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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 610x335, What-is-Bubble-Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7223932 No.7223932 [Reply] [Original]

Post dead meme food

>> No.7223935
File: 412 KB, 645x519, 1451349248555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that fucking shit. I'm glad its dead.

>> No.7223938

It's still going strong in flyover land. Hell the cupcake fad is just taking off, they're still going crazy over Magnolia Bakery.

>> No.7223966

>Caring about whether people like a food instead of caring about the taste of the food

>> No.7223967


its like you don't even want to be trendy mate

>> No.7223985

Are people still pretending to be gluten intolerant?

>> No.7223988

Yeah because "being trendy" is for faggots. Just live your life the way you want. You don't have to be "hip" or "with it" or whatever the fuck.

You people need to kill yourselves.

>> No.7223997

I bet you don't even own one fedora, poser.

>> No.7224062

all the asian and some white girls here still drink that shit daily.

>> No.7224095

Just had some boba tea the other day. Stay mad nerds. Better than a fucking milkshake and less cals too. Plus fun bubbles to chew on.

stay mad

>> No.7224104
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>> No.7224107
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>> No.7224127

that ain't dead, it just went into regular production again and people got what they wanted.
I guess crystal pepsi is coming back too in july.

>> No.7224131
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your butt mad sustains me

>> No.7224153

I saw it in rose tinted glasses. Everytime I try it again it tastes like a flat mix of sprite and mtn dew

>> No.7224172

Yeah, almost makes you sad for the people who actually have celiac - having their legit medical condition turned into a SoCal suburban soccer mom diet fad. On the plus side, it's led to a big boom in gluten free options, I guess that's good for the celiac sufferers.

>> No.7224178

Makes me feel scared for the celiacs because once people realize gluten free isn't what they thought it was, gluten free options might dwindle back to what they had before.

>> No.7224260

Still love bubble tea

>> No.7224287

I long for the death of this particular usage of "meme".

>> No.7224292

Killing yourself went out of fashion three years ago, fucking flyovers.

>> No.7224302
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>> No.7224324

What the fuck is this

>> No.7224328


What the hell it that.

>> No.7224341

its purple ketchup, you dumb ass kids

>> No.7224345

It's Namekian blood.

>> No.7224371


>either jaded 30 year olds
>or more likely underageb& millenials

>> No.7224527

Wait, this was a meme food?
It just showed one day and now every chinese food place serves boba and iced smoothies with boba.

>> No.7224578

Did the option of those two anons not being American even cross your mind for a mere second?

>> No.7224585

In Canada, the official body of Statistics Canada has declared 1992 as the last year of birth for Generation Y.

>> No.7224587

If you're from the west coast I might understand, but there isn't a single god damn thing that east coast fucks do better than flyovers. Well except be giant shit stained pricks about everything.

>> No.7224593

My brother was a big fan of it and insists it doesn't taste the same as it used to.

>> No.7224594
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Dyed ketchup "4 kidz" that Heinz made for a few years in the 2000s.

Purple was just the beginning. Behold.

>> No.7224616


its .com not .co.uk

>> No.7224649


I miss bubble tea so much.
When that craze hit my town we suddenly had 3 or 4 bubble tea stores. Our sushi place had the best bubble tea.
Three months later, all the bubble tea was gone again. Fucking hell it tastes so danged good and is refreshing in the summer

>> No.7224661
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>> No.7224674

I really hope you're baiting.

>> No.7224684

Yeah buddy, you can get beef brisket just about anywhere. Except it's moist and delicious unlike that steaming pile of dog shit in your picture.

>> No.7224687


>> No.7224688


>> No.7224694

Underageb& detected

>> No.7224705

Boba will never die on the west coast

>> No.7224724
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>> No.7224751

This shit. This fucking nightmare.
The only time I had it I made a tiedye pattern on a hot dog. Used every color on the market. An hour later I had the scariest, blackest diarrhea. This shit was black as night. I went to the ER because I thought all of my bowels were rupturing at once.

>> No.7224759
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>West coastie trying to talk down about others

>> No.7224830

'cha 'n' 'za


>> No.7224889

>almost makes you sad for the people who actually have celiac
Uh, I have a friend with Celiac. He's really grateful to have an expanded selection of GF foods. They're still more expensive than regular food, but they're slightly cheaper than they used to be before the GF craze.

>> No.7224903
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>tfw no GF food

>> No.7224960

Funny story my friend's cousin came back home after going out on his own for a few years and told his aunt and uncle that he had a job "slingin' 'za back east" and they legitimately thought he was in a cartel muling drugs

>> No.7224999


>> No.7225008
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Dont hear much about this anymore

>> No.7225015

That was literally the point of that entire post.

>> No.7225022

b8 of the highest order. or if you are actually that dumb, eat shit. Just eat shit memel0rd.

>> No.7225035

I've always wondered how many of those tapioca pearls are sitting in my colon & intestine, undigested.

>> No.7225045

....or I'm from a flyover, and now live in the southern east coast. You might have a little reading comprehension if you hadn't spent your formative years seeing how many of your uncles fingers fit in your asshole.

>> No.7225046

It takes over 120 days to digest those things. Everyone who eats them is doing irreparable long term damage to their GI tract. It's worse than instant ramen.

>> No.7225048

r u ser?

that's almost like chewing gum

>> No.7225053

oh my god my grandma used to buy this shit
>tfw a food is so bad it puts blood in your stool

>> No.7225055


>> No.7225056

Yeah, I'm Asian, we stopped letting our kids buy them when the first reports started coming out of South Korea. They're actually illegal in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, but mainland Chinese and stupid Americans still eat them because of ignorance and general disregard for health and safety. Muh free market.

>> No.7225067



It is not illegal in Japan or Korea. There was an embargo on Taiwanese boba for about 2 years because a food authority in Japan isolated toxins.

Tapioca is not difficult for humans to digest (it is very simple starch) and it does not "sit" in your gut.

>> No.7225078

I'd like a source too. I don't eat them but it seems pretty interesting.

>> No.7225111

>southern east coast
>Inb4 south Carolina or Georgia
T o p k e k

>> No.7225297

I just bought a package of salted caramel coffee. It's delicious.

>> No.7225305

Instant mashed potatoes by adding water to powder

>> No.7225425
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weird 50s jello recipes (note, not all on that google search are from the 50s)

>> No.7225431
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eh, that's been coming back here lately. Salted caramel donuts, coffees, hot chocolates, more salted caramel chocolates in stores, etc

>> No.7225456

water is a chemical u dum hippe

>> No.7225463

this shit gets posted in nostalgia threads all the time

>> No.7225472

msg is an ingredient ;)

>> No.7225816

>tfw I never got to try it and can't find it in my location
I can't even order the shit from amazon cause it's prime only.

>> No.7225847
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>> No.7225872

Bananas are an herb

>> No.7225900
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>> No.7225919
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the most meme drink here and not dead for good reasons

>> No.7225926

>that shit that just DISAPPEARED
I'm gonna ask, even though I could, and probably will, google the answer, but what the hell ever happened to dippin' dots?

>> No.7225942
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>> No.7225949

the zoo i worked at has them, so i assume they still exist in other parks, malls, whatever

>> No.7225952

the fuck you talkin about

>> No.7225962

after the aforementioned google search it looks like they got bought out after becoming a victim of slower sales after the 2008 financial crisis. their lender was a cockbag though and kept trying to foreclose on them for the entire year of 2011.

>> No.7225971

I'm Korean so it's been a thing for me for over 10 years

>> No.7225973

I remember picking these up at a zoo or something when I was with my sister and her kid few years ago. Kid was around 2-3 and made the stupidest shittiest face when she ate one of the grasshoppers I laughed my ass off until I pissed all over the floor. Not one of my proudest moments.

>> No.7225978

You mean half the post

>> No.7226017

Got one in the mall here in texas

>> No.7226021

The company that makes those went bankrupt from overly aggressive store expansion financed with debt.

>> No.7226032
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Your post reminded me of this.

>> No.7226043

Bleck, I remember eating that shit once as a kid. Tasted awful and almost slimy. Glad theyre gone.

>> No.7226165

I still like bubble tee/coffee. I didn't realize it was a meme food, though? I've only seen it at a couple of Asian markets..?

>> No.7226172
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such good times hanging out at a bubble tea shop during high school

>> No.7226177

This, the zoo in my city has a shit ton of stands for those. Cedar point does as well (amusement park)

>> No.7226178

>Tasted awful and almost slimy
literally what? I don't remember them being slimy at all. But then again, I don't put much milk in my serial, just enough to get it a little damp.

>> No.7226197

dude Im norwegian and we have had this soda continuosly since it came out, we call it "urge" though. if ya dare to trust me with your address id happily send you one, ill even throw in some weird norgay food/candy

>> No.7226261

There are a couple out here in WNY

>> No.7227008

What if I'm in Canada? Also can you send me salmaiki or whatever that salted licorice is called?

>> No.7227034

A gas station nearby has 'em, I was thinking about tryin' 'em, they any good.

>> No.7227054

Hell yeah bro, I had that green ketchup on everything! My mom told me it looked like "grasshopper guts" and it cracked me up.

>> No.7227063

Its also lead to a lot of food that isn't actually safe for cealiac's people being labeled as such, since the majority of the market can't actually term the difference.

>> No.7227072

can do:) there are soft chewy kinds and hard candy types. feel free to add my skype if you wish, elle.moreaux is my username

>> No.7227073
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>> No.7227079

>gummy strike


>> No.7227085
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For good reason, this shit was fucking disgusting.

>> No.7227110

My familia. Been sipping these suckers since i was young.

When I went to Korea a few summers ago, I was ecstatic to find this. I remember really liking it as a child before it got removed so I immediately bought a box. Back at the hotel, I try it and it was slimy and kinda stale. Disappointing.

>> No.7227118


>> No.7227121
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This nigga knows what's up.

>> No.7227134

fuck year, styrofoam era mcdonalds was actually edible.

>> No.7227139

I get one of these every time I go to the theatre, a honeydew one, I love it

>> No.7227149
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I still like bubble tea.
Recently got a chinese take out place a few months ago that sells it close by.

>> No.7227169

Ive never had one, care to explain what its like and how the bubbles work/what they are?

>> No.7227171

Poke (Hawaiian fish salad) and kombucha will be the big trends in 2016.

>> No.7227203
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>live in Commiefornia town with lots of Asians
>boba tea places are filled with asian gangsters

>> No.7227220

It's still fairly big around here. I like it, so I don't mind.

>> No.7227234

the bubbles are just large tapioca pearls, gelatin like chewy spheres
the tea is flavored milk tea, which is just creamy black tea
It's pretty great

>> No.7227258

youre an idiot. i go to macau monthly and always get a gong cha with pearls. stop trying to scare gullible americans.

>> No.7227271
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Dippin Dots aren't bad per se, they're just hella overpriced.

Much like this garbage which you should be embarrassed if you buy past the age of 19.

>> No.7227275


boba still rockin socal. it can be starbuckish; on every corner

>> No.7227283


trip trip trippity dem ol trippin balls

>> No.7227290


its no longer being produced, pibb is taking over.

>> No.7227318

>Stop selling chocolate Skittles. I have no demand beyond that. Actually, no, that's a lie. I have a whole list of demands:

>1. Stop selling chocolate Skittles
>2. Apologize publicly
>3. Jettison all remaining chocolate Skittles or any regular Skittles which may have been tainted through accidental contact into space
>4. Euthanize all the diseased, caged rabbits whose shit you harvest to produce the pudding flavor
>5. Fire the Japanese guy in marketing who thought this was a good idea
>6. Put the entirety of your research and development budget towards inventing the technology required to make me forget there ever was such a thing

>> No.7227324

I want to fuck that cow

>> No.7227367

I remember when this took off in Germany in around 2012, then they found lead and other crap because they bought the cheapest Chinese pearls. And obviously it's crap to build a whole business on a single drink, so they are all dead by now.

>> No.7227369

i think they'd be more like tootsie rolls

tootsie rolls were awful

>> No.7227382

i would have thought the fans were a bit more mature than this. this bums me out

>> No.7227383

>like a salty kiss
no thnx

>> No.7227402

oh man I can't wait to watch LA Beast drink 2 day old crystal Pepsi. MIND OVER MATTER. MIND OVER MATTER.

Fuck that retard.

>> No.7227407

he's a retarded amerifat... do you really need to ask?

he's also wrong about the age claims, being the stupid fat little american kid that he is
a 30+ year old person would most likely know the product

>> No.7227409

It's just food coloring and perfectly edible, you fucking pansy.

>> No.7227415

I've never had that stuff but the crap on the bottom just reminds me of mold, looking at it... :(

>> No.7227424
File: 1.64 MB, 3058x1306, TUC_Relaunch_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid, we all eat TUC biscuits. I don't know what happened to the new generations, they don't seem to know of this crap xD

>> No.7227433

tuc biscuits are nice
the cream cheese ones are disgusting though

>> No.7227438

this is legit making me dry heave just looking at it

>> No.7227473




>> No.7227509

die in a fire

>> No.7227581

>tfw you will never again drink a Surge while watching the Cascade Surge play

>> No.7227589

the east coast is pretty much just NYC setting trends and everyone else suffereing from a severe younger sibling complex. No one more so than Boston.

>> No.7227613

Rekt. Now get the fuck out, aussies and eurocunts. Make your own mongolian hentai image board so we can post on it and complain about your people non stop. Oh wait nobody would visit the site because nobody cares, they are too busy posting pictures of japanese people eating each others shit on AMERICAN image boards. OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!

>> No.7227617

Only the USA could come with such shitty ideas.

>> No.7227849
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It was early 2000's - the technology to do heinous things in the name of advertising existed but the internet wasn't quite there yet to show them past examples of failure, or better yet, to make them a meme.

Anyways, you fuckers are forgetting the king.

>> No.7227858

good fuck these things

I hated going to a restaurant and seeing half of their lunch menu be $9 paninis and a fucking dipping sauce cup worth of "soup"

>> No.7227859

Jimmies status: rustled

>> No.7227867
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German detected

>> No.7227925

Surge is sold at the local convenience store. They got a case by accident a few months ago and I bought the entire case. Since then their shipments have increased to ten cases a week and it sells out consistently to the point where myself and three other customers have the manager set us aside cases on pre-sale.

>> No.7228044
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It has been a long fucking time since I've seen anyone on here use that emote unironically.

>> No.7228121

Cunty hipsters actuslly get mad if you are not trendy in their presence

I was at my friends house wearing my crocs and Hawaiian shirt, and a bathing suit even though it's winter and I have no intention of going swimming. I'm not about to sacrifice comfort for style.
I was minding my own business sitting there drinking a nice box of white zin, and this girl got all over my shit for wearing crocs.

I said they are cheap and comfortable, I dont see the problem. She literally said "you stupid mother fucker, if you want cheap comfortable shoes just get toms"

>> No.7228153

Ocean City, NJ boardwalk has had a stand for years and it's still there.

>> No.7228159

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7228160

How did you respond back?

>> No.7228165

That's amazing. The worst I've had is some fag loudly talk to his buddy about me having no taste like I'm not there. It's true. Found out later the dude got jumped and beaten for being gay in a parking lot downtown. Can't help but feel he said something to deserve it though.

>> No.7228167


>> No.7228178

don't listen to this retard

chewing gum takes the same amount of time to digest like anything else. do some research and stop believing shitty internet myths or the "sage wisdom" of your elders.

>> No.7228199

Yikes, you're getting pretty excited over a pair of shoes [sips white zin loudly] actually I've heard that toms is a pretty unethical brand of shoes, the free shoes they give to developing countries destabilizes local economies and puts struggling people out of work [sips white zin] and another thing....

Then she started screaming at me about how poor people need shoes, and I said no they don't they need a way to earn a living, they have shoes, they aren't savages

And then her boyfriend caked her by taking my side and telling her to calm down, he apologized for his bitch and called me a "pretty cool dude"

>> No.7228226
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>older than 18
>drinking an energy drink that isnt sugarfree redbull

>> No.7228231

Why? It's fun and white people don't question anything because if you're asian you are automatically expert on all asian things.

>> No.7228239

Your fantasy life is pretty shitty. At least make it more fun.

2/5 You tried.

>> No.7228259

Because they don't want to offend you and don't want to make you look like an idiot and/or they're drunk and don't really give a shit beyond the moment.

But sure, masturbate your ego a little. We all deserve a little wank.

Used to have friends that were all about that AZN shit, rubbing it in my face that I knew nothing while their Chinese asses were eating Japanese sushi made my Koreans. Beyond that though it was good times.

>> No.7228266

You seem upset, sounds like your AZN friends thought you could take the bants, even though you were seething with rage internally.

>> No.7228372
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>> No.7228423
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>> No.7228453

a person should be embarrassed if they buy a monster past the age of 19, yet not by using the term "hella"?
Holy fuck, you are a moron.

>> No.7228509

In basic training all the drill sergeants would drink this shit religiously
And all the privates would fucking jerk off while bragging about how awesome their drill sergeant was and how they can't wait to graduate so they can drink Monster too

>> No.7228527

>Implying there's any food item you consume that actually remains in your GI tract after a day or two.

If your body can't digest something in the set time it gives all of its food, it just sends it on its merry way undigested.

It's why corn comes out as corn and doesn't permanently settle in your gut.

>> No.7228532

>using a pleb fork
>not using superior meat claws


>> No.7228553

>have a kitchen tool that has only one purpose

>> No.7228557

I use my meat claws for self-defense as well. Checkmate.

>> No.7228561

I have a friend that's ACTUALLY gluten intolerant. The guy's skin starts flaking and he gets pretty bad acid reflux, making him puke and stuff. But restaurants he goes to, they often don't believe he's gluten intolerant because everyone fucking claims it nowadays, and I can always tell when they don't listen.

It's pretty hard on him, but he's found a few good restaurants that actually understand.

>> No.7228564

Yeah it'd suck to be gluten intolerant but I just don't understand how it became a fad.

>> No.7228585

It became a fag because fat people want to excuse their immense weight on everything but their own eating habits, since gluten allergies are often well known for causing weight gain.

My friend I mentioned before actually lost 40 pounds rather quickly as soon as he quit eating gluten - it turns out he actually WAS fat because of his gluten allergy. I mean, he's still fat, since he has awful eating habits, but he's being better about it now since he's realized he can deal with it.

>> No.7228588

It seems pretty retarded for people with self-diagnosed gluten intolerance to cut out delicious gluten because of some placebo effect they get when they first start eating gluten free.

>> No.7228596

Places in Wisconsin Dells still have them, like Noah's ark and Mt. Olympus.

>> No.7228608
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There are vending machines that give out the dipndots type thing now.
energy drinks are a savior to anyone who gets migraines tho. Same amount of caffeine as taking the pills but its liquid so it hits the blood faster and doesnt drop bloodpressure or give the shakes like the pills do.
just crazy expensive for people who get them often.

i present this kinda thing. $4 at least for a juicebox of sugarwater. People who just like the stuff usually went to the goya isle and got the bigger cans for $1 till even they went up in price and now no one buys it. The ones in my supermarket have sell-by dates from over a year ago, which means theyve probably been on the shelf for 2 years. Literal dust on it and its just ignored cuz it doesnt move.

>> No.7228615

lol I remember coconut water. Shit was horrible and overpriced.

>> No.7228620

not a fan of redbull.. dry bitter version of the bold monster flavor that at least has notes of licorice and cherry..

desu, the bullpiss flavor isnt for me.
the textured can ones are alright for a soda.. got the sprite type flavors..
but i like the monster rehab ones.. Rojo tastes like habiscus tea, the raspberry is great, half n half is like an arnold palmer.. even the peach tho thats hit or miss unless you love peach.. Only shit one is the orange tea.. tastes like a melted lolipop and its gross

>> No.7228627

i liked it..
2 kinds.. straight up coconut water which has a palm leaf taste, or the sugared up ones that taste like the shredded coconut you can get in the baking isle. I didnt mind either, would rather not have the extra sugar, but its only worth a dollar for a large can. Not some trend price of 4.99 for a fuckin juice box.

>> No.7228636

Hipsters have overtaken it. 10000s of pictures from white girls who went to get bubble tea of their drink. Always. It was just a thing you got in Asian markets for a while, but now big companies in the US have picked up on it and started making their own bubble tea shops that aren't even half as good.

>> No.7228637


>i remember
>shit was

coconut water is fucking everywhere, there is no past tense involved here

>> No.7228639

Nobody cares about it anymore.

>> No.7228660

it was trendy like Smartwater tho. I love coconut anything but it trending made its price go up and many of the coconut waters out there are crazy expensive and just not worth it.
yea its a lot of sugar but can be really good. Lots of college towns and malls have bubble tea everywhere. Its the same stuff cuz usually its a sugar and syrup mix and never really more expensive than a redbull but now its frozen yogurt places or even standalone kiosks that have them

>> No.7228661


apparently enough people care to keep them in business

>> No.7228678

I lIke smart water, it tastes good

>> No.7228708


>> No.7228731

Really though, you should probably fucking kill yourself for wearing crocs.

>> No.7228742

You sure like to lie a lot.

>> No.7228743

Yea, I remember that shit. It tasted like food coloring.
I wanted to post crystal pepsi, but apparently thats coming back later this spring

>> No.7228746


>> No.7228753
File: 297 KB, 1200x742, srirachabottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most food memes are just things that people who live in actual cities on the coasts have known about for years and that aren't really that special. People flyover states get excited about because they see them in Buzzfeed articles and then they become "a thing" I guess.

Sriracha and Nutella are prime examples of this.

>> No.7228757

Motherfucker, I could probably lift 3 of you. Sit down

>> No.7228758

Don't you have houses in vancouver to buy and lamborghinis to drive to UBC? Get the fuck out.

>> No.7228761
File: 11 KB, 253x199, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bacon is the obvious answer

craft beer (cringed just typing that) is that not so obvious answer

>> No.7228767

>craft beer (cringed just typing that)
the fuck kind of redneck doesn't drink craft beer in 2016?
Also, please explain how it would qualify as a dead meme. Like it used to be a meme and then got too popular? That doesn't make much sense

>> No.7228768

And how many muscleups can you do, fatty fat? I'm guessing not even half of one.

>> No.7228769

Don't worry, it's a boring ass lemon-lime soda that tastes like a lame combination of mountain dew and sprite. Not worth it.

>> No.7228770

Remember the stupid bullshit that was cronuts?

Also: kale, ramen burgers, pho, cupcakes, bacon in fucking everything, "deconstructed" food, quinoa, banh mi and raw food.

>> No.7228775

I've started seeing Heinz sriracha shit. It's the same bottle with a rooster and stuff but it juts says Heinz instead of runes

>> No.7228779
File: 9 KB, 195x195, Fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confirmed for having never had a croissant donut from Dominicks
Top pleb

>> No.7228785

You've never had a cronut and everyone complaining about them hasn't either, because they are only available from one place

Source: I've had several of the real ones from Ansel, and the fake ones from various other places. They do not resemble one another in the least bit.

>> No.7228786

the Chipotle-esque natural is good science/GMO is bad campaign

>> No.7228787

>"deconstructed" food

>> No.7228799

What do you guys think will be the next big food meme?

>> No.7228803

I actually checked this the other day because my students wanted to see
I did 50 in a row at a good clip but I started getting tired at that time and chose to stop feeling strong than struggle and fail in front of them

>> No.7228809

>Everyone who says sucking dicks is gay has never sucked a real dick
>I go down to the homeless shelter and suck some real black, homeless, dick every night
>I'm not gay
>I'm also better than you

>> No.7228810

any craft (uughhh) beer that is any good gets picked up and goes into mass production. the rest are just amateurs making bitter beer that isnt good enough to be marketable other than towards alcoholics that need high alcohol content.

>> No.7228818

>implying cronuts are anything special

It's a croissant shaped like a donut that's been glazed. It might be good but it doesn't deserve the hype.

>> No.7228824

I never told you whether I thought they were "worth it" or even if I liked them

I'm just telling you that the fake ones aren't made in the same way as the real ones, and you can taste it

>> No.7228825

Dude, I don't think the term 'craft beer' means what you think it means
Enjoy your poor teenager beer though
and why does the term upset you? Seems like a ridiculous thing to get upset by

>> No.7228831
File: 872 KB, 326x300, 1450754538069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oysters: Eaten on the half shell, with fancy wine, muh aphrodesiac

Ramen: Official chink food of 2016, will knock out Pho

Instant Noodles: We'll be seeing the price of these skyrocket, not to mention a whole bunch of shitty gentrified flavors, I think shopping at asian marts will become huge

Pescetarian: The new fad diet

>> No.7228836

Possibly anchovies.

>> No.7228839

i would say craft beer falls under the micro brew category.

>annual production less than 15,000 US beer barrels

any beer worth a damn is produced more than that

>> No.7228841

I can see some kind of jap food becoming a new meme. I don't know about ramen or sushi though.

>> No.7228844

japanese steakhouses seem to be a festering meme in the midwest.

>> No.7228845

A bunch of micro brews are being bought out by big companies though. Elysian was sold to Anheuser-Busch.

>> No.7228850
File: 1.16 MB, 3084x2460, okomain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would totally welcome this shit becoming the new thing

>> No.7228856

that makes them legit and worthwhile beers. im talking stuff you only get locally. example, Hopslam. fuck hopslam. Bell's stirs people into a frenzy for a beer that tastes like other beers because they only release so much of it. it becomes a status symbol to have a 6 pack of hopslam. its bitter an shit anyways. just drink liquor if you need strong booze

>> No.7228857

Thats not how it works at all but okay

>> No.7228858

well thats not how it is defined at all. Micro breweries are a subsection of craft beer

Very few of the well known craft breweries are under that threshold

>> No.7228860

single malt scotch meme is pretty much dead.

>> No.7228864

regardless of hopslam, if you would rather drink a Bud Light, because the fact that it is sold by a larger company than say Two Hearted, possibly the best easy to find IPA around

You seem to have some really ridiculous and misinformed opinions on this subject

>> No.7228868

its like mcdonalds calling their chicken sandwich "artisan" its a chicken sandwich and it shouldnt be pretentious, just like beer.

>> No.7228876

So are you upset that small beer companies exist or do you not like people drinking their beer?

>> No.7228880

Special or not, you're the one acting anally devastated over a fucking donut

>> No.7228881

Its no different than local places making good burgers making it clear that they are selling a completely different class of product than McDonalds.
Just saying the word "beer" in certain contexts is too ambiguous. Like if I am at a restaurant and asking the waitress what kids of beer they have, I don't need her to list off 10 identical shit lagers along with the good stuff, she can just cut to the chase by being asked what craft beer they have

>> No.7228882

Nutella has always been popular in Europe. It's different from the shit hole where you live apparently

>> No.7228884

beer snobs who look down their nose when i order a cloors light are obnoxious. sorry i dont have my nose buried in my glass searching for floral notes. its beer, its a everymans thing. no need to make it pretentious

>> No.7228891

It's not pretentious to acknowledge that some beers are objectively better than others.

>> No.7228894
File: 6 KB, 369x369, 1352823381215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taste is objective

>> No.7228896

if a local place made such great burgers they would become a franchise

>> No.7228900

I got that in my area. U jelly? They even have the dope cake flavor

>> No.7228902

It's like comparing fast food to a nice restaurant. Nobody can claim McDonalds makes the best burger.

>> No.7228904

>sorry i dont have my nose buried in my glass searching for floral notes.
Dude, the very fact that you think such behavior is required to like nice things strongly suggests you have never even had access to nice things
> its beer, its a everymans thing. no need to make it pretentious
Stop biting the SABAnheuiserBusch-InBev marketing so hard. You only think its pretentious to drink geed beer because they are bombarding you with commercials telling you" normal people only drink bad shit, fuck good things and the people who enjoy them, have a Bud Light"
I guess its fine to drink Bud Light if you are an elderly person who doesn't realize good stuff is around now, like how old people are bad with computers, but its fucking silly to be a 20 something dude and think you aren't good enough to drink good beer yet and it would make you pretentious

>> No.7228911

if they didnt make great burgers they wouldnt be on every corner

>> No.7228913

Oh, you're just baiting....

>> No.7228914

no, they had a great product when they were a startup. thats how they got big. that is how capitalism works you know-nothing.

>> No.7228916

McDonald is fine for what it is, its completely different category than a burger you would get at a nice place

Even if you are only into chains, its like comparing Chipotle to Taco Bell. They are just different things fitting into a different place in the market

>> No.7228923

It's called Aspic

Like the King Crimson album "Larks Tongues in Aspic"

>> No.7228924

keep thinking because you are spending more than me that you are enjoying yourself more than i am.

>> No.7228931

It has nothing to do with you

I enjoy drinking things that taste good over drinking things that don't taste like much of anything

As for you, ignorance is bliss. If you are happy living like that go for it, just realize you sound ridiculous talking about stuff you clearly do not understand

>> No.7228935

It's literally one guy dude
Stop letting /mu/ influence everything about you.

>> No.7228937

>As for you, ignorance is bliss
there is that pretentious attitude i was mentioning

>> No.7228947

It's pretentious of you to assume anyone who likes craft beer is a snob.

>> No.7228955

You literally said you are happier than me. Ignorance being bliss is exactly what you are advocating

Sure if I didn't know good things existed I would be happier being stuck with Bud Light than a guy who knows good beer exists and has to drink Bud Light anyways

>> No.7228958

This attitude is like eating unseasoned ground beef, and calling people telling you steak is better pretentious

>> No.7228960
File: 73 KB, 760x325, land-and-sea-trio_royalty-free1-760x325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small plates (tapas) is a meme concept that i can only hope will die out soon.

>> No.7228963

won't happen, white people love them and have done for decades

>> No.7228971
File: 11 KB, 183x232, 8fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiter i only got 3 raviolis
>>sir we are a small plates restaurant
>16 dollars for 3 raviolis?
>>they are handcrafted

>> No.7228975

When did they start putting pulled pork on everything?

>> No.7228976

you must live in a flyover state

pulled pork meme has been over for 2 years

>> No.7228977


>> No.7228979

when they realized how much cheaper it was than beef

>> No.7229000


I live in the UK, it is everywhere here


You get it on beef burgers almost everywhere and can order it as a side in most middle of the road restaurants.

It is really bizarre, it appeared almost overnight about two years ago and you never used to see it anywhere.

>> No.7229003

>flyover state


>> No.7229009

>You get it on beef burgers almost everywhere
Yeah, I mean they can top a smaller burger with pork instead of serving a bigger burger. Its the same idea behind bacon. In the 90s is was common but it wasn't ubiquitous, then people realized it was an inexpensive way to make many things taste better

I've never seen it served as a side to a burger though

>> No.7229088
File: 41 KB, 396x382, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's pretentious of you to assume anyone who likes craft beer is a snob
That word does not mean what you apparently think it means.

>> No.7229095 [DELETED] 
File: 2.40 MB, 3264x2448, 20151126_223229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss this staple...

>> No.7229103
File: 196 KB, 326x437, Screen Shot 2016-01-03 at 6.33.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it at a local burgerking in the form of a frozen treat kekekekekke

>> No.7229109

the only actual meme in this thread

>> No.7229124

i fucking hate this fucking rihanna shit

>> No.7229147

1. buy frozen surge
2. let melt and recarbonate
3. ???
4 profit

>> No.7229154


>> No.7229167

This. My roommate got some and paid a fuckton of money for a 6 pack of it, and it was pretty shitty.

>> No.7229174

Damn I wish they had these around here I love surge.

>> No.7229177


Nutella has been popular in America for probably 20 years now.

If anything, Biscoff/speculoos spread has started showing up everywhere just in the past few years.

>> No.7229185

>he doesn't like it when his gf/bf kisses him after a blowjob so you can taste a little of your salty cum

>> No.7229258

Alton brown, please.

>> No.7229262

it's a summer treat but they serve them during winter here too

>> No.7229350

people on /ck/ sure are friendly!

>> No.7229354

what does surge taste like? moutain dew? sprite? monster?

>> No.7229393

I got one at the local mall. Feels good man.

>> No.7229436

They're the ice cream of the FUTURE, which was several years ago, so they're gone now.

>> No.7230329
File: 39 KB, 425x369, dom8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good meme food

>> No.7230347

>salty kiss
who greenlighted that shit?

>> No.7230363

>tfw Surge has always been available in my country
Feels fucking amazing

>> No.7230591

>go in grocery store
>5 bucks for coconut water
>go to mexican groceria next door
>jet fresh green coconuts full of water AND meat: 3 bucks


>> No.7230612

didnt that come from tumblr

>> No.7230615

These places are alive and thriving. The ones by me sell for $4.50 a drink and are always full and I live in a white area.

The asian area is cheaper but there are tons of them and frequented.

>> No.7230648

Who gives a shit

>> No.7230666

Oh god. My friends once decided that it would be a good idea to actually order one of these. Never again.

>> No.7230711

I work at Toppers and every once in a while some retard faggot will slide one of these through online ordering because he is too much of a pussy to actually call in and order it.

These fucking shits will pay about $17 for bread and sausage.

I laugh every time not because it is funny but the disappointment of realizing they spent $17 on this the second they open the box.

>> No.7230753


that image predates tumblr by a few years

>> No.7230754

Funny shit comes from all corners of the Internet. So do horrible people. The sooner you embrace that, the happier you'll be.

>> No.7230775

we're not on /mu/ pal

>> No.7230797

I love bubble tea.

>> No.7230831

Sure it's a meme food. For white people, at least.

>> No.7230870

Still around. Almost any sporting event I go to (Bay Area) has em.

>> No.7230881

Praying that nutella becomes a dead meme food in 2016.

>> No.7230887
File: 31 KB, 497x296, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7230892


Lol are people illiterate if they don't have a touch of salt water in the air they breathe? What is it with the landlocked among us and not knowing anything?

>> No.7230896

Can burgers die out as well?

"10 patties, 10 cheese slice, 10 bacon slices. Now that is a real burg."

>> No.7230903
File: 48 KB, 800x600, am_140326_gun_suicide_silhouette_800x600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can't just buy a single super-sized fries as a meal anymore
>tfw Morgan Spurlock personally ruined one of the few joys in my life

>> No.7230917

Ex-roommate of mine was lactose intolerant but didn't want to feel left out when I was ordering pizza one day so he put in an order for a cheese-less pizza. It was probably the most pathetic single food item from a restaurant I've seen in person, it looked the image you quoted but with tomato sauce smeared everywhere in the box because there was no cheese to hold it in place so it immediately sloughed off the pizza and pooled in whatever was the lowest point of the box as the delivery guy brought it over. The saddest part was that he was pretty happy with it because he's never been able to enjoy a "real" slice of pizza because of his allergy! HA

>> No.7230940

just buy two mediums or something

>> No.7230947

yeah like that's the same

>> No.7230953

epic meal time is dead thank god

>> No.7230980
File: 12 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain this meme food to me?

>> No.7231216
File: 20 KB, 257x331, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Vietnamese restaurant as a kid
>Parents order me boba
"What the fuck is this shit?"
>Drink it
>Enjoy it a lot

>Always wanted to try it again but no restaurant around me has it
>Just discovered recently that it's a "meme food"

when did this happen?

>> No.7231222

You're obviously pretty young because it was never Vietnamese which means your flyover faux-Vietnamese (run by Chinese) only caught on last Tuesday.

Your story happened in 2014 and it was a memefood around 1997.

Just wait until cupcakes hit, you'll be amazed.

>> No.7231236


>> No.7231385

im a brit living in the mainland you white trash canadian.

>> No.7231388

>kudos bars
Do those exist anymore?

Salted caramel was a fad that managed to stick around, a lot of candy companies sell packages of salted caramel truffles and bars. I think guacamole and hummus is going to be this way too.

>> No.7231391

It was a fad in New England around five/six years ago

>just wait until cupcakes hit
We also had this but it died off pretty quickly. The frozen yogurt shops have managed to stick for a few years though.

>> No.7231394
File: 32 KB, 410x396, 1445663279952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just physically recoiled at the sight of that.

Holy fuck why would you do that

>> No.7231420

miss this shit

>> No.7231588
File: 268 KB, 339x348, 1389988468370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the GMO fad is bullshit so Monsanto and lacing food with industrial chemicals must be a-okay

What is with this website and absolutes
Like how fucking mentally retarded do you have to be to jump to conclusions like this

>> No.7231599

So wise

>> No.7231626
File: 91 KB, 589x351, raph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7231631

See no most of the criticism behind meme food is the fact that it's just not even good. They shouldn't even be popular most of the time, like cupcakes. What the fuck was up with those? It's a dollop of icing on a shitty muffin.

>> No.7231694

I usually buy the most simple ones with salt, I think I have tried the ones with paprika and they seemed good though.. I buy these things every other year due to nostalgia :3
Maybe if I get unlucky in the future <3
Sorry, I'm not a German ..but I have eaten TUC in Germany xD xD xD
Awww you want a hug and a TUC biscuit? :3

>> No.7231731

>a little
what are you? gay?

>> No.7231733

>meme food

>> No.7232169

>Needing to roleplay as Knuckles the Echidna to pull your pork

You're shit at barbecuing.

>> No.7232307

Self serve frozen yogurt shops. In my middle/upper middle class suburbia neighborhood on Long Island there was one in at least every other shopping mall.

Looks like the meme died though since half of them closed.

>> No.7232309

a lot of your cum then?

>> No.7232351

It is

>> No.7232554
File: 176 KB, 436x283, tumblr_mkb3stqtiX1rxf4l2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I ever had a good salted caramel thing. I get what kind of flavor they were going for, but nobody did it well.

>> No.7232592

lmfao coming from a country that believes ceiling fans will murder you in your sleep

>> No.7232611


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most caramels include salt whether they're called "salted caramel" or not? In my understanding its sort of understood that there is salt in there. It's like talking about "wet water"

>> No.7232614
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, chef-specialties-08150-professional-series-customizable-windsor-walnut-pepper-mill-8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme hardware.

BRO it's so hip to grind your own pepper LMAO

>> No.7232624

>implying that guy listens to swans
>implying that guy knows suffering

>> No.7232632

lel you talk about craft beer like it's a fucking aspiring pop musician

>> No.7232635

>Correct me if I'm wrong
With all due respect, you are wrong. Caramel requires only caramelized sugar; caramel sauces have had cream and/or butter added for consistency and texture. Salt is optional.

>> No.7232642


one of my girlfriend's acquaintances just went on a diet where she eats nothing but fish because any other type of meat will apparently make you fat because science. she's a buzzfeed/meyers briggs/horoscope type, so you can guarandamntee that this shit will be the next fad diet

stay the fuck away from my anchovies normies REEEEEEEE

>> No.7232655

Or, y'know, it actually tastes better.

>> No.7232662

Is this some kind of a joke or something going on lately? Since when weren't cupcakes a fucking well known thing?

I seriously can't discern trolling, memeing and people actually being serious anymore.

>> No.7232710
File: 130 KB, 750x1000, o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not the idea of a cupcake itself, rather I think they're getting at the whole artisan cupcake thing.

>> No.7233136

I didn't know this was a thing but the Latina in me is kind of attracted... what is wrong with me?

>> No.7233196
File: 84 KB, 625x352, 6248572039451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad you fucking gook

>> No.7233258
File: 32 KB, 563x542, so diabolical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I gave these to my parents and brother for Christmas

To be quite fair, I actually did try one. The crickets taste very nutty and you can't taste the flavoring.

>> No.7233289

Once I saw that they changed the designs on the boxes, my jimmies were truly rustled for the first time.
RIP in peace, old box design. May you live on in our memories and memes

>> No.7233296


how are you gonna know more about grinding black pepper than a company that has sold millions of pre ground black pepper shakers?
huh wiseguy?
do you think you can sell millions of preground black pepper shakers if "grinding it your self" tasted better?

>> No.7233469

Cupcakes were considered meme food when a ton of cupcale-only shops opened and were selling them for $5-7 apiece. Most of them didn't last long.

>> No.7233480

I'm going to heave just remembering the flavors... There is nothing worse on this world than artificial chocolate flavorings...

>> No.7233614

id facefuck the potato

>> No.7233627

its a meme you dip. you make a meme arrow and its funny. like mfw

>> No.7234793

It's not aspic. It's literally the fruit-flavoured dessert gelatin that they've use to set whatever in.

>> No.7234807

>banh mi
Those were memes? I still get them on occasion. Kind of wish I was still living in Houston, there was a pretty good place to get a banh mi next to UH.