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7479061 No.7479061 [Reply] [Original]

What would Canada Geese taste like?

>> No.7479063


They say on /k/ they make good jerky.

But can you ever trust a Canadian to know wtf they are talking about?

I kid. You are 51st State to me.

>> No.7479089


I've had goose jerky before.

It's really fucking good. I didn't even know it was goose until I was told. It's much more tender than venison, elk or beef jerky.

>> No.7479164

I made roast goose for dinner last Christmas

It tastes exactly like you'd expect, like fatty waterfowl, closest to duck. It has a lot more fat though, I collected and used it for 3 months to make fried potatos and all sorts of shit

>> No.7479191

Wild Canada goose specifically tastes like moist livery/fishy/beefy duck crossed with turkey, if that makes sense.

Other geese don't taste like it at all, especially farmed ones.

>> No.7479320
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What would manatee taste like?

>> No.7479323

Kinda like mermaid.

>> No.7479350

It's like a cross between duck and wild turkey. If you've never had wild turkey then I can't help you.

>> No.7479388

Bourbon and duck sounds good to me.

>> No.7479403

Anger and seething hatred

>> No.7479414

seriously this

Those fuckers, holy shit

>> No.7479513

Is this some weird Canadian meme? They are just birds for fuck's sake. Give them little boot or just grab them by the neck

>> No.7479527

that doesn't change how aggressive they are
this is why conservation is fucking stupid. the war was almost won, they were almost extinct
then humans got involved and now they are overpopulated and need to be actively killed to keep the numbers down

>> No.7479530


Dunno about in Canada, but I encounter these fuckers whenever I have to visit customers in Northern US states in the winter.

They are often angry bastards who will chase or attack you for no reason.

>>Give them little boot or just grab them by the neck

Well, for starters you've clearly never been around geese before. They can seriously hurt you if they want to. I've seen grown men fuck with geese only to be attacked and run away screaming like a little girl. Seriously. And then there's the 2nd part: as satisfying as it would be to kill one of those angry fucks, that's highly illegal as they are a protected species.

>> No.7479531

They are very territorial animal

>remove honk

Is a meme on k.

I am proud to associate them with Canada

>> No.7479552

No dude that episode of rugrats is real. Geese flying assholes and will fuck your shit up

>> No.7479593


They're aggro and they assist.

>> No.7479601

Fucking canadian geese. I hate those fuckers.

My aunt has a house on a lake in RI. Every year, there's always a few of them that show up and try to take over her lakefront area. We always have to go down there armed with a broom or one of the oars from the canoes or a big stick or something for protection to chase them off before you can actually hang out down by the water.

They are incredibly mean and will start honking and flapping their wings and chasing after you if you go anywhere near them.

>> No.7479624

>itt Americans threatened by an animal that will stand up to them

>> No.7479643
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Like a combo of these and duck.

>> No.7480772

I shot 11 of these this year. The breast, taken clean (no fat), is like 99% lean beef. It requires a crock-pot style slow cook, wet, best with added fat, like bacon.

Cooked whole, then yeah, the fat layer makes it more like red duck.

Jerky is in fact an excellent application for this meat.

>> No.7480773

Mac & Geese.

>> No.7480780

The damn things can be a legitimate nuisance in some areas.

They're extremely territorial and can attack people and do serious damage particularly to people who aren't expecting it or small children or pets.

>> No.7480784

Tastes like socialism. Eat an eagle instead and taste freedom.

>> No.7480872
File: 1.70 MB, 320x240, Joys of spring.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked security for a defense contractor while in school, and all the facilities were kind of surrounded by woods and had ponds and shit. I used to love the spring because the geese would invade, nest all over the place, and terrorize the employees. We'd tape off their nest areas, but there's always some dumb ass that would ignore it and get an ass whooping. We'd watch that shit on the security cams and laugh our asses off, especially when it was some bitch wearing heels.

Comedy gold.

>> No.7480886

I can tell you have never lived near a body of fresh water.

>> No.7480894

Maple Syrup.

>> No.7480950
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>> No.7480958

someone should post the pic about the guy who got an army of cats to fight the army of geese

>> No.7480966
File: 142 KB, 500x332, I heard you talkin shit bout me bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7480980

>used to do rowing in high school
>the pond had too much ice floating one morning
>coach says ok go run laps around the island
>island riddled with these fuckers + nests
>nearly die on every lap

>> No.7480987


kill self.

>> No.7480991
File: 212 KB, 396x387, happy_Orc_Archer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are loads of geese around where I live (semi-urban adjacent ponds and stuff)and I've been thinking of hunting them for the meat.

Would bow and arrow be a good alternative for stealthily hunting them?

>> No.7481006

Either maple syrup or poutine since that's all there is to eat up there

>> No.7481043


You're going to have a hard time with that. The moment you injure the goose it's going to freak the fuck out, making all kinds of noise. This will then spread to the geese nearby.

>> No.7481047

>RIP anon pecked to death by a gang of illegal immigrants

>> No.7481057

best case scenario
worst case scenario


>> No.7481058

UK here, delicious all year round.

>> No.7481064
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forgot gif. Stupid me.

>> No.7481075

Wheres the part with the geese calling all it's friends to fuck anon up or the part where the geese it's self tries to fuck anon up.

>> No.7481080


The only problem with that plan is that if you fuck up a shot, you'll have a wounded goose making all kinds of racket and flopping around with an arrow sticking out of it, leading to some hugboxer calling the cops / game warden.

>> No.7481088
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>> No.7481096
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Tastes like a cheap version of nene goose.

>> No.7481267

tastes like Canard à la presse, eh!

>> No.7481959

They would taste like evil

t. Canadian

>> No.7482078
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>> No.7482112

Pure unadulterated rage.

>> No.7482115

Serenity and sunshine

>> No.7482329


Happen to have anymore bow-hunting gifs?

>> No.7482467

Go fuck with some. No, srsly, go up and walk by where they're chillin. Especially this time of year when they are setting up their nests. Do it dipshit.

>> No.7482795

I shoot at least a dozen a year that shit all over my driveway and car and try to attack me or visitors.

Literally never crossed my mind to eat a sky rat. They are literally the worst kind of animal, not to mention they are dick heads

>> No.7483648


a hatefuck

>> No.7485001

I live in western Washington and we have TONS of Canada geese, can confirm that they're the most terrible assholes.

>> No.7485011


They don't have teeth you numale

>> No.7485014
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Kindly shut the fuck up

>> No.7485025
File: 104 KB, 720x447, 1431499932833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time of the year where they start eating all the fuckin grass, hissing at you and shitting all over making it disgusting to do any field sport. Hold me.

>> No.7485029
File: 21 KB, 425x320, eurasian collard dove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys always show up in my yard. and they're edible.

i could easily shoot them with a pellet gun, rip out the breast meat, and fry them up.

s-should i, bros?


>> No.7485033

Yes. They're a pest and pellet rifles are fun

>> No.7485036

its just a little dove they mean you no harm.

>> No.7485630
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