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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7436489 No.7436489 [Reply] [Original]

What do Australians like to eat? Is there traditional "Australian" cuisine?

>> No.7436493

marmite on the barbie, m8


>> No.7436496

for the average aussie, its basically a mix of american and british style foods
from the huge ethnic population theres aso a big mix of asian and european style foods that influence aussie cooking, but the average aussie cooks about as well as the average flyover state american

>> No.7436504
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mate we cook shrimp on the barbie

>> No.7436510
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>the average aussie cooks about as well as the average flyover state american
Worse, I'd say. It may be better now, but any child of an anglo boomer will know how the meals were basically just overcooked meat with no seasonings, and oversteamed, mushy vegetables. Awful memories. At least Americans had casseroles and such.

>> No.7436533
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Pretty much this. "Asian style" cooking is pretty popular with stir fry out of a jar and that sort of thing.

I'm Australian but married a Chinese girl so I cook a mix of simplified Chinese dishes, and British style grilled/roasted meats and veggies or salads.

I like baking more than cooking because Chinese know how to make awesome food but suck at desert.

They're called prawns here.

>> No.7436536

You just described the food my Grandma cooks. Fucking revolting.

>> No.7436539

yeah but they call them shrimp in the outback commercials, stop pretending to be australian you cunt

>> No.7436547
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grilled meat
tim tams
chinese penis

>> No.7436577

Spag bol
Steak and potato/veges
Steakettes and sausages on bread
Hamburgers with egg and beetroot
Fried rice
Stir fry with jar sauce
Supermarket roast chicken

Of course theres the quitessential stuff like pavlova and fairy bread but those are reserved for parties etc. What did i miss?

>> No.7436603

chiko rolls

>> No.7436652

Those are for truck drivers I'm thinking average home

>> No.7436682

what is jar sauce?

all that stuff seems like what I like to eat in murrica for breakfast

>> No.7436688

like a pre made sauce in a jar that you just pour into a pan with all your food shit

>> No.7436692

>but any child of an anglo boomer will know how the meals were basically just overcooked meat with no seasonings, and oversteamed, mushy vegetables

Oh look, it's my childhood.

I thought I hated steak until I was about 14. Turns out I love it, mum just always fucking destroyed it in the cooking process.

>> No.7436700

what flavor is it?

>> No.7436708

Lots of different asian styles. Comes in thousands of varieties across hundreds of brands, pretty much all of which can be reproduced at home with a bottle of soy sauce and a few other ingredients.

>> No.7436719


Whatever you like basically. The only thing linking the various jars is mediocrity.

As an Aussie, British home cooking, American takeout and boring curries/basic asian food for something special.

That's for current middle aged and up though. Students and the like tend to cook a bit more interestingly (sometimes).

>> No.7436740
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Imagine a solid 20 feet of supermarket shelving dedicated to bottles just like this one, but in almost any flavour you can imagine.

It's because we grew up with parents who can't cook and who were thus poorly equipped to teach us HOW to cook. We ended up learning to cook from the internet instead, and on the internet if you cook something shit no one will lie and say it's great.

>> No.7436766

I was fortunate enough to go to Australia for 3 months while I was in the US Marine Corps and got attached to an Australian army unit...

First thing.... These guys drink, a lot, and it's awesome.

Second thing... This have nick names for everything... well not nick names to then but for me it was.

Third... Vegemite, on bread/toast. Ate that shit on a daily basis.

Also chicken on the barbie.

>> No.7436993


Pretty much. Dad tried occasionally, he had to give in to mum's desire for well done meats though.

Mum did an alright roast, everything else was over done.

Was meat pretty much poison to their parents?

>> No.7437031

>tfw my parents were pretty good cooks

Feels good man, I'm glad they taught me the basics.

I was pretty annoyed though whenever they made bacon and egg pie, that shit was horrible.

>> No.7437034

Lol when I first started cooking I used these nearly every time.

>> No.7437043


This. I still use the old pataks curry paste from time to time.

>> No.7437389

My dad tried occasionally too. But the whole full-time job put limits on how often he was willing to summon the give-a-fucks to be in charge of cooking.

He's got a better sense of flavour than mum does so he's better at cooking in general. Mum's a yo-yo dieter who has a bad relationship with food and has decided that she hates cooking.

>> No.7437400


i had a friend travel australia for a summer and to this day she says kangaroo is the best meat she has ever eaten.

with this, im assuming they eat kangaroo, rabbits, cane toads, snakes, spiders, crocodiles, and fosters.

>> No.7437401

>Hated pork as a child because I thought it was dry as fuck
>Hated pasta because I thought it was gluggy
>Hated curry because I thought they were either too sweet or bland

My mother couldn't cook for shit and whilst my father was okay he only really started cooking creatively after the divorce, when they were together he never cooked. When I started cooking it was like playing the game with cheat codes. Not sure how mum was so bad honestly. She cooked virtually every night, don't know how she didn't get better. She did do very good roast chicken and potatoes potatoes although mine btfo of hers and she can't roast red meat or pork without overcooking it.

>> No.7437407
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>> No.7437414
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You call that a prawn? THAT'S a prawn.

>> No.7437421
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Are they anything like this thing I can get in 'burgerstan, you suppose?

>see picture

>> No.7437430

We have those here. I keep Madras and Vindaloo jars on my shelf along with tinned Chickpeas and Lentils so I always have an easy meal if needed. Rice and onions the only other thing you need.

>> No.7437434

I can imaine a lot of wacky flavours... Examples of some of the more popular ones/what peoples like to dump tha shit into would help me understand the world a little better through 4chinz...

>seriously tho

Sorry for the fucky image.jpeg. Having the 'net go down at home is always a trip

>> No.7437438
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>there are some cunts in here that haven't had this australian delicacy

>> No.7437442

Looks fancy. Wish I could afford it

>> No.7437449

brb gotta head down to Bunnings to pick up some hammers

>> No.7437452

Damn, that was filmed at Admiralty House.

>> No.7437454


>6 pack of sausages from Aldi, Coles or Woolworths
$4 - $5
>loaf of white bread
>kilo of onions
>Bottle of ketchup

Even in this land of gauging you'd get 6 servings for less than $10. How poor are you?

>> No.7437459

spaghetti, ravioli, lasagna
lots of cheap sausages

>> No.7437460


>> No.7437466


>not getting superior and cheaper snags from your local butcher

>> No.7437471

Depends where you live I guess. I've got three in my area and they're all overpriced and of comparable quality. Aldi sausages are pretty fucking good desu.

>> No.7437475

Man, why can't Australian parents cook meat?!

I remember growing up thinking that cooking was some sort of super difficult science, because I had to watch my parents slowly work out how to cook chicken that didn't come out dry as shit.

I actively avoided cooking because they made it look so difficult.

>> No.7437476

>Man, why can't Australian parents cook meat?!

Boomers can't do anything. Should be called the worthless generation. Fucked up everything.

>> No.7437492

True. So many things I thought I hated growing up, but they were just badly cooked.

>> No.7437499

I love my mum but she looks at me like a wizard when I cook fish that isn't dry as fuck.

>> No.7437501

It's eye opening isn't it?

Pork is probably the one I most despised. Granted it is easy to overcook but holy shit, it's so much fucking better when it's cooked right.

I used to dread the nights we had those butterfly fillets. It's such a lean cut that it dries out in an instant and my mother always served that shit saddle ready.

Pork is a magnificent meat but I was simply never able to appreciate it until I was an adult.

>> No.7437517

My mum's actually become a really good cook in the last couple of years, but I haven't lived at home for 8 years, so I don't get to enjoy it.

>> No.7437523

The kids move out, they've got nothing to do now and they need to get a hobby.

Cooking is big in Aus now, mainly off the back of MKR and Masterchef being so ridiculously successful.

>> No.7437531

You'd think that, but my sisters are (weirdly) both still at home. I don't think I was taking that much of my mother's time.

But yeah, it's totally to do with Masterchef and shit.

>> No.7437537

they eat asian food.

>> No.7437608

Why is that you fucks love your oversteamed vegetables, I go over my friends place and it's like shit peas with pasty tasting brocoli with some shitty meat.

>> No.7437645

I had Dad's pommy cousins stay with us for a week, they always cooked, it was fucked, everything was oven baked leather, I was vego for a week after, before I bought a nice big juicy steak from the butcher and cooked it myself

>> No.7437784

Britchap here.

The labeling is slightly different to what we have in Britain but I use Pataks paste for frying off the meat and onions.

If you get the chance try to find a Phal curry sauce to go with it, I like a hot curry but I find that I don't need to add any extra spices to this sauce.

>> No.7437801

>I had Dad's pommy cousins stay with us for a week, they always cooked, it was fucked, everything was oven baked leather, I was vego for a week after

I'm convinced shitty boomer cooks have produced as many vegetarians as animal cruelty has

>> No.7437838

I grew up down in Tasmania, the produce down there is top notch and there is a lot of quality restaurants.
My grandparents are really good cooks and they taught my parents so it sort of got passed down through the family.
I can cook OK I guess if I put in some effort, most nights though I'm just fucked after work and come up with simple shit if I'm just feeding myself.
I work some fucked up hours though, it's about 11pm on Friday night and I just got home from work, I plan to get a bit pissed on homebrew beers and cook some carbonara.

>> No.7437851

>Is there traditional "Australian" cuisine?

giant grubs

>> No.7437987

sausage roll

>> No.7438009

I made kangaroo cottage pie the other night. Your friend probably lied tho, kangaroo's actually kinda gross on its own and it smells weird.
Cane toads are poisonous.

>> No.7438010
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If I ketchup with you I'll fucking beat you like a dead horse.

>> No.7438012

nice cat

>> No.7438017
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>> No.7438027

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7438031

Krispi Kremes. Korean barbq chicken. They say prawn.

>> No.7438044

Chili cheese fries.

>> No.7438415

We have things like that here, they are called cats

>> No.7438430

strayla with the banter

>> No.7438431

They seem to be obsessed with McDonalds for some reason.

>> No.7438684

I hate Kangaroo meat. I'ts probably because my housemate uses it in Spag Bol and every time he eats it he lets off these Toxic as fuck farts. It feels like the air is thicker or something when you walk into one.

>> No.7438727

Casseroles are ducking disgusting 99% of the time

>> No.7438755
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>> No.7439095

Like how you feel in the face when you're breaking out with acne and use a cheap face wash.

>> No.7439108

It's a dog on white bread with toppings...

Was making a friggin joke

>> No.7439188

It's pig not dog you stooge

>> No.7439198

Not in Australia.

>> No.7439234

Only in Melbourne and Sydney mate

>> No.7439488
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I always thought Australians were good cooks based on my families cooking. One time I brought a female friend to my parents house for dinner and she said (about spaghetti bolognese)
>Friend: Wow, this cooking is amazing!
>Mother: Oh. uh thank you
>Friend: My parents never cooks meals like this

I went to dinner at her house a while later (she still lives with her parents) and they literally served cold, burnt rissoles and sausages with tomato sauce, lettuce, raw carrot and white bread.

>> No.7439872
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What about traditional Aboriginal Australian cuisine? What do they eat?

>> No.7440752

>kangaroo's actually kinda gross on its own and it smells weird
Pleb as fuck

>Cane toads are poisonous
Cane toads are perfectly edible and very tasty

>> No.7440756

Which one of Megan's friends are you?

>> No.7440796

witchity grubs

>> No.7440799

its called a snag

>> No.7440843 [DELETED] 
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DInky Di

>> No.7440845 [DELETED] 

We call that chinks in the US.

>> No.7440870
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Just put chillis in everything mate

>> No.7441647


>> No.7441652

any children they can find and catch, and petrol

>> No.7441691


>> No.7443292

fuck off

>> No.7443333

Inland: snake, gecko, kangaroo, birds, pretty much any animal really, sugar ants, witchety grubs, certain parasites found on plants, bush honey, lemon myrtle, wattle seed, lilli pillies.

Coastal: many of the same things but also a lot of seafood.

Plus loads of other stuff. No sugar, but many of the flowers in Australia produce a sweet sap.

Herbs, seeds and other vegetation often mashed up in sort of pestles. All the cooking done over fire or under hot ash. I've never heard of boiled foods. I don't think meat was ever traditionally seasoned.

>> No.7443456

Macadamia nuts

>> No.7443855

Smiths crinkle cut Salt and Vinegar chips.

>> No.7443880
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An Australian-style hamburger is pretty awesome. Beetroot works really well with the meat. The pineapple is controversial but optional.

>> No.7443936
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>> No.7444076

As someone that grew up in a working class household in a rural town this is pretty close.
Food culture in terms of cafes and restaurants in places like Melbourne is completely different tho.

>> No.7444078

Bush tucka