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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 838 KB, 750x5001, Feud_50ead1_5923298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7690908 No.7690908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This episode made me fucking furious

>I want my man to cook for me
>But his food taste like shit
>I want him to get better
>But I don't wanna help him
>His food tastes like garbage

This is the modern women who cooks everybody

>> No.7690919

She got told tho

>> No.7690931


Also that woman is fucking fat what the fuck is she eating that isn't her husbands cooking

>> No.7691018

I'm happy to see gender roles go, to be honest. I don't think it's really worth it to support a woman so she can cook and clean for you. Get a fucking job, girl, and I'll happily do the cooking. You can do the cleaning, though.

>> No.7691054


>gf sucks at cooking
>i cook every meal
>she does all the dishes


>> No.7691072

Same here, it's a great compromise

>> No.7691084

We got a dishwasher, so I don't mind doing the dishes, too. She can do the laundry and clean the bathroom.

>> No.7691103


i do the laundry, she folds it.


>> No.7691274

Black dude doesn't know what he's talking about. That's not what men do when a wife can't cook in a household with properly assigned gender roles. The wife gets a beating when she can't do her job right. It's how you teach her.

>> No.7691527
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I like gender roles but enforced gender roles are retarded and hurt everyone, not just women or men. as a girl, I've met plenty of male basic eating cuckbaskets who would not eat onion, tomato, or anything even remotely adventurous if they didn't like it. at most a couple would try it, most would straight up denounce the food.

Being a shit person isn't a woman thing, its an everyone thing.

>> No.7691538
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, Bear-Grylls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about shit nobody cares about is a woman thing.

> You're a bitch, stfu.

>> No.7691548

steve harvey seems like a great guy. also,
>tfw no gf to eat my shit cooking

>> No.7691562
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>> No.7691567

Why would anyone want a girlfriend? Just get a pet cat if you crave affection and attention.

>> No.7691569

>We need to bring back gender roles
No, thanks.

I love to cook, and I'm damn good at it.

So few women know how to actually cook nowadays that it's a big selling point for me in casual dating.

Seriously, make a quick/easy pasta out of fresh ingredients and she'll be wet for you by dessert.

>> No.7691572

Cats give neither, get a dog.

>> No.7691574
File: 621 KB, 1200x600, les stroud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such salt, yum. These reaction images are terrible though, why not at least post superior Les Stroud?
is it because you like to add your own piss to all of your cooking? maybe that's why your qt waifu won't eat it.

>> No.7691582

I want /r9k/ to leave

>> No.7691586

Cats are cute though.

>> No.7691588

> Can't name a single woman survivor... women can't survive.

>> No.7691599

so are women t.b.h.

>> No.7691606

why would I need to? you're the one with the chip on your shoulder and something to prove. so far I'm the only one who posted a dude that could even survive.

>> No.7691647

>talk about gender roles
>but never have been the supreme gender

It's like a slave telling a master how to run the cotton field, it's worthless. Then you just compare two men as if your gender is worthy of comparing.

>> No.7691657

Dumb simile. The person working on the cotton field will very often know more about it than the guy who cracks the whip.

>> No.7691658


Sign his ass up for some cooking lessons. It doesn't have to be a red seal certificate, just some weekend courses

Fucking cuckquean, every time.

>> No.7691664
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>> No.7691668

Exactly why you're the inferior gender. A slave doesn't know shit about being a master, it only knows what it's like to be a slave. You are a slave commenting on masters, it's worthless information.

>> No.7691676

Uh huh. I guess your little power fantasies are kind of cute, in a way.

>> No.7691681
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not even that person you've just now replied to. to be honest I'm not sure how to respond. on the one hand you're an idiot who can't tell that theres no fucking contest and the guy you posted couldn't survive, and therefore you wouldn't either because you wouldn't be able to recognize the skills, on the other? well, all this talk of slave and master and knowing my place is kind of getting me hot.

>> No.7691690

Exactly why you are beneath me, me just talking to you as the lower tier that you are, makes your pussy wet and makes you want to obey me. It's the natural order.

I never said that les stroud was inferior, I actually agree. But you have no place to judge two superior creatures. It's like a monkey judging whether steven hawkings or albert einstein is more intelligent. If they pick correctly, it's only because the odds were 50/50 and they never could pick someone of their own breed.

>> No.7691710

That's a boy, isn't it?

>steven hawkings


>> No.7691712
File: 42 KB, 500x654, hungry yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may not be a woodsman good sir, but if you think the fact that one guy drinks his own urine is indestinguishable to me from the guy who doesn't, you are delusional, and a delusional Master isn't going to keep their slaves obedient for very long. All things considered, if I were to name a survival girl since you seem to be begging me to give you any example, I'd probably go with survival lily. Most men are going to prefer this kind of activity though. Primitive technology is still my favorite though, and that confirms your bias I guess. that must mean you're right. that's how science works after all.

>> No.7691716
File: 186 KB, 736x490, 1462661749193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue, I was never able to get anyone to get me the source. I've heard they're a girl but that was from someone who read the thing long ago enough to not remember the source.

>> No.7691734

Sorry, I don't have spell check for 'timmy' imitators . I mean, have you tried to listen to that robot speak for more than 3 minutes? Bleh.

How much googling did it take for you to find one lonely dike that makes youtube videos?

>> No.7691745

>implying my qt waifu isn't fucking extatic to eat my piss food after a long day of being tied up and starved in my garage

>> No.7691748
File: 18 KB, 140x234, 1463617321904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none? I found her while watching primitive technology.

Again conflicted. Lily obviously is not a dyke, on the other, I would love for dyke to be synonymous with a lesbian that acts like a guy rather than looks like one.

>> No.7691759


Probably fast food

>> No.7691764

Women can only learn primitive technology, which is why men invent everything useful.

Dyke is synonymous with a lesbian that looks like a guy because women don't have the ability to act like a guy. They lack the lower back muscles required for fucking and a brain based on logic rather than emotion.

>> No.7691775
File: 45 KB, 400x283, 1462347800773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolk buddy, that sure is a lot of non productive bragging on a website dedicated to fucking around instead of actual logical things you could be doing that are productive. Is the reason you are so male chauvinist because the things other men have invented help fill the void with pride you'll never create with your own superior logic brain and consistent effort?

>> No.7691783

Wtf are you talking about? This is a gender role thread, it's completely on topic. Nothing is board is productive, it's for entertainment.

I create recipes every day that shit on everything on this board. I just hope to learn new ingredients, but the refresh rate is slow. I've cooked two meals since i've started talking to you lol

>> No.7691791
File: 246 KB, 800x534, no+fail+donut+recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a gender role thread
So in other words, you are breaking the rules and should be posting elsewhere.

>> No.7691795


>> No.7691805
File: 113 KB, 400x300, 1462333051419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, you are delusional as fuck if you think I'm even close to bottom befuddled. I always enjoy talking with people who think men are superior. it reminds me of -4 strength threads on /tg/. it's nostalgic

>> No.7691840

I don't think men are superior, they are superior in every aspect in life. To make it on topic, I don't know of one single female head chef of a 3 star michelin restaurant.

>> No.7691845

My bad, there is a total of 7 in history... wow, totally equals and you have been good "cooks" forever.

>> No.7691850

Why is a tire company an authority on restraunt quality?! Am I being memed on?

>> No.7691864

>the oldest European hotel and restaurant reference guide
> been around for over a century

that is why.

>> No.7691888

everyone involved in that is a retard

the woman can't figure out how to make her man better at cooking and steve harvey advises her to pretend the problem doesn't exist

>> No.7691971
File: 31 KB, 400x300, 1516756611_8ae7602187-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really not following you here. do you think a chef measures your ability to cook or something? chefdom is all about consistency and adrenaline. You have to work crazy hours and most constituents get loaded and do drugs or fuck in the walk in. Of course you aren't going to get a bunch of women in the restaurant industry. especially not when most of them can make way more in the front being bitches. Just because it's great for me doesn't make it a revelation of female inferiority that most of them wont work the back. It's practically a mark of insanity to want to be in the restaurant industry for anyone.

>> No.7691996

It's a mark of insanity to be amazing at anything. The reason why women are inferior is that "it's easier to look pretty and take orders" men don't have that luxury, therefore we will work long hours and do our best to be great in the hopes that it will attract good looking women. Where as women can just coast on their looks and perform simple tasks but their lack of motivation is what makes them inferior in every aspect of life.

You don't know shit about cooking, you don't know shit about trying to be great. It isn't required or desired by you. No man has ever said "I don't fuck poor women" we don't care what you do for a living. Women do care, hence we have motivation.

>> No.7692017
File: 89 KB, 700x550, 5d47bb2e09b171ac992ddfe94ad2f8ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't know shit about cooking, you don't know shit about trying to be great. It isn't required or desired by you. No man has ever said "I don't fuck poor women" we don't care what you do for a living. Women do care, hence we have motivation.
you must live in some kind of stone age if you thin men don't want women who have some kind of future ahead of them. you are factually right that women tend more towards the medium. it helps child birth and we've been basically selectively bred like domestic animals to some extent. It'd be hard to avoid that kind of thing.

the irony here though is your admission that men are less stable clearly shows a contradiction between what you are saying now and your comment that men are infinitely more logical. Maybe you're so insane yourself that you do not know what that word means. I could really care less about what you think of me though. I don't want to be a good professional chef. I'd rather spend my time working the line or dish since most men seem to think themselves above shit like washing their hands. I'd rather spend my passion on something like making pretty displays and showing my friends and loved one special times in their life they will remember. Giving them an experience as if they stepped into another world for just a moment.

>> No.7692025

So what's going on here? Are you both chuckling to yourselves about how you're trolling the other one? Or is it just a whole lot of elaborate samefagging?

>> No.7692026

Logic is, we want to fuck a lot of women and spread out seed, it's the basis of existence. Therefore, we attempt to be amazing at what we do because it gets mad pussy and would NEVER settle for just throwing good fucking dinner parties for our families if it was my career choice.

That is why we are better than you, YOU are born either looking attractive or not. Therefore, there is little you can do about it, except put on makeup, which every bitch knows how to do.

NO MAN GIVES A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO!!! We LOVE strippers, I would take a hot chick who can't fucking read, over a smart bitch that looks like snooky. You have no idea how we think, which is why you're inferior in cooking and in life.

>> No.7692028

>being this proud of advantages he didn't earn and accomplishments he had no role in

>> No.7692039

I'm not proud of it, it's a factual statement and it isn't an advantage, any women can cook and all women have been encouraged to cook. Men are just better chefs, it has been proven throughout history.

>> No.7692040

Fucking nu-male degenerates. Gender roles are sacred. They were created by evolution, and evolution makes no mistakes.

>> No.7692041

but thats not logic, thats motivated by a carnal desire, you are under the grips of an emotion and phsycial feeling so strong that you are doing something you define as crazy. that is not logical. In the grand scheme of things, your genes do not matter. your genes do not immortalize you, they propogate the species, so anyones genes will do as long as theyre not crippled. the logical thing that benefits society are tasks that don't involve status quo : make money, get bitches.

>> No.7692049

I thought nu-males strictly enforced gender roles because trans people feel like girly or manly? Trans people can't exist without strict gender guidelines.

>> No.7692052

>No man has ever said "I don't fuck poor women"

lol you not living AOB get your gab right looooooser

>> No.7692060

No, the logical thing is what happens. The most successful people in their profession gets mad pussy (aka. the alpha). Therefore, women are attracted to them and men strive to be that. Men are attracted to the most physically attractive women (good breeding stock) but only the alpha can get them.

It's really no more complex than that, an attractive AND intelligent woman is more useful than just an attractive woman. But an attractive and dumb woman is more useful than an intelligent dumb woman because if you pump out a girl that is ugly, no man of value will want to fuck her and my genes won't get passed on to other alphas.

>> No.7692062

>evolution makes no mistakes

Tell that to my wisdom teeth and appendix. Sentient life is having negative effects on the planet, purely from an ecosystem perspective the world would be better off if humans never evolved to this point.

>> No.7692067

>smoke and mirrors
did you forget what we were discussing? that is a logical result, but that doesn't mean the people involved are behaving according to logic as their motivation.

>> No.7692070

You're missing the entire point of what a pet is then if you had to post this

>> No.7692071

Implying the ecoystem is more important than the universe. We can travel to other planets and potentially live in other galaxies, therefore propagating our species farther than anything else. Evolution makes no mistakes. Everything goes extinct eventually.

>> No.7692075

We will probably just mine those planets for resources and kill their animals though. Those planets are probably doing just fine on their own and we would fuck them up.

>> No.7692078

They are performing logically, they are trying to get to highest point in their position to obtain the highest breeding stock to create high level spawn to propagate their existence and advance humanity.

>> No.7692080

Then we are better than them and they don't deserve to live. Just like when a cow chews grass.

>> No.7692082

thats not based on logic. thats based on carnal desire. it doesn't benefit them to have the highest breeding stock, furthermore, concentrating all that high breeding stock objectively results in cripples with high prevelance of diseases due to the way recessive genes work. the most logical choice is variety, as that ensures genetic variability and protects your children against diseases that might kill all of them instead of just some of them.

>> No.7692090

True, but whatever is healthy and rare is what we consider attractive. In poverty stricken countries, obesity is attractive, in obesity stricken countries, low body fat is attractive. Whatever is rare, is what we are attracted to. Blue eyes, blond hair... generally more rare genes than brown.

>> No.7692108

>We can travel to other planets and potentially live in other galaxies, therefore propagating our species farther than anything else
Not unlike influenza.

>> No.7692111

>I get furious over a daytime talkshow

ummmmmmmmmmmmmm unemployed???

>> No.7692118

There's this thing called night-shift.

>> No.7692123

wageslave detected

>> No.7692133

>what are cops

>> No.7692143

cancerous meme

>> No.7692152

Cancerous reality.

>> No.7692158

An instrument of repression used by the ruling class to maintain its power?

>> No.7692160

>insults him for being unemployed
>insults him for being a wageslave


>> No.7692616


Evolution makes lots of mistakes. For example, consider the stupidity of eating and breathing from the same hole. If something gets stuck for a couple of minutes, you're fucking done. No engineer worth his salt would come up with an idea THAT stupid.

Evolution has no direction and no purpose. It's simply the passing of the traits. Things don't necessarily need to be perfect in order to survive.

That said, I don't approve of feminism's attempts to see to it that discussion of gender roles are limited to an echo chamber where everybody agrees that they're just destructive social constructs, and that proposing anything else means that you hate equality and support the old establishment. Why is this bad? Because there's plenty of evidence to the contrary. Under the feminist establishment's foot, women are more unhappy than they've ever been, men are retreating, and both have lost social power in the areas where they typically want it the most. These problems are not going to go away so long as there are social boundaries in place that prevent us from discussion them openly and honestly, as a society.

>> No.7692626

>>Evolution makes lots of mistakes. For example, consider the stupidity of eating and breathing from the same hole. If something gets stuck for a couple of minutes, you're fucking done. No engineer worth his salt would come up with an idea THAT stupid.
this wasn't a mistake, even though that guy is retarded, the reason we choke is "intentional" because it gave us a much wider range of vocal communication, and its why you see cave man depicted as grunting a lot. the voice box lowers and makes it easier to choke, on the other hand, you can communicate better and form more complex and intelligent decisions with access to eachothers thoughts and knowledge. the advancement was so important it was worth the X number of chucklefucks that choked to death

>> No.7692630

>>they are just destructive social constructs
they are destructive social constructs when enforced through peer pressure and outright decree, parent or otherwise.

just because you want a woman who hangs in the kitchen and plays the qt waifu doesn't mean neighbor john feels the same, and neither of you should be beholden to eachothers preferences for relationships.

>> No.7692641
File: 16 KB, 396x303, Contemplating potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism is to blame for the obesity epidemic.

Women were told that being a mother and cooking for your family was oppression so they had to be wageslaves to be liberated.

This caused households where nobody cooked and relied on microwaved foods.

Mothers didn't teach their kids to cook and only taught them that quick food is but fuel.

It's surely a coincidence that obesity started to become an issue as feminism took root and women stopped putting their families before the office.

>> No.7692643

Just because gender roles would be reinstated doesn't mean you'd have to give up cooking, you fucking moron.

>> No.7692653


Adding on to this: As usual, feminism loves its doublethink. They push this idea that gender roles are just social constructs when discussing hetero-normative people, but when it comes to trannies, suddenly, you're a bigot if you have doubts about their claims that they feel like they're women trapped in women's bodies. Which one is it, feminism? Are gender roles social constructs, or are they biologically ingrained in us? Pick a story and stick to it!


But if evolution were perfect, it would give us a way to make sounds that doesn't hold any kind of threat of choking. A speaker (i.e. the kind that you have hooked up to your PC right now) can produce the vibrations necessary for speech without breathing, so it's not impossible.

The point is that evolution does not create perfection. On the contrary, its creations are flawed with almost absolute consistency.


Feminists fucking hate people who favor traditional gender roles, whether it's the woman who chooses to be a housewife or the man who'd prefer a woman who stays at home, keeps the house clean, and keeps the stove hot over a female wage earner. Especially the latter.

>they are destructive social constructs when enforced through peer pressure and outright decree, parent or otherwise.

Are you trying to imply that modern women don't face peer pressure to pursue a career? Seriously? Oh wait, that's feminist approved attempts to rewrite gender roles, so it doesn't count. Hooray for double standards!

Peer pressure to lead your life a certain way is an inevitability and isn't always a bad thing, and I'm not attacking it. What I'm attacking here is that feminism tries to shut down any dialogue that might lead to revealing major shortcomings in their proposed system. If such a discussion must take place, it must take place within a biased feminist echo chamber where the conclusion is decided before the counter argument is even heard.

>> No.7692654

You're a bit of a numbskull, aren't you? The fact that you still breathe and eat out of the same hole is a limitation that would potentially be improved by having the two actions be separate over two or more different bodyparts. Hypothetically, of course.

>> No.7692681


>women trapped in women's bodies

* women trapped in men's bodies


>> No.7692700
File: 99 KB, 175x234, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she has had plenty to eat.

>> No.7692702

Why do you have such strong opinions on an issue you are not informed about?

>> No.7692704

>need to bring gender roles back
>actually implying that men should become the primary breadwinners again
Nah, I like it the way it is now. In traditional gender roles, men are expected to provide for their families while women only cook and babymake. If we were to go back to that, I can't imagine a single guy that wouldn't want to be a lazy girl, staying at home and minding the house.
That being said, I think that being a mom is one of the hardest things a person could do, and as a result, men would make horrible mothers.

>> No.7692717


Men act in the pursuit of pride and respect. When they don't believe that there's any to be found, they retreat.

Feminism has removed all pride from the roles of husband and father. On top of the massive risk to the man and lack of benefits, this is why men don't pursue families anymore.

Putting men back in the role of breadwinner and restoring the ways that men and women used to pamper each other would do wonders for rebuilding the family. As would stopping women from grabbing divorce papers the moment that they get bored or feel the slightest bit unhappy.

>> No.7692727

>men don't get married because of the risk of divorce
Well, that seems like it would make sense for women as well. I mean, what do either of them gain from it (except for tax benefits) by getting married versus staying in a committed relationship?

On the other hand, I wouldn't get married cause I think it's a dumb thing to do, based on how my parents act to each other.

>> No.7692761

Well men seem to throw tantrums when expected to be the main wage earner. The position of who cooked was more with who was the main wage earner than gender. In my family the main breadwinner was my mom, so my dad cooked. The reason cooking is more split now is because housing costs mean both men and women have to work pretty much equally. Now men can be stay-at-home parents if that dynamic works with the couple and it's generally more accepted.

>> No.7692767



What fucking risk?

Women get alimony, the kid, and the child support. Men get stuck paying to financially support a family that they'll never be a part of. All because the woman got bored or had too big of an ego to compromise. This situation does not work in reverse.

Women these days by and large want marriage and children. It's the men who are saying "no", and under the current circumstances, they're completely justified in doing so. What's in it for them? The traditional benefits of a hot meal and a clean house? Nope. Sex? They don't need marriage for that. A friend? Again, why do they need marriage? A family? That's completely up to the woman's whims. They might get nothing out of it other than an 18-year-long financial bitchslap. Who's going to agree to such a horrible deal?

Honestly, both sides are pretty depressed by the current state of affairs. Both want to be pampered, both want happy families, and both have lost social power. What's caused this state of affairs? Feminism changing marriage and seeing to it that men are silenced and viewed as being of secondary importance.

I don't necessarily believe that we need to completely return to pre-feminist society in order to fix this problem. Women should be allowed to pursue careers if they please. However, this risk needs to be more evenly split, and women need to take up responsibilities in the marriage to make this transaction (that's what marriage is) a good deal for the men. Men are not going to agree to a situation where women hold all of the power and only take the burdens that they choose.


Maybe that's because what they get for being the wage earner is a load of shit in the modern day? See above.

Being a fool is not a source of pride and respect.

>> No.7692769

What I mean is if traditional gender roles work for you great, but the freedom men and women have to work and make a living or stay at home is pretty much equal now, rather than men expected to work and women expected to put career second.
Regardless though, knowing how to cook should be basic knowledge that both genders know and use.

>> No.7693188


Umm......... NO?!?! ugh what a fucking scumbag I cant even right now, I hope he gets fired, figuratively AND literally