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7455706 No.7455706[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hate medium-rare meat. I honestly don't understand the appeal. Well done tastes so much better. But whenever I express this opinion people come with that 'tastes like shoe leather' nonsense.


>> No.7455710

I eat it rare because I'm a disgusting cunt

>> No.7455719

Can I get something on my just without being called a troll?
I like the taste of well done steak with ketchup and mustard. It tastes like a burger

>> No.7455723

There are levels of doneness between medium rare and well done, you know.

>> No.7455744

well done meat has less flavour though. and it's usually tough and dry as old boots.

>> No.7455752


> less flavour

This is something I don't get of you rare-fags. Honestly, I don't find the taste of more rare meat any 'better'. Just a lil bit more iron-y.

But well done meat tastes supperb, like butter and bbq had a baby.

> tough texture

Ok, this is something I can imagine. Though I generally prefer more thin cut meat so the texture of well done meat never bothered me.

>> No.7455755


I started this threat because I had some rare meat the other day. Honestly, tasted like a girl on her period.

>> No.7455759


>Honestly, I don't find the taste of more rare meat any 'better

there is objectively more of it. the loss of juice, and the overcooking of what remains, takes flavour away from the steak. you might think there is more flavour generated through browning, but it's actually not going to be significantly more than you get with a well seared rare steak.

>> No.7455771


Objectivity is always difficult to achieve when discussing taste.

Maybe I just like the caramel on the outside of the meat


I'm not sure what it is, but there is something I don't really like about the taste of the pinkish part of rare/medium-rare meat

>> No.7455779

Most men like that.

>> No.7455786

not op, but I feel like it's easier for sub-par cooks to put a good sear on well-done steaks. A crispy, thin-cut well-done steak really isn't so bad.

>> No.7455801


>> No.7455812



A while back I went to a good restaurant and ordered lamb chops. I love well done, crispy lamb chops.

They were medium rare.

The cook was very good, but honestly I couldn't help but think "these would've been better when well done"

>> No.7455835


there are definitely fatty cuts that are nice to tear apart when they're dehydrated and crispy and blistered and brown throughout. i mean, if what i said was always true, braises would be shit, and braises are delicious. but a well seared steak that is still super juicy and pink shows off the quality of the meat a lot better than one that's cooked past medium.

>> No.7455857

> braising

Holly shit dude, thank you. This is the cooking method I use 90% of the times after I dice meat in smaller pieces, but I never knew what it was called lol.

I think I just don't really like a chunk of steak. I want steak thin, well-done and crispy.

>> No.7455861


Or wait.. was it sautéing what I do? Whatever, braising is basically what you do after the saute part

>> No.7455863

a tremendous portion of the mothers of america don't know how to properly cook a well-done steak and just blast the shit out of it til it's tough and flavorless out of fear of their kids getting germs from undercooked food. irrespective of meme-ing or shitting on people different preferences, this is the source of many shit-talkers genuinely not knowing that well-done steak can be prepared in a way that tastes ok.

>> No.7455868
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>> No.7455876
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This. Different cuts call for different cooking methods. Lamb chops for example need to be crisped to fuck so that the fat and meat are just one crispy, juicy sin.

>> No.7455896

I'm a eurofag, but makes sense anon.

Now THAT is what I'm talking about. I want to masturbate with that.

Imagine how furious I was paying $50 bucks for a small plate of (medium) rare lamb chops.

>> No.7455906

Which part of Europe? Those are traditional Greek lamb chops. Jamie Oliver explains how to make them, or you could just go to Greece and order them.


>> No.7455913


Northern Europe, but I'm a mountain-sandnigger and this is how we prepare them too.

Basically, lots of salt, black pepper and dried thyme snippers. Thyme really works well with crispy meat.

>> No.7455927
File: 175 KB, 640x427, Spit-Roast-Lamb-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's how we do it too. You need to keep basting them in a mixture of olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and oregano/thyme to keep them crispy and make sure that the fatty bit has more coals under it. Pork chops are good this way too. And spit-roast lamb needs to be cooked till the skin is crispy as fuck, the fat melting and the inside tender but not rare.

Most other things I must say, I prefer them rare.

>> No.7455929
File: 90 KB, 600x300, arni_souvla600_156639_YU0hRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must look like this when served.

>> No.7455943


same here OP.

have you tried it with ketchup? you'll love it you buttfucking turd fondler.

>> No.7455944

I'm trying to understand the world of steaks and I've had medium rare steak several times at this point.

There were a few times I really enjoyed it, but there were others that I really didn't. I don't like the chewiness of it and it's difficult to cut.

I just want to be able to cut my steak easily and not wear my jaw out trying to break it down.

What are my options

>> No.7455964



>> No.7456012

>tfw medium well master race
>get to sound like I know what I'm talking about around "foodies" but don't have to eat raw meat

>> No.7456017
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, DEVILISH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cook my meat brown and then cut off all the fat

>> No.7456020


>get to sound like I know what I'm talking about around "foodies"

no, you really don't

>> No.7456033

>implying your average foodie isn't just some faggot who spouts memes like "medium rare" and "umami" to sound smart and cultured

>> No.7456042


>implying you're not just indulging in the kind of restrictive, parsimonious skepticism of someone who doesn't know very much about the subject themselves

>> No.7456046

This is exactly what I'm talking about. I genuinely enjoy it.
Can you not fucking call me a troll just once?

>> No.7456051

I'm surprised I didn't get lynched for starting this thread desu.

Seems like we well-done lovers are more numerous than I thought

>> No.7456056

OP here.
I get your pain.