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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7556606 No.7556606 [Reply] [Original]

How's that sunday morning hangover fellow alchies?

>> No.7556643

alcohol is for degenerates.

>> No.7556645

so is 4chan

>> No.7556646 [DELETED] 

So are hangovers.
I can't get one no matter how much I drink.

>> No.7556649

Will you cunts just take this shit to /soc/ already?

>> No.7556673

Lel plebs enjoy your shit alcohol with 20% ethanol

Drink the fine stuff and you'll be fine.

>> No.7556675

chateauneuf du pape and smirnoff are my drinks of choice, and hangovers fucking kill me

>> No.7556675,1 [INTERNAL] 

Stick to red wine.

>> No.7556899

>fine stuff
Come on, gib better bait.

>> No.7556914

name a better vodka

>> No.7556929

As soon as all the other boards banish edc threads to /fa/

>> No.7556970
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>watch threads on /g/

>> No.7556985

i'm srs btw, legit interested to know what you think is better. i loves me sum smirnoff, but would like to try something different

>> No.7556997

Drank Saturday for the first time in a month, since I signed papers on a house, felt the pull to drink last night, but just ignored it. Feels good to be getting towards some sense of normality.

>> No.7557000

Whoops, meant Friday.

>> No.7557036

Grey goose or finladia.

>> No.7557040

I have to go to so much effort to get hungover nowadays, it's never worth the money and time to get that drunk

I just make do with getting rosy cheeked

>> No.7557063

i'll look out for those, cheers anon.
is vodka as diverse as scotch?

>> No.7557102

HAHA that old bastard tried to drink it

>> No.7557324

I work retail, about to drink beer in the freezers to keep away the hangover

>> No.7557330

bad enough that i poured a litre of scotch down the sink this morning.
i need to be free. alcoholism is hell.

>> No.7557356

you could have just sent it over to me, pal

>> No.7557360

Former register monkey, I feel for you, you poor bastard. I cleaned up after I quit.

>> No.7557523

why would anyone get addicted to alcohol?

>> No.7557533


>> No.7557550

Some people have the willpower of children.

>> No.7557551
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>grey goose
gross choices
GG is like 2x too expensive and fin is trash

get Luksusowa

>> No.7557581
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>got drunk friday
>drank more last night
>woke up this morning throwing up
>drank more to stop the hangover

I feel this week long bender may have been a bad idea. But at least the ginger beer with this rum is settling my stomach so now I'm feeling good

>> No.7557604

>drank more to stop the hangover
every morning i do this. i have a pint of vodka next to my bed for when i wake.

>> No.7557619

hangovers are the result of how much ethanol you drink. The quality of the beverage has almost nothing to do with the severity of the hangover.

Enjoy your myths, though.

>> No.7557631
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been trying to cut back, only had a beer and one glass of bourbon last night :^)

>> No.7557650

Literally everything other than taaka

>> No.7557656

day 6, am I gonna make it bros

>> No.7557659

i wake up feeling fine.

"wow, i escaped a hangover!", i tell myself.

then 4-6 hours later all those toxins hit me at once and i feel like total shit.

and to make it worse, i'll be at work. doing my stressful, mentally-exhausting job.

>> No.7557666

6 days would be fkn huge for me. keep going anon, if you've come this far you're over the worst.
are you sleeping ok? that's what really fucked me last time i managed to quit. after a month i still couldn't sleep, i'd just lay in bed all night, wide awake. eventually it became more painful than the hangovers.

>> No.7557673

>hung over at work
stuff of nightmares.

>> No.7557679


hungover during 6+ mile runs at 5 am in the army for 4 years of my life

please tell me more about how rough your desk job is

>> No.7557685

well that'd simply kill me. alchie or not, no way would i drink if i knew i had that shit coming at me the next day.

>> No.7557707

If you think you can run 6 miles with a hangover, you have never had a hangover

>> No.7557727

>no true scot

>> No.7557740

found the millennial

>> No.7557755

yeah. this is probably a "hangover" from 2.5 drinks drunk over the space of 4 hours the night before.

>> No.7557783

It's a rough one. After jokingly telling someone else to in another thread, I appear to have had an actual pint of gin.

>> No.7557805

Thank you for your service.

>> No.7557822
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why does anyone drink this stuff? it has to be the single most disgusting tasting shit known to man

>> No.7557842

lots of tossing and sweating, weird dreams too

>> No.7557859

I used to hate it too, but I got the taste for it after one evening with my dad when he had a bottle to get rid of.

Also it's more interesting than vodka, but cheaper than whisky. If I was made of money I'd be on the scotch.

>> No.7557874

>weird dreams
yeah i get horrendous nightmares when i'm withdrawing from pretty much anything. heroin is the worst, the dreams are so ridiculously vivid that it takes me half the day to convince myself that it really was only a dream.
still preferable to perpetuating the hell which is substance abuse.
i wonder how many of us itt will make it. we all know that the only alternative is death. stay strong anons. i'm convinced that this shit is possible and that at least some of us will be ok.

>> No.7557911


I drank on Friday night, and yesterday I seriously had the worst hangover in my life. I really don't want to drink again. It's pretty much gone now but it lasted until about 5 this morning. It was just unbearable.

>> No.7557933

worst hangover of my life lasted 3 days. it was sheer hell. it was a red hot day, sun was beating down on me like a bitch, i drank something like 12 beers then had to walk 3 miles to get home in the ridiculous heat. didn't have any water and i hadn't eaten anything that day. the hangover that caused... wow. worst of my life by far, and i was only about 18 at the time. drinking 1.4 litres of smirnoff every day for months, doesn't give me as bad a hangover as that one. nothing helped, the pain, the nausea, the twitching nerves, the... ugh, all of it. promised myself i'd never drink again. then proceeded to get drunk for the next 19 years.

>> No.7558051
File: 167 KB, 952x1267, amsterdamgin__65132.1412828899.1280.1280.JPG?c=2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gin is wonderful.

It's a neutral spirit that gives a bit of herbal taste, while also not being bitter.

I go through a handle of this stuff on a weekly basis.

Great bang for buck as far as gins go.

>> No.7558082

U-uh horology is technology!!

>> No.7558095

i think it tastes like perfume. vile. gimme vodka/scotch any day instead of that horrible, girly stuff

>> No.7558111

That kinda sounds like sunstroke more than plain old hangover.

>> No.7558117

>not the girliest of spirits

>> No.7558139

I wish it was the 1800s when all the gin hating bastards still got malaria

>> No.7558499

HAH you fucking faggot

>> No.7558711

>hello hangover
>FUCK you alcohol. *pour whisky down drain*
>few hours later
>buy another
>now drunk
why. why do i do it. i don't know if i can cope for much longer.

>> No.7558818

don't talk rubbish, a lot of the hangover is from all the chemicals they put in as preserver. went to tenerife and had their local beer (dorada?) every nihgt for a couple of weeks, no hangover ever

you can't get it outside the island because it doesn't stay fresh long

there are also tanins and other crap in wine which help cause hangovers

best hangover cure is, of course, 2 pints of water before you go to bed. dilutes the alcohol and rehydrates you. TRY IT!

>> No.7558823

>after a month i still couldn't sleep, i'd just lay in bed all night, wide awake.
damn, I get that sometimes

I get wierd body itches too, and sensations of being bit. so either I have bedbugs or some mental condition, maybe the odour of alcohol keeps them away

>> No.7558896

brah, you've introduced even more myths with your new post.

There are no hangover cures either. That's a myth.

Studies suggest that certain impurities in alcohol can worsen a hangover, but hangovers are mostly the result of ingesting too much ethanol, and specifically the byproducts of metabolizing the ethanol. I do think I've noticed worse hangovers from port, wine, and whiskey than beer, which supports what the studies show.

And water doesn't do much to improve how you feel as your body processes the byproducts if you drink way too much.

I suspect you're experiencing placebo effects because you're not really drinking that much in the first place. If you have around 10+ drinks, it doesn't matter how much water your drink or how high quality the booze is--you're body will feel bad from having to process the ethanol.

>> No.7559019

give it time little fella

>> No.7559078

It was shit. I was running to the cooler at work so I could puke bile into a styrofoam cup. All I've eaten today was one eggrolls and a few rolaids.

>> No.7559306

>Studies suggest that certain impurities in alcohol can worsen a hangover, but hangovers are mostly the result of ingesting too much ethanol, and specifically the byproducts of metabolizing the ethanol

so it's a myth? but you have gone from "as the result of" to "mostly the result of"

if you are right that metabalozing the ethanol causes harmful pyproducts, then drinking some water before you go to bed(2 pints) will

a)slow the rate that alcohol is absorbed from the stomach, there is still plenty of alcohol in there that will need processing

b)provide available water for the liver to use to breakdown the alcohol

c)dilute the harmful products, lessening their effects

d)provide a reservoir of water to be sweated out

10+ drinks? you mean an average night? had like 8 already and have a few vodka OJs left to finish me off

>it doesn't matter how much water your drink or how high quality the booze is
as I mentioned, water dilutes booze, this allows more effective breakdown of ethanol. as if you only had 6 drinks instead of 10, maybe

you could at least try it, I'm not charging anything

>> No.7559352

If you're still getting hangovers, you're no drunkard.

>> No.7559391

Since I know how to hydrate after a night of drinking, this seldom effects me.

>> No.7559462

if youre sober enough to be thinking about the morning after you're a smart cookie

some of us aren't so smart and instead drink too much vodka and fuck ourselves up

>> No.7559465

I'm living back at home after graduating college, my parents went on vacation and are coming home tomorrow. I'm starting to sober up now, but I don't remember anything since tuesday when they left, I was drunk every minute of the day since then. I feel like I'm gonna die, I have no idea how people can do this for years

>> No.7559471

I don't get hangovers, I just get huge withdrawal anxiety. I was going through w/d's hard last week and I work in an office job where I have to answer phones and interact with customers all day. I could barely talk my voice was so shaky, it was terrible

>> No.7559658

biked 11 miles to my desk job while drunk from the night before.

>> No.7559669

I mentioned I drank gin to a coworker, she let out a disgusted "EEW" and asked if I was a nigger.

>> No.7559682

> gin
> girly
It's a classic old English gentleman's drunk please anon.

>> No.7559711

body adapts, easier than you think. But the cumulative hang-over can killya. Have fun with your night sweats tonight, your beds getting soaked.

>> No.7559712

I edged in the bath with an electric toothbrush in my butt while playing CoC for 2 hours and that pretty much cured it.

>> No.7559726

>hangovers are the result of how much ethanol you drink
Part true. Volume plays but so does dehydration. Alcohol pullls massive amounts of water out of you everytime you pee and you'll pee a lot boozing all night.

>The quality of the beverage has almost nothing to do with the severity of the hangover
Top shelf vodka is distilled multiple times. The better the vodka the less congeners (impurities) in the booze, which contribute to hangover as well.

Also, hangovers can be exacerbated by types of alcohol all mixed and ingested. Source: yeaers of practice. Keeps it simple with one type the whole night and make it like Kettle one or something.

>> No.7559731

Ya, evryone is 20 once. Even you'll look back 5 years from now and say 'jeez, how the fuck did i do that!'

>> No.7559732

You'd better be trolling you double nigger.

>> No.7560042
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You know, beer isn't that bad lukewarm.

>> No.7560050

Only in cold weather.

>> No.7560060

I think I have an ulcer or something. Every time I have a sip of alcohol I get the worst acid reflux almost immediately.

>> No.7560106

>hangover comes from dehydration
Wrongo. Alcohol is a diuretic, but it is definitely not dehydrating you to the extent that you would get hangover symptoms. It's caused by byproducts produced when your body tries to eliminate the alcohol from your system - I believe acetaldehyde is the main cause of hangover.

>> No.7560269

>is vodka as diverse as scotch
Dude are you 14, what the actual fuck?

>> No.7560273

What I don't understand is why people ask these kinds of questions? It's as if people can enjoy things that you don't you stupid nigger. Are you one of those people who think people just pretend to like beer?

>> No.7560376


>> No.7560620

Mix things.
Beer + vodka + energy drink + moonshine + champagne + wine + more vodka (or whisky).

I did this on my graduation party, next day was hell.

>> No.7560671

You are correct the enzyme that metabolises acetaldehyde to acetic acid becomes overwhelmed. There is a cure for alcoholism which blocks this enzyme meaning you have an instant hangover when you drink. I think methanol from the rbeakdown of ethanol may also contribute to the hangover

>> No.7560736

37. why? explain?

>> No.7560737

it's a faggy, floral-tasting, fuckhead of a fluid. eurgh, i'd rather stay sober

>> No.7560790

You'll get em back if you keep on going my broseph.
I started drinking, got normal hangovers. Then kept drinking, impossible to get hangovers for a time. Then years down the road a hangover isn't just a headache or an upset tum-tum. They kind of morphed into weird anxiety hazes that just would get worse and worse until I drank again.
I've backed off from that now, but I'm just telling you.

>> No.7560802


>> No.7560811
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>> No.7560813

Ok lets try this then, you stop posting here. Use that willpower to quit 4chan.

>> No.7560943

>think people just pretend to like beer?
the only people i've ever heard say this are 12yo's.

it's like eating surstromming. or dating fat chicks. it's simply so, so disgusting to me that i don't know how any human could possibly enjoy it.

>> No.7561073

Monday afternoon here. haven't drank in 8 days. Got abot 2 hours of sleep last nite for some reason. Was getting like 5 or 6 hours a nite altho i'd wake up like every hour. Feel kind of crappy but not nearly as crappy as i would if i was boozing all weekend and came to work hungover with The Fear making me think the world was going to eat me. Every once in awhile i find myself stopping during the day and think "so this is what it's like to not be perma drunky or hungover 24/7 huh?" which is pretty cool. oh well whatever who cares huh lol :D

>> No.7561129

Lou of course

>> No.7561235

It's before noon on a monday and i'm mostly enjoying a lagunitas on an empty stomach. Went on a beer tour and drank WAY too much (i'm tiny) so no more excessive drinking. Just regular irresponsible drinking for me.

>> No.7561338
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yup, i hate hangovers enough that i now do this just to escape them.
bound to end well.

>> No.7561380


Hold on hold on hold on
Dating fat chicks,
Or FUCKING fat chicks?

There's a works of difference
But actually though there was one that I would have dated, she was awesome and super interesting and successful and a sweetheart, and really proportional, honestly not like gross fat just, wider hips, bigger boobs... Body curves of the same wavelength as other women, just a higher amplitude?

Sorry I'm working through something

>> No.7561396
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i don't like even plump girls. so, either fucking or dating.
although christ, dating a fatty would be worse. can't imagine how soul destroying that'd be.

>> No.7561411

yeah I like a cup of coffee to, but I prefer fresh over instant.

>> No.7561419


27 now and definitely could never be the functional alcoholic i was during the army/college/fraternity days

think i started to get my shit together senior year of college after one particular night...

spent most of the day drinking beers and that night i beer bonged two four lokos and drank a fifth of gin.

embarrassingly drunk at the party so get a ride home with my girlfriend from a pledge. get out of the car and run to a sand volleyball court on campus and start throwing sand at my girlfriend and the driver. someone from the dorms hears us/hears her say "stop hitting me" and calls the cops

cops show up (guy ive seen multiple times before and is bro) finds out it was a misunderstanding and breathalyzes me. blow a 0.31. they were pretty weirded out because i was coherent/logical responses/respectful. live in a beautiful state where being intoxicated in public isn't a crime and they just walk me back to my apartment and make sure i have someone staying with me.

8+ years of binge drinking and getting older has given me acid reflux (even though i am not overweight, probably from chugging/funneling so much shit) and now i only drink ~1 day a week and try to limit myself to buying 6 or 12 packs of beer or fifths of liquor that i share. self control is always an issue after i start drinking so i never keep a stock of booze around and when i plan on drinking i only buy what i plan on consuming that night/reasonable amount. i have fun drinking now instead of pushing the limits.

>> No.7561425


Honestly, in thinking of an example of how much respect I have for that outlook on bigger women, the most apt that came to mind was "men who can't stand the taste of beer".
Which I realize is how we got into the topic in the first place. (I just jumped in on the fat chicks part)

So I feel a bit more confident in saying, Christ, man, grow up.

>> No.7561428

You guys are lucky you don't crave key bumps after drinking.

>> No.7561434

i've got no idea what you're talking about. i'm high on smack, and given that you're in this thread and appear buttockflustered, i imagine you're a drunk fat chick. our chances of profitable conversation are minimal. so instead i'll just say "eat shit faggot", and hope we've reached and understanding.

>> No.7561563

funnily enough, what you're looking at is a type of heroin called #3, which does in fact contain instant coffee as one of it's bulking agents.
>crave key bumps after drinking.
what does this mean?

>> No.7561569

I crave fat rails at all times bro

>> No.7561580

i crave coke no matter what i'm doing. doing cocaine makes me crave cocaine.
that delicious cooling feel in your mouth, and the crystal clear high that only coke can give. nom.
no wonder coca cola used to contain cocaine. a frosty coke with cocaine in it would be one moreish, refreshing motherfucker.

>> No.7562298

Fellow alcoholic. Just got out of detox. Feelsgoodman

>> No.7562301

this guy knows whats up

>> No.7562306
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I mean, unless you're in a mudslime majority country, it really isn't. Alcohol is the most socially acceptable and normal way to get intoxicated in society.

In fact, if you can't drink alcohol cuz you're an alcoholic and can't control yourself, then you actually are a degenerate.

>> No.7562307

Physical activity fills you with oxygen and sobers you up. I used to drink with some navy guys that used oxygen on the ship to get rid of hangovers

Also stress from a mentally taxing job is different from physical training

>> No.7562311

Why not drink cheap scotch

>> No.7562461

I just drink beer. one you full, you stop.

Vodka on special occasions (visiting my family twice a year)

Worst shit i had was when i drunk some havana rum shit - most trippiest dreams that even Aphex Twin wouldn't come up in his videos.

>> No.7562571
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>when you got your buzz on by 830
>you'll make it to work tomorrow

>> No.7562574

You feel full after a beer? Is your pancreas totally trashed?

>> No.7562881

but this is not cost efficient bro, the asian-find-the-dealz side of me would kick myself for the rest of night, especially when if i ran out....how do i portion control?

>> No.7562893

Just wait until you old enough that you'll feel even that little in the morning.

>> No.7563619

Addicts can't.

>> No.7563989

>I believe acetaldehyde is the main cause of hangover
and is that worse in larger concentrations, or when diluted?

>> No.7565348

>have kidney stones
>probably caused by booze
>have been drinking to much to take the pain meds

>> No.7565664
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>> No.7565671


you have to get past the "its cheaper" shit because it isn't. you just spend more, drink it all and regret it.

cheaper and better to get the fifth than the handle man.

>> No.7565687

where the fuck do you live?
it is usually 8%

>> No.7565692


12% here...

>> No.7565695

New Hampshire.
There's no laws restricting this afaik, we get 8% mikes, redds, and other malternatives.

>> No.7565699
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Been drinking 4 shots a night with this for the past 8 months.
I didn't drink yesterday and didn't feel any signs of withdrawal, so I am going to keep drinking it.
I think I might be an alcoholic soon or something. I met a girl online while I was drunk and have a long distance relationship with her. I just end up getting drunk and talking with her. She doesn't even know I drink, but she tells me I am fun and said that she loved me the other day. I don't know when to tell her that she has never seen me sober, I don't think I ever will.

>> No.7565705

>got kidney stones from drinking a can of soda everyday
>my doctor tells me to have 2 beers a day

>> No.7565707
File: 118 KB, 576x1024, reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some flavored 8% steel reserve.

>> No.7565712


the cherry one is pretty good too

>> No.7565714

that is actually pretty tasty. like berry soda. no bitterness at all.

>> No.7565720

it is a good mixer with cherry coke. admiral nelson has a fantastic vanilla or cherry aftertaste to it. It is the best of the cheap rums.

>> No.7565721

They fucked fourloko up. It ain't worth it anymore

>> No.7565726

yeah, it's pretty good for what it is.
Ironically, this doesn't have the horrible malt liquor taste mike's harder has.

>> No.7565727
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Rate my drink, /ck/

>> No.7565729


they are better now than the caffeine days. the old version really was horrible blackout witchcraft.

but i live in a 12% state i can't believe you faggots are talking about 4% and 8% trash.

2 cans of 12% is the cheapest buzz you can get and some of the flavors (coconut) are halfway decent.

this shit should put all the hobo wines out of business.

>> No.7565732

twice the price it would be if it wasn't in that bottle/10

what is it tho?

>> No.7565733


agree except cheerwine instead of cherry coke.

>> No.7565737

>rate my drink
post what kind of alcohol it is and the %

>> No.7565744
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>not drinking the best tasting and highest ABV four loko

>> No.7565749

Ya it gets you drunk cheap, by my fuckin' god do four loko's give me raging hangovers. It must be all the sugar because I can drink vodka all night and be fine the next day, but four lokos make me hangover puke and lay in bed the entire next day

>> No.7565763

I can't find it anywhere. What flavor is it? Banana?
I am also betting all the sugar
. Every time I get drunk off of sugary drinks I get the worst hangovers.

>> No.7565765

is it gold flavored?

>> No.7565769

sugar dehydrates

>> No.7565784

Nah it kind of tastes like a really strong margarita. None of the four lokos are good imo, but gold is one of the only ones that doesn't make me cringe with every sip

>> No.7565801
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It's pic related. 40%

>> No.7565809

thoughts on it?

>> No.7565821

It's not bad. Considering my friend got it for free, I can't complain...

The best drink I had to was at a huge USC frat party.. 5$ entrance fee, and you could get unlimited free drinks... And they were delicious...

>> No.7565822



yeah sorry im not falling for the expensive vodka meme. guarantee you wouldn't be able to tell the difference from it or a $15 smirnoff in a blind tasting

>> No.7565825

i dont like vodka. I have a taste aversion to it that my brain refuses to get over.
if it:
isn't harsh
you can drink it straight warm
mixes well
seems good to you even though it is only 40%
then it is good.

>> No.7565841
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>wouldn't be able to tell the difference from it or a $15 smirnoff in a blind tasting
inorite? during my last binge i'd i slam a couple of bottles of smirnoff a day, never found a vodka i like more.
i think in fact i was speaking about this earlier itt. can't remember if it was this thread or an earlier one and too lazy to scroll up. lol.
has anyone had a vodka they can near-enough guarantee i'll prefer? doesn't seem in my experience to be a huge amount of diversity in vodkas, not like whisky where one is massively different from the next

>> No.7565848

Read my other post. My friend got it for free... If I'm paying, I usually just get a cheap Smirnoff or a Don Julio

>> No.7565855

You guys ever used a brita filter for vodka? I'd run cheap bottles, like $7.99 handles, through it 5 or 6 times and it tasted noticeably better and way smoother. In college my friends and I used to do that and put it in old Absolute and Grey Goose bottles and sell it to freshmen, they always raved about how good it tasted lol

>> No.7565868


might have been this thread think someone else mentioned luksusowa vodka. its a cheaper/decent alternative to smirnoff.

vodka is shit though i don't even drink it anymore because im not trying to get freshmen college girls drunk anymore

>> No.7565879

>You guys ever used a brita filter for vodka?
can't say i have, interesting idea.
>vodka is shit though
i like it. can't get drunk on anything but spirits, i just end up feeling bloated. it's either gotta be scotch or vodka, and i prefer vodka.

>> No.7565894

Luksusowa is generally regarded as best bang/buck vodka.

In my opinion it is significantly better than Smirnoff.

>> No.7565921

Damn checkt

>> No.7565925
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I'm sober for the first time in 13 years. Haven't had a drop in three weeks. I can remember some things and I can think of the word I want to use in a conversation without having to pause.

But the only reason I stopped is because I lost my job and ran out of money. I start a new job tomorrow. I'm already fantasizing about the reckless bender I'm going to go on

>> No.7565935

>I can think of the word I want to use in a conversation without having to pause.
holy shit i miss this so much, lol. how long did it take to return? thing is, when i stop, i CANNOT damn well sleep, it takes months to sort that shit out, so i end up dopey as hell even when sober. i once did manage to stop for 7 months though, and my brain felt so much less foggy and confused, i could actually string a sentence together without forgetting what i'd been saying 5 seconds prior

>> No.7565962

It's very gradual, but I feel considerably less stupid already. My roommate is also an alcoholic and he does things like ask me what's in the oven 20 seconds after I told him what I was making. It's kind of shocking to be around drunk people when you are sober.

Part of me wants to stay like this. But I don't think I enjoy life enough to be a sober person. I don't know how to do it unless I'm forced to.

>> No.7565968

I think the best way to be a functioning alcoholic is to just do it at night, but stick to a schedule. I'll stay sober all day, do fine at work and in my social life, then get as drunk as I want from 8pm-11, cutting myself off at 11 so I can function the next day. Kind of the best of both worlds

>> No.7565975

>It's kind of shocking to be around drunk people when you are sober.
ugh, it all feels so normal when drunk. the sad truth though is that this is the reality


>> No.7565979

you don't sound like an alcoholic to me, just someone who likes drinking.

>> No.7565988

The oldest millenials are 36 now.

>> No.7565994

I can stop posting whenever I want.

>> No.7565998

I'd consider myself an alcoholic, obviously not to the same level as someone who drinks throughout the entire day, but I still crave it every night and constantly think about how I'll get drunk each day. And I do feel physical withdrawals as the end of the day nears or after nights when I don't drink

>> No.7566003

hmmm okay fair enough. i was thinking more the being able to stop at 11. if i let myself get really drunk i am just not able to stop and will drink until like 4 am and still be drunk when i am supposed to be up for work :(

>> No.7566016

That's a good point, I usually am only able to achieve it because I know from experience how much I drink in that time period, so I'll only buy that many beers or that much hard liquor. If I've got alcohol around, I'll drink it. That's why you see lots of bad alcoholics only buying pints at liquor stores constantly even though it would be cheaper to buy handles, gotta ration it off

>> No.7566023


that video nailed it. you can be an obviously educated man with the attention span of a child and the emotional control of a middle schooler in puberty.

>> No.7566039


same shit i was saying earlier. if you know you are an alcoholic you can still be responsible by controlling the amount you purchase/keep in your house.

i have all the willpower in the world until like the third or fourth drink and then i am finishing whatever i have in the house. limit what i have in the house to a fairly reasonable amount and it doesn't fuck my life up anymore.

>> No.7566206

if there's any conceivable way whatsoever for me to get more drink, then it happens. i've walked miles, i've driven drunk, i've hitch-hiked, i've stolen, i've lied, i've called people in tears asking them to get out of bed at like 2am and drive alcohol to me, i've done everything to get booze. if that failed, well then i'd buy illegal drugs. if that failed? welp, guess it's time to break open a few lighters and get high off the butane. still failing? i'll go to an elderly person's house (used to work as a caregiver for a short while) break in in the middle of the night and steal their prescriptions.
the cravings are real.

>> No.7566223

Well then, you're just a shitty person.

>> No.7566235

jesus, you're fucked man, get help please. I walked a mile through a snowstorm that dropped over a foot of snow on my town last year to buy a couple 40s, and that seemed like the low point of my life

>> No.7566247

>get help please
been in treatment for years, still am

>> No.7566259

I hate that I have to buy pints, its such a ripoff. A pint of my vodka is almost $4, a fifth is like $6, and a whole handle is a dollar or two less than $10. Somedays I try to rationalize buying a whole handle, telling myself once again how much money I'll save and how I can control my drinking this time. And every time I drink way too much and end up blackout drunk.

>> No.7566376

Woke up today and thought I had the first hangover in a long time, turned out to just be a headache from sleeping on my neck wrong.

>> No.7566670

i can see no way in which having an uncomfortable neck could compare to a hangover. i wake whenever i wake, i make a depressed groaning noise realising that i'm still alive, wash two cocodamol down with a coffee from the coffee machine next to my bed, if as is often the case i immediately throw up i wait ten mins then try again, then cover my eyes with my arm and lay there motionless and in silence for at least an hour. when the painkillers kick in i have a bath, another coffee, some sedatives like diazepam, then start drinking. if i don't drink the hangover typically lasts about a day and a half, but if i do drink i can get rid of it within about 4-5 hours. black our after about the first bottle of vodka, and continue drinking until the second is gone, and suddenly find myself awake again the next morning, with only the first 5ish hrs of the previous day remembered. the other 19 hrs of the day i have no memory of because i'm either asleep or blackout drunk. effectively my life, or at least that of it which i can remember, consists of those 5 hrs, during which i'm half drunk and half hung over. the rest is just an agonizing blur.
kind of went off on one there, didn't mean to type quite such a textwall. still not sure i've ever suffered anything like this no matter what happened to my neck in the night.

>> No.7566725

Ex Navy fag here, I can drink 1/2 a handle of rum no problem the next day and still function as normal. A little groggy in the morning, but nothing a shower wont fix. If I feel especially shitty i'll have an early breakfast. I start to feel shitty when I almost kill a handle of Rum, and I usually sleep 12 hours a day so I may even be lucky to escape the mild hangover. I drink the cheap shit too.... Admiral Nelson $12 a handle is all I can afford at the moment. I come from a huge family of alcoholics... am I fucking myself over at 25 anons, or is there hope?

>> No.7566730

What's an early breakfast? A breakfast you eat while you're still asleep?

>> No.7566734

A breakfast before I leave for work. I get free breakfast at work, so if I eat at home it's out of pocket and a luxury.

>> No.7566795

>my brain felt so much less foggy and confused
did you have this foggy and confused thing only while drunk or even in sober moments? i´m drinking every friday and saturday night (sometimes on sundays) but stay sober durink the weekdays. but still i have this weird, foggy feeling in my head on a every day basis

>> No.7566800

>>7566795 constantly it since about 2008

>> No.7566804


>muh expensive pills and booze habit with no work

someone is obviously supporting your shit lifestyle and i hope they cut you off

suicide is always an option

>> No.7566816

stop projecting, i'm a day trader and i own websites. shoo, this isn't a kiddie thread.

>> No.7566821

>i hope they cut you off
what an edgy little brat you are. grow up.

>> No.7566833


>day trader
>own my own websites
>in bed for hours a day and blackout for 19 on booze and pills

so how much allowance does your mommy give you exactly?

>> No.7566836


>> No.7566837


>grow up
>being an alcoholic pill head is really mature

>> No.7566844

please just go away you fool. i don't feel well as it is, i'm not interested in arguing with angst-riddled children.

>> No.7566846

This is intense. This is your daily routine? How old are you? How is your health?

>> No.7566849

>This is your daily routine?
for the last few years yeah.
>How old are you?
>How is your health?
going blind, tinnitus, alcoholic neuropathy, brain lesions, losing the use of my right arm... not great.
am falling asleep, need to pass out for a couple of hours, been drinking since 5

>> No.7566874


i hope you die/10

>> No.7566880

Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.

>> No.7566890

isn't this board supposed to be 18+?

>> No.7566899


18+ means you eat rare steaks, drink IPA micro brews, only go to hipster coffee joints and have a crippling pill addiction apparently

/ck/ is the worst board

>> No.7566938

does it ever go away after one stops drinking? how long until i feel normal again?

>> No.7567207

don't know, ive never stopped for long enough to find out.
been to every doc and had every test, they have no clue what's going on. its truly awful.

>> No.7567274
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>> No.7567316

I don't know why people like you get so offended when people like beer styles other than macro lager. Does it offend you? On /ck/ I'd say the most non conventional beer style would be weiss beer

>> No.7567455

you're going to die pretty quick if you keep it up, but I'm sure you know that

RIP in peace anon

>> No.7567541

yeah i know. thanks for the peace in peace. peace.

>> No.7567598

> i live on the nathe caste of paste
oh boy.

>> No.7568179

>tfw nightmarish 3 day hangover finally starting to dissipate

I'm gonna give it one more day then start apologising to people. Christ I'm a subhuman.

>> No.7568187

lol. i'm way past the apology phase. i fuck up so often that people find the apologies offensive, knowing fully well i'll just fuck up again.

>> No.7570176

never apologize. never explain.

most people will make excuses for you. and when they don't you're better off with them out of your life anyway.

>> No.7570264

Gatorade G2
Ramen Noodles
Multigrain toast with butter

Basically you're fucking jumpstarting your body with carbs and electrolytes.
After eating the meal, get a big glass of water and go to bed for a lengthy 2-3 hour nap.

When you wake up, you should feel significantly better.

>> No.7570280

>being able to drink more than a sip of water without puking
>being able to eat without puking
>being able to sleep at all
>being able to get out of bed and prepare food

I feel like you and I have different ideas about what we consider a hangover

>> No.7571085

fucks sake anon, you convinced me to stop drinking in the week, you poor bastard

>> No.7571257
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Does anyone have a cure or at least methods for lessening their anxiety?

I've been tracking my actions and intake, and the symptoms seem to hit harder after more-unhealthy meals, masturbation, lack of physical activity, and usually two and three days after opiate use.

Other than water and my daily supplements, I try to exercise at least every other day, keep masturbation to once a week (hopefully, but I usually slip that one up), and try to keep my weekday nightly drink count under 10 (also slip that one up). Also small meals that avoid white flour, sugar, excess grease, or being meat-centric.

Anyone in the same boat or have any ideas?

>> No.7571259

exercise is the only thing that helps for me.

>> No.7571283


For the past two months though I have literally only been buying vlad because I have like no money anymore and still need to get drunk every day.
I guess they weren't joking when they said alcoholism runs in the family.