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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 500x500, applecore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7778407 No.7778407 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Uni-taskers you shamelessly use.

>> No.7778412

I have a similar device that cores the apple and cuts it into wedges at the same time. It's just the superior way to process apples.

>> No.7778414

a pizza slicer maybe?

i dont really use anything like that, maybe a garlic press if im truly lazy that day, which i dont think i ever am

>> No.7778481

yeah, I've seen that before, but sometimes i just want to eat an apple in my hand, without having to worry about a bunch of little slices getting apple juice everywhere

>> No.7778488

Why not just eat the core?

>> No.7778502

Garlic press. I use it all the fucking time. Can't remember I actually chopped garlic.

I also have a pizza slicer but I only use it to cut microwaved quesadillas.

I kind of want to buy an egg slicer...

>> No.7778512

My half-brother does that.

>> No.7778527

My wife's son does this

>> No.7778542

My wife's son is my half brother!

Spitoo... DINK!

>> No.7778606



now go away, /pol/

>> No.7778607

my wife's brother's sister does that.

>> No.7778616
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I don't see much of an issue with small uni-taskers like apple corers as they do not take up much space. it's shit like pic related fucking tortilla pod machine that trigger me.

>> No.7778620


What the fuuuuuck. I need to go sit down.

>> No.7778627

a keurig for tortillas huh.


>> No.7778630


>> No.7778631

lol enjoy your e.coli, faggot.

>> No.7778632

More like ez-bake oven

>> No.7778635

Wow holy shit
Fuckin speechless over here just wow

>> No.7779005
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Levels of fluffiness we did not know were possible

>> No.7779061

You could use food mill for the same type of result.

>> No.7779684

what if you don't want wedges, that makes it not only inferior, but completely useless.

>> No.7779691

codependent sack of shit detected, do you wear matching fursuits?

>> No.7779712
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Cake pan.

>> No.7779714
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>> No.7779721
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Wait. It only does tortillas? Not even pancakes or crepes? And is the size of a toaster?

>> No.7779726

Just went to their website. The machine is fucking huge and you get a little 5" tortilla. Jesus what a waste of space.
And wait for the planned retail: 400 united states freedumbux

>> No.7779736
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so, these are the kinds of things that daily rot the american mind and make them be how they are. modernity arrived too fast for them so then know now how to use it,

>> No.7779737 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7779739

Okay if I'm getting this right its literally just premade dough and a little mini oven is it not?

>> No.7779766

someone compared it to an ez-bake oven.

Holy fuck, I need one of those

>> No.7779777


surely the things coming out of this look like garbage.

>> No.7779794
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>> No.7779804

You could also make it into a shiv iv you're desperate.

>cut shit
>scrape glass
>fuck around with cocaine
>kill yourself
Try harder.

>> No.7779806
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Too handy, Idc about the whole "unitaskers are bad" meme

>> No.7779812

I only use it for garlic ipso factor uni-tasker

>> No.7779826

Cherry pitter.

Fuck you I like it.

I've made some pretty fucking dank cherry clafoutis thanks to that thing, although i made it again with a mix of berries and that was even better

>> No.7779830

Is it /ck/ circa 2008?

Or just summer 2016?

>> No.7779845

When would I ever not want wedged? There is literally no way of preparing or eating apples in which decored wedges are the preferred way.

>> No.7779849

>When would I ever not want wedged?

Making applesauce
Anything that involves sauteeing the applies (wedges cook unevenly, you want uniform thickness pieces)

>> No.7779860

>roast marshmallows
>light cigarettes
>mfw not a unitasker

>> No.7779864

It is a unitasker. It heats up things.

>> No.7779866

I made applesauce last night with an immersion blender. If you don't have one, get one. It pays for itself with the first soup. I used wedges.

>> No.7779869

You're retarded.

>> No.7779872

Why? Tell me how an oven is not a unitasker. What else does it do besides heating up food?

>> No.7779874

You know what, you're right.

>> No.7779895


Because you're clearly taking things to an extreme. An oven can warm foods. It can bake them. It can roast them. And most of them can also broil food (Aka "under the grill" for the UKfags out there).

>> No.7779929

yeah, just like a Keurig is preground coffee beans in a water heater.

>> No.7779940

i don't think you get the concept of unitaskers

>> No.7779949

Literal retards. Neo-/ck/ is disgusting.

>> No.7779959

i don't think you get the concept of literal

>> No.7779974

Not getting that out in 1 piece

>> No.7779978

I came here to say this. I have two of them. One is the traditional, one-at-a-time pitter. The other is like >>7779736
and does 4 at a time. I just used them last weekend to pit a gallon of sour cherries I picked of my tree.

>> No.7779990

salad spinner is the GOAT!! I use it to dry everything!

i eat the entire pear if its ripe! come at me, cyanide

>> No.7780106
File: 26 KB, 500x374, 800px-osthyvel_20050723_001_109608302[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen a cheese slicer outside of Scandinavia.

>> No.7780117


I'm guessing you've never been outside of Scandinavia, because those things are everywhere.

>> No.7780127


Same here. I was born in Denmark, but I currently live in the US. Texas to be specific. Finding a cheese slicer (either pic related or the wire type) is easy.

>> No.7780129

My brothers wife's cousins dog does this

>> No.7780143
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>> No.7780195
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>not going full babby mode
are you even not trying?

>> No.7780206
File: 16 KB, 300x225, step4-300x225[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to use a sandwich decruster all the time when I was little, I don't wanna think about how much bred and toppings I ended up throwing away.

>> No.7780210

American here and I have 1 of those, they're all over the place

>> No.7780212

That makes me want an uncrustable

>> No.7780218
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My Mom gives me one of these every Christmas. Always grateful because I go through one about once a year. How does Mom know?

>> No.7780220

you should sue, it clearly says never wears out right on the box

>> No.7780315
File: 12 KB, 235x235, Facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not just eat the core

>> No.7780379
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>buy two
>squeeze into one and then swap
>keep going until you've literally got a pan full of clouds

>> No.7780387
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literally all it does is cut things but im stuck using it almost every meal

>> No.7780394
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best $3 I ever spent

>> No.7780405

I wouldn't use these for the sole reason that in real life, actual razor blades like that are coated in oil from manufacture. Getting the oil off is a pain in the ass and it's also cancerous to touch/ingest

Not for food

>> No.7780420

it's a ricecooker for families that eat tortillas with almost every meal, as some do with rice
makes no sense for my lifestyle but I know the market for this shit exists.

Also RiceCooker is what my single-tasker of choice would be.

>> No.7780428

>implying unitask

It's excellent for serving slices of small pies and cakes.

>> No.7780432
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>> No.7780433

are you on a diet? who the hell wants to shave off a slice of caske?

>> No.7780440

dutchfag here, these things are common as shite

>> No.7780445

But it costs 400 dollars and 70 cents a tortilla.

>> No.7780446

A food mill is harder to clean

>> No.7780452

My half brother died that way.

>> No.7780459

I do this. I also eat the peels from lemon limes and fresh non waxed oranges, just bite right it.

>> No.7780460

Just use big scissors m8

>> No.7780462

We have a similar pan which is used to make game of thrones cake every sunday.

>> No.7780463

Just because you only know one purpose for it doesn't just make it a unitasker.

>> No.7780492

pineapple peeler/circle slicer. no regrets. makes cutting pineapples into perfect circles so fucking easy

>> No.7780496


>> No.7780502

but you can also use that to walk your chihuahua

>> No.7780516


because I'm not a fucking horse.

>> No.7780522

I do, it's not as messy and it's an unusual eating experience.

>> No.7780526

Can sue just like how red bull does give wings, they had to change it

>> No.7780543

It's a very good system!

>> No.7780546
File: 133 KB, 2500x1638, cutting unitasker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7780631

>anon wakes up one day with 20 arms and robs a bank with potatoes

>> No.7780660
File: 13 KB, 340x263, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to post this. Salad centrifuges are a quality of life improvement equal to a dishwasher.

>> No.7780675

not even ashamed, there is no way to replicate the functionality

>> No.7780687

They are not uni-taskers.
They have multiple uses.

>> No.7780696
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once i got the hang of pic related i love it

i have this and i love it

>> No.7780697

If you eat tortillas all the time, what you want is a tortilla press. That machine is a waste, and I'll bet the end product is a huge disappointment.

>> No.7780702

>ipso factor
rlly anon

>> No.7780727

What would you do with one other than to remove excess moisture from stuff? Do you think you'll be enriching uranium in that thing?

>> No.7780734

bcuz if u eat seeds a tree grows in ur belly

>> No.7780747

these actually got me starting to eat apples again.Biting into them was making my gums swell and itch but the slices are so neat and clean I pretty much eat an apple a day

>> No.7780912

These are not big enough for a ' '.

>> No.7781255

I actually have one of these on my dining room table right now. Haven't used it for years, but the last time I used it it came out perfect

>> No.7781348

and completely harmless. Til I pop some faggot in the eye from a foot away..

>> No.7781402
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I do not know how I would get through the day without mine. Luckily, it came in a two pack.

>> No.7781454
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>> No.7781464


brush and floss nasty nigga

>> No.7781482


The Parisian Scoop is a top tier kitchen tool, and is in no way a unitasker.

>> No.7781499


it is for me

>> No.7782618

This, >>7780394, is a unitasker
Not what you guys have posted.

This has no other purpose in the kitchen other than to crack chicken eggs.

>> No.7782686

Nigga that for sandcastles

>> No.7782700
File: 73 KB, 1333x1000, 61dQH4VfGWL._SL1333_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unitasker thread
>not posted

>> No.7782710

It is. I got to try one at a tradeshow a few weeks back and the tortillas are maybe the size of the palm of an average person. Like 85mm/3.3 inches. REALLY small. Good for dipping with stuff maybe? I don't eat tortillas much so I can't say. But it's just not worthwhile. Way too expensive for what it is, and what it's trying to do. Neat idea but you can literally do what it does with an ezbake oven. It basically shoots the ball of dough up, the dough lands on a small press, it gets pressed into the circular shape and its spat out in the drawer.

>> No.7782828
File: 65 KB, 600x450, 1459998101839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not poaching apples
>not oven roasting apples
>not ever taking into consideration how a dish is presented

flyover scum detected

>> No.7783175
File: 261 KB, 1280x1007, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this with peaches. Lots of fiber.

>> No.7783198

I use it when i want my garlic in slices so thin that they liquefy in the pan

>> No.7783204

I use a pizza turntable my grandmother gave me, for cooking whole wheat vegan pizzas. It's more efficient than the oven.

>> No.7783209

What would you do with an oven besides heating stuff? "Unitasker" is a meme, because everything is one.

>> No.7783222

A refrigerator is the worst unitasker. It performs only one task, but costs several hundred dollars and takes up a ton of space.

>> No.7783230

>because everything is one.

Only when you choose to apply a silly definition such as you are doing. If everything is a unitasker per your definition, doesn't that suggest to you that perhaps your definition ought to be changed?

For example, an oven/range has many uses:
-frying, boiling, baking, sauteing, roasting, broiling, etc. And all of those things can be applied to many different types of food.

>> No.7783233

Mine does several things:
-keeps food refrigerated
-keeps other food frozen
-makes and dispenses ice cubes
-dispenses cold water

>> No.7784218

My dad's mom has an Iphone;she ate it

>> No.7785700

How can it be a unitasker when it has two sides

>> No.7786470


>> No.7786477
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>> No.7786482
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my gerbil knife