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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 614x404, tuna baked potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7575388 No.7575388 [Reply] [Original]

ITT runescape food that you have never seen irl

>> No.7575496
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>> No.7575500

I've never seen a wizard cast a spell at a cow and then use a tinder box to light a fire and cook a steak.

>> No.7575528

dark crabs

>> No.7575532


>> No.7575547

Typical flyover.

>> No.7575551
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>> No.7575572


i actually ate monkfish in bongland once

>> No.7575584
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I've seen lobsters but never eaten one.

Always thought it was rich people food.

>> No.7575985

>tfw I hosted a party and made all the cocktails from runescape and nobody knew

the blueberry special and fruit blast were the best ones

>> No.7576000

It's underwhelming as hell. Tried it for the first time on the Nova Scotian coast. Kinda like a bigass $15 shrimp drownt in butter. Save yourself the disappointment and go for the cod sandwich instead. At least with that, you get what you pay for.

>> No.7576004

That's sad anon. I would have loved them

>> No.7576010

They liked them I just didn't bother to tell them the recipe was from RS kek

>> No.7576019

just eat some crawfish

>> No.7576411

what did you use in place of the equa leaf? Mint?

>> No.7576483
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>> No.7576515

I bet I could eat that in precisely 3 ticks, or 1.8 seconds, and have time to spare to drink my Saradomin's Brew to wash it down.

>> No.7576671
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Prayer potion

>> No.7576677

Eaten plenty of shark over the years so much so I am mercury man

>> No.7576755

Picking up a bottle today. Great stuff.

>> No.7576756
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>> No.7576873
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Now this is an original thread.

> monitoring

>> No.7577032

Pineapple pizza.

Just pineapples as topping. Disgusting.

>> No.7577165


Crab is better as is almost any other shellfish.

>> No.7577250

God that looks gross. Leave it to the brits to make a disgusting food heal 22

>> No.7577324


>> No.7577334

My parents got a couple of live lobsters shipped down to our home in North Carolina by a friend of theirs who lives in Maine once. Though they were still kicking when my mom put them in the pot and they looked pretty good coming out, my two brothers and I all got sick from eating the damn things. Fucking sea roaches is what they are. They leaked this weird greenish shit when we cut them apart that stank a little, and yet my parents insisted that was nothing to worry about. I avoided the junk as best I could but I was still queasy when I left the table, and they didn't even taste good. Amazingly neither of my parents got sick.

Crab is infinitely better.

>> No.7577381

Lobster has this mystique of being expensive but it's really not. In and around Maine, lobster is so plentiful that if you send your kid to school with a lobster lunch, you're poor.

>> No.7577640
File: 131 KB, 800x600, dsc00017[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dozens of types of fish that heal you a ton
>all red meat and chicken meat are the lowest things you can cook and heal the least

Fucking Brits with their pescatarian bias.

>> No.7577648

That's an admirals pie

>> No.7577654

is runescape any good every year i play it again on my old account for like five minutes and then become disinterested

>> No.7578246


it was fun when i was drinking 24/7, also when i was 11

>> No.7578262

well shit what do you play now then anon

>> No.7578401

Runescape 3 is iffy

OSRS is fun but not worth the grind

>> No.7578405

It looks gross b/c he presented it wrong

The one in the OP looks fabulous

>> No.7578408


real life tbqh

>> No.7578429

The one that heals 22 has corn. OP's had no corn. The one with corn looks disgusting

>> No.7578432

I think lobster is a good "try it once" deal, but overall I wasn't impressed. You have to crack it open and there are guts everywhere. The meat is decent enough though.

>> No.7578600

If you ever eat lobster, do it at some place right next to the ocean where they fish them. The ones that are sold in restaurants far away are the crap ones, they're crap because of their tough shells, and the ones with soft shells can't survive the trip as easily, so they get sold to local places.

>> No.7578805

It was overcooked, anon. You can't seriously think an entire food can be judged from one tasting?

I catch mine and cook them medium rare, and it is 100x better than overcooked restaurant lobster (which I wouldn't bother with).

>> No.7578892

My niggas. Shit's delicious.

>> No.7579322

>crab is better
>this is what oversensitive poorfag manchildren who can't handle flavor tell themselves

>> No.7579341


>> No.7579348

Summer pie or swordfish.

>> No.7579498

Swordies 75gp

>> No.7579533

But, I really want to know how tuna stuffed baked potatoes taste.
See, I've dedicated myself to a healthier lifestyle, and potatoes are the one carby thing i eat (plus, they are pretty darn nutritious as long as you aren't gooping them up with dairy or or fatty crap. ) And, I eat tuna fairly frequently (both fresh and canned). So that'd be right up my alley, but how do you make it taste good together?

>> No.7579821

Lobster used to be considered trash fish.


>> No.7579869

Fuck off old school manchildren. Maybe if you keep posting mod mark memes they'll give you another dank 360 noscope holiday event.

Did I mention that I hate oldschool and hope everyone that plays that game dies in a fire?

>> No.7579879

Go shitpost on /v/, we're having fun here. And I don't even play the game anymore.

>> No.7579880

It's Stargazy Pie

>> No.7579882

>fat makes you fat

>> No.7579920

What part of calories in vs calories out do you not understand?

>> No.7579942

Is that a Bull? Those things frighten me more than Great Whites.

>> No.7580415

The green goo inside is really good. The rest tastes like good shrimps but is much more of a hassle to eat.

>> No.7580689

Did you hear them letting out the gas when they hit yhe water? Always used to think it was them screaming till i learned they cant feel pain

>> No.7582208


That and they don't have vocal chords.

>> No.7582235


Looks like a longfin Mako to me.

>> No.7582393

How have you never seen a Tuna Jacket Potato?

Maybe it's just a Brit thing, but they're common as fuck where I live.

>> No.7582567


Because the idea sounds awful. Canned tuna smells like leftover pussy and doesn't taste much better.

>> No.7583664

doesnt look like it should heal 18
not very appetizing

>> No.7583962

/v/ hosts an 07 server. Check out /vg/

It's better than Jagex.

>> No.7583967

It's pretty neat actually that that whole minigame uses actual recipes that can be recreated

I think at one point way back they even released an official baking guide to do the pastries

>> No.7583970

they heal 16, noob

>> No.7584179

>all these plebs eating to recover HP
>not just using blood barrage to heal
>mfw the thread is full of mongoloid melee pures

>> No.7584330

They have nervous systems, they can feel pain.

This Anon is right, however. They don't have vocal cords so they can't scream. Doesn't mean they don't feel anything.

>> No.7584344
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>> No.7584412

Are there any decent RPGs that have a good cooking system that goes into depth with recipes and ingredients?

inb4 Skyrim

>> No.7584464

They are more of a novelty that actually good. Subsituted blueberry for dwellberry.

In a cocktail shaker, mix the vodka, gin, and dwellberries. Click on the shaker when you have all of these ingredients in your inventory. Click on the shaker again to pour it into a glass and add the pineapple chunks and cream. Heat on the range to finish the drink.

It was an abomination, but some of the others were drinkable.

>> No.7584467


>add butter to your liquor and heat it

no thanks

>> No.7584482

I'm currently developing a cooking simulator.

>> No.7584631

Rune factory/harvest moon

>> No.7584675

I used to play a mud that had an awesome system. Whole character class devoted to it. But it is gone and you are probably too young to know what a MUD is.

>> No.7584694

I'd play it. Maybe a slaughterhouse simulator too.

>> No.7584709


The more I learn about British cuisine, the more I feel sorry for Britains.

I'm so sorry this happened to you, Western Isles.

I'm so... so sorry.

>> No.7584719

That was true like 50-60 years ago, bro

>> No.7584724


For almost all time, lobster was considered fodder. American slaves actually rebelled and successfully renegotiated their contracts because they were sick of eating lobster each day. Plus, I can't imagine it being very fresh after a few days in the fishery, a few days on the road, and a few days in the pantry... That's the best case scenario for inland lobster eaters back in the day, too. During WW1 POWs got fed lobster frequently and they hated it.



Poor people food turned rich people food. Kinda like quinoa and polenta.

I've actually started believing in a secret society of "Dexter chefs" that hunt down rich people and force them into eating food they had to eat when they were impoverished.

It's kinda got me very scared even though I'll practically eat anything so long as it's not bugs.

>> No.7585052

You add a little mayonnaise to the tuna.

They're super-common here in Bongland. That's why Jagex put them in: the dev probably had one for lunch.

>> No.7585191

Thanks for making me feel old telnet bro.

>> No.7587076

cooking is super late game

>> No.7587188

Tastes extremely similar to lobster. Much cheaper too.

>> No.7587234


monkfish is one of the most delicious fish in the fucking universe, especially the liver, fuck i can't believe you guys find it weird

one of the most delicious things in the world was when i was making a fish curry. i had the sauce going on separately and marinated some cod and monkfish and prawns that i put under the grill with clarified butter. it was a pre-christmas dinner and the wind outside was fucking crazy and my balcony was flooding to the point that it was starting to seep into the house. i put the monkfish under the grill and noticed the flooding, ran to get a wire coathanger and cleared out the blockage in the balcony drain. when i came back to the grill i realise i'd accidentally shut the oven door. this was all in front of my guests. i then even more stupidly opened the oven door and got a huge fucking backdraft that enveloped my face in flame. i took the grill pan out of the oven, laid it still flaming on the counter and waited about 20 seconds before draping a damp tea towel over it. then i put the monkfish in the sauce to warm through and exchange flavours. the result was the most incredible flame grilled tasting dense but incredibly tender and moist fish, like a giant scallop.

haven't been able to replicate this taste any other way.

>> No.7587250
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You can have that shit the first week in rf4
What >>7584631 said and fantasy life

>> No.7587259

They're okay. I've always stuck with cheese and beans, I feel like if the potato is hot the filling should be too. But tuna is worth trying at least once, just add some mayo to take the edge off the fishiness.

>> No.7587268

rf4 sux man

>> No.7587277
File: 136 KB, 223x412, stylin_on_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad because your bad
I bet you married meg

>> No.7587279

I didn't flirt with the damn dragon. i was saving myself for kai...i thought maybe I could trade him from friends of mineral town to rf4 but it didnt work