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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 957x1300, open-tin-can-beans-isolated-white-41562971[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7502600 No.7502600 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Foods women will never understand

>> No.7502609

nah i like baked beans

try again, these mass generalizations are exciting

>> No.7502614
File: 310 KB, 444x460, Big-Mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right on OP girls dont get beans

pic related

>> No.7502617
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>> No.7502623
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women might understand venison, but not hunting, killing and cooking a wild animal.

>> No.7502632
File: 54 KB, 750x750, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never seen a girl take her coffee black (like her men xD)

also objectively true

>> No.7502659


Meh, I killed it, and gutted it. But my wife butchered it. She did her part I feel.

That loin strip after the kill, that's where it's at.

>> No.7502663
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Anonymous, will you plz be my grilfiend?

>> No.7502705
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>never seen a girl take her coffee black
same here, when a girl tells me she likes coffee, you know she actually means milkhshakes from starbucks

oh wow, what a coincidence, moot is watching you

>> No.7502709
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pls rspnd. me on the right, you on the left.

>> No.7502754
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>> No.7502767
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>> No.7502770
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>> No.7502773
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>> No.7502774


>> No.7502775

MANchego cheese

>> No.7502776
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>for men and doges

>> No.7502779

My mom drinks cover black I do too but she's fuckin crazy

>> No.7502780


lol you know a meme haha so funny XD

>> No.7502782
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>> No.7502788
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back off faggot i was here first

i will make dinner for you

>> No.7502792

shit bruh... more like shit-raped

>> No.7502796
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>> No.7502797

Oh man is that delicious

>> No.7502847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7502853

No, anon, you are the woman.

>> No.7502855

I would fuck that up senpai, I got a peepee tho

>> No.7502871
File: 125 KB, 590x590, meaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright boys, I don't even have to ask....I know we all want to meat lovers, oh yeah!
>And a plain cheese for the little ladies heh

Every time

>> No.7502907

when will we get munchy boxes

plz bay area plz

>> No.7503002

cheese steaks and italian deli meat grinders

messy foods like saucy chicken wings or ribs

>> No.7503013

i'm the only girl at my work and the only person who there who takes black coffee

>> No.7503026

Moot is kill, anon

>> No.7503028

I'm honestly surprised the Bay Area hasn't done a localized version of it yet.

Carne Asada
Fried Chicken
Assorted fried shit

bay area pls

>> No.7503029

The fuck is that? Eggs and chicken?

Looks good.

>> No.7503033
File: 3.97 MB, 2501x1854, 20160215_165036-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking females will never understand offal

>> No.7503038

Fuck you, you dumb cunt. I bet you're busted and worn out as fuck

>> No.7503056


You're just mad I'm not your gf

>> No.7503059
File: 44 KB, 500x566, 1453019451020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I have a girl over any my dad cooks the nearly out of date lamb's kidneys in the fridge.
I don't know if he thought they would be an aphrodisiac or was hoping she was a vegetarian to scare her away
>Ultimately the latter happened.

>> No.7503091
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, fermat's last gangbang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any astronaut food. Most women seem to be scientifically illiterate in general, but especially space exploration .

>> No.7503096

That's because it's awful.

>> No.7503157
File: 44 KB, 320x335, smuttynose-smuttynose-ipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like most of the things ITT, but this reminded me of something I've never enjoyed nor seen another woman enjoy: IPAs.

For the record, I really like pale ales and stouts.

>> No.7503166

they don't call it offal for nothing

>> No.7503169
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>> No.7503173

pickled andsmoked fish type shit.

if you do like that I love you marry me too late fuck son of a bitch fuck fuck

>> No.7503198

Dark chocolate

>> No.7503245

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7503288

There's a cute girl I know who has her coffee like this

>> No.7503306

All you need is a pizza box and a pile of junk food. Literally anywhere can do it. I'd love to try a mexican one.

>> No.7503329


My grandmother used to take her coffee black. She died.

>> No.7503372
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Any carcass with the head still attached.

I was hosting a big party catered by an excellent barbecue place and requested a whole hog. Half the girls who showed up refused to eat because they were freaked out by the fact that it looked like animal.

I couldn't believe it, it was like they had no idea that barbecue came from pigs.

>> No.7503406


It's probably more about the calorie content than anything. Women always watch what they eat because they don't want to get fat.

>> No.7503411
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>> No.7503462

you do realize cheese has way more calories than a meat lovers pizza?

>> No.7503469

i refuse to believe that anyone would be disinterested in astronaut food

can i buy that suitcase in a meal anywhere?

>> No.7503487
File: 38 KB, 564x376, af035ef750dc8cfac9b59c002099a924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>never seen a girl take her coffee black
we exist. we tend to like harsh teas without sugar more though. coffee has always just been something I have when I feel like I need it.

get on my level.

>> No.7503491

ayyyy lmao

>> No.7503508

That's the food tray they used on SkyLab. It holds your stuff in place and warms whatever needs warming.

>> No.7503522
File: 161 KB, 1300x1086, 9717248-Bull-Chef-holding-a-Pan-over-his-schoulder--Stock-Vector-cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother of GOD

be my gf PLZ!!!! pic is me

>> No.7503544

It even dressed up for the occasion.

>> No.7503546


>> No.7505031
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>> No.7505054

bitch baked beans are one of my favourite foods

>> No.7505074
File: 62 KB, 550x367, let the boys handle this one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never met a woman who could get her head around lapsang souchong, tomatoes, or kouign-amann.

Of course you'd like bitch-baked beans, since you're probably a bitch.

>> No.7505088
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>> No.7505090

No I don't realize that because that's fucking wrong.

Most places don't put extra cheese on a "cheese" pizza. It gets the same piddly amount that the meatlovers does.

>> No.7505097

>I was hosting a big party

In your head, maybe.

>> No.7505134

> tomatoes


>> No.7505278

This isn't true, the more toppings used on a pizza the less cheese is used

This is for a rational reason...as adding toppings significantly increases the amount of time a pizza needs to cook and most places have a standard for how quickly you get your pizza, just as if you get a meat lovers you will get a severely lower number of each topping than you would if you got a pizza with just that topping

That person is still wrong though probably

>> No.7505315

My girlfriend drank her coffee black with sugar before we met. Now she drinks it the way I make it. Strong and plain old black. We're talking Terry Crews here.

She ain't need no bull with coffee like that. Make your coffee right and your woman is yours.

>> No.7505329

My girlfriend eats literally anything, including my leftovers. She doesn't eat it reluctantly either, it's as if she genuinely enjoys any old shit she is fed. I see potential fat in her future if she ever loses her job.

>> No.7505355
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Women will never appreciate a good lager.

>> No.7505363

My wife will drink anything. She prolly drinks more beer and booze than I do.

>> No.7505365


>> No.7505371

Keyword here is "appreciate". Blind consumption is tasteless and uncultured.

>> No.7505403

>2% abv
fuck, thats like nothing at all. Does it even qualify as alcoholic legally? Do europeans actually buy that stuff?

>> No.7505410

Roastie get ye gone

>> No.7505419

This is the answer right here

>> No.7505426

It's a trade off less sand niggers less kebabs
More sandniggers more kebabs
I bet Brussels are enjoying there kebabs RN

>> No.7505435

Kill your self furry

>> No.7505439

>tin of beans.jpg
English baked beans are sick, no wonder Bongs always put em on toast. It's the only way to make them palatable. The way to do beans is at a barbecue with a load of smoke and brown sugar. And maybe a few hocks.

I've caught, gutted, and filleted my own fish before.
Don't have a hunting license but most wild game is tasty af.
>tfw moved south and no more northern friends to give me venison jerky and sausages

Got me, but then again I've never had a truly flavorful cup of coffee before either.

I imagine quite a few girls eat this right before they get plowed by whoever they're smoking with.

I make liver and beef heart on the frequent. Never tried kidneys though, heard they can taste like piss.
Really love eating the little piece of kidney out of fried chicken thighs.

IPAs are gross whereas stouts can be very tolerable. Hope the IPAmeme dies soon.

>mfw I'm from Buffalo and this don't phase me at all

>> No.7505536

Stouts are good, IPA is good, just stop drinking shitty west coast IPA

>> No.7505615

What's that? Grilled intestines with shit inside?

>> No.7505635

Serving a severe burn victim is supposed to be appetizing?

>> No.7505640

You should nudge her into rimjobs.

>> No.7505658

Canned food in general. There is just something really charming about it. Never met a woman who is entuasiastic about them, though.

>> No.7505665

This shit triggers me so hard, if you cant take looking at a dead animal you should be vegan

>> No.7505667

>Not for women
>less calories


>> No.7505712
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>> No.7505714


I work in a pizzaria. Cheese pizza has about 350 cal for a large slice, whereas our meatlovers was 510.

I have no idea in what universe meatlovers would have less calories than cheese. The sausage alone is an extra 100 calories.

>> No.7505721


>> No.7505860

I heard anything over 2% got banned in europe

>> No.7506050

It's pisswater exclusively drunk by destitute alcoholics and broke students. Even we brits aren't so tasteless as to drink that stuff out of choice, unbelievable as that may be.

>> No.7506083
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>> No.7506088

>meat lovers

Yes, because nothing says good pizza like overly salty meat that doesn't even go well together.

>> No.7506091

My ex loved the shitty overly sweet mushy canned pork n beans. I hate them.

>> No.7506092

Guinness or bust
Can't get enough of that Bread and Wet

>> No.7506094

>buffalo wings

Yeah, because women have taste and don't choose the shittiest wing flavour there is.

>> No.7506099

was your ex blonde and blue eyed but every poor?

>> No.7506105

My dad would stir the contents and break up the sausage.
Beans and sausage smoothie

>> No.7506131
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Nothing like a good slab of salted pig fat.

>> No.7506138

I hope the IPA dies soon too. I can enjoy when every now and then but when I go to the store and half the beer is IPA it's annoying

>> No.7506174

grilled intestines, theyre probably hollow.

>> No.7506176

I would also eat that desu, but not a whole slap of it. jesus that looks rich. I might be able to finish half of one of those slices maybe.

>> No.7506182

i used to drink black coffee all the time... espresso. but i had enough of the stains, so i quit coffee altogether. so hard.

>> No.7506187

Rekt lmoa

>> No.7506191
File: 51 KB, 601x293, jerky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women will never understand dried meats

>> No.7506197

i go for a single slice on some bread

>> No.7506208

Sorry to tell you that I'm eating some tuna jerky right now

>> No.7506216

pic or it never happened
Also get some buffalo jerky you pussy

>> No.7506226


Costco does.

And honestly I have yet to find a chain that does pizza better than costco

>> No.7506228
File: 36 KB, 320x463, proposal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous will U pls PLEASE be my gf?!

>> No.7506236

Go to Oregon.

The entire population so dumb they have people that will say "I don't like beer that much because it's a bit too bitter but I really do kind of like IPA" - literally everyone

>> No.7506245

will u b my gf?

>> No.7506247

ugh, you creepos sound sooooo rapey , just sayin

>> No.7506250

>asking permission
he's being the exact opposite of rapey

>> No.7506255
File: 223 KB, 900x649, popeye_v__bluto_by_mjrainwater-d3kdfni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step off fggt I asked first she's mine

me on the right

>> No.7506266

ITT: Some anon claims to be a female and the whole thread spergs out real fast. I just don't even.

>> No.7506277

where do you think you are?

this ain't the foodnetwork forums

>> No.7506279
File: 71 KB, 711x547, Bluto_Strongman_Pursuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish I had a gf


>> No.7506280

>/fit/ discusses bread

>> No.7506285

was she hot?

>> No.7506292

>go to thanksgiving
>see tv ads for first time in years
>synthetic tea being marketed as masculine
>michael jordan trying to neg me into buying tshirts

>> No.7506768

Yes. Are U a gril? I could make U that food

>> No.7506781

>see tv ads for first time in years

Yes, I'm sure that's a truthful statement

>> No.7506789

This "pisswater" was a staple foodstuff in Britain for centuries, until they figured out how to make gin and actually started getting drunk.

>> No.7506794

>he watches tv

>> No.7506799


>> No.7506810

They put a fucking bow on it to make it look less grotesque.

>> No.7506824
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 52866415035ba1492e9ff548890452a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than sex

>> No.7506835

I torrent stuff by the season ad-free and so do my friends. Where should I be seeing advertisement broadcasts?

>> No.7506842

Women are all over that shit because the chocolate content is low enough for them.

>> No.7506845
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women will never be able to comprehend canned wieners the way i do

>> No.7506859
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>> No.7506863


I love jerky, but it has to be the real deal. My husband brings home that Jack Link's shit, and I want to snatch it from his hands and toss it in the garbage. I got us a dehydrator, since the good shit is expensive.


The only charming store-bought canned food is beans, because they take forever and a day to cook, unless you employ baking soda. Then you have to watch them like a hawk, or else they want to boil over and/or split their skins.

Home-canned foods are another story, though. That's wonderful.


Face meat = best meat. Even on fish. My favorite part of eating whole fish is the cheek meat.


Er, it looks as though they left the heart valves intact. You really have to scrape the fuck out of those, because they have the texture of rubber. I had to research this at some length the first time I cooked lamb hearts.


I have a part time job on a farm. Men may understand grilling, but not exactly how much shit the animals they charbroil with such ardor are caked in most of the time. And how much shit the people who look after them are also caked in, from head to toe.

>> No.7506931

Meet me behind the Ted's on Transit, the one next to Louies, in 20 mins. If you make out with me, ill get you a hot dog with everything on it, a boob grab gets you a footlong, and an over the pants handie gets you onion rings and a loganberry.

>> No.7506932

And how is that remotely relevant?

>> No.7506936


>> No.7506937

you can home can your own beans anon,
imagine never having to carry another fucking stupid can of beans from the store ever again

>> No.7506940



>> No.7506941

And just like a woman you won't shut the fuck up...

>> No.7506945
File: 29 KB, 480x692, 89dc6221ebeb038b13c70c4e4216fa21ba5b5c1523f674653c92cf99ee0816d9_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

>> No.7506950

>keep a jar of soaked beans in the fridge
>whenever you want some, pressure cook in an elevated pan 10 minutes
>cook some grain and lentils and other stuff with it if you want

>> No.7506955

if you keep beans soaked indefinitely they're going to fucking sprout, retard

>> No.7506958

Beans sprouting is the opposite of a problem.

>> No.7506980


tits or get the fuck out.

>> No.7506982

Why do you type so much
Literally no one cares slut

>> No.7507003

>not activating your beans.... cmon man.

>> No.7507008

>tfw moved south and no more northern friends to give me venison jerky and sausages
Wtf, I think you mixed up South and North or you're just retarded.

>> No.7507013

underrated post

>> No.7507392
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>> No.7507398


I'm drinking a 8.1% beer right now.

I feel bad for the 2%-ers

>> No.7507504

Beans are great, and so is farting like a mustang.



>> No.7507587

>posting that fart monster vegan shill

>> No.7507589

There is literally nothing wrong with being a fart monster.

>> No.7507684

the head is the best, cheek and tongue and brain and eye and jowls. fish heads are great too as are beef and kid (as in young goat)

>> No.7507700

t. the bean boy

>> No.7508196

At least they aren't my faggy family. "If its not local microbrew and if you can taste anything besides the hops, it's not a real beer. Oh, unless Guinness, because muh 17th generation Irish immigrant."

>> No.7508818


It's not for civvies.

>> No.7508901

fuck off cuck

>> No.7508938

>he thinks IPAs are a "meme"

They're ingrained into beer culture. There's nothing trendy about them anymore

>> No.7509024

Anon. Asking a girl to be your gf is literal rape desu.

>> No.7509049
File: 590 KB, 1728x905, Macho-Man-Slim-Jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it's not just women. a lot of today's nu-males can't snap into a slim jim either.

>> No.7509101

this is a man thread

>> No.7509112

thank him for saving you

>> No.7509177


That's what I'm saying. I wasn't a fan of beer around the time the IPA hype came on strong, but now any brewery out there has an IPA in their portfolio. I can't name another beer style that breweries make sure to have year-round.

>> No.7509232


/r9k/ crossposters are the cancer killing this site

>> No.7509269


Hahahaha lagers

Jesus christ have some IPA you piss water drinking faggot

>> No.7509449

>this whole post
nice meme(s)

>> No.7509487
File: 1.09 MB, 500x350, ur_a_faget_bioshock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't enjoy a nice pilsner, märzen or a baltic porter

>> No.7509495

A baltic porter is technically an ale

>> No.7509505


I bet you're also the faggot that talks about how much ghost pepper meme spice bullshit they drench their food in because "Oh I guess I'm just super tough and cool because of this SAUCE I PUT ON MY FUCKING FOOD TO DESTROY IT"

>> No.7509515

You sound like a fagot who's insecure about trends thus following the autistic trend of anti-hipsterism

The fagot that desperately and unironically tries to emulate Ron Swanson and be a "true man"


>> No.7509544
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>> No.7509547

>suitcase in a meal

>> No.7509558

You're kidding right? I love a Stone IPA any time.

>> No.7509568


but my sister went mad for these.

how can anyone not enjoy this mushed over a saltine cracker

>> No.7509571
File: 129 KB, 724x611, 1441343593863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Case in point. Women will NEVER understand baked beans.

>> No.7509641
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1378263143926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a well-to-do guy with a healthy diet, but sometimes I'll eat a cold can of beans for dinner to feel like a true man.

>> No.7509645
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I beg to differ

>> No.7509659
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I don't even know why. Is it the bones? The fact that they're in a can?

>> No.7509691

What is it about beer that women just can't seem to like? They love wine but dislike beer, but IMO they both have pretty similar flavor profiles.

>> No.7509699

They don't taste similar to me at all. Wine is really acidic, beer is much smoother.

>> No.7509801
File: 311 KB, 1000x666, Andrew_ZimmernCloseUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me beer tastes more "earthy"

>> No.7509844

Is this thread satire? I'm actually not sure.

>> No.7509892

My favorite breakfast item. Nothing beats pancakes with the syrup injected in them! (am woman)

>> No.7509897

My mother loves the shit outta these. I like the bbq ones. She also loves potted meat which I can't understand.

>> No.7509909

My younger sister has a half German, half Laotian boyfriend who cooks fucking incredible pho.

Most of the female portion of my family won't eat it. I don't understand how women are so "autistic" about food vs men. That pho is fucking delicious and they can keep their grilled cheese sandwich or whatever stupid crap they eat whenever that dude makes the pho.

>> No.7509914


Half satire, half legitimate opinion.

You haven't been here long if you can't tell the difference.

>> No.7510080

IPAs are fucking disgusting

easily the worst type of beer

>> No.7510117
File: 54 KB, 960x720, karlore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you meet me, online, by Grub's Tavern, I will show you where the treasure is hidden.

>> No.7510143


I honestly like how hoppy they are but they make me sneeze a lot. I must be somewhat allergic to it.

In my opinion pilsners are by far the worst. Imported or otherwise they're just awful.

>> No.7510149

>half German, half Laotian

the wonders of the modern world

>> No.7510151


Eh, his mother was a refugee from the Vietnam war (their side fought with the US and needed to escape) and his dad was a 1st generation German immigrant.

That never would have happened in the past but whatever.

>> No.7510157

Karlore is 18 feet tall with wings like an angel but also like a demon

You have to get with him because my penis is like somebody glued an acorn to the bottom of my torso

>> No.7510161

>I'm a shut in loser so therefore everyone on 4chan is the same as me


>> No.7510239

except when it's fermented with a bottom fermenting yeast

>> No.7510272


He's probably from some shithole board that hides in a hole.

I don't host dinner parties (they're a pain in the ass) but I do have people over for dinner.

The concept of the dinner party is a stupid British or European thing. In the US you have people over for dinner and drinks. We used to try to emulate Europe back in the 90's. Now it's just...fuck that.

>> No.7510326


>> No.7510332

Ok, I admit it.
But it's not because calories, I just don't like those gummy bits of ham/sausage .
The ham they use on pizza is gross,but I just pick em off.

>> No.7510338

Agreed, although I can handle the ham myself
Sausage on pizza though... not my thing

>> No.7510346

Underrated post

>> No.7510378

It says it right on the packet, IT'S NOT FOR GIRLS!

>> No.7510384


>not cramming whole wieners into your mouth

What are you, gay?

>> No.7510387

2% lager?

NIgger, even Mormons are calling you a faggot.

>> No.7510501


I'd still eat it but I might grimace a little

>> No.7510779

My mother told me that she used to take sugar and cream, but then a dude asked her what she thought all that sugar would do to her teeth in the long run and she stopped.

>> No.7510876

dat mean u gunna lose nigga

>> No.7510885
File: 188 KB, 888x1255, av9gJsA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7510891

Please respond to this anon, it's actually depressing to see these posts.

>> No.7510991

ITT people who have never met a woman

>> No.7511973

i saw one once at school

>> No.7511989

In America maybe
Many girls and women in Europe "get" beer. The ones that don't are trash either way.

>> No.7511994


>> No.7512007

>"get" beer
lol what

>> No.7512996

These are pretty shitty.

>> No.7513029

In Europe maybe

>> No.7513104

More like mook

>> No.7513111

>Women will never appreciate a good lager.
>Tesco lager

Apparently, neither do you.

>> No.7513117

She a cute.

>> No.7513423

>IMO they both have pretty similar flavor profiles.
What? How do you find fruitiness, acidity or tannins in beer?

>> No.7513514

fuck me why did you have to remind me.
i haven't had these in forever so i might have to shoot off and get a few.

>> No.7513527

I-I don't get it either.

>> No.7513668


>> No.7514269

>I'm fully plugged into the corporate machine so therefore so is everyone else

>> No.7514308

It's mostly the smell.

>> No.7514505
File: 58 KB, 712x536, sad-joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever i let a woman make coffee, they end up making brown water and then add a ton of milk and sugar to it

>> No.7514855

Which it is soused hog's face

>> No.7514945

why is this shit so cheap? $1.1? wtf

>> No.7514963
File: 24 KB, 400x300, anchovies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7514965
