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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.78 MB, 640x360, black coffee fan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7511990 No.7511990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>*A portly fellow in a flame shirt waddles to the counter of a Starbucks*
>"What would you like sir?"
>*The atheist squints around the coffee bar, his hands at the sides of his khaki shorts like he had two holsters. With one hand he expertly pulls out his wallet and with the other, he brings the tip of his hat down before placing his order*
>"Coffee. Black."
>*A hush falls over the patrons and staff. Women gush in their panties as whispers from men can't believe what's transpiring. The barista looks like he's about to faint, his grip on the cup furiously shaking as he slides it over the counter to our hero*
>*The cheetoh avenger slaps down a sticky five and a quarter with his hamhock fist before mumbling to no one that they should "keep the change".*

This is what black coffee drinkers actually believe

>> No.7511992

Did the guy who fucked your mom drink black coffee or something? The salt is palpable in this post

>> No.7512005

>Did the guy who fucked your mom drink black coffee

Laughable because most people that drink black coffee are subhuman virgins

>> No.7512015

i just really like the taste of black coffee. how come that pisses you spergs off so much?

>> No.7512016

Coffee is objectively best with only cream

>> No.7512019

>I literally have the palate of a child

I wish all of Europe was blocked from 4chan

>> No.7512020


People who repeatedly make snobbish comments about it maybe. It's just a drink. Most men I know drink it black.

>> No.7512024


Mummy coffee is yucky I need cream and sugar to drink this. Mummy more tendiees!

>> No.7512030

drinking coffee is retarded

are you guys proud that you need a crutch to even get up in the morning?

>> No.7512038
File: 8 KB, 182x195, 1253615217067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these shitposts are American meta trolls though m8.

>> No.7512039

Every non-black coffee drinker ever

>> No.7512043

No, Europeans are just a bunch of effeminate pussies

>> No.7512045

Why do people pretend this shit is good? I always order hot cocoa when I'm in a coffee shop.

>> No.7512047


Coffee is a very French drink. And we know how sissy the French are. I prefer black tea the drink of conquerors. God save the Queen!

>> No.7512048
File: 7 KB, 180x270, 1365983005531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude they're Americans pretending to be Europeans. It happens in every fucking thread. Literally, these kinda shitposters have made /ck/ suck even harder than usual.

>> No.7512051

Gross. They always use cocoa premixed with sugar. It's next to impossible to get unsweetened cocoa outside of home.

>> No.7512058

French? Coffee was acquired from the Mussulman.

>> No.7512060

But it's true, coffee drinkers are no different from smokers and alcoholics.

>> No.7512061
File: 89 KB, 386x661, tumblr_o41ldoYkSx1v0pigno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512062

Americans water down their coffee so that they can taste it instead of it tasting like bitter only.

>> No.7512063


Yes and I'm sure alchoholics feel the same way you subhuman coffee drinkers.

>> No.7512064

Never had unsweetened cocoa. Is it good?

Also, sugar is more or less inescapable regardless.

>> No.7512073
File: 330 KB, 330x319, 1447218847679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause Americans are sore faggots by default.

>> No.7512079


Alcoholic here, nailed it.

I never drank coffee because I got a hard labor job at the age of 18 and everyone said they felt like shit because they didn't have a coffee.

I didn't need or want that crutch. I enjoy a cup every now and then when I'm in the mood.

If you consider it an essential, I'll give you 50% off your next Fedora purchase.

>> No.7512259