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7427563 No.7427563 [Reply] [Original]

What's the general consensus on Andrew Zimmern?

>> No.7427569

I like him.

>> No.7427572

I think he's kind of obnoxious but not to the point that I'll turn the channel.

>> No.7427574

He is a hard man. He likes fucking, and drinking, and singing... but killing, killing's the thing he loves. He's just like me. Only smaller.

>> No.7427575

he makes me think sometimes some of the stuff I would normally not eat might be actually bretty good.

>> No.7427578

He's a big guy

>> No.7427579


he always comes off as homosexual

>> No.7427581

You can't simmer the Zimmer, Anon.

>> No.7427583

he's moderately annoying

and he used to be a homeless heroin addict or something so that's kinda neat

>> No.7427584
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He comes off as an asshole on his show, but then again I've only seen a few episodes. He seemed like a bro when he did that tag team iron chef episode with Morimoto so I guess I've always got the wrong impression.

>> No.7427587

He was offered some African tribal bush loli, and he refused. What a jewish faggot.

>> No.7427604


Brown or Black?

>> No.7427616

he used to be a drug addict who'd violently rob people on the street.

>> No.7427629

Bet you $20 he refused on camera then beat the loli pussy up when things stopped being recorded

>> No.7427630

for you

>> No.7427674

>but killing, killing's the thing he loves
This. I watched a few episodes and he seemed pretty chill, then I saw one where he was hunting some kind of giant swamp rat in the south and they spent a lot of time showing him looking murderously happy holding it up as blood dripped from its nostrils. I'm not opposed to hunting by any means but there was something uncomfortable about that moment. Then I started to remember how in almost every previous episode he would make an excited comment about how expertly skinned some animal carcass was or he would practically cream himself over the snap of a skull or ribcage opening to get to the contents. This guy doesn't just love food.

>> No.7427729


>> No.7427782


>> No.7427788

Shooting shit is fun. Skinning shit can be tricky. The good bits like marrow, brain, roe, the tucked away parts of shellfish ("suck the head") etc are all stashed away in the nooks n' crannies.

>> No.7427791

Is this what Bizarre food would be like if it was hosted by Guy Fieri?

Because Zimmeramn has a pretty professional demeanor, until he finds something he actually dislikes then it's snide as a mother fucker. Which I don't mind that much. Fuck other cultures.

>> No.7427799

More like Travel Channel taking his side comments out of context for previews of his newest episode, but Guy Fieri works too.

But, yeah, he wouldn't sound like this unless he explicitly dislikes it.

>> No.7427816

I believe he was a homeless alcoholic

I was surprised to learn about that too

>> No.7427903

Fun fact: prior to his celebrity Andrew Zimmern lived as a homeless heroin addict.

>> No.7427917

i hate how absolutely positive and chipper and bubbly he is about every fucking thing he eats

its not human

>> No.7427955

zimmerman is neutral evil

he disrespects people and translates his insecurities into a flase sense of brazenness 'fuck it' attitude. he is a clown trampling and traipsing on entire cultures and has no business doing what he does in any light other than tragic satire

i am thankful for the content of the productions he is involved in, but he makes them very impossible to watch. I am confident the entire premise of the shows he is involved in is "lol look at the ignorant fat american swine" which is not only disrespectful to the shows guests, it is disrespectful to americans and global cohesion itself

>> No.7428029

Another Jew eats shit show. He's a half a con artist with a gift for gab. Must be a nice life, though.

>> No.7428035

This made me laugh so hard. You are a well worded and funny individual, anon

>> No.7428540

False alarm, he's just Jewish.

>> No.7428547

Switch Ramsey and Harriot

>> No.7429321

why? Ramsey follows a strict,internalized set of ideas about being a good chef and running a good restaurant. He shits on people who he sees as breaking these rules. Harriot is chaotic because of his strange ramblings.

>> No.7429326

He has a fun show that showcases awesome and strange food internationally.

He seems really gay, like too gay to believe he has a wife and kids. Not sayin thats wrong, op is a faggot too.

>> No.7429342

I love watching his show when I just need to get drunk and laugh to forget about how shit my life is. I dunno what it is about his show but it always tickles me

>> No.7429522


You are implying that other cultures are worth anything.

Here's a tip: They're not.

Most other cultures are not some special snowflake super secret tradition and heritage the most beaut preserved, coddled, and comforted. It's mostly barely literate immoral humans trying to figure out how to not die, and in the process they end up doing weird things and eating weird shit.

Third world cuisine should be a curiosity in the modern world and nothing more.

>> No.7429526
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who is chaotic evil? wouldn't paula deen be better suited for "lawful" evil?
>muh butter

>> No.7429549


>Lawful Good
>Alton Brown
>Zimmern comes across as an asshole

Yea no, Alton Brown is a humongous narcissist by comparison. At least Zimmern is funny, while Alton likes to bitch about other Food Network hosts.

>> No.7429569
File: 3.52 MB, 3888x2592, Serving_Surströmming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Third world cuisine should be a curiosity in the modern world and nothing more.

this, it's disgusting how those 3rd worlders can eat shit like rotten fish or mouldy cheese

>> No.7429583

I think he's a pedophile and uses the show to fuck kids outside the US. Probably boys

>> No.7429587

Speaking of which, Bourdain sure made a lot of episodes in southeast asia. Food for thought.

>> No.7429638

I don't think he's a pedophile. Hes a drunk though

>> No.7429644

I think he just likes to fuck prostitutes.

>> No.7430017

He's a cuck because he changed his name just because of some nigger.

>> No.7430300

Takeshi Kaga is chaotic evil, presumable because he forces other chefs to battle for his own amusement.

>> No.7430403

Even when he dislikes things he makes a point to respect the local culture. He really is not an asshole at all. I agree with the guy who said he comes off as gay.

Otherwise a solid guy, but people on here will always find some contrary POV because thats so cool.

>> No.7430419

he admits he is gay as hell

>> No.7430441

I like his professionalism

but he is granola as hell

>> No.7430848

I fucking love the guy.

>> No.7430852

He's a little nutty and gamey.

>> No.7430854

THat picture of the Frieri Fister of Falvor gave me a good chuckle.

>> No.7430857

I can't believe he got away with murdering Trayvon Martin.

>> No.7430867

>obligatory guru fish episode


>> No.7430870

It's sweet

It's nutty

[Noises of bliss]

>> No.7430894

He seems like a hard working experienced man who knows what he's talking about. Watching his shows is enjoyable.

>> No.7431466

I have him on facebook, he seems like a really nice guy, but he throws in a ton of gay agenda stuff once in awhile, which is very offputting

>> No.7431722

He describes everything as nutty or earthy.

He also is kind of a snob and bizarre foods is painfully hard to watch only because of him

>> No.7432436


Yeah. They have to figure out how to make to eat whatever so they don't die.

>> No.7432453 [DELETED] 
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He should be in jail after what he did.
The justice system in this country sucks.

>> No.7432577

That episode in Singapore or Phillipines Andrew is being shown around by a super gay local celeb. Lets slip him calling the dude "honey" and "darling."

>> No.7432595

based af

>> No.7432603

the fish isn't that bad, or most rotten prepared food for that matter
the sauce/liquid is rank

>> No.7433159

its a cool show and its pretty cool to see the way small town-folk prepare and eat a whole goddamn goat. but i fucking hate it when he puts his little faggot ass glasses on at the tip of his nose. its so fucking annoying, i really dont have a good reason for hating it so much but it makes me want to kill people

also he always describes things as 'beautifully seasoned' or whatever and that shit gets on my nerves.

other than that i enjoy the show

>> No.7433162

>puts anything in his mouth

why is this allowed?

>> No.7433492

I really liked his special on Syria. Glad I got to see a tour of the Aleppo souk before it got destroyed

>> No.7434017

I like his show but the way he smacks his lips and eats like a pig while sucking down bugs and dicks and shit is kinda gross.

>> No.7434035

i can't believe this nigga can't eat walnuts.

>> No.7434052

I liked him until I saw him on Mark Wien's YT channel. He came off as a self-important diva.

>> No.7434633

Oh fuck I can't handle it when he scrapes his fork on his teeth every time he takes a bite. Bugs the shit out of me

>> No.7434648

His show is very entertaining even though he's too flamboyant at times.

>> No.7434919

He should have gone to jail IMO. Fucking racist piece of shit.

>> No.7435559

Doesn't he hate durian? WHAT A FAGGOT!

No but seriously, I enjoy his shows. His overenthusiastic behaviour can be a little tiring, though.

>> No.7436467

I've never seen someone enjoy food so much. I like him much better than "imma eat like a pig and record it" Joey

>> No.7436815

consensus is he has the most punchable face on television

>> No.7436820

That would be Guy Fieri

>> No.7437386
File: 23 KB, 165x280, h163-014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reading this gave me the uncontrollable urge to take a shit

>> No.7437413

This is up there with durian on the list of smells that shouldn't exist