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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7595001 No.7595001 [Reply] [Original]

What were your lunches like back in grade school?

>> No.7595007

>Animu on a food and cooking board

>> No.7595018

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7595019

How the fuck should we know? Humans can barely retain memories 10 years from now. I can't even remember what I ate for lunch in middle school.

>> No.7595033

WTF are you on about, weeb?

>> No.7595035

i brought my own lunch until high school. Lunch was usually peanut butter sandwhich, and milk carton purchased at school.

then in high school I bought cafeteria food.

>> No.7595065
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I asked who you were quoting, darling.

>> No.7595844

Seriously was this guy gay? How could he not be on that 24/7 like A1 sauce on steak?

>> No.7595853


A can of Potted Meat and Saltine Crackers

>> No.7595862

other than say a bag of chips or taco bell, I would go without eating to save up for a game or something.

>> No.7595876

Went to small Australian school so no free cafeteria, just a canteen I was too poor to ever afford.
The one sandwich that is forever burned on my tastebuds is devon and tomato sauce in white bread. Occasionally I'd get lucky and it'd be leftover sausages and tomato sauce in bread which I still like to this day.
My mum stopped making me lunch after primary school so I just stopped eating anything all day until I got home. Was still overweight, go figure.

>> No.7595899

happens in real life too
some take those that love them for granted
and go chasing after others

and when they lose the former
"oh shit could have, should have, would have, etc"

>> No.7595911

I get a spiteful satisfaction reading stories like that because I've always had to fight tooth and nail for the few brief moments of mutual affection in my life.

>> No.7595919

Bologna and cheese sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, tuna salad sandwiches, a carrot, maybe some chips or an apple (always red delicious) and that was pretty much what I could get in my lunchbox. If I was especially good I got a lunchables box.

>> No.7595936
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>tfw pushed away all the free qt poon in highschool
>didn't get any of the chicas I wanted
>been socially retarded post highschool

>> No.7595948

The first elementary school I went to was in an affluent white neighborhood so we had volunteers cook us food. We had actual silverware too. Everything was made fresh. When we had spaghetti, we had massive delicious meatballs. This was in the mid 90s. Then I moved to my second elementary and oh boy, it was super ghetto. Everything came out of a box.

>> No.7595966
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Typical american public school lunch:
>slice of square pizza
>side of sweet corn
>chocolate milk

and for dessert you could buy pic related for 25 cents.

>> No.7595969

square pizza and tuna fish and rice.

>> No.7595973
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The best food on eart

>> No.7595976

I dunno, pretty typical American public school food I guess.

Pizzas, fiestadas, burgers, sloppy joes sometimes, hotdishes (usually tater tot).

>> No.7595977

I remember I ate sandwiches.

>> No.7596017

French bread pizza day was the best.

I got free lunch because I was poor as fuck. Most of it wasn't horrible but far from healthy. Lucky once I got to high school they had a "deli line" where you could get salads, sandwiches and bread bowls.

In elementary school if you didn't want the hot lunch you could get a fluffer nutter sandwich with a little cup of chocolate chips to put on it.

>> No.7596037
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This shit

>> No.7596040

Considering my high school also had a cooking school attached to it, pretty much only things you'd see in a restaurant. Not the high end stuff but still good enough.

>> No.7596056

Found the newfag

>> No.7596061

My parents didn't care about me so I ate lunchables until 4th grade. They switched me to the school lunch program after i begged them

>> No.7596066

French bread pizza, square pizza, tacos, chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes, chicken sandwich and fries, cheeseburger and fries, baked spaghetti, hot ham and cheese sandwich, salsbury steak, nacho with meat and cheese, swedish meatballs,

These are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head, alternativrly you could buy a hot pretzel or fresh cookies every day....girls usually just got one of those instead of a lunch because le insecure

>> No.7596071

No...you are the newfag

>> No.7596078

I used to attend an elementary school with food included in the tuition fee, but would always eat my classmates lunches that their mom prepared. No, i didn't bully anyone, they were happy to share. I do it because you have to wait in l a line of 3000 students, depending on how quickly you could run to the cafeteria.

In high school, mom would wake up at 4 to pack lunch for me and my siblings. It's just more convenient not to have to wait in line. A lot of people missed their lunch because of the line and had to go hungry for the rest of the day. Sure it's a little gay for a guy to bring lunch, but I'm glad i never went hungry.

Also, a teacher hit me in the head with a bucket after i shot her with an elastic band.

>> No.7596133

Sounds exactly right. Those square pizzas I remember tasted really good for some weird reason.

>> No.7596161

Oh, I remember.

If I had lunch from home, it was usually a tuna sandwich or a ham/turkey and cheese sandwich, a large can of V8, an orange or an apple, and a thermos of soup OR a tupperware of salad. Mom would give me 25 cents to buy a carton of milk.

If it was from the cafeteria (which my parents would let me get at least once a week, very rarely twice) it was a hamburger or pizza, salad, fries, milk, and then I'd pay an extra 15-25 cents for a Little Debbie cake (usually a Starcrunch, because they were the cheapest).
I think I was the only kid who ever actually ate salad in the cafeteria, but my parents always served salad with meals at home, so to me, it was expected and normal.

>> No.7596992

I remember having grits for the first time when we lived in South Carolina and thinking they were disgusting. Didn't find out till years later that most people add butter and sugar to them. Still can't eat them anyway. It's like that first bad experience has made me unable to ever like them.

>> No.7596993
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>> No.7597010
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My dad was born in 1937 and always talks about how the lunch ladies were real cooks. He loved the split pea soup.

One time he made something like it at home with those yellow peas and real ham hocks. It was to die for.

In the 80's I had lots of french toast sticks, pizza boats (which were called barchettas, IIRC ...we called them barfchettas but they were't that bad, really), chicken nuggers, hamburgers, and corn dogs. We probably never ate the fruit or veg that came with it. Chocolate milk was 25 cents.

>> No.7597016
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This thread isnt about anime you fucking sperg.

Heres me /co/ image faggot, deal with it

>> No.7597041
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Its really easy bro. I do it all the time and it is great.

if you have a slow cooker, do this.
>bed of carrots/onions/celery diced fine
>500gm bag of split green peas checked for stones
>place down 2 big ham hocks
>sprinkle your accepted herbs (I like oregano/basil/bit of fennel seed but not too much/peppercorns and sometimes a bit of curry powder)
>1 litre of salt reduced stock (hocks are salty)
>top with water
>cook for 12 hours on low after you get the heat up.
>seperate hock meat from bone and fat, stir, eat with bread.
>anime gif to annoy

Seriously amazing, makes you fart like you are going to die, and fills you up. nothing like split pea soup. and its cheap!

>> No.7597045

What's with all the English and Aussie fags on this board?

>> No.7597048

its 15:20 here mate. and we like food.

What other nation loves food enough to eat their coat of arms?

>> No.7597060

I ate virtually the same thing for lunch all through grade school:
>bologna sandwich, two slices of Oscar Meyer's on white bread
>an apple
>bag of potato chips or crackers

>> No.7597065
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K-4th grade
>pb&j sandwiches, an apple, some goldfish, a gogurt, some oreos usually
4th-7th when parents split up and i started getting fat
>would buy whatever cafeteria was that day because dad always drove me to school and gave me like $20 every day
>lunch lady was giant obese nigger named Marie and was like fucking John Wick going after kids who would get food on credit and wouldn't pay her back
>daily lunch was always either pizza, chicken patties, burgers, tacos, chocolate milk, a bag or two of chips, and an ice cream sandwich or two
8th grade
>Marie gets fired for having a dogshit attitude
>jewess in my grade's parents take over the cafeteria and make home-cooked meals for every lunch
>meatloaf and green beans or roast beef and veggies and soup and shit
>was salty about no more ice cream sandwiches
high school
>boarding school
>assigned tables every week so you would meet new people
>be awkward fat kid with social anxiety so literally never ate at the tables with people
>skipped every single mandatory assigned lunch for like a year and a half
>as a result i had 4 hours of detention every weekend
>would just stay cooped up in dorm room eating dominos and chinese food
now as a wagecuck my lunches consist of an energy drink and as many cigarettes as i can suck down in 45 minutes

>> No.7597083

I'm sick of people saying that. The vast majority of Australians rarely eat emu, wattle seed, or even kangaroo, and the majority of those who do are Aboriginal.

>> No.7597112
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I was picky as a kid, so my lunch usually just had pudding and other junk, but in high school there was a Chinese place, a poutine place, and a Mr. Tube Steak nearby.


>> No.7597164

chicken fingers when the cafeteria had them, otherwise probably tuna sandwich or egg salad sandwich
whatever the cafeteria had, wouldn't eat their fried chicken but the mexican pizza was good
$1 for french fries, they were really good. that's all anybody got at that school

>> No.7597245
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yo hol up, I aint saying Id eat this nowadays, but the shish blammin af.. the soggy fries most cafeterias serve have me hurting though ;_;

>> No.7597263

I remember as a kid we had taco tuesdays and they would serve us these enormous (for an 8-year-old anyway) burritos that tasted like a less greasy version of taco bell's chili cheese burrito. They were made by a local place that I can't remember the name of, but damn if I still remember how good they were 20 years later.

>> No.7597314
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Elementary, middle school, and highschool were all in the same district so it was the same Tyson chicken patties, chicken nuggets, hamburgs, defrosted pizza, microwave burritos, fake chinese, and pasta everyday from 1-12 (Kindergarten ended at noonish so ate lunch at home)
Explains why I'm fine with repetition and low quality food...


>> No.7597721
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Literally fast food
Left the year before Jamie Oliver shafted the party
Sucks for them I guess

>> No.7597741

PB&J and a key lime yogurt.

>> No.7597743

Ham sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, tuna sandwiches, pb&j sandwiches with a cup of yogurt or string cheese and capri-sun or sometimes I had a snapple

>> No.7597750

During elementary school I remember most of the food was shit except burritos, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, and my favorite were what they called a chalupa I don't think it was actually a chalupa because it was this open hardshell with meat and chees but I loved those! Wish I knew where to buy them

>> No.7597760

>le who are you quoting me-me
>anime reaction gifs

I don't know whether to tell you to fuck off back to /a/, or to fuck off back to /s4s/

>> No.7597778

i really do miss having the same lunch every day.

>6th through 8th grade
>bring $2 to school
>recieve: cheeseburger, salad, bread stick, fruit, choco milk.
>would sometimes ass chips or pudding to it

shit was cash as fuck. if i could have that lunch every day, id be pretty happy.

then i got to highschool, where the food was slightly more decent, and bigger. then a year later, people started urging bush to push healthy food initiatives in school and it all turned into shit food

>tonys microwaveable pizzas
>canned drinks everywhere
>flavored aspertame water
>skipping lunch entirely and just eating a brownie to save money

>> No.7598228
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.7598347
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Disgusting reheated pizza
Disgusting egg salad
Disgustig chicken tendies
Disgusting PB&J sandwiches

So I always skipped lunch and went to the library instead

>> No.7599404

i only remeber vividly mushed up sardines on buttered bread (not even real butter it was margarine) and some nasty bean soup with sausage.

>> No.7599623
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I always got hype for Crispito day. Nothing more appetizing than what looks like a deep fried anus filled to the brim with shit. It's weird how some foods in the context of school lunches are so much better than they'd normally be.

>> No.7599643

Heh, you're an oldfag like me. My dad was born in 1931, and I was an 80s kid as well (he was in his forties when I was born).
It was pretty much the same for me. Burgers, Frito or Dorito pies, pizza boats, corn dogs, fried burritos. That's what they served in the cafeteria. But, I only at the cafeteria food maybe one or twice a week, my mom insisted on making my lunch the rest of the time, because much like what your dad said, she thought the lunch ladies in my day were lazy and incompetent.
Now, the real question is what kind of lunch box did you have?

>> No.7599920

sauce on that anime gif?

>> No.7599931

My mom likes to make the same thing over and over. So I ate peanut butter and fluff for the entire first half of 3rd grade and the second was bumblebee tuna snack packs. Almost always with an orange.

>> No.7599979


Amagi Brilliant Park

>> No.7599990

i went through a phase in primary school where all i ate was a buttered bread roll for lunch
going to a highschool with a full canteen changed my life though
>beef and gravy rolls
>sausage rolls
life was good

>> No.7600043
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My mum would pack me a sandwich, usually ham and egg. Also a packet of Salt & Lineker Walkers crisps, or pickled onion Monster Munch, or hula-hoops. Always with two pieces of fruit typically either an apple, pear, banana, plum, or tangerine. Sometimes with a chocolate coated muesli bar.
Also a Capri-sun orange or a mini carton of Ribena.

Had a Power Rangers lunchbox for the first few years, then one with my local football teams crest/coat of arms. Feels good to be a 90's kid.

My school didn't have a cafeteria but the Catholic school on the same property provided them (my school was Methodist and Anglican). We also shared a grit patch and football pitch so naturally we were worst enemies with them (nobody understood or cared about religious differences, but there were no Muslims). There was one week were my granddad was looking after me that I went to the cafeteria. Only about a dozen kids from my school went and we walked into a hall filled with hundreds of enemy Catholic school children. We had one table and all the kids were yelling at us and trying to pick fights. I imagine that must be what the first week in prison must be like. Pretty intimidating for a 9 year old. The food there was terrible, low quality garbage, mostly just fried crap or slop on a tray. Was relived when the week was over and my mummy made my packed lunch again.

Good times, lads.

>> No.7600090

I always wondered how those American school lunches of tater tots, nuggets, pizza and crap are allowed. No wonder obesity and poor diet choices are rampant in the USA, kids don't even have a chance. Are there no nutritional standards that have to be followed?

>> No.7600100

>pick up tray
>go down line
>food plopped on tray
>pay lunch lady
>eat as quickly as possible and go to recess
This was back in the early/mid 90s

>> No.7600101

Schools would rather make the extra money from vending machines than give more than a pinch of iceberg lettuce and a carrot shred. Not like the parents are expected to do anything but clothe and bathe the fuckers themselves.

>> No.7600363

Peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich with chips and some sort of fruit
whatever they were serving that day

>> No.7600385

My family was poor so I didn't eat anything until 4PM

>> No.7600396
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>> No.7600446

Where does one buy crispitos? I remember them being the best damn shit I had in school.

>> No.7600457
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You gave me the tsuntsun, now where's the deredere?

>> No.7600458

Aren't those just taquitos that have been baked?

alternatively, you could make your own:

>> No.7600699

You guys know where to get chalupas?

>> No.7600723

>But but this is animu website

>> No.7600748

Simple 2 slices of bread, butter and something else slammed on top of another. Usually jam, peanutbutter or apple syrup. Then a glass of lemonaide mixed with water. Every single fucking day.

My mom would buy apple syrup, only she liked it in the house, then when she got sick of it I had to eat that for lunch every fucking day. If I was home and hungry I would get an apple syrup sandwich till the jar was empty. I still refuse to eat that shit today cause of that.

>> No.7600785

Most days I would have whatever horrible iqf food the cafeteria had on hand. Then we had a big push for healthy eating in schools when I was in 10th grade and I pretty much stopped eating at school.

Looking back I've always wondered what was worse skipping breakfast & lunch or eating shitty quality iqf food.

>> No.7601336
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>what kind of lunch box did you have
Probably a Star Wars lunchbox. I vividly remember having this Yoda thermos.

Wasn't being a kid in the 80's awesome?

>> No.7601347

He Man

>> No.7601351

A nougat crossaint, an apple my mom cut up for me, and a bottle of multivitamin juice from the school.

>> No.7601380

>sugar sugar sugar
Glad they gave you "multivitamin juice" to make up for your shit diet

>> No.7601416

>taco bell's chili cheese burrito

That was the only thing I would get at Taco Bell at that age, besides the occasional Soft Taco Supreme. So bummed they don't have it anymore.

>> No.7601423

usually either leftovers or a sandwich with tuna or cold cuts and a piece of fruit or something like goldfish

>> No.7601459

Aus here, it was good for most part, everyone (legit) brought their own in primary school. In high school everyone just purchased sushi or vege wraps

>> No.7601535
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I went to a small rural school in Scotland where we had 40-50 students. We had one old dinner lady who did all the cooking from scratch as far as I can remember. Typical meals:

Roast Meat with potatoes/veg
Haggis, pic related
Stewed meat with veg, slice of warm baked bread, butter.
Potato hotpot
Steak and Kidney pie, they always fell to pieces as soon as they were moved.
Fish boiled in milk with veggies/mashed potato

That's about all I remember, no vegetarian option back then, no salads. Every meal you got one glass of milk then water afterward. I think we only had pudding on Fridays and then I think it was always a fruit pie or bread and butter pudding.

>> No.7601540

I haven't been to Scotland in years, how hard is vegetarianism embraced now? Also what about Muslim culture? Is Scotland still white?

>> No.7601550

>In high school everyone just purchased sushi or vege wraps
What sort of vagina factory did you go to?

>> No.7601553

or meat pies i guess. Veggie wraps had chicken in them. Then their was the daily special which was always shit. Canteens here dont really offer a crazy selection or "gloop" meals

>> No.7601566

Chips are vegetarian. 99% white yes, I think we will escape the worst of the fighting in the future.

>> No.7601745

My great-grandfather was Scottish and I look Scottish, can I move there?

>> No.7601764

>grade school
Its called Elementary.

Mostly just PB and J or cheese sandwich with milk and juice.

>> No.7601770

There were prepackaged mini hotdogs and hamburgers, can't speak for the hamburgers but I distinctly remember the hot dogs were like camp of lighter and darker brown fleck-like splotches, with green splotches in some places, they were so greasy they looked wet, and they came with what seemed like soggy stale buns. If you had no money you got a grilled cheese that was microwaved stale bread and an off brand white kraft single.

There were other bad foods, this was the school I went to moving off a military base so the comparison was shocking I guess. I was a kid tho so i adapted alright. The military base food was normal and good, though I only really remember the breakfast and the plethora of side snacks you could buy during lunch with a couple quarters. Shit was cash, if I have kids I think I'll stay in the military (not in it yet, but soon) so they can go to nice, low population schools like that. Must've been only 300 kids or less in the whole school

>> No.7601777

Oh fuuuck dude, hell yeah. Bagel pizzas taste similar and I think these are what began my addiction, I could eat that shit all day every day if I wouldn't get fat and die

>> No.7601787

ITT: I'm jealous, I must've gone to poor af schools bc my lunches didn't have all this awesome and cheap shit

>> No.7601791

It really was pretty awesome. I feel bad for kids today.

yeah, I had a Star Wars lunchbox myself, and the earliest lunchbox I remember having was Snoopy, a Joe Cool lunchbox.

>> No.7601798

God tier:
>chicken patties
>chicken wings

Shit tier:

I can't really remember anything else. Went to a public school in Los Angeles.

>> No.7601892

>didnt normally buy lunch, usually brought half a PB&J
>when i did buy lunch, it was things like:
>soggy, cold bologna and cheese sandwich
>chicken nuggets that were 100% grey/black meat with rubbery parts
>peas served in a tub of grease
>cheese on white bread called pizza

>> No.7602065

High school lunches weren't that memorable but middle school taco Fridays were the best.

>> No.7602099

Are you this fucking new?

>> No.7602116

Grade school is elementary/primary, middle, and high school. You know, where you're in 1st grade, 8th grade, etc.

>> No.7602163
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Mother made them. Sausage on buttered bread with a Sunkist. Next day another sausage on buttered bread with a Sunkist. Such was life in late-Showa era Germany.

>> No.7602204

Private schooler here. Besides the more typical stuff for the US, we also had some... more uncommon... things. Even the way the cafeteria was set up is unlike most other schools I hear about. To show the more odd meals:

We had special lunches for important dates and events. In 1993, we celebrated the peaceful Czech/Slovak split by serving these dumpling things with a pink sauce of some kind and either cheese cutlets or beef cutlets (because no one ever heard of a vegan yet and the only vegans in the whole school were the Egyptian kids). We had a whole Meeting about peaceful revolutions, then ate lunch.

Annually, around mid-April or early May each year, the cafeteria would serve Japanese food, most notably vegetarian and cooked fish sushi rolls, to celebrate the local cherry blossom festival.

We also had a focus on African foods on Fridays in February for Black History month.

>> No.7602220

wow are you new?

>> No.7602268


I didn't eat lunch often, but when I did it was caf food.

>> No.7602378

I ate at home in grade school, but I had to eat at the cafeteria some of the time in middle school, and most of it in high school.
French school, so actual meat/fish + veggies/potatoes/pasta/rice every day, though it was mostly pretty bad shit, especially in middle school.

>> No.7602411

I had to read this twice because at first, I thought you said cat food.

>> No.7602438

switched to cafeteria food. pizza, chicken sandwitches (/spicy chicken), terriyaki chicken + rice + carrots. the food in high school wasn't bad. they even made you take a fruit and milk.

>> No.7602454

Let's see if I can remember...

>Monday: Piroshki
>Tuesday: ??? (fuck, this is gonna bother me now)
>Wednesday: Personal Cheese Pizza
>Thursday: Corn dogs/75 cent bean burritos
>Friday: Fish Sticks

You could also get 75 cent sandwiches with your choice of meat. We'd also have hot dog days once a month.

>> No.7602457


>Tuesday: Chicken nuggets


>> No.7602466

tuesday was terriyaki chicken day, senpai.

>> No.7602491

We ran on a schedule. Whatever the lunch, it always came with salad and a side of cold green beans.

Monday: hot dogs.
Tuesday tacos.
Wednesday: hamburgers and chocolate milk.
Thursday: sloppy joes and burritos in a bag.
Friday: pizza day, the best day of the week.

>> No.7602531

For me, Elementary was K-6, Juniour high was 7-9 and High School was 10-12

>> No.7602613
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>> No.7603858
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>My mom or dad will always give me fucking meat, cheese, and butter sandwiches.
>For 4 fucking years
>Begs for a peanut butter sandwich but where very rare
>Never traded my lunch because of the cute "Made with love <3" note I get on it
>Over 15 years later, will physically get ill if I eat those sandwichs

>> No.7603906

1st grade-2nd
ham or nutella sandwiches, a small (and i mean really small) packet of chips, maybe a juice box and a small bottle of water, fruit?
fruit, chips, sandwich water
7-8 more sandwiches zzz water
9-12 saaaaaaaaaaaandwiches fruit and water (all the sancwiches made up to this point are homemade ones with stuff like ham and tomatos lettuce between two sliced of white bread )
13- sandwiches (homemade), burger king, carls junior, pizza, kfc, nothing, water
uni -> now
ramen sushi pizza burgers water(a gallon), lotsa fruit(bananas) rice with meat etc

>> No.7603915

What's wrong with meat and cheese?

>> No.7603919

After eating it so long on butter my body just gets sick of the taste

>> No.7603928

>pb&j sandwich or ham and cheese
>capri sun/milk
>25cent bag of chips
>pack of peanut butter crackers

>> No.7603947

what a pathetic baby you are

>> No.7604837

You're a fuck*ng A-hole, dude.

>> No.7604950

Why did you censor it you cuck

>> No.7606130

low quality chicken nuggets, very small half assed pizza, a small carton of milk. It was pure crap

>> No.7606648
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>> No.7606668

50/50 hot food/packed lunch of PB&J and milk
Dominos pizza day = best day
Mostly hot food
Best meal was when I would stuff nuggies inside of a roll to form a nuggie sandwich + chocolate milk
>high school
Parents get divorced
Too poor to eat but too proud for free lunch (9th-11th grade)
Got a part-time job and car, mostly fast food (12th grade)

Square school pizza is best pizza

>> No.7606675

This is a Christian board.

F*ck off.

>> No.7606681

Avocado and creamcheese sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, dunk-a-roos. Always liked a good egg salad, too.

My school cafeteria made really good mac and cheese, and these tasty veggie and cheese sandwiches.

>> No.7606830

cafeteria food, which was edible half the time. I used to be skinny since they make you be active and I didn't particularly like the food

>> No.7606842

Shitty pizza

Middle school:
French fries and lame tacos

High school:

>> No.7607053

>had at least 3 different girls interested in me during high school
>wasn't interested in any of them at the time
>now a kissless loser

>> No.7607062

>nobody ever interested in me
>trying to incite interest just makes it worse
>now a kissless loser

I didn't even get lunches provided by school. At least I was allowed to start drinking at 18.

>> No.7607065 [DELETED] 

Elementary school; fucking breakfast for lunch day, best day on earth.

>> No.7607085

>elementary school in CT
generic cafeteria food, but smiley faced fries were nice
>middle school in TX
best fucking school food ever
footlong spiced sausage on a bun for 1.75, hot peach cobbler for 0.60
>high school in CA
outdoors so there weren't even any trays, generic aside from the big thirdpound burgers they occasionally grill outside for 2.50

>> No.7607089

I remember a peanut butter sandwhich, 2 juice boxes. Granila bars and an apple.

>> No.7607091
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First recess [choose 2]:

>sultanas box
>small yoghurt [yoplait]
>kids size bag chips
>3 cream biscuits [RARE]
>uncle tobys rollups [RARE]
>golden valley fruit cup

Lunch [White bread or roll, choose filling]:

>Vegemite & cheese
>Alfalfa sprouts, tomato & Mayonaise
>Chicken loaf & Mayonaise
>Peanut butter
>Ham, tomato, lettuce, cheese
>cucumber & cream cheese
>curried eggs [RARE]
>Nutella [RARE]
>100's & 1000's [RARE]

First half of grade school i had fruit boxes as a drink but for the second half i had a little water bottle.. probably because we were either poor or mum found out how bad fruit boxes were... or a mix of both.

>> No.7607094

Is it really true that american schools no longer let you bring your own lunch because "it's unhealthy" and they force you to buy the school lunch?

>> No.7607493
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Kill yourself

>> No.7607538
