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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 494 KB, 1538x776, pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7554380 No.7554380 [Reply] [Original]

Can any restaurant make a decent pizza anymore? I live in Ohio. When I was a kid, it didn't matter where you went - Little Caesar's, Pizza Hut, anything - all the pizza was fucking great. Now Little Caesar's skimps like an Ethiopian on your cheese, Pizza Hut tastes like plastic overcooked in a microwave and all local pizza places have the shittiest pizza imaginable. I mean I realize the 90s turned everyone into hypercapitalist cynics pushing low-quality garbage to try to maximize profits, but holy shit, does this mean I'm never allowed to eat pizza again unless I make it myself or fucking mail-order it or leave the fucking country?

>> No.7554383

Good junk pizza relies on trans fats and highly processed cheese. Blame health nuts for leaving with you with something that's just as fattening but also tastes like shit.

>> No.7554392
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>Good junk pizza relies on trans fats and highly processed cheese
No it does not, you moron.

>Blame health nuts
This is the most full of shit post I have ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.7554400

Nice rebuttal. What a well conceived, highly structured argument.

>> No.7554405

Your argument was simply false though. It has NOTHING to do with the shit you claimed AT ALL. It has to do with using inferior ingredients to maximize profit. Not health-consciousness.

Nobody over 150 lbs answer from now on.

>> No.7554409

Why ask the question if you're so sure of the answer?

>> No.7554414
File: 146 KB, 950x350, venepizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be you just grew up, and your standards did along with it.

How do you specify a good pizza? Is it a crunchy crust, an ultra thin crust, or a doughy crust? Is the cheeze mozzarella, or more yellow stuff? Is there a lot or a little sauce, is it spicy or tomato-y or herby? Are there a lot of fillings, or are they more sparse?

I dunno, I live in Finland, and the best pizza comes from the imgrunts here. Franchise restaurant pizza is decent too, but they skimp on servings and overprice their product, especially home delivery.

The current trend in the better, imgrunt pizzerias is "boat pizza". I wonder if it's a pun, fugees and all. Still, the dough is normal thickness, but the sides of the crust are lifted and knotted at the ends, resulting in standing-up sides, and permitting an outright criminal amount of toppings to be laden in.

My favourite is the hot chicken curry one. Three cheeses, eight toppings, one inner sauce and two topping sauces - a smoky BBQ one and a very sharp, citric and fiery curry sauce.

>> No.7554429

Fucking idiot. I didn't ask why pizza was shit now. I asked where to get edible pizza you pile of obnoxious shit.

No. Because I never stopped liking Little Caesar's until recently when they started refusing to actually put cheese on their pizzas. And Pizza Hut has DEFINITELY gotten worse over time.

>How do you specify a good pizza?
Not bland as fuck. Entirely cooked but not burnt. Enough fucking ingredients for me actually paying for fucking ingredients, INCLUDING sauce, cheese and crust - you know? the main fucking components of a pizza. I'm just waiting for them to start serving empty pizza boxes at this point with some crumbs inside. Not so greasy it runs if I pick up a slice. I'm not asking a fucking lot here and yet still nobody can accomplish the task. God damn.

>imgrunts here
That's how everything in America is too now. Everything else is too entrenched in the soulless machine of corporatocracy to not have yet had all the quality siphoned out.

It's pretty bad when fleeing the country won't even fix the problem at this point because everywhere is trying its damnedest to be the crapitalist hell of America.

>> No.7554430

>grew up
>Goes to Pizza Hut, Little Caesar's expecting good pizza

>> No.7554433

They were good. And Little Caesar's still was until recently. Comment thrown in the trash where it belongs.

>> No.7554439
File: 30 KB, 480x360, Laughing owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you pile of obnoxious shit.

>being this mad

>They were good
>Little Caesar's


>> No.7554443

>It's pretty bad when fleeing the country won't even fix the problem at this point because everywhere is trying its damnedest to be the crapitalist hell of America.

Mmm. Well, it's the world we've created, you know? It doesn't get any better even if you leave USA and land in, say, Vietnam, Australia, Germany, Finland, the UAE... simply because no matter where you go, the same little cliques of people own everything, and the same protected interest procedures are in place.

Make your own, I guess, is the answer left.

>> No.7554448

Put up or shut up. I bet you like some garbage pizza that's popular with trendy hipster faggots, don't. You probably eat at some shitty sports bar with paper thin pizza and no sauce because the pizza is "really good".

Who's this fucking "we" you speak of? I did no such thing. I'm not a hyperwealthy sociopath.

>simply because no matter where you go, the same little cliques of people own everything

>Make your own, I guess, is the answer left.
Or just buy freezer pizza. Couldn't possibly be worse than the garbage they're trying to pass off as pizza anymore in restaurants.

>> No.7554457

>Might be you just grew up, and your standards did along with it.


When you're a kid, you remember things being better than they actually are because you were a kid and didn't know any better.

>> No.7554458
File: 27 KB, 368x358, projector.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet you like some garbage pizza that's popular with trendy hipster faggots, don't. You probably eat at some shitty sports bar with paper thin pizza and no sauce because the pizza is "really good".

>> No.7554463

>Literally noone on 4chan can read.
I'm out.

Then go on. Tell us what "good" pizza is, you fucking cunt. We all know why you've chosen the kike method of critique, because you know your choice is shit and it will get ridiculed, so you sit behind the couch and throw shit like the garbage you are.

>> No.7554464
File: 65 KB, 620x413, IMAX Projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We all know why you've chosen the kike method of critique, because you know your choice is shit and it will get ridiculed, so you sit behind the couch and throw shit like the garbage you are.

>> No.7554493
File: 27 KB, 514x424, He_857817_948018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7554494

>Who's this fucking "we" you speak of? I did no such thing. I'm not a hyperwealthy sociopath.

You are a citizen of the country that brought this state of affairs to be. If you didn't work actively to kill "them", then you're one of their pawns, and a part of the problem. But hey, who likes a stupid dirty commie socialist traitor anyway? Or unions or minimum wages or tipping? You're too Free for that shit.

>> No.7554500

>maybe you just grew up.
Maybe you should instead of being so mad. Also taste changes over time and sometimes it happens suddenly.

>> No.7554502

I think it might be you. I'm probably twice your age, and I can tell you the chain pizza from when you were a kid was garbage. But I can remember being a kid and thinking even frozen pizza was good.

It's not so much that pizza has gotten worse - chain restaurants have always been terrible, especially when it comes to pizza - it's that little kids have shit taste.

>> No.7554508

>Maybe you should instead of being so mad

>> No.7554515

When you were a kid, your tastes weren't as refined and pizza tasted good.

Now you're an adult, your tastes have changed and now cheap pizza tastes like cheap pizza.


>> No.7554523

Chances are, you aren't gonna find your favorite pizza at a chain restaurant.

Try out your local pizza places instead. Or, buy some ingredients and have a go at it yourself.

>> No.7554539

i live in ohio too (cleveland). we have some really good burrito placed called chiptole, a decent asian place called phing gaim and great burgers at 5guys. but yoyre right, no good pizza place. i opened a diy wood in the early 80s and i remember always getting little caesara during workshops. i

>> No.7554541

>150 lbs

>> No.7554544

It's pretty ironic because someone with the dedication to find a decent pizza place would probably weight a lot more.

>> No.7554587

I can't even imagine a fully grown man weighing so little, even if he was a skeleton. He's probably a turbo Manley too kek

>> No.7554595


>or leave the fucking country

No. Just leave Ohio, shittiest state in the union.

>> No.7554617

>tfw finland
>tfw Hassan makes you 5/5 pizza
Thank you Hassan

>> No.7554635

Indeed. And for 8€ too. Family size here is 15€, and for that you get delivery for free.

>> No.7554656

For me 3 toppings regular pizza costs only 6€ but 8€ seems to be the avarage price here

>> No.7554657

>Catfish Biff's

Which Ohio do you live in, OP?

>> No.7554818

>tfw you get a pizza with kebab, ham, minced meat and salami for 5€
thanks Huzur, crust is a little burnt up at times but other times they're divinely good

>> No.7554886

ITT: muslim appreciation general.

>> No.7554898

little kids have always had awful taste. penny-pinching is a tiny bit of it but it's mostly that you're older and have improved your ability to judge ingredients and quality.

your only hope is to survey local places til you find a decent one.

>> No.7554930

Your pallet is supposed to develop once you grow up. Before you are finished with puberty, your body craves a never ending supply of sugar and fat; hence why kids love pizza from the big box stores.

It's loaded with sugary dough and a retarded amount of cheese.

>> No.7554932

>Good junk pizza relies on trans fats and highly processed cheese.

Jesus you amerifats make me chuckle

>> No.7554961
File: 52 KB, 500x494, More+favs+than+thumbs+dis+gon+be+good+_26b287d11f1e28cf22189bddfe89c963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget jets.

Jets is good.

>> No.7554986

>Mmm. Well, it's the world we've created, you know?
let me tell you about the jews anon

>> No.7554991

so restaurants/take outs aren't scrimping on the ingredients now? I remember reading last year that mozzarella had gone up in price by something like 65%, due to bad weather or something


>> No.7554993

too rate!! skelington is INSIDE YOU!

>> No.7554998

and does he pay his taxes?

does he buy from an importer that doesn't pay his taxes?

does he employ people on the sly and notpay taxes?

does he follow all the costly regulations?

>> No.7555001

i weigh 120

come @ me bitch but not too hard or i'll blow down :(

>> No.7555277

>Your pallet is supposed to develop
Pallets don't develop. They're manufactured.

Palates, perhaps.