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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7568620 No.7568620 [Reply] [Original]

If a cook manages to create a remarkable recipe for a restaurant, how does he go about proving he created it, or claim it's his?

Is it even a right one should have in mind in a kitchen, or should one be as obedient and empty headed as possible, providing no value besides workforce until you have your own kitchen?

>> No.7569571

You can't patent a recipe. That's why its eleven herbs and secret spices.

>> No.7569579

If you aren't the restaurant owner you won't make any money off it.

>> No.7569604
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The problem isn't proving that you made it (you could always call it Steak Jenkins or whatever), it's keeping it relevant. Remember, people will come and eat what you make as long as you make a good rendition of it, regardless of whether you made it or not. For example, I live and work in New Orleans, and everyone knows that the Central Market Deli created the muffaletta sandwich, but I can name you at least 8 different places in NOLA and even Baton Rouge that make an infinitely better muffaletta than Central, because they grasped the concept and built on it. And for me it's a wonderful way to go about creating cuisine. Maybe some young gourmand will create and entirely new sandwich that is entirely different from the muffaletta, but sparked his inspiration for it by the old sandwich. In short, it's bad to think of cuisine in terms of intellectual property. It's too fluid and fragile an art to withstand the bureaucracy of a patent. Keep it free market.

>> No.7569612

That's true of most things being stifled by the patent racket.

>> No.7569628

As with any company; tech/food/anything, if you create it while working for said company, they own it. You don't.

>> No.7569645
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>Steak Jenkins
