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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.81 MB, 3580x1760, White-&-Brown-Eggs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7699292 No.7699292 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people think eggs are healthy?

>> No.7699310

Because they are.

>> No.7699316

This, eggs alone can keep you alive for a long time foodwise, people need to stop being lazy fucks.

>> No.7699318

If they were 50% lower in calories I could eat a whole one for breakfast.

>> No.7699321

>I eat fetus

carnists are parasites and murderers

>> No.7699322

People are uninformed carnist RETARDS

>> No.7699330

They don't even have chicks inside. They're more like chicken periods if anything else.

>> No.7699333
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>dietary cholesterol is healthy

>> No.7699337



>> No.7699340

There's nothing inherently unhealthy about dietary cholesterol.

Eating a diet high in fat, cholesterol, salt and sugar couples with lack of exercise is unhealthy.

There's nothing unhealthy about eating eggs from time to time.

>> No.7699344

>there's nothing inherently unhealthy about dietary cholesterol

Other than it raises blood cholesterol greatly which is unhealthy

>> No.7699349

When eaten to excess, yes, cholesterol is bad.

When eaten in moderation, it is not.

>> No.7699354

No dumbass, you're looking at it the wrong way. It IS bad and any amount of it is bad. The thing itself is just bad.
It doesn't matter if you're a healthy person eating it, a first timer trying it, or an addict who has it every day. It's still bad and unneeded.
>one heroin isn't bad

>> No.7699356
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Know what I get tired of, man? People thinking all foods are either healthy or unhealthy, cut and dry.

>> No.7699358

It is unhealthy, you are mitigating the effects by eating less but you are still inevitably eating something inherently unhealthy

>> No.7699361

But they are. It's science and mathematics. There are clear things you're able to compare to decide if something is good or bad, health or not healthy, within all food.

>> No.7699376
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How do you define healthy food? As in, 'eating this has no chance of making you die any more rapidly'? Gooooooood luck finding any, man.

Seriously, what's "healthy" for maintaining muscle (eggs are a decent source of protein by weight) may not be the same is what's "healthy" for your heart (cholesterol is bad, maybe? We can't make up our fuckin' minds). It's, as I said, not cut and dry.

>> No.7699381

What's maintaining muscle mean? Being big? That's not a necessity for being healthy.


No, that's definite. Don't listen to paleo memeshitters

>> No.7699385

Eggs literally contain every vitamin there is, other than C

OP is retard

>> No.7699390

Go for a run you lazy cunt.

>> No.7699394

Wow, so does fucking broccoli, that means nothing you fucking dumbass

Did you really think you were so smart for stating something so fucking obvious you dumb retard?

>> No.7699400
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Ohhhhhh no. Nope nope nope. I have no respect for anything paleo, not for a second. And nah, I don't mean being "big" necessarily, just having enough muscle. I still don't get what you're looking for as far as "healthy" goes. Longevity? Optimal resting heartrate? Strong bones? A shiny fur coat?

>> No.7699403

That doesn't make dietary cholesterol healthy, fatty

>the average thickness of endurance runners’ carotid arteries is between that of sedentary vegans and omnivores. It appears that if we run an average of about a thousand miles every year we can rival some couch potato vegans.



>> No.7699409


Because the egg industry spends a lot of money funding pro-egg studies and advertising and people fall for the propaganda.

>> No.7699411

You'll be just fine having enough muscle without eggs. Eggs are not the only source of protein, animal or otherwise

"Enough muscle" is hardly an issue in any context you mean. You'd have to be deliberately depriving yourself of protein for that to be an issue in any way.

Healthy as in not clogging your arteries

>> No.7699417

>As in, 'eating this has no chance of making you die any more rapidly'? Gooooooood luck finding any, man.

Virtually every fruit and vegetable falls under that category. There's no controversy about broccoli; everyone agrees that it's good for you.

>> No.7699420

>dumb retard


>> No.7699421

Same reason people think milk is healthy. Because natural = automatically good and artifical or processed = automatically bad.

>> No.7699422

Proving my point phenomenally.

>> No.7699423

This is just a secret vegan thread isn't it. Why won't you people fuck off?

>> No.7699425

fruits have sugar in them, which is bad in all forms, like HFC

>> No.7699427
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>It is unhealthy, you are mitigating the effects by eating less but you are still inevitably eating something inherently unhealthy

Now wait a second... Didn't you say earlier in the thread

>It is unhealthy, you are mitigating the effects by eating less but you are still inevitably eating something inherently unhealthy


I'm pretttttty sure the same could be said about any fruit or vegetable. By eating one apple instead of thirty, you are mitigating the effects by eating less.

>> No.7699434

whoops, that first quote was supposed to be from


>> No.7699444

>fruits have sugar in them, which is bad in all forms, like HFC

>being a paleofag

Son, you instantly lose all credibility when you say stupid shit like, "Fruit is bad for you.".

>> No.7699447
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>sugar, which is bad in all forms

And what is your link supposed to prove? Most of it is observational studies that are not even calculating cholesterol at baseline

>> No.7699453

None of what I said is contradictory to anything I've said

>pretty sure the same could be said about any fruit or vegetable

What fruit or vegetable is inherently unhealthy? What fruit or vegetable in even half its amounts per day could raise your heart disease risk by 6%, 20% in diabetic patients?

>by eating one apple instead of thirty

An apple isn't going to raise your heart disease risk or any risk if you even eat two a day

>> No.7699469
File: 58 KB, 500x750, 9a827b8c7215721371e8c9a0f416f73c90ad2b64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What fruit or vegetable is inherently unhealthy? What fruit or vegetable in even half its amounts per day could raise your heart disease risk by 6%, 20% in diabetic patients?
A fruit or vegetable stuffed with scrambled eggs.

>An apple isn't going to raise your heart disease risk or any risk if you even eat two a day
It does if you stuff them with scrambled eggs.

>> No.7699471

Looks like I've been wrong all this time

>> No.7699479
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That's okay. No one's judging. Except maybe the paleos.

>> No.7699498

Except broccoli isn't nutritious.

>> No.7699499
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For reasons I won't go into I got a steady supply of organic farm grown eggs. I can get at least 60-100 a month for free.
The problem is I'm not a huge fan of fried, scrambled or boiled eggs so I end up selling most to 1 or 2 neighbors and even throwing a few away.

What are some yummy alternative meals I could prepare using eggs? Excluding desserts.

>> No.7699524
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>> No.7699533

Actually no this is inherently wrong. Blood cells actually can actually damage your veins once your blood starts pumping at a higher rate. Cholesterol provides protection once you actually begin to get your blood pumping. "Good" cholesterol also tends to "clean" your arteries of the worse cholesterol which you will come in contact with anyway.

>> No.7699535
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> adjective
>1. providing nourishment, especially to a high degree; nourishing; healthful:

Want to try that again? Even paleo and atkins idiots agree that vegetables are good for you. I'd really like to know what you consider a healthy diet when all fruit is bad for you and broccoli isn't nutritious. If broccoli isn't then no vegetables are because it's one of the most nutrient packed vegetables.

>> No.7699548

Your body provides enough cholesterol for this to not be an issue at all

>good cholesterol

Which is outweighed by the detrimental effects of LDL, virtually always

>> No.7699551

Poached eggs are objectively the best way to eat eggs.

>> No.7699750

I hope you wear your gas mask and hazmat suit.

All thia dust, pollution and these UV rays are killing you anon.

Better be careful or you'll die soon.

>> No.7699769

there's a difference between easily preventable (diet) and whatever the fuck you think is a point.

>> No.7699774

The notion that any food item is "healthy" simply because it contains some essential micronutrients is just out of this world retarded. If you eat a balanced diet with a good amount of vegetables, fruit, legumes, fish and grains, you will never have any deficiencies. So for a food to be healthy, it should provide more than just micronutrients, it should contain substances that advance and protect your health (typically phytochemicals and fiber). Examples of this would be garlic, cabbage, bananas, DHA, tons of other fruits and vegetables.

Eggs don't actually provide any such substance, instead coming loaded with dietary cholesterol and saturated fat. Egg consumption has never been associated with improved health outcomes or reversal of disease whereas plenty of plants foods have.

People think eggs are healthy because the egg lobby is very powerful across the Western world and spreads a lot of misinformation. A realistic baseline for a healthy food should go beyond essential vitamins and minerals to declare all animal foods "empty calories" since they do not actively prevent disease through phytochemicals and fiber, making them objectively inferior to plant foods.

>> No.7699792

I eat meat and eggs and Im going to live longer than you, because Im going to kill you. Wheres the vegetable that will prevent that?

>> No.7700054
File: 84 KB, 450x380, no real vegans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and vegans don't exist

>> No.7700056

None of that is inherently true

>> No.7700063

The juice


>> No.7700109

Except that it is?

>> No.7700161

Nothing on active vegans?
The conclusion you've drawn is vacuous, much like you
I'll assume running has no effect on cartoid thickness.

>> No.7700166

Any fruit high in sugar is liable to kill a diabetic.
Dietary cholesterol doesn't affect healthy people

>> No.7700172

Diabetics actually fare best on a low-fat high carb diet. And fruits aren't high in sugar as per definition because you can't eat enough of them to cause any significant change in blood glucose

>> No.7700181


>> No.7700183

>not knowing the difference between good and bad cholesterol

>> No.7700184

Because it's not processed nor loaded up with sugar therefore it's healthy.

>> No.7700327

Please, introduce me to your preferred brand of vegan antifreeze.

>> No.7700351

A diet very high in fruit would be bad for you.

>> No.7700411

>he fell for the cholesterol meme
high cholesterol is the result of the problems, not its cause

>> No.7700425

There is no evidence that any amount of whole fruit consumption is "bad", all of the evidence shows clearly that whole fruit consumption aids in weight loss and prevents certain diseases, with no upper limit established. Sugar is not bad, it's just another carb. Glucose is fine, sucrose is glucose+fructose and fructose is also fine.

>> No.7700657
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>and any amount of it is bad

>> No.7700669

They're a good source of protein and choline, something that Europeans need supplemented in their diets

>> No.7700684

So does it hurt to eat apple seeds and cores? Because I always do.

>> No.7700710


Dietary choline is metabolized by intestinal flora to form trimethylamine which is a direct cause of atherosclerosis - clogging of your arteries. Combined with the high amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat found in eggs, the choline content of eggs just gives you even more reasons to avoid them.



Diabetes is caused by high fat diets, not high sugar diets. It's been known for decades that type-2 diabetes can be literally cured by giving diabetics a diet high in carbs and low in fat. The original study, back in the 50's, showed that type-2 diabetes can be reversed by feeding people a diet consisting of nothing but white rice, sugar, fruit juice and vitamins.

If you made a diabetic person eat nothing but high sugar fruit, they'd probably be completely cured within a month.

>> No.7700717


I'm not vegan but antifreeze isn't a good example of something that isn't available vegan. Typical antifreeze chemicals like ethylene glycole and methanol are easily synthesised out of mineral oil or even plant matter.

>> No.7700724

>Diabetes is caused by high fat diets, not high sugar diets.
Wew, can't wait for the Taube/payleo/keto drones to descend on this thread
>lolololo he thinks fat makes you fat and gives you diabetes, what a moron, it's obviously caused by fructose because that... gets converted to fat, but fat is good though and the average American is actually on a plant-based low-fat diet which explains mass obesity (mega kek)

>> No.7700727

Feels like the 90s in here

>> No.7700744

>Orbs of straight protein that you can keep in your fridge and cook up in instants, plus it goes with just about anything.

What do you think is so bad about eggs?

>> No.7700899

I eat no added sugar, refined grains, or vegetable oils. I eat 60g+ of fiber a day, plenty of legumes, whole grains, lean and fatty meat/dairy, and 3-4 eggs a day. Fatty fish 5-6 times a week. 5L+ of water not including green, white, and rooibos tea. I think eggs are perfectly fine in a diet like mine.

>> No.7700914

Lipid hypothesis has been proven since 1976

>> No.7700918

Eggs have far more LDL than HDL

Nice paleo memeshit

>> No.7700934

I use omelettes as a vehicle for different veggies and cheese, but >>7699551 has it best, poached eggs are GOAT. You could make those eggs into cakes and sell those to those same neighbors for a higher price while practicing your baking skills if you wanted to.

>> No.7700937

How the fuck do you eat 60 grams of fiber a day,do you drink Metamucil or something?

>> No.7700942


>pears have formaldehyde in them

No fucking wonder I hate pears.

>> No.7700946

Coconut oil is pure saturated fat. why do people think it's healthy?

>> No.7700954

I eat a shittonne of frozen vegetables, around 2kg a day
Add oats with breakfast, legumes with lunch, occasional sweet potato/fruit and most days I'm around 100g
My shits are large, painless and just perfect in general

>> No.7700983


Who the hell thinks coconut oil is healthy? I've only ever seen people talk about it for non cooking cosmetic things and anal lube.

>> No.7701081
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I average around 80g a day. Whole grain bread, beans, lots of fruits and vegetables. Pic related is 4 slices of bread, a few cups of various fruits and vegetables and a bowl of curry with beans. When your diet is entirely real, non-processed food you'd be amazed how quickly the fiber adds up.

>> No.7701211

Define healthy

>> No.7701214

It's possible to get cyanide poisoning from apples if you really try your best.

>> No.7701215

In very large amounts.

But you really have to try for it.

>> No.7701219

Not eating eggs

>> No.7701239

they make chips in the organic section with pure coconut oil

>> No.7701965

fag you don't even know what period is kek make some biology mate

>> No.7701989


>> No.7702000

You don't even lift you faggot

Why clog your arteries for some protein when you get it from a billion other fucking things?

>> No.7702035

Because eggs are cheap and tasty and versatile.

>believing in the ebil eggs meme

>> No.7702042


>> No.7702151

All the way mad

>> No.7702156
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>Not having your own chicken ranch and eating 6 eggs a day

>> No.7702158


Science is a meme now? They skyrocket your cholesterol, the choline, proteins, fats, and acids in it (especially the choline and acids) are terrible for your health and inflame your arteries

>durrrr muh memes

Nice paleo memeshit shilling

>> No.7702163

That's funny, I don't see any sources.

>> No.7702164
File: 40 KB, 960x720, eggs-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A blogger made this graph on his own using data collected from 164 countries

I don't know about the rest of the points, but Japan is the highest consumer of eggs and also has one of the longest life expectancies

>> No.7702167

Japan walks more than any other 1st world country and works longer than them. That's why they're healthy.

>> No.7702169

Countries that can afford eggs have higher life expectancy, color me surprised.

>> No.7702188
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>thinly veiled vegan thread

ugh go eat a salad you fucking rabbits

>> No.7702199

>eggs are expensive

Hello Jong-Un

>> No.7702200

Yeah cause sitting at a desk is super healthy

>> No.7702202


>> No.7702210

Literally every "are eggs healthy" thread.

>> No.7702214

Because that's how the industry set it out to look like but really it's the reason for many types of cancers and diseases. Seriously it's a chicken's period. Gross

>> No.7702239

That's funny. I didn't see any of your sources.

>> No.7702241

Yeah and broccoli is a plant's immature sexual organs. Gross.

>> No.7702244

I eat eggs and drink whole milk and eat cheese all in moderation. My cholesterol at yearly physicals always clocks in around ~130, triglycerides around ~40.

Eggs definitely haven't done anything bad to me. But that's just my experience. I also eat eggs from a local farm, but I'm not sure how much that is causing an impact.

>> No.7702263

130 is borderline high

>> No.7702286

>borderline high
You want so badly to be right, I almost feel sorry for you.

>> No.7702299

I was reading LDL cholesterol levels. My mistake. Not total cholesterol

Moderation still doesn't make the habit itself healthy. The consumption of it can still in itself cause arterial damage.

>> No.7702302

You are Humpty Dumpty

>> No.7702304

Know what else causes arterial damage? Anaconda bites.

>> No.7702305

Good thing I avoid eggs and anacondas.

>> No.7702317
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>> No.7702355
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... so egg consumption leads to noncollision driver fatalities, who knew??

>> No.7702554

>we don't take meat from cows

>> No.7702573

Except that it isn't?

>> No.7702678


>> No.7702721
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>He thinks eggs are bad for you.

>> No.7702729


>> No.7702737

Most people know that. Many retards, like you, don't.

>> No.7702761

You are believing disinfo. Eggs are extremely healthful and are an important source of choline, which is important for brain health. Most vegans do not get enough choline which is why they are irrational, mindless sheep like yourself.

>> No.7702764

None of them were good examples.

>> No.7702834 [DELETED] 
File: 3.20 MB, 5312x2988, 20160522_092007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70 kCal per egg, 3 egg omelette ends up around 300 calories
Are they healthy, no
But they arent particularly awful for you

>> No.7702843
File: 3.54 MB, 5312x2988, 20160522_092011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70 kCal per egg, 3 egg omelette ends up around 300 kCalories
Are they healthy, no
But they arent particularly awful for you

>> No.7702857

What isn't healthy about them?

>> No.7702867

Its not that theyre unhealthy, more that theyre neutral
Its unhealthy as people often cook 3 eggs, in butter, and add 200+ kCal in addins plus often have side dishes such as toast or fruit

>> No.7702945
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>most people

That would be what Wikipedia calls "weasel words"

>> No.7703024

meat eaters make shitty parents too, don't make imbecilic fallacies your "point"

>> No.7703030

I could easily find headlines to refute every one in the image, but you can use a quick google search to refute almost anything and this would devolve into more bullshit back and forth

>> No.7703033 [DELETED] 

fuck you disney ass mothafucka suck mydick bitch

>> No.7703376
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Lol guize egges r bad!!!11 get edukated lollll
>proceeds to eat junk food, red meat, smoke and drink

>> No.7703379

Reading is hard

>> No.7703382

There's literally a link that demonstrates the dangers of egg-choline in this exact thread

Perhaps if you weren't such a fucking retard you'd actually bother to read that

Not enough choline I guess, durrrrr

Fucking dumb faggot. I'd literally fucking end you and your fat worthless fucking ass

>> No.7703524

Can we all agree no one knows for sure whether or not eggs are bad for you and that we will never know?

>> No.7703545

lol are you fucking serious

Go sit in on an intro to scientific inquiry/logic class. Correlation does not equal causation.

>> No.7703559
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>implying red meat is bad

>> No.7703574

A life without eggs isn't worth living so it balances out.

>> No.7703582
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>> No.7703592

>that vitamin A
Get your liver checked on a regular basis.

>> No.7703614
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>In the long run it can affect your health negatively but that should not stop you though from eating delicious red meat like faggot OP with eggs

>> No.7703620


Red meat causes cancer. You know what else causes cancer? Acrylamide, the compound created when you cook things until they're golden brown and crispy.

Basically everything except for raw vegetables causes cancer and you'll live a much happier life if you pretend to ignore it and gamble that the genetic RNG gods don't fuck you in the ass.