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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 721x901, w7PbjTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7692376 No.7692376 [Reply] [Original]

How would you eat this, /ck/?

>> No.7692379

Sure. No one lives forever, am I right?

>> No.7692380

I wouldn't.

>> No.7692381
File: 766 KB, 1000x728, Wonder Bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With my penis.

>> No.7692401

>make mediocre dessert
>put it on top of a milkshake
That'll be $29.95 plus tip, sir

>> No.7692403

by throwing it away and calmly walking out without paying

>> No.7692405
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, 1448908490444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knife, pleb.

>> No.7692414

dismantle it first

>> No.7692465
File: 38 KB, 320x317, 1399341505889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. I'm retarded. I finally just now understood why this became a thing. I mean, I have a total sweet tooth, and would eat the shit out of that, but the issue is that trying to do so without the entire thing dismantling itself and becoming a huge mess in the process is kind of impossible.

These shakes aren't being made for people to eat. They're made for people to spend exorbitant amounts of money on, then take pictures of. But don't you dare try to put a spoon or fork or straw or whatever you're supposed to eat it with in there- you'll have cake, whipped cream, and sprinkles all over the fucking counter in a second flat. Hell, it could just melt to that point by itself in the time it takes you to upload a pic to instagram.

>> No.7692502

The poor dish construction appears to be annoying on the surface.

I reckon you could just pick up the cake slice with one hand, then use a spoon on the rest with your other hand. It looks messy and the eating will be messy too but you can always wash your hands afterwards. It's like eating ribs, unavoidable messy but fun.

>take qt out on date
>split one of these
>hand feed cake to qt
its actually brilliant

>> No.7692505

i wouldn't order it in the first place

>> No.7693468

By flushing it down the toilet because that's where it's all going to go anyway

>> No.7693490
File: 38 KB, 377x286, taters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7693502
File: 179 KB, 1600x669, TwZGEVF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bumfuck. My mouth is watering looking at these. I think it's a mixture of craving sugar and being a huge sweet tooth.
>"hella insane" milkshakes
what the fuck is this news site


>> No.7693513

these are shitty amerifat versions of the face superior nippon parfaits

I'm disappoint

>> No.7693519

begone evil spirit

>> No.7693526
File: 53 KB, 422x750, b51720812e4bc21058b3f87b2256deb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. that's probably where they got the idea

>> No.7693530
File: 45 KB, 600x407, sabrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sabrage it like a champagne bottle and drink it

>> No.7693534

I'm sure they're delicious, but they just look completely impractical. I have no idea how I would go about that, without getting it all over my hands, face, and table.

>> No.7693602


I would die trying to eat that even if I split it with someone. How do you even start?

>taking pictures of food


>> No.7693637

It's literally cake & ice cream..... but with the cake on top of the ice cream..... not sure why you faggots are overreacting to this concoction.

>> No.7693671
File: 57 KB, 606x454, delicious cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, people make great things out of candies or others for that purpose, but it's highly retarded to not consume it afterward.

There's gonna be a mess anyway, and why throw everything in the trash if it's comestible and delicious? The only type of person i can see make and take this picture are those craving attentions but don't want to eat that like anorexic bitches.

>> No.7693676


>fondant tastes good

>> No.7693738

I would be extremely embarrassed if someone at my table ordered this impractical monstrosity

>> No.7693741


>go to take a spoon/forkful of cake
>upset fragile balance
>cake splits in half, falls all over table because there's no plate under it
>cake smears and crumbs all over
>a-at least I have the milkshake left...

It looks pretty but how the fuck are you supposed to eat it.

>> No.7694274

Take the cake and ice cream off, and dip pieces in the milkshake. Share it with your qt gf and give her most of it so the calories go to her ass and not yours

>> No.7694379

You remove the the cake from the top and place it on your dessert plate because the place is a fucking restaurant not a drive-thru.

>> No.7694509

I have a sweet tooth too, but I'll be damned if the thought of consuming those--especially the one on the left--doesn't make me nauesous.

>> No.7694757


Do you see a dessert plate in that photo you little faggot? Why didn't it come on the plate to begin with?

>> No.7694769


No fucking way I'm eating that. Even if I liked cake, it would be ruined by all those little sprinkle things smashed onto it. I fucking hate those things.

>> No.7694779

with a giant fucking smile

>> No.7694801

I wouldn't
Too many sprinkles
Why don't people understand that sprinkles are complete garbage
They aren't actually visually appealing
Their texture isn't good, and if you happen to enjoy their texture, you'd be better off eating crumbled bits of candy (or really anything that has flavor)

>> No.7694910

Because that's some food blogger's press shot you whiny little vegan woman

>> No.7694927

Milkshakes are the new meme of 2016

>> No.7695183

Isn't that like, one of the staples of this board? Taking pictures of food?

>> No.7695191

Don't talk shit about Jimmies. They increase the flavor of ice cream ten-fold

>> No.7695557

>Eat this

>> No.7695577

pick off all the red sprinkles and then kind of dissasemble it and eat it like, cake first, then the side stuff, then the whatever I'm looking at in the actual cup.
I usually take out all the red sprinkles on my own but if I order out it takes forever to do it

>> No.7695617

yeah but I bet those bitches don't come here

>> No.7695621 [DELETED] 

source on this image

>> No.7695636

So, the women are cancer? Or taking pictures of food?

>> No.7695679

what do you do with the red sprinkles, make a chicago pizza out of them?

>> No.7695703


>take out the red sprinkles

you cant just imply that youre a fucking weirdo and not expect to have to give an explanation.

>> No.7695721
File: 38 KB, 640x480, JL #77 Divided We Fall (U).avi_snapshot_13.26_[2016.04.05_00.16.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7695737

I am pleased.

>> No.7695743

>1st birthday
>Child will literally never remember this
Just some dumb, rich assholes stroking their own egos about how "special" and "unique" their child must be. HAS to be.

>> No.7697304

Is that a chi-town 'ake?

>> No.7697384

I'd try it
Eat half the cake and half the shake
I'd probably sugar overload on that point and stop

>> No.7697390

Sometimes I wish I could just look inside people's heads and see what thoughts are floating in there

>> No.7697394

Yeah. This is 1000% the parents trying to one up other rich parents
I bet the baby will actually get little actual spotlight and the party will be entirely just rich folk socializing with each other and kids running around playing the activities there