

I can buy liquor at the corner store, weed involves cartels hombre.

>> No.7791862

is it bad to get drunk on wine as opposed to liquor or beer?

>> No.7791870

start taking metamucil

it'll fix ya right up

>> No.7791881

why are you being so hostile?

you sent everyone over from the old thread and purposefully mentioned that you're the OP of both threads.

don't be an attention whore, if you can't handle it.
might as well be tripfagging at this point fagget.

>> No.7791886

beer is the healthiest poison

>> No.7791924

>Grad student
>Work a lot in the lab (I'm in microbiology/structural bio so I have a lot of weirdly timed stuff)
>No close friends since moving, no gf, etc.
>drink heavily on weekends to calm myself down

>> No.7791925

Aperol is good with seltzer or sprite if ur a lil bitch who can't take bitterness

>> No.7791934

I've got beer shits constantly but most of my non alcohol diet is fruit and vegetables which makes it extra bad cause /fiber/

>> No.7791941

How the fuck did you get 30 thousand pounds man? Even if I meant to say metric tonnes.
The average /fit/fag wouldn't last a day doing an actual job like that. Biggest load of fags on the internet.

>> No.7791962

maybe he meant with a forklift?

>> No.7792289

just open a bottle of jager, prolly gonna finish it in an hour or two

i tried taking a break, but only lasted a week

work is too hard

Underpayed and overworked, and i get bitched at even when i do everything right ahead of schedule and just want to sit down for the first time in 5 hours, i'm fat, i just want to sit damnit
really want to quit and go back to what i was doing before, but i'm afraid of looking for a new job and failing

>> No.7792299

He. And I had a mental breakdown at a job because of anxiety and depression caused by drinking, job stress, and not coping with such a shitty bitchy asshole.

>> No.7792317

That's not really physical then, unless you count climbing in and out of the forklift.
What I meant was how the hell did he arrive at 5-6 tons of any kind equaling 30,000 pounds.

>> No.7792349

why do i feel like i get way more fucked up on an empty stomach if food mitigating the effects of alcohol is a myth. is it all in my head. because before i even knew of it as a debated phenomena, when i first started drinking, it seemed to hold true. what does alcohol mean by this

>> No.7792353

>not claiming you have insomnia to get a medcard

Do it hombre

>> No.7792365
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How can I learn to enjoy alcohol?

I'm a 27 year old male and have never really been able to stomach any good quantity of alcohol. Any dark beer I cannot tolerate and hard liquor makes me gag uncontrollably.
I can get piss drunk off of sugary cocktails but that's not really how I want to live my life.

>> No.7792368

Could a label sound more fucking pretentious? Holy shit.

>> No.7792389

just use a chaser and drink vodka or something
who gives a shit if it's the pussy way, you're drinking alone right?

My philosophy is there's no point if you don't drink till you forget who you are, it doesn't matter how you get the

>> No.7792423

It's suppose to, that's the joke, the title of the beer is "arrogant bastard"

>> No.7792428
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Dk why, but Sierra Nevada looks ridiculously pretentious because nothing produced in America has labels that look like this.

>> No.7792439

if you dont like it dont drink it

>> No.7792455

I want to get drunk while avoiding calories.

Whats a good way to do it?

>> No.7792461

straight liquor

>> No.7792471

Gin. paleo-fag here.

>> No.7792537

vodka soaked tampon up the butt.

>> No.7792544

It's not arrogant bastard, It's punk IPA. I always had a soft spot for Brewdog's rants. I don't know if it's because they're from Scotland that it works. I don't know if it would work if they were American.

>> No.7792552

For maximum drunkenness and minimum calories vodka is the only right answer. It's ethanol plus water. If you want to go even lower ass shots is the only way.

>> No.7792583

wait "arrogant bastard" is supposed to be a joke?

>> No.7792611
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>drink 12 beers a night about 3~4 times a week
>do it because it's "work related"
>right toe joint swells up, it's probably gout
>stop drinking for a week, still doesn't heal
>ibuprofen and ice seems to help, but walking is still a pain
>no health insurance so don't want to go to a doctor
>it's the hottest day, more to come this week
>having an ice cold cider after a week of non-drinking

pls heal I just want to resupply food and work out again

>> No.7792644

I've had gout scares before. For me it's usually metatarsalgia. I work on my feet all day so it takes a long fucking time to heal but for me it usually subsides in about a month or so. Until them I'm a limping wreck. But the worst part is when I go home and take my weight off it. It hurts so bad I can't sleep. So I drink a ton and take painkillers to hopefully pass out long enough that I don't hallucinate when I'm awake. And that can't be doing my body any good.

>> No.7792681

Soda water will add carbonation to get you drunk quicker without adding calories.

>> No.7793338

Switching from beer to spirits as I am starting to get fat. Last night was fun, but holy shit it really sneaks up on you as opposed to the progressive way beer does.

Ended up totally smashed sitting at my computer at 2am. Hangover wasn't too bad, same again tonight I think.

>> No.7793352
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>be me
>just have 28th birthday
>own 12 phone stores, 6 gas stations, 53 convenience stores, 3 coney islands, 47 hot dog carts, 5 Safeways, a fleet of taxis, and 17 pawn shops
>drink a case of beer and 7 fifths of whiskey a day
>feels good man, though I think the beer might be making me fat, I'm 6'4" and weigh 131 lbs.

>> No.7793437

just smoke weed idiots lol

>> No.7794214


you must be 18 years or older to visit 4chan

>> No.7794329
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>> No.7794346
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>> No.7794355


>> No.7794377
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thats a fat happy cat

>> No.7796227
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Indeed mate

>> No.7796334

Wow you're a cheery lot. You're all the "way to into weed" stoner kids of drinking. Your sadness in no way makes your alcoholism any more bearable.

>> No.7797784

That is a lot of tax forms every year to worry about anon.

>> No.7797795
File: 44 KB, 400x305, chansons-pastis-ricard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pastis is my favorite alcohol. Any non-french here tried it ? What did you thought about it?

>> No.7799270

Anyone get Hemorrhoids from drinking too much?

...Just me...Cool.

>> No.7799330

S-s-so you're a girl ....?

>> No.7799333


I've had drinking related hemorrhoids from lots of beer and shitty pizza. gotta eat fiber and drink plenty of water otherwise it's a whole day of painful shits

>> No.7799335
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>Anyone get Hemorrhoids

Im over 36 and have never had a drink in my life. Not even champagne or cider on New Years with family. Glad to see I've not missed much.

>> No.7799648
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don't feed it

>> No.7799673


>> No.7799692

So does anyone here actually have fun drinking? I just went out with some friends to a local dive, had some beer, had a shot, sang some karaoke, and played some pool. Why does this thread seem to be specifically reserved for depressed people who use alcohol for a crutch?

>> No.7799698

Probably because depressed like to hear about other depressed people, I know that when I was depressed and an alcoholic reading about others who had it worse made me feel better.

>> No.7800638

7.30pm and still cant get out of bed, just been laying here squirming in pain and saying "someone help me" over and over since i woke at 5am and could sleep again, after drinking 2 bottles of vodka yest. i can't do this any more. laying here poisoned and in agony, trying not to have a panic attack remembering little segments of the last few weeks, and trying desperately to fight the urge to get hammered again to make the hangover gtfo. i need to just go through that shit for as long as it takes, to have a chance of being free. this is irl hell.

>> No.7800665

Man, I went out last weekend. Loads of fun. Drank Champagne (love Veuve Clicquot) with dinner, drank cocktails in the bar and finished the night drinking single malt whiskey until the early hours playing poker with friends in my hotel suite.
I like drinking but it's got to be a once in a while thing, you can't be doing it constantly. I lead a pretty busy life with my main focus being my career, my girlfriend and the gym. Drinking can be fun but there's more to life than just getting shitfaced.
Stay strong.

>> No.7800667

>Why does this thread seem to be specifically reserved for depressed people who use alcohol for a crutch?

It's the Alcoholic thread, not the alcohol thread.

>> No.7800681

Then shouldn't it be on /soc/ and not on /ck/?

>> No.7800768
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There is literally nothing with with Sierra Nevada's packaging.

>no bad cringey attempts humor, wit
>no attempts at free-spirited "rebelliousness" (ha ha people drink bad beer are u better than them? buy ours insted xDDD)
>packaging has priorities straight: company logo is the first thing you notice, then the beer's name/style, then the artwork, then all the fine print (ABV etc.) you might be bothered to squint for
>descriptions on the neck of the bottle are written more modestly than most; no claims as to being "the best" (even though they come damn close IMO)

>> No.7800782

I've had hemorrhoids since high school and I'm 26 now. Didn't drink at all in high school but starting drinking when I was 18 and only became a full blown 24/7 kind of guy in the past year and a half.
I'm 5'11'' and 148 pounds.

>> No.7800788

No. ck is the place for this and it always has been.

>> No.7800796

Ok you're shilling hard, we get it already.

>> No.7800801

I'm sorry that you feel intimidated when you get called out on using buzzwords incorrectly, anon. I know you're just trying to fit in, but that's not what the word "pretentious" means.

>> No.7800811

We have the highest density of alcoholics here I would say.

>> No.7800814

I once drank six 100 proof nips in the course of an hour, put a casserole in the oven and passed out. I woke up to several firefighters, cops and EMTs wheeling me out of my smokey house. Worst part was my infant daughter was in her room asleep. I could have killed us both. Alcoholism is brutal as fuck. Four years later and I'm still not sober, although I don't binge out like I used to.

>> No.7800824

Ever consider detox? The load you up on benzos and provide you with resources. If it's coed, you might even get laid.

>> No.7800833

you can inhale alcohol. it seems to get most people drunk but does nothing for me.

>> No.7800835


not sure if this guy is telling the truth

>> No.7800837

already been, and i've only 2 months ago kicked a benzo addiction. i'm just gonna not drink. 9pm and i still can't keep my eyes open let alone get out of bed. i can't take the agony of hangovers any more, it has to stop

>> No.7800868

I honestly hear you man. To me, there was nothing more helpless and depraved than a hangover while having a girlfriend and child depending on me.

>> No.7801045

unless i've got a load of valium, painkillers and a tonne of weed i can't take hangovers. i simply have to drink again, it's fucking unbearable otherwise. today for the first time in memory i've just toughed out the hangover. anxiety levels are astronomical and it's dawning on me that i soon need to be sober for the first time in years.

>> No.7801048

presumably everyone here has social anxiety to some extent. do you find that alcohol makes it worse? one day of drinking leaves me feeling sick and nervous for like 3-4 days, so i'm constantly terrorized by booze, it's crippling my whole life

>> No.7801059

Do you guys drink every day?

I drink 15-20 beers 4 days a week, how bad is it?

>> No.7801089

if i can't have a drink as soon as i wake, i flip the fuck out. the panic is too much, i typically drink to the point of passing out a couple of times a day.

>> No.7801823

I got so angry all the time from the anxiety of my OCD and OCPD, I drank because it killed the anxiety better than any pill.

She said she couldn't love someone who drank more than he ate.

Every day I wonder what could have been if I never found this curing poison.

>> No.7801842

hah! I know that feel. Beer shits and then if I dare to dance with a devil glass of milk in the morning I might as well cancel my plans till the evening because I'm gonna be hitting that bathroom every 45 mins

>> No.7801923

i am definitely an alki. Switched to beer several years ago to save my liver as I approached 30.

More times than I can count I have spent my last $20 on beer leaving 3 for gas just to make a round trip.
Hangovers aren't terribly bad I typically sleep with a jug of ice water next to my bed and wake up every hour for a chug.

I get fucked 3-4 times a week depending on money and time. Has the potential to destroy my life but not anytime soon. I reckon it will some day

>> No.7802087

i shifted from strongish cider to scotch when i turned 30, then to absurd amounts of vodka when i hit mid-late 30's. the hangovers are absolutely vicious the older i get, i've been on a detox ward once and heard older alchies dying around me day and night. addiction has savaged me, especially when coupled with my use of the hardest of hard drugs, i've seen just how destructive alcoholism becomes once it takes over.
would tell you to escape now, but you already know it. it didn't stop me, still doesn't, i'm just fucked.
this documentary is quite real.

>> No.7802981
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>> No.7803341

>tfw wake sober
holy shit. this is what life is supposed to be like

>> No.7803383
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>4 hop milkshakes out of 6

when will the meme end

>> No.7803521

Inhale, injection or the classic butt chug. Be careful though, these methods bypass the liver's metabolism of the alcohol, so you'll have more alcohol than you'd normally would in your bloodstream. And you have no stomach for the ER to pump if things go wrong, you're basically fucked. Tread carefully

>> No.7803606


the only thing I want in my butt is dicks, sicko.

>> No.7803646

jesus man thats heavy.

and also highly irresponsible

>> No.7803648


how? what else do you do in your day to day life?

>> No.7803715

>This thread is still up
>My thread complaining about 'go 'za memes and about how deepdish is actually bretty gud gets me banned

WTF Mods

>> No.7803821

It's taking everything in me not to hit the bottle again.

What a horrible week.

>> No.7803860

>be me this last Sunday
>expecting company
>spent the whole weekend cleaning, planning the meal I was going to make for us
>everything's perfect
>6:30 "I'm off! Can't wait to see you! :)"
>start dinner so it's done when she gets to my place
>an hour passes "hey where are you? Maybe you got stuck in traffic heh... I keep dinner warm! :)"
>couple hours pass
>start to worry "maybe she got in a wreck? She's not the type to just disappear"
>call several hospitals. Nothing
>all the while drinking a bottle of malbec
>It's also father's day
>my daughter is almost 5 and I've never met her
>still hurts. Drink half a bottle jameson
>It's now 1am. I spent the whole night at the table drunk and worried
>go to work drunk and get sent home
>probably getting fired from the best job I've ever had today

Still hurts. Might kill myself soon.

>> No.7804253

>expecting company
>call several hospitals. Nothing

what happened to her?

that shit sucks man. hope they let you keep your job.

>Might kill myself soon.
nah nigga

>> No.7804258

>old /ck/ mainstay is left up
>thread whining about the meme of the month taken down
Thanks mods

>> No.7804287


>Former Al/ck/
> 1 - 2L Vodka per day
>Since I was 20 to 26
>No permanent liver damage.
>Age, genetics, Luck
>Still have my binge
>2 - 3 days every couple of months
>Better than Erry day
>Can't fathom never drinking again
>Never want to go back to full blown addiction
>Feel a million times better
>May die drinking a litre or two of vodka after being sober for 2 months

No real theme or moral to my story, just maybe being relatively sober is better for me than drinking daily. I almost enjoy being sober.

>> No.7804317


How is beer healthier than wine?

>> No.7804332
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Drink almost everyday
Mix it with anti-anxiety drugs
Drink way too much
Sleep pretty much 24hrs

Good thing I don't have a full time job (yet)

>> No.7804344
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On day 8 of not drinking after a two month binge. Feeling pretty good now, but the urge to drink is always there. ALWAYS THERE. Like a fucking black shadow in my mind. The only thing that keeps me from grabbing a bottle is the urge to be healthy and the fact that I've felt better and can think clearer and get more done than before.
I can do this. I can, I can, I can. I will.

>> No.7804357

Same, I went through years of being drunk everyday and was miserable. Went to detox and was 100% sober awhile and was miserable. Now I figured out I can enjoy being both drunk and sober in moderation.

>> No.7804379
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yeah but 20 min after that thought lady liquor is always waiting for you

>> No.7804394


Same story as me, i came out of detox and felt I couldn't drink because I was getting breathalysed everyday, so I was miserable and relapsed, then kinda just stopped one day and didn't drink for a month then it was 2, then I drank. i think just knowing that you can drink and it's not the biggest failure in the word is peace enough, and there is not pressure makes it easier

>> No.7804404

Got a text from here the next day after I had gotten sent home.

>Sorry. I didn't want to disappoint you.

>> No.7804426

Not a big fan of anise flavoured things. Largely due to bingeing on absinthe and lemonade with a grill I wanted to bang in my mid teens

>> No.7804510


What the fuck does that mean? Was she ugly and self conscious about it?

But she was your estranged wife/gf/daughter's mother, right?

>> No.7804555

She wasn't ugly. We had gone out several times before over the past few weeks. Apparently it was just better to let me think she was dead than for her to simply call and say "sorry, can't make it."

My daughter's mother lives in California. I currently live in Texas. Thank God for her, too. She stayed on the phone with me all night to keep me from doing anything stupid. Even after I blacked out.

>> No.7804571

Should probably clarify that neither of us have our daughter. We adopted out to a family when we were younger. She already had a 2 year old and I was a bitter, angry drunk then, too. I still get updates from her birth mother from time to time.

She looks exactly like me.

>> No.7804574

No, but you are shilling SN pretty hard for an average beer.

>> No.7804604

fucken inconsiderate
she should have at least let you know before you got shitfaced.

>> No.7804608


>> No.7804642

Yep. Big Wigs are on their way to my store now. Guess I'll know if I still have a job, or not, here shortly. Wish me luck.

>> No.7804664

good luck, alcky bro

>> No.7804686

I have fun when I drink..I can socialize, be funny, and bring home girls from the bar. But I always overdo it. Like, I'm not talking in a single sitting. My binges last for days. I need a couple of drinks to take the edge off in the morning. I've been drinking for days, and I'm about to go to the store to steal more liquor.

>> No.7804915

You still have a job. Managerial types don't care unless you call off a couple time a year with no vacation hours to cushion it.

>> No.7804923

>Steal more liquor

Get your life together m8. If you can't afford to drink, stop drinking you god damned hobo piece of trash.

>> No.7804968

Not an alcoholic yet but certainly on track

I usually drink at least a 24 steel reserve every night on top of smoking a lot of weed and cigs

I'm just so bored that by the end of the day nothing is entertaining unless I'm somewhat intoxicated

I'm moderately attractive and want a GF but I have bad SA and depression also women are so fucking entitled when it comes to dating apps or sights

I need a bunch of good pics a great bio good improvised pick up lines

All she needs is some selfies and no bio but every single guy they swipe right on they match with so they never have to initiate

I'm also really really shitty at the only thing I have that's even close to a hobby which makes me feel bad

>> No.7805225

Get on /soc/ to up your online dating game bruh.

>> No.7805258


Still have a job. They were more concerned than anything. We're a fairly small corporation so it's really family like. They gave me some resources for fmla and therapy. I think I'll give them a call after I get back from vacation. I'm tired of this.

>> No.7805264

You are looking for a relationship in all the wrong places, man. You can't look for that kind of thing. It will find you. I know that sounds gay, but it's true.

>> No.7805285


What a nice company.

>> No.7805287

>tfw no alchie gf

>> No.7805296

>the urge to drink is always there
i know that feel. buddhism teaches that "we suffer because we desire". it takes years to properly cultivate an understanding of how to overcome it, but this guy explains it in a better way that i can.
'the devil' which tempts you is just your own mind, you can stop it for good.

>> No.7805323

Charcoal or Gas?

>> No.7805338

Good for you, bro. Glad your company want to help you. Good luck.

>> No.7805514

I do go there quite often it doesn't change the fact that a lot of women are just vapid who think they are a goddess to men cause they have a vagina. Hence why they have no bio and act like "if he doesn't AMAZE me with that first line I won't even say a thing to him"

Thanks mom I'll just go back to the basement or hang out with all my male friends while silently crying inside and waiting for miss special to fall out of my ass like I have been doing for the past 21 years

>> No.7805517

Oh also forgot to add that only 2 days on tinder and I got 4 matches most guys on there have trouble even getting one a week

>> No.7805542

There was this girl I would drink with, I thought there was a connection or something more going on.

>> No.7805547

vodka gets me really moody, depressed, annoyed, and overall aggressive.

>> No.7805550

I'm going to use this excuse, I literally can't get over this girl. She keeps me up at night and makes me wake up in the middle of the night.

>> No.7805609

After a couple drinks, neat Aperol grew on me just fine. Wasn't crazy about it at first. Damn good with selzer too.

>> No.7805694

I went from drinking one or two drinks a night to kill my edge to drinking a fifth over the course of a day a couple months ago. The reasoning is pretty different I think. Started needing money, decided to deal pretty much anything I can get my hands on. Working in the restaurant industry for the past 6 years gives me a pretty solid client list.

I used to just deal bud, but it's crazy how many people who "just smoke" are all ready af to pay $70 for an oxy80 or $15 for a 30 ir addy. It's like once I mentioned stuff other than weed, people i've dealt to for YEARS got real open about their habits around me.

I've noticed some patterns in the people I work with that pretty much let me know I'm a low life for enabling, so I drink, on top of smoking a lot, to numb myself out.

My minimum pull is like 6k a year doing this, but that's untaxed and ontop of a middlemanagement kitchen position. How much fucking longer do I do this for? Til I'm 30? It's kind of fun, interesting, and stressful all at once, but I feel like the biggest cliche ever.

>> No.7805736

>$70 for an oxy80 or $15 for a 30 ir addy
Wow, fuck that.

>> No.7805925

>>7791065 i went to my dads therapy today, he got a dui a few months back. the night before i knew i was going to go but yet i still got smashed, and omg is it the best feeling in the world to be in a room full of sober mother fuckers while im still drunk, the bitch called on me to say something and i said that AA was old as fuck and should get an update, she responds by saying if its been around for so long then that means it works really good, LOL dumb bitch AA has like a 90% relapse.

anyways just picked up a bottle of merlot and going to head out to a bar soon, i have this strange feeling i might end up in jail tonight so i think im going to be extra careful tonight.

>> No.7805931

>implying every state/country has medicinal weed

believe me, if I could I would

>> No.7805942

If you drink alcohol with or without food, the same amount will be absorbed into your system eventually. But if you drink on an empty stomach, the alcohol is absorbed much faster than if there was food in there as well, so you'll feel drunker quicker. Technically you'd be ingesting the same amount with or without food, but on an empty stomach absorbing and filtering the booze out of your body goes first which means you feel the effects a lot harder

>> No.7805993

I'm on night 5 sober after going hard for 9 straight years. I've made it 5-7 days 3 other times in the last 10 weeks. I failed every other time mostly because I couldn't sleep and caved after exhaustion set in. But THIS time... I can fucking sleep! Hurray! I dunno why, but I'm suddenly getting 8 hours a night and it's awesome. I think I can quit now. I had completely forgotten what sober sleep felt like. It's been so many years...

>> No.7805997


My story isn't even near as bad as yours, but one time I let my dog out to go potty and passed out on the couch, it was the middle of winter. I woke up 4 or 5 hours later and found her curled up sleeping on the front door mat, I felt like the biggest piece of shit on earth. Failing to take care of those who depend on you really puts shit like that in perspective

>> No.7806061

Picked up two Evan Williams 1.75 liter each, one bottle 190 proof everclear 1.75 liter (this will last awhile) and 24 cans of cheap beer today

This will last me for the next month easily, esp with all that 190 proof everclear

Exactly one month from now I'll buy the same shit again

Drinking Evan Williams now

>> No.7806087

"I got a woman stay drunk all the time"

Led zeppelin


>> No.7806096

are you asking if the grill was black or a jew?

>> No.7806102

Basically a weekend alcoholic. Binge from Friday night to Sunday night but I'm cleaning up for my health. I work out four times a week and I'm still on BP meds because of the booze. I'm only 24.

Think it's partially nerves/anxiety to blame for the high bp but I shouldn't be like this so young. Definitely self medicate with booze.

Tried valerian root pills for the first time tonight and it def helps the anxiety. Don't drink on em though bc of a compounding effect.

Thinking bout switching to pot but I've only smoked while drunk because when sober it's too much. Can't get decent high CBD low THC bud either bc my state is stupid.

Thinking next time I smoke I might take 3 valerian root pills before to calm me down and then do a few small hits.

>> No.7806225

I always drink on an empty stomach and OMG is it good

>> No.7806498

At least she's still alive. There are much worse wakeup calls, anon.

>> No.7806529

Hey guys, I have a co worker that is definitely an alcoholic. Turns out he gave someone a ride home from work recently and had two or three beers before driving the guy home. The guy didn't find this out until later.
He also constantly tries to work off the clock so he can chug a beer while working. (We have beers on tap)

He's also a huge pain in the ass and does whatever he wants most of the time instead of listening to orders or helping out with work. Unless he can have a beer first.

He also smokes weed on his breaks, so he's like constantly attempting to get crossfaded AT WORK.

Now I know if you are addicted to something, you have to go get help yourself. I used to hate the guy but now I'm kind of worried and he's endangering my other coworkers. I don't think my work has an HR, but they must have some kind of program for addicts that they could go through? I've heard a lot of places are required to help their employees if they have some kind of substance problem and this guy definitely does.

Should I just go to management? Should I attempt to talk to the guy? I doubt he'd listen to me, he doesn't even listen when I talk to him casually.
He's gonna quit soon but he's still got a month of working with us before that and I really don't want him killing my coworkers in a fucking DUI.

>> No.7806550
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fuck almighty i got the runs bad

i don't mean to be gross but i could shit through a screen door

>> No.7806568
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>second day in a row waking not hung over

>> No.7806917

You'll get the shakes soon enough.

>> No.7806937

i never do, not for more than a few hours

>> No.7806960

>I never do
>Not for more than a few hours
There's a pretty wide gap between those.

>> No.7806986

eh? even if i drink vodka day and night for months, if i stop, one day i shake and feel like death, then i'm ok

>> No.7807335

yeah fuck you for listening to this, gay tier

>> No.7807422

I love these threads. I have a drinking problem, but you guys are a mess. Makes me feel better about my shitty life reading these horror stories.

>> No.7807433

You sound like an ass. Mind your own business. He's going to be gone in month so who fucking cares. I never understood why people like you feel the need to fix things that don't concern you and are out of your control.

>> No.7807437

Good job m8. What are you doing to stay busy instead of drinking? That's one of my biggest problems. I don't know what to do with myself at night.

>> No.7807455


AA doesnt work, says the data

>> No.7807618

Oh yeah you buddy? You fuckin think that shit's gay? Well guess what? You know what's gonna be really fuckin gay? When you're getting reamed by a nigger in federal pound me in the ass prison because I just hacked all your shit and sent your cp information to the fbi. That's what you get for having shit taste in music. Have fun being imminently raped to death.

>> No.7807627
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I read that just as I was taking my second vodka shit as well.

Sometimes the universe lines up.

>> No.7807654

Older people pay a lot for drugs. I push to a couple people in their 20s, but the majority are 30+. It's crazy to me too.

>> No.7807739

Let it ride out if he's not gone in that time go to the r boss I've if that means the owner do what you have to but don't let it get back to you. You fucking snitch! I hat u already but such is life

>> No.7807828

Today I learned that taking acetaminophen while hungover is a very bad idea. I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.7808346

Anyone else get muscle spasms from time to time? I get them about a couple a times a day, usually in my legs or less often in my abdomen.

I quit drinking for 5 weeks and I noticed that disappeared so I figured it was drinking related.

>> No.7808374

Alcoholic neuropathy is very very bad news

>> No.7808384

go to bed justin

>> No.7808385

What'd you do, get redrunk?

Yes, plenty, but I'm malnourished too so..

>> No.7808544


I'm not that far gone yet. Only been drinking a couple years.

>> No.7808711

Nah, got stomach pains like a motherfucker and then looked it up, apparently it can give you liver damage.

>> No.7808973

hang in there man. It will only get better if you don't drink...but only get worse if you do drink. I've been there, I know how you're feeling.

>> No.7808981


>> No.7809014

The shakes happen 18-72 hours after your last drink. That's why the first 3 days are the worst for hardcore alcoholics.

>> No.7809039

Videogames mostly. The kind you can delve into and really lose yourself. Which has been various strategy games and Fallout New Vegas lately.

I've also got my resume in order and sent out my first resume for a real job in years. I'm gonna break out some of my old textbooks to make sure I haven't completely forgotten anything later tonite after any urges have past.

>> No.7809047

Get drunk ya cunts

>> No.7809068

I started getting a light tremble in my shoulder a few years in. It kept getting worse until taking a night off made my shoulder muscles so tired I could barely move it. It took 4 or 5 days sober for it to go away. Very uncomfortable.

>> No.7809224

non french fag here who tried it. it's horrendous. tastes like licorice.

>> No.7809230

I get muscles spasms in my legs but i think is more to do with lack of nutrients in my diet

>> No.7809487

She. Said she was depressed but wouldnt talk about it. Still in love with her ex really. Found out through snapchat they were back together a week after we were done.
>other women
>nothing helps me forget
>every time my phone rings and its some other girl i wish it was her

>> No.7809586

Probably because he could've killed one of our best workers in a DUI? As soon as the guy found out he'd had that many before, he had a fucking panic attack. Like this douche is literally trying to fuck up other people too. That's why I'm concerned.

>> No.7809588

>go to the r boss
>I hat u already

man are you drunk.

>> No.7809680

Not him, but you said he had 2 or 3 beers before driving someone home. That isn't a DUI. Even if he slammed them. And if he drank normally, it would take 5 Bud type beers to get close to .08.

A freaking panic attack *after* learning you got a ride home from a dude who had 2 or 3 beers... Stop being so high school.

>> No.7810387

Yes yes I am bitch senpai

>> No.7810401

You know we cherry pick our story's I hope you end a ditch and know what I'm sure you will. Be mindful next time you go out the cops will be looking

>> No.7810402


The drinking is what does it dude. One drink is going to be at least ~100 calories, not to mention it's entirely carbohydrates. What also happens is if you eat food while you're drinking, your body is aiming to break down the alcohol first to use as energy as it's considered a poison, so the food will be stored as fat. And it fucks with your hormones to regularly drink.

If you quit drinking I guarantee you'd see a massive jump in weight loss in only a month or two. The best you can do is try to calorie count, get your leftover calories by drinking at night, and don't drink while you're eating. Good luck dude.

>> No.7810407

Holy shit, get fucked faggot. 2 or 3 beers? That isn't even DUI territory. And he smokes and drinks at whatever shitty job you work at? Boo hoo. If you don't like him, then tell him, instead of being a roundabout all-around bitch.

>> No.7810550

not him but I'm a pretty heavy every day drinker, took a week off earlier this month and didn't experience any WD symptoms, other than maybe a bit of anxiety. I stay away from liquor and only drink beer/cider though so maybe that's not as hard on the system

>> No.7810608

You generally won't get terrible withdrawals unless you drink soon after waking up. I used to drink heavily every night when going out partying. I only experienced minor withdrawals until I stayed drunk for 3 days, drinking until I passed out then waking up and drinking again, but actually drinking less due to more sleep.

It was on the 4th day and tried to go to the bathroom that I started shaking severely, sweating profusely, hearing things and realising I couldn't walk. I pretty much ran back to my bedroom and collapsed on the bed before necking some spirits. Took me forever to figure out my rhythm for tapering, since it seemed like I had to drink as much as before, if not more, to keep myself from having a seizure or a heart attack.

>> No.7810741

So, what, are you saying you don't like Zep?

>> No.7810755

You and your coworker sound like a couple of huge pussies. 2-3 beers is nothing, not even enough to get a DUI. If he downed six shots and said "Okay, let's go," then I would understand the worry. Mind your own business, don't accept any rides from him in the future if it bothers you that much, and he'll be out of your hair soon enough.

>> No.7810787

Drinking 3 beers quickly enough is enough to be over the limit in some places. Even more places if you don't weigh much.

>> No.7811009

p u s s y

>> No.7811210

>tfw your tolerance is so high that you feel literally nothing for the first 3-5 shots so you keep pounding them back until you black out
I want to die.

>> No.7811294

can i come with you?

>> No.7811328

Sure. Always nice to have someone with you.

>> No.7811574


>drink most of a handle of weak ass Admiral Nelson over a few hours and still remain semi-sober

Although I guess to me there's only sober of passed out drunk.

>> No.7811584

Haha.. if he is actually an alcoholic as you say, the 2-3 beers that you say he drank probably made him a better driver. You should thank him for taking your co-workers safety into account.

>> No.7811616

Alcohol will make you fatter, and it will make it harder to gain muscles. Also, don't do cardio. If you're going to work out, lifting weights is the way to go. Cardio is ineffective compared to compound lifting exercises.

Also, stop eating sugar completely. No hot drinks with sugar, no sweets, no icecream...

>> No.7811743


>Cardio is ineffective compared to compound lifting exercises

At what? Building muscle? Sure. Cardio burns calories far more than lifting does. If you just want to lose weight cardio is the way to go.

>Muh muscle burns calories itself

Worthless when you aren't a body builder. No amount of extra muscle is going to burn a mile jog's worth of calories.

>> No.7811755

I get them all the time in my biceps about an inch above where my arm bends.

>> No.7811765

24 miles on a bike, ineffective, yeah okay nigga

>> No.7811769

>Worthless when you aren't a body builder

hahah no, having a decently fit amount of muscle mass is crucial to helping keep fat off. the resting difference is not insignificant

>> No.7812612
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I am drinking some white wine
>not to bad senpai

>> No.7812628

Do both, dumbass. Cardio is good for you, as well as muscle building exercises. It's not an either/or situation.

>> No.7812642

There's one particular night, that I'll always equate to the beginning of the end.

I wasn't a wreck. Hell, I had no clue what "heavy drinking" even meant. But I was working two jobs - during the day editing audio, and at night running live sound for a venue. She was working sketch side/oddjobs when they came around. We were a young dumb couple, she had moved from Cali to be with me. My dream girl, and to this day there hasnt been one to compare.

I started getting short on cash, stressed from work. Losing my grip on what we wanted. All I could look forward to was the two tall PBRs in my fridge. My wisdom teeth were fucking murdering me.

My mom, in a phone call, mentioned I should slow down. She hadn't seen me in years, two beers a night just sounded like too much to her so said something.

SHE, though, agreed. She started feeling distant. She went out to adventure at night, meet people. Eventually stumbled into meth and pills to fill the void (?). I would wind down with a drink I couldnt even enjoy - emotionally and physically.

Money ran short. I was worked to the bone. And we got evicted - there was a leak in the shower that caused us to be kicked. And she didnt like the prospect of staying at my Dads for a bit (would be 3 weeks). So she walked away, my eyes swollen and my stomach in bondage.

I then slammed a pint of vodka and wondered if life was even fucking worth it. My Dad did his thing and kept me around (fucking love that guy)

Now I've been a semi-functioning alchie since that. She went on to go fucking batshit crazy, but I miss her. I know she's everything I want and need.

Glug... Glug... Glug...

>> No.7812673

He knows I don't like him. Of course alchies defend other alchies.

>> No.7812674

no it always impairs you. I used to live with an alcoholic, he got 2 Steel Reserves every morning at 5am and didn't stop drinking until he passed out.

>> No.7812678

Blowing a .08 is not about being a "pussy" you dickstain.

>> No.7812696

Seeing the pound is pplumeting with the EU vote, should i buy Scotch, it'll be cheaper right?

>> No.7812752

Due to the way retail markets work price of spirits will be very slowly affected by the euro vote. I'd recommend keeping your money in North American and BRIC stocks for a while and don't pay attention to Liquor store minor fluctuations

In topic, I'm pretty drunk. Gave up drinking seven days ago because felt poisoned . Resumed today although still suffering the after affects

>> No.7812809

Made a milestone I hoped never to earlier this week: I drank at work. Haven't drank since then (Tuesday) but it is now Friday where I am and I've finished work for the week. Really trying hard to resist the urge to buy more tonight.

>> No.7812847
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can you guys recommend me some Canadian beer/wine for a Canada bro

>> No.7812869

Dicks. Enjoy your overpriced LCBO and not having beer in your grocery stores, gas stations, or pharmacies.

>> No.7812933

I dont know man. Ive heard all the advice. "youll forget about them one day" "therell be another" "theres no reason to be this sad over a woman" but its all shit advise. It doesnt take the pain away, fill the void, stop her from coming up in your thoughts. All i can say is were making it through. Barely functioning alcoholics but were making it through m8.

>> No.7813007


>> No.7813032

>Americans have booze in their pharmacies because they can't afford real medicine

>> No.7813080

>never had a drink

great life you have there bud

>> No.7813081
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>> No.7813788


Holy shit, this. Try to have some friends to talk to also, some good ones who wont encourage drinking, too. If not, Fallout/the like for sure. Before you know it you haven't had a drink in awhile and Caesar is your bitch

>> No.7813799

How's tapering off working for you? My dreams are just a straight shitshow. It's pretty much not worth sleeping. Can only sleep for about 15 minutes at a time without fidgeting myself awake again

>> No.7813803


That we are, beta and boozy, waiting for the time to strike again.

Granted, I think there is a way. I just went through a very unsmooth breakup with the sucessor of said She, and it put me in the dirt. I have to agree eith the comment about Fallout; that will help your mind to not wire itself thinking about the damn broad. When I'm living life, meeting people, enjoying my work and going to school - that's when I can be happy and put it out of my mind. This last one was an introvert herself and it just caved me in; when she saw what I became, and realized I had no more resources to give and that I was sick of being her puppy dog with a dick and a wallet, she stopped caring. But my friends, family, and all you crazy fucks here on 4chan are helping this get plenty better.

>> No.7813804

Yaaay! Mine is blacker than the blackest black times infinity. It's probably just digested blood though

>> No.7813822

God dammit. The bitch got me into drinking heavily, and after ending shit on horrible terms I've been shitfaced sunrise to sundown for weeks. A fifth a day isn't that bad of a habit, right guys? Oh, I'm also homeless and fucking damn close to broke because everybody hates me and I'm a worthless NEET. Welp, time to drink some more trashy tall boys because the gas stations much closer than the nearest liquor store.

>> No.7813880

not OP but I tapered off from a case of beer a day to one 6 pack a week. I usually down it as fast as possible though. if anything it serves as a reminder for how much I hate drinking. cause I regret. but by the time I get around to next week the guilt wears off and I go again.

>> No.7814715

I messed up and played video games all day. Now that it's craving time, I didn't want to play anymore. So I just took my first jog in 5 or 6 years. Only made it about 800 yards, but turned it into a 2 mile walk. I might make this a nightly occurence.

>> No.7814892

It is the /mu/ of beers

>> No.7814901

I love it, fucking aniseed tasting booze is great. I'd drink that shit all the time if I could afford it

>> No.7814902

i am in love with margaritas

>> No.7814906
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>> No.7816459

How ya feeling this afternoon al/ck/ies? Have you started drinking yet?

>> No.7816509

Had a few drinks between. 12 and 3, then slept for a couple of hours. Its 7:25pm here now, starting a proper session. Going to hit it hard tonight I think.

Im in love with someone and can't have them. Drinking is the only way I can deal with it.

>> No.7818436

Just wanted to stop in here tonight and wish everyone luck. I know it's Saturday, which can be hard if you're trying to quit, but stay strong guys. I was tempted a few times myself tonight...mainly more thinking ahead to future situations, but I have to remind myself that no good will come of it.

>> No.7819093

Is that fucking Albert Fish?

>> No.7819111
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>be 26
>drink 3 fifths a day
>own 40 gas stations 10 liqour stores
And 2 subway
>make about 80 million a year
>still miserable

>> No.7819211


>> No.7819626

I can understand that, on a much smaller scale. I make 3 times what my peers do, still miserable as fuck. People don't understand money makes fuck all difference.

>> No.7819914

Not that guy but you are literally an alcoholic I rather not have a drink at all.

>> No.7820678

There is no fucking way an actual gas station costs only 25-40.

Or is it just like a franchise rights sort of deal?

Either way that seems crazy low.

>> No.7820683

It's pretty tongue in cheek, yeah

>> No.7821085

How do you know that your becoming one? I've been drinking daily, just a couple of beers today it a bit of wine, but yesterday I didn't feel anything after a decent amount of port so I had a beer..... And then some vodka. Thinking I should lay off for a bit, just kind of got drunk out of nowhere.

>> No.7821170

I'm allergic to alcohol.
I bet most people here have drank more in one night than I have my entire life(I'm 30 btw)

>> No.7821284

When you drink to avoid withdrawals/feeling like shit or you drink because you can't sleep otherwise.

>> No.7821289

You know what encourages this behavior?

Liquor that is both cheap AND delicious

I found a cheap scotch that is 1/3 the price of the expensive stuff I normally buy and my consumption went up to a bottle/week.

>> No.7821329

How much have you drank in your entire life then?

>> No.7821347

I think a total of like 6 shots of alcohol and 3 beers

>> No.7821372

I drink these Jack Daniels fruit things, what else should i try?

>> No.7821380
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My country is leaving the EU, and I've gotten 5 job rejections this week.

>> No.7821528

If that's the case I think most people here drink more than that every single day.

In a sense, you are very lucky.

>> No.7821700

2 weeks sober. Can't drink now even if I wanted to because of this shit https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a682602.html..

>> No.7821729

Get anxiety, paranoia, and generally unpleasant thoughts from weed. I've tried.

>> No.7822798

WTF is this, fucking bitches wanting atention and desperate freaks like I AM GOING HERO bla bla bla.
Fuck you and your addictions, stop being that bitchy and men up, fucking faggots.
Its not that fucking hard, I was in the same place, also I was heroin addict, I used to steal and do some serious crimes.
I had cold turkeys, restless legs, puking, no sleeping periods, and....thats it, after that you got your own life, go to the mirror and tell yourself NEVER AGAIN, stop looking for atention and help.
You are the only one that can help yourself!
I guess you are no longer kids, just leave it.
I know alcohol is serious drug, I almost ended up dead few times.
Alcohol is making you weak, fat, fucks up metabolsm, muscles, brain cells, shits on your hormone levels and makes you miserable.
I used to drink over 1liter of Voda/day, I used to snort Heroin in huge amounts ~5gr/day.
You can overcome that, get some help and act mature, its your fight, your life.
And please kids stop posting this LE WEED crap, its 1000% diferent type of personality that gets hooked on alcohol and smoke that crap. also you that are "woried and nice coworker" go fuck yourself, you are 15y old girl or what?

>> No.7822858

Chill your 'burgers, man.

>> No.7822970

this pasta?

>> No.7822989

more like a certain style of pizza

>> No.7822991

'go 'za

>> No.7823007

>tfw you think about how much money you've spent on booze

>> No.7823040

>Equally expensive
Not even close, to get 1/2 as fucked up on weed you need to spend about 4 times as much. 1.75L is about 10 dollars.

>> No.7823081

2 or 3 beers is literally legal for driving you fucking faggot, and if you don't have an hr, it's almost certainly a job you can do high.

>> No.7823101

365 x 9 x I'm gonna say only 8$ a day. I rarely drink out, and usually buy the cheap stuff. So that comes to $26280. I desperately need a new car, so this is somewhat disappointing.

>> No.7823102

'Go 'za?

>> No.7823879

Funnily enough, she came back to me. She left me because of my drinking then came back. Now I'm still drinking. WTF is wrong with me?

>> No.7823884

I'd bee more concerned if it was pale, that means that your liver is fucked.

>> No.7823889

Her husband found out

>> No.7824111
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>tfw drinking martini feels gay as fuck but its so good

>> No.7824189

I'm only 20 and I have decided to stop drinking now for a few days at least. I feel like I need a drink everyday and I feel ill until I have one. How long before this feeling goes?

>> No.7824212

Two days of vodka shits here, fml

I gotta quit drinking, I'm tired of feeling like shit all the time.

>> No.7824227

Mix together almond liqueur, hazelnut liqueur and kaluah. You'll go (snicker) nuts for it!

>> No.7824248

Me and my girlfriend just fucking hate ourselves, so we just drink untill one of us passes out. I love that skelly bitch

>> No.7824267

Anyone have problems drinking after a few days into a bender? This beer is just hurts my stomach! But I have to drink it because I want to get drunk. And I can't eat anything because then I won't get drunk off of it...

>> No.7824275
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Going through a massive withdrawal right now. Family is visiting in two day and house looks like fucking shit with used dishes and bottles everywhere.

>> No.7824300

Oxy has been worthless ever since they changed from the old 'OC' pills to the new 'OP' pills.

There is really nothing you can do with those shitty ass new pills, you can smash them with a sledge hammer and it just looks like a squished skittle.

>> No.7824308

I recommend drinking right now. 2 days is not going to help, you're better off quitting AFTER they come to visit. Also, while drunk you'll be in a better position to clean up. Maybe you want to quit, I don't know. But right now is probably not the time.

>> No.7824314

Yea they did that for a reason (junkie fucks like you)

>> No.7824320
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I usually drink about 12 Coors lights a night, but when with pic related instead last night since vodka happens to be the only liquor that doesn't taste like motor oil.

I'm now a strong believer that different drinks get you a different kind of drunk. I spent most of the night imagining ways I could kill myself and woke up feeling like I wanted to slit my wrists or something. Beer just puts me into a pleasant lull.

I'm not suicidal really, but that stuff really didn't put me in the right mindset last night.

>> No.7824334

Vodka is pure poison. It also makes me very self destructive and often end up in the mental ward if I drink it for a few days in a row. It's nasty stuff. Last time I drank vodka I took all my sleeping pills and they sent 6 cops to bring me tot he hospital. This was last month. They didn't keep me there very long this time but still, wow. Nasty stuff.

Beer makes me religious for some reason, but I'd rather be religious than suicidal. I converted to islam last night and I have no idea why. I'm not going to continue with it because I like drinking too much. Seriously though I lose all control and just do weird things on auto pilot no matter what I drink.

>> No.7824345
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>I converted to islam last night

>> No.7824349

I know right? What's my fucking problem?

>> No.7824387

>implying the pharma industry doesn't want to cater to junkies

wew lad

>> No.7824426

Sign in front of the church on my way home says (count your blessings, not your problems) that's this weeks message.......so im a 30yr old father of 2, my wife is the main provider I have a small income that is self sustainable for the most part and allows me to partake in my vices, Im over weight I smoke a pack a day and drink around 7-10 beers every night....I lost a lot of money trying to start a business about 3 years ago...im a fucking failure that's my story

>> No.7824433

I figure I'll be better by tomorrow. I don't want my family to know I'm still an alcohol

>> No.7824437

You're definitely a failure, old fag. >>>/r9k/

>> No.7824440

yeah that's what I said you dumb fuck...

>> No.7824450

I'm sorry to hear that. But you have made it. You hav ea wife and you have kids.

I will never have any of those things, and many people who are here have no chance of it either.

Count your blessings you fuck. And drink more!

>> No.7824457


I have failed starting a business too. It was a field with little demand and the big players kept squeezing me out I am trying to start another in a different field.

I too drink between 6-10 bottles a night but my wallet can handle it.

I drink not to help my mood but to help me switch off so I can sleep properly. I have had sleeping issues since I can remember and my childhood and adolosence was a wreck.

I sometimes go over board since I have developed a lack of control as of recently but I just gotta reel it back in to keep my shit on track.

Do it for the kids. You don't have to quit. Just reel it in.

>> No.7824458
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>I converted to islam last night

>> No.7824469

Is it official if it wasn't done in a mosque? I don't want to die from apostasy.

>> No.7824479

Regardless alcohol is harram dumbass

>> No.7824487

Yeah that's pretty much me I do it so I can sleep and not lay awake worrying all night, I usually wake up at about 4:30am and lay there for hours wondering about what im going to do to make it better, my business issue was same as yours I was into auto sales and just couldn't keep up so I cut my losses, before that I had purchased some cattle and they make enough money for me to drink... my hopes are to grow the cattle business

>> No.7824502

Here we go again boys, about to open my daily liter of supermarket brand red wine.

>> No.7824556

God speed sir.

>> No.7824563
File: 71 KB, 350x466, 4523452345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just browsing 4chin and shitposting my way through the work day to kill time. I have shit I need to do, but I seriously can't wait to get home and pound a few back while playing TW3.

>that instant gratification feel when knowing you don't have to go to a store to buy alcohol today

>> No.7824569

good luck famiglia
i too am about to start drinking

>> No.7824732

That's why I had to quit. Alcohol started tasting worse and worse and my stomach was always full. Even when I was only eating 800 calories a day. I kept trying to force alcohol down and would end up puking everywhere after a few hours. Then I'd be left sitting there with barely any buzz over a bowl of alcohol vomit and I'd just feel like shit.

It always happens about 3 weeks into a bender. I can take a few days off and start the cycle over again, but I felt like such shit the last time that I threw in the towel for good. Drinking sucks when it gets to that point.

>> No.7824746


I am still waiting for an excuse to hit the bar.

>> No.7825151

You do realize that both vodka and beer have the same drug in them: alcohol. The only differences in your behavior when you drink them are invented in your mind. I've struggled with alcoholism the past couple years, so I sympathize with how devastating it can be, but dude if you think that way then you're mind is only going to perpetuate it.

>> No.7825532

Probably right. IT's probably that vodka gets me drunk much faster and more likely to get to black out territory.

>> No.7825765

Good, I hope they ban you again for complaining.

>> No.7825800


The mod is Deja food and she is on her period. So watch your mouth, dark knight!

>> No.7825808

al/ck/ is /ck/ culture. Eat a dick. There is no other place other than /b/ to talk about it. And /b/ doesn't count as a board.

>> No.7825816

/b/ is the designated shitting street

>> No.7825827

>it would take 5 Bud type beers to get close to .08.

No, for a 200lbs man about 1.5 in an hour on an empty stomach will put you above the legal limit.

>> No.7825834

>having a drink
>automatically assumes alcoholic

kill yourself.

>drinking daily

You're an alcoholic.

>> No.7825866

Ordered 3 bottles of shiraz.

"Oh having a party are you?"

I'm not. Kill me. ;_;

>> No.7826338

What vitamins should a recovering alcoholic focus on taking?

>> No.7826802

>this thread dies at around 2 am because alcoholics all pass out

you guys need to do more amphetamines. you are missing out on night life if you black out and go to bed early.

>> No.7826837

Ended up drinking another couple of beers after the wine was gone. Passed out on my couch and woke up at 7 in the morning. Then went to bed.

It's the fourth day in a row this happened. This needs to stop.

>> No.7827257

I hate when that happens.

I have the opposite problem. I'm having withdrawal and unable to drink anymore because my stomach hurts! Tried eating cause I remembered I forgot to eat for a few days. Maybe thta will help.

>> No.7827846

Nah, it also has to do with the fact that we hit bump limit and are going to fall off the board.