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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 600x450, 1460274604615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7556663 No.7556663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's the story behind this picture?

>> No.7556670

Girl realized her pussy lips aren't the only cheesey, stretchy thing when pulled apart

>> No.7556684

High 10/10 blonde comes to realization that cheesy pizza blows her mind as well as she blows the guy holding pizza that's blowing her mind.

>> No.7557044

Italian girl is shocked at what Americans call pizza

>> No.7557081

You want to know the fucking story on that picture, well pull up a fucking chair and I'll tell you all about it. You see that pretty girl with the pretty eyes and the nice hair, and soft lips you could almost see yourself falling in love with? SWell, she fucks niggers, spics, and Arabs not to mention Chad, her white boyfriend she plans to marry in 10 years when her pussy can't take it anymore anyway, and during the other 23 and a half hours of the day when you aren't fucking her, she's a fucking sociopathic fucking bitch who only pretends to feel human emotions and even lies to herself about being human.

And there you can see her pictured making a silly face at a big pan full of pizza. Yum, looks delicious.

That's the fucking story. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go and literally beat on myself with my fists.

>> No.7557085
File: 66 KB, 504x720, bravery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557097


<-------------This way to the /b/ train.

>> No.7557101
File: 69 KB, 698x540, hVPalCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a redditor tue pizza is an inside joke among her friends, she has a whole gallery

>> No.7557104
File: 102 KB, 720x720, MUgKtsX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also she is MAI WAIFU

>> No.7557124
File: 169 KB, 550x233, g140987711425082561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this desu.

>> No.7557128

A manchild who uses terms like "chad" and "SJW" without a shred of irony need not suggest to others that they go to /b/

>> No.7557132

I'm died

>> No.7557166

Oh go and fuck yourself, tumblr scum.

>> No.7557171

Whoa, you got the wrong hombre, hombre...

>> No.7557303
File: 138 KB, 339x319, spaghet!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557326

Is pizza bukakke a thing?

>> No.7557338

What the fuck is this retard crying about?

>> No.7557363
File: 442 KB, 424x639, VstNd4C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me
>The song sucks but she's hot
>Her name is Whitney Moore
>her IMDB http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3179972

>> No.7558657
File: 222 KB, 748x543, 1431672290781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7559639


>> No.7559694
File: 13 KB, 294x442, 1458912361659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7559803
File: 1.42 MB, 245x160, 1424252237274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7560215

Women think that liking pizza makes them all relatable and laid back or something.

>My ideal date? Pizza and Netflix ;)

>> No.7560217

nigga everyone loves pizza

>> No.7560247

>believing an entire gender is only pretending to enjoy something that is objectively delicious only to exhibit the appearance of normalcy to males

>being this self-centered

>never getting laid

>> No.7560249

What a nice thing to say ;)

>> No.7560255

You are not a nice person. That is why nice things do not happen to you. People can see through the veneer of you pretending to be normie but you'll never be a good person and you will die alone.

>> No.7560265

I've never heard of a dude getting all excited about pizza unless he was drunk. Women have always presented pizza to me as some kind of holy grail.

>> No.7560267


I don't.

>> No.7560270


How can a camel eat a pizza?

>> No.7560591


wow she's totes uggo/normo except for that one pic, what a fluke snap

>> No.7560598
File: 166 KB, 1021x783, senpai notice me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What an ugly girl. Also you guys realize she's only doing all this for attention, right?

>notice me, senpai!!!!!

if she didn't have all this pizza around her nobody would notice her. it's shameful, really.

>> No.7560611

>She's just doing all this for attention
Are there any boards on 4chan that don't have MRA?

>> No.7560614

nah, the fag crybabies from /r9k/ and /pol/ have nothing better to do than shit up every other board.

>> No.7560630


UGH, I know right? I'm tired of these insensitive jerk wads and their problematic words.

The place where I spend most of my time on the internet (When does the narwhal bacon) <---- this is a inside joke people so don't freak out on me ok? oh yeah, meant to say that that place isnt filled up with all these weirdos who post mean things about women.

Why is 4chan like this and what can we do to stop the people from posting things like this?

>> No.7560640
File: 43 KB, 568x303, lol so randum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>36 years old

>> No.7560646

>le everyone who isn't a man child virgin autist is le femenazi meme
back to your containment board, faggot boy

>> No.7560648

ugly and gross, what a combo.

>> No.7560659

Truly a celebration of geek culture.

>> No.7560660


People like this are the reason why I have to walk away from my computer when using this website sometimes. So insensitive.


You seem like you have your head in the right place, so please stop using hate speech like "faggot". I mean it's 2016.

>> No.7560662


I would say she wants to get BLACKED, but most Italians aren't white anyway.

>> No.7560663

you're not going to ruse me, faggot.

>> No.7560666


this is copypasta worthy.

>> No.7560686

Fuck off back to le ddit.

>> No.7560739

yes, actually

>> No.7560891

>putting shit in your washing machine

>> No.7560977

What the fuck?

>> No.7561014
File: 37 KB, 426x341, 1397511199074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7561047

I always really liked the OP pic but now it has lost all the magic.

>> No.7561051

It is pasta, Satan.

>> No.7561056

You kidding? Americans all love pizza. We're obese for a reason. Unless by getting excited you meant being a stupid attention whore. I hope this bitch is cornered by Ahmed.

>> No.7561089

>Not being able to detect sarcasm

>> No.7561107

Hey you shut the fuck up

>> No.7561116


>> No.7561139

I guess I had this idea of the girl being this innocent creature who was genuinely in awe of a nice slice of pizza.
But she's clearly a huge fucking whore who's decided to milk the joke way more than it could take.

>> No.7561140


because now we know she's a normal/borderline weird looking girl that fucks with pizza as a fake joke instead of this alien-tier beautiful ethereal human that was accidentally caught in a sublime moment of pure emotion, it's all just a complete mockery of something we thought was genuine and captured by mistake, a rare moment of redeeming hope and wonder in a world of shit and pain.

that's all gone now. you've taken it from us by posting sauce and showing her to be just another fake bitch. happy?

>> No.7561144


>> No.7561152

>because now we know she's a normal/borderline weird looking girl that fucks with pizza as a fake jok

You didn't know that already? I mean seriously....you actually thought that someone would show that kind of emotional response to a fucking piece of pizza?

>> No.7561346
File: 445 KB, 560x560, 1457576176400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are vapid whores who only pretend to like things for attention. The OP pic is convincing of a female being genuine but do not be rused brothers, as you can plainly see from the other pics she is merely attention whoring.

>> No.7561458

It's always better when they're just unexplained pictures from the internet.
Once you get the explanation, it ceases to be an oddity.

Seriously, some nobody that uses a sexualization gimmick to get attention isn't mysterious as your minds own rationalization.

>> No.7561514



Have you never felt so deeply in your soul about the wonderous nature of something as amazing as pizza? For a long time that picture was like a window into my own being, it represented an emotion I could barely express but would be eternally grateful for having experienced it.

>> No.7561532

Lou Malnati's fucking sucks

>> No.7561537

hey you kill yourself

>> No.7561541

go hang yourself you freak