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7206432 No.7206432 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some alcoholics develop cirrhosis of the liver and others don't? Why do some who drink themselves into oblivion live to be 100 and some who just casually drink have liver failure, what's up with that /ck/.

Also how can you drink regularly and best fight any onset of liver problems in the future?

>> No.7206435

Genetics. Are you retarded or just drunk? I'm just drunk, yet, not retarded. Thank God.

>> No.7206460

Eventually your liver WILL give up. I drank about a fifth of liquor every day for a decade before mine started going bad. Once it starts shutting down you'll be able to tell something is wrong. My eyes and skin turned yellow and my piss was always super dark no matter how much water I drank. I usually puked up the first few shots I took and didn't feel normal until I got a bit of a buzz going.

Instead of stopping when I just drank more and eventually stopped breathing. I spent about a week hooked up to a breathing machine in the hospital with tubes in my nose, butt hole, and dick. After I came out of the coma I spent another couple of weeks in ICU and a couple more weeks in the regular ward.

>> No.7206490


How thirsty were you when you got out

>> No.7206493

>tee-hee, look at me
>i'm such an alcoholic i drink in the bath

Nobody who drinks enough to worry about liver problems buys those tiny little bottles. Start worrying when you're going through more than a couple handles a week.

>> No.7206500

I had zero desire to drink when I got our of the hospital. I went straight to treatment and I'm still sober. It's different for everyone though. I know guys who had to get full blown transplants that didn't stop drinking.

>> No.7206518
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It takes around 10 years of heavy drinking to develop cirrhosis. No one is immune to it.

>> No.7206522

My uncles friend got cirrhosis of the liver (used to be a really fit guy too). He ended up with a huge bloated belly, stopped drinking for a very short while and his liver actually improved. He was on a waiting list for a liver transplant.

But, he went back to drinking, ended up in the hospital again (couldn't walk). Got pneumonia and died. He was in his 40's.

All this happened within a year.

>> No.7206526

>Why do some who drink themselves into oblivion live to be 100
They really don't.

Living past 80 is indeed about the genes. 30% die each year from 80 to 84, and then it's a roulette of 90% dying each year after that.

>> No.7206527

Yeah dude once the process starts it doesn't take long for shit to get really, really bad. If my friend hadn't come by my place to check on me I would have died on my couch.

>> No.7206593

Urgh....yeah. This kind of shit actually happens. Take heed, all you young people. I've known two people who died in their 40s from complications from alcoholism. Your 40s is when shit starts to either roll downhill, or you straighten up and fly right and get to live on. It's best to get straight in your thirties, to avoid problems.

>> No.7206598

How are you holding up now?

>> No.7206604

My alcoholic dad got nerve damage because he was constantly passing out in weird positions in chairs and couches around the house and refuse to go to bed so you guys should watch out for that.

>> No.7206609

So that's what it took for you to get sober?
I'm pretty much the same as far as a fifth a day for 10 years. No jaundice yet, but I get horrible dry heaves when smoking a cigarette.
When I switch to whiskey, I spit up blood in the am.
Tried quitting, but seems impossible. Hopefully the same thing that happened to you (coma then sobriety) happens to me

>> No.7206657

Should I be fine if I drink a little over a pint of liquor and a beer a day?

>> No.7206687

I'm pretty much ok now. I still have a few mild digestive problems but otherwise I feel better than I have in years.

You're going to have to go into medical detox if you really want to quit. People who drink like us are physically addicted like heroin addicts. It's deadly dangerous and highly unlikely to work if you try cold turkey. You don't need to wait for a coma just check yourself into the jitter joint and don't look back.

Btw, the way you heave when smoking is a classic sign of liver failure.

>> No.7206695


I always pass out on my back on the couch. I wake up with no blanket on me but a kitty instead.

>> No.7206765

That's probably more than you can drink indefinitely without consequences.

>> No.7206777

You mean like cirrhosis, and how long would it be unsafe to drink like that for?

>> No.7206779

Has your liver fully repaired itself?

>> No.7206876
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Who /TUDCA/ here?

>> No.7206962

Whats the maximum amount of liquor you can imbibe every day and not be too worried about a failing liver or cirrosis?

>> No.7206976

Everyone is different, if you have to ask that you should probably worry

>> No.7206997

why not just take GHB?

>> No.7207029

Is a pint and a half a day too much?

>> No.7207116

Cant buy GHB at the liquor store
I had a roommate that did that back in the silk road days though, he said it didnt taste very good but was real similar to liquor
imo anyone whos a long time alcoholic really just needs a different vice

>> No.7207372

my theory is that it's like fatties.

Lots of people eat garbage food but don't turn into whales. but whalesong is always "I eat gud! I eat so little! Geneticks! Thyroid!"

yet the hams are COMPLETELY delusional about how much they actually eat and quality of food
>teehee it's just one 10 hamburger binge
>second one this week but whos counting teehee

and so they get fat and die young. Same with alkies, lots of functional alcoholics that drink more or less responsibly, they just can't quit and they live forever; and then there's the solid all day drinker who's gonna die screaming at 45 or 50 because they just can't understand their drinking is that harmful and its so much greater than anyone knows about, just like with hams and overeating

>> No.7207440

Ok - I was diagnosed with cirrhosis about 18 months ago. I drank an average of about a 12 pack a day for over 20 years. Mostly beer but sometimes hard liquor too. Wound up in the hospital with about 20 liters of fluid in my abdomen that had to be drained. I quit drinking (except every three or four months or so) and my liver tests reflect results of someone with a normal liver. Ask me some questions if you wish.

>> No.7207459

As with everything, a combination of genetics and other general lifestyle conditions.

But more often than not, you'll end up fucked.

>> No.7207531

A fifth of liquor (assuming 750 ml capacity @ 40%) is equal to 300 ml of pure alcohol. I drink about 200-400 ml of pure alcohol a week (in the form of beer). I used to drink up to 200 ml of alcohol per sitting (two bottles of wine) twice a week. Now, I drink four beers up to four times a week (sometimes more). I have been doing this for at least four years. Am I in danger of harming myself? This is considered, apparently, "extremely heavy drinking" by pure alcohol consumed weekly.

I am actually more worried about my brain than my liver. Also, my uncle died of cirrhosis when I was in high school. He was an alcoholic and did nothing with his life except drink. He lived with my grandparents until he died.

>> No.7207539

>lots of functional alcoholics that drink more or less responsibly,
Doesn't that sort of contradict itself? You can't be an alcoholic and drink responsibly, even if that is a relative term.
Sounds like you just wanted to rant about fat people, but as a fat (and alcoholic) person I completely understand.

>> No.7207579

Cirrhosis can be reversed?

>> No.7207580

or maybe you're just trying to justify your alcoholism, mang

>> No.7207608

Well, the liver does heal.

>> No.7207629

no, cirrhosis is permanent scarring to the liver. it doesn't reverse.

>> No.7207636

The funny thing about substance abusers and their psychological focus on their D.O.C. is HOW much you drink, HOW healthy you are despite it, ALL of that stupid shit becomes the ONE thing you're the expert on. You lose touch with the rest of the world and life, which means you lose touch with reasons to not drink. Your brain bases its existence around the very thought of it.
>You don't deserve to be lonely
>But those drugs you've got won't make you feel better
>Pretty soon you'll find it's the only
>Little part of your life you're keeping together

>> No.7207651

If you get a liver transplant can you live a perfectly normal and healthy long life if you give up drinking?

>> No.7207658

I'm not lonely at all, I have ltos of friends and love seeing them. I just have OCD and anxiety issues and become stressed easily, even if there is no stressful environment because my mind obsesses and worries constantly and alcohol helps to ease that anxiety and calm me down so I can get shit done and relax.

>> No.7207666
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>> No.7207683

Friend of a friends mom passed out near a coal fire. Feet severely burnt. Son got her to hospital but she died after a couple days due to septicaemia

>> No.7207693
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>tfw went through 1.75l of rye in 2.5 days over christmas
>wasn't even alone, was with family
>no one noticed anything i don't think

>> No.7207707

Well, you could learn how to manage anxiety and stress through cognitive thinking exercises. I didn't say you're lonely, either. Neither am I. Plenty of drunks have friends. But addiction and mental health is one of the least understood portions of our human social existence, so it's silly to pretend you can't have a problem even if you self-medicate and live a normal life.

I'm not some sort of expert, either. You guys help me learn to understand my addiction process. I drank 104 oz of strong beer on Christmas Eve and then walked myself to the store and bought 750 mL of vodka, then I played Counter-Strike. I haven't had anything to drink since. I'm a heavy binge drinker and I weigh 140 pounds, so for me to be at this stage of alcohol addiction at 25 years old seems kind of silly to nitpick over arguments of self-denial from anons here.

I smashed my car into a pole going 40 MPH in October. Could have died, could have killed someone. For people who haven't learned how to drink moderately, it's fucking a hellish addiction. Some of us may become totally sober for life, or may learn how to drink moderately, or may live a life in denial of their addiction and have their quality of life and lifespans shortened simply by enablers on message boards. I'm just trying to speak out for the people who are living in fear of that last path.

>> No.7207710


I hate to break it to you, anon, but they could smell the rye on your breath and just didn't say anything.

>> No.7207714

Not that guy, but what do you actually think? I still have scars from when I was 10. A decade of habitually tormenting any part of your body is going to cause permanent damage. Period.

You think a smokers lungs revert to those of a 20 yo when he doesn't smoke a pack/day for a year or two? You think american football players brains go back to normal when they retire?

Sure, body parts can get better if you decrease your abuse aimed at them but get fucking real. Time isn't on your side. Your body isn't permanent.

>> No.7207716

I mean like only drink at night, don't show up to social events or work while drunk, don't get in drunk-related accidents, know enough to sequester themselves when binging
>god bless $39/night motels
can manage to detox once in a while or even not drink by choice if absolutely necessary
>dry drunks are not happy people

vs the guy you kills a case of beer over the course of a day or the soccer mom that start in on the vodk at 1030 and manages to sober up long enough to get kids off the bus and make dinner before tanking again.

oh shit yes I am bro. just started telling myself I can't drink more than enough to keep from being sick unless I hit the gym in the day. trying to get back to 500ml/day and never drink before 9PM

>> No.7207769

>buy a handle of whisky
>take a month to finish it
>best friend started drinking to help quit smoking
>she goes through a bottle of rum in two days

addicts are weird

>> No.7207930

>>best friend started drinking to help quit smoking
The fuck? I've never smoked but I'd rather be addicted to that than to alcohol. Infinitely so.

>> No.7208036

Not really, but I was fortunate enough to find out about it early enough to stop my habitual drinking and be able to function with what I have left. I still drink every 3-4 months to get the urge out of my system and then don't really want to drink for another 3-4 months after that. Its much better than 12 step bullshit that makes people dwell on the past.

>> No.7208039

i've tried having beer before to quit nicotine. generally, the goal is to drink for a few days while the nicotine is leaving your system, and to stop drinking afterwards. it works if you have a moderate amount of self control

>> No.7208044

12 shots of Jose Cuervo, 5 shots of 1800 añejo, and 5 beers in... Talk to me /ck/ I'm at Rick bottom and wanna kill myself:/ I'll post my email if anyone wants to talk..

>> No.7208050

How long did you have to take off from work? What did you say to get the time off approved? I'm not really in a position where I can lose a job because of the whole no family/friend thing that alcoholism has a tendency to drive

>> No.7208152

I wish I could tell you it gets better but before God, I do not know if it is so.

>> No.7208163

but if you kill yourself you can't contribute to the progress of science and the eventual immortality of humanity and resurrection of the dead

>> No.7208169

are you me

>handle of wild turkey rye killed in 2 days
>10 other family members were just buzzed enough on eggnog and punch to not notice I was hammered non stop

>> No.7208187
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>are you me

>> No.7208403

>four beers up to four times a week
That's not extremely heavy drinking to me, unless they're 8% super strength lager beers and you're drinking them on an empty stomach.

I wouldn't worry too much about that. Your liver gets a break every other day and four beers shouldn't do any immediate damage. I'm not a doctor though.

>> No.7208435

>go to family's for christmas
>3 siblings
>little bro gets me a case of IPA
>other bro gets me a 70cl bottle (fifth) of whyte and mackay whiskey
>little sis gets me a 70cl bottle of smirnoff and a packet of tobacco
They know.

>> No.7208506

you must have a terrible family if they think you're an alcoholic and gifting you alcohol

>> No.7208638

if you're still awake my gmail is jayjeremyjay

Hope you're okay brother. Just hang in there, lots of us have been right where you are and know it's not a joke.

>> No.7208648

I don't think they think I'm an alcoholic, they just know I like a drink. They probably didn't know what the others had got me so it was kind of funny when I opened all the prezzies and it was booze, booze and more booze.