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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 363 KB, 2592x3280, 30360825_nn113_(90).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7456486 No.7456486 [Reply] [Original]

what are some fattening food that is hard not to eat a ton of while not being obviously fattening
IE not chips or obvious processed food

>> No.7456494


>> No.7456498


>> No.7456508

Id hit that

any kind of juice

>> No.7456510

I remember reading that movie stars get fat off pasta for their roles

>> No.7456551

High quality bread

>> No.7456557

She's thick, not fat.

>> No.7456582

You trying to trick someone into getting fat?

>> No.7456591
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>> No.7456593
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>> No.7456595

there is a very fat girl that has a crush on me, it's not even gross because she seems pretty clean and the fat sits in such a way that she has an hour glass figure, big tits, huge ass and thighs, her belly is only smaller by comparison

kinda want to bang her and see what it's like. Problem is she actually seems like a nice girl, I dont want to be a heart breaker and only use her for her soft plump body

>> No.7456599

Why does the fat bitch have a pager? Time traveling, volleyball playing drug dealer?

>> No.7456604


>> No.7456610
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Pukkin purray.

>> No.7456613

Dried fruit

>> No.7456617

Isn't Vodka like the lowest calorie alcohol there is?

>> No.7456619

How can I trick my girlfriend into becoming high test like the girl in the picture?

>> No.7456625

Yes, but it's easier to hide and low calorie, in terms of alcohol, is a pretty relative phrase.

>> No.7456631

If you know how to cook. EVERYTHING.

>> No.7456634

Marry her.

>> No.7456644

i don't want her to be fat/saggy

i want her to be high test

>> No.7456665

you need lots of sloppy kisses and put at least 3 loads inside her a day
its a biological fact, she needs the trace levels of your hormones to jump start the process

>> No.7456701

Most nuts

>> No.7456821
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where would you get an idea like that?!

>> No.7456838
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>weakest link on the team

>> No.7456856

Dried fruit and nuts (trail mix) or just dried fruit. its all the calories and sugar of fruit, but none of the water so its not filling and easy to consume a lot in a short period of time.

Get her some dried cherries, blueberries, dried apricots, dried bananas, and give her a big ol bag of that to munch on. She'll add 2500 calories a week easily.

>> No.7456870



>> No.7456940
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>puffin prey

>> No.7456953


Fettuccine Alfredo

>> No.7457018

You can't. It's genetic. If she doesn't have naturally wide hips and big tits, she can't get high test by gaining some weight, it's just gonna look fat and disgusting.

>> No.7457070

> American athletes

>> No.7457076
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thank god that girls like that will be ejected out of the gene pool as soon as international obesity becomes an actual epidemic

>> No.7457085
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>> No.7457099

Are you that cuck who is living with a cheating ass girlfriend but just wants to get her fat while she continues to cuckold you?

>> No.7457105

You know how much of a retard you sound, faggot?

>> No.7457109

found the cuck

>> No.7457111

donuts with peanut butter

>> No.7457113

Chicken Caesar Salad


>OP doesn't like thick

>> No.7457116
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Found the faggot.

>> No.7457181

Fall in love with her then.

>> No.7457204
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She seems clean until you have to peel those vag lips apart, mane.
>pic related by sight, smell and taste

>> No.7457360

Would smash tbqh.

>> No.7457442

It's a diabetic insulin pump she has type1

>> No.7457447
File: 93 KB, 645x773, 1453590317767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so cute

>> No.7457452

When the clothes come off, all of the chub rolls will be visible. You should hit it for that life experience tho

>> No.7457464

bruh if favinas smelled like grilled cheese I'd be up in there every day

>> No.7457480

I want to suck her dick

>> No.7457508

Thanks Anon, never been fat enough to need one.

>> No.7457514

this image is posted at least once a week in /ck/ and i love it

>> No.7457521

>a pager
Heh, I thought the same thing

>> No.7457528

Is that a sumo wrestler?

>> No.7457529

If we are talking nutritionally, pasta noodles aren't fattening, just high calories.

Peanuts/nuts are high calories and have very high fat content.

>> No.7457535

That's Kim Kardashian, you insensitive fuck!

>> No.7457545

You get type1 as a child it's juvenile diabetes type 2 is what fat losers get

>> No.7457547

As a fat child maybe.

>> No.7457549

Turn down your goddamn ISO, for fucks sake.

>> No.7457550

>date girl
>creepin' her social media accounts one day
>youtube profile
>recent activity
>anonette has favorited "feedee girl stuffs belly and burst out of jeans"
>uh oh

>> No.7457556

Sure thing, fatty

>> No.7457570

oh gosh

>> No.7457578

>not ashamed of rotgut
>barfly types with red faces

>> No.7457582

Nope it's in the genes nothing can prevent type 1. I don't even have the betus but am a med student so know this shit

>> No.7457589

>It's genes
>Nothing can prevent type 1

Selective breeding bitch, and you're a med student? Fuck our future, I bet you even poo in the streets.

>> No.7457597

Vodka has a very high calorie count, but they are all "empty calories", stuff your body is unable to store in any way.

That doesn't mean it can't be very helpful in getting someone fat.

So you ate a semi-healthy meal of 700kcal, drinking mineral water. Your calorie demand for that period is roughly 700kcal, no fat gained.

Now, instead of mineral water, you drank vodka, 300kcal worth. It won't be stored anywhere, but it will be used for immediate needs of keeping your body temperature up, metabolism running etc. 300kcal out of your 700kcal meal goes towards building your fat.

Never mind vodka 1) making you damn hungry, 2) impairing your self-inhibitions. That means you WILL eat something, regardless of your diet, and you will most likely eat some junk without looking at the calorie count.

>> No.7457610


>instead of mineral water, you drank vodka, 300kcal worth


>> No.7457613

You are retarded anon I pray for you to be sterile

>> No.7457618

Nothing can stop the retardation, it's all genetic!

>> No.7457637

walnuts. 650 calories in 100 grams.

>> No.7457660

>that look
you just know

>> No.7457752

If you're going to fatten someone up, at least tell her beforehand.

>> No.7457758

kill marry kill fuck

>> No.7458683
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super hot

was she fat?

>> No.7458695

Why do they all use the same tree

>> No.7458701


um, do you mean that they contain a lot of dietary fat?

excess calories are fattening, not any specific food...

>> No.7458709

He means bulking food

>> No.7458715


again, excess calories, with the additional protein factor

>> No.7458724
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>sweet Georgia browns

>> No.7458815
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>Not being on dat dere Frogtech

>> No.7458840

Thanks God that diabetes type I isn't, is just a poor excuse for fatties

>> No.7459189

Damn, She's still cute.

>> No.7459194

I wanna blow bubbles on her belly and thighs

>> No.7459202

My kinda sluts tbqh

>> No.7459304

That's not REAL thick!

>> No.7459320


fun fact about alcohol

your body prioritizes metabolizing the alcohol (technically a poison) in your liver and shuts down your body's ability to catabolize fat in the process, kinda like how insulin does

so basically anything you've eaten recently will come to a grinding halt in its metabolic process. dietary fats are easily stored in fat cells, so if you plan to drink that day, keep dietary fat to a minimum (unless your goal is to gain not muscle).

>> No.7459327


oh shit, that's basically what you explained.

>my reading comprehension

frankly though if i feel the need to eat more when i'm drunk i just make myself puke. if i'm in a sitution where force-puking is impossible (with friends, no private bathroom and such) then i simply won't overeat. i'm not THAT bad at holding my liquor, i'm aware of the choices i make when i'm drunk.

>> No.7459328

Brown gravy ans white rice

>> No.7459380

>dat redhead in the middle

>> No.7459406

>If we are talking nutritionally, pasta noodles aren't fattening, just high calories.
>high calories
>not fattening
I don't think you know how weight gain works.

>> No.7459416

>Vodka has a very high calorie count, but they are all "empty calories", stuff your body is unable to store in any way.
That isn't how it works. Empty calories are calories without a lot of micro-nutrient content. Your body stores calories just fine, and empty calories are not an exception. Empty calories just don't bring much else to the table other than their caloric content.

>> No.7459428

Nah man she's got a little muffin top

I'd still smash but drunkenly and secretively.

>> No.7459470

I love love girls wth chunky thighs, just makes me want to bury my face right in between them.

>> No.7459694

>tfw no chunky gf to sit on my face and call me names

why live

>> No.7459752

I'd chunk her.. i uh mean fuck...

>> No.7459846

nut butter

>> No.7460050
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I would cum inside her then [spoiler]stay the night, then go get breakfast and spend the rest of the day together[/spoiler

>> No.7460069

>uh oh
Fucking marry her

>> No.7460125

>puffin prey


>> No.7460166


>> No.7461511

>Your body stores calories just fine

You can't store alcohol calories.

>> No.7461529


When I quit drinking I lost about 30 pounds in two months. My meals stayed the same.

>> No.7461536

Alcohol has 7 kcal/gram. Compatible to fats which have 9/gram. Calories are calories, why can't you metabolize and store or use it?

>> No.7461543

*comparable to fats

>> No.7461557
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>I only get to dream about this situation

>> No.7461558

Two pieces of toast with butter and peanut butter and jam could be in the region of 800 calories.

>> No.7461561

Food calories are defined as the amount of energy an average human can get out of it, not the amount of energy actually contained within it.

>> No.7461564


Your body can't convert alcohol calories into fat/store them somewhere. It's used as primary energy source until nothing's left in your body. I'm talking about stuff like vodka and whiskey without carbs, of course.

>> No.7461569

Is there porn of this qt?

>> No.7461571

Man up pal
If you don't all that'll happen is you'll say "man. I should'a hit that"

>> No.7461575

Class C troll

>> No.7461592

Maybe without the shit glasses, shit scrunchy from circa 1995 and fucking pig disgusting nose ring.
And even then she's a 5

>> No.7461594


honestly I wouldn't have sex with someone who wanted a relationship with me if I didn't want a relationship with her. I hate rejecting people because chasing happiness is #1 in my life and I'd essentially be intentionally making them unhappy.

>> No.7461603

Don't be a douche.
No one gives a fuck about you, why should you give a fuck about anyone else?

>> No.7461621


I used to think this but plenty of people definitely give a fuck about me. If a girl wants to be with me then she clearly gives a fuck about me. I'd rather let her down easy than toy with her emotions only to rip her happiness out from under her.

Random people I don't care about. Unfortunately I humanize people in my life to the point that I actually care about whether they're happy or not. It detracts from my happiness to make them unhappy, either directly or some other way down the line.

>> No.7462249

thick girls are a blessing in disguise

>> No.7462502

I wish to knead her belly

>> No.7462525

>don't be a douche, just be a douche

>> No.7462532

She'd be 8/10 if she wasn't fat
6/10 as is

>> No.7463392


>> No.7463404

I agree but only if she didn't lose tonnes of weight. You have to be more striking than that to pull off being skinny.

>> No.7464507
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That expression on here face reminds me of pic related kitty. Lip licking emphasis added by me.

>> No.7466085

....it's the same bear

>> No.7466096

>insulin pump

>> No.7466345

I did hit that like a tree on endor

>> No.7466350

>selective breeding

woah check out Hitler over here

>> No.7466358

good. Get >>>/out/ of here

>> No.7466376

It's Jack, you blind bro.

>> No.7466657

Tell me where I can buy this now!

>> No.7466663
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>Largely American program
>woah check out this Austrian

>> No.7466857
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>Implying bears have mastered cloning technology

>> No.7466968

I don't care if she's kind of fat. Those legs are fucking amazing and I'd do anything to split them.

>> No.7467064

Virtually anything heavy on the carbs, gluten and starch.

>> No.7467065
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>kind of fat

>> No.7467214
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>kind of fat

>> No.7469640

ive monitored this thread for a fucking long time and nobody has posted anything comparable to that girl in the OP


>> No.7470951
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>> No.7470960

>this thread is still up

Doing a great job there, mods.

>> No.7470966

>fattening food

Literally any food ,with calories, eaten over your daily caloric maintenance.

>> No.7470997
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If threads about foods to eat to make you lose weight are appropriate and threads of foods to eat to build muscle why not threads on how to be a fat tubby lardo piece of shit?

>> No.7471029


That's not what this thread is about and you know it.

>> No.7471055

>Implying the vagina changes based on weight

The only thing worse in overweight girls is they sweat more, but they dont have stankpuss inherently or anything

>> No.7471060

Post the youtube vid so I can judge if she has good taste in feedee smut

>> No.7471149

You were losing 1/2 a pound a day? Did you start doing meth?