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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7560693 No.7560693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was born with no sense of smell or taste. Recommend me things that feel good to rub your tongue against not your penis

>> No.7560726

my penis

>> No.7560730

Not my penis

>> No.7560803

If that's true OP 7 feel super sorry for you. Eating is only a few steps down from sex when it comes to sensuality.

>> No.7560804


fucking mobile

>> No.7560824


>> No.7560836

Chad roe

>> No.7560837

Tranny penis

>> No.7560843

this for real? what kind of food textures are you looking for?

>> No.7560856

i'd go for stuff with different textures mixed. for example a sandwich, with the soft bread, the crisp crust, the moist sauce, the crunchy lettuce, the juicy tomatoes, the special texture f meet or cheese. younds like a good idea. can you feel warm/cold? try frozen stuff, ice creams, sundaes, milk shakes. i'm fucking sorry, Op

>> No.7561613

My black bulls french toast.

>> No.7561633
File: 170 KB, 700x467, fermented-dill-pickle-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salt fermented gherkins
when you eat them at the right time they are fizzy and have a nice crunch

>> No.7561645


>lacking in 2 human senses

I've always heard that people that lack a sense, usually have another that is more developed. Steotypical example--blind people have very good hearing. So, do you have extraordinary hearing or X-ray eyes?

No sense of taste or smell would suck. People could fuck with your food so bad man.

Anyway, try ice cream.

>> No.7561646

>I was born with no sense of smell or taste
You're perfect for /ck/

>> No.7561652

Holy shit, if you can't taste or smell there are some incredible things you could eat that would turn others away. Lots of cheeses with amazing texture, century eggs, head cheese, unfermented cacao.

>> No.7561663

Any, i cant smell or taste so it comes down to hot or cold, the sound the food makes while I eat it, and just how it feels while i roll my tongue over it.
Its ok anon I honestly didnt know for the longest time because I mistook the pleasure i got from the feel and the sound for taste. Thank you for your suggestion.
Will try

>> No.7561703

Feijoa homemade preserve, not sure of the correct word.

Grilled eggplants.

Clementines, grapefruit, pomelo.

Peeled grapes.

Bread + Cheese + Bread in a sandwhich toaster.

Grated beet + a bit cheese + a bit garlic + mayonnaise.

It's difficult put self in your place, but these things are all I could think of. Best of luck.

>> No.7561713

not really ive even injured myself so that some of my nerves dont work properly in my upperbody but thats supposed to go away with physical therapy. A running gag in school was to put dirt in my soup or salt in my drinks to prove to someone that I would eat most things without noticing and I just assumed I was stupid until I got fired from a restaurant for not noticing a gas leak which apparently smells?

>> No.7561802

Oooh, Grapefruit and Pomelos would be really nice to eat.

I'd also recommend melon.

>> No.7563018

How about frozen/ defrosted peas? I love the way they pop when you bite them.

>> No.7563032

Ben and Jerry's exists for people like you.

>> No.7563223
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>> No.7563232
File: 51 KB, 720x576, helmut spargle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand. Without the distraction of taste, your mind is free to touch the Zen of pure flavour. You could become the greatest chef ever!

>> No.7563254

Make plain gelatinized water interspersed with little lumps of mashed peas and fluffy sweet potato.

>> No.7563256

Gummy bears.

>> No.7563288

Beethoven was deaf in his later years and he was a great composer, yes. I don't think OP is destined to be a chef though.

>> No.7563296

They were making a reference. That's where the picture is from. Now you know. Nice dubs.

>> No.7563428

Blessing/Curse. You could eat boring healthy food forever and never get sick of it. If I couldn't taste, my diet would improve.

>> No.7563493

You fascinate me, anon. Where can I contact you?

>> No.7563529

Do you enjoy chewing flesh, OP?

>> No.7563533

Nah you're thinking of Ray Charles

>> No.7563545

I've always enjoyed soft jelly things so maybe coconut jelly. They're firmer than regular gelatin so they won't get immediately crushed and dissolved by your saliva. You can just toss the liquid they're in since it's just sugar water I think, but it does feel a little rough going down your throat if you like that. I've always chilled them before eating.

>> No.7563550

Do you enjoy french scrambled eggs?

>> No.7563566

No because raw eggs gives me diarrhea or just bad farts.

>> No.7563574

You need better eggs =\
(Also, they aren't raw by any measure)

>> No.7563980

Any reaction to spicy foods?

>> No.7563991

I think water chestnuts have the best texture of any food.

>> No.7564023

how do you know the farts are bad?

>> No.7564236

You do know farts make sound and not just smell, right?

>> No.7564256

In the interests of preserving quality across the boards please refrain from posting animu outside of /a/.
Thank you.

>> No.7564504

His post is related to food though, I don't see the problem with using animu just as a place-holder pic.

>> No.7564523
File: 102 KB, 640x480, DSC03619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese food puts a lot of focus on texture. Maybe there's something in there for you.

>> No.7564882

Rice and lentils or red beans, possibly with sausage or ground beef.

>> No.7564888

is it against the rules?
posting anime outside of /a/ I mean.

>> No.7564899

No. There's anime in every banner and ad. A lot of the boards were made for /a/ posters who wanted to talk about other things in the 4chan platform. 4chan is anime. Anime is life.

>> No.7566622

It's okay, she's Russian.

>> No.7566626
File: 27 KB, 550x379, Poklonskaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natalia Poklonskaya

>> No.7566645

you work in a restaurant ???? I hope not as cook...

>> No.7566662

So when you eat chillis and stuff do you still get a burning sensation?

>> No.7566963
File: 67 KB, 501x329, 04-43-07-Tobbikko_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reccomend going to a sushi bar and getting flying fish roe. Its basically tiny fish eggs. Theres barely any taste so youre not missing much.

Have you ever popped bubble wrap? Its like that for your mouth.

>> No.7566968

>no sense of smell or taste
Buy a san pedro cactus from ebay and do mescaline.
If you have no sense of taste or smell, you wont be able to experience the ptsd people get from the absolutely vile taste of the cactus.

>> No.7568201

I'd eat so much better if healthy eating wasn't such chore and I wasn't drawn to the taste of shitty things. Are you in decent shape? I doubt you're fat