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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7743125 No.7743125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of Chick fil A?

>> No.7743129

>asks about chick fil a
>doesn't post a pic of chick fil a

>> No.7743136

overpriced gobbedlygook for city slickers

>> No.7743213

not even close, it's cheaper than the equivalent from Wendy's

Chick-fil-a easily the best convenience fastfood chain in the US.

convenience = worldwide ( meaning it ain't regional) + drive thru

>> No.7743229

I was going to contest your claim, but given your qualifier of "convenience" then I must agree. It may be humble as a fast food, but someone's opinion on Chick Fil A is actually one of the fastest ways of determining whether they have shit taste. It's even better when they say they don't know if they like their food because poor gay people and muh feelings

>> No.7743230
File: 39 KB, 656x600, 1322306717644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a spicy chicken sandwich plain with pepperjack
>comes out with PICKLES on it every fucking time
>make them remake it every fucking time

They will learn eventually, but probably not before I die. They fuck it up literally 100% of the time because apparently they've been told plain means take everything off but pickles.

>> No.7743238

Lol nope.
You pay slightly more for better quality food and the service is always outstanding.
If im going to do fast food Chik Fil A is at the top of my list.
>Spicy sandwich on wheat, fries and split tea(sweet/unsweet) please!

>> No.7743241

So maybe you should ask for "plain no pickles" next time but i guess that autism of yours is a bitch isn't it?

>> No.7743242

Love it. Eat it probably once a week.

#5 8 count with buffalo and chick-fil-a sauce + a sweet tea is my favorite combo.

>> No.7743247

not my fault chikfila is the only fast food chain in the US that has different standards for plain

and yes my autism is crippling sometimes

>> No.7743248

So just say you don't want pickles, you fucking socially inadequate autist.

>> No.7743254

Ask for no pickles you retarded cunt, and go shitpost in a traffic or something

>> No.7743282

But it is your fault you fucking NEET. If everytime you ask for plain and you get pickles then common sense would tell you that next time you should ask for no pickles. Why fucking waste more time waiting for your food when you could of prevented it. Do you know how retarded you sound?

>> No.7743297

Northerner here, went to visit my sister and my niece and nephew, went to chick fil a with my dad to see what the hubbub was all about, the service was outstanding but the food was bland as fuck. I got the spicy chicken sandwich, and put the chick fil a jizz on it and it was still bland - my fries were also lukewarm. They did have cherry coke though, 5/10 tbqh underwhelming.

>> No.7743303

No. 3 with extra pickles and a granola parfait. Yes I do want sauces you clown, chik fil a and buffalo please.

>> No.7743315

Yeah, sounds your taste buds are fucked bud.
I cook/eat spicy good all the time and I wouldn't consider chik fil a bland.
>Troll detected

>> No.7743323

Lived in Texas for 20 years. Chick Fil A was less than a mile from my house. Didn't go there because the food kinda sucked. Service was great. They run a tight ship, no doubt. But the food blows. I stuck to Whataburger.

>> No.7743391

I don't support Christian propaganda

>> No.7743411

I do. Checkmate.

>> No.7743428

It's a cheap fried chicken sandwich. Some folks get excited about it. I'm not one of them. I don't see any reason why I should give a fuck about a cheap fried chicken sandwich. Tastes OK, though.

>> No.7743431

$6 for a spicy chicken sandwich meal is ok with me

>> No.7743443

There are no faults here, they just have the wrong standard.

>> No.7743602
File: 58 KB, 441x960, lgbts BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay detected
I remember when the LGBT community boycotted chick fil a and they got BTFO. The support for chick fil a was tremendous. I've never seen so many people standing in line for a chicken sandwich.

>> No.7743609

Nothing like Southern pride.

>> No.7743624

>classic image.jpg

>> No.7743629

It's pretty much bait at this point. Guaranteed replies, and it's all thanks to you.

>> No.7743633

best spicy chicken sandwich, best fries, shitty lemonade, best mayonnaise

>> No.7743645
File: 131 KB, 1336x1110, mayoryorkBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's a southern thing
Its support for free speech and beliefs.

>> No.7743655

Whataburger is just a hair above McDonald's. They over salt the fuck out of their parties. If you have been eating there regulary I'm sure that explains why your taste buds are fucked.

>> No.7743659

Honestly, CFA has some of the best milkshakes you can get from a fast food joint.

>> No.7743660

lolno, it's those on the wrong side of history being reactionary about it while stuffing their fat faces with fast food. That's what freedom is all about.

>> No.7743663

No, it's about free speech and beliefs, but it's cute that you're this close-minded and ignorant. People have a right to different opinions.

>> No.7743666

Absolutely. And I have the right to pass judgment on them.

>> No.7743680

Its funny because Christians teach that people shouldn't judge.

>sees digits

Now its all beginning to make sense.

>> No.7743681


Which level CFA are you on?

>> No.7743685

Sounds like a cool company to me. I've been hearing that there is spicy chicken sandwiches there so I'll give it a try. Still bums me out there is no beef, but I'll just eat the spicy chicken sandwich.

>> No.7743688

I wanna put my dick fil a between those tits

>> No.7743690

And liberals spouting tolerance are intolerant of Christians.


>> No.7743695

It comes back to that voting with your dollars thing. Not being a fan of people who define themselves as "Christian" means I'd steer clear of this particular business on principle.

>> No.7743696

Chick fil A? More like Dick fil A
Peanut Oil? More like penis oil

>> No.7743698

Chick-Fil-A made the first move, Christians yet again started it. Everything else was as a consequence.

>> No.7743699

Sorry, pal. You get sloppy seconds.

>> No.7743707

"Yeah i want no pickles, just add some saliva"

>> No.7743708

Guess was happen when a gay person attempt to purchase a chicken sandwich. Hint: They get served like everyone else.

You fuck head queer baits need to rein in your hate. Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.7743720

No one needs to reign in their hate. They just have to be careful about how they express it.

>> No.7743730

>Reign in your hate

I don't hate anyone, I beleive that as citizens people are equal and should receive equal treatment.

How can you say that an act between two people should be disallowed when it bears no consequence to the objector?

>> No.7743737
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>being this big of a biggot

How Will chick fil a survive without your money anon?

>> No.7743742

not on 4chan. it's the place to be nitpicky and obsessive about things that don't matter

>> No.7743744

at least we can all agree that Christianity is absurd.

>NB4 fedora references

>> No.7743747
File: 110 KB, 582x680, 1441218857584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daddy like

>> No.7743749

Rare elements in your electronic devices come from slavery. Most of what you own probably involves exploitative labor practices at some point in its production and distribution. And yet the concern is on what religion the chicken man identifies with, eh?

>> No.7743753

>posting screenshots from articles
>not posting links
If you're gonna blow someone the fuck out, at least have the decency to post sources.

>> No.7743756

Plain=no extras=the way it comes. Which is with pickles, you fucking retard.

>> No.7743762

It's chicken sandwiches. With a staff that's forced to be a little too enthusiastic and friendly. And inconvenient overcomplicated ketchup packets.

And something about a really conservative founder or something.

>> No.7743772

I can decide what I care about and what I don't. It doesn't have to make any sense, because no one else's cares and beliefs make sense anyways.

>> No.7743786

I'm merely posting out the inconsistency in the politics that go into your lunch decisions

>> No.7743790

I used to fuck myself with a barbed wire dildo while watching animal porn but then decided I was a normal person and started buying from Chick-Fil-A.

>> No.7743793

Yeah that guy is a fucking moron. He keeps ordering that shit plain instead of "no pickles." Plain they take to mean "not the one with all the lettuce and tomatoes" because its fucking weird to say "plain" when all you mean is you want the pickles removed.

Plus this chucklefuck is probably like "n-number three... uhhh p-p-plain. That's all"

>> No.7743798

I'm not a politician, so I do not have to be consistent. I can be capricious.

>> No.7743811

>dat women logic

>> No.7743821

>I'm not a politician, so I do not have to be consistent

When a politician is inconsistent, they're failing at their job. When they're proud of it, they're corrupt. When a non-politician is inconsistent, then that person is stupid. If they're proud of this, then they're a filthy normie.

>> No.7743825

Bro - When you encounter contradictions online, it is a sound bet you're interacting with a female.

>> No.7743827
File: 345 KB, 505x975, Chicken sandwiches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The personal opinions of the company ownership have literally nothing to do with their business practices or, more importantly, their product.

Here's some fresh faggoty shit from my very own facebook feed recently. When the one lady said "no", I knew what was coming, but I wanted to confirm it for sure.

Both jews from California, by the way.
>Purely coincidence

>> No.7743832

Tbh homie I know, but I hate it because I'm secretly a gril

>> No.7743836

I had the same thing happen recently in person. Brought up Chick-Fil-A and got the usual "lol no" from my hyperliberal roommate. "Why not?" "Because they're super fucked up." "Right, because they're Christian and they're closed on Sundays and shit."

I guess I'm not a full-blown gay, but as a bisexual person I just find it hilarious that people are that determined to make their lunch into politics. I'm pretty liberal, and I love telling people of the "activist" bent that I support Chick-Fil-A because the quality of their product more than makes up for our differences in belief.

>> No.7743839

I went to chick fil a for the first time the other day. About $8 for a combo. The food was good. I had been driving past this place for 5 years thinking "I'm going to try that place". Now that I've tried it I'm not in a hurry to go back but as far as fast food goes I'd eat it again.

>> No.7743857


Post feet

>> No.7743858

The reason why I don't go to Chick Fil A was because last time I went, some protestors were vandalizing cars in the parking lot. There's still stories of people getting their stuff rekt for eating out at Chick Fil A.

>> No.7743866

>I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about

Does he also want to ban weddings for Hindus since they don't worship the same God? Surely that too is an adulteration of the Christian view of marriage.

Nice logic there Christfag.

>> No.7744004
File: 760 KB, 1280x1656, 1434728614621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chik fil a franchises make the most money per franchise in the entire industry. You ever see one with a line less than a dozen cars deep at noon? They even got the double drive thrus and people outside taking orders remotely on tablets and still can't keep up with demand. Truly the GOAT fast food.

>> No.7744041

>durr dey attackin muh CHicky Fila becuz of muh freedums!!!

No, they attack Chick Fil-A because they're a major business that has political influence due t earning $$$. They're a good company and the service is spectacular, but I'm not going to kid myself about the top shareholders and chief executives.

I just don't give a fuck that my money is going towards "family values" and other assorted companies that are basically front companies for the GOP whom are now in the process of trying to get one of the most intolerant men in America elected to the presidency. The sandwiches are fucking delicious.

>> No.7744051


How is donald trump intolerant

>> No.7744060
File: 41 KB, 364x362, 1446303718064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who lives near a chickfila will tell you it's just grand.

>> No.7744070

>the wrong side of history

Safe to say that anyone who uses that phrase unironically is not worth listening to

>> No.7744074


>> No.7744115

>GOP establishment supports Trump
ayy lmao

>> No.7744124

a cfa finally opened in my area but when i went there the line was so massive i left and havnt been back yet

>> No.7744129



fuck religoin

>> No.7744136
File: 67 KB, 363x435, 1462156228335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7744137

That's what every major corporation does you twat.

>> No.7744149

>I just don't give a fuck that my money is going towards "family values"
If "family values" weren't code for a very specific white Christian agenda still angry over the baby boomer culture wars they lost I wouldn't mind. But I do mind, because I find those people loathsome. Fortunately I find fast food and factory farmed chicken loathsome as well, so not eating at Chick-fil-A is easy for me.

>> No.7744152
File: 116 KB, 640x640, IMG_20160416_184142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had it once on a trip to California. Food is pretty good and the service was better than most fast food places. Definitely on the upper spectrum of fast food, similar to Cane's.

>> No.7744156

>actually believes the C suite at Cick-fil-A cares about values
>doesn't realize it's all a front to project an image of wholesomeness that caters to the largest population
>doesn't realize it's a huge marketing gimmick that may have started out innocently, but is now the backbone of the company's PR

Oh to be naive and completely unaware of mega corporate business practices.

>> No.7744164

Like I said I'd avoid them anyways because I have no love for fast food or factory farmed chicken. But their PR just makes me feel better about it.

>> No.7744185

i love how op's attention whoring plan backfired and now people are arguing about shit tier fast food resturants

>> No.7744187

>I'm a girl btw

>> No.7744196

lol this lol

fuck kike fil a

>> No.7744202
File: 6 KB, 218x231, irdrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you hear "my pleasure" for the 12th time in 5 minutes

>> No.7744232

As a Brit with zero investment in the outcome of the American election I have to say, the memes that have come out of the shitshow that is the American left have been top notch.

Carl the cuck and backflip hippy probably added a few weeks onto my life with how much they've made me laugh.

>> No.7744240


The only thing that comes on the spicy chick-fil-a sandwich is pickles, why the fuck would you ask for it plain? You just say "no pickles, add pepperjack please." And make sure you fucking say please, asshole.

>> No.7744244

Mah man. Love whataburger

>> No.7744248

>Progressive society free of hate
Friend of mine with a CfA bumper sticker (he works there) got his car keyed during the height of that shitstorm

>> No.7744300


Of all the major world religions it's the most /ck/ compatible. Beef, pork, shellfish ... you can eat it all.

>> No.7744317

He deserved it.

>> No.7744329


>> No.7744331

I applaud you on such a progressive and open-minded way of thinking, anon.

>> No.7744334

*tips fauxhawk*

>> No.7744336

I wholly disagree with the bullshit that spews out of the CfA owners mouths, but if you think that someone deserved to get their car keyed for promoting their beliefs you are are child whose opinion will be disregarded by any sane person.

>> No.7744341

chriskikeshill detected

fuck off to the bronze age retard

>> No.7744344

That's not totally true, they slather it in mayonnaise too.

>> No.7744346

Christcucks have the most incoherent belief system of any religion.

>> No.7744356

I have no idea what a chriskikeshill is, reword your reply and i'll answer it.

>> No.7744362


>works at chick-fil-A
>also has a bumper sticker saying chick-fil-A

I guess it's sort of admirable that your friend has so much pride in his completely shit job, but maybe if you were an actual friend you would tell him to shoot just a tiny bit higher.

>> No.7744377


and stay there, christcuck

>> No.7744387

>Shit job
>at a place that provides health insurance, retirement plans, and university scholarships to employees
>and you never have to work Sundays

>> No.7744389

You didn't pose a question, a statement or a stance to a discussion. You realise that I could have asked the average 8 year old and have recieved a more mature reply than yours?

>> No.7744392

Was he not clear enough?

>> No.7744401

Since I asked him for clarification as to what he was saying, yes. Clearly he wasn't clear enough.

>> No.7744574

they're better than other chain fast food joints, usually. also it sits better in my stomach than fucking Burger King. Always get diarrhea from BK no matter the location.

>> No.7744593


is this what co/ck/s do for a living
eat fast food
lets be real here if you think any fast food resturant is good then you are sadly mistaken

>> No.7744640

Good but overrated.
Spicy chicken sandwich with Chick fil a sauce master race.

>> No.7744726

>support bigotry
>surprised when your bad decisions come back to bite you

hahahahaha conservacuck logic at its finest

>> No.7744730


You suck

>> No.7744744

>peanut oil
i've wanted nothing more than to try chick-fil-a but it is destined to never be. Maybe one day when science is advanced enough to nullify or pre-emptively counteract anaphylaxis.

Someone, describe to me the wonder of chick-fil-a. Is it just higher quality ingredients or is the chicken prepared in a special way?

[spoiler]no epinephrine isn't good enough, you still need to call an ambulance after using one.

>> No.7744756

>Is it just higher quality ingredients or is the chicken prepared in a special way?

Neither. It's just presented in a kitchy, millennial way that makes people think it's better than it is.

>> No.7744773

cool post, bro

>> No.7744780


Sure. I've lived in the states long enough to understand how these things work. But we both know this isn't about free speech. It's an anonymous image board, you don't have to hide it.

>> No.7744784


1. Just say no pickles if that is what you want. The workers at Chic-Fil-A aren't high-end chefs, and they don't give a fuck about your secret code. They get minimum wage while going to school and praying they find a better job before graduating.

2. When you send food back they don't "remake" it. They pick the fucking pickles off (which you can't seem to do, for some reason) and send it back out to you with a nice glob of spit.