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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 491x434, ullillillia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7516470 No.7516470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Hamburger Helper? Do you add meat when you eat?

>> No.7516488

Velveeta's brand of chili mac is the thing of that kind I've found okay. Also who doesn't add meat to fucking hamburger helper?

>> No.7516529
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>> No.7516532


>> No.7516538

i unironically like this video and i dont see why anyone wouldnt

>> No.7516559


The Velveeta brand is downright disgusting.

>> No.7516562

I don't. I ate it as a kid but I don't like it anymore.

>> No.7516587

Autism is a hell of a drug.

>> No.7516615

One box...just aint filling enough. I need a second one to make it more filling, and boyy is it filling

And yes, I can eat the whole thing in one go

>> No.7516618

No I add it before I eat, that way I get meat all throughout instead of only during part of the meal.

>> No.7516636

He is a filthy retard, I think that's a good enough reason

>> No.7516645

I fucking hate ullillillia. Aspies and autismos should be weeded out by eugenics.

>> No.7516660

i wonder what his big retard cock smells like

>> No.7516671

I add spinach and a little bit of chili powder to regular hamburger helper.

The spinach is so I can avoid constipation and the chili powder is to cut through the fat in the hamburger and gravy.

>> No.7516688

Sir, have you read the reccommended daily intake on the side of the box?

>> No.7516706

Ghost Chile powder

>> No.7516745

Probably like his dog's asshole

>> No.7516753


Meat? Yuck, who can stand that stuff?

>> No.7516769

Its called "Helpless" without the meat

learned from another co/ck/

>> No.7516778

His multiplier maths confuse the shit out of me.

Other than that I don't have a problem
With the guy. His kitchen sure is clean.

>> No.7516784

just remember to drain the fat from the cooked hamburger.

>> No.7516790


But that's where the flavor is.

Bro, have you even been to flavor town?

>> No.7516802

Why is watching autists rant so relaxing?

>> No.7516821
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Why did he leave youtube

>> No.7516914

he start becoming normie, got a job picking up trash and everything.

>> No.7516958

rofl, does he seriously pick up trash for a living?

>> No.7516993

I use a third of the ground beef, add an entire packet of bacon, a large onion and sharp cheddar at the end

>> No.7517004

he got a job through a work program picking up trash. there were a couple videos showing him cleaning up an alleyway, filming bunnies, and filling out his timesheet (with marked precision, even deducting half minutes depending on how long he filmed the bunnies for)

there's also a video of him explaining that he vacuums the hallways for the shitty apartment building him and his white trash landwhale of a sister live together in.

sorry i can't find them now.

enjoy this degreasing video instead.


>> No.7517057

Unfortunately not everyone is equipped cognitively to preform even a large amount of entry level work.
He does what he can.

>> No.7517068

Isn't he OCD with numbers, he could have been an accountant or something

>> No.7517074

he has autism.

>> No.7517086

i can imagine sleeping to a playlist of this and simply sara. so comfy

>> No.7517132
File: 189 KB, 520x546, ulicomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, dude, you don't even know. he had a video of him filming the plains as he drove to the middle of nowhere minnesota to light off some fireworks once. seriously comfy.

>> No.7517139
File: 2.79 MB, 600x338, ulililia thumbs up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very relevant webm.

>> No.7517159
File: 135 KB, 600x494, hamburger_helper_meal_fancy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lasagna flavor is a favorite of mine. Sure as fuck doesn't photograph well, though. Here's a homemade version.

>> No.7517569
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No, he has severe OCD. This has been explained in great length. He's also a fucking legend, don't talk shit about folks you don't know.

>> No.7517609

Lol, the first time I came to /ck/ was in 2008 to ask how to make hamburger helper better. I still like it sometimes. Beef stroganoff is a clear winner, cheeseburger mac is up there.

>> No.7517620

I realized those boxed dinners taste don't taste that good so I stopped buying them.

>> No.7517723

Man he goes at it with those paper towels

>> No.7517728
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>it's called hamburger helper
>it's not used to make hamburgers

What the fuck kinda logic is that?

>> No.7517731

My dad is a hick and he calls ground beef hamburger

>> No.7517734

for some reason I always watch this kinda shit when I am hungover

it is better then a toke and some eggs I swear

>> No.7517741
File: 27 KB, 300x294, 1348430689124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he calls ground beef hamburger

>> No.7519182

How does this make you feel?

>> No.7519203

If you had a choice to hangout between ChrisChan or Uli, which would it be? ChrisChan would sell your ass for a PS4 probably, this guy would just probably cook you a box of just hamburger helper.

>> No.7519275
File: 45 KB, 226x265, 1394388271947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proven fake. It barely sounds like him at all.

Uli may not be autistic, but I am.

>> No.7519293

How do you pronounce the name Ulillillia

>> No.7519311

This is a great video, typical /ck/ user.

>> No.7519465

>proven fake
Where's the carfax

>> No.7519811

When the fuck are they releasing the Platform Master? I want to see the documentary on this guy.

>> No.7519813

He makes videos on dailymotion because youtube wasn't sufficient or something

>> No.7519896

YouTube reduced his maximum video duration, he got annoyed with them and switched until they fix it

>> No.7519908

Why doesn't he just make mac and cheese?

>> No.7519920

Ate it once when I was 6. Projectile vomitted in the kitchen.

I can't eat it now. I can't even smell it without cringing.

>> No.7519960

6:00 when he shakes the seasoning, top kek

>> No.7519970

The weird thing is, it's proven that ulilililua doesn't have autism, aspergers, or retardation.

>> No.7520053

Every picture and video of him proves his retardation

>> No.7520088

Even before I read his shirt I could tell he's disgusting hipster trash from New Orleans

>> No.7520234


Don't even show that faggot the directio to flavortown, we don't need these autists shitting up our great town, one fat drainer comes in and starts fucking with our flavor and next thing you know flavortown becomes a vegan hellhole filled with handlebar mustaches and fat chicks who eat somewhat healthy but still manage to intake about 4000 calories daily.

>> No.7520294


>> No.7520869

i've heard him say in a video before that mature content makes him uncomfortable. i think to the extent that he doesn't play teen games, but he definitely said he doesn't watch rated-r movies. i'd believe this.

>> No.7520874

He's got a compulsive disorder for sure.

>> No.7520886


lmao what, this is the first time anyone called the king autist a hipster

>> No.7520965

Rofl seriously. This guy absolutely wrecks this pizza. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.7520971

Hamburger Helper = $0.50 worth of pasta and powdered sauce for $4.

I don't dislike the product, I dislike the price. Just get pasta and real sauce. Make more food for less money.

>> No.7520999

Are you an ass?

>> No.7521060

only quads can stop this super sperg

>> No.7521082

What kinda sauce tho

>> No.7522527

In what universe does this make sense?

>> No.7522557

you're paying for convenience. not everyone wants to take the time to make sauce

>> No.7522567

hes autistic you fucking fascist

>> No.7522595

You can literally make it in the time it takes the pasta to cook, with almost as little effort.

>> No.7524777



>> No.7524783

He's probably from a third world country and has no idea what an actual hipster is, just parroting the dumb shit he reads online.

>> No.7524800
File: 25 KB, 252x189, confused twat 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. this needs to stop. Britfag here and the concept of hamburger helper just baffles me.
What is it? Does it help you make better tasting burgers? why is there macaroni in it? who eats it? why does it exist? Why do you accept this as normal.

>> No.7524867
File: 30 KB, 600x460, 1433786786365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In Shitpostralia we also don't have or understand Hamburger Helper.

Ground beef (Or 'mince' as we call it in the colonies) is already cheap as fuck, why would you need to extend it with miscellaneous artificial shit?

>> No.7524870

Adding beef to pasta is a common thing in the US. Spaghetti with groung beef, Macaroni and cheese with it, "beefaroni", etc

Hamburger Helper is a brand of noodles and sauce mix that capitalizes on the idea that you can buy it for cheap, add meat, and feed your family without spending a lot of money

>> No.7524872
File: 19 KB, 351x359, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That turbo autist has a hot as fuck gf
What the fuck?

>> No.7524874

>why would you need to extend it with miscellaneous artificial shit?

Well, you don't eat ground beef (mince) by itself, do you? The point of Hamburger Helper is that it contains everything you need to make a full meal out of ground beef.

But yeah, it is shit-tier food for people who can't cook.

It's more about convenience than the price. Pasta, etc, is dirt cheap. Cooking a similar dish from scratch costs less than buying HH. The advantage of HH is that it's all pre-measured for you so the effort is minimal.

>> No.7524906

So it's nothing but boxed macaroni cheese? Why is it branded this way? Is it so they can make a few extra bucks conning really stupid people into thinking it contains beef? And why the fuck would you refer to ground beef as hamburger anyway. God damn it America.

>> No.7524907

Americans call ground beef hamburger, I know I do sometimes but I had to do a couple simple google searches to figure out who else does and why. You too can do these simple google searches. Try finding the wikipedia page for ground beef

>> No.7524908

It isn't him, but I have a hot gf and I have piss bottles and have only left the house to go to the store for about a week and a half.

>> No.7524916

Enjoy your hand

>> No.7524920
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do I have to explain that that is not him, and he is not autistic?

Gosh, it's almost like people on 4chan purposefully go out of their way to spread lies just for the fun of it. But no way would anybody do something crazy like that, right? Fuck.

>> No.7524922

What's up uli?

>> No.7524924

>So it's nothing but boxed macaroni cheese?
Pretty much. There are other flavors too.

>Why is it branded this way?
Because it "helps" you make a full meal out of hamburger meat. Buy a pound of mince + hamburger helper = meal.

>>thinking it contains beef?
No, the whole point is that you add beef to it to make a meal.

>> refer to ground beef as hamburger
Heck if I know. I'd imagine it's a shortening of the term "hamburger meat". You know how you guys refer to "minced beef" simply as "mince"? Same idea. The "beef" is understood so you leave it off. And Hamburger helper sounds a lot better than "beef helper" or "ground helper".

It's still shit food though.

>> No.7524937

It doesn't really answer my question. Why do they brand it this way when it isn't any different to other mac n cheese? You can buy any and put ground beef in it. Fair enough about the ground beef point, but it's still funny that you guys would understand ground beef to be "hamburger meat" as if that's its only culinary use to the lower ends of your society. It's like calling milk " plain milkshake".

>> No.7524949

Are you stupid or something? Uli would sooner hang himself than willingly use the word "people." I'm just an autistic superfan that followed his FFXII powerleveling guide.

>> No.7524952

Nah hamburger has been ground beef since at least the 30s in the US. The expression "ground up like hamburger" or "turned into hamburger" has been around for just as long.

>> No.7524957

I remember that.

>> No.7524979

>Why do they brand it this way when it isn't any different to other mac n cheese?

That's self-explanatory. Why label your product the same as a bunch of competitors when you can make it stand out by calling it something different.

Clearly anyone that knows how to cook will realize that it's the same thing as just cooking some pasta and adding it to the meat. But that's not the target market for this product. It's for people who either don't know how to cook or are too lazy to cook from scratch, so it's marketed as an all-in-one solution.

>>hamburger meat
Nobody is implying that's its only use. Rather, it's the most common one.

>> No.7525004

You really are autistic if you couldn't tell he was joking.

>> No.7525254

He lives in North Dakota. It's in his documentary.

>> No.7525351

Uli is looking a lot better. Men truly do age like wine, and he doesn't even take care of himself very well.

>> No.7525460
File: 512 KB, 900x600, hamburger-helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So it's nothing but boxed macaroni cheese?
It comes in a variety of flavors

>> No.7525654

yurobean here why is it called hamburger when it's ground beef

>> No.7525670

Because making hamburgers is a common use for ground beef, thus "hamburger meat" or simply "hamburger" is used to refer to ground meat.

And let's face it "hamburger helper" makes a better product name than "ground beef helper".

And this was already posted earlier in the thread.

>> No.7525695

"Burger" is what we Americans call ourselves (eg. "fellow burger", "what up my burger", "a small crowd of burgers", etc.). Calling Americans burgers is not just a meme. In this case Hamburger Helper is meant to be interpreted as "American Helper", as in it is the most patriotic box meal you can buy (not like Kraft mac n cheese which is for faggy Canadians).

>> No.7527232
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>> No.7527262
File: 169 KB, 640x678, 1458910741729123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I got into a heated argument with Americlaps as a Yuropoor about this

this isn't right

>> No.7527282

because it's not just mac and cheese it's various flavors of noodles and sauce packets which are designed to do well when ground beef is added.

>> No.7528050

hamburger helper is literally pasta with ground beef?

>> No.7528867

He lost the cleaning job like 2 years ago and moved back home a year or so ago

>> No.7528985

>being fired from picking up garbage

How has he not killed himself?

>> No.7529158

Man I miss Ulli.

>> No.7529307

holy shit this is fire