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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 496x300, parmcheese_blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7607468 No.7607468 [Reply] [Original]

always steal a parm or 2.

>> No.7607471

uhm u're honky

>> No.7607482

Every time I go to the supermarket I pocket either a fancy small round cheese, a teewurst or a Ritter chocolate

>> No.7607484

>be me, have kleptomania anyway

A lot of it. At the least a lot isn't paid at it's actual price. Before some cashierfag comes in saying they TOTALLY ALWAYS SEE when you ring something up as something else at self check out, like they always do in these threads:

the self checkouts at my local store never have supervisors watching unless it's busy. There's usually even maybe one person on duty at the open cash register, if there is one. And they certainly have absolutely no loss prevention folks.

fav is rolling out with asparagus rung up as cabbage. 42¢ a lb cabbage? Well that lb of asparagus is now 42¢.

>> No.7607487

ITT anti-social poorfags think they're Robin Hood

>> No.7607488
File: 23 KB, 319x212, steaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always ring up bananas instead at the self checkout

>> No.7607491


well, it's one sure-fire way to stretch your welfare monies amirite friends?

>> No.7607496

8 dollar parms for 250g's is outrageous. and I refuse to use the 3 dollar shaker things

>> No.7607498

I paid $5.50 at a supermarket for a 250g parm yesterday, and that's in ozbucks

Where are you that it costs $8?

>> No.7607499

I steal those champagne style bottles of quebec beer from stores in winter by shoving them up my sleeves.

>> No.7607501


>> No.7607643

That's gotta be some rancid piss you have

>> No.7607665


You stop noticing it really

>> No.7607722


>> No.7607844


>> No.7607986

Ginger. I never need more than a small knob so i just break off a piece and either pocket it or just leave it in the cart

>> No.7608020


8 bucks is normal for the real thing. What are you, Italian or something?

>> No.7608030

actually i am lol.

>> No.7608035

I often pocket a candy bar to eat in the car

>> No.7608043

I think im gonna fucking die real soon so I want to poison my mom any ideas on how to cook some up? :)

>> No.7608102

Nope, Chilean.

Just came back from the supermarket, pocketed $6 worth of goat cheese. Hot damn this shit's expensive, it's around 200 grs

>> No.7608246
File: 143 KB, 300x349, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a cashier and frothing idiots would accidentally leave shit in their carts

I would often not bother charging them for it because fuck my gay job

Stealing is still retarded though

>> No.7608302

>people who don't make your life easy are idiots

You know your inventory auditor thinks you're an idiot

>> No.7608305

When ever I get food to go, I always ask for "a lot" of ketchup

>> No.7608307

I've never stolen anything but I can't lie, parm has been the hardest to resist. It's so expensive but its so good. And it's small....

>> No.7608358

I said no such thing

>> No.7608385


You said fucking idiots leave things in their cart.

To be honest it's probably smart to leave something in your cart if that means the cashier let's you take it for free.

>> No.7608405


fair enough.

>> No.7608475

Take your pick from any of Ja/ck/s recipes

>> No.7608508

I got caught shoplifting like 4 € worth of food at Aldi once and haven't done it since then. Whenever you can weigh your own vegetables (or candy), I always only weigh half of it or something and I get away with it all the time.

>> No.7609240

Woah woah woah, Aldi's has anything by weight or a self checkout? Doesn't sound like them. Surely you pull this somewhere else? Aldi's runs a tight ship.

>> No.7609261

i usually grab spices

>> No.7609306

I've been to subway once in my life, and accidentally stole some guy's sandwich, and I was too scared to ever go back in just in case I was recognised as the sandwich thief, so I guess that counts.

>> No.7609328
File: 3 KB, 125x123, 1459235044723s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah uh, I don't steal things.

Part of at least attempting a decent society is not being a fuckhead.

>this generation pocketing shit because it's small and easy to get away with
>often very expensive to the store

Well that's why you're getting a fucking walmart.

>> No.7609330

HOLY shit i'm not the only one who steals cheese? i love getting that balderson 3 year old aged cheddar for all your cheese thieves out there i recommend you get it. you literally have nothing to lose. don't get the smoked cheddar though it's awful

>> No.7609335


Knowing this now I'm going to start reading my local paper's crime reports for cheese thieves. Not that I think you'll get caught, but I somehow need it in my life for a cheese theft to be in the crime report.

>> No.7609347

They do, they drool all over themselves and are really oblivious. Most people will point it out, I didn't care. You're probably right, but most people have/had a little less apathy in the workplace. What makes my life easier is if they look and remember to put all the stuff they threw into their cart on the belt for the most part, not leaving shit in the cart

Don't blow up about nothing dude, it's weird

>> No.7609364

There was a cheese theft in my hometown once. The paper advised anyone offered blocks of a certain brand of cheddar door to door to call the police station

>> No.7609374

in nyc it was $16/lb on sale at the good grocery

comes out to about $8 for 250g

>> No.7609384

sounds stupid but some cheese is big money

you steal a few wheels of parmesean there is black market value of thousands on that

>> No.7609399

Is cheese theft common? I don't shoplift but when I'm looking at that cheese case... ....... ..............................

I mean it's so small and delicious and expensive............ I can't justify spending a bunch of money on delicious cheeses............ Fuggggg

I'm scared I'm going to give in one day.

>> No.7609400
File: 111 KB, 947x949, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese was pic related

>> No.7609403

How do you guys get away with stealing cheese when all the good cheese is usually I'm a very open spot
Teach me your ways almighty cheese theifs of the market

>> No.7609415

>take the cheese from the open spot
>go to a closed spot
>conceal cheese
>buy items from closed spot
wew lad

>> No.7609429
File: 1017 KB, 448x252, angry black man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working part time job at supermarket
>fuckhead and his two retarded buddies come to my till
>they put down one childrens pack of haribos
>between three of them
>pockets are bulging with shit
>signal security whilst serving them
>they leave with grins on their faces
>they get stopped and taken into the back
>all of them turn paper white whilst begging security not to call the cops on them
>one of them started crying

happens all the time, if you're going to steal put some fucking effort into it anons.

>> No.7609430

Well that's the obvious bit now what are the tricks and tips

>> No.7609432

Ex cashier here where did you work that had a security signal

>> No.7609433

that's the hydro of queso

>> No.7609444


UK Supermaket chain, we had these little devices we had to wear that when activated would notify security that we needed assistance. Most people wore them around their necks so it's obvious as fuck when you set it off. I just put it in my pocket and activated it when the customers aren't looking. Worked pretty well except when the fucking early shift cunts didn't plug them into the charger after they used them.

>> No.7609523

So you're that guy all those wanted signs at subway are for.

>> No.7609527

Just fucking strangle her like a real man, you fucking pussy

>> No.7609568

When making guac or pico I usually pocket 2 jalapenos and limes but buy the cilantro. Sometimes when I just need only 1 set of spice I don't have but its outrageously expensive I pocket the packet or bottle of spice.

>> No.7609580

The FBI is now monitoring this thread.

>> No.7609866

Once when I was a kid I went to a candy stand with some friends and I chose some gum that the clerk was putting on a bag which took a while because I'm picky.
When we got a couple blocks away one of my friends opened his bag and showed me a couple family size chocolates he stole. Everyone wanted some but my friends are it and gave me some becuase I distracted the guy