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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7572549 No.7572549 [Reply] [Original]

new to the board just discovered that this was here hello comrades

>> No.7572551
File: 980 KB, 1045x653, lasagna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave now while you still can

>> No.7572559

Welcome to /ck/, now get out.

>> No.7572560

Post a thread about fast food or veganism if you want an informed discussion and lots of replies.

>> No.7572578

honestly i just wanted a relevant place to post that barefoot contessa picture

>> No.7572582
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>> No.7572593
File: 428 KB, 561x720, 1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like cereal of the breakfast variety?

I do!

I really like breakfast cereals of the early 1990s, good stuff.

>> No.7572621

>daily fast food shill threads
>everybody hates everything
>how do i improve my ramen
leave while you still can

>> No.7572624
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>> No.7572636

Mmm, a box of dicks

>> No.7572922

I just did too but I wasn't faggy enough to make a thread about it.
I can cook, at least well enough to feed myself and be happy with it. I'm not going to be organizing any dinner parties anytime soon. What should be my steps from there to improve? I don't know terms or tools. I just want everyone to think I'm cool with my tasty food.

>> No.7572959


>my crippling alcohol dependence
>if you add sugar to anything you are a piece of shit/everything should be bitter
>$2000 coffee machines

>> No.7572973

Came to do food inspired shitposting? Welcome.

>> No.7572983

I've been here like 6 years, just curious. What do newcomers think of this place? I'm numb to it all.

>> No.7572989

I came here for the cooking tournaments

>> No.7572995

Cool. It's good fun. I did it a couple years ago.

>> No.7573115

Not bad. I don't go to the fast food threads because they don't appeal to me, but I'm weirded out by how many of them you guys have. I also saw the term "meme beef" awhile back and I couldn't handle the absurdity of it.

I mainly hang out on /vg/ and, unless I can avoid it, /v/ so the shit posting here is small time. I actually feel like I could learn something here too. Maybe I'll finally learn to make a nice curry.

>> No.7573127


>make curry
>throw it in trash
>go to burger king and get an angry whopper

>> No.7573143

Literally everything is a meme here. Out of all the boards for some reason /ck/ throws it around the most. Meme knives, meme burgers, meme sodas, meme teas, meme chefs, blah blah blah.

>> No.7573153

It's just a weird concept to me. I mean I assumed it was some beef everyone said was super good or something, but god damn.
So what's like, the etiquette here? Like /a/ doesn't give recommendations, /v/ doesn't have fun, do you guys not give recipes? Maybe no mention of calories or something?

>> No.7573160


foodies are already massively pretentious faggots and memers (muh acai berry diet, muh low fat, muh wine and cheese) in mainstream media so it only makes sense that it is amplified with anonymity

and yes.. kobe/wagyu beef is a complete meme. it is illegal to even import kobe beef to the united states but you will find it on restaurant menus for $40/pound where they are just selling shit to faggots who recognize the name

>> No.7573164

So you're all basically just big faggots then? I guess that's reasonable.
Is it illegal in Canada? An ex of mine took me out to a fancy meal and we had a bit of kobe. Torch grilled by sushi chefs or something. It was really fucking good but it might have just been the cooking method then.

>> No.7573172



"Only about 3,000 heads of Kobe cattle are taken to market each year, and Kobe wasn’t exported anywhere until 2012 (and even then, it was to Macau). If you think you’ve had Kobe in Canada, you’re wrong, unless you’re friends with a talented smuggler. But earlier this month, Montreal’s Antonio Park became the first and only Canadian chef to be certified by the Kobe Beef Marketing & Distribution Promotion Association to sell the real stuff"

TLDR: you got fucked

>> No.7573173

Its a strange concept. Awhile back "meme foods" had pretty well established rules. They were fads, just pretentious foods that all of a sudden got very popular with your average yuppies and hipsters. Now /ck/ will unironically call any food or drink a meme. I've seen some absurd shit too, people doing things like calling lemons a meme, or barbeque sauce a meme. If that doesn't make sense its basically /ck/ telling you they don't like the kind of food you are talking about. Like if you post what kind of beer you like in the beer thread someone will certainly call it a meme. It means they don't like it.

>> No.7573180


i don't know lemons are pretty meme. its like babies first time in the kitchen you put lemon slices and scallions on everything and sprinkle some parsley on top for the instagram picture.

>> No.7573183

Welp. She was paying anyway, I later treated her but that was all sushi. Either way it was fucking delicious so whatever.

It's that way on every board these days. I miss when a meme was a joke or line people just sort of passed around a lot. Then that became taboo and now everything is topsy-turvy.

>> No.7573199

Isn't a "foodie" just someone who likes to try different/new foods and recipes with decent quality ingredients?
That's what I've always thought...

>> No.7573216


im all about trying new food, ingredients and methods but if you act like chickentendies are low class an you are to good to eat them i don't want your opinion on food