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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7428624 No.7428624 [Reply] [Original]

where did the white people can't cook meme come from. pic not related

>> No.7428627

Just a way for minorities to jump on the flyover bandwagon.

>> No.7428628

these charts are so shit

almost anything can be paired with almost anything

>> No.7428632

yeah i realized after i posted it was awful lmao

>> No.7428640

people go through all sorts of logical loopholes to try to feel less bad about being inferior to us white people

>> No.7428643

black people think whitey has terrible taste because whites generally eat good food that requires minimal seasoning instead of terrible quality food that blacks have to drown in seasoning so it's somewhat edible

>> No.7428659

Generally white people use less spices. We prefer to taste the actual food itself rather than the spices. If you're used to every meal containing spices like many non-whites are, a meal without spaces tastes bland.

>> No.7428670

Just because those spices can be used, doesn't mean they are used.

>> No.7428706


white people fucking love spices you bellend. they just generally have to import a lot of them.

>> No.7428711

Lol, you really are dumb. Do you have any idea how much other cultures use spices compared to us? All our traditional dishes only have herbs.

>> No.7428772


who the fuck is 'we'? i'm english and we have a litany of heavily spiced traditional dishes. they just generally tend to be celebratory, cause spices used to be fucking valuable as fuck. there's no reason anyone would have a culturally ingrained bias towards herbs instead of spices, they both do pretty much the same job and there's significant overlap between them in terms of the types of flavours they can impart. now that spicy food is cheap and readily available, white people consume it in droves. not everyone resorts to the retarded illogic of 'preferring to taste the actual food itself' to justify the relatively poor use of spices in our cuisine, in fact most of don't.

now to backpedal slightly there IS an element of snobbery and culinary idealism that leads to a more restricted use of spices in some western cuisines, like the french tradition is obviously pretty fucking weird about it, but it's not really got much to do with 'white people' in general.

>> No.7428775

Please tell me more about how much you love spices because non-white cuisine is superior to ours, cuck.

>> No.7428784

You keep making this thread and we're all getting really tired of it

Just go back to /pol/ please

>> No.7428794


Frankly, English food uses a very small amount of spices compared to many other cuisines....which makes sense given England's shitty climate for growing things.

Check out Mrs. Beeton's--the classic English cookbook. Spices are called for, yes, But they are used in terrifically small quantities. A dish serving ten people might contain a quarter-teaspoon of nutmeg and some pepper.

That being said, they do tend to call for a lot of condiments like ketchup (made from mushrooms), and Harvey's sauce.

>> No.7428802


Other cultures have to use fuck tons of spices to mask the staleness in their food and preserve the food longer since refrigeration is a rare luxury in some parts of the world. Whites don't have these problems so they don't have to drench everything with jars of spices.

>> No.7428815


mrs beeton's is not 'the' classic english cookbook, it is just 'a' classic english cookbook, and a relatively recent one too. look to other sources and you will find recipes for omelettes or savoury puddings that are as heavily spiced as a mince pie. we had spice mixes like powder-douce and powder-forte that are comparable to the masalas of india. those condiments you mention are often heavily spiced themselves. i fully acknowledge that our climate has a lot to do with it, however, as i said, we were no strangers to the concept of spice trade.

>> No.7428842

>mrs beeton's is not 'the' classic english cookboo

It's the most widely printed cookbook in the world. I'd say it's "the" classic book, unless you have any alternate suggestions?

>>that are as heavily spiced as a mince pie
that's not saying very much, Mince pie is not all that heavily spiced, especially compared to foreign cuisines.

>> we were no strangers to the concept of spice trade.

Nobody is denying that the Brits weren't pioneers of spice *trading*. Spice *use* on the other hand was limited to those who could afford it. The average Brit used very little in the way of spices as they didn't grow native to Britain and they couldn't afford to buy expensive imported spices. The upper class could, but even they didn't use that much.

>> No.7428875


mince pies are quite heavily spiced dude.

mrs beeton's book was published in the 1860s dude. all i'm saying is that, it might be a classic, but it doesn't encapsulate our culinary history.

you are mostly reiterating things i've already said. i've said spices were expensive. this is why they were most commonly used in things like mince pies.

>The upper class could, but even they didn't use that much.

this is just plainly wrong, dude, read the forme of cury or some shit.

i think you're just misinterpreting my point, which is just that our culinary history has more of a relationship with spices than *most people think* - not that we're on par with the middle east and south asia in that regard.

>> No.7428924

>i think you're just misinterpreting my point, which is just that our culinary history has more of a relationship with spices than *most people think* - not that we're on par with the middle east and south asia in that regard
Yet your original post was calling me a bellend for saying white people use less spices. Nice backtracking, retard. You lose, go home.

>> No.7429001


no, i was calling you a bellend for saying we don't use them because we don't like them. we do use them and we do like them.

>> No.7429018

You can't lie your way out of this one, mate. Go home, you're done.

>> No.7429051

You're really dedicated to this shitpost.

Did mean old Briton fuck your mummy?

>> No.7429650

White people are just memes.

>> No.7429683

White men made the effort to search the globe and invent trade for spices.
Other cultures dig up ants and a few leaves from the backyard to season their meals.

>> No.7429693

British and their colonies

>> No.7429715


>> No.7429907
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>> No.7429910

its true. im a meme

>> No.7429956

>where did the white people can't cook meme come from

Outcast whites scorned by society for their self loathing tendencies and maladjustments.

>> No.7431439


It's because we're fat and lazy, and they be jelly