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File: 329 KB, 1813x1322, vegan-label.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7567473 No.7567473 [Reply] [Original]

Why are vegans the absolutely most insane and weirdest people ever? I see them on videos where they harass hunters with loaded firearms, chasing away the prey and they always preach to everyone about how superiour and moral they are.

if you have a medical condition and beinga vegan helps then fine. But doing it for political or moral reasons are just california tier mongoloid.

>hear about vegan who forces pets to eat the same vegan diet
>has a cat
>cat actually needs meat or fish to survive because of being a true carnivor
>cat being brought in to the vet because acting weird
>cat was fed potatoes, rice milk and pasta only
>why would anyone think that's a good idea.png
>it was weak and almost collapsed when it came into the vets office
>kitten given fluids intravenously to help it stabilize
>being fed meat three days and fluids
>veterinarian asks vegan to consider other pets like guinea pigs because "cats need meat"

>> No.7567476

not a vegan faggot but people shouldn't keep cats or dogs anyway. having to produce meat for them is a waste is bad for the environment.

>> No.7567483

Are you serious nigger?

>> No.7567488

The changes that I experienced were manifold and occurred so quickly and decisively I almost couldn’t believe it. Within one week I was able to stand up without seeing black spots in my eyes, and I was sleeping peacefully through the night. To my relief, my constant stomach pains and bloating completely vanished. Within 2 weeks I noticed my allergies were diminishing, even at a time when all the trees and flowers in our community were beginning to bloom. Also at 2 weeks I no longer needed a sweater just to sit on the couch, my toes and fingers had stopped feeling like perpetual icicles. At 3 weeks I could complete a light 20 minute cardio workout without feeling dizzy or nauseous, something I had been unable to accomplish for months. At 3 weeks I also noticed the most amazing change of all: my depression was diminishing. Days would go by when I wouldn’t succumb to hours of sobbing or listlessness. At 4 weeks I noticed three very strange things: my mysterious lower back pain that had been bothering me for nearly a year had vanished, even though I hadn’t changed my shoes or done any physical therapy; the skin on my face was plump and full and the fine lines that I had figured were just a sign of being nearly 30 had faded so much they were barely discernible, even though I had not changed anything about my skin care routine; and finally, I noticed my hair was thicker, shinier, and much fuller than it had been in years, even though I hadn’t changed anything about my hair care routine.

At 5 weeks I noticed a steady, permanent buzz of energy that carried me throughout the day. I started being able to run errands, work out, and do my writing, all in the same day without needing frequent rest stops. I kept waiting for exhaustion to sneak up on me…but it never once reared its ugly head.

>> No.7567489


>why are vegans the absolutely most insane and weirdest people ever

When you adopt an extreme and unorthodox everyday habit like avoiding animal products you need extreme rationalization.

To them, the rest of the world looks crazy but nobody believes them, which is why they're always so angry and frustrated. It's similar to who cults work.

>> No.7567494

There are extremists everyone. All the vegans I know are fine

>> No.7567507

Tell me about them. I have never met a sane vegan. They are almost always extreme socialists as well which just adds more ass to the asshole-ishness.

>> No.7567511

I lift with one, go to bars with another, and one is a family member. The only time they bring up veganism is when someone else does. The end.

>> No.7567516

I literally can't believe this. Do you eat meat? Do they know you eat meat?

>> No.7567517

They're like atheists in that there's an extremely vocal minority which makes them all look retarded as fuck

>> No.7567523

Ive been vegetarian for a month, but they all have been vegan for at least a couple years.

>> No.7567524

Mind me asking how you went about it? I hear jumping straight into veganism is a recipie for failure.

>> No.7567535

Then you are one of the ingroup in their retarded dietary religion. Of course you will be getting the chill treatment. Your opinion is fucking discarded.

>> No.7567545

I've eaten meat in front of all of them multiple times. They don't care. I went vegetarian due to digestive problems.

>> No.7567563

You are as brainwashed as veganazis. You don't need extreme rationalisation to avoid change your diet you braindead fatass. Veganism generally extends your life, that's rationalisation enough.

>> No.7567565


And there's that classic, irrational vegan rage.

>> No.7567568

Excepting two, every vegan I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with has been absolutely horrible as a person and mind-bogglingly stupid.

And I've never met a truly vegan man (IE one who stays vegan long after college) who wasn't gay. Not. A. One. Make of that what you will.

>> No.7567580

They make themselves look retarded and then dumbasses who cannot resist the urge to generalise assume they are all the same.

It's not the vocal minority's fault it's people being too stupid to realise not everyone belongs to some hivemind ideology, usually because they themselves do.

>> No.7567592


It's more likely that everyone has met at least a few militant vegans retards and simply just hates the term now. I eat meat infrequently for various reasons, but would never go full vegan.

It's the same with feminism and atheism. Most people are feminist and/or atheist, but simply don't identify themselves as such because it's become the norm and isn't even worth thinking about most of the time. Vegetarianism/veganism hasn't gotten to that point, and most likely never will.

>> No.7567607

this, not to mention people think taking your dog out for 20 minutes and then keeping it in your tiny house all day is fine. fucking disgusting. pet owners are the worst

>> No.7567614

>most people are feminist
>most people are atheist
Neither of those is true AT ALL.

Not even in the Western World is either point true.
Stop making shit up, shit-up-maker.

>> No.7567615

i exerienced similar things when i accepted jesus christ our lord and saviour into my heart

>> No.7567617


>it would be better if dogs just didn't exist

"Animal lover" logic, everyone.

>> No.7567619

aww poor little guy gets his manhood threatened

>> No.7567622


Aside from atheism in the American heartland, both are generally true for the Western world.

>> No.7567623

I have, but he was a fucking moron. He was one of those very loud, obnoxious vegans that would whine about being surrounded by carnists, and genuinely believed that humans were naturally vegan.

I have met some chill vegans, but those were few and far between.

>> No.7567633

No it's really not. Most peopel are not fucking feminist just because they think laws should be applied equally to the genders. Being a feminist today is being a communist asshole.

>> No.7567634

i met knew two vegans, first one was a girl that didnt eat animals because tey are cute, second one was just a friend that went vegan for the better part of a year
he asked me if it would be ok for a more evolved alien to eat me to which i answered that i think that anything human and above human should not be eaten then he asked me if an animal was able to think and comunicate like a human it would be ok to eat it to wich i nsaid that i consider humanity to be a title wich recognises evolutionary achivement meaning that anything that is that similar to a human is also a human. He couldnt come up with another question

>> No.7567638

>religiosity doesn't exist in europe, australia, or south america
>feminism has a strong presence in all western nations
Again, neither of these is true. At all.

>> No.7567640

Not a vegan you nigger

>> No.7567641

No but apparently it's all that's on your mind. How's your cock-lock doing?

>> No.7567645


>being a feminist today is being a communist asshole

That's exactly my point.

You only think that because of a vocal minority, mostly online, which most people aren't even aware of.

According to your logic, "being a vegan today is being an irrational, militant asshole".

>> No.7567648


>majority of people
>doesn't exist at all

Way to move the goalposts.

>> No.7567657

No I have interacted with a bunch of feminists. Most of them are cunts who think respecting opposing opinions are optional. They are fascist and think that my freedom of speech ends where their feelings start.

>> No.7567659

Its not a vocal minority in my neighborhood. Try living in any majority liberal area.

>> No.7567660

That anon said he was a vegetarian. Not a vegan.

But then again you are memeing too hard to read posts properly, I suppose.

>> No.7567665

Not at all.
Australia is the most atheistic western nation. 75% of them believe in some sort of god. By contrast, less than 10% of Western Europeans don't believe in some sort of god.

As for feminism, only 15% of western Europeans polled say that women are fit to lead a nation. We can assume that South America, being far more backwater than even the most backwater Western European shithole (IE Greece), has even higher numbers of religiosity and less thought that coincides with gender-based egalitarianism/feminism.

Just because everyone in your liberal haven fits your notion of what the West is doesn't mean that your worldview is even remotely accurate. It simply fucking isn't. Travel some, talk to locals in other Western countries then get back to me.

>> No.7567666

I only know one vegan but she's new to it and I think she does it to hide an eating disorder. She was skinny before but is now even skinnier. Like a bobble head on a pole

>> No.7567668

>extrapolating and assuming this hard

It's like you don't even read what you post before you post it

>> No.7567693


It sounds like you're both still in school.

A decade ago it was different.

>> No.7567696

Not all of them are like that. But sadly, a lot. Some of them just get edgy because they usually get shitty comments.
Source: I am vegan. I feed my cat meat. Because I study biology and I realize how cat's digestion system works. No, I do not preach my morals are superior. I don't say meat eaters are bad people (I used to eat meat lel). I might appear a bit angry sometimes though, because family makes fun of me a lot for 'eating grass' and the old jokes get kinda annoying after hearing them 3493'th time.

>> No.7567703


If you consider Australia a Western nation then it doesn't make sense to include South America.

Obviously the level of poverty and ignorance is going to coincide to an extent with the level of religiosity.

>> No.7567706

Dude pls. I am vegan and I don't see world like that. I just feel good eating like this. Come out of your stereotype box, cause you wouldn't want to wake up closed in somebody's ignorance closet.

>> No.7567711

>having to produce meat for them is a waste is bad for the environment.

Having to produce meat for some basement dwelling NEET is bad for the environment, too.

>> No.7567714

How do you react if somebody tells you they hunt deer in front of you? And they enjoy it.

>> No.7567715


Dogs have become domestic animals through centuries of selective breeding.

The only alternative to not owning dogs is to stop breeding them, or release them into the wild to fend for themselves in an environment they are no longer equipped for to lead short, miserable lives.

>> No.7567719

I't wouldn't bother me. What other people do with their life is none of my business. Also, hunting deer is good to curb the population.

>> No.7567723


>i don't think the rest of the world is crazy, just ignorant
>if only you joined my cult you'd see how good you'd feel!

>> No.7567726

That is an extremely uncommon vegan response to that proposition. You do acknowledge that right?

>> No.7567737

>lol c'mon anon it was just a joke! get a sense of humor why don't you?

>> No.7567750

People probably think that they only know crazy vegans because it's only the crazies who bring it up unprovoked. Most people probably know more vegans than they think they do, it's just that the sane ones know to keep it to themselves unless asked.

>> No.7567751

`Can't you vegans just kill yourselves instead?

>> No.7567773

>implying australia is not the west
Even Samuel Huntingdon, who refuses to acknowledge Hispanic people as Westerners (despite speaking western European languages, following western European relgions and even being /geographically/ in the west) admits that Australia and New Zealand are the west. Were you just pretending to know what you're talking about or something? Feminism and irreligion are not anywhere near as common as your liberal hugbox would have you believe.
The very fact that the majority of the world's major religions disallow female clergy proves both points irrefutably.

>> No.7567774

I don't think so, but seeing as the vegans you heard from are obnoxious about it you probably won't believe me anyway,

>> No.7567793


Western nations not necessarily being geographically in the West, and vice versa, was the point. Maybe maps are different in Australia, like how their pictures appear upside down.

>> No.7567822

... right...
What makes a nation a Western one v any other group is what languages the majority of its population speak, what religions the majority of its population follow and what holidays the majority of its population follow.
Australia, the Americas and Western Europe all speak Western European languages, are majority Catholic or Protestant and all celebrate Christmas on 25th December.
Despite being "orthodox," Greece celebrates Christmas on the 25th, unlike nearly all other Orthodox religions, which celebrate it in January, begrudgingly making it a western nation as well, Huntingdon be damned.

>> No.7567828

>or release them into the wild to fend for themselves in an environment they are no longer equipped for to lead short, miserable lives

Yeah, no. There'd be a good number of dogs equipped to survive in the wild. Highly specialized breeds like English bulldogs would die off quick, but a dog like a labrador or a Jack Russel would likely do just fine.

>> No.7568348

Faggs gonna fagg

>> No.7568378

Vegans are getting even more annoying now that they are part of the social justice movement. It's getting fucking ridiculous on Youtube with videos lobsters being prepared by chefs with trigger warnings about 'EXTREME GRAPHIC VIOLENCE', and they still get downvoted anyway.

Shit on vegans wherever possible if they even show signs like they're going to start their whiny shit.

>> No.7568389

I noticed the same things after I quit alcohol, but I'm back on the bottle now for reasons

>> No.7568404

The worst vegans are those obsessed with not eating food prepared with cookware that has been used on meat.

All of those ones should hang.

>> No.7568426

Did you have some sort of medical condition?

>> No.7568431

Yeah it's called following a vegan diet.

>> No.7568440

Have you ever seen feral dogs? Did they seem like they were thriving?
We should breed fewer dogs and cats and be tougher on abusive and neglectful owners. Setting domesticated animals "free" solves nothing.

>> No.7568458
File: 342 KB, 1334x694, female brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people are feminist
jesus, why are so many reddit tier retards on this board?

>> No.7568461

This trend of whining about vegans is far worse than any vegan preaching you could possibly see

>> No.7568473

do you take vitamin B12 to stave off the inevitable, unrecoverable, illnesses?

In the beginning, B12 deficiency may prompt changes in your mood, such as lack of motivation or feelings of apathy. It can lead to mental fogginess, memory troubles, muscle weakness and -- one of the hallmark signs -- fatigue. Vitamin B12 is fittingly known as the energy vitamin, and your body requires it for a number of vital functions, including energy production, as well as:

Proper digestion, food absorption, iron use, carbohydrate and fat metabolism Healthy nervous system function Promotion of normal nerve growth and development
Help with regulation of the formation of red blood cells Cell formation and longevity Proper circulation
Adrenal hormone production Healthy immune system function Support of female reproductive health and pregnancy
Feelings of well-being and mood regulation Mental clarity, concentration, memory function Physical, emotional and mental energy
Over time, if long-term, chronic B12 deficiency develops it can lead to serious, irreversible conditions including:

Depression Dementia and Alzheimer's Anemia
Neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions Female fertility and childbearing problems Heart disease and cancer

>> No.7568480

The average non-vegetarian stores between 2,000 and 3,000 picograms of B-12 per day.

B-12 helps change homocysteine into methionine.

When this does not happen, homocysteine levels increase, which recent research has associated heart disease and deterioration of the arteries and nerves.

Although many vegan foods are said to have active B-12, few are proving to actually raise B-12 or prevent its loss.

There are a variety of symptoms of B-12 deficiency, which is a danger for vegans and live fooders.

The initial symptoms can include
>low energy, but it can eventually cause
>permanent nerve damage,
>numbness and
>tingling in the hands and feet,
>nervousness, paranoia,
>hyperactive reflexes,
>impaired memory and
>behavioral changes

>> No.7568482


I don't know what people think they mean when they use "reddit" at this point, but if anything, reddit is more representative of "most people" who save images like that on their hard drives.

>> No.7568485


*more representative of "most people" compared to people who save images like that

>> No.7568497
File: 23 KB, 560x630, jakeswaybackburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ex-vegan here, I started eating meat again about a year ago and feel 0 remorse or guilt.


>> No.7568506

Yeah nobody gives a shit

>> No.7568508


Why would you feel remorse or guilt?

You went through a childhood phase and grew out of it.

>> No.7568511

Why did you go vegan in the first place?

>> No.7568517

>I don't know what people think they mean when they use "reddit" at this point
people who think feminism is the deafult, or even slightly defendable are reddit tier

if you knew what reddit tier was, you wouldn't be

>> No.7568520

During highschool I got into PETA and just generally found animals "cute". So naturally it became a conflict to accept that a cute hen/pig/cow had to to murdered in order for me to get a meal. My obsession with the fair treatment of animals and cute pictures of them eventually made me feel disgust and shame.

>> No.7568525

>post fabricated stories so we can feel less insecure about other people and lifestyles we don't understand

You know most vegans don't sit around talking about people who eat meat. You realise what a shitty waste of time this is?

>> No.7568530

More like a teen phase. Although my mom used to encourage me to eat more vegetables and fruits she was never a vegan. It was a self inflicted phase I guess, I don't blame my parents for becoming a vegan.

>> No.7568531

Terrible reasoning. Do you eat monkfish? They look totally unlovable.

>> No.7568535

So you had stupid reasons for becoming a vegan then stopped when you realised how stupid they were. Well fucking done.

>> No.7568537

Nope, I genuinely used to be a vegan and now I'm not. Your butthurt about this won't deter me from posting my experiences.

>> No.7568542

Caring about animals is a good reason for becoming a vegan. I still care about them but I have come to accept some harsh realities of life.

>> No.7568545

Well no but I still care about them. I'm not a PETAfag btw I just don't like people killing animals for fun.

>> No.7568669

Might want to eat some (animal) protein if you already can't spell

>> No.7568679

I live in a state that's not particularly "progressive" and shit like "gluten free, or "vegan" or any of that other shit is going to get your a weird look.

There are plenty of vegans here but they're not as vocal or obnoxious about it because they know nobody is going to join the argument with them.

>> No.7568686

I've never owned a doggo but isn't their population heavily controlled with neutering? Can you certainly say that the amount of meat they consume is higher because humans make them into pets?

>> No.7568771


>I care about animals, they're so cute
If you care so much don't eat them. Pain and suffering is a reality of all life, but if you realise that and then apathetically decide to just join in you are a hypocrite.

>> No.7568790

>But doing it for political or moral reasons are just california tier mongoloid.

Found someone who's never been to California. Sure, there are pockets of vegans here, but the majority of people are NOT vegan or even vegetarian. The hills east of San Francisco are littered with cattle ranches, turkey farms, etc, and there are only 2 vegan restaurants in my general area, both of which are much maligned by people for their boorish attitudes and high prices. Grow the fuck up and stop stereotyping entire states.

>> No.7568794

There are no real limiting factors on pet population except demand for pets. Living with humans also means eating farmed meat which is the our greatest drain on the earth's natural resources.

Dogs in the wild would be limited by prey animals and competition with other dogs, and as predators they actually have a natural conservative effect on an ecosystem. They any one prey species from overpopulating and degrading the plant life.

>> No.7568803

Flyovers are salty about lovely climate and nice trees anon

>> No.7568815

No. The trend should seriously increase in strength and scope. Vegans are religious biblethumpers with regards to food.

>> No.7568846

Veganism is hardly the only reason Californians get typecast as completely fucking pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.7568850

Are veggies grown with manure vegan?

>> No.7568852

>If you care so much don't eat them.
I care but I also accept that we need them for food. Humans were literally designed to survive on animal proteins/vitamins and fat. You can survive on meat, fats, and water alone for years without dying (see Inuit diet). Being a vegan is unhealthy and damaging to your health. I was constantly feeling tired and dumb, despite taking B12 supplements and chowing down as much plant based protein that I could.

>Pain and suffering is a reality of all life, but if you realise that and then apathetically decide to just join in you are a hypocrite.
Yeah animals have to die so we can survive, boo fucking hoo. Of course it still makes me feel somewhat sad but I accept their deaths as a necessary part of life. If I could live on grass alone I would but I fucking can't so I accept my need for animal protein and go on with life.

>> No.7568865

And most of those reasons are fucking stupid and incorrect as well.
I'll admit that LA is a pure shithole, but that's also because it's full of shit tier people from everywhere else. As far as I'm concerned LA could melt into the ocean and I wouldn't give two shits. However, the rest of the state is wonderful, the people are friendly, the scenery is beautiful, the food is glorious, and the climate is perfect (except for the drought we've had for the past several years). Besides LA, the only place I don't care for is the desert, but I've never liked the desert, I'm a mountain and ocean type of person.

>> No.7568885

>geographical retard detected

>> No.7568901

you're still a faggot

cats are cool

>> No.7568918

>warm, dry Mediterranean climate
>not the most desirable place to live
All-round retard detected

>> No.7568921

All vegetables grow in organic waste retard. What do you think soil is made of?

>> No.7568924


>> No.7568928

And, your poop is made up mostly of dead bacteria.


>> No.7568932

>no occasional snow fall

>> No.7568936

is vegan candy safe to eat?

>> No.7568940

There are cooler snowy uplands there too bro. They got the long straw.

>> No.7568942

Carrots are also alive in case no-one told you

>> No.7568947

None of this stuff happens in real life, it's like the "triggered" meme or bronies running around in trenchcoats and fedoras. I've met many vegans and none of them were preachy nor did they try to interfere with anyone else's choices.

4chan has some really weird theories about the real world, it's kind of like reading about what the ancients thought about what was inside the earth or whatever.

>> No.7568974

Yeah, I know, smartass. But I had to use some random vegetable in that sentence to make fun of vegans. LIGHTEN UP.

>> No.7568983

>humans were literally designed to survive on animal proteins/vitamins and fat

They were actually designed to live almost entirely on vegetables, fruits, and starches in general

>you can survive on meats, fats, and water alone for years

And you'd probably feel like absolute shit

>see Inuit diet

The Inuits have different genetics than humans, and they are not necessarily entirely healthy

>being a vegan is unhealthy


>I was constantly feeling tired and dumb

Probably because you are dumb and didn't bother taking the diet seriously, like keeping count of your nutritional intake like most people should do. There are also B12 fortified foods.

>yeah animals have to die so we can survive

Technically yes, but they don't have to die as a result of us eating them

You sound like a complacent little bitch

>> No.7568993

*different genetics than most humans

>> No.7568999

>The Inuits have different genetics than humans,

WOW. No, really. Just....I don't even. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.7569005

It was corrected in the next post. Calm down, autismo.

And yes, they absorb fats and animal proteins differently than certain human populations, just like certain human populations in India with a vegetarian background absorb fatty acids and vegetables differently

>> No.7569020

You're still a moron. All humans have varying slight degrees of genetic differences. That's no excuse for your vegan apologist bullshit. You should have studied harder in college (if you even made it that far) or eat some goddamn meat so your brain gets the amino acids and fat it needs to function, you retard.

>> No.7569026

>They were actually designed to live almost entirely on vegetables, fruits, and starches in general
You're fucking crazy. We literally evolved to eat animal protein you dense motherfucker. Wait are you religious because if you are this conversation is over.

>>you can survive on meats, fats, and water alone for years
>And you'd probably feel like absolute shit
Tell that to the fucking Eskimos living on diets like that their whole lives.

>The Inuits have different genetics than humans, and they are not necessarily entirely healthy
ayy lmao wut?

>>being a vegan is unhealthy
It is, why the fuck did I feel like shit being on a vegan diet then?

>Probably because you are dumb and didn't bother taking the diet seriously, like keeping count of your nutritional intake like most people should do. There are also B12 fortified foods.
I fucking did and I took the recommended amount of B12 supplements for vegans.

>You sound like a complacent little bitch
You sound like a fucking lunatic.

Good god, I'm so fucking relieved I'm not a vegan anymore. I thought I was going to get permanent brain damage or something.

>> No.7569030

>all humans have varying slight degrees of genetic differences

That's not the point you fucking retard. The Inuits have been documented to have actual significantly different ways of processing animal fats

This isn't just the difference between me and you being that I'll register about a hundred points higher on the IQ scale than you.

>that's no excuse for your vegan apologist bullshit

Did I say it was you fucking giant aspie? You didn't even bother to read the other points because you're such a butthurt retard upset that you're a complacent little bitch that can't survive without suckling on animal cock

>> No.7569035

Are you religious?

>> No.7569040

>we literally evolved to animal protein

That doesn't mean we were "designed to" and this doesn't make animal protein healthy you dumb sack of fucking shit

>wait are you religious

No, and I don't see why that would be the slightest bit relevant to your inability to understand human evolution

>tell that to the fucking Eskimos

Like it says in the next post, they have different genetics due to living on those diets for so long that make it easier and more protective for them to eat meat than the average person, aka not you or me you absolute fucking retard

>why the fuck did I feel like shit being on a vegan diet then

Because you're a stupid fuck with zero willpower

>I fucking did

Clearly not since you're being such a whiny little bitch about it and felt tired all the time

>you sound like a fucking lunatic

You are a fucking lunatic. A very stupid one

>I thought I was going to get permanent brain damage or something

No. It's quite simple. You're just a fucking retard from the get go

>> No.7569043

No. Now stop being a fucking retard and looking to wiggle out of this with something stupid and irrelevant so you can look like less of a retard than you already are.

>> No.7569053
File: 8 KB, 265x265, 1455964538638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>why the fuck did I feel like shit being on a vegan diet then
>Because you're a stupid fuck with zero willpower
>>I fucking did
>Clearly not since you're being such a whiny little bitch about it and felt tired all the time
>>you sound like a fucking lunatic
>You are a fucking lunatic. A very stupid one
>>I thought I was going to get permanent brain damage or something
>No. It's quite simple. You're just a fucking retard from the get go

hahaha, almost had me there m8. Ebin trolling my friend.

>> No.7569056


>> No.7569057

Higher IQ? I don't think so. That's obvious by your idiotic posts.
Also, using India as an example only hurts your point even further.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the resident village idiot of /ck/, everyone enjoy his astoundingly stupid posts as he tries to defend veganism!

>> No.7569060


Good argument

Go kill yourself now

>> No.7569061

>buttmad as hell

I bet you're fun at parties.

>> No.7569064

Point out where I was being idiotic

>using India as an example only hurts your points further

How so?

>durrrr hurrr your dumb

Go kill yourself too. You literal lonely aspies have absolutely no counter argument and your stupidity only proves my points about your complacency and inability to actually think


>> No.7569066

not anything vegan but I went vegetarian for a month or two once. At first I felt like shit but eventually actually felt ALOT better. The part that was the best was not having that nasty feeling after eating a big meat meal. My diet consisted of manly lentils, beans, dark greens and sometimes a cheese for the nutritional aspect...as far as vegan...fuck that, completely unhealthy for the body as it sorta needs some sort of b vit

>> No.7569068

let it go he's clearly a troll

see >>7569060

He's baiting hard as fuck now.

>> No.7569071

I am. Usually because I don't hang out with retards like you that go on stupid nonsensical rants about veganism

Even if they did I would provide them with counterpoints in which they would actually listen, worst case scenario you agree to disagree

>> No.7569074


>> No.7569078

>making an argument and providing counterpoints is trolling

It's time to end your life for all the suffering you've caused, not only to the animals but to the intellects of actual human beings

Feel free to actually counter anything I've said

>> No.7569082

You're so upset.

You should probably kill yourself

>> No.7569086
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>My diet consisted of manly lentils, beans, dark greens and sometimes a cheese for the nutritional aspect...as far as vegan...fuck that, completely unhealthy for the body as it sorta needs some sort of b vit
Oh my god so it's true, vegan diets do make you retarded.

>> No.7569091

Oh, you want a counter argument?
You used India as an example of vegetarian/vegan diet. You're talking about a country that has literal poop streets, throws their dead in the same river they bathe in, burns women alive with their dead husbands, cuts the hands and gouges out the eyes of children, eats with one hand and wipes with the other, and rapes girls with rebar to name JUST A FEW of the atrocities. They are NOT a good example of forward thinking culture. You are a fucking uneducated moron, and should remove yourself from this board as soon as possible before things get worse for you, you stupid, stupid, stupid cunt.

>> No.7569092
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>> No.7569095

Clearly, you are delusional. Seek therapy.

>> No.7569096

quit feeding the troll senpai

>> No.7569099

I used certain populations in India as an example of populations that respond differently to certain foods as a result of genetic differences

>They are NOT a good example of a forward thinking culture

I didn't say anything along those lines you absolute fucking retard

Now please go kill yourself and spare the world of your utter stupidity, literally none of what you had to say has anything to do with what I was saying

>> No.7569100

Im not vegan and I like meat, but the meat industry is killing the planet worse than every other industry in the world



>> No.7569102

How about you just kill yourself and we'll call it even

Why are you even still responding? Do you enjoy being berated for being a retard?

>> No.7569104

lmao dude just stop posting now, it's embarrassing (whether you're a troll or not).

>> No.7569105

I've been a level 2 vegan for about 3 years now, I feel healthier than ever but I really do like smell of bacon and I miss eating a good ribeye.

>> No.7569106

I can tell you're absolutely furious right now I'm embarrassing you in the only place that matters in your pathetic life, because you're note even bothering to address anything to what I'm remotely talking about

Kill yourself :)

>> No.7569108
File: 14 KB, 600x600, 4669702i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy are you legitimately mad now?

>> No.7569109

It has EVERYTHING to do with what you were saying, because (and I'll type this in allcaps so your brain can process it better)
I wish I could fucking cuntpunt you through the computer.

>> No.7569113

No. I can tell you are since you keep replying to me when you have absolutely no reason to.

That are you just really like me :)

Figures you're an aspie that watches anime too. Seek therapy

>> No.7569118

India is literally shitty for a plethora of reasons, none of which have anything to do with their diets

The point I was making has absolutely nothing to do with cultures being advanced or anything, the examples about the Inuits doesn't serve any purpose about cultural advancement either

I wonder what your parents think that you're such a spastic retard aspie? Not very proud I'd imagine.

I can only hope you're trolling at this point and I've been baited. Because I can't imagine anyone genuinely being this fucking stupid

>> No.7569122
File: 35 KB, 646x373, steak tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using deflection as a protective device

We can all see right through you, you transparent piece of shit. Go choke on some steak tartare.

>> No.7569127

You probably thought that was clever

It wasn't :)

>> No.7569136

>bringing in the parental defense

Goddamn, you have really raised the bar for vegan stupidity today. I bet you're one of those over-dramatic pieces of shit that pretend to gag when they see steak. I bet even other vegans wish you'd kill yourself.

>> No.7569140
File: 70 KB, 660x330, ourguy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carnists literally cannot justify any of their habits without resorting to cowardly, autistic carnist habits

>> No.7569144
File: 979 KB, 500x500, ground turkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we KNOW you're not clever. In any way possible. You are, as my pic says, grade a ground fucking turkey.

>> No.7569145
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1285385666280.jpg~c200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think you're clever or something? This is worse than arguing about fast food.

>> No.7569146

>parental defense

What are you even talking about? I'm not defending anything. I'm just saying you're parents are disappointed in you

I'm not incorrect. I talked to them myself

>> No.7569153

See, now this is trolling. The other guy is just an idiot with a loud mouth.

>> No.7569154

Wow. You actually thought was clever too


You're fucking pathetic bro

But you're a good guy deep down, just a fucking moron

>> No.7569156

>pretending to be a troll so you can hide the fact that you're just stupid

>> No.7569157

Point out where I'm being idiotic

Try not to mention religion which is completely irrelevant and cultural advancement which has absolutely nothing to do with anything

Your argument is literally semantics over what I said about genetic disposition to absorbing certain foods

>> No.7569158
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I fully agree to be honest. not a vegan here. animals are a fucking convinience to people, and theyre treated like shit most of the time. I'm not surprised slipperysloap groups like peta exists from the way pet owners breed animals into genetic illnesses, and keep lumbering giant dogs because they like them despite the fact that they do nothing but lie down all day because these men and women are old and don't have the energy to take them out for walks and let them roam around in an actual neighborhood which takes training the animal.

Every time I move in to or visit someone with a cat, The cat ends up loving me, because I dont shut it out of the room out of principle, even if I'm busy or doing something. meanwhile my roommates will listen to the cats yowl dispassionately that they want in the room theyre in for fucking hours at a time.

Horse owners regularly abuse their animals, more often out of pervasive misinformation, but also because of self determination "I can do whatever I want it's my X" megalomania. Theyre kept in stalls, have shoes hammered into their legs because its cheaper to buy a new horse, than to keep a ferrier on pay roll, once the hooves get too weak to carry them. The horses in cities live nose to tailpipe, getting all kinds of horrible diseases from the air and the awful living conditions. Derbys do the equivelent of taking a child that just hit 13, feed them nothing but protien drinks, and beat them until they run fast, then when they cant run no more because they've crippled the kid for life by evil fucks who don't care if the horses bone strength has set in yet, they discard them to mexican meat markets as export or theyre bought off from charity.

Honesly the fact that peta attacks animal testers so frequently is almost as hilariously stupid as the stigma against sexual deviancy with animals, both are bad but theyre so fucking outclassed by actual accepted industry that they aren't ever worth mentioning.

>> No.7569160

>im going to extrapolate one thing to make up for the fact I literally cannot debate anything you've said

>> No.7569162

>can't defend himself or his idiotic points
>calls other people a moron

Sure, bro, sure. Actually, thinking about it, I bet you're a girl, which is even worse.

>> No.7569168

I defended my points. You just moved the goalposts to talk about something else that was completely irrelevant

You literally didn't counter anything I said besides genetic predisposition, which again, you proceeded to not actually make any sense about.

>> No.7569169

Who fucking brought up religion, you dumb ass. Does it embarrass you to realize that more than one person in this thread thinks you're fucking retarded?

>> No.7569177

It was brought up the near the beginning

>does it embarrass you

No, it just disappoints me there's multiple subhuman aspie retards such as yourself that filth this world

You are retarded and everybody thinks you are retarded. Like actual people, not just your fellow autism-kin

>> No.7569178

I made perfect sense, you're just too single-minded to see it. You can't think in any direction but your own blind beliefs, which you have NOT made any point about other than different groups of people process foods differently, which is COMMON FUCKING KNOWLEDGE. Goddamn, you're stupid. You've talking around everything so badly, you're barely coherent anymore.

>> No.7569185

>You are retarded and everybody thinks you are retarded. Like actual people, not just your fellow autism-kin

Let's see.....who's more aspie here. The person who believes they actually KNOW what someone's like from posts on 4chan, or the person who is generally countering their idiotic posts. Go take your goddamn meds, dude.

>> No.7569186

>Be me, first time on /ck/
>see this thread

I think you guys are gonna be alright.

>> No.7569188

You didn't make any sense at all you fucking literal retard

You were talking about culture and cultural advancement which has nothing to do with the genetic predispistion I was talking about

It was your stupid fucking ass moving the goalposts to cover up for the fact you're a stupid fuck who doesn't know what he's actually talking about

>which you have NOT made any point about other than different groups of people process foods

Yes I have. Learn to fucking read instead of just foaming at the mouth from your aspie rage, you aspie

>which is common knowledge

Apparently not since one of your fellow intellectually impoverished aspies claimed that human populations could live on meat, fat, and water and referenced the Inuits, when the Inuits are not only not entirely healthy but process meats and fats SPECIFICALLY different than most populations

How fucking hard is this for your stupid ass to comprehend?

Are you just upset I'm still embarrassing you in the only place relevant to your dumb life?

Sorry I'm being logical. I'll stop

>> No.7569191

Oh yes, because literally no one else, including yourself is making rapid generalizations based on posts

Jesus fucking christ, get help you fucking aspie

You haven't even pointed out where I'm being idiotic in my posts, just noting my berating nature, which is very much valid considering I'm dealing with dumb retards like yourself

>> No.7569195

>culture and cultural advancement which has nothing to do with the genetic predispistion I was talking about

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh god....how can anyone be this fucking stupid! Jesus.....please, don't breed. Also, it's spelled P-R-E-D-I-S-P-O-S-I-T-I-O-N

>> No.7569196
File: 13 KB, 277x215, 56537_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, the people in this thread actually attacking the guy for suggest that the entire culture of a different people can owe all of their flaws to the fact that they don't eat meat really are relentless and stupid. how human of you, litterally, you are acting like your species, theres nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to that, unless you don't like the idea of thinking you're all primitive violent and ignorant shit heads who will flail blindly for any reason to percieve themselves ontop, despite the fact that we did a shit ton of awful shit to india, and westerners ate meat and that certainly didn't stop the cholera outbreaks from being completely ignored by a corrupt british government until some of the people in power and had money actually started dying. No sir, no western country surely didn't have loads of shit in the streets that was only cleaned away by an uncaring semi dictatorship council, no vast and enlightened capitalist companies ever dumped raw sewage into the drinking water of the largest city in the world simply because it was cheaper than somewhere safer? what are you even suggesting that white people where ever disgusting and have only improved with time thanks to the enormous amount of wealth stolen from other countries. surely they can do no wrong, even though the disease rampant hellhole that is india is nearly entirely originated in Britain building stagnate canals everywhere and forcing the local population out of the cleaner wells that worked for centuries.

>> No.7569198

ALL your posts have been idiotic. You're talking in self-gratifying circles. You SHOULD be embarrassed.

>> No.7569202

that would be you, see >>7569196

>> No.7569203

Found the Indian.

>> No.7569204

Oh look, you still can't actually counter any of my points

Go kill yourself now, you're wasting my time and the time of your parents

Go ahead and explain whatever correlation or causation you are trying to make

And again, you're still stuck on this idiotic point while not even addressing anything else


>> No.7569206

stormfront pol is that way.

>> No.7569208

Nice argument. I didn't realize I was the one making non-existent correlations about cultural advancement

Please learn to read before you humiliate yourself, again.

>> No.7569210

>comparing pre-20th century lifestyles to 21st century lifestyles in a world economy and the tech age

How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.7569212

Their food does not come from choice or prime grade carcasses. It comes from utility grade or canner, which will always exist as long as animals are kept as livestock. Not every specimen will be considered 100% for human consumption, because not every animals is the same.

Also, many dogs and cats function for more than just display.

>> No.7569213

>again with the parent thing

You must have some serious daddy issues.

>Go ahead and explain whatever correlation or causation you are trying to make

Already did, fucktard. But you're too "muh feelings" blind to see it.

>> No.7569214
File: 997 KB, 500x700, 1370960540781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, you guys are just arguing over nothing at this point. Calm the fuck down. Go play a video game, eat a snack, jerk off, just cut your losses and leave.

>> No.7569216
File: 1.19 MB, 840x1180, 6f685891550aad5304d428a4db9439b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>diur dem indian say bad ting about me, must be dem dum indians
How human of you, repackage any of your beliefs to maintain the cognitive dissonance of a white person not being a retard and acknowledging our failures throughout history, how quaint and human of you. the next step of course would be insisting I'm some other group you are obviously not a part of, as that would further your comfort zone by estabilishing that I'm far different and therefore inferior than you. Hmm maybe something like an aspie, or a retard. yes that would work. go ahead and give it a go then. don't be shy. even I've been known to give it a spin.

>> No.7569222

>absolutely most insane and weirdest people ever?
Have you heard of islamists? They follow a similar path.

Vegans are so brash because they are guided by an ideology, not a dietary preference. Their choices are based in the idea that animals will continue to suffer as long as people consume meat and therefore they should stop them by necessary means. That's why they try so hard to convince you.

>> No.7569228

>How human of you

And you are.....a robot? Or just WISH you were a robot? Oh wait, you probably wish you were a gazelle or a lemur or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.7569229

>>dat stuff we did in the past don't coun't because this country we conquired and left a mess isn't as clean as us who had all their wealth and money!
Sorry buddy, but you don't get to hold yourself so smug for finishing the race first when you've gone and cut off everyone elses legs. Just how stupid are you? surely alot, but I don't quite think thats the problem, see, all of this behavior can more easily be described as you being a normal human dick bag, and the normal human dick bag thing to do is to circle jerk with your head up your ass. you do your ancestors proud.

>> No.7569231

>Already did

No you, didn't actually. Go ahead and point out since I'm too blind with feelings to see

Any point you made about it, I already countered

It has nothing to do with the genetic disposition of absorbing things differently

It has nothing to do with culture. It was only to serve the point that there are different specific populations, populations within India, not even India as a whole that absorb fatty acids and vegetables differently, like how the Inuits absorb meat and animal fat differently

Again, you don't understand or don't want to because you're an actual blind fucking retard with no argument. You don't even have an argument here so you'll just vaguely dismiss what I have to say

>> No.7569235

Maybe once you treat women as good as you treat cattle and don't eviscerate their intestines through their anus and vagina with a pole and your penises, and stop having chefs who don't wash their hands or use toilet paper because of "beliefs" and are so bad that their sauce and spice bottles are stained brown with fecal matter, then we can talk about first world, modern morality.

>> No.7569237

They're not, but when a non-vegan feeds their kid/pet a weird diet it ain't news.

I've been vegan for somewhere along the lines of 7-9 years or so, including college, high school, and after, and I'm pretty hetero. I think you've just been unlucky, because I think all of the vegans I've met have been hetero too. Which is actually a fair number of people.
I think it's more to do with the fact that veganism and left-wingedness tend to go hand in hand, and left-wingedness and homosexuality tend to go hand in hand. I'm a right-winger and hetero, so I don't fit either of those, so go figure I guess.

Fun fact though, my captcha for this was to find the salads.

>> No.7569240

Morality has absolutely nothing to do with the their ability to absorb other foods

India as a whole does not represent the specific populations I specifically mentioned

You're an absolute fucking retard

Go eviscerate your own intestines, PLEASE

>> No.7569243

Ah? so the table is turned? you feel offended as though I am better than you somehow, and have focused even more deeply in yourself, surely to come up with some more creative categories to put me into that further dehumanize me for daring to call attention to our flaws we share equally, but not, of course, equal responsability for. I understand, dealing with the fruit of your misbegotten predjudice is very difficult, so theres no way a selfish creature would so easily decide to bear it without other, in this case nonextant, factors getting in the way. How could one expect you to bear them when for a concieted human being like yourself, even the idea of acknowledging them causes you to burst into a sarcastic cloud of non observation and ignorance?

>> No.7569244

Now you're just randomly ranting. Tell me, if the west is to blame for everything, WHY have there been 20,000 housewife suicides in India in the past year? You want to start playing the blame game? You better put your big boy pants on.

>> No.7569257

Ah how adorable. It's as though you don't realize how westerners treated women for the 100 years. and its as though you don't realize how decrepid the american restaurant industry really is. You are lucky if you see anyone in a restaurant wash their hands after touching raw meat. with indivudlas slicing tomatos and letting them fall against the dirty wall and counter without care. Surely then we should start our talking of first world modernity, because its absolutely obvious from the things the golden coral does with keeping 3 week old rotted food in circulation puts our country and india on even footing.

>> No.7569261

You write like a freshman level philosophy student.
Also, you don't know me, therefore, all your assumptions are invalid, which makes your entire post invalid, since that's all you bother to write - assumptions about a stranger on the internet. You are part of the problem, and have zero solutions.

>> No.7569264

>from veganism to poo in loo and colonial discussion because carnists are retards

Nice job

>> No.7569269

You'd better start posting actual statistics or proof, or GTFO.

>> No.7569271

But you are preaching morality in >>7569196, don't dismiss my points.

And if India is "so different" in every region, why does the IT capital of Bangalore, which is supposed to be in the most developed part of India and have the concentration of the smartest Indians still left in India have a huge caste honor murder issue?

Or this lovely fellow sharing his curry and feces for all of the UK to enjoy

So no, I'm not listening to your semi-coherant rant about how moral vegan cultures are. Oh yeah, wait, you backtracked as said "hurr durr I meant they can't absorb meat lel"

Tell that to an Indian buddy of mine raised vegetarian who adjusted to an omnivore diet just fine. It takes time, you can't just randomly change your diet, it will cause ill effect.

Jesus no wonder India has a brain drain. All the intelligent people realize that for some reason the majority of the population emphasizes all the horrible interpretations of their religions and culture instead of the good, peaceful interpretations.

You can't be what you want to be there, that is awful. And so weird for a religion that can be so peaceful too.

>> No.7569275

Did you even read what you wrote on horses? The behavior you mention is a minority of owners. Horse people are usually crazy about their horses and will do most anything to take care of them. Owners don't have to keep a farrier on pay roll, there are farrier services that come out to your barn.

Shoes are placed on horses that are walking on hard surfaces or otherwise going to be ridden hard enough that without shoes their hooves would wear down to where they're walking on their frog. Most owners don't have and have no need to shoe their horses.

What's your definition of abuse? Because horses HAVE to be kept in line. Instances of disobedience in say, a dog might be ignored or even laughed at sometimes. Disobedience or bad behavior from a 1200 lb horse that stands 15-16 hands can easily turn into a deadly situation if you're loading them on a trailer, in a stall, etc. You're dealing with an animal with a brain the size of a peanut- you've got to make it clear to them who's in charge. Usually be physically and verbal means.

>> No.7569277

I'm going to DISMISS you because you're just a ranting, nazi type vegan shithead. You've made NO points, you haven't furthered your cause at all, and have probably just made more people hate vegans with your moronic posts. If you want to have any kind of rational discussions in the future, you should perhaps sit down and write out your talking points before just opening your gaping maw and letting all that shit flow out.

>> No.7569279
File: 29 KB, 500x375, il_570xN.703382453_m7wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, what a blubbering moron, tell me, what is it like to be so fucking stupid you can't see the forest for the trees? you really do your species proud, why, you exemplify all of humanity, your brutality, ignorance, and swift angry demeanor while jumping to petty conclusions that confirm your own biases about your opponents make it all too clear.

I mean, what possible reason could I have to insult west civilization so much? aren't whites better than everyone? isn't that self evident? clearly that must be the case, because the only way that would not be the case if we must use your tiresome logic, is if some other country and culture was better. I wonder if there was some kind of obvious message in all my "rants" that would give clarity to how high or low of a regard I would hold such a dick measuring contest between _humans_?

by the way, would you like a lick of my salt rock? it's delicious!

>> No.7569283

ITT 2 autists stuck in a trolling loop.

>> No.7569288

I am well aware westerners treated women like crap back in the 1800s.

But to quote that rat-faced bastard
>it's 2016

I'm female. I can walk outside by myself at night if I needed to go to the store. Or run any errand. I don't have to have a male of blood relation or my spouse escort me.

Yes, I could not do this in 1800s America, but this isn't 1800s is it?

Also, I don't know what you're crazy rambling is about the restaurant industry. I worked in the industry, back of house in front of house for Chinese and Koreans.

All had separate boards and knives for prepping meat. One of the places did sushi so they were really anal about taste contamination and actual contamination. All washed their hands. If an unsliced veggie fell on the floor it was washed.

I also worked for a pizza place for a while where I had to prep the salad bar. I never did any of the poor food practices you described. Maybe if they have shitty management and aren't inspected...

Also, the man in the story I linked was in Great Britain, so your point...?

>> No.7569289

Wow, you went to great lengths to avoid actually countering my question. You must be feeling pretty fucking pathetic right now.

>> No.7569290

such high praise! considering I've never taken a class.
It's all basic stuff though, I don't really see why anyone would need a class to put it together.

as for assumptions. I have made no assumptions period. everything I stated was a fact, and the only information it used was previously mentioned historical fact, and yours and the posts that are not yours to which I have replied to, which all paint a clear questioning nature and a heavy list of pathetic assertions that make your opinions bare.

Actions speak louder than your empty words my human friend, perhaps if you don't want people to think you are a generic racist with a penchant for bias and self gratification, you should stop acting so much holier than thou?

>> No.7569294

unclear to me why human level intelligence is the cut-off between stuff getting eaten and not. because everything else is too stupid to object?

>> No.7569302

Adding and emphasizing, I worked for people that were 100% Chinese or Korean or Mexican. NONE of them wiped their ass with their hand or had rotten food as you claimed.

So I don't agree with your statement that whites this or whites that. I just gave examples where people from your same continent with higher population concentration can still manage to have safe restaurant practices.

Latinos trump everyone in the USA when it comes to running a kitchen. At least the Latinos I worked with and for.

>> No.7569303

>They were actually designed to live almost entirely on vegetables, fruits, and starches in general

Cancer Disagrees

>> No.7569304

> everything I stated was a fact,

Sure, INSIDE YOUR OWN MIND. Seriously, being that delusional is a serious mental health issue, you should visit a clinic.

>> No.7569308

I hate to break it to you but the post you are responding to and the post you referenced are not the same people

>> No.7569315

Go kill yourself

Please end your fucking life you absolute worthless piece of shit

You literally have not countered a single thing I have said

Please fucking shoot yourself, please shoot your fat fucking head

You have literally made absolutely no points and have not remotely defended a single thing you have said

Please fucking end it all, kill yourself. You are an absolute fucking retard. You've refuted absolutely nothing

>> No.7569316

So is this just two insane people who ramble battling each other out? huh

No wonder none of this shit made sense. Neither of them make sense.

>> No.7569327

>>Shoes are placed on horses that are walking on hard surfaces or otherwise going to be ridden hard enough that without shoes their hooves would wear down to where they're walking on their frog. Most owners don't have and have no need to shoe their horses.
wrong. you can put boots on your horse if you need to protect their feet. Owners do have to keep a ferrier on pay roll, they are paying them money, its part of their expenses, and they would far rather shoe them and be done with it in cities where they are already badly treated, as I made it already obvious. Most horse people are idiots, and rarely know how a horse even behaves, what needs and requirements they have. and those that do know tend to be increadibly incompetant at conveying that information to others.

hahaha oh wow, listen my friend, its best that you shut up and never talk about horses much if you think verbal commands mean shit to horses. Horses can pick up a few verbal commands, but they are like aides. Horses rarely ever listen to humans and the best you can offer with verbal commands is to take an already trained horse and add verbal reinforcement as a precaution.

Horses are not "dangerous" in the way you think they are, they do not need to be beaten to be trained. they don't need to have you rip their gums and scar them with bits, nor do you need to shoe them and give them spurs and ride them when they are so young you are giving them crippling pain for the rest of their lives.

Horses need to be broken in and it is a full time fucking job you moron. if you read anything about my post you would already realize I was refering largely to the vast vast ammount of people who own animals such as horses and will not put in the time. usually they are on some group farm, and are put in stalls for half the day at best because its easy for the people working there when the horses real owner isn't around. Horses are not idiots, they are smart animals. <c>

>> No.7569331

Look at all that ASSMAD.
You can't even pull a coherent post together anymore. Like I said before, you might want to sit down and write out your talking points, since your lack of amino acids, fats, and proteins is causing your brain to malfunction. Anemia could be to blame as well, so you should get checked out.

>> No.7569334

It's funny you bring this up considering this is literally the exact population groups in India I was talking about that this literal retard going on about India being a shithole cannot remotely comprehend

That study conducted was on population groups with a certain genetic disposition that may or may not have been as a result of their very very long term vegetarian diets which makes their absorption of fatty acids far more different and drastic than the average human population group

In short, those population groups should focus on avoiding oils and certain foods which will raise those fatty acid levels

>> No.7569340

How about you sit down and go fucking kill yourself

You continue to waste everyone's time here and everyone's oxygen

All your dumb rambling has reverted to pure denial and avoidance of the issue

Go fucking kill yourself or actually explain where I'm wrong. Either way I recommend you do your very maligned parents a favor and fucking kill yourself

>> No.7569342

So, you AGREE that extreme diets (of which veganism is one) have a direct negative effect on people with varying genetic makeups? Hey, thanks for making my point for me.

>> No.7569346

The real danger is in anthropomorphisizing them. Horses treat humans, for the most part, as a horses when they are trained to interact with them safely. and this means you must spend a lot of time and care with the animal to make sure that it both obeys you, and so that you can learn how it thinks.

You on the other hand have instantly dismissed the animal as a peanut brained dangerous loaded canon that needs to be beaten since it can't be trusted. Horses need to be kept in control the way a lead horse would keep them in control, they need to be in a herd, and they need to be understood to train them efficiently and properly, and without abuse.

I said 100 years for a reason you idiot, and your cherry picking is fantastically retarded as well, given that you bet your ass there are places in india that are as spotless as you claim. I have worked in the restaurant industry since I was 14, I am 27 now. I am well aware of how many of these operations run their buisness, and many of them openly agree with me. try reading kitchen confidential sometime.
I didn't actually, I basically told you the answer, the only one who's going through great lengths to do anything is you, and thats to shut your hears and scream so you don't learn anything that could possibly wouldn'd de-humanize your opponent.

>> No.7569349

>so you agree that veganism has a direct negative effect on people with varying genetic makeups

That's literally not even close to what I said nor remotely what was implied by the studies. You need to learn how to read instead of stuffing your disgusting fat face

>> No.7569354

What issue? That you're a rambling retard, who can't say anything other "kill yourself"? So fucking typical of a vegan; SAVE THE COWS BUT KILL YOURSELF!!!! You first, sweetheart.

>> No.7569360

wow, you just keep projecting don't you?
what a fucking moron, I suggest you read up here. I don't really have time to deal with a girl who can't rise above the stereotype and learn to read on a grade school level.
here's the context encase you missed it: why do I think the west/whites are to blame for everything? I'm sure even a horse could figure this one out.

>> No.7569363

The issue that you literally cannot refute a single thing that I have said. That you have not even bothered to reiterate your nonsensical points

You should kill yourself because you're the equivalent of the gunk in between your gigantic fat rolls

>> No.7569366

>I basically told you the answer,
No, you didn't, that "answer" is common knowledge to everyone except you, apparently. You're just an underage aspie who can't adapt to society so you have differentiate yourself by calling everyone "humans" versus whatever the fuck you think you are.

>> No.7569374

I'm afraid since you are the one eager to insist everything in life can be boiled down to the fact that you eat meat, and your idiot opponents cant even brain because they don't eat meat, you would be the one who would need to get your health checked out. obviously for rock hard endorcyne systems but mostly the reason you need it is a mental health professor to join forces with a history professor and explain how retarded and chouvanistic you are for reducing a complex issue with hundreds of factors into something that you can wank about on a cooking forum and feel the smug post orgasmic bliss of being better than other people

>> No.7569378

So, the parental insults didn't work so now you're going to try the old "you're fat" route? Damn, you reek of desperation.

>> No.7569379

>>youre just an underage aspie who cant adapt to society
oh, oh ,look at this everyone, hes finally going with his root instinct and just making up categories to further distance himself from me. bit late I must admit, but you finally showed us just how simple and pathetic you really are.

the answer is common knowledge actually, it's just not very polite conversation, nor really is anything that doesn't kneel under the table and give head to the supremicy of the specific kind of human to recieve it.

>> No.7569387

I'm apparently not incorrect about either since you're getting so touchy about it still

Regardless it still doesn't detract from the fact you continue to not refute ANYTHING or explain ANYTHING you've been saying

Which is I why I've come to the logical conclusion you should end your worthless pathetic life

Feel free to prove me otherwise

Oh that's right, you can't. Because you're a stupid little kiddie aspie

Please kill yourself, for me at least?

>> No.7569388

>You on the other hand have instantly dismissed the animal as a peanut brained dangerous loaded canon that needs to be beaten since it can't be trusted
No, that's not what I said. It's obvious you haven't worked with horses, or been in a stall when a quarter horse decides he's going to get spooky on you. It IS about domination, but sometimes it HAS to get physical. Horses also challenge the lead horse, and you've got to meet that challenge and put it to rest immediately.

It's the same way I treat my dog. She knows I'm the alpha. Any human in general, but especially me. I don't hit her. I don't even have to force her to the ground all the time, hell I don't even have to speak sometimes. But when she screws up I let her know by forcing her head down and changing my tone of voice. The same way an alpha dog might force a lower dog to the ground and growl.

>> No.7569392

The words you were searching for is ENDOCRINE and CHAUVINISTIC.

> reducing a complex issue with hundreds of factors into something that you can wank about on a cooking forum and feel the smug post orgasmic bliss of being better than other people
My my, how wonderfully un-self aware you are. That's precisely what YOU are doing. As I said, visit a clinic. You seem to have some serious psychological issues.

>> No.7569399

>Yes, I could not do this in 1800s America, but this isn't 1800s is it?
You can not do this in 2016 Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. More or Less.

>> No.7569402

Honey, you're the touchy one, since you continue to scream "kill yourself" like a flailing 12 year old who didn't win the good boy award. I've already proved my points, as I mentioned before, and you continue to rail and scream like a petulant child (like most vegans) because your sad little belief system has been proven unworthy of anyone's time. You should just stop posting, you're making a huge ass of yourself.

>> No.7569413

>No, that's not what I said. It's obvious you haven't worked with horses, or been in a stall when a quarter horse decides he's going to get spooky on you.
oh look, found the problem. How about you don't stall them you retard? theres almost never a reason to stall your horse unless there is some kind of emergency involved, Ever. It teaches them bad habits galore, and prevents them from being social, which will increase the ammount of times they will spook by the way.

See this is what i mean, you are an absolute retard who doesn't know anything about horses, but you insist you know and that I'm the idiot when all I'm doing is ramming facts in your head. to be honest, lecturing you will be fun but ultimately pointless, I started out hostile becuase I wasn't going to teach people about how to treat horses, just explain how retarded humans are at dealing with animals. And thats no way to teach humans, theyre selfish, egotistical and self satisifed, they hate learning from assholes who belittle them.

Never the less I wont let ignorance go unchallenged even if I have a better chance of convincing a gnat to paint a pinhead white than you how horses work.

First of all, horses spook, the only way to get them to not spook, its to be in charge, and to sack them out. sacking out takes a lot of work, so if you are in a stall, and your horse is spooking out, its obvious that you have done far too little work sacking them out. Horses hate stalls. they are poison to their mind, and they are enclosed spaces where they feel trapped with the potential for danger. You must sack them out to a stall like any other thing and you must do so not by muscling it and hitting it and "Getting physical' as it were (you retard) but by feeding it, cleaning it, and otherwise doing normal tasks in a stall, so it internalizes the idea that nothing is wrong about the stall. You should be teaching your horse to walk calmly into just about any enclosed space. <c>

>> No.7569417

No, thats what you've been doing, constantly insisting that india is a shit hole becuase the people there don't eat meat and are therefore too stupid to help themselves, like any vegan. Lying so soon in a thread is obvious. don't be a retard, I know it must be so hard, but try?

>> No.7569418

Im simply telling you to kill yourself because you should

You havent explained anything or refuted anything. You went in on this incomprehensible rant about culture with someone else. That you continued to not explain the relevance of to my points about food absorption

You'll continue to because you're an actual child with Asperger's completely incapable of semi-logical argument or reasoning. I ask you for something and you don't provide it as well as go on about total nonsense and then continue to take thos actual sense of superiority over your autism and complete fucking stupidity

This is why you need and will kill yourself. You are incapable of escaping your own delusions

>> No.7569425

The thing not to do is leave them in it for 8-12 hours or even longer on a regular basis. Horses challenge the lead horse, and they do get "physical" but they do not need to be beaten, they need to be pushed. Horses don't respond well to pain, they respond animalistically, they respond a thousand times better when they are at the height of their cognitive abilities, and that means putting pressure on them, moving them, making them uncomfortable, and making sure they can't rest until they give respect.

>> No.7569432

Sorry to disappoint you my moronic ally, but this guy is unfortunately not showing any such symptoms of assburgers, unfortunately they have a much more dire affliction; Humanity. See, the real issue is that humans think they are above these kinds of delusions. which makes it ever so more likely that they will inevitably fall prey to them. I mean, why would anyone give thousands of hard earned money to a cult becuase they said it would help remove aliens that attached themselves to you and are making you ineffectual.

>> No.7569436

I NEVER said that India was a shithole BECAUSE they don't eat meat. I correlated the fact that vegans love to use the vegetarian Indian diet as an example, when it makes them look ferociously stupid since Indian vegetarianism is based on not only religion (which most vegans don't believe in themselves), but also on their base agricultural system, while the culture is still so ass-backwards that they might as well be living in the 1800s, 1700s, 1600s, which is just desperately insane in today's world considering their rise in other areas like technology. Vegans like to promote themselves as being of higher intellect and morality, while they quote some of the worst offenders of those qualities in the world. It's fucking stupid, and so are you.

>> No.7569448

>kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself

Your so-called point about food absorption is fucking 8th grade science, and the fact that you can't correlate diet and culture just makes you seem functionally retarded (which you must be, since your vegan). But, you know, keep trying, maybe those two brain cells you have left will start rubbing together and make a spark soon.

>> No.7569471

>is fucking 8th grade science

Apparently it isn't since you still don't fucking understand the original point

Some retard, like you, was making a point about how we could emulate the Inuit diet, like I already fucking said you literal aspie, I pointed out how the Inuits are DRASTICALLY different genetically when it comes to the absorption of meat and fats

Then I brought up specific populations within India, not India as a whole that had a similar thing involving fatty acids which was referenced in this thread

You continued to ignore this and not refute anything and continue to not correlate anything because you're an actual fucking retard

If it's so simple. Explain how veganism inherently correlates to India's current state. That's right you can't because you're a dumb fucking aspie who should end his worthless fucking pathetic life. You waste my time and you waste everyone's time you talk to with your absolute stupidity

>> No.7569473

No, see, you very much did, about 5 times in fact. You make illusions to it constantly. See, you keep saying this shit, about how vegans love to use the vegetarian indian diet as an example of a vegan diet that works, IE, the people there eat no meat and yet they remain healthy from the food they eat (culture of course, not withstanding, there is nothing nutritionally wrong about the diet compared to the west). Now, the only reason you could have a problem with this fact, and have a need to spout irrelevant shit about how awful india is, is if you where either so stupid you thought this had anything to do with whether or not their diet actually works (which would make you a moron or a racist), or you're pretending to be retarded on the internet, in which case anything you say is moot anyway.

Indians have survived on a diet lacking meat. they do so without much nutritional problem (well, this isn't 100% true, but it may as well be for our purposes) Therefore, whatever problems you _share_ with fellow human being self entitled bullshit conflicting with yours, has no bearing on weather or not they are right that you can be healthy as a vegan, when you continue to insist that you cannot.

>> No.7569483

See >>7569436 you moron. I'm done with you. You win zero points, and fail as not only a vegan, but as functioning member of society.

>> No.7569490

see >>7569473
you quitter. I answered your question, ignoring it to face the retard proping up what appears to be strawmen if it werent their actual arguement at this point, only emphasizes that you are a coward who's only interest is in "defeating" a cardboard cut out than something that actually challenges your opinion.

>> No.7569495

Survival is not the only goal, robot-anon. Evolution is the goal. Survival simply means you don't die from lack of the basic necessities. Which OH WAIT, people in India do every day. And no, I'm not a racist, but I couldn't give two shit whether you think I am or not.

>> No.7569501

Go to bed, you're drunk.

>> No.7569504

You're done with me because you're a fucking retard who realizes he has no actual points, nothing in that posts correlates anything to anything you're saying. You're a fucking retard who doesn't even realize the words that are in your posts. You continue to move the goalposts as your original point had to do with India and shit which you continue to not actually substantially correlate or show cause

Why's that? You're a fucking dumbass incapable of single rational, intelligible thought

You continue to explain nothing because you are nothing, a worthless piece of shit

End your fucking life already

Go fucking kill yourself you waste of fucking oxygen

>> No.7569507

>>evolution is the goal.
then I'm afraid you fall under the context of the other half of that statement, you are a moron. a retard who doesn't understand how evolution works. what really needs to evolve, is your pitiful hostility, self gratified chauvinism, holier than thou attitude. That is the real cancer killing humanity, not "lol u don't ate meet like me do! u inferior evolutionlololo"

>> No.7569510

see >>7569507
retard. the only alcohol i drink goes in my food.

>> No.7569511

You didn't answer anything. You just restated your moronic point without showing any reason behind it. You're restating and continuing to spew shit out of your mouth that flows throughout your fat fucking head

>> No.7569512

Yay! More "kill yourself kill yourself"
Is that something that you chant in the night while you lay crying in bed in the fetal position?

Also, I've made my point several times now, and you're just too fucking drunk, stupid, whatever to read it. You're stuck in your own loop. Frankly, you're just sad.

>> No.7569513

No their population is not controlled in the slightest. That is precisely where there are hundreds of dogs in every county that have to be killed off.

>> No.7569516

You're inferior because you're an absolute fucking retard actually arguing about nothing at this point

You're taking a holier than thou attitude for being ignorant and moronic

>> No.7569520

Your point continues to have absolutely nothing to support it. Making a claim does not mean you are excluded from having to support it. Everything you are saying is completely irrelevant.

Obviously me telling to kill yourself is starting to get to you, so I'll tell you again so in hopes you do humanity a favor and actually do it

>> No.7569522

Funnily enough, I DO understand how evolution works, and you are failing to be a part of it. Part of vegans insufferable stupidity is their lack of understanding anything beyond their own belief system. Which, is hilarious because they don't believe in "religion", but they've made their own dietary habit INTO a religion. It's laughable, but in a sad, pathetic way.

>> No.7569527

And how much alcohol have you eaten tonight? Sounds like quite a bit.

>> No.7569530

Then you should realize natural selection at this point is pointing towards you to fucking off yourself

>> No.7569533

>Your point continues to have absolutely nothing to support it.
Sure, nothing other than facts and science. Moron.

>> No.7569536

Sorry, you don't understand what natural selection means, either.

>> No.7569537
File: 346 KB, 1200x900, 1454641459616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No moron, assessing your own flaws and acknowledging them is not a holier than thou thing to do. it is a humbling thing to do. infact, it often is irrelevant for how little it means to know in terms of how it affects behavior, though it does help enough that you are the only person being foolish here.

See, I call you a retard a lot. It must get so confusing for a simpleminded idiot like yourself, so let me heighten the transparency, see, when you call me a retard. you are doing so to distance yourself from me, and wank off to how much better you are then yourself. I on the other hand view your behavior as typical, basically omnipresent in the human exist. Every time I call you a retard I'm calling every human a retard. you aren't special, much as you like to think you are, and people who talk down to you such as I don't do so because we're actually above you but because you refuse to acknowledge that you are not standing up, and should do so. You are just as tall as you think I am saying I am, and I am just as short as you think I am saying you are.

Human beings have these problems. you have done nothing but pretend they don't exist for attention and the desire to shit on a group of people you are in a dick measuring contest with. That is moronic, it is your own fault, and it all started when you where born a human.

>> No.7569539

>feeds cat milk
>vegan diet

>> No.7569544

Indeed, it is laughable, just as you've made your own insignificant and petty attempts to jurry rig evolution into a self gratification system for you, just like the social darwinists have done, while simultaniously doing no credit to the source material and ignoring it almost entirely in the effort to be holider than thou. You know nothing of evolution, you have proven that on your insistence that eating meat is a way to evolve. Even epigeneitcs doesn't support this.

>> No.7569547

Show me the facts and science that not only show your point about the vegetarian diet shitting up India are not only true but have anything to do with the original point about the Inuit diet and certain groups having genetic differences that allow them to absorb meat differently

That's right, you can't. You're a worthless human being who's arguing for his continuously withering pride

I'm calling you a retard because you're a retard. If you're offended by this, you should probably go fucking kill yourself

>> No.7569549

about 0cc.
saying something is a fact and science doesn't make it one. neither does attaching the word meat to evolution make it something that evolves you into a stronger being either immediately or over generations.

>> No.7569550

1. You're talking to more than one person, get your shit straight.

2. All your spelling errors point to someone who is either inebriated, ignorant, or NOT human. GET OFF THE COMPUTER CUDDLES, CATS WILL NEVER RULE THE WORLD.

>> No.7569551

>I can't read

>> No.7569555

no moron, you should probably kill yourself, not because you're a retard, that would lead to a global human extinction, no the reason is because you are insisting anyone who doesn't agree with you must necissarily be physically and mentally derranged, when science and psychology has made it obvious almost all of these people are absolutely normal, and treating them as anything but an example of hum drum humanity is a recipe for more invitations to the funny farm to be mailed.

>> No.7569561

I'm not saying anyone who disagrees with me is damaged at all

I'm saying you're quite clearly damaged and worthless

I made that distinction multiple times. This is you attempting to cope and compensate with your hurt pride

>> No.7569562

oh my how flattering, I assure you though, as a human being, I'm just as stupid as you, laziness is quite a common human trait, especially when under pressure, so I'm sure deep down if you are so great as you thought you were, even you would have to admit that it's not all that surprising that I am refusing to take the effort to correct my spelling habbits because of it. If not, well, I'm afraid you're the inebriated one.

>> No.7569566

I guess I don't since you haven't killed yourself yet

>> No.7569570

actually you've made it almost zero times to me, which is why i'm addressing you at this point. your conviction that indian diets aren't the cause of india being a shit hole makes that pretty clear. you are so angry and stupid you've went and accused me of it. by extention of course, that you are saying you've been calling me a retard for quite some time, when you factually have not. It's not healthy for you to assume someone you are arguing with is the same person at all times, or even that they are against your position. But I understand, your mental deficiencies have crippled you beyond all reason. such is humanity.

>> No.7569574

Oh god, you just keep it going with the stupidity.
And your fucking grammar is cringe worthy. You really have no actual grasp of anything you're talking about. Are you just googling things while you post in your effort to sound intelligent in any way? Because it's not working. Meat was integral to our evolution, as was organized agriculture, as well as any number of inventions throughout history. Veganism is a first world problem, and it's only correlation to our base agricultural system is that people can afford to be picky and choosy about what they want to eat. Would a vegan starve themselves if they were lost in a barren wilderness with only animals and dirt for sustenance? Not a fucking chance in hell. They would rip an animal to shreds to survive. In a jungle/rain forest environment, they could survive on plants instead. Again, this is pure SURVIVAL mode. Modern vegans aren't concerned with surviving or evolving, they are only concerned about their personal belief system, which makes them incredibly self absorbed and dimwitted.

>> No.7569582

>Meat _was_ integral to our evolution,
and you have invalidated your own point for me. thankyou. it saves me the time. no by the way, I haven't done so much as used google for anything but to get that nifty death picture, boating across the river in london. You're doing a great job proving you don't know anything about evolution without my help really.

>> No.7569583

Already did, either learn some reading comprehension or go to bed, you drunk, pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.7569584

>your conviction that indian diets aren't the cause of india being a shit hole makes that pretty clear

Oh wow, that's a staggering argument right there. One that continues to be unsupported and completely ignorant of any original point I had already made. One that you continue to attempt to grasp some actual moral high ground on for some inane reason

I call you a retard because you are one. I'm sorry you are still incapable of escaping your own delusions because of your retardation. But there's a solution

>> No.7569597

>>One that continues to be unsupported and completely ignorant of any original point I had already made
indeed, it is not supported by anything despite its long presence in this conversation. unfortunately for you, your inability to read when absolutely furious is making you come off as even more retarded than I could imagine, because your entire first statement is completely juxtaposed to the one you quoted on every logical level. It's quite the non sequiter. tell me, would you also tell someone who said cheese was awesome "how dare you!? I love cheese, i'll kill you for insulting cheese"

>> No.7569598

>meat was integral to our evolution

That's not proven at all. Cooked food or even simply being able to walk upright are far more supported theories

You're also completely ignorant of meat eating cultures around the world that are verifiable shitholes, you ignore meat eating retards such as yourself that are completely and utterly worthless

>would a vegan starve themselves if they were lost in barren wilderness etc.

You wouldn't survive on eating animals also, that's a moronic point that only continues to prove your utter stupidity.

>modern vegans aren't concerned with surviving or evolving

This is unbelievable. You are actually fucking deluded. Help human evolution and fucking kill yourself already

>> No.7569600

actually retard, it's me you're calling drunk. not them. I'm starting to believe I'm the only one who is able to keep both of you idiots straight from eachother. which is ironic considering how drunk you are trying to imply I am.

>> No.7569606

>I read Kitchen Confidential
Seriously? That is your excuse?

Because Bourdain still washed his hands after doing a line of coke when he returned to the canapes. He didn't have bottles of spices that had brown stains on it from literal shit.

It was about how greedy corporatism, racism, and drugs are rife in many American restaurants.

I worked in restaurants for about a decade too before I actually figured out what I wanted to do with my life.

>openly agree with me
On what? You're crazed rambling has proven nothing, and the scarce sources you site do nothing to support your claims.

Also, it is painfully clear you've never been around horses or livestock in general for a long period of time.

>> No.7569611

You were the one who brought up women. I did not.

>> No.7569613

The fact that meat WAS integral to our evolution is just as valid a point as any. Our brains (in case you didn't know) are made mostly of fat. It thrives on it, but it doesn't thrive on just any fat. And, in order for our brains to stay healthy and continue to evolve in the future, we need proteins and fats from meat. It doesn't need to be hideously factory farmed meat, but meat nonetheless. We ARE omnivores. The fact that you can accept all the other human failings (as your posts have noted) but not that particular one, points to your own soft spot. I'm sorry you can't accept we're omnivores, but it's a scientific fact. That's YOUR problem, not the rest of the world's.

>> No.7569616

Point out where then. I'll wait. Oh that's right again. You didn't

Now go kill yourself.

You just contradicted yourself

And you're going to have to point out where my reading has been an issue. Because your drunken rants are totally nonsensical

>its quite the non sequitir

It actually isn't. It has to do with the beginning of the actual discussion you were clearly not a part of

>> No.7569617

>>That's not proven at all. Cooked food or even simply being able to walk upright are far more supported theories
unfortunately you are absolutely wrong. that guy may be a moron who somehow thinks the dated past of meat eating will somehow continue to positively affect our lives into the present, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a moronic history denier. and you also prove time and again that you dont understand how evolution works. him killing himself will not make it less likely that retards like him wont be born in the future. you are both excellent example that normal every day humans really are just this stupid without any other contributing factors like mental degeneracy. the only way around this issue is to acknolwedge it instead of masturbating to how right you are.

>> No.7569619

>You wouldn't survive on eating animals
And how's that work? Please prove your point. (and no, I'll not accept rabbit starvation).

>> No.7569621

>He believes predator and prey animals have the same mentality.

I don't agree with the cowfucker and I don't agree with you either. Caesar Milan is a hack, it has been proven by pretty much every trainer.

There is no pack mentality in equines.

>> No.7569623

Also cheese isn't a living thing you dumbass. It is however extracted in most cases incredibly cruelly and it not healthy

I am not as militant as I seem here because I usually don't encounter people as dumb as you or the other retard I'm talking to. They aren't so militant about their idiotic lifestyle

>> No.7569627

>>Oh woe is me, I'd have to actually provide some arguemetns to refute these facts about horses, better just call him a moron.
how human of you, but no, the drugs, the racism the corporatism. oh my, surely among those things, there has never been a rife problem with clendliness in food in the west, surely! how retarded, its unfortunate that most will see how stupid you are and blame it on your boobs rather than the obvious culprit, how much of a flawed stupid human you are.

Restaurants are dirty, and little care has been taken in that journey. I can't help but wonder if you've even read kitchen confidential. perhaps you have modified your own memories selectively ignoring the outrageous unsanitary things that happened in that book.

>> No.7569629

>unfortunately you are absolutely wrong

Unfortunately that is not rong at all

>you're a moronic history denier

I am not denying anything. There is no clear link that humans evolved because they ate meat. You don't understand how evolution works if you actually think that it is

>durrrr hurrr humans

Shut the fuck up. You are getting to be as absolutely moronic as him. You're a drunk retard incapable of reading comprehension and are literally flip flopping from point to point

You're as pretentious as you claim me to be funnily enough

Meat on it's own will not solely give you everything you need.

>> No.7569631

that is not an answer to the question I asked you darling, and no, you where the one who brought up your gender, remember?
>I'm female. I can walk
Oh if i could only pinch your stupid cheeks. the ones on your face of course.

>> No.7569632

Your posts are worthless because you distance yourself from actual engagement so much that you appear deluded and even psychotic.

And your posts are worthless because you just keep vomiting up the same shit over and over and take things other people have said and regurgitate those too, like a two year old who's just learned their first curse word.

>> No.7569634

>You're should be your
Fuck me

>> No.7569637

Are you an anthropomorphic monkey or something? Your ignorance towards human nature is quite astounding

Your disingenuous assumptions about human nature ironically support your claim but ultimately not enough to overcome the fact you're a dumb fedora tipping edgelord

>> No.7569639

>Meat on it's own will not solely give you everything you need.
No, and neither will just plants.
But both will allow "survival". Basically anyone who is eating a majority diet of just one or the other is purely living in survival mode, not THRIVING.

>> No.7569640

>>I am not denying anything. There is no clear link that humans evolved because they ate meat. You don't understand how evolution works if you actually think that it is
there is a clear link. unfortunately for you. its a hilariously simple one too. Brains are calorically expensive, and humans evolved in a place where there was fierce competition for food, so their ability to eat meat and gain sustinance from anywhere, especially a calorically dense sustanence like meat, was invaluable. so much so that they couldn't live without it without a highly specialized jungle diet, which was under fierce pressure from all the grasses that came in and burned down jungle.

welcome to human evolutionary history 101, humans had to eat meat, and it was a very large part of their evolutionary advantage against the natural selection of starvation and death.

>> No.7569641

Your posts are worthless because there is nothing of worth in them

You ignored every single point and blatant linguistic cue in every post I've had and not supported anything you've said.

>> No.7569644

This may be the dumbest post you've typed yet. Reread what you wrote. SLOWLY.

>> No.7569646

Not even her but fuck, sexism is alive in India.

Please point out the passages where Bourdain was talking about. Dropping veggies on the floor and leaving meat out for a few hours is not the same as having shit stains on the walls in the kitchen.

>> No.7569648

>Your posts are worthless because you distance yourself from actual engagement so much that you appear deluded and even psychotic.
this statment is honestly incomprehensible and meaningless to the arguement. Every post I've made was on point for the topic. the only thing you could make here is that I show less emotion, but even I have to say I've been rather hostile and aggressive in almost any statment I make, even if I apply the insults to myself as well, so you basically have done nothing but shat out a steaming lie on the ground and said "thats how dumb u r"

>> No.7569650

whatever there are normal vegans too. You just don't hear about them cause they aren't so loud about it

>> No.7569656

Like I said, deluded and possibly psychotic.

>> No.7569660

>>Are you an anthropomorphic monkey or something? Your ignorance towards human nature is quite astounding
your ignorance is far to large to be discussing anything if you have any question on what my species is by this point. everything I said about humanity is true. income the fedora tipping edge lord. the last bastion of defense for the self gratifying human, oh you're just a social vagrant who does social vagrant things, how can you not suck humanities dick and talk about how great and special and the center of the universe we are? preferably my (insert race/demographic here) dick! not those (degenerate demographic here)'s filthy inferior dicks.

>> No.7569662

Your scenario is an extreme very specific one that doesn't have to do with what even the average prehistoric humans dealt with

That is irrelevant to the fact we can viably live on a vegan diet today

CAPITALIZING your words doesn't make anything you say more meaningful. It's still all retarded gibberish and your criticism of my post that criticized you means absolutely nothing

>there is a clear link

There really isn't, because otherwise this wouldn't even be a discussion.

None of what you said correlates to humans eating meat leading to their evolution

Welcome to 4chan level discourse

>> No.7569667

>everything I said about humanity is true

That's hilarious. You were criticizing me for overwhelming convictions while making an actual pretentious ignorant conviction there

Nothing I am saying is talking about "sucking humanity's dick" you fucking weirdo

It's about not being a total fucking retard like you that seems to think human nature is inherently destructive and evil

You're getting worse than the other retard I'm arguing with, at least he's intentionally being obtuse and overcompensating for something

You're just very very stupid

>> No.7569670

you probably weren't paying much attention to the stories of banging in the dry good section, using bad food, and the crazy as fuck shit they did on and to the food while in the line, its a little bit everywhere, but the grittiest stuff comes from the stories of their own restaurant.

as for sexism being alive in India, I suggest reading a bit more carefully before even inadvertently inferring I was saying otherwise during a heated "debate"

>> No.7569675

ooh, digging even deeper to how much worse and different and inferior I am to you eh?' psychotic eh?
tell me retard. if I was psychotic why don't you find me exhilarating and my words persuasive? theyre quite the masters of that you know.

>> No.7569678

Because you're just a stupid and witless psychopath, you didn't inherit the charismatic parts of it

>> No.7569679

Not everyone CAN (I capitalized that just for you, sweetheart) viably live on a vegan diet today. That's awfully presumptuous of you. But then, you're chock full of presumptions, not facts.

>> No.7569680

Do you think they stay in the stall all day? They go out during the day and come back to the stall at night. You'd have to be a complete moron to leave your horse in the stall all day long.

>> No.7569681

>>There really isn't, because otherwise this wouldn't even be a discussion.
maybe you missed the fact that you are part of a species who value self gratification over everything then, because this conversation does happen, it happens in many different forms, people confront facts, and they deny them.

Everything I said provides a causal link, not a corrolation. humans couldn't have evolved without meat and it was the cause of their evolution because most apes that did not died out, mostly because as I already stated, the diets needed to live vegetarian required jungle, something you acknowledged, and during the human period of evolution, that shit was burning down everywhere from the arrival of grasses.

>> No.7569688

>>That's hilarious. You were criticizing me for overwhelming convictions while making an actual pretentious ignorant conviction there
No moron, I was criticizing you for ignoring the truth in favor of self gratification, based on false convictions. what I have stated are facts, not convictions. and yes, everything you are saying is suck humanities dick, because when faced with a factual reality of our situation, your first instinct is to dehumanize the person saying it. you may not be demanding me to suck your dick in so many words, but that doesn't mean that is not what you are doing anyway, you don't get to ignore your behavior as well, and your caustic attitude to a frank and nuetral assessment of humanities flaws is absolute proof of your hatred and brash need to retaliate towards groups of people who do not pay hommage to such idiocy.

>> No.7569690

They can. Will is another thing

>you're chock full of presumptions

Oh, such as India is a shithole because of veganism? Your facts were quite damning

So were the ones about how that claim had anything to do with the original discussion

This isn't about self-gratification, you seem to be projecting an awful lot, monkeyboy

You have absolutely no facts, one way or the other

>everything I said provides a causal link

No. It doesn't.

Again, cooked food and upright walking are far more supported theories.

>> No.7569696

In a zombie apocalypse, vegans would be eaten last, because their brains are too withered and unappealing, like corn fungus.

>> No.7569699

oh and incase it wasn't mentioned. I do think human nature is destructive, that has been proven many times throught history. the question of course is weather or not we are capable of rising above this problem. You are most assuredly making it impossible, because you refuse to do acknowledge that the problem exists, and attacks verbally anyones social credit who does not turn a blind eye to it. weather or not humanity is evil, that will wind up being discovered after we have risen above this problem, or have succumbed to it and proven that we are incapable of being anything other than helpful to a few, destructive to almost anything else.

>> No.7569702

>Oh, such as India is a shithole because of veganism?
Thanks for pointing out your incredible lack of reading comprehension, you worthless moron.

>> No.7569704

That is basically half the condition you idiot. but sure, go ahead and ignore conflicting information with your sound factual theory that I'm a psychopath. that'd definitely something a reasonable and intelligent person would do.

>> No.7569713

Because humans have been destructive does not mean it is our nature. That is ridiculous

>beause you refuse to acknowledge the problem exists

I'm not refusing to acknowledge anything. You're refusing to acknowledge your diatribe about human nature is utterly pathetic

I'm attacking you because you are a fucking moron

Go ahead and point out where I'm wrong. Go ahead and point out where you've also proved ANYTHING

You can't :(


>> No.7569714

horses sleep for 2 hours a day, most of those 2 hours are split up between the day. horses are not humans, as i said, the biggest danger is anthropomorphism them. Horses need to be in a herd all the time, they are safer and safer to be around when they are left in the herd and given a safe environment to roam, with open shelter they can choose to use if they so wish. The only excuse for leaving a horse in a stall overnight is in some kind of dire or emergency situation, or for sacking out a horse. 8-12 hours is better than many horses can get, but that long in a stall is factually bad for it. it will develop anti social habbits slower, but it still will.

>> No.7569717

Shut the fuck up already, no one gives a shit. You're arguing about the literal definition of a psychopath in response to someone calling you one

You're obviously deranged in some fucking way which is the point you fucking retard

>> No.7569721

>Go ahead and point out where I'm wrong.
You fucking idiot.

>> No.7569727

Oh I see, you're going back to that thing where you're just restating your idiotic claim without actually supporting it

Great job. This entire thread has been you literally echoing yourself

That's actual autism you know?

>> No.7569730

>no it doesn;t
I dont know why i'm surprised you don't know how science works, you're obviously retarded yes, and a human at that, but lets illuminate something for your inept and retarded mortal shell. Humans eating meat, cooking food, and walking upright, are not distinct and mutually exclusive theories. infact, they are intensely interconnected to how humans ate meat and how it was necissary for their evolution at the time. You are quite the self gratifying retard but that doesn't change facts and science. for example, the human brain makes a lot of use of omega 3 acids, something found much more easily in meat that has been cooked, since bone marrow juices leak during cooking.

Humans required meat for their evolution. that is a fact.

>> No.7569734

The jaundice drives them mad.

>> No.7569748

>Because humans have been destructive does not mean it is our nature. That is ridiculous
its a universal trait wherever you look. its not rediculous, its scientific. and it even makes sense evolutionary, as we arrived from where we are now from competing tribes who needed to defeat others and be cautious of them (racism and a quick brain for attaching labels and differences rather than similarities), and we needed to be socially benevolant enough so that our tribe wasn't so small we got trampled.

This has left severe evolutionary evidence in our behavior and way of life, and on the scale we live on it is immensely destructive to the environnment as well as ourselves. we aren't the only ones to do so, we may not even be the last if we die out, but its a fact that its within our nature to hate, self gratify, and hold ourselves holy while shamelessly harming people are so little different from eachother that there is no perceivable difference to many cultures further outside of us. That is an immense factual penchant for fragmentation and partison behavior, and it causes intense conflict. it is factually destructive.

>> No.7569756

>>Shut the fuck up already, no one gives a shit. You're arguing about the literal definition of a psychopath in response to someone calling you one
of course I am, why wouldn't I when it shows the obvious failings of the person who is attempting to label me one. you may as well say a white person calling a japanese one a nigger shouldn't receive a hilariously apt refutation for his pathetically off the mark insult.

>> No.7569757

Oh so now it's alright to call people retarded

>you don't know how science works

Are you going to tell that to the hundreds of scientists that literally agree with my premise too?

>are not distinct and mutually exclusive theories

Here's the thing, this is what you were literally arguing though. So you are yet again contradicting yourself

>you are quite the self gratifying retard

Ooooh, you said retard again and are taking a high ground!!!

Our neurons run on glucose, not protein and fat

Starches and grains are much more have likely to be have played a role

>> No.7569760

>that is a fact

No it is not

>> No.7569776

>its a universal trait

That is simply not true at all

>its scientifc


>it even makes sense evolutionary

You are actually mentally deranged. Seek help

Literally none of what you are saying is scientific and it borders on cult like nihilistic behavior

>who is attempting to label me one

Because language changes over time. Words don't have the literal meaning that they always do. Calling someone an asshole does not mean they are a literal anus

You have to be actually autistic or just a very dedicated nitpicking troll to not understand such a basic human concept.

Your comparison to justify it is extremely absurd and shows you have a very basic understanding of human social behavior

>> No.7569787

>Oh so now it's alright to call people retarded
I never said its alright, just that the means by which I label and the means by which you label are distinct. I'll link to something you probably wont read and then paraphrase it for you
When you call me a retard, you are under the impression that you are superior to me in mind. when I call you a retard, it's because I'm aware your human condition causes you to behave as if you are incapable of any reason. Yours is self gratification, mine is a rain on the parade of anyone human.

Neither are explicitly good, but I think a rational sadness at human ineptitude is at least necissary to overcome issues, even if its not a magic wand to make them go away.

>>are you going to tell that to the hundreds of scientists
that don't agree with you?
or the ones that do agree with you but are obviously outside their field of expertise? you sound like those retards who point out climate change isn't real because a bunch of biologists and cosmologists signed a petition despite their lack of any degree or study related to meteorology.

>>Here's the thing, this is what you were literally arguing though. So you are yet again contradicting yourself
no retard. all I ever argued was that meat _was_ a crucial and necissary and factual element that led to our evolution. it is an inescapable fact. the fact that I said this does not in any way imply that it was the only necissary factor to our evolution. that is your own asspull, I suggest you don't reach in your ass so much it's dirty in there.

>>our neurons run on glucose
many things we eat can be converted into energy needed but that doesn't change the fact that you're still an idiot, and need me to explain to you that when you eat a bunch of meat, that leaves a whole lot of glucose that doesn't need to be spent on stuff that isn't brain tissue.

>> No.7569801

>>nuhuh nuh uh
>>nuh uh
yes huh darling. you can cry like a kid, but the truth is still the truth, and the whole of human history and evolutionary science backs me up here.

the understanding of flaws in order to fix a problem that we have is not nihilism. if anything, your insistance that there are no flaws despite the world falling apart around you is nihilism. as though you are more content to pretend the fall isn't real than to find some way to stop the impact from destroying us.

>>Because language changes over time. Words don't have the literal meaning that they always do. Calling someone an asshole does not mean they are a literal anus
And yet that doesn't change the fact that when insulted, regardless of how pretending to be retarded the person who made it was, there is no rule other than the bullies rule that prevents you from countering a retarded one. Languages do change, thats why calling someone a knave gets you laughed at. an insult has to have relevance to be impactful. your insistance that me not sitting there and just sucking up the insult like the retarded idiot loser i'm supposed to be does speak rather heavily in favor of my stance though, so I'll allow it.

>> No.7569805

>i never said its alright

You implied it was despite saying otherwise

>the means by which I label and the means b which you label are distinct

So why even bother criticizing anyone's usage of you calling you a psychopath or retarded. You continue to contradict yourself

>you are under the impression that you are superior to me

It's not an impression. It's a fact. Regardless. That's my distinct label. You contradict yourself again

You are fucking retarded under every label

It's hard to reason with someone who says your nature is inherently irrational and destructive and supports this with anecdotal evidence with zero causation

>that don't agree with you

That don't agree with you. I don't doubt there are scientists that say meat eating gave us what we needed to evolve. But I'm sure there are just as many if not more that say otherwise

>despite their lack of any degree

This is pretty funny. You claimed a pretty unclear correlation was a scientific fact, it literally is not, Dr.

>all i ever argued

You've argued a lot of things. A lot of stupid things I might add


It's not factual. You can claim it as what you think. But it's not fact. Not in the sense that gravity is a "fact" either. Meat eating causing evolutionary changes in humans is not widely supported.


There's that word again

>that it was the only factor

Contradicting yourself, again

>that leaves a whole lot of glucose that doesn't need to be spent on stuff that isn't brain tissue


Get the fuck out of here and lay off the bottle. Holy fucking christ

>> No.7569815

>the whole of human history and evolutionary science backs me up here

It literally does not. The fact you even says this is still the equivalent of "nuh uh"

Ironically enough you are completely incapable of listening to other perspectives, you are another retard who has fallen into the trap of glorifying his delusions

>the understanding of flaws
Something you clearly lack

>your insistence that there are no flaws

Point out one time where I said this, or anything like this, at all

I'll wait

>there is no rule other than the bullies rule that prevents you from countering a retarded one

Jesus christ, dude, seriously call it a night or something

>just sucking up the insult

I didn't say you had to. I was saying how stupid it was that you were literally debating the definition of psychopath, that wasn't the relevance of someone calling you one


>> No.7569830

>>You implied it was despite saying otherwise
I never implied it was, the only thing I ever implied was that it was not holier than thou.

>>So why even bother criticizing anyone's usage of you calling you a psychopath or retarded. You continue to contradict yourself
I already told you, to discredit the insult, and draw attention to how pathetic it really is as one. you're not very slick, so I guess you must insist on me just saying ":nuh uh you're a psycho" back right?

>>It's not an impression. It's a fact. Regardless. That's my distinct label. You contradict yourself again
what distinct label? you aren't superior to me, but that very superiority you feel is proof of human destructiveness, its ironic, you are high on the feeling of arguing with me, you are so much better than me, and you are defeating me in a public arena, handily even, you might think to yourself, I mean, beating a retard shouldn't be hard yes?

but all you are really doing is pouring it on thick the evidence of your fragile stupidity, and your refusal to look at your own weakness in the eye and better yourself.

That don't agree with you. I don't doubt there are scientists that say meat eating gave us what we needed to evolve. But I'm sure there are just as many if not more that say otherwise
your conviction that there are many of these scientists does nothing, they need to actually exist, and they don't.

>>This is pretty funny. You claimed a pretty unclear correlation was a scientific fact, it literally is not, Dr.
unclear correlation? that these scientists who say humans did not use meat as a necissary part of human evolution? or the fact itself? either way you're wrong. its not a correlation, its causation. the plentiful nature of meat and the scarcity of jungle caused meat to become a resource that absolutely played a major role in our evolution, and allowed us to evolve the way we did. this is a scientific fact.

>> No.7569841

the fact that this is a scientific consensus is also a fact.

>>you argued a lot of things
taking things out of context is a fallacy. it doesn't make you any more right to say I argued a lot of things when I am addressing a single point about a specific topic in a specific genre, when this thread has run the gambit of genres and topics. you know this, yet you insist on contriving your own delusions to support your afformentioned false sense of superiority.

>>It's not factual. You can claim it as what you think. But it's not fact. Not in the sense that gravity is a "fact" either. Meat eating causing evolutionary changes in humans is not widely supported.
it is the current evolutionary consensus on how humans evolved.
>>theres that word again
thats because its the right word to use.

>>Contradicting yourself, again
I am not contraditcing myself. you seem to be under the impression that facts can only exist in isolation, this is retard as you are. facts can coexist. and cooking, walking, and meat, all playing vital roles in human evolution, is not a contradiction just because you say it here
>>stop being so drunk
every time you bring this up its only going to remind people that I'm the only one of us three who could keep who the others were straight.

>> No.7569846

You were literally arguing the definition of the insult. Now you're just moving the goalposts

>what distinct label

Do you find it concerning that you don't even understand the own horseshit you're spewing?

>you aren't superior to me


>is proof of human destructiveness

That's not how proofs work. That's actual destructive behavior to make such a powerful claim with such minute poor evidence

>you are so much better than me

I am, but not for reasons of arguing

You need to stomp rambling too. It's actually quite frightening. It's unironic autism

You calling me stupid only contradicts your own points. Again. You are an utter retard

>they need to actually exist

They do

>and they don't

Your conviction that they don't is very troubling and destructive. It's also just plain fucking moronic and shows you have absolutely no clue what you're actually talking about, in terms of human evolution or any remote scientific discourse

>the fact itself

It's not a fact. Stop saying it is, it isn't, that unironically is destructive behavior

>this is a scientific fact

No it isn't. Shut up. Stop calling it a fact you literal fucking aspie.

Our ability to cook mass amounts of available plant foods and tubers that weren't actually all that scarce likely made food more digestible in every aspect and even increased the nutrition in some regards

Meat may have been a part of the cooked foods, it does not mean it is the only thing. Humans literally did not primarily subside on meat

>> No.7569854

>>It literally does not. The fact you even says this is still the equivalent of "nuh uh"
no, it isn't it is a statment of fact, go research the topic if you have a problem with it, screaming about it here is not going to change the scientific concensus, nor will it rewrite history anywhere but your deluded brain case

>>Ironically enough you are completely incapable of listening to other perspectives, you are another retard who has fallen into the trap of glorifying his delusions
I am more than capable of listening to other peoples perspectives. the problem comes when you insist your delusions are a scientific perspective. they are not a scientific perspective, just like creationism isn't a scientific perspective, and intelligent design is not a scientific perspective. I am more than willing to share conceptual, spiritual, and even alternative views entirely on how people work, what they, how they behave, etc but not when they label those things science, because science, as is the name should imply by anyone at a level where they can ask something other than what science is; is a way of thinking that demands rigerous evidence and discards flights of delusion and fantasy you are so obsessed with.

>>Something you clearly lack
I do not lack an understanding of flaws, you do. as has made demonstrably clear by your own insistance of your superiority to others.

>>Point out one time where I said this, or anything like this, at all
already went over that, you react with hostility to the idea of flaws existing, and call it edgy and fedora tipping.

>>Jesus christ, dude, seriously call it a night or something
maybe you should consider calling it a night? mm? you are obviously having a good time arguing or you wouldn't be here, but you must understand that I am getting satisfaction to some extent to or I wouldn't be here, and you wont find me leaving just because you want to end it on the note where you said you where factually my superior and ride that high.

>> No.7569859

>is also a fact

No it isn't you gigantic fucking retard

>taking things out of context is a fallacy

I'm not taking anything out of context, I never implied I was more right for saying "you argued a lot of things" there is absolutely nothing in that statement you could remotely interpret as me saying I'm more right for making that claim

You're literally retarded. Like literally. You are literally delusional as well. You claim everything you say that is entirely not factual at all as a solid fact. That is dangerous behavior. But luckily you don't have the charismatic aspect of a psychopath to convince anyone to join your retarded cause

>it is the current evolutionary consensus


>thats because its the right word to use

No it is not, because it's not factual

>i am not contradicting myself

You literally have flip flopped on what you've meant multiple times

>I'm the only one us

There's that absolutely ridiculous self-gratification and delusion that has lead to two people finding you to be a mentally ill monkey

>> No.7569861

>>I didn't say you had to. I was saying how stupid it was that you were literally debating the definition of psychopath, that wasn't the relevance of someone calling you one
you questioned why i did it, and are in the process of making up assinine reasons for why i shouldn't slap down a retarded insult with predjudice. it is not stupid that people who insult need to be a little more creative and come up with an insult that can stick, and you aren't going to appear any more pfffnhf ahem 'factually superior' to me by insisting on it.

>> No.7569863

You just one guy going back and forth on this thing?

>> No.7569871

I actually do look up what I'm talking about, and no it is not a scientific consensus at all. You do not understand what consensus means

>i am more than capable of listening to other peoples perspectives

Clearly not, because otherwise this conversation would be completely non-existent and you wouldn't be calling everything you say as a fact

You are fucking mentally ill, please get help for the sake of everyone that has ever interacted with you. Your ramblings border on the senile

>i do not lack

Yes you do. You literally insist things are facts when they are not under any standard

>already went over that

No you didn't actually. I'm not hostile to flaws. I'm hostile to retards like you. I never said the Earth was perfect or that humans were perfect. Saying humans aren't destructive creatures doesn't mean I do not acknowledge flaw

You are fucking mentally insane

>> No.7569879

Yet again, I literally did not say you didn't have to slap it down. You were as the psychopath you are, debating the actual definition of it, as if it was actually relevant

It wasn't

Your ramblings are actually scary to read, you're emoting literally every single thing going through your mind

>> No.7569886

>>You were literally arguing the definition of the insult. Now you're just moving the goalposts
no, I'm arguing their effecacy when employed sloppily, and defending my right to tear them appart when theyre shit.

>>Do you find it concerning that you don't even understand the own horseshit you're spewing?
I understand all the facts i'm spewing, I'm more concerned about the lack of ability I have to understand some of the shit you say, but to be fair to myself those times are pretty rare, for a retarded human you have no trouble communicating yourself. as stupid, arrogant, and retarded as that self actually is.

cute, but no, it's not debatable.

>>That's not how proofs work. That's actual destructive behavior to make such a powerful claim with such minute poor evidence
no, actually, history and the vast breadth record of it is very much proof, and denying it is like saying latin didn't exist.

>>I am, but not for reasons of arguing
your behavior demonstrates otherwise.

>>You need to stomp rambling too. It's actually quite frightening. It's unironic autism
addressing points with openness and clarity is not unironic autism, its how actuall discussions, debates, and arguements take place. your current posts do nothing but sit self smug and offer nothing to the discussion but your own conciets. mine offer facts yes, but even if you insist on delusions that theyre wrong, they still offer a concise point of view that has reasons for being the way it is. you are a stone wall with some bird shit on it by comparison. and about as engaging to talk to.

>>They do
they do not, as i've explained numerous times.

>>Your conviction that they don't is very troubling and destructive. It's also just plain fucking moronic and shows you have absolutely no clue what you're actually talking about, in terms of human evolution or any remote scientific discourse
they don't because its a fact, not because its a conviction. scientific research and evidence shows it.

>> No.7569893

>>It's not a fact. Stop saying it is, it isn't, that unironically is destructive behavior
no, your behavior is self destructive, mine describes a reality as defined in the approach of naturalism. it is a fact.

>>Our ability to cook mass amounts of available plant foods and tubers that weren't actually all that scarce likely made food more digestible in every aspect and even increased the nutrition in some regards
and that doesn't change the involvement of meat. it is a collaborative story, not an exclusive one. meat was 100% necissary for human evolution, thats why we can barely live without it outside a specific environment we spent very little overall time in our evolutionary history, an environment that was quickly dissapearing on the geologic time scale. that is a fact, and you whining and crying and rolling around like a child screaming wont make me stop saying the truth. the idea that humans primarily subsisted on meat was only brought forth by you just now. the only thing I have been saying that you have been so quick to dismiss every time like the retarded human you are, is that meat was 100% necessary to human evolution.

>> No.7569894

No you weren't. You literally argued the definition of it. It was stupid. Admit it

>all the facts

You have not said a single fact this entire thread. I suggest you seek immediate medical help if you actually believe what you are saying

>it's not debatable

Go kill yourself. That's really the only solution at this point

There's nothing to support anything you're saving about meat eating as fact. Like literally nothing.

>your behavior demonstrates otherwise

I don't think you understood what I wrote, I'm not surprised

>actual discussions

You are not promoting actual discussion. You are making ridiculous claims with no facts and asserting everything you say as fact. That is you being a psychopathic pretentious shithead that needs help

>as i've explained numerous times

You haven't

>because it's fact

Please end your worthless life, you serve no purpose other than wasting my time and being a human (?) punching bag

Your thinking is more dangerous to humanity than any of your autistic prophecies ever could be

>> No.7569902

Your behavior is that of a seriously mentally ill deluded person.

>and that doesn't change the involvement of meat

It does however potentially quash the fact meat was a primary source

>meat was 100% necessary

You have no facts to support this

>thats why we can barely live without it outside a specific environemtn

Based on?

>is that meat was 100% necessary to human evolution

Certifiably not a fact

Go fucking end your worthless dangerous life now

>> No.7569910

>>No it isn't you gigantic fucking retard
it is a fact you gigantic fucking retard. scientists agree that human and their ancestors needed meat to survive. it was part of our evolution demonstrably.

>>I'm not taking anything out of context, I never implied I was more right for saying "you argued a lot of things" there is absolutely nothing in that statement you could remotely interpret as me saying I'm more right for making that claim
yes you did exactly that. by saying that I argued a lot of things to a statment that said "I only argued" you took it out of context, and attempted to slip in a way to discred it me by drawing attention to something completely off topic that I argued, when the context was within a single topic that I argued, which was already stated. that is what you did, and crying "delusion delusion" just because I'm not half bad at applying it where appropriate isn't going to save you.

>>that is dangerous behavior
it isn't dangerous behavior. what is dangerous behavior, is attempting to undermine scientific understanding (what you are doing) with bullshit. I am not some crusader against bullshit, but bullshit is not science. hold it dear in your heart all you like, humans invent it wherever they go, they cant stop themselves. but science is not a realm for those flights of fancy you have, where veganism becomes its own version of historical revision. Humans required meat in their evolution, they hunted, and it helped them survive a near extinction. It was demonstrably required for our survival and continued existance the way they where in the situation we where in. we could not have been sentient creatures without it. there was not enough food.

yes, the current evolutionary consensus, is that humans ate meat, and our ancestors did, and that helped us evolve the way we did.

>>No it is not, because it's not factual
it is factual, and no ammount of childish nuh uhs will change it.

>> No.7569916

not him, but yes.
for me at least it's that and the animal's inability to have the same kind of psychological suffering as a human

>> No.7569917

I also felt better when I stopped eating carbs, refined sugar and processed foods. Fat, meat and vegetables all the way. Good for you!

>> No.7569925

It's not a fact, stop saying it's a fact you mentally ill fuck

>you attempted it to slip it in a way to discredit me

See, now you're taking that out of context completely. There is nothing in there that would remotely imply that. It's just a simple jab at another fucking retarded post you made you fucking total retard

>it isnt' dangerous behavior

You're literally promoting delusional thoughts as rational behavior. You are fucking twisted in the head.

There is no consensus

>it is factual
No matter how many times you say it, it is not true, you have not even bothered to find this easily demonstrable fact and prove it, because it isn't and that's because you're a worthless sack of fucking shit with nothing else in life so you cling to these pathetic delusions so you can actually get something gratifying out of your worthless life

You're a fucking mentally ill teenager or monkey

>> No.7569928

Keto shill pls go. You are "feeling better" in spite of the fat and meat in your diet.

>> No.7569930

>>You literally have flip flopped on what you've meant multiple times
I have never contradicted myself. I take efforts to make sure i'm on track, unlike you with aforementioned comments about diet percentages and other irrelevant bullshit. I have never contradicted myself by saying humans needed meat to survive during our evolution, and that it helped us evolved the way we did, and theres no post you can conjure that will contradict that.

>>There's that absolutely ridiculous self-gratification and delusion that has lead to two people finding you to be a mentally ill monkey
no dumbass, its another fact. one I have no vested interest in being true, but as we went over before, another dismantling of your retardedly off chart insults. do you call Z 156 when playing battle ship? thats about how off you are from the game right now. you said i was so crazy I was drunk, I provided evidence that every time someone has called me that in this discussion their behavior proved demonstrably they didn't even know who they where talking to anymore. that is not a conciet, it is a description of what factually happened.

>> No.7569944

>I actually do look up what I'm talking about, and no it is not a scientific consensus at all. You do not understand what consensus means
I do understand what a consensus means, you apperantly don't. choosing words like "Scientists believe" etc.

>Clearly not, because otherwise this conversation would be completely non-existent and you wouldn't be calling everything you say as a fact
no, and I went through great lengths to explain to you why Its fact, and why you are wrong about me not listening to other perspectives.

>>Yes you do. You literally insist things are facts when they are not under any standard
that is what you are doing, insisting against the evidence of spears, weapons, diet, bones, and a vast collection of evolutionary knowledge, that humans evolved in a vegan way, and that meat was not necissary. these things ARE facts, and I will explain them and "Ramble" as you say, because in a debate I am obliged to do more than scream and whine when things don't go your way as you do.

>>No you didn't actually. I'm not hostile to flaws. I'm hostile to retards like you. I never said the Earth was perfect or that humans were perfect. Saying humans aren't destructive creatures doesn't mean I do not acknowledge flaw
you do not acknowledge flaws, as i already explained, because humans are destructive creatures. we destroy and do so in such ammounts that it is crippling the current echosystem trends. thats a fact. it is indisputable. and you are a delusional retard.

>> No.7569953

>>Yet again, I literally did not say you didn't have to slap it down.
you are retarded. I am not debating the actual definiton of the word. I am presenting the actual definition of the word, to show how fucking stupid the person who employed it was. it was relevant, and you pretending its not because that would mean the other person the retard and you don't like me, doesn't make it so.

>> No.7569965

>i do understand what a consensus means

>no and i went through great lengths to explain why its fact

No you didn't, you made very easily refutable claims and then after that you just claimed your original claim was fact, it's not. I'm listening to your perspective and gave it a counterpoint. You're claiming it as fact. You're effectively sticking your monkey fingers in your monkey ears and shutting out what I have to say

>insisting against he evidence of spears, weapons, diet, bones

I'm not. I'm insisting there is no clear or factual link that meat jumpstarted human evolution

>that humans evolved in a vegan way

I didn't say that entirely. I never excluded that humans had meat in their diet

>these things are facts

No they aren't you insufferable fucking aspie. Go ahead and prove those facts, I'll wait you fucking literal retard

>i am obliged to do so

No you aren't. If you're claiming something as a stone cold fact then you must prove it,

>as i already explained

You didn't explain anything, you're just saying I don't despite me literally saying otherwise, multiple times

>humans are destructive creatures

Not by nature

Go fucking kill yourself already

>> No.7569968

>i have never contradicted myself


>I take efforts to make sure I'm on track

>its another fact

End your fucking worthless pathetic life

Fucking kill yourself

You are nothing

>> No.7569971

>I am not debating the actual definition

That's literally what you originally did you mentally ill fucking retard, you are literally saying the same things over and over expecting a different response from me

Seek help or fucking kill yourself

>> No.7569984

>>No you weren't. You literally argued the definition of it. It was stupid. Admit it
bringing up the definition of the word is not arguing over the definition of the word. an actual arguement over the definition of psychopathy would involve someone saying "x means this" and someone else saying. "no, X means something else, as defined here" what actually happened was a retard about as stupid as you but with a little more sense to stop after it didn't have any thunder, was to call me a word, that i discredited instantly by showing how off base and on the moon it was, and therefore the persons own ineptitude at not applying some other more witty repartee. I wont admit to something thats a lie.

>>You have not said a single fact this entire thread. I suggest you seek immediate medical help if you actually believe what you are saying
you are the one who needs medical help, your delusions do not reflect reality, youve taken your vegan sentiment and painted over crucial evolutionary history and are attempting to spread these ideas, despite the actual vital role evolution plays in hundreds of vital modern institutions, things like medicine, for example. and ecology. These vital sciences require actual scientific fact to operate, and spreading lies as big as "creationism is a science" to as small as 'humans evolved vegan, meat ins't important to human evolution" is demonstrably destructive to society, and basically when taken too far borders on murder in its potential to cause real damage to human lives (vaccines cause autism)

>>I don't think you understood what I wrote, I'm not surprised
I understand almost all of what you wrote.
your beahvior is that you are here argueing with me when you could be doing just about anything, ergo, you want to argue with me. you also apperantly want to lie and feel superior to others, as you make no secret how much effort you put into your posts insisting on including those feelings and false informations, rather than none.

>> No.7569985

My cholesterol levels are now optimal, my resting heart rate is lower, my blood glucose levels have stabilized, I am lean and muscular, sexually vigorous, emotionally calm. I lift weights and run 10 miles daily. My doctor said: whatever you're doing, keep doing it.

>> No.7569987

I'm genuinely happy for you there. I've heard bad things about the keto diet, but nonetheless if you're doing good, you're doing good

Do what works for you, brother.

>> No.7569990

I'm literally done with this

You're a literal lunatic, you are going nowhere with any of this

Here's your last (you) and enjoy the final word you fucking psychopath

You are completely incapable of reason. It seems like you didn't cook your starches or veggies enough to evolve, friendo

You are fucking terrifying

Get help


>> No.7569995

>>There's nothing to support anything you're saving about meat eating as fact. Like literally nothing.
there is, and its everywhere in the scientific literature. step out of your retarded vegan bubble for once.

>> No.7569996

Recently dated a vegan.

bitch was insane and broke down in tears everytime we drove by a dairy farm.

She fucked like a pornstar tho

>> No.7570036

I think some people do it wrong. They eat too much protein, or have carbohydrate "cheat days" that puts their metabolism into a yo-yo state that makes them feel shitty. Like they view it as a diet fad panacea for all that ails them, rather than a permanent diet coupled with a healthy lifestyle change. To be fair, my diet most closely resembles a pescetarian vegetarian's who doesn't eat sugar or processed food. Honestly, I think the common element between the healthier human diets is the removal of refined sugar and grains and trans fats.

>> No.7570295

>If I could survive without animals I would
Billions have and still do and live longer, healthier lives in general. Christ save you ifyou can't even survive a vegetarian diet young baby

>> No.7570306

you mean they cant brag all over 4chan about those feels?

>> No.7570582

Do you think they stay in the stall 24/7 or something? They come in at night and go back out in the morning. The horse got spooky because the girl trying to put the halter on was acting nervous. I put it on him without any issue, but she was projecting her state of mind too much.

>> No.7570604

>and you have invalidated your own point for me.
If you can prove that eating scraps of meat and having the ability to make tools that broke bones (giving access to fat-rich marrow that helps the brain grow) was NOT an essential step in human evolutionary progression feel free to cite your source/evidence. Otherwise we cannot accept your assertions that fly in the face of known science.

>> No.7570615

Please see
Then fuck off.

>> No.7570805

this is literally what liebereals think... farming animals = baaaad, natural predators = gooood

>> No.7570813

if you have a problem with natural resource usage, then you should love White people, since no White country has a replacement fertility of 2.11 children per woman(thanks to feminism and ecopropaganda mainly, and too high taxes leaving too little money to raise kids), and instead focus on those groups who are tripling and quadrupling per generation

there is a map here


>> No.7570817

>There are also B12 fortified foods
you admit the vegan diet is unhealthy and requires supplements? well done you

>> No.7570825



>> No.7570827

>The cat ends up loving me
he is the god of cats, look upon this saint amongst men, he is sooo much more enlightened than everyone else. look upon him you mortals and despair

>> No.7570868

ITT: Only one story about vegans in general and some anecdotes of people being vegans and shilling for crazyass vegan retards being nice people.

>> No.7571331

My mom's a vegan.
She's nice; I don't think I've ever seen her do any vegan high horse stuff, or even really talk about it with anyone at all.
When we'd get pizza or something she'd make her own little vegan pizza with stuff from the store and never complained or nothing.

>> No.7571477

you have autism